Coningsby Town Council

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Coningsby Town Council


Council meeting September 26th 2013

Attendance – Chairman Cllr Martin Foster, Cllrs Marlene Wilson, Dick Johnson, Matthew Mason, Glyn Olive, Mary Walker, Paddy Donnellan & Kevin Moorhouse. LCC Councillor Colin Mair ELDC Councillor Julia Pears Clerk – Kathy Roberts 14 members of public in attendance. Cllr Martin Foster welcomed the Winners and runners up, of “The Fred Bailey Shield” for the best kept front garden and presented awards Winners Ray Coupland & Jack D’Arcy 31 Hawthorn Hill, Runners up Royce Sellars, 18 School Lane, Mr & Mrs Creasey 7 Park Lane, Highly commended community award, Marina View, Belle Isle Dogdyke. Public Forum – Gary Carter, Libraries issue, wanted to pay tribute to the staff at the Coningsby & Tattershall Library including the front of house Compass point staff always courteous he feels a great sadness for the way this consultation has been conducted and sadly he feels the inevitable outcome; Cllr Johnson replied saying that he felt he could speak for all the Coningsby Councillors that they support the gentleman’s views, this was agreed, Cllr Foster – said there are still questions needing to be answered by LCC and they will be asked- further discussion on agenda. Mr J Johnson – Coningsby & Tattershall Lions – request to run a show on the Allan Barker field in summer of 2014, “Lions” would be responsible for all running costs and organisation, all proceed raised would be returned to the local community, Cllrs have concerns regarding parking for such a large event including access road being single track this is not suitable to accommodate all traffic. – Further discussion on agenda. AGENDA 63. Welcome to September meeting from Chairman Martin Foster. 64. Apologies and reasons for absence – were heard from Cllrs Mrs R Sharples & John Ranshaw Proposal for both to be accepted- vote taken all in favour RESOLVED At this point Chairman remarked on the resignation of Cllr Martin Rickard, proposing a letter of thanks from the Council be recorded and sent by the Clerk, RESOLVED 65. Declarations of Interest – None at this point 66. Notes of the meeting held 25 July 2013- previously circulated Proposal to accept as true & correct record Cllr P Donnellan, seconded Cllr D Johnson, vote taken all voted in favour RESOLVED - minutes were signed and dated by Chairman. 67. Police Report – comprehensive report received from police, PCSO Martin Clough attended and answered questions and gave out information regarding on street parking issues, the list of recorded offences was for a two month period this covers all issues from malicious and abandoned calls; Criminal damage and theft etc. 68. Application to hold an event on Allan Barker Recreation Ground - Councillors have serious concern about the parking and Highways issues outlined above, also the cost of setting up such an event will be tremendous and hope that all the homework has been done by the organisers, no objections raised to the actual use of the field but the site surface if damaged would have to be made good, cancellation was talked about if the weather forecast is not good, this was questioned by Council as it is a massive undertaking to call off an event if you have persons travelling to attend, parking of visitors vehicles- there is no room on the site, this and other issues are to be looked into by the proposers and brought back to Council at an interim meeting at the Council office on 14th October; Council proposed , seconded and RESOLVED that they would not allow a Car Boot Sale on the site.


The date proposed 17th August 2014 was accepted in principle, the organisers are expecting to have Charity Stands, Vintage Vehicles, an Arena with displays and events throughout the day, all financed by the Coningsby & Tattershall Lions. No proposal to accept that this will be allowed to go ahead was made further information is required and will be discussed and decision made at next meeting October 24th. 69. Coningsby & Tattershall Library Consultation – LCC Cllr Mair spoke is support of retaining the library as is and has put a portfolio of reasoned arguments together to present to LCC for the community, he has spoken with officers and the informed the meeting that the review is to be carried out independently by Sheffield Hallam University; Cllr Walker suggested if it is a matter of the building being taken back by Gartree School LCC need to remember they own the Youth Worx building in Coningsby and with the addition of a Porta Cabin for the Compass Point workers this could house the library for the future. Council RESOLVED to write to consultation for a third time stating that there are volunteers willing to help and reasons for saving this extremely well used asset to all the surrounding villages. Council had confirmation that the Compass Point (ELDC had no intention of moving at the moment and were staying in the building). 70. Burial Record Searches – Proposal to put a charge of £20 for search of the records carried out by the Clerk, seconded, all voted in favour, this will be advertised on the website. 71. St Michaels School Parking – LCC have put proposals forward to council, with the following clarifications and agreement of works , the footway between the field and School Lane must have sufficient lighting added to the proposal and clarification of the tarmac areas the area alongside the pavilion to the proposed parking area must be tarmac surfacing, Council agrees that pending the above being approved by LCC School services the use of the field for parking would be accepted, No Resolution at this time pending agreement – CLLR Mary Walker wished to record her OBJECTION to the proposal. 72. Christmas Trees and lights for the village businesses – Clerk had done some investigation on how other councils fund the lights, (not the main tree) Council initially applied for a grant from the ELDC Community Fund towards the Christmas tree scheme (brackets, lights, etc..), and charged the businesses £25 per tree, light and brackets in the first year. Now businesses which already have a bracket and lights get charged £10 + VAT per year and for that they get a 3ft tree put up and taken down. Each year the Council buys 3ft trees for each business that would like one, a 12ft tree for the centre of the village and it pays for all the costs associated with putting up the trees, PAT testing, lift hire, electrician fees, etc.. The Council has budgeted £500 this year for Christmas Lights and it plans to receive £680 from the businesses so the total project cost this year is £1,180. Some businesses in Coningsby already have the brackets installed; Council requested the Clerk put a funding bid together after first testing the market for take up from local businesses, this way council would be able to look at the possibility of lighting up Coningsby for the festive season in 2014. 73. Poppy Appeal donation 2014 – Proposal to donate £80 seconded, vote taken all in favour RESOLVED. 74. Proposal to pay the quote for repairs to the MUGA, the claim has been accepted by Insurance company £1,729.80 + VAT; seconded, all voted in Favour RESOLVED 75. Annual ROSPA reports on recreation facilities owned by Council are good some minimal works required to woodwork at play area, Fred Gillard has been instructed to make good. 76. Reports – Doctors Surgery patients group have met there will be another survey in the near future; persons should be encouraged to complete and return with comments.


77. Planning - S/035/00917/13 Milson Close- full planning permission granted. S/035/01148/13- Broadgate Homes LTD to rear of 49 Dogdyke Rd, comments will be sent to ELDC no Objections, several concerns regarding traffic issues. A meeting is requested with Head of Highways to discuss the overall traffic issues in the village not specific to the above application. Cliff Vivien will be contacted to arrange a date. 78. Finances – Proposal to pay accounts as listed for August 2013, seconded RESOLVED Talk Talk broadband DD 15.31 Ramscapes - MOD graves BACS 90.00 Salaries BACS 1,903.61 John Ward - village grass BACS 200.00 Mark Overton- Grass cutting contract BACS 865.80 James Bowen supply & fit shower heads x11 BACS 682.79 Trade Windows - Allan Barker 2 windows 1 door BACS 920.00 Cost Cut Carpets - Allan Barker BACS 86.00 Cliffs Landscapes - BACS 80.00 Inland Revenue 303800 351.25 Grant Thornton - external auditors 303739 480.00 UKWSL - two bins 303740 76.22 Goodwins - various Cemetery - field AB 303741 34.40 Cooleys - fuel mowers 303742 27.20 Smiths construction Muga maintenance 303743 404.86 Anglian water Allan B 303744 61.91 Anglian Water Cemetery 303745 15.70 Lincolnshire Fire & Safety - extinguisher checks 303746 78.84 Friskneys Grass care - Hedge cutter service/repair 303747 20.78 J Roberts - re-imbursment router/modem 303748 39.99 E Stennett - relief Clock winder 303479 47.88

Proposal to pay accounts as listed for September 2013, seconded RESOLVED Talk Talk broadband DD 15.31 Ramscapes - MOD graves BACS 90.00 Salaries BACS 1,831.67 John Ward - village grass BACS 90.00 Mark Overton- Grass cutting contract BACS 626.28 Inland Revenue 303750 308.25 UKWSL - two bins 303801 76.22 Goodwins - various Cemetery - field AB 303802 19.49 Cooleys - fuel mowers 303803 28.00 K Roberts - poster holders Allan Barker 303804 20.00 LALC - Good Councillor guides 303805 29.52 Continued


Playsafety Inspections 303806 234.00 EON - Allan Barker 303807 81.74 Richard Sivill - E Columbine plaque + Rickard trophy 303808 53.80 Coningsby Bookshop Office sundries 303809 10.39 Barkers - PAT tests A Barker 303810 42.00 Cookes Cash & Carry - sundries Pavilion 303811 46.27 Annual donation CATS as resolved Jan 2013 303812 1,500.00 Community Hall 303813 18.00 LALC - AGM booking 303814 30.00

79. District Councillor Julia Pears – Still working to find out what is happening about the Car park situation, concerns over fly tipping have been reported after investigation it looks as if all tips locally are closed on the same days, wouldn’t a staggered approach be more beneficial, Cllr Pears will ask the question at ELDC. 80. Clerks Report – 1. Payment received for repairs to MUGA from WPS insurers 2. Update from enforcement – some work has been carried out to complete the requirements set out in planning permission at Ackrell Close more to be done. 3. Invite to Councillors from RBL to Remembrance Service Sunday 10th November. 4. Invite to CATS AGM Tuesday 15th October 7pm at doctors surgery. 5. Invite from Coningsby Helping Hands – asking if a representative of the council would like to join the committee. 6. Costs have been negotiated with energy supplier – 4% reduction for Allan Barker (electric) 7. Info about shared waste collection services ELDC & Boston Borough should make savings for District in the region of £200,000 – Source report from Cllr Peter Bedford Boston Borough, who will be making a £100,000 saving. 8. LALC AGM in Community Hall Tuesday 15th October 6 persons booked 9. Letter of support for any measures to get on street parkers back into car park from the Police panel – copy has been sent to ELDC. 10. Invite to the “Service in the Field” Sibsey Lancaster Memorial Trust Sunday 6th October 2013

Proposition to move into closed session to discuss legal matters & contracts, seconded, all voted on favour RESOLVED, Cllr Mair, Cllr Pears and members of public left the building.

Proposal to offer the remaining year of grass cutting contract to Malc Firth Landscapes who have taken over to complete current season due to the accident that has caused Mark Overton to close his business – the contract will run until end of cutting season 2014 when decision will reviewed; seconded all in favour – RESOLVED Discussion regarding the play area took place – council instructed Clerk to continue with the funding bid for refurbishment. Council Resolved to come out of closed session.

Meeting closed.



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