Online College Distance Education Course

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Online College Distance Education Course

Online College Project Faculty-District Agreement

Name(s) Department Phone Email Course Number & Name Course Units Proposed Format ___100% Online ___Hybrid (51%-99% Online)

Please Check Which of the Criteria the Proposed Meets: ___ GE ___ CTE ___ Core Course in Certificate/Major

____ $2,500* gross Faculty compensation for courses 3 units or more. ____ $1,800 gross Faculty compensation for courses 2 – 2.75 units. ____ $1,200 gross Faculty compensation for courses under 2 units. Net amount will reflect mandatory employee deductions including, but not limited to: STRS, Medicare, Workers Compensation and Unemployment. *These amounts may change based on negotiations for 2017-18.

To be eligible for funding, participating faculty agree to the following: a. The proposed course must be approved for Distance Education delivery by the Curriculum Review Committee. b. The instructor(s) needs to schedule a consultation with the Assistive Technology Specialist in order to ensure the course as planned meets district accessibility criteria. c. The instructor(s) will use the Canvas course management system as the online delivery system. Instructors must already be familiar with the use of Canvas before starting this project. d. The instructor(s) will use the state’s OEI Course Design Rubric as a guide to course creation and will adhere to OEI policies regarding 1) Minimum Course Management System Use by Exchange Courses and 2) Use of Proprietary Materials in the OEI Exchange Courses. Specifically, instructors will (references to elements of the OEI Course Design Rubric are in parentheses): 1. Provide syllabus and/or other document(s) that include information pertaining to: a. Contacting the instructor. (B.1) b. Response times. (B.1) c. The instructor’s role in the course. (B.1) d. Methods for collecting and returning work. (B.1) e. Guidelines and expectations with respect to interaction. (B.3) 2. Include clear explanations of optional and/or required software, including any additional costs. (D.1) 3. Provide clear information pertaining to course/institutional policies and support. (D.2) In addition, at a minimum, instructors shall ensure that when using proprietary materials (including publisher content) all statutory and regulatory requirements are met regarding the following: 1. Accessibility: All required course components, regardless of where they reside (within the course management system or elsewhere) will be compliant with Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 (AA). This will require regular review of both the course and proprietary materials. 2. Regular Effective Contact/Regular and Substantive Interaction: Regardless of the use of proprietary materials, the instructor(s) agree to design and deliver their course to include regular and effective contact with students. See section e below for more details. 3. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): All online content is compliant with FERPA. 4. Instructional Materials: All content is compliant with the requirements of Title 5 §59400 regarding required instructional materials.

Page 1 5. Navigation should be intuitive and content should flow in a logical progression. CMS tools are used to reduce the labor-intensity of learning (e.g., providing links to needed resources where they will be used in the course, integrating publisher resources that are tailored to the course materials, and providing streamlined access to supplementary materials) (A.2). e. The course will be defined to include regular and effective contact as articulated in SRJC policy and as required through ACCJC accreditation standards: Regular Effective Contact/Regular and Substantive Interaction. 1. Per SRJC Policy 3.28P, instructors will establish and publish clear expectations in the syllabus and/or other course documents concerning regular and effective contact with enrolled students, and maintain frequent regular student contact, in asynchronous and/or synchronous mode, equal to that of a similar face-to-face section over the course of each week. 2. Per Title 5 regulations, §55204, “Any portion of a course conducted through distance education includes regular effective contact between instructor and students, through group or individual meetings, orientation and review sessions, supplemental seminar or study sessions, field trips, library workshops, telephone contact, correspondence, voice mail, e-mail, or other activities.” 3. Per accreditation standards/federal regulations, “Distance education is defined, for the purpose of accreditation review as a formal interaction which uses one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the instructor and which supports regular and substantive interaction between the students and instructor, either synchronously or asynchronously.” Excerpts from ACCJC’s “Guide to Evaluating Distance Education and Correspondence Education” (p. 2 – 3) Regular contact should be at least weekly for the following elements of the OEI Course Design Rubric (in parentheses) and be explained in the syllabus: 1. Instructor participation in discussions and activities (B1) 2. Instructor participation in communication activities, including providing feedback to students (B3) 3. Student-to-student interactions are required as part of the course (B2) f. The instructor(s) will meet with the Instructional Designer (or designee) 3 times during the course creation process in order to ensure the outcome of a high-quality, pedagogically sound course. g. The completed course site must be reviewed and approved by a team consisting of the department chair, the supervising administrator, the Instructional Designer, and the Director of Distance Education. The OEI rubric (mentioned in item d above) will be used as the standard for evaluation. h. After the course is reviewed and approved, the final version must be reviewed for accessibility compliance by the Assistive Technology Specialist. i. After completion of all of the above, the Office of the Dean of Learning Resources and Educational Technology will certify the project is complete and verify that the class has been scheduled as indicated below. j. ______I will teach this class in Spring 2018 and will have all class materials completed, reviewed, and approved no later than the date of the 2nd Proof of the Spring 2018 Schedule (Late-September). The class will be on the permatized Spring 2018 schedule for online delivery. Please select an option below and obtain initials from your Department Chair and Dean: ______I will teach this class in Summer 2018 and will have all class materials completed, reviewed, and approved no later than the date of the 2nd Proof of the Summer 2018 Schedule (Mid-December). The class will be on the permatized Summer 2018 schedule for online delivery. ______D.C. Initials

______Dean Initials

Page 2 k. If more than one faculty member is developing a course, the developers must formally agree to the division of the compensation and note their percentage of compensation below. In addition, each faculty member is subject to all these provisions for review, approval, and scheduling. l. Online course development is not considered loaded, but rather ancillary duties or “ghost” loaded. m. Since the District is specifically commissioning the work, the course content will have joint ownership of the faculty member and the District, as described in the agreement below.

Online College Course Development Project Joint Ownership Agreement 1. As stated in the Board Policy and Procedure on Intellectual Property Rights (Board Policy 2.14; Board Procedure 2.14p), the District is interested into entering into agreements about Intellectual Property Rights in which the rights of faculty, staff and the District are fairly balanced through mutual agreement. The District is not interested in entering into agreements for the express purpose of achieving financial gain, but rather to receive fair compensation for use of public resources employed in the creation of such works. These general principles apply to the creation of online courses using District resources. 2. In order to encourage online course development, the District provides a stipend less any mandatory employer deductions. The District recognizes that the stipend does not fully compensate the faculty member for all of the hours that go into the creation of an online course, but rather is an incentive to learn the skills required for online course development and to engage in creating an online course. 3. The District resources generally used in creating an online course include: use of the Canvas course management system, the support of an Instructional Designer to encourage the creation of a pedagogically sound online course, and the support of an Instructional Technologist to enhance the course site and check for accessibility. In addition, District resources are sometimes used to help faculty correct accessibility issues, move content from another course management system, and create audio and visual files for the course. 4. In recognition of the receipt of the stipend and the use of District resources in the creation of an online course, the faculty online course developer must do the following: 4.1 When requested to do so by the administrator supervising the Online program, spend a minimum of one hour guiding another faculty member who is developing their own online section of the same course through the website, providing tips and resources for online course development. When appropriate, and only with the approval of the faculty online course developer, allow another faculty member to clone portions of the course. 4.2 If the faculty online course developer declines to teach the course, requests a leave of absence from the District, resigns, or retires, or if additional sections of the online course are needed, the District has the right to clone the course and/or make the original course materials available to another qualified SRJC instructor, who will continue to teach the course and who may modify the format or content as desired. 5. The faculty online course developer retains the following rights: 5.1. The faculty online course developer may offer the online course at a different college, university, or proprietary school, so long as that school is not located in the District and is not generating a negative competition with Santa Rosa Junior College. Courses offered at other colleges may not be hosted on the SRJC server or use Distance Education resources. 5.2. If the online class is published or distributed in a way that generates profits or royalties, SRJC will be reimbursed for any documented expenses related to the creation and production of materials. The faculty member who created the course content will retain all remaining royalties. 5.3. The faculty member will retain the copyright for any original artwork, photography or video materials that he or she personally created for the online course. However, the District retains the right to use those materials for as long as that course is offered at SRJC.

Page 3 ______Faculty Signature Date % of Compensation

______Additional Faculty Signature (co-developer) Date % of Compensation

______Department Chair Signature Date

______Dean Signature Date

______Director, Distance Education Date

Page 4

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