Ocean County Association of Substance Awareness Coordinators

Meeting MINUTES Date: 5/20/10


I. Welcome Approval of previous meeting minutes - Introductions - Attendance.

II. SAC MEETING – Guest Speaker SRO Pinelands – Joel Mahr presented a parents slide show and video explaining various student use, methods of use and how students possess and are using during the school day. Joel willing to be a resource to SACs as needed. Contact Melissa Thompson at Pinelands. Will add Joel to our SAC distribution list.

a. Sending a letter to newspapers re: SAC cuts. Andrea having some concerns regarding the content of the letter she was sent but an article already appeared in the OC newspapers so this item will be disregarded in Ocean CO.

b. Goals for county in 2010-2011. – To continue to stay abreast of current trends and topics in the county and state. Work on parenting programs and connect with the community (treatment, SRO’s, parents, law enforcement, PTO’s) to invite to meeting and become part of the OCSAC group.

c. Yearly Stats for ADACO – Revisions of statistics was reviewed and edited. Sent out to all SACs in the County. Can be completed online also: http://www.asapnj.org and click on the OC website from the homepage. Four SACs have been cut already in OC. Information is needed to document SAC job functions.

Nora explaining that 96 SACs have been cut in the State, 4 in OC. This information is important and needs to be completed by all SACs, regardless of their membership to compile the numbers of students seen by SACs, reasons and in general the work that SACs do.

d. Speakers for next year? Andrea will take topics as they are suggested. One suggestion is on Cyber Bullying. All are asked to bring their district information to the September meeting.

e. Secretary for next year? Melissa Thompson has agreed to take over the Secretarial position in September. Nora will transfer info then.

f. Discussion re: labs that are changing the cut of values for drug tests. Recommendations are to contact the entity that contracts with the individual lab to inform them of what cut off values you need in your district.

III. New Business - None

Meeting Adjourned. General Meeting I. Guest Speakers - John Najar from Your Brain on Games spoke and showed a video re: computer additions which he now is calling “digital addiction.” A $50.00 donation was given to Mr. Najar.

Rick Seitz – OC Youth Services Commission – Brought information on Families United’s goal to create healthy lifestyles for our students through Dr. Dennis Embry.

II. Reports a. Department of Education – Jon Gaspich/Barry Ward. No new news

b. Strike Force - Terry Farley – No new news

c. OC Bd Health / Municipal Alliance Coordinator – Not present

d. ADACO / CAT- Rick Kennedy – Not present

e. OC Library – Judy Macaluso – Not present

IV. Reports a. State/Fed Regulations – Cuts in SACs Across the State – Please complete the State Survey also!

b. Web Site – No news c. Treatment – Nancy Zorochin from Princeton House took suggestions made at the April meeting to her superiors and they are working on better relations and more effective means of communication with SACs

Barbra Sherman asking SACs to give information re: contact numbers for students during the summer months.

Pat Healy continues to run the Life Excel Program. Asked to bring in information for September.

V. New Business – Jamie Baccia will be having “Bystander” performance on Oct 19, 22 and 23.


Next meeting - September 23, 2010- 1144 Hooper Avenue, Conference Room A.

Tentative dates for 2010-2011 Meetings in TR October - Network B’fast (?) 11/18/10 1/20/11 February – Conference 3/17/10 4/21/10 2 5/19/11