Name: Click here to enter text. Date of birth: Click here to enter a date.

Early Years Setting: Click here to enter text. Current Year: Click here to enter text.

Personal Education Plan Date of meeting: Click here to enter a date.

Virtual School Head: Felicity Evans E: [email protected] T: 01992 556915

1. General and Personal- To be filled in by Social Worker

PUPIL INFORMATION (1)First name: (2)Surname:

(3)Likes to be known as: (4)Date of birth:

(5)NHS number: (6)UPN:

(7)ICS number: (8)Gender:

(9)Ethnicity: (10)Religion/culture:

(11)First language: (12)Second language:

CARE INFORMATION (13)Date into care: (14) Restricted access:


(15)Care status: (16)Placed for adoption:

(17)Current placement start date : (18)Placement type: (19)Number of placements since entering care : (20)Who has parental responsibility?:


(22)Parent 1 name: (23)Parent 2 name:

(24)Social worker name:

(25)Social worker details:

Telephone number(s) Email address

(26) Who should be contacted in an emergency?: (27) Who will give permission for setting trips?:

Parent 1 Parent 2 Carer Social worker Parent 1 Parent 2 Carer Social worker Other Other

(28) Who will attend parents evenings?:

Parent 1 Parent 2 Carer Social worker Other

(29)Include the name of anyone for whom contact is prohibited and what the setting should do if contacted by this person: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (30)Medical conditions the setting should be made (31)Does the young person have access to a aware of (please include any prescribed medication): computer with internet access out of setting?:

(32)Additional information: 2. Education

CURRENT EARLY YEARS SETTING (1)Setting name: (2)Setting address/ contact details:

(3)Year group: (4)Key stage:

(5)Designated practitioner name: (6)Designated practitioner email address:

(7)Mentor: (8)Headteacher:

(9)Setting authority (10)Date started at present setting:

PREVIOUS SETTING HISTORY (11)Previous setting history:

Setting address Date from Date to Type of setting Reason for leaving

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (12)Is there an individual behaviour plan in place?: (13)Please record the child’s strengths

SEN (14)Does the pupil have special education needs? If (15)If no, is the pupil currently undergoing an so, at which code of practice stage is he/she at?: Education Health Care assessment?:

(16)When was the EHCP finalised?: (17)When is the SEN/EHC plan due to be reviewed?:

(18)Which local authority is responsible for (19)Who is the named EHCP Officer responsible in the administrating the Statement or EHC plan?: local authority?:

(20)Does the pupil have an IEP or equivalent?: (21)What is the main educational need identified on the Individual Education Plan (IEP), Statement or EHC Plan?:

(22)If the pupil is SEN Support (formerly School (23) SENCO/INCO: Action/Action Plus), please state what additional support is in place:

ATTENDANCE (24)How many hours a week is the child attending?: (25)Pattern of attendance over the week: (26)If there are attendance concerns, please give (27)Please give details of any other setting the child is details: attending: 3. Child’s View Early Years & Foundation Stage

(1)Name of adult supporting completion of this (2)Date of completion: section:

(3)Name of pupil/ young person: (4)If the pupil has not completed this section please state why:


The questions below are prompts for a discussion or series for observations alongside a child during play and everyday routines in their setting. In this way all children including a non-verbal child can contribute and their ‘voice’ can be heard. (5)In my setting/ – I like / don’t like : (6)People I play with:

(7)At home – I enjoy / don’t enjoy: (8)I’m really good at / interested in:

(9)I’m happy when / I am sad when: (10)Things I need help with:

(11)Key worker's comments from observations:

4. Achievement 2016 Onwards

N1 (Age 2-3) Based on your professional judgement, identify the rate of progress your child is making in the EYFS (regardless of attainment)? Subject Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 3 Summer Rate Of Progress Rate Of Progress Rate Of Progress Click to choose option: Click to choose option: Click to choose option: Please record the young person's current attainment in the boxes below. Subject Spring Term End Of Key Stage Attainment Grade Age/Stage Grade Age/Stage 01 Listening and attention: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 02 Understanding: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 03 Speaking: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 04 Moving and handling: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 05 Health and self-Care: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 06 Self-confidence and self-awareness: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 07 Managing feelings and behaviour: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 08 Making relationships: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 09 Reading: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 10 Writing: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 11 Numbers: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 12 Shape, space and measures: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 13 People and communities: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 14 The world: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 15 Technology: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 16 Exploring and using media and Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: materials: 17 Being imaginative: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: Additional notes for N1 (Age 2-3)

N2 (Age 3-4)

Based on your professional judgement, identify the rate of progress your child is making in the EYFS (regardless of attainment)? Subject Term 1 Autumn Term 2 Spring Term 3 Summer Rate Of Progress Rate Of Progress Rate Of Progress Click to choose option: Click to choose option: Click to choose option: Please record the young person's current attainment in the boxes below. Subject Spring Term End Of Key Stage Attainment Grade Age/Stage Grade Age/Stage 01 Listening and attention: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 02 Understanding: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 03 Speaking: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 04 Moving and handling: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 05 Health and self-Care: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 06 Self-confidence and self-awareness: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 07 Managing feelings and behaviour: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 08 Making relationships: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 09 Reading: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 10 Writing: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 11 Numbers: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 12 Shape, space and measures: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 13 People and communities: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 14 The world: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 15 Technology: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: 16 Exploring and using media and Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: materials: 17 Being imaginative: Click option: Click option: Click option: Click option: Additional notes for N2 (Age 3-4) 5. Characteristics Of Effective Learning


Comments Finding out and exploring Playing with what they know Being willing to ‘have a go’ Other discussion points

(2)Active learning:

Comments Being involved and concentrating Keeping on trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do Other discussion points

(3)Creating and thinking critically:

Comments Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things Other discussion points

(4)Additional comments: 6. Early Years Pupil Premium

(1) Termly CLA Pupil Premium for children with qualifying dates of birth:

Amount £ Used for Impact of Pupil Premium funding Termly CLA Pupil Premium (£300/annum) Additional CLA Pupil Premium allocated 7. The PEP Meeting

(1)Details of this PEP:

This meeting Next CLA review Date of

ATTENDEES (2)People involved in the PEP:

Name Attended Designated practitioner Social Worker Carer Parent Parent Mentor SENCO/ INCO Education Advisor Virtual School Child/ Young Person Other Other


Minutes must be completed in full detail and include details from the Pupil’s class teachers. These can be pasted into the text box below. A helpful format for these meetings is: 1. What’s going well (for the Pupil in setting / out of setting) 2. Current attainment & progress in setting 3. Challenges for the Pupil 4. What needs to happen? 5. Overall summary (3)Minutes of the meeting : 8. PEP Actions

REVIEWING PREVIOUS TARGETS (1)Review the short term targets from the last PEP:

Education target from Target achieved? Comment on actual Review of impact of last PEP outcomes achieved the use of Pupil Premium Plus funding

(2)Review progress on long term targets:

Long term education Target achieved? Comment on actual Review of impact of target from last PEP outcomes achieved the use of Pupil Premium Plus funding

SETTING OF NEW TARGETS AND ACTIONS At least two targets must be of academic focus. (3)Set NEW short-term SMART learning targets and actions:

Target How will this target be By when By whom met: actions and services provided

(4)Set NEW long-term SMART learning targets and actions:

Target How will this target be By when By whom met: actions and services provided (5)Identify any other agencies who currently offer other specific support for achieving these targets.:

(6)Additional information:

NEXT PEP ARRANGEMENTS (7)Date of next PEP review meeting:

(8)Next PEP meeting:

Time Venue Person responsible for co- ordinating meeting/review