District Academic Senate

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District Academic Senate

DISTRICT ACADEMIC SENATE OF THE LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGES 770 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017-3895 (213) 891-2294; Fax (213) 891-2139; Web Page: www.lamission.edu/das ______Leon Marzillier, President (Valley), La Vergne Rosow Vice President (Valley), Angela Echeverri, Secretary (Mission), Lina Chen, Treasurer (Trade) Beverly Shue Past President (Harbor)

District Academic Senate Meeting Thursday, October 27, 2005, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. (Lunch at 12:30) L.A. Trade Technical College, Garden Room

MINUTES 1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 2:02 PM by Leon Marzillier. Approval of Agenda Chini offered to host all DAS meetings here. Tom Harris interim President .

2. Minutes of May meeting – Dale was absent, Angela late.

3. Public Speakers: None

Action Items 4. DCC Report (LaVergne Rosow): DCC meets 3rd Friday of each month. If you wish to be included on e-mails LaVergne will add you to distribution list. Issue of decentralization and control over other campuses is causing tension. Other issue is whether can have one course listed in two different disciplines. Being done at LAMC, City, and Harbor. May require two different sets of qualifications. John Maddox wants DCC minutes distributed to DAS senators. Rosow accepts. Pogoler believes crosslisting works well.

(a) Consideration of approval of E-65 flowchart: Postponed till December meeting. (b) Project Match Director: Not action item. Continue Barbara Ching (June Smith/Lurelean Gaines). Motion approved unanimously.

5. Noticed motion from DAS Exec: The DAS requests that the Chancellor fund a 1.0 FTE faculty position on a D-basis to act as accreditation liaison to coordinate activities relevant to accreditation for the nine campuses, with a budget to cover necessary expenses. (Note: Former LACC academic senate president Gary Colombo served in such a position before going on a sabbatical leave). Gary Colombo was concentrating on sea-side schools: Harbor, West and Southwest. Consultation with Rocky, who has appointed Gary to be district-wide coordinator for district planning (Liaison for Institutional Effectiveness). Want someone to take his place for accreditation. Rocky wanted to know who the DAS has in mind. Motion may not be necessary. since Gary feels he can do this. Pogoler feels we still need another person to help with accreditation. Shue spoke in support of the motion, creating a job description, and advertising the position. Hollis, Cohen, Rosow, and McMurray concurred. Rosow suggested an ad-hoc committee to write description. Maddox feels job description and criteria should be developed before making request to Chancellor. McMurray stated it is important to have a faculty position (Pacheco visit). Hollis amendment: DAS will provide Chancellor with job description for position, Shue seconded. Cohen stated job description exists already and want to continue from 0.5 to 1.0. Until all colleges go through new guidelines, will always need this. Shue/Johnson: Close debate (16 Y to 4 N) Ammendment: Yes (18) No (2) Motion: Passes unanimously. Rosow moves/Pogoler seconds toDAS will form ad-hoc committee to come up with job description for Accreditation Liaison meeting to be approved by DAS Exec in November meeting.. Motion passes. Volunteers: Marzillier, Smith, Rosow, Colombo (resource).

Maddox wants ad-hoc committee to report to DAS general. Leon wants to do this by e-mail. Brown concern by Smith. McMurray: Harbor & sea-side colleges will have reports done before then. ACADEMIC SENATE PRESIDENTS: Dana Cohen, CITY David Beaulieu, EAST Susan McMurray, HARBOR Angela Echeverri, MISSION Barrie Logan, PIERCE Reggie Morris, SOUTHWEST Chini Johnson-Taylor, TRADE TECH Shannon Stack, VALLEY Eloise Crippens, WEST Motion:

6. Noticed Motion from DAS Exec: That we accept L.A. Trade Tech’s generous offer to host all four DAS meetings for the 2005-2006 academic year at that college. (Note: Dates and locations of remaining 2005-2006 DAS meetings that were previously approved by DAS are: December 8, 2005, LACC, March 9, 2006, ELAC & May 11, 2006, LAMC) Exec Motion: Passes unanimously. Rosow Trade is on Blue line. Johnson stated DAS can make food requests.

7. Consideration of concepts for a new Board Rule on financial transactions between LACCD employees (including but not limited to instructors) and students. Board rule draft was very prescriptive, withdrawn by Chancellor. Consensus was that guidelines should be place. College AS & Administration can reach local agreements. Chancellor wants local policies developed by June 2006. Logan should spell out procedure, Pogoler agrees with June deadline, Shue issue discussed in EPAC no responsibility of bookstore to provide adequate copies of materials, must include language on bookstore responsibilities. Hollis is not ready to take back specific proposal, Nursing program secretary collects money from students and administration stated faculty cannot be trusted to receive money. Smith believes individual colleges should develop policies. Stack states that LACCD has not paid publisher bills and cannot order from them. The whole issue was brought up because a teacher was selling jewelry in her classes. Motion: Send back to local senates for discussion and bring back to December DAS meeting (Maddox: Get rid of prohibition of non classroom related sales, and assume all Ed Code, Title 5, and state and federal regs.) Maddox/Stack: Rosow faculty need copies of laws and put it online, should not have to take back to local senates. Steinhardt: Bookstore delays are a problem at City. Doose: Faculty are being maligned for actions of a few. Bookstores lose money and are poorly managed. Pogoler doesn’t want students to be forced to buy books from instructors, unless all sections adopt it. Harrington feels that if laws are in place, why do we have to write new policy. Beaulieu states there are faculty that do abuse this issue and feels it should be addressed. What about field trips? It was rushed. Hollis/Shue: Call for the question. Passes. Motion: Motion passes. Concerns Marzillier will raise: Why do we need policy if laws exist. Consultation with Senate should occur. Why does Chancellor have to approve?

8. Provide guidance to DAS leadership about eliminating waiting lists for classes. Experiment at East in eliminating waiting lists. East administration believes may improve enrollment. Instituted 2 years ago at East without consultation, when people drop then they fill in. Seems to be maximizing enrollment. Objection raised is that have to scramble to determine how to add students. Smith has a problem with this, Harbor faculty were told division chairs had voted to eliminate waiting lists. Not student friendly to those who get on waiting list early on. Were told do not have a program to add people from the waiting list. There was no motion of division chairs, it was an administrative decision. McMurray: VP Academic Affairs stated enrollment management is not a Senate issue. Echeverri: New contract states that enrollment management is a function of Educational Planning Committee. Bimber: Enrollment management is under Senate Committee at City. Shue: Argues should be a college policy discussion. Can decide to have waiting lists in some disciplines and not others. Stack: Article 32. Old IPC (They have an Instructional Planning Committee). Educational Planning Committee should do enrollment management. Marzillier: Recommend that each college decides through EPC which is described in Article 32 of new contract, to do enrollment management and that is the appropriate venue to discuss waiting lists (Maddox/Stack or Shue).

Information/Discussion Items 9. DAS Goals/Activities for 2005-06 Academic Year: (a) Planning for next year’s Summit (b) Project Match (c) Student Success Task Force (d) Academic Integrity Task Force (e) Streamlining the Equivalency process (f) Shared Governance violations: Marzillier: Can be brought up in consultation. Young prefers to deal with it when everyone in same room. (g) Dealing with the new accreditation standards and SLOs

ACADEMIC SENATE PRESIDENTS: Dana Cohen, CITY David Beaulieu, EAST Susan McMurray, HARBOR Angela Echeverri, MISSION Barrie Logan, PIERCE Reggie Morris, SOUTHWEST Chini Johnson-Taylor, TRADE TECH Shannon Stack, VALLEY Eloise Crippens, WEST (h) Other: Job announcements being advertised properly and truly open (Shue, Climo). (i) Other: Committee structure implementation after new contract. (j) Other: Pogoler: Every Senate President should have direct access to the Chancellor and the Board At consultation desk Senate President can address Board without time limit. Request Young made of Senate to go through Leon is same made of AFT, to manage time. Stack: DAS is a coordinating Senate not a Super-Senate, Chancellors have not done this before.

10. Updates on: (a) Academic Integrity: Co-chair of Academic Integrity task force is Jasmine Delaway, who has been ill with cancer (was on Melissa Ethridge special). Area C meeting passed a resolution oto clarify legal issues surrounding student cheating. Memo by Ralph Black from CCCO to examine legal opinion and determine whether it is correct. Second resolution from Area B wants to write a paper to suggest best practices and look at what is being done at different colleges.

(b) Student Success: Task force had a meeting 10/24/05 with Gary Colombo and other faculty. Gary feels should broaden task force to include administrators. Rosow suggested including students as well. Beailieu want an all day retreat in February to deal with learning strategies, etc.

11. President's Report, including: (a) Proposed Board Rule on financial transactions between faculty and students, (b)ASCCC Fall Session (Nov 3-5 in Pasadena) and Area C meeting (Oct 15 at Mission: Resolution packages are out including those on student cheating. Do not have to be a delegate to vote. (c) DBC Report: Yesterday meeting cancelled, next on 11/30/05.

12. VP Report, including EPAC report: Rosow meets 3rd Tuesday of the month. Approved dance equivalency by eminence for a specific dance discipline or course. Shue dance activities does not require MS, does require professional experience (folk dancing); dance does require MS degree. Person qualified for dance activities under eminence criteria, top code is different from dance. Local LACCD curriculum change dance specialties (activities) to parallel PE activities. Two different curriculum titles and 2 different minimum qualifications. Need to have representatives from all campuses. Maddox concerned about changes to EPAC being proposed. Beailieu: Financial transactions, 15 units limit, foreign English, etc. get snagged in EPAC. Logan felt policy discussions should happen at Exec. Maddox is in support of this because Clerx does not show up with what he is supposed to and was too busy to facilitate process.

13. Treasurer's report: Lurleane/Rosow MSU

14. Announcements and indications of proposed future actions

Diabetic Health fare Lulleane(Nursing at ELAC) will give flu shots, foot, eye,a nd cholesterol screening. Harrington: Next Friday Accreditation workshop November 4th at Valley 10 AM-1PM starz @lavc.edu 15. Adjourn

Fax to Lena at DAS (213) 891-2220 FAX

ACADEMIC SENATE PRESIDENTS: Dana Cohen, CITY David Beaulieu, EAST Susan McMurray, HARBOR Angela Echeverri, MISSION Barrie Logan, PIERCE Reggie Morris, SOUTHWEST Chini Johnson-Taylor, TRADE TECH Shannon Stack, VALLEY Eloise Crippens, WEST

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