Simsbury Friends for Music and the Performing Arts

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Simsbury Friends for Music and the Performing Arts

Simsbury Friends For Music and the Performing Arts Meeting Minutes-June 6, 2017 at 7:00 pm Submitted by Elisabeth Hodson

In Attendance: Angela Griffin, Sallie Pellon, Manuela Hanshaw, Sue Clancy, Valerie Gallo, Marianne Longo, Christine Lill, Lyn Tracy, Roni Grossman, Marie Winiarski, Melissa Richards, Karen Cantelmo and Elisabeth Hodson

 Introductions made by all present.  Approval of May minutes by Manuela Hanshaw and Sallie Pellon.  Membership. o FFM membership holds at 325.  Treasurer’s Report o We reviewed the current financial statements. Members are welcome to attend monthly meetings to review the Treasurer’s report. o The FFM checking balance is $10,169.59 and the savings balance is $22, 713.52. o Outstanding payables are at $4,264.64. o We will begin the 2017-18 school year with a lower balance than the current school year.  FFM Awards o Liaisons for the presentation of FFM Awards at schools district wide are all set.  FFM Board o The slate of nominees was presented and voted upon. A motion was made by Manuel Hanshaw and Sallie Pellon to approve the slate. The slate was approved by all present. The Board positions for next year are: . President Elisabeth Hodson . Vice President Veronica Grossman . Treasurer Karen Cantelmo . Secretary Marianne Longo o Other positions approved are: . Webmaster Melisa Richards . Membership Lyn Tracy and Marie Winiarski . Fundraising Wanda Kirejzcyk o School Liaisons . Squadron Line Valerie Gallo . HJMS Valerie Gallo . Tariffville Christine Lill . Tootin Hills Rachel Gorecki . Latimer Confirming . SHS Veronica Grossman (until replacement is found) . Central Confirming  Angela Griffin – Director’s Report o Thank you to all of the presenters for the FFM awards. o Meeting dates for the 2017-18 school year will be confirmed this summer. o Teacher requests for funding are due September 9. Angela Griffin will communicate this to teachers.  Meeting adjourned at 7:32.

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