2011-2012 Bill 4324: David Gene Pearson - South Carolina Legislature Online

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2011-2012 Bill 4324: David Gene Pearson - South Carolina Legislature Online

1 South Carolina General Assembly 2 119th Session, 2011-2012 3 4 H. 4324 5 6 STATUS INFORMATION 7 8 House Resolution 9 Sponsors: Reps. Chumley, Allison, Parker, Forrester, Mitchell, Tallon, Brannon, Cole, Agnew, 10 Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Anthony, Atwater, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Battle, 11 Bedingfield, Bikas, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Brady, Branham, Brantley, G.A. Brown, H.B. Brown, 12 R.L. Brown, Butler Garrick, Clemmons, Clyburn, CobbHunter, Cooper, Corbin, Crawford, Crosby, 13 Daning, Delleney, Dillard, Edge, Erickson, Frye, Funderburk, Gambrell, Gilliard, Govan, Hamilton, 14 Hardwick, Harrell, Harrison, Hart, Hayes, Hearn, Henderson, Herbkersman, Hiott, Hixon, Hodges, 15 Horne, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Johnson, King, Knight, Limehouse, Loftis, Long, Lowe, 16 Lucas, Mack, McCoy, McEachern, McLeod, Merrill, D.C. Moss, V.S. Moss, Munnerlyn, Murphy, 17 Nanney, J.H. Neal, J.M. Neal, Neilson, Norman, Ott, Owens, Parks, Patrick, Pinson, Pitts, Pope, Quinn, 18 Rutherford, Ryan, Sabb, Sandifer, Sellers, Simrill, Skelton, G.M. Smith, G.R. Smith, J.E. Smith, 19 J.R. Smith, Sottile, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stringer, Taylor, Thayer, Toole, Tribble, Vick, Viers, Weeks, 20 Whipper, White, Whitmire, Williams, Willis and Young 21 Document Path: l:\council\bills\rm\1258htc11.docx 22 23 Introduced in the House on June 1, 2011 24 Adopted by the House on June 1, 2011 25 26 Summary: David Gene Pearson 27 28 29 HISTORY OF LEGISLATIVE ACTIONS 30 31 Date Body Action Description with journal page number 32 6/1/2011 House Introduced and adopted ( House Journalpage 60) 33 34 35 VERSIONS OF THIS BILL 36 37 6/1/2011 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A HOUSE RESOLUTION 10 11 TO CONGRATULATE DAVID GENE PEARSON OF 12 SPARTANBURG ON THE OCCASION ON HIS BEING 13 INDUCTED INTO THE NASCAR HALL OF FAME, CLASS OF 14 2011. 15 16 Whereas, the House of Representatives is pleased to learn that 17 David Gene Pearson of Spartanburg, American stock car racer, 18 was inducted into the NASCAR Hall of Fame, Class of 2011, on 19 May 23, 2011; and 20 21 Whereas, born December 22, 1934, near Spartanburg, David Gene 22 Pearson began his NASCAR career in 1960 and ended his first 23 season by winning the 1960 NASCAR Rookie of the Year award. 24 He won three championships (1966, 1968, and 1969) every year he 25 ran the full schedule in NASCAR’s Grand National Series (now 26 Sprint Cup Series); and 27 28 Whereas, at his finalist nomination for NASCAR Hall of Fame’s 29 inaugural 2010 class, NASCAR described David Pearson as “...the 30 model of NASCAR efficiency during his career. With little 31 exaggeration, when Pearson showed up at a race track, he won.” 32 He ended his career in 1986 and currently holds the second 33 position on NASCAR’s alltime win list with one hundred five 34 victories, as well as one hundred thirteen pole positions; and 35 36 Whereas, nicknamed the “Fox” (and later the “Silver Fox”) for his 37 calculated approach to racing, David Pearson was successful in 38 different venues of his sport. He won three times on road courses, 39 fortyeight times on superspeedways, fiftyfour times on short tracks 40 and had twentythree dirttrack wins. He completed his career with 41 at least one topten finish in each of his twentyseven seasons; and 42

[4324] 2 1 Whereas, David Pearson’s career paralleled that of Richard Petty, 2 the driver who won the most races in NASCAR history. Together, 3 these two champions accounted for sixtythree first/secondplace 4 finishes, with the edge going to Mr. Pearson. Petty said of his 5 fellow driver, “Pearson could beat you on a short track, he could 6 beat you on a superspeedway, he could beat you on a road course, 7 he could beat you on a dirt track. It didn’t hurt as bad to lose to 8 Pearson as it did to some of the others, because I knew how good 9 he was”; and 10 11 Whereas, Mr. Pearson has been granted numerous awards 12 throughout his life for his outstanding racing achievements. 13 Among the many organizations that have recognized him, the 14 National Motor Sports Press Association’s Hall of Fame inducted 15 him in 1991, the International Motorsports Hall of Fame followed 16 suit in 1993, and the Charlotte Motor Speedway Court of Legends 17 did the same in 1998. In 1999, Sports Illustrated used votes from 18 forty NASCAR insiders to name David Pearson the Top Sports 19 Car Driver of the Twentieth Century; and 20 21 Whereas, yet with all this acclaim, he has never lost the quality of 22 humility nor the heart of a true Southern gentleman, as those who 23 know him best will attest; and 24 25 Whereas, grateful for his commitment to excellence throughout a 26 long and fruitful career, the House of Representatives takes great 27 pleasure in commending David Pearson on his latest honor, 28 induction into the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Now, therefore, 29 30 Be it resolved by the House of Representatives: 31 32 That the members of the South Carolina House of Representatives, 33 by this resolution, congratulate David Gene Pearson of 34 Spartanburg on the occasion on his being inducted into the 35 NASCAR Hall of Fame, Class of 2011. 36 37 Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be provided to 38 David Gene Pearson. 39 XX 40

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