Form for Commenting on a Public Review Draft s1
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1. Name: Grady Burch Commenter/Comment 0007/001
Affiliation: X-nth
Address: 2601 Westhall Lane City: Maitland State: Florida Zip: 32751
Telephone: 407-660-0088 Fax: 407-660-1655 E-mail: [email protected]
Designation and Title of Second Public Review Draft: BSR/ASHRAE/USGBC/IESNA Standard 189.1P, Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
NOTE: Use a separate form for each comment, completing each section (including Sections 1 and 2) to facilitate separate processing. ASHRAE encourages original commentary on its standards. All comments must be accompanied by the commenter's signed release, as provided below. However, if commenters submit comments authored by others, those comments must also be accompanied by a signed copyright release from the author of the original comment. The original comment author, representing commenters who have submitted duplicate comments may be asked to engage in dialog supporting their position. All commenters shall receive acknowledgment from ASHRAE of receipt of their comment, and may receive a response in the form of the resolution of the original comment with that comment’s author.
2. Copyright Release:
I hereby grant the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) the non- exclusive royalty rights, including non-exclusive royalty rights in copyright, in my proposals and I understand that I acquire no rights in publication of this standard in which my proposals in this or other similar analogous form is used. I hereby attest that I have the authority and am empowered to grant this copyright release.
Author's Signature: ______Date ______Rec’d 3/18/08
All electronic submittals must complete the following statement: I Grady C Burch , through this electronic signature, hereby grant the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) the non- exclusive royalty rights, including non-exclusive royalty rights in copyright, in my proposals and I understand that I acquire no rights in publication of this standard in which my proposals in this or other similar analogous form is used. I hereby attest that I have the authority and am empowered to grant this copyright release.
3. Clause or Subclause:
Section 7.4.3 (k) / Appendix D section D3.1.2.10
4. Comment (Proposed Text):
ADD to the exceptions list item (D3.1.2.10) h as follows: “(h) Systems serving patient care areas in hospitals.”
5. Substantiating Statements:
The following information is available: Commenter/Comment 0007/001 Page 2
Cross contamination of outside air with exhaust air with enthalpy wheels is a small percentage, Semco indicates a .04% rate and ASHRAE 62.1 allows up to 10%. Trane, Greenheck and Semco who offer Enthalpy wheels were asked if their products are approved for use in Hospitals utilizing patient room toilet exhaust. The Standard for Care is to avoid possible cross contamination of outside air with exhaust air at Hospitals. ASHRAE Handbook 2007 HVAC Applications indicates that “air from (patient) room toilet rooms be exhausted directly outside”. The definition of “directly” includes “without …anything intervening”. This would appear to prohibit an energy wheel which has small levels of cross contamination. ASHRAE Handbook 2007 HVAC Applications also indicates use of energy transfer from exhaust to outside air and the list of “allowed” types omits enthalpy wheels. Sensible only recovery devices do not meet ASHRAE 90.1 efficiency requirements for hot humid climates. ASHRAE 62.1-2007 includes classification of air and allows set limits of cross contamination based upon class of exhaust air. Basically, most exhaust air per Standard 62 can be routed thru a enthalpy wheel to precondition outside air. Exclusions include class 4 air: lab hood exhaust, paint booths, chemical storage rooms etc.
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NOTE: Use separate form for each comment. Submittals (MS Word preferred) may be attached to email, submitted on diskettes, uploaded to ASHRAE’s ftp site, or submitted in paper form by mail or fax to ASHRAE, Manager of Standards, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: [email protected]. Ftp server address:, directory: Fax 678-539-2134.
NOTE: To ensure receiving all notices provided for in the procedures, you are responsible for informing the ASHRAE Standards Section when your contact information changes. Otherwise you may not receive responses to comments, right-to-appeal notices, and any other notices that may be sent to commenters. To update your contact information, send an email to [email protected]. You must indicate which public review draft or drafts you are commenting on in your email. Rev. 01-30-2006