Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) Grant Application & Guidelines s1

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Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) Grant Application & Guidelines s1

Updated 12 January 2007 1 Fasset

Strategic Cash Grant (SCG) Application 2006/07 For the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 Physical Address: Block A, Eva Office Park, Corner Beyers Naude & Judges Avenue, Blackheath Postal Address: PO Box 6801, Cresta, 2118 | Phone: (011) 476-8570 | Fax (main): (011) 476-5756 | Fax (grant applications): (011) 476-6128 Call Centre: 086 101 0001 | Website: | email: [email protected]


The Fasset sector is one of the worst performing sectors in terms of employment equity. Current learner registration statistics (at 1 February 2006) indicate that only 43 % of learners are black (this includes African, Coloured and Indian people) and 0,7% of learners are disabled. This has improved from February 2002, when 34 % of learners were black (this includes African, Coloured and Indian people) and 0,2% of learners were disabled. It is also evident from the demographics of the Professionals occupational group that black learners are not adequately integrated into the sector.

As a result of this trend, Fasset is offering a Strategic Cash Grant (SCG). The SCG is a special skills initiative grant enabling employers to claim back a maximum 20% of their Skills Development Levy (SDL) if they undertook education and training interventions (as defined below) in certain strategic skills priority areas for the financial year 2006/07 from 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007.


A Seta may not pay any grant to an employer who is liable to pay the SDL in terms of section 3(1) of the SDL Act unless the employer: has registered with the Commissioner in terms of the SDL Act, has paid the levies directly to the South African Revenue Services (SARS) in the manner and within the period determined in the SDL Act, is up- to-date with levy payments to SARS at the time of approval and in respect of the application period, has submitted and been approved for the Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) 2006/07 from Fasset which was due 30 June 2006. Failure to submit the WSP grant by this date disqualifies the employer from applying for any discretionary grants (including the Learnership Grant) during the financial year.

The grant application must be submitted to Fasset by no later than 31 March 2007 in respect of interventions in the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. Requests for extension will be considered for this discretionary grant. However, the application MUST arrive at the Seta on or before the deadline date of the grant application of 31 March 2007. Requests for extension of the discretionary grant deadline (including the Learnership Cash Grant application and the Strategic Cash Grant application) must be addressed to Fasset in writing, using the correct form (available on the Fasset website), before or on the deadline date of grant application deadline date of 31 March 2007. Should a request for extension come in after a grant deadline date, the request for extension will not be acceptable. Employers should complete the request form in full and submit it to the Skills Planning Officer at Fasset (before the deadline date for grant submission has passed) by e-mail ([email protected]) or fax (011 476-5756 or 011 476-6429). Requests for extension to mandatory grant applications are not permitted.


Fasset recognises the need for absolute discretion in respect of the information requested in the grant application and employers are assured that all information received will be treated with the highest regard for confidentiality. Information received in the grant applications are aggregated for the purposes of the Sector Skills Plan (SSP), research and strategic directives.


 The grant application form must be completed correctly and submitted in the required format.  Include your SDL number on each page of the application form.  Ensure that the SDF and the relevant Authorised Signatory sign each page of the grant application form. Names may not be typed in this space, signatures must be manually completed.  Fasset must first approve the SCG before any grant payments will be made.  Applications must be forwarded directly to the Skills Planning Department.  ‘ Double-dipping’ on the same learner is prohibited i.e. employers may not apply for the grant on the same learner more than once.  An official confirmation letter (as defined below) of each learner against whom the employer is applying should be attached to the application form.  Fasset reserves the right to conduct monitoring visits to employers who have received the SCG.

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 2 Fasset

 In the case of fax submission, it is the applicant’s obligation to ensure that the document is submitted to the correct fax number and that a copy of the confirmation slip, with the correct number of pages transmitted, is returned to the employer and retained for later use/proof.  In the case of submission via the postal system, it is the applicant’s obligation to ensure the document is submitted to the correct physical/postal address and that proof of sending via registered mail is kept.  In the case of hand delivery or courier, it is the applicant’s obligation to ensure the document is submitted to the correct physical/postal address and physical proof (delivery note of sending via hand delivery) is retained.  A copy of the grant application must be retained.


The grant is payable to employers participating in one or more of the following activities (and in accordance with the evaluation criteria listed in the next section).

Criteria Aim Description 1 Employers who To increase the  Any 18 (2) learnership that the employer is implementing in the employ Section supply of black workplace with a black and/or disabled learner. The learnership 18 (2) (Previously and/or disabled may be registered with Fasset or with another Seta, as defined in Unemployed) new entrants and the Skills Development Act 97 of 2000 (as amended). black and/or decrease the  An official confirmation letter of each registered learner should be disabled learners number of attached to the application. on Learnerships. unemployed  Any part of the duration period of the learnership agreement must black and/or fall within the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. disabled youth.  'Double-dipping' on the same learner is prohibited i.e. employers who apply for a learnership cash grant from Fasset will not be eligible for the SCG within the learnerships area, on the same learner. Employers may still apply for the SCG on the basis of other criteria or for other black and/or disabled learners in the organisation within the learnerships criteria. For example, a medium-sized employer may employ 40 black learners, and apply for the Learnership Cash Grant on one of these learners. The employer may also apply for the SCG within the learnerships criteria on at least 1 of the other 39 black learners employed in the organisation.  Costs incurred must be in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. 2 Employers who To increase the  A scholarship or grant awarded to a black and/or disabled learner provide bursaries number of black (of any population group) in an area of high skills need within the to black and/or and/or disabled Fasset sector. disabled learners new entrants  High skills need areas are defined as black and/or disabled to study at and decrease the learners studying specialist sector qualifications/sector recognised number of professional qualifications on a senior undergraduate (i.e. 2nd year tertiary unemployed and above) or postgraduate level (i.e. NQF level 6-8), and where institutions or black and/or the learners will enter the Fasset sector. professional disabled youth.  The external bursary must be offered to learners not in full-time bodies. employment with the employer.  Any part of the duration of the study period at recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies must fall within the period of 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007.  Costs incurred must be in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. 3 Employers who To increase the  Programmes established to assist black and/or disabled learners provide supply of black from tertiary institutions to gain workplace experience. workplace and/or disabled  Any part of the duration of the workplace experience period must experience to new entrants and fall within the time frame of 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. black and/or decrease the  Education and training interventions may include the following: On- disabled learners number of the-job training schemes, trainee programmes, internships from tertiary unemployed (structured) or mentoring schemes. institutions black and/or disabled youth.

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 3 Fasset

Criteria Aim Description 4 Employers will Ensures skilled  Any part of the duration of the new venture skills transfer training qualify for people are able must fall within the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. strategic cash to make  Firms are eligible for the grant if they submit evidence of training grants if they contributions to support (resulting in the transfer of expertise and skills) provided to assist black economic growth. a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) firm in their sector. and/or disabled The criteria area people in creating not only focuses new ventures on placement within the sector. within existing enterprises but also on the individual person’s ability to create own employment through new venture creation. 5 Employers To increase the  Funding is awarded to a black and/or disabled person in an area of providing number of black high skills need within the Fasset sector. financial support and/or disabled  High skills need areas are defined as black and/or disabled to employed learners with learners studying specialist sector qualifications/sector black and/or scarce skills in professional qualifications on a senior undergraduate (i.e. 2nd year disabled learners employment. and above) or postgraduate level (i.e. NQF level 6-8), and where to study at the learners will enter the Fasset sector. recognised  The funding must be offered to learners in full-time employment tertiary with the employer. institutions or  Any part of the duration of the study at recognized tertiary professional institutions or professional bodies must fall within the period 1 April bodies. 2006 to 31 March 2007.


The SCG is to be granted to an organisation that demonstrates an incremental improvement in their strategic skills priority area involvement (listed in the section above). Incremental improvement is defined as: i. New Strategic Skills Priority Area: Employers engaging in new strategic skills priority areas for the SCG. For example, employers may have run Adult Basic Education and Training Programmes, and may choose to run bursaries in the current financial year. And/Or ii. New Beneficiaries to the Strategic Skills Priority Area: Employers engaging in organisational ‘stretch’ in respect of the SCG criteria i.e. the improvement of the baseline of their strategic involvement of previous years, or additional beneficiaries (either new people or people progressing from one level of the bursary scheme to another level) being added to the strategic skills priority area. For example, an employer may award 10 bursaries toward the study of black and/or disabled learners in the 2nd year of a 3-year Chartered Accountancy course in 2006. Should they award 10 new bursaries toward the study of black and/or disabled learners in the 2 nd year of a 3-year Chartered Accountancy course in 2007, they would be eligible for the SCG under these evaluation criteria, as they are adding 10 more learners to the Seta labour supply. The firm is also entitled to claim the SCG when the bursary is renewed and the learner successfully progresses from one level to another level of the qualification.

And/Or iii. Additional Impact: Employers continue to fund strategic skills priority areas, but are able to prove impact of their intervention by evaluation and measurement. For example, employers may choose to continue with a programme run in previous years on the same learners, for example learnerships; however they improve the programme delivery through return on investment measures or evaluation studies.

And iv. Minimum Expenditure: The grant is limited to the lesser of a percentage of twenty (20) percent of levies paid or the amount paid on training initiatives (refer to definition of key terms for the definition of costs incurred for training).

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 4 Fasset

For example, should an employer be able to claim a potential amount of R 400 000 for their SCG, they would need to have spent at least R 400 000 on the achievement of SCG criteria. If an employer spends less than the potential grant, they would only be able to claim to the value of their expenses.


Black and Disabled Learners Employers may only apply for this grant on Black (African, Coloured and Indian) and/or Disabled learners. The Employment Equity Act of 1998 defines people with disabilities as ‘people who have a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their prospects of entry into or advancement in employment’. Physical impairments include hearing and visual impairments, paralysis, amputations and problems with internal organs. Mental impairment includes clinically defined mental and emotional illnesses and learning disabilities. The Official Confirmation Letter (issued by either Fasset or the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)) confirms that the learner has been registered on a learnership and should contain the following information:  Seta name and Seta code  Name of employer  Skills Development Levy number of the employer  Department of Labour (DoL) learnership title  DoL learnership code  Full names of the learner  Learner Identity (ID) number  Learnership agreement classification in terms of 18(1) (i.e. previously employed) or 18(2) (i.e. not previously employed by the employer) of the Act  Date of commencement of learnership and date of completion of learnership

Education and Training Interventions may include the following:  Learnerships  Workshops  Computer-based media of instruction  Internships (structured)  Continuous Professional Education  On-the-job training schemes / In-house (CPE) courses  Short courses (internal or external)  Guest lectures  Conferences  Mentoring scheme  Trainee programmes  Universities, technikons or private  Diplomas training provider courses  Courses with private external training  Distance education programmes providers

Definition of Costs Incurred for Training: A whole range of cost factors that may arise, whether the costs are actually incurred by the applicant or by an external consultant or provider (both public and private) contracted for the purpose of training staff (during the financial year 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007). Costs incurred not applied for in respect of implementation in a specific financial year may not be applied for in later financial years. These cost factors include:  development of curriculum and learning programmes  development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees  training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff  costs of running, or the hire of training facilities  costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc  tuition fees or course fees, registration/accreditation/examination costs  bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners  company skills audits/training needs analysis, costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company training and interventions  training costs include VAT

The Total Expenditure does not include:  the salaries paid to learners for the time these learners spent on education and training  lost person work-days (leave for learners) and temporary replacement staff costs (or wages of learners)  fixed building or equipment costs (which are not to be amortised)  donation income/contributions SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 5 Fasset

 costs relating to learners who are repeating courses on which they have previously been declared not competent on summative assessment of the programme may not be included in the application (unless accompanied by a motivation from the employer)

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 6 Fasset


Section A: Particulars of the Organisation

Complete the information in the table below. Specify all SDL numbers and corresponding organisation names.

Name of organisation

SDL number (include the SDL number and name of main and linked SDLs)

Date of submission of this grant application


Section B: Compliance with Criteria

Please tick the appropriate box () if the criteria below have been complied with. This employer is registered with Fasset and is up-to-date with SDL payments to the South African Revenue Service (SARS). A WSP for the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007, due 30 June 2006, which meets Fasset’s criteria, and has been approved by Fasset. The WSP must be submitted within 6 months of registration for a newly registered employer.

Section C: Summary List of Strategic Skills Priority Area(s) Undertaken and Associated Expenses

The SCG is payable to employers participating in one or more of the following strategic activities. Please tick () the appropriate box. Please indicate the cost incurred for the strategic skills priority area as well as an estimate of the 20% SCG that will be due to the employer. The grant is limited to the lesser of 20% of levies paid, or the amount paid on training initiatives (refer to definition of key terms for the definition of costs incurred for training).

Please find below an EXAMPLE of how to complete this grant in italics directly below. Costs Strategic Skills Priority Area incurred  18 (2) (Previously Unemployed) black and/or disabled people on learnerships R 439,606.25  Bursaries to black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies) R 66,676.00  Workplace experience to black and/or disabled learners from tertiary institutions R 60,199.89  Black and/or disabled people in new venture creation assistance R 10,240.00 Financial support to employed black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or  R 780,310.59 professional bodies) Total spent on initiatives (incl. VAT) R 1,357,032.73 Estimated 20% SCG due to be paid in the financial year R 230,000.00

Please complete the table directly below. Please tick () the appropriate box as it applies to your organisation. Costs Strategic Skills Priority Area incurred 18 (2) (Previously Unemployed) black and/or disabled people on learnerships Bursaries to black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies) Workplace experience to black and/or disabled learners from tertiary institutions Black and/or disabled people in new venture creation assistance Financial support to employed black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies) Total spent on initiatives (incl. VAT) Estimated 20% SCG due to be paid in the financial year

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 7 Fasset

Section D: Detail of Strategic Skills Priority Area(s) Undertaken and Associated Expenses

Section D1: 18 (2) (Previously Unemployed) black and/or disabled people on learnerships

Please complete the table below. Please add rows if you have more learners that need to be included. Please ensure that a learner confirmation letter for each learner is attached to this application. An example of how to complete this table is at the end of the form. Objective/s of special initiative

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population group Seta Name i.e. African, Type of Learnership Learner Full Learner ID Learnership End Outcome of & Seta Learnership Title Learnership Code Indian or Learnership (i.e. Commencement Name Number Date learnership to date Code Coloured and/or 18.1 or 18.2) date Disabled

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 8 Fasset

Description of Incremental Improvement New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New Beneficiaries, Impact

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total cost explanation Number of black Total cost for for explanation / number of Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) explanation black and/or disabled (including black learners learners and/or disabled learners) Development of curriculum and learning programmes

Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities

Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT)

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 9 Fasset

Section D2: Bursaries to black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies)

Please complete the table below. Please add rows if you have more learners that need to be included. An example of how to complete this table is at the end of the form. Objective/s of special initiative

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population Type of course Details of provider: status of group i.e. Course Justification of Course Learner ID e.g. short course, Course end Outcome of course to accreditation, alignment to unit Learner Full Name African, Indian Commencement why the skill is Title Number degree and Date date standards & qualification or Coloured date scarce duration and/or Disabled

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 10 Fasset

Description of Incremental Improvement New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New Beneficiaries, Impact Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total cost Number of black explanation Total cost for for explanation / number of Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation black and/or disabled learners black and/or learners disabled learners) Development of curriculum and learning programmes

Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities

Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT)

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 11 Fasset

Section D3: Workplace experience to black and/or disabled learners from tertiary institutions

Please complete the table below. Please add rows if you have more learners that need to be included. An example of how to complete this table is at the end of the form.

Objective/s of special initiative

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Type of Population programme e.g. Details of provider: status of group i.e. Name of internship, Commence accreditation, alignment to unit Number of learners African, Indian End Date Details of Programme Outcome programme work shadow ment date standards & qualification or Coloured etc … and and/or Disabled duration

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 12 Fasset

Description of Incremental Improvement New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New Beneficiaries, Impact Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total cost Number of black explanation Total cost for for explanation / number of Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation black and/or disabled learners black and/or learners disabled learners) Development of curriculum and learning programmes

Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities

Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT)

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 13 Fasset

Section D4: Black and/or disabled people in new venture creation assistance

Please complete the table below. Please add rows if you have more learners that need to be included. An example of how to complete this table is at the end of the form.

Objective/s of special initiative

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Type of Population programme e.g. Details of provider: status of group i.e. Programme Name of internship, Programme End accreditation, alignment to unit Number of learners African, Indian Commence Details of Programme Outcome programme work shadow Date standards & qualification or Coloured ment date etc … and and/or Disabled duration

Description of Incremental Improvement New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 14 Fasset

Beneficiaries, Impact

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total cost Number of black explanation Total cost for for explanation / number of Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation black and/or disabled learners black and/or learners disabled learners) Development of curriculum and learning programmes

Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities

Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT)

Section D5: Financial support to employed black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies)

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 15 Fasset

Please complete the table below. Please add rows if you have more learners that need to be included. An example of how to complete this table is at the end of the form.

Objective/s of special initiative

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population Type of course Details of provider: status of group i.e. Course Justification of Course Learner ID e.g. short course, Course end Outcome of course to accreditation, alignment to unit Learner Full Name African, Indian Commencement why the skill is Title Number degree and Date date standards & qualification or Coloured date scarce duration and/or Disabled

Description of Incremental Improvement New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 16 Fasset

Beneficiaries, Impact

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total cost Number of black explanation Total cost for for explanation / number of Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation black and/or disabled learners black and/or learners disabled learners) Development of curriculum and learning programmes

Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities

Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT)

Authorised Signatory SCG 2006/07 SDL No. SDF Signature Signature Updated 12 January 2007 17 Fasset

Section E: Authorization

Name of Authorised Signatory (e.g. CEO, Managing Partner)

Position in organisation

We, ………………………..……. the Authorised Signatory, and ………………………..……. the Skills Development Facilitator, declare that this application for a Strategic Cash Grant 2006/07 in respect of …...…………….……….. (insert SDL number/s) is to the best of our knowledge true and correct. We understand that Fasset may independently verify the information. We also understand that it is an offence in terms of section 33(b) of the Act to knowingly furnish any false information in this application and that we may be fined or imprisoned for one year if we are found guilty of knowingly furnishing such false information. This organisation is up-to-date with levy payments to SARS. This is proof that consultation has occurred between employer and employees.

Signed (SDF) Date

Signed (Authorised Signatory) e.g. CEO, Managing Partner, FD Date

On behalf of Training Committee (Employer Representative)

Name of Authorised Signatory

Signed Date

On behalf of Training Committee (Employee Representative)

Name of Authorised Signatory

Signed Date

Please complete this section below in full even if you have submitted banking details before. Organisations completing a consolidated grant submission must complete a separate banking details form for each SDL number where banking details differ. Please note that banking details are only required for the purpose of a refund.

Registered Name

Trading Name

Postal address Postal code

Skills Development Levy number Company/Entity Registration Number

Details of Company/Entity bank account are as follows:

Name of Bank Branch

Address of Bank

Branch code Account number

Type of account Please tick the appropriate box () Savings Current Attach at least one of the following to confirm banking  copy of cheque details:  original cancelled cheque  letter from the bank confirming the details To Whom it May Concern: The Company/Entity authorises you to pay any amounts which may accrue to the Company/Entity into the Company’s/Entity’s account with the bank reflected above. The Company/Entity understands that the credit transfers, which it has authorised, will be processed by computer through a system known as the “ACB ELECTRONIC TRANSFER SERVICES”. The Company/Entity also understands that no additional advice of payment will be printed on the Company’s/Entity’s bank statement or any accompanying voucher. The Company/Entity may cancel this authority by giving thirty (30) days written notice to this effect, such notice to be sent by prepaid registered post.

Name Identity No.

Job title Date

Signed by the employer representative whose details appear above and who warrants that he/ she is duly authorised to bind the company

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 18 Fasset


Section D1: 18 (2) (Previously Unemployed) black and/or disabled people on learnerships

Please find below an EXAMPLE of how to complete this form in italics and shading directly below. Costs used are fictitious and are for explanatory purposes only.

Our firm is committed to recruiting more black and/or disabled learners into our environment. This is crucial if the firm wishes to truly create a diverse and productive environment. We have a strategy of appointing learners, from whom we can pick the best graduates Objective/s of special after the completion of the programme. Those learners not staying on will move to other companies, or start their own businesses. initiative Recruitment of black and disabled learners enables our firm to comply with relevant legislation such as Employment Equity, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, but also to grow talent from within the company.

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population group Seta Name i.e. African, Type of Learnership Learner Full Learner ID Learnership End Outcome of & Seta Learnership Title Learnership Code Indian or Learnership (i.e. Commencement Name Number Date learnership to date Code Coloured and/or 18.1 or 18.2) date Disabled

Fasset - 01 Chartered Management Accountant 01/Q010012/00/930/7 David Green 781546011256 Disabled 18.2 15 July 2006 14 July 2009 Learner currently on learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Thabile Sithole 756986547504 Disabled 18.2 18 August 2006 17 August 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Sizwe Baloyi 8411690548756 African 18.2 18 August 2006 17 August 2009 Learner resigned and Public Practice moved learnership to another firm as of 6 February 2006.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 John Dube 8011160167089 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Abraham Smith 7912030154086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Frans Banda 6511150165086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 19 Fasset

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population group Seta Name i.e. African, Type of Learnership Learner Full Learner ID Learnership End Outcome of & Seta Learnership Title Learnership Code Indian or Learnership (i.e. Commencement Name Number Date learnership to date Code Coloured and/or 18.1 or 18.2) date Disabled

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Suzan Elias 7809080145086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Thandi van Wyk 7301010156082 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 James Sithole 7210170167085 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Albert Buthelezi 7112120165086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Ronald Sibanda 7912120165086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Sheila Baloyi 776986547504 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Commercial and Financial Accountant: 01/Q010008/00/480/7 Naledi Prinsloo 780304015408 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Public Practice learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 George Harris 821117596328 Coloured 18.2 01 April 2006 31 March 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Stephanie 6602050154087 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism Masebe learnership.

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 20 Fasset

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population group Seta Name i.e. African, Type of Learnership Learner Full Learner ID Learnership End Outcome of & Seta Learnership Title Learnership Code Indian or Learnership (i.e. Commencement Name Number Date learnership to date Code Coloured and/or 18.1 or 18.2) date Disabled

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Caroline Tau 7206060153086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Janet Mabuye 7102050154086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Antoinette 7609170143086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism Thebe learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Thandi Rikhotso 7805050154076 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Mandla 7211130154089 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism Mandana learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Annie Thomo 760108143086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Pearl Ntsaluba 7209170154085 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Fasset - 01 Chartered Accountant: Financial 01/Q010002/00/480/7 Festus Bam 7606170145086 African 18.2 1 January 2006 31 December 2009 Learner currently on Management Specialism learnership.

Description of Incremental Improvement The interventions constituted: New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New  23 new beneficiaries to the strategic skills priority area

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 21 Fasset

Beneficiaries, Impact

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 22 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total Number of black explanation Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation number of black and/or learners black and/or disabled learners disabled learners) Development of curriculum and Development of 6 modules 60 23 R 22,500.00 per R 135,000.00 / 60 = learning programmes (Conflict Management, module x 6 = R 2250,00 per learner Assertiveness, Team R 135,000.00 X 23 black and/or disabled Leader I, Diversity learners = R 51,750 for Awareness, Influencing black and/or disabled Clients, Etiquette and learners Protocol).. R 51,750.00 2 X Technical Update 60 23 R 15,250.50 per R 30,501.00 / 60 = (Budget and Tax, BBBEE) module X 2 = R 508.35 per learner R 30,501.00 X 23 black and/or disabled learners = R 11,692.05 for black and/or disabled learners R 11,692.05 Development of learning materials, 2 X International Tax. This 208 23 R 35,007.00 per R 70,014.00 / 208 = R books, notes, copyright/licensing was developed for all module X 2 = 336.61 per learner fees learners in the global R 70,014.00 X 23 black and/or disabled company. learners = R 7,741.93 for black and/or disabled learners R 7,741.93 Training the trainers, payment of SAIPA Assessor Training 60 23 R 3,800.00 R 3,800.00 / 60 = R 63.33 lecturers, facilitators and Course: 1 X Assessor per learner permanent training staff (Internal) X 23 black and/or disabled learners = R 1,456.67 for black and/or disabled learners R 1,456.67 It is estimated that 10% of 60 23 . Salary of R 38,400.00 / 60 = the supervisors time is R 32,000.00 per R 640.00 X 23 black and/or spent assessing all month X 12 months = disabled learners = learners per month. R 384,000.00 X 10% = R 14,720.00 for black R 38,400.00 and/or disabled learners R 14,720.00 Costs of running, or the hire of 2 modules at Magaliesburg 57 23 2 modules X 2 days = 23 black and/or disabled R 143,520.00 training facilities Hotel X 2 days @ R 1,560 4 X R 1,560.00 per learners X R 6 ,240.00 per per learner learner = R 6,240.00

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 23 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total Number of black explanation Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation number of black and/or learners black and/or disabled learners disabled learners) per learner learner = R 143,520.00

Costs of conducting seminars, Internal catering = R 50 60 23 6 modules X R 50.00 23 black and/or disabled workshops, lectures etc per head for 6 modules (2 X 2 days = R 600.00 learners X R 600.00 per days each per module) per learner learner = R 13,800.00 R 13,800.00 Tuition fees or course fees, Registration of a training 60 23 R 638.40 per learner 23 black and/or disabled professional body fees, contract/learnership learners X R 638.40 per registration/accreditation/ agreement learner = R 14,683.20 examination costs R 14,683.20 Annual levy in respect 60 23 R 1333.80 per learner 23 black and/or disabled learners X R 1333.80 per learner = R 30,677.40 R 30,677.40 Board Support Course: 60 15 R 4,500.00 per learner 15 black and/or disabled learners X R 4,500.00 per learner =R 67,500.00 R 67,500.00 Board Part I Fee 53 15 R 1,938.00 per learner 15 black and/or disabled learners X R 1,938.00 per learner =R 29,070.00 R 29,070.00 CIMA Course Fees 4 1 R 5,235.00 per learner 1 black and/or disabled @ CIMA College learner X R 5,235.00 per learner R 5,235.00 CIMA Exam Fees 4 4 1 R 2,340.00 per learner 1 black and/or disabled modules @ R 560,00 per for 4 modules learner X R 2,340.00 per module @ R 2,340.00 per learner learner R 2,340.00 CPA Learner Registration 4 1 R 620.00 per learner 1 black and/or disabled Fees @ R 620.00 per learner X R 620.00 per learner learner R 620.00 Bursaries, accommodation/per Honours in Accounting 5 2 R 22,400.00 per 2 black and/or disabled diem/travel (University of South Africa) learner learner X R 22,400.00 = reimbursements/relocation costs to @ R 22,400.00 per learner R 44,800.00 learners R 44,800.00

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 24 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total Number of black explanation Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation and/or disabled Costs (including VAT) applicable (including explanation number of black and/or learners black and/or disabled learners disabled learners) Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions R 0.00 Total (incl. VAT) R 439,606.25

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 25 Fasset

Section D2: Bursaries to black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies)

Please find below an EXAMPLE of how to complete this form in italics directly below. Costs used are fictitious and are for explanatory purposes only.

Our firm is committed to recruiting more black and/or disabled learners. This is crucial if the firm wishes to truly create a diverse and productive environment. We have a strategy of providing bursaries to full-time learners, from whom we can pick the best graduates after the completion of Objective/s of special the programme. Learners will be committed to work in our firm for a period of time as stipulated in our bursary contract with them. Recruitment initiative of black and disabled learners enables our firm to comply with relevant legislation such as Employment Equity, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, but also to grow talent before they join our company. Should we not be able to accommodate the learner their skills will be applicable to firms with a similar business profile to ours.

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population group Type of course Details of provider: status of Course Course Learner Full Learner ID i.e. African, Indian e.g. short Course Justification of why the accreditation, alignment to unit Commenceme Outcome of course to date Title Name Number or Coloured course, degree end Date skill is scarce standards & qualification nt date and/or Disabled and duration

Graduate University of Cape Town, Commerce David Thato Dube 7910192555698 African Postgraduate 25 June 2006 25 June Accountants are required The learner was successful Diploma in Faculty (accredited by the Council for degree (12 2007 in general in the economy, and passed the course in full. Accounting Higher Education, and the course is month) however accountants from accredited by SAICA) designated groups are in special demand.

Certificate Johannesburg University, Accounting Steven Soloman 7209180187956 White Disabled Postgraduate 15 January 15 Accountants are required Final examinations are still in the Department (accredited by the Council degree (12 2006 December in general in the economy, due. To date the learner has Theory of for Higher Education, and the course is month) 2006 however accountants from been successful in four out of Accounting accredited by SAICA) designated groups are in five modules (a special demand. supplementary examination for taxation is to be written).

Certificate Johannesburg University, Accounting John Alex Smith 7511120187956 White Disabled Postgraduate 15 January 15 Accountants are required Final examinations are still in the Department (accredited by the Council degree (12 2006 December in general in the economy, due. To date the learner has Theory of for Higher Education, and the course is month) 2006 however accountants from been successful in four out of Accounting accredited by SAICA) designated groups are in five modules (a special demand. supplementary examination for taxation is to be written).

Description of Incremental Improvement The interventions constituted: New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New  3 new beneficiaries to the strategic skills priority area Beneficiaries, Impact  New Strategic Skills Priority Area

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 26 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or (including black learners VAT) disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Development of curriculum and learning programmes

Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc

Tuition fees or course fees, Graduate Diploma in 3 1 R 22,678.00 per learner R 22,678.00 per learner X professional body fees, Accounting Course Fees 1 black and/or disabled registration/accreditation/ examination (UCT) learner = R 22,678.0 costs R 22,678.0 Certificate in the Theory of 4 2 R 21,999.00 per learner R 21,999.00 per learner X Accounting Course Fees 2 black and/or disabled (Jhb University) learner = R 22,678.0 R 43,998.00 Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT) R 66,676.00

Section D3: Workplace experience to black and/or disabled learners from tertiary institutions

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 27 Fasset

Please find below an EXAMPLE of how to complete this form in italics directly below. Costs used are fictitious and are for explanatory purposes only.

Our firm recognizes the importance of exposing learners to the world of work. This is a necessity for the development of future employees that will be Objective/s of special more easily integrated into our working environment. Coupled with learnerships, our work experience programme affords learners the opportunity to initiative develop skills such as interpersonal, communication, and time management skills. Learners who experience our working environment and then return to their academic studies, or study concurrently, find their studies more relevant as they can relate it to their working experience.

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Type of Population programme e.g. Details of provider: status of group i.e. Name of internship, Commence accreditation, alignment to unit Number of learners African, Indian End Date Details of Programme Outcome programme work shadow ment date standards & qualification or Coloured etc … and and/or Disabled duration

Human ABS Consulting (accredited to offer the 4 2 African Internship 03 January 31 December 2007 Learners are placed in the Human 32% of learners were employed Resources HR learnership) 1 Coloured 12 months 2007 Resources department for 2 months by ABC Consulting. Internship where they learn the systems of the 1 Disabled 37% of learners were employed company. Thereafter they are by firms with similar business dispatched to individual departments profile in the sector. in the organisation to work closely with line managers, assisting them with their HR needs. They are constantly mentored and coached by employees in the HR department.

Vac Work Y&R Accounting Services. Accredited to June-July = 20 7 African Routine vacation 30 June 15 July 2006 Learners are inducted for 2 days and Learners are exposed to some of 2006 June- offer CA Audit Specialism learnership. 8 Indian work 2006 are then assigned to a line manager the issues expected in the world July (3 who delegates routine clerical and of work. They are also exposed Programme is not formally aligned to 3 Coloured weeks) unit standards or qualification. accounting work to them for the to the content of their chosen 2 Disabled duration of the vacation. profession.

Vac Work Y&R Accounting Services. Accredited to Nov-Jan = 18 6 African Routine vacation 25 8 January 2007 Learners are inducted for 2 days and Learners are exposed to some of 2006 Nov- offer CA Audit Specialism learnership. 6 Indian work November are then assigned to a line manager the issues expected in the world Jan (3 2006 who delegates routine clerical and of work. They are also exposed Programme is not formally aligned to 3 Coloured weeks) unit standards or qualification. accounting work to them for the to the content of their chosen 3 Disabled duration of the vacation. profession.

Description of Incremental Improvement The interventions constituted: New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New  42 additional beneficiaries to the strategic skills priority area Beneficiaries, Impact


SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 28 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or (including black learners VAT) disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Development of curriculum and The programme was 4 4 2 consultant days = = R 9,920.00 / 4 learners = R 9,920.00 learning programmes developed in 2001. Annual (R 620.00 per hour X 8 R 2,480.00 per learner updates to material are hours) X 2 days costed at a daily rate for consultants. Development of learning materials, Induction manuals for each 4 4 Per intern = R 124.50 X 4 Per intern = R 124.50 X 4 R 498.00 books, notes, copyright/licensing fees intern Training the trainers, payment of Textbooks 4 4 Textbook = 4 X R 645.00 Textbook = 4 X R 645.00 R 2,580.00 lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of 2 facilitators were utilized. 4 4 5% of facilitator monthly For 4 black and/or R 2,531.55 training facilities time, 3 months of disabled learners = R R 16,877.00 monthly 2,531.55 salary R 50,631.00 X 5% for all learners Costs of conducting seminars, Thank you gift to SABPP R 200.00 workshops, lectures etc speaker (R 200.00)

Catering 4 4 5 X 1 day session = For 4 black and/or R 3,040.00 R 152.00 X 4 learners = disabled learners = R R 608.00 X 5 sessions = 3,040.00 R 3,040.00 Tuition fees or course fees, SABPP Registration Fees 4 4 R 225.00 student fee For 4 black and/or R 900.00 professional body fees, disabled learners = R registration/accreditation/ examination 225.00 X 4 = R 900.00 costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 29 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or (including black learners VAT) disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Company skills audits/training needs Annual evaluation of 4 4 2 consultant days = R 9,920.00 / 4 = R 9,920.00 analysis, and costs of monitoring, programme (February (R 620.00 per hours X 8 R 2,480.00 reporting, evaluation of company of 2006). hours) X 2 days training interventions Total (incl. VAT) R 29,589.55

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 30 Fasset


Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for Per learner cost = which Number of total cost for Costs explanation black and/or Description Explanation Total cost for explanation explanation / number (including applicable disabled of black and/or VAT) (including black learners disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Development of curriculum and Annual update to material 20 20 at 5% of 2 months of assessor R 2,083.33 learning programmes are costed time = R 250,000 p/a / 12 months = R 20,833.33 X 2 = R 41,666.66 X 5% Development of learning materials, Induction manuals for each 20 20 R 200.00 X 20 learners R 4,000.00 books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Vac student Training the trainers, payment of Supervision 5% of 2 months 20 20 = R 250,000 p/a / 12 months = R 4,166.67 lecturers, facilitators and permanent of 2 line managers time R 20,833.33 X 2 = R 41,666.66 X training staff 2 = R 83,333.00 X 5% Costs of running, or the hire of Catering 20 20 1 X 2 day session = R 152.00 X 2 R 6,080.00 training facilities days = R 304.00 = R 304.00 X 20 learners Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc

Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs Annual evaluation of 20 20 5% of 1 month of assessor salary R 1,041.67 analysis, and costs of monitoring, programme (February = R 250,000.00 p/a / 12 months reporting, evaluation of company of 2006). = R 20,833.33 X 5% training interventions

Total (incl. VAT) R 17,371.67

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 31 Fasset


Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners Per learner cost = total for which explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable (including and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or black and/or disabled learners VAT) disabled learners learners) Development of curriculum and Costed in the Vac Work R 0.00 learning programmes 2006 June-July (3 weeks)

Development of learning materials, Induction manuals for each 18 18 R 200.00 X 18 R 3,600.00 books, notes, copyright/licensing Vac student fees Training the trainers, payment of Supervision 5% of 2 months 18 18 = R 250,000.00 p/a / 12 R 4,166.67 lecturers, facilitators and of 2 line managers time months = R 20,833.33 X permanent training staff 2 = R 41,666.66 X 2 = R 83,333.00 X 5% Costs of running, or the hire of Catering: 1 X 2 day session 18 18 R 5,472.00 training facilities = R 152.00 X 2 days = R 304.00 = R 304.00 X 18 Costs of conducting seminars, R 0.00 workshops, lectures etc

Tuition fees or course fees, R 0.00 professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per R 0.00 diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training Costed in the Vac Work 18 18 R 0.00 needs analysis, and costs of 2006 June-July (3 weeks) monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT) R 13,238.67


SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 32 Fasset

Section D4: Black and/or disabled people in new venture creation assistance

Please find below an EXAMPLE of how to complete this form in italics directly below. Costs used are fictitious and are for explanatory purposes only.

Objective/s of special Our firm is committed to the development of businesspeople and entrepreneurs in the designated groups. We do this though a variety of partnerships initiative where skills transfer occurs, and through our development and mentoring of black entrepreneurs and small black firms.

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Type of Population programme e.g. Details of provider: status of group i.e. Programme Name of internship, Programme End accreditation, alignment to unit Number of learners African, Indian Commence Details of Programme Outcome programme work shadow Date standards & qualification or Coloured ment date etc … and and/or Disabled duration

Mentoring Y&R Accounting Services. Accredited to 15 15 African Mentoring and 30 June 30 September We partner up with Black firms in The audit was successfully and offer CA Audit Specialism learnership. Coaching 2006 2006 respect of meeting a number of completed. Coaching of Programme is not formally aligned to requirements, such as: 10% of the team leader’s time (9 SZW unit standards or qualification. 1. Broad Based Black Economic days across 4 months) was spent Accounting Empowerment legislation mentoring and coaching the audit (established 2. Corporate Social Responsibility team. in January 2006) 3. Seta/National Skills Development Strategy goals 4. Financial Services Charter 5. Auditor-General Requirements

Description of Incremental Improvement The programme constituted of 2 areas of improvement: New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New  15 additional beneficiaries to the strategic skills priority area Beneficiaries, Impact  New Strategic Skills Priority Area

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 33 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or (including black learners VAT) disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Development of curriculum and Development of schedule 15 15 NA NA R 0.00 learning programmes and content for mentoring and coaching. Cost included in ‘Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc’ below. Development of learning materials, books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of Team leader supervision 15 15 10% of the team leader’s R 10,240.00. lecturers, facilitators and permanent time monthly salary = training staff R 25,600.00 X 4 = R 102,400.00 X 10% Costs of running, or the hire of training facilities Costs of conducting seminars, workshops, lectures etc

Tuition fees or course fees, professional body fees, registration/accreditation/ examination costs Bursaries, accommodation/per diem/travel reimbursements/relocation costs to learners Company skills audits/training needs analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT) NA R 10,240.00

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 34 Fasset

Section D5: Financial support to employed black and/or disabled people (recognized tertiary institutions or professional bodies)

Please find below an EXAMPLE of how to complete this form in italics directly below. Costs used are fictitious and are for explanatory purposes only.

Our firm is committed to developing our exceptional black and/or disabled staff. This is crucial if the firm wishes to truly create a diverse and productive environment. We have a strategy of providing bursaries to full-time employees, who after completion of the programme will invest Objective/s of special these skills and expertise back into our firm. Employees will be committed to work in our firm for a period of time as stipulated in our contract initiative with them. Training of black and disabled employees enables our firm to better comply with relevant legislation such as Employment Equity, Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment, but also to grow talent before they join our company.

Description of special initiative Only black and disabled beneficiaries may be included in this table.

Population Type of course Details of provider: status of group i.e. Course Justification of Course Learner ID e.g. short course, Course end Outcome of course to accreditation, alignment to unit Learner Full Name African, Indian Commencement why the skill is Number degree and Date date Title standards & qualification or Coloured date scarce duration and/or Disabled

Derivatives International Associations of Financial Steven Lewis 6578995620245 Coloured Symposium (5 20 September 24 September To our knowledge Learner was provided Symposiu Analysts days) 2006 2006 there are no training with a certificate of m providers who offer attendance. (Brussels) high level, cutting edge courses on derivatives in South Africa. In order to raise the level of expertise in South Africa, international training is required.

Masters of Harvard University (course not Naledi Sithole 5815458962258 African Degree (2 years 15 July 2006 15 July 2008 Black women with Final 1st year Business accredited in South Africa) full-time) management and examinations are still to Administrat leadership skills are take place. To date the ion required in our learner has been corporate successful in all modules environment. and is averaging 73% for her courses.

Description of Incremental Improvement The interventions constituted: New Strategic Skills Priority Area, New  2 additional beneficiaries to the strategic skills priority area Beneficiaries, Impact  Impact – more black and disabled learners acquired relevant education in areas of scarce skills

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 35 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or (including black learners VAT) disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Development of curriculum and NA R 0.00 learning programmes

Development of learning materials, NA R 0.00 books, notes, copyright/licensing fees Training the trainers, payment of NA R 0.00 lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff Costs of running, or the hire of NA R 0.00 training facilities Costs of conducting seminars, NA R 0.00 workshops, lectures etc

Tuition fees or course fees, Derivatives Symposium R 45,700.00 professional body fees, (Brussels) Registration Fees registration/accreditation/ examination costs Masters of Business R 576,987.00 Administration Course Fee 9 months Bursaries, accommodation/per Air travel to Brussels return R 25,503.96 diem/travel economy class = reimbursements/relocation costs to R 18,567.00 learners Living allowance 5 days = R 678.00 per day X 5 days = R 3,390.00 Hotel accommodation and meals R 3,546.96

SCG 2006/07 Updated 12 January 2007 36 Fasset

Costs: Only costs incurred in respect of the period 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007 may be included in this calculation. Predicted costs may not be included. Separate costs for different programmes. Number of learners for which Per learner cost = total explanation Number of black Costs Total cost for cost for explanation / Description Explanation applicable and/or disabled (including explanation number of black and/or (including black learners VAT) disabled learners and/or disabled learners) Accommodation in Boston R 132,119.63 (7 months @ R 7,678.00 per month) = R 53,746.00 Living allowance per month = R 9,875.00 X 7 months = R 69,125.00 Air Travel to Boston return economy class = R 9,248.63 Company skills audits/training needs NA R 0.00 analysis, and costs of monitoring, reporting, evaluation of company of training interventions Total (incl. VAT) R 780,310.59

SCG 2006/07

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