Oregon State Pharmacy Association

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Oregon State Pharmacy Association

Oregon State Pharmacy Association Leading Pharmacy. Advancing Healthcare.

Strategic Objectives: -Educate- -Advocate- -Empower- -Engage-

1. Educate: Provide diverse and topical educational opportunities for both pharmacists and technicians on a range of current topics and in a variety of formats. a. Goals a.i. Provide a minimum of 1 continuing education event per region per year under direction of the Events Committee. a.ii. Develop webinars and/or other online content to be accessed by members. a.iii. Provide Expand offerings of certification programs of topics and in locations in demand by our membership. a.iv. Provide leadership development and pharmacy management educational opportunities at least once yearly. a.v. Provide at least one long-term care educational opportunity per year. a.vi. Provide educational content based on demands and projected needs of members a.vii. Provide online and in-person educational content for pharmacy technicians, leadership development, and management based education. a.viii. Engage students in planning and presentation of educational programs as a mentorship opportunity. b. Action Items: b.i. Develop a CE accreditation pricing structure that will accommodate on- demand content b.ii. Charter a committee for LTC Pharmacy practice b.iii. Charter a committee for development of web based education b.iv. Charter a committee for development of pharmacy technician education c. Key Committees for this objective: c.i. Events Committee c.ii. LTC Committee c.iii. Web Education Committee c.iv. Technician Education Committee c.v. 2. Advocate: a. Goals: a.i. Represent Pharmacists interests at the legislative level a.ii. Represent pharmacists expertise and services to the public a.iii. Something to the effect of advocating for pharmacy practice issues of national concern and raising awareness on a state level b. Action Items b.i. Create (or renew?) a public relations committee b.ii. Promote American Pharmacy Month in local media, ie newspaper, radio tv b.iii. Provide local media outlets with PR contact information b.iv. Continue participation in coalition, continue legislative testimony, and other legislative communication as needed c. Key Committees c.i. Coalition c.ii. Communications c.iii. Public Relations


Action Items:

Key committees for this objective:

3. Empower a. : Goals a.i. Provide Pharmacists with resources to further their practice a.ii. Give access to toolkits for specific disease management a.iii. Diabetes a.iv. Provide links to examples of forms and vital resources a.v. Develop partnership with drug compendia companies (Lexicomp/Micromedex) to offer discounts to OSPA members, esp. on smartphone/tablet applications. Target population: New practitioners, student pharmacist, new members. a.vi. Provide a resource center for education and certification a.vii. Resources for empowering student pharmacists a.viii. Provide access to members who currently practice in settings to serve as a resource a.ix. Provide and notify of opportunities to certify in different areas of practice a.x. provide resources for volunteer opportunities a.xi. resources for payment of pharmacy services (West Coast Coalition) a.xii. OSPA income generation b. Action Items: b.i. Provide links to educational resources b.ii. Birth control protocols b.iii. Clinical pearls for OTC items b.iv. Vaccination schedules (CDC?) b.v. MTM overview b.vi. Transitions of care b.vii. Naloxone training protocol: https://public.health.oregon.gov/ProviderPartnerResources/EMSTraum aSystems/Pages/Naloxone-Training-Protocol.aspx b.viii. Collaborate with sponsored resources to provide access to educational material b.ix. Links to ACCP, APhA, others? b.x. Work with APhA, ASHP, OSHP for discount codes for OSPA members to attend regional/national meetings c. Key committees for this objective c.i. Pharmacy Practice Committee c.ii. Leadership committee c.iii. Website Committee (need better name) 4. 5. Goals

Key committees for this objective

Action Items: 6. Engage: a. Goals a.i. Increase membership a.i.1. Technicians a.i.2. Pharmacists a.i.3. Students a.i.4. Industry a.i.5. Educators a.i.6. Chains a.ii. Increase involvement of members a.iii. Increase involvement of non-members a.iv. Increased diversity of membership (geographic, ethnic, racial, age) b. Action Items b.i. Start regional chapters b.ii. Have a CE event in each region annually b.iii. Involve members and non-members in planning meetings. b.iv. Be visible at the schools – New president and BOD introduced at beginning of each school year, attend student events and support their activities. b.v. BOD to reach out to executive management of chains to promote their pharmacists belonging to OSPA. b.vi. Directors make personal connection with all pharmacists and technicians in their region and seek their input. Develop a questionnaire to use and brochure about OSPA that can be left. b.vii. Utilize students. Have them do informal survey and collect data. Have them travel throughout the state and attend regional CE events. b.viii. Evaluate current committee structure and determine ways to increase member and nonmember involvement. b.ix. Identify recruitment strategies to bring more pharmacists and technicians into the fold. b.x. Promote becoming a friend of OSPA on facebook b.xi. Ask the pharmacy practice committee to reach out to pharmacists and technicians for input and involvement. b.xii. Ask on membership renewal application what aspects of the organization they want to become involved in and have the committee chair of that area contact them. Do the same for the online renewal form. b.xiii. Have the Communications Committee continually update and evaluate the website. b.xiii.1. Be sure it is worthwhile, inviting, interactive and easy to navigate. b.xiii.2. Look at websites for other organizations. b.xiii.3. Ask for input b.xiv. Provide opportunity to become involved through committees, special projects, charity, service, special interest groups and the legislature c. Key Committees for this objective c.i. Membership c.ii. Events c.iii. Communication c.iv. Pharmacy Practice c.v. Legislative


Key committees for this objective:

Action items:

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