Substances Have Chemical and Physical Properties

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Substances Have Chemical and Physical Properties

TEKS 8.9 B Table the Discussion

TAKS Objective 3 – The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structures and properties of matter.

Learned Science Concepts:

Matter is composed of atoms.

Substances have chemical and physical properties.

Complex interactions occur between matter and energy.

TEKS Science Concepts 8.9

The student knows that substances have chemical and physical properties. The student is expected to:

(B) interpret information on the periodic table to understand that physical properties are used to group elements.


There are several different arrangements and interpretations of the Periodic Table. All of the formats organize the elements by their characteristics such as atomic numbers. Students will explore the arrangement of the elements. They will learn how to read and interpret the Periodic Table so that they can know the atomic weight, number, and element name.

TAKS Objective 3 page 1 TEKS 8.9 B Objectives:

1. The student will be able to demonstrate how the periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

2. The student will be able to explain how the periodic table is arranged with respect to groups and periods.

3. The student will be able to identify the major sections of the periodic table.

4. The student will be able to identify major groups within the periodic table and their shared properties.

5. The student will be able to construct a box on the periodic table and explain each piece of information given in the box.

TAKS Objective 3 page 2 TEKS 8.9 B Teacher Background:

The periodic table with which we are familiar was first organized in the 1860’s by a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev (Men-da-‘le-off). He took pieces of paper and wrote the name of each element and information about each element discovered at that time on separate pieces of paper. He included properties such as density, appearance, atomic mass, melting point, and compounds formed from the element. Then he arranged the papers in different ways hoping to see a pattern. When the elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic mass, he could see a pattern. Every eighth element had similar chemical and physical properties

Mendeleev also predicted elements that had not yet been discovered at that time. Later gallium was discovered and matched his predictions very well. All of the missing elements on his table have now been discovered. A few of those elements however, were not in the correct place according to their properties.

A man named Henry Moseley suggested that arranging the elements in order of increasing atomic number instead of increasing atomic mass might solve the problem. He was right. Every element fell into its proper place. In 1914, the periodic chart was thus revised to list the elements according to his proposal and we still have that arrangement today.

There are two main groups on the periodic table: metals and nonmetals. The left side of the table contains elements with the greatest metallic properties. As you move from the left to the right, the elements become less metallic with the far right side of the table consisting of nonmetals. The elements in the middle of the table are called “transition” elements. A small group whose members touch the zigzag line are called metalloids because they have both metallic and nonmetallic properties.

The table is also arranged in vertical columns called “groups” or “families” and horizontal rows called “periods.” Each arrangement is significant. The elements in each vertical column or group have similar properties. Group 1 elements all have one electron in their outer shells. This gives them similar properties. Group 2 elements all have 2 electrons in their outer shells. This also gives them similar properties. Not all of the groups, however, hold true for this pattern. The elements in the first period or row all have one shell. The elements in period 2 all have 2 shells. The elements in period 3 have 3 shells and so on.

TAKS Objective 3 page 3 TEKS 8.9 B There are a number of major groups with similar properties. They are as follows:

Hydrogen: This element does not match the properties of any other group so it stands alone. It is placed above group 1 but it is not part of that group. It is a very reactive, colorless, odorless gas at room temperature. (1 outer level electron)

Group 1: Alkali Metals – These metals are extremely reactive and are never found in nature in their pure form. They are silver colored and shiny. Their density is extremely low so that they are soft enough to be cut with a knife. (1 outer level electron)

Group 2: Alkaline-earth Metals – Slightly less reactive than alkali metals. They are silver colored and more dense than alkali metals. (2 outer level electrons)

Groups 3 – 12: Transition Metals – These metals have a moderate range of reactivity and a wide range of properties. In general, they are shiny and good conductors of heat and electricity. They also have higher densities and melting points than groups 1 & 2. (1 or 2 outer level electrons)

Lanthanides and Actinides: These are also transition metals that were taken out and placed at the bottom of the table so the table wouldn’t be so wide. The elements in each of these two periods share many properties. The lanthanides are shiny and reactive. The actinides are all radioactive and are therefore unstable. Elements 95 through 103 do not exist in nature but have been manufactured in the lab.

Group 13: Boron Group – Contains one metalloid and 4 metals. Reactive. Aluminum is in this group. It is also the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust.(3 outer level electrons)

Group 14: Carbon Group – Contains one nonmetal, two metalloids, and two metals. Varied reactivity. (4 outer level electrons)

Group 15: Nitrogen Group – Contains two nonmetals, two metalloids, and one metal. Varied reactivity. (5 outer level electrons)

Group 16: Oxygen Group – Contains three nonmetals, one metalloid, and one metal. Reactive group. (6 outer level electrons) Groups 17: Halogens – All nonmetals. Very reactive. Poor conductors of heat and electricity. Tend to form salts with metals. (7 outer level electrons)

TAKS Objective 3 page 4 TEKS 8.9 B Groups 18: Noble Gases – Unreactive nonmetals. All are colorless, odorless gases at room temperature. All found in earth’s atmosphere in small amounts. (8 outer level electrons)

TAKS Objective 3 page 5 TEKS 8.9 B TAKS Objective 3 page 6 TEKS 8.9 B MISCONCEPTIONS

 Misconception

Groupings are clear cut.

 Science Concept

Although clear patterns are shown within each group, there is no distinct division that places an element clearly in a specific group. Each group must be looked at as a whole.

Rebuild Concept

Ask students to research elements in two different groups with very similar qualities. Discuss how the table is arranged and how the elements are chosen to be in each group.

 Misconception

All the elements in one group have the same properties.

 Science Concept

Even though each group has similar properties, not every member of the group has the same properties. There is a lot of variation.

Rebuild Concept

Research and compare elements found in a single group. Discuss how the elements are different and how the arrangement of the table put them in that group.

TAKS Objective 3 page 7 TEKS 8.9 B Student Prior Knowledge

(7) Science concepts. The student knows that substances have physical and chemical properties. The student is expected to:

(B) describe physical properties of elements and identify how they are used to position an element on the periodic table.

TAKS Objective 3 page 8 TEKS 8.9 B 5 E’s


The Elements a song by Tom Lehrer can be found at

The following website contains information about the periodic table, including alternate styles for the periodic table. Additionally, it provides lyrics for the elements song by Tom Lehrer.

Read the following script. You may want to dress in costume.

“Perils of Discovery”: (Actor will be dressed like an eighteenth century scientist or a monk. He will read the perils of elemental discovery.)

In the middle of the 17th century, an element was chemically isolated for the first time. The recipe was as follows:

Take a quantity of urine, not less than 50 or 60 pails full, let it lie steeping until it putrefies and breeds worms. Then, in a large kettle, get some of it to boil on a strong fire, till at last, the whole quantity be reduced to a paste. This may take a fortnight or more.

TAKS Objective 3 page 9 TEKS 8.9 B Weeks of distillation and purifying thus led to a substance that glowed in the dark. It was called “cold fire” and was given the name of “phosphorous”.

Many people began to drink phosphorylated water for intelligence and taking luminous pills until after World War II. In the latter part of the war it was used for a sinister purpose. Phosphorous was used in making bombs that were dropped on Hamburg, the very city where it was discovered.

Before that time, some elements had already been discovered. Iron was found in pure form as nougats that had fallen from meteorites. Later it was taken from the earth in rock but not until charcoal was discovered. It was the only thing that could get the rock hot enough to liberate the iron.

An odd metal was discovered that was also a liquid. An iron would float in it but a gold ring would sink. Mercury was used to in the making of hats. The hats were soaked in it to hold their form and it also made the tops of the hats shiny. The unfortunate side effect of breathing the vapors was dementia, ergo the term, “mad hatter”.

At the beginning of the Middle Ages, European scholars, often Monks, became interested in the work of Arabian alchemists. One famous monk, Abul Gabir (Jaber), wrote recipes for chemical experiments that were so complicated it gave rise to the term, “gibberish”. Another unfortunate victim of alchemy used over 2000 hen’s eggs in his experiments. He was left unconscious for 14 months after being overcome by fumes of vitriol.

In the second or third century B.C., alchemy developed in Egypt and China. Many elements were discovered due to the search for eternal life. The Chinese used a blood red mineral called “cinnabar”. It was a compound composed of mercury and sulfur. These concoctions were sold as “elixirs of life”. The “fire drug” was also discovered by the Chinese. It was better known as “gunpowder”.


TAKS Objective 3 page 10 TEKS 8.9 B Activity: Element Name Game

Class Time: 30 minutes


Element Name Game Black Line Master for each group The Elements (see Black Line Masters) Periodic Table


Distribute the worksheets to each student along with a copy of the periodic table and The Elements. Students should identify elements in question from The Elements table.


Explain 1

Activity: Color Coding the Periodic Table


Student Information Sheet (see Black Line Masters) Student Worksheet (see Black Line Masters) Map pencils Copy of periodic table


Pass out the student information sheet. Explain how the periodic table is arranged and describe each group and its characteristics. Then give the students a copy of the periodic table, the student worksheet, and colored map pencils.


TAKS Objective 3 page 11 TEKS 8.9 B Elaboration 1

Activity: All in the family

Class Time: 45 minutes


6x8 inches Index cards w/o lines in 4 different colors Periodic Table (see Black Line Masters) Colored Markers Clear plastic Drop cloth Internet access


This activity is designed to help students become familiar with the elements and understand the organization of the Periodic Table. See for the four color table used in this activity. Students will use the Internet to research elements in a group and find out atomic number, atomic mass, and characteristics. The number of card pieces for each color is:

Color 1 13 pieces Groups 1 and 2 Color 2 40 pieces Groups 3-12 Color 3 35 pieces Groups 13-18 Color 4 28 pieces Lanthanoids and Actinoids

1. Divide the class into groups. Each group should be responsible for one or more element groups (columns) on the Periodic Table. You may alternatively assign each student a different element. If you have a hundred students per day, the Periodic Table can grow as each class adds elements.

2. Give each group a copy of the Periodic Table and enough cards of the same color to make one for each element in the group. For example, Group 1 of the chart would require 7 cards of color one. Group 2 of the chart would require 6 cards of color one. Student group one may be responsible for both element groups.

3. Use the Internet to research the elements. On each card students should write the 2 letter element symbol, whether the element occurs naturally as a gas, liquid or solid, the atomic number, and the atomic mass on one side. On the other side of the index card write the element name and some characteristics.

4. The students may then assemble the periodic table. It can be assembled (use strong clear tape such as packing tape) on the floor

TAKS Objective 3 page 12 TEKS 8.9 B or by taking a large, clear, plastic drop cloth and suspending it from the ceiling. (If you place several yardsticks at the top and roll a small section of the plastic onto it, it is easier to hang. The yardsticks can be easily inserted into the plastic hooks that mount on the metal dividers of ceiling tiles.) Each card can be easily placed on the table by putting scotch tape or clear strapping tape at the top of the card (the tape should be half on the card and half sticking up at the top). Then just stick it to the plastic. It also comes off rather easily if you need to reposition. The hardest part is keeping the rows straight! You may want to use a marker to make lines on the plastic before hanging. Students can then move in front of and behind the drop cloth to read about the elements.

Allow each group to tell the class what they learned about the elements they researched

Elaborate 2

Visit the following periodic table as a class:

Elaborate 3

How is the Periodic Table arranged?

The Periodic Table has more than one configuration. Show students the other layouts found at the Website.

Discuss why the Modern Periodic Table has been most widely accepted.

The columns represent the Groups ( # electrons in outer shell). The rows represent the Periods (number of shells) This information is actually beyond the physical characteristics and is included in chemical characteristics. It should not be included in the explanation of the Periodic Table for most students.

Complete the periodic table computer lab (see blackline master). Go to the following website: mistryPuzzle/index.html

TAKS Objective 3 page 13 TEKS 8.9 B Schedule the Computer Lab: Remember to reserve the computer lab in advance.

Grouping: Depending on the number of computers available, students will work individually or in pairs on a computer. The teacher should assign partners if this option is used, as students who sit by their friends tend to talk rather than work.

Timeline: This computer lab takes approximately 40 minutes. Allow 20 minutes to debrief the activity after the lab. Total time – 60 minutes

Activity Procedures:

1. Remind students about the computer lab rules. For example, they are only to visit the assigned website.

2. Distribute the activity sheet that guides the student through the day’s activities. The activity sheet includes:

(a) Computer lab rules,

(b) website address,

(c) instructions to complete the website activity, and

(d) The instructions to obtain and complete the “Creating the Periodic Table” worksheet utilizing the information on the website.

3. Making sure all students locate the website. Model the first three elements of the online activity with the group.

4. After the students complete the chemistry puzzle, provide students with the worksheet, “Creating the Periodic Table.”

5. Students complete the “Creating the Periodic Table” worksheet.

6. Teacher provides feedback and assistance during the activity as needed.

Closure: Debrief the activity by discussing question #1 and questions #5- 16 from the worksheet, “Creating the Periodic Table.”.

Assessment: Based on the computer lab simulation, use the science journal to record three ways the periodic table is organized.

Elaborate 4

TAKS Objective 3 page 14 TEKS 8.9 B Secret Worlds: The Universe Within

“View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons.”


Activity: Family Ties

Class Time: 20 minutes


Student Worksheet “Family Ties” (see Black Line Masters) Periodic table with boxes to label


1. Give students the blank copy of the periodic table. Have them fill in the blanks to identify each section of the table. They may or may not be allowed to use the student information sheet from Lesson 1 and the colored periodic table.

2. After they have completed the worksheet, divide the students into groups and have each group research a few elements in a particular family. They should list the properties they have in common as well as how they are different.

3. Allow each group to present their findings. Discuss why they think those elements were placed in their particular family. Be sure to discuss the differences of elements within a particular family as well as the similarities and point out that some elements may not seem that similar. Ask them why they think Mendeleev placed them together?

TAKS Objective 3 page 15 TEKS 8.9 B TAKS Objective 3 page 16 TEKS 8.9 B Periodic Table

TAKS Objective 3 page 17 TEKS 8.9 B Color Coding the Periodic Table

Student Information Sheet

The Periodic Table is a list of all the known elements. It is organized by increasing atomic number. There are two main groups on the periodic table: metals and nonmetals. The left side of the table contains elements with the greatest metallic properties. As you move from the left to the right, the elements become less metallic with the far right side of the table consisting of nonmetals. The elements in the middle of the table are called “transition” elements because they are changed from metallic properties to nonmetallic properties. A small group whose members touch the zigzag line are called metalloids because they have both metallic and nonmetallic properties.

The table is also arranged in vertical columns called “groups” or “families” and horizontal rows called “periods.” Each arrangement is significant. The elements in each vertical column or group have similar properties. There are a number of major groups with similar properties. They are as follows:

Hydrogen: This element does not match the properties of any other group so it stands alone. It is placed above group 1 but it is not part of that group. It is a very reactive, colorless, odorless gas at room temperature.

Group 1: Alkali Metals – These metals are extremely reactive and are never found in nature in their pure form. They are silver colored and shiny. Their density is extremely low so that they are soft enough to be cut with a knife.

Group 2: Alkaline-earth Metals – Slightly less reactive than alkali metals. They are silver colored and denser than alkali metals.

Groups 3 – 12: Transition Metals – These metals have a moderate range of reactivity and a wide range of properties. In general, they are shiny and good conductors of heat and electricity. They also have higher densities and melting points than groups 1 & 2.

Lanthanides and Actinides: These are also transition metals that were taken out and placed at the bottom of the table so the table wouldn’t be so wide. The elements in each of these two periods share many properties. The lanthanides are shiny and reactive. The actinides are all radioactive and are therefore unstable. Elements 95 through 103 do not exist in nature but have been manufactured in the lab.

Group 13: Boron Group – Contains one metalloid and 4 metals. Reactive. Aluminum is in this group. It is also the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust.

Group 14: Carbon Group – Contains on nonmetal, two metalloids, and two metals. Varied reactivity.

TAKS Objective 3 page 18 TEKS 8.9 B Group 15: Nitrogen Group – Contains two nonmetals, two metalloids, and one metal. Varied reactivity.)

Group 16: Oxygen Group – Contains three nonmetals, one metalloid, and one metal. Reactive group. Groups 17: Halogens – All nonmetals. Very reactive. Poor conductors of heat and electricity. Tend to form salts with metals. Ex. NaCl: sodium chloride also known as “table salt”.)

Groups 18: Noble Gases – Unreactive nonmetals. All are colorless, odorless gases at room temperature. All found in earth’s atmosphere in small amounts.

TAKS Objective 3 page 19 TEKS 8.9 B Color Coding the Periodic Table

Student Worksheet

This worksheet will help you understand how the periodic table is arranged. Your teacher will give you a copy of the periodic table to color. Using map pencils, color each group on the table as follows:

1. Color the square for Hydrogen pink. 2. Lightly color all metals yellow except lanthanide and actinide series. 3. Color the metalloids purple. 4. Color the nonmetals orange. 5. Place black dots in the squares of all alkali metals. 6. Draw a horizontal line across each box in the group of alkaline earth metals. 7. Draw a diagonal line across each box of all transition metals. 8. Draw small brown circles in each box of the halogens. 9. Draw checkerboard lines through all the boxes of the noble gases. 10. Using a black color, trace the zigzag line that separates the metals from the nonmetals. 11. Color all the lanthanides red. 12. Color all the actinides green.

When you are finished, make a key that indicates which color identifies which group.

TAKS Objective 3 page 20 TEKS 8.9 B All in the Family

Student Worksheet

You will be assigned an element on the periodic table. On a 6 x 8 inches card you will make one or more of the element boxes on the periodic table.

The front of the card should show the following information:

 Element symbol – The symbol should be displayed in a creative way that tells something about the element (color, use, or some other property). For example, the nickel symbol might be made of nickels, the copper symbol of pennies, the aluminum symbol of foil, the H for hydrogen made to look like a gas, the l in Chorine (Cl) could be the ladder and the C a swimming pool, etc.  Element name  Natural state whether gas, liquid, or solid  Atomic number  Atomic mass number

The front must be colorful and attractive.

The back of the card should contain a brief report, which gives the following information:

 Element name, chemical symbol, and atomic number.  Name of discoverer, date of discovery, and place of discovery.  Possible uses of the element.  Properties the element possesses.

Using your TAKS Periodic Table, place your element card in the correct space on the giant class periodic table. Hint- remember that the atomic numbers go in increasing order, left to right, top to bottom.

TAKS Objective 3 page 21 TEKS 8.9 B ELEMENT NAME GAME

Student Worksheet

Obtain a copy of the periodic table. You will also need a copy of the worksheet “The Elements” which lists the name of elements and their dates of discovery. Elements were named in different ways. Some of them were named after the guy who discovered it, others were named after the place of discovery, a few were named after their Latin names, etc. See if you can conduct this scavenger hunt and learn more about how elements were named.

1. Find five elements named after countries. 2. Find 10 elements named after people. 3. Find 9 elements named after objects in outer space. 4. Find 5 elements named after colors. 5. Find 8 elements named after towns. 6. Find 10 elements whose names do not match their symbols.

TAKS Objective 3 page 22 TEKS 8.9 B The Elements

Element Name Symbol Atomic History Number

Actinium Ac 89 1900 Greek aktis, ray

Aluminum Al 13 1825 Latin alumen, substance with astrigent taste

Americium Am 95 1944 America

Antimony Sb 51 15th century, Greek antimonos, opposite to solitude

Argon Ar 18 1894 Greek argos

Arsenic As 33 13th century Greek arsenikon

Astatine At 85 1940 Greek astatos

Barium Ba 56 1808 Greek Barys

Berkelium Bk 97 1949 Berkeley

Beryllium Be 4 1797 mineral

Bismuth Bi 83 15th century

Bohrium Bh 107 1981 Neils Bohr

Boron B 5 1808 Arabic bawraq

Bromine Br 35 1826 Greek bromos

Cadmium Cd 48 1817 Latin cadmia, calamine, a zinc ore

Calcium Ca 20 1808 Latin calcis, lime

Californium Cf 98 1950 State and University of California

Carbon C 6 BC Latin carbo, coal

Cerium Ce 58 1804 the asteroid Ceres, discovered 1803

Cesium Cs 55 1860 Latin caesius, sky blue

Chlorine Cl 17 1808 Greek chloros, grass green

TAKS Objective 3 page 23 TEKS 8.9 B Element Name Symbol Atomic History Number

Chromium Cr 24 1797 Greek chroma, color

Cobalt Co 27 1735 Greek kobolos, a goblin

Copper Cu 29 9000 BC Latin cuprum, from the island of Cyprus

Curium Cm 96 1944 Marie and Pierre Curie

Darmstadtium Ds 110 1994 The element was named after the place of its discovery, Darmstadt, Germany

Dubnium Db 105 1970 in honor or Otto Hahn who discovered nuclear fission

Dysprosium Dy 66 1886 Greek dysprositos, hard to get at

Einsteinium Es 99 1952 Albert Einstein

Erbium Er 68 1843 Yetterby, Swedish mining town first sample found

Europium Eu 63 1900 Europe

Fermium Fm 100 1953 Enrico Fermi

Fluorine F 9 1886 Latin fluere, to flow

Francium Fr 87 1939 France

Gadolinium Gd 64 1886 John Gaddin, Finnish Chemist

Gallium Ga 31 1875 Gaul, or France

Germanium Ge 32 1886 Germany

Gold Au 79 2600 BC Anglo-Saxon gold, symbol from Latin aurum

Hafnium Hf 72 1922 Hafnia, Latin for Copenhagen

Hassium Hs 108 1984 State of Hesse, location of German Nuclear Institute

Helium He 2 1895 Greek helios, the sun

Holmium Ho 67 1879 Holmia, Latin for Stockholm

Hydrogen H 1 1766 Greek hydro genes, water former

TAKS Objective 3 page 24 TEKS 8.9 B Element Name Symbol Atomic History Number

Indium In 49 1863 indigo-blue spectrum line

Iodine I 53 1811 Greek iodes, violet like

Iridium Ir 77 1804 Latin iridis, rainbow

Iron Fe 26 4000 BC Angle-Saxon iren or isen, symbol from Latin ferrum

Krypton Kr 36 1898 Greek kryptos, hidden

Lanthanum La 57 1839 Greek lanthanien, to be concealed

Lawrencium Lr 103 1961 Ernest O. Lawrence, inventor of cyclotron

Lead Pb 82 BC middle English led, symbol from Latin plumbum

Lithium Li 3 1817 Greek lithos, stone

Lutetium Lu 71 1905 Lutetia, ancient name of Paris

Magnesium Mg 12 1774 Latin magnes, magnet

Manganese Mn 25 1774 Latin magnes, magnet

Meitnerium Mt 109 1982 Lise Meitner a female physicist

Mendelevium Md 101 1955 Dimitri Mendeleev, who devised first Periodic Table

Mercury Hg 80 1600 BC Latin Mercurius, the gold and planet

Molybdenum Mo 42 1782 Greek molybdos, lead

Neodymium Nd 60 1885 Greek neos, new, and didymos, twin

Neon Ne 10 1898 Greek neos, new

Neptunium Np 93 1940 planet Neptune

Nickel Ni 28 1750 German Nickel, a goblin or devil

Niobium Nb 41 1801 Niobe, daughter of Tantalus

Nitrogen N 7 1772 Latin nitro, native soda, and gen, born

Nobelium No 102 1957 Alfred Nobel

TAKS Objective 3 page 25 TEKS 8.9 B Element Name Symbol Atomic History Number

Osmium Os 76 1804 Greek osme, smell, from odor of itetroxide

Oxygen O 8 1774 Greek oxys, sharp, and gen, born

Palladium Pd 46 1803 planetoid Pallas, discovered 1801

Phosphorus P 15 1669 Greek phosphoros, light bringer

Platinum Pt 78 1735 Spanish plata, silver

Plutonium Pu 94 1940 Pluto, the second planet beyond Uranus

Polonium Po 84 1898 Poland, native country of co-discover Marie Curie

Potassium K 19 1807 English potash, symbol Latin Kalium

Praseodymium Pr 59 1885 Greek praseos, leek green and didymos, a twin

Promethium Pm 61 1947 Prometheus, fire bringer in Greek mythology

Protactinium Pa 91 1917 Greek protos first, actinium because it disintegrates into it

Radium Ra 88 1898 Latin radius, ray

Radon Rn 86 1900 because it comes from Fadium *

Rhenium Re 75 1924 Latin Rhenus, Rhine province of Germany

Rhodium Rh 45 1804 Greek rhodon, a rose

Rubidium Rb 37 1860 Latin rubidus, red

Ruthenium Ru 44 1845 Latin Ruthenia, Russia

Rutherfordium Rf 104 1969 In honor of Ernest R. Rutherford

Samarium Sm 62 1879 Samrski, a Russian engineer

Scandium Sc 21 1879 Scandinavian peninsula

Seaborgium Sg 106 1974 In honor of Glen Seaborg one of the discoverers

Selenium Se 34 1817 Greek selene, moon

Silicon Si 14 1823 Latin silxed, Hint

TAKS Objective 3 page 26 TEKS 8.9 B Element Name Symbol Atomic History Number

Silver Ag 47 4000 BC Anglo-Saxon seolfor, symbol from Latin argentum

Sodium Na 11 1807 Medieval Latin sodanum, headache remedy, symbol comes from the Latin word for sodium carbonate, natrium.

Strontium Sr 38 1808 town of Strontian, Scotland

Sulfur S 16 1669 Latin sulphur

Tantalum Ta 73 1802 Tantalus of Greek mythology

Technetium Tc 43 1937 Greek technetos, artificial

Tellurium Te 52 1782 Latin tellus, the Earth

Terbium Tb 65 1843 Yetterby, town in Sweden

Thallium Tl 81 1862 Greek thallos, a young shoot

Thorium Th 90 1819 Scandinavian mythology, Thor

Thulium Tm 69 1879 Latin Thule, most northerly part of the habitable world

Tin Sn 50 3500 Named after Etruscan god Tinia; symbol Latin stannum

Titanium Ti 22 1791 Greek mythology, Titans, first sons of the Earth

Tungsten W 74 1783 Swedish tung sten, heavy stone, symbol from the mineral wolframite in which it as discovered

Uranium U 92 1789 Planet Uranus

Vanadium V 23 1830 goddess Vanadis of Scandinavian mythology

Xenon Xe 54 1898 Greek xenos, strange

Ytterbium Yb 70 1878 Ytterby, town in Sweden

Yttrium Y 39 1843 Ytterby, town in Sweden

Zinc Zn 30 1746 German Zinc, akin to Zinn, tin

Zirconium Zr 40 1824 Arabian Zerk, a precious stone

TAKS Objective 3 page 27 TEKS 8.9 B Family Ties Student Worksheet

Follow the instructions below to label the major groups and divisions of the periodic table.

1. The vertical columns on the periodic table are called ______.

2. The horizontal rows on the periodic table are called ______.

3. Most of the elements in the periodic table are classified as ______.

4. The elements that touch the zigzag line are classified as ______.

5. The elements to the right of the zig-zag line are classified as______.

6. Elements in the first group are extremely reactive. They are called ______.

7. Elements in the second group are also very reactive. They are called ______.

8. Elements in groups 3 through 12 have many useful properties and are called ______.

9. Elements in group 17 are known as “salt formers”. They are called ______.

10. Elements in group 18 are very unreactive. They are said to be “inert”. We call these the ______.

11. The elements at the bottom of the table were pulled out to keep the table from becoming too long. The first period at the bottom called the ______.

12. The second period at the bottom of the table is called the ______.

TAKS Objective 3 page 28 TEKS 8.9 B Discovering Density

Examine the four liquids at your lab station: Shampoo (blue) Soy sauce (dark brown) Karo syrup (clear) Oil (red)


1. Predict the order in which you think these four liquids will form layers in a clear vial by drawing a picture of the predicted outcome.

Hypothesis Statement:

2. Write an If…then hypothesis statement using your prediction.


3. List the materials you need for this lab.

Procedure and Data Collection:

TAKS Objective 3 page 29 TEKS 8.9 B 4. Fill the empty container 1/6 full of oil (1/2 inch).

5. Gently trickle down the side of the vial ½ inch of soy sauce to the small vial with oil. Describe what happens.

6. Gently trickle down the side of the vial ½ inch of shampoo to the small vial that contains the oil and soy sauce. Describe what happens.

7. Gentle trickle down the side of the vial ½ inch of karo syrup. Draw the end result.


Do you think the order you add the liquids would change which layer is on top? Why or why not?

TAKS Objective 3 page 30 TEKS 8.9 B Do you think the order you add the liquids change which layer is on the bottom? Why or why not?


Restate your hypothesis. Do you accept or reject the hypothesis? Why?

Take it away concept: Layering is not controlled by how “thick” or how “gooey” a substance is. The layering is related to the density of the liquid. Density is how much matter is packed within a given volume of a substance. The formula for density is

Density = Mass Volume


Draw a picture of how tightly packed you believe the molecules are for each liquid in our experiment.

TAKS Objective 3 page 31 TEKS 8.9 B Creating the Periodic Table

Go to the following website:

1. Use the table below to place the elements in order according to atomic mass. What does atomic mass have to do with position in the periodic table?

TAKS ObjectiveTEKS 3 8.9page B 32 2. Use the table below to place the elements in order according to the total number of electrons. Be sure to show the number of rings for each atom. Color the elements yellow that have one ring. 3. Color the elements that have two rings blue. 4. Color the elements that have three rings green.

TAKS ObjectiveTEKS 3 8.9page B 33 5. Elements with only one ring are located in which period?

6. Elements with two rings are located in which period?

7. Elements with only three rings are located in which period?

8. Elements with one electron in the outer ring belong to which group?

9. Elements with two electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

10. Elements with three electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

11. Elements with four electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

12. Elements with five electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

13. Elements with six electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

14. Elements with seven electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

15. Elements with eight electrons in the outer ring belong to which group?

16. How are physical and chemical properties used to group elements? Specifically, use the computer simulation to state four groupings of the first three periods that are similar with regard to physical and chemical properties.

TAKS ObjectiveTEKS 3 8.9page B 34 KEY: For this exercise, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic mass. The teacher should inform the students that this is how they were originally organized by Mendeleev. It is very important to clarify that we now organize the elements according to atomic number, thanks to Moseley.

1. H, He 2. Li, B, B, C, N, O, F, Ne 3. Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar 4. Elements with only one ring are located in which period? 1st period 5. Elements with two rings are located in which period? 2nd period 6. Elements with only three rings are located in which period? 3rd period 8. Elements with one electron in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 1 – The first column in the activity

9. Elements with two electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 2 – The second column in the activity

10. Elements with three electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 13 – The third column in the activity

11. Elements with four electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 14 – The fourth column in the activity

12. Elements with five electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 15 – The fifth column in the activity

13. Elements with six electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 16 – The sixth column in the activity

14. Elements with seven electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 17 – The seventh column in the activity

15. Elements with eight electrons in the outer ring belong to which group? Group 18 – The eighth column in the activity

16. How are physical and chemical properties used to group elements? Specifically, use the computer simulation to state four groupings of the first three periods that are similar with regard to physical and chemical properties.

Elements with similar outer electron shell arrangements have similar properties, and elements with similar properties are organized into groups on the periodic table. H, Li, Na (Li and Na are Alkali metals) are similar – they all have one electron in their outer orbitals. Be and Mg (Alkaline earth metals) are similar – they have two electrons in their outer orbitals. F and Cl (Halogens) are similar – their outer orbitals have one empty space. Perceptive students might also point out that H has similarities (one empty space in its outer electron orbital) to these two elements. He, Ne, Ar (Noble Gases) are similar – they all have full outer electron orbitals.

TAKS ObjectiveTEKS 3 8.9page B 35

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