Subdivision & Development Guidelines
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Chapter 10 Parks
10.1 Introduction
10.1.1 Purpose
This chapter outlines the following for new parks and enhancing existing parks: design and construction standards; advice about satisfying assessment benchmarks in the planning scheme; the information that the Council may request to be supplied for a development application. 10.2 Park preparation works
10.2.1 General
(a) This section sets out the preparation works required to achieve the minimum standard for parkland in Brisbane. (b) The following reference specifications for civil engineering works apply to park preparation works: (a) S110 General Requirements; S140 Earthworks; S160 Drainage; S170 Stonework; S190 Landscaping; S210 Masonry. 10.2.2 Site clearing
(1) All rubbish and debris, including builder rubble, redundant services, footings, fences and declared weeds, is removed from the park site. (c) Disused items such as wells or septic tanks are removed or filled. (d) Any items retained on site are made safe for public use and integrated into the park development. 10.2.3 Earthworks
(1) Earthworks are undertaken to create functional spaces, stabilise the landform of the site, improve drainage and make the space safe and accessible for public use. (e) Batters, mounds, artificial embankments or retaining walls for activity and recreation spaces do not encroach into park activity spaces. (f) Sporting field site preparation, soil profile and playing surface meet the specifications of the intended sport’s administrative body, as well as the field’s resilience to use and variable rainfall. Note—Batters and earth-retaining structures must conform to the requirements set out in Schedule 5 of the Standard Building Regulation 1993. 10.2.4 Site drainage
(1) Grassed areas and paved areas are graded to ensure that drainage is directed to landscaped areas, stormwater inlets or to infiltration areas (e.g. natural wetlands, rain- gardens or recharge areas) and not be channelled towards erodible batters, retaining structures, visitor and recreation facilities, or neighbouring properties. (g) Drainage swales and drains are located and designed to: (a) not impede maintenance operations, access paths and the recreational function of a park; allow for safe exit from a park in the event of rapidly rising floodwater.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (h) The construction of turf swale drains, and gravel or dry creek swale drains through landscaping and rehabilitation areas comply with BSD-8312. (i) If required, robust agricultural drains (minimum 100mm diameter) are installed under swales to accommodate low flows and maximise park useability and ease of maintenance. (j) If possible, soil ground-water profile is recharged by directing subsoil drainage or swale drains to planting areas, with provision for overflow to the stormwater system. (k) Hollows are eliminated to prevent ponding, or field gullies are provided in low spots with connections to the stormwater system or infiltration areas to comply with BSD-8091 and BSD-8094. (l) Creating potential trip hazards by siting raised inlets in activity areas is avoided. (m) The design of roads and car parks incorporates the principles of water sensitive urban design. (n) If required, bioretention swales are installed to polish and disperse drainage as per BSD- 8310 and BSD-8311. 10.2.5 Vegetation management General
This section sets out the matters to consider when preparing a vegetation management plan as part of a landscape management and site-works plan. Existing vegetation
(1) Specialist technical advice is obtained and: (a) all existing vegetation on site is recorded on the vegetation management plan and prepared as part of the landscape management and site-works plan; the vegetation management plan is approved by Council prior to the commencement of the weed control program. (o) Vegetation (other than weeds) is retained and protected on the park site unless approved through the conditions of the development approval, landscape management and site-works plan or vegetation management plan. (p) If a development has triggered an ecological assessment, that information may be translated into the vegetation management plan as part of the landscape management and site-works plan. (q) Existing trees on site are managed and protected during the planning, design and construction stages in compliance with AS 4970-2009 Protection of trees on development sites. (r) Any remedial tree work undertaken is in compliance with AS 4373-2007 Pruning of amenity trees. (s) Park infrastructure is located or repositioned to avoid the removal of vegetation. (t) Removal of vegetation is only considered in the following circumstances: (a) the vegetation is not listed in the Biodiversity areas overlay code or the Queensland Heritage Register; the vegetation is not identified as protected under Council’s Natural Assets Local Law; the vegetation does not have heritage, habitat or amenity values; where a clear, open activity area or field space is required to meet the Council designated use for the park and all other design options have been exhausted; where the visibility of the park from surrounding streets needs to be improved to meet crime prevention through environment design principles and all other design options have been exhausted; where vegetation within or close to activity spaces, active recreation nodes, or pathways has been determined by an arborist as presenting a public safety risk and remedial work cannot contain the risk. Firebreaks
(1) Private landholders living adjacent to existing or new parks and developers of new parks comply with statutory fire management requirements, including the following measures to be undertaken wholly within the development such as building form, material and incorporation of firebreaks on their property.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (2) Council will be unable to provide boundary firebreaks on certain existing parks or Council- managed land, including those that are steep, have no access, or where there is significant and valued vegetation. Weed control
(1) Removal of all State and Council declared weeds is required from the site during park development. (2) Weed control works to continue during the on-maintenance period. (u) Weeds are removed from the park site, subject to the following requirements: (a) trees on the site that are defined as weeds are assessed to determine whether they possess other values, such as habitat, heritage or amenity values; if understorey weeds have been identified as essential in stabilising erosion-prone areas or providing habitat for fauna, they are removed progressively through the park establishment and maintenance period and replaced with desirable species. Vegetation rehabilitation
(1) Erosion-prone and degraded areas in the park site (e.g. bare areas with a steep gradient, unstable slopes, compacted ground, habitat corridors and areas invaded by weeds) are stabilised and enhanced through rehabilitation works. (v) The soil is prepared to encourage stormwater infiltration and strong root development. (w) The area is covered with erosion-control matting that allows water infiltration to maintain a stable surface until satisfactory plant establishment is achieved. (x) A mixture of tube stock and plants in pots up to 140mm is planted over the area, at sufficient density to achieve rapid surface cover. (y) The site is watered and weeded to ensure the surface is stabilised at the time of the off- maintenance inspection. (z) Hydro-mulching followed by tube stock planting is used as an acceptable form of erosion control in areas with a gradient less than 1V:3H. (aa)Turfing is used as an acceptable erosion control treatment on areas with a gradient less than 1V:4H. Habitat rehabilitation
(1) The vegetation management and rehabilitation plan incorporates specialist technical advice prior to the commencement of a habitat rehabilitation program. (ab)The specialist technical advice addresses the following: (a) condition of the site and the habitat values; how the habitat values will be enhanced or existing values protected during site rehabilitation works; erosion potential and mitigation measures; weed species, declaration status, prioritisation and management; ground and soil preparation/amelioration; mulching; plant selection; planting densities particularly for sites with hydraulic constraints; planting procedure; maintenance program; site-works management plan. (ac)Further information on habitat rehabilitation is in the SEQ Restoration Guidelines. Mulching
(1) Mulch is aged and free from stones, soil, clay, dust, weeds, seeds, roots, sticks, rubbish, vermin, insects, pests, fungus, disease and other deleterious material. (ad)Organic mulch is provided in a park in the following situations: (a) if moisture retention and weed suppression is required in garden beds; around the base and to the drip line or a 300mm radius, whichever is greater, of all newly planted trees in compliance with BSD-9053; if grass performance is poor or mowing is impractical (e.g. around the base of mature fig trees);
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 if the space between trees or other structures (e.g. signs) is less than 4m and mowing is impractical; if a non-grassed surface is required (e.g. around and under some visitor facilities); if habitat rehabilitation is desired and grassing is not desired. (ae)In overland flow paths or areas subject to regular inundation, organic mulch is replaced with a more appropriate surface treatment, such as riparian planting over: (a) approved erosion control matting; or coarse gravel; or stones over approved erosion-control matting. Grassing
(1) At least 80% grass cover is achieved prior to the on-maintenance period. (af) Stones are removed, or alternatively the hazardous items are covered with at least 100mm of topsoil. (ag)Topsoil profiles prepared for turfing are free of deleterious material, such as sticks, tree roots, and stones greater than 20mm in diameter. (ah)New turf areas are married into existing levels and set-downs for hard surfaces are specified. (ai) Holes and depressions greater than 50mm are filled and trip hazards rectified. (aj) A grass species is to be used that best suits the local conditions, proposed function and level of use. (ak)In flood-prone locations, turf is well-established prior to off-maintenance through: (a) site preparation; topsoil depth; using species that provide protection to the park from erosion. (al) Turf is laid in overland flow paths or areas subject to regular inundation, alongside pathways and around visitor facilities and sport and recreation facilities. (am) Grassing ovals and sporting fields is based on Council-approved site-specific standards and specifications covering site preparation, drainage, topsoiling, fertiliser application, seeding, turfing and maintenance. (an)Grassed areas of parks provide a minimum gap of 3m between trees and other structures (e.g. signs) to allow space for mowing equipment. (ao)Areas of grass that are only occasionally or never mown may be required or approved in situations, such as: (a) under mature trees; (b) adjoining revegetation areas; (c) on steep slopes or other areas where mowing is impractical. (ap)Areas of grass that are only occasionally or never mown are designated on the landscape management and site-works plan and use marker bollards in compliance with BSD-7094 to delineate the edge of 'no-mow' areas. 10.2.6 Park landscaping Landscape beds and gardens
(1) Landscaping, including plant selection, arrangement and garden preparation: (a) comply with the park embellishment criteria in the Park code and the Local government infrastructure plan (note that local parks generally do not have landscaped beds or planting areas); support the design of the park layout and its internal spaces and intended uses; adopt crime prevention through environment design principles by ensuring visibility along paths, and near facilities such as toilets, playgrounds and recreation nodes. (aq)Park planting beds comply with BSD-9052, and detailed or ornate landscaping (including formal hedges, annuals, delicate and fragile plants and water-hungry species) is not permitted as either a temporary or long-term feature. Edging
(1) Edging is installed at the interface of turfed areas, gardens and mulched landscape areas in compliance with BSD-8061.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (2) Timber edging is not permitted as an interface between turf and planted areas. (ar) A spade edge can only be provided: (a) to planted areas that form part of a designated natural area or habitat rehabilitation area; around individual trees in a grassed area. (3) Edging is aligned (as straight runs or with broad radius curves) to allow for single-pass mowing by tractor-drawn equipment and does not permit acute corners and repetitive short-radius bends. Tree planting General
(1) Tree planting is required in parkland to provide shade and to establish or enhance landscape and habitat values. (as)A planting plan that meets the requirements of this policy which includes the functional layout of the park and the characteristics of the site (including orientation, soil and drainage) is prepared and forms part of the approved landscape management and site-works plan. (at) Existing trees are integrated into the park design and planting plan. (au)Where a park has a landscape character derived from existing trees, similar species are planted to complement the existing character. (av)Species that are tall or broadly spreading are used as the dominant type within the planting scheme, except in the following circumstances (when small to medium species shall be used): (a) within 15m of a boundary to an adjacent property; (b) within the existing or potential canopy of an existing tree. (aw) Park planting is to use more than a single tree species throughout. (ax)For amenity planting, groups of trees of a single species or a combination of 3 to 5 species is used, rather than scattered planting of multiple species. (ay)Canopy trees are sited and planted to provide shade for: (a) plazas; playgrounds; picnic facilities and seats; the perimeters of active recreation spaces or nodes (including basketball courts and rebound walls). (az)Car parks have at least 1 shade tree for every 6 car parks on the site. Species selection
(1) Tree species selection for a site is based on consideration of the following: (a) soil type and structure; hydraulic constraints; solar aspect; local or designated park character; biodiversity or cultural heritage values on or adjacent to the site; park use areas; species characteristics (where care must be taken in selecting and siting species that have known toxic, allergenic or physically hazardous components). (ba)Multi-trunked species are not used in situations where sightlines will be impeded or on land subject to waterway constraints. Planting and maintenance program
(1) Planting is undertaken in compliance with BSD-9053 and BSD-9055. (2) A weed-free mulched zone is provided around trees planted within mown areas. (bb)Watering and weeding is used to ensure that the plants are well-established in time for the off-maintenance inspection and plants are conditioned to survive dry periods without supplementary watering. Irrigation
(1) The type of park planting and grassing is not dependent upon an irrigation system.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (bc)Irrigation is not installed unless approved on the landscape management and site-works plan, and is: (a) a temporary installation to aid in the establishment of the landscaping (with removal of the system at the time of the off-maintenance period); for the maintenance of functionality of sports fields and heritage gardens; compliant with all requirements regarding the use of non-potable water as determined by the water service provider. 10.3 Infrastructure requirements
10.3.1 General
(1) Park infrastructure items are provided in accordance with the agreed park type and its significance as identified in the: (a) Local government infrastructure plan; embellishment standard for non-trunk parks in the Park code. (bd)All infrastructure construction works, including use of hard and soft landscape materials and quality of workmanship, comply with applicable Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia. (be)Infrastructure materials are: (a) resistant to vandalism (i.e. robust, with replicable components and tamper-proof fittings); easy to clean; discouraging of graffiti (e.g. using resistant materials, textured surfaces, dark colours and patterns, and associated screening vegetation where appropriate). (bf) In locations where river or creek flooding is possible, infrastructure elements are designed to include: (a) appropriate footings for all structures (to withstand flood velocity, debris loading, depth of inundation, etc.); structures that are designed and sited to allow floodwaters to pass through; orientation of elements to try to avoid collection of debris during floods; provision for ease of cleaning and repair with fitouts that are either easily removed (prior to flood) or easy and cost-effective to replace. (bg)Park infrastructure complies with the following reference specifications for civil engineering works: (a) S110 General Requirements; S150 Roadworks; S180 Unit Paving; S200 Concrete Work; S210 Masonry; S220 Woodwork. Note—The requirements of legislation such as the Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Queensland Anti- Discrimination Act 1991 must also be met. 10.3.2 Colours
Colours used on infrastructure are limited to Council’s corporate palette and are consistent with the existing colours used in the park or local area as per BSD-1003. 10.3.3 Park access Maintenance and emergency vehicle access
(1) One or more controlled maintenance or emergency vehicle access points are provided at strategic locations along the road frontages or internal roads and car parks of a park. (bh)An entrance barrier, such as removable bollards, lock rail or gate in accordance with section 10.3.4, is installed at each user or maintenance vehicle driveway into the park. (bi) A 3.5m-wide type A reinforced concrete driveway in compliance with BSD-2022 is provided between the road and the park boundary at each access point, using all-weather access materials in bushland settings.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (bj) If the maintenance access point is located on a major road or any road with a speed environment of over 50 km/h: (a) a setback or queuing area is provided between the road and the entrance barrier that is sufficient to allow an industrial refuse collection vehicle or a medium rigid vehicle with trailer to park next to the barrier without obstructing traffic flow; or the access facility is located on a minor road with a speed limit of 50 km/h or less. (bk)The layout of the park allows maintenance and emergency vehicles to access all park facilities, activity nodes and service infrastructure. Primary public access point
At least 1 public pedestrian access point is provided along each road frontage of a park and is designed and located so that the access point: (a) is separate from vehicular access points; is a minimum of 6m from an adjacent residential boundary; complies with AS 1428 (Set)-2010 Design for access and mobility; meets desired lines of travel into the park from adjacent facilities (including pedestrian road crossing points, active transport paths, transport nodes and community facilities); is clear of areas of ponding, inundation or overland flow; provides for visibility and safety, using crime prevention through environmental design principles. Pathways and paved areas
(1) Pathways and paved areas are provided in a park to provide all-weather pedestrian access to and use of park facility and activity nodes. (bl) The type of pathway and paved area in a park is consistent with the park type and its significance and any unique park characteristics such as heritage values. (bm) Surfaces for pathways and paved areas are durable and easily maintained to provide flood resilience. (bn)The standards for provision of pathways and paved areas in parks are listed in Table (bo)Pathways and pavement areas are designed and located: (a) to reflect anticipated user desire lines and park attributes (including terrain, views, shade, proximity to neighbours and hazards); to provide links to pedestrian infrastructure in the surrounding area (including the footpath network, public transport nodes and community facilities); to provide access for all unless park terrain or existing infrastructure prevents this from being reasonably able to be achieved; so that public pathways and associated elements (including landings, ramps, handrails and grab rails, signage, lighting and furniture) are designed to achieve equitable access for people with disabilities in accordance with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) Advisory notes on access to premises on the Australian Human Rights Commission website and AS 1428.2 Design for access and mobility - Enhanced and additional requirements - Buildings and facilities; to have a minimum path width of 1.5m, unless the path is a designated Class 2 or 3 track or trail (as defined in AS 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks - Classification and signage), which may be of a lower standard where the topography is unsuitable or there are other constraints; to minimise impacts on existing landform and vegetation (in particular root zones of trees); to incorporate park facilities (e.g. signage, lighting, park furniture); to incorporate shade trees for the benefit of path users; to incorporate drainage to ensure there is no ponding on or caused by the paths and paved areas; to achieve at least a 2 year ARI flood immunity standard for all flooding sources except the Brisbane River, where adjacent to a watercourse. to be a minimum of 2.1m AHD where in the Brisbane River and the Moreton Bay area; in accordance with more stringent criteria approved by Council, if the site is subject to more than 1 type of flooding source; to incorporate long sweeping bends and meanders and avoid long straight sections, short zigzags and repetitive snake-like bends, where the pathway is a track or trail in a natural area, or in parks with an informal design theme;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 if appropriate, to incorporate existing tracks and clearings into the pathway network in natural areas to reduce the requirement for the clearing of existing vegetation; if unavoidable, to include steps and ramps using tread and riser materials for steps that match the connecting pathway, as per BSD-5282 and BSD-5216; to incorporate a 0.6m shoulder (maximum crossfall of 1V:40H) along both sides of a pathway; so that they are offset a minimum of 1.0m from fences or walls and treat this clearance zone with suitable hard or soft landscaping; in compliance with Austroads, Guide to Road Design – Part 6A. (bp)The decision whether to use a shared (pedestrian and cyclist) path or separated paths is determined by a number of factors, including: (a) the park in which it is located; (b) the purpose of the path (whether it is for commuting, recreation or both); (c) the intensity of use; the overall width of the site; existing site features; adjacent paths; the desired ambience of the site and the potential for conflict. (bq)Shared paths are preferred in regular use areas where more recreational cyclists are expected. (br) If pedestrians and cyclists are separated, the pedestrian facility is situated closest to any features of interest or facilities such as the river edge, signage, viewing points and public amenities. (bs)For additional information on pathways, refer to Chapter 4 of this planning scheme policy. Table—Pathway / pavement area requirements Park type Setting Standard Informal use parks Low- to moderate-use Decomposed granite with edge restraint (local and district), pathways through natural complies with BSD-5283 sport parks (district), vegetation (including Class landscape amenity 2 walking track as defined in and corridor links AS 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks - Classification and signage) Low to moderate use Decomposed granite is only acceptable pathways alongside where: vegetated waterways (a) there is a well-developed canopy of natural vegetation; (b) high-velocity overland flow is unlikely to cause path erosion; (c) the trail will not be subject to regular inundation (i.e. trail is located above the 5 year ARI flood level); (d) in other areas, the standard for moderate- to high-use pathways applies. Moderate- to high-use Asphalt with edge restraint complies with pathways and pavement BSD-5214 areas including paths through natural vegetation Coloured aggregate spray seal with edge and along waterways restraint complies with BSD-5215 Broom-finished concrete complies with BSD-5212 Moderate- to high-use Coloured concrete or exposed aggregate pathways and pavement concrete complies with BSD-5212 areas in parks away from natural areas Other pathway or pavement types of a higher standard may be approved, if
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Park type Setting Standard designed to complement any unique park or precinct characteristics Urban commons Suburban centre Paved pathways and pavement areas improvement precincts comply with Chapter 5 of this planning scheme policy Other settings Subject to Council approval, other pathway specifications may be acceptable where intended to match any special type used in the adjacent suburban centre. Informal-use parks - In accordance with a park master plan or (Metropolitan) or management plan sport park (Metropolitan) Natural areas Low-use pedestrian tracks Require: and trails (Class 3 walking (a) where required, an earth or tracks as defined in AS decomposed granite pathway with 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks timber or natural rock edge restraint - Classification and signage) in compliance with BSD-5216; (b) tracks and trails with gradients steeper than 1V:20H to incorporate water bars (at spacings based on the track gradient and surface material) and include other drainage treatments as appropriate, to reduce the susceptibility of the surface to erosion; (c) a preferred maximum grade of 1V:6H and crossfall of 1V:18H (only to be exceeded for short sections); (d) steps on steeper sections where required. Moderate- to high-use Require: pedestrian paths and tracks (a) any pavement listed above except (Class 1 and 2 walking natural-earth walking track; tracks as defined in AS (b) a hardwood timber boardwalk for 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks access to natural features and to - Classification and signage) cross wetlands, in compliance with section Internal park roads
(1) Roads may be required in a district or metropolitan park to provide vehicular access to park activity nodes. (2) Road and parking design and layout: (a) do not impact on the park’s useable space or its landscape values; are kept to the edges of parks to minimise the impacts on park users and open-space character. (3) Internal roads that extend into the park to specific facilities or to create a sense of arrival may be approved, provided they do not compromise park values. (bt) Subject to the anticipated level of use by large vehicles such as tourist buses, a reduced pavement width and a reduction in design speed is preferred in parkland, by eliminating the allowance for parking lanes where appropriate and using speed control treatments.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (bu)Unless specified otherwise by Council, a 5.5m-wide pavement designed and constructed to the standard of a neighbourhood road (minimum traffic loading of 1.5 x 105 ESA) is provided. (bv)Asphalt roads have a concrete edge restraint or kerb only (in compliance with BSD-10740) and incorporate principles of water sensitive urban design. (bw) Kerb and channel (in compliance with BSD-2001) is only required where run-off from the road pavement could erode the road shoulders or could compromise maintenance operations or values and use of the adjacent parkland. (bx)Vehicle barriers are provided beside the road to prevent vehicles driving across the park in accordance with section 10.3.4. Car parks
(1) Parking bays for people with disabilities are provided at a ratio of 1 in 20 and comply with AS 1428 (Set)-2010 Design for access and mobility Set. (by)Concrete kerbing or edging to car parks is installed in compliance with BSD-10740. (bz)Wheel stops are specified where there is no kerb and channel adjacent to car park bays. (ca)Water sensitive urban design features are incorporated in compliance with section 10.2.6. Bikeways
(1) Bicycle paths are provided in parks only where required by the Bicycle network overlay and in compliance with Chapter 4 of this planning scheme policy; otherwise a shared path is provided. (cb)Where there is no specific requirement identified by Council, any proposal to construct a bicycle path, separated path or shared path in a park is carefully assessed to determine whether a pedestrian path or local access path could provide a satisfactory alternative, particularly where a wide pavement could compromise other park values (such as biodiversity, landscape amenity and park visitor safety). (cc) Bicycle paths are not connected to a district network, and the level of expected cyclist use will be low. (cd)Bicycle paths, shared paths and separated paths in parks incorporate threshold treatments, signage and textured surface materials where appropriate, to warn cyclists and pedestrians of intersections and other hazards (in compliance with Chapter 4 of this planning scheme policy). (ce)Shared paths in parks provide for disability access, as specified in AS 1428 (Set)-2010 Design for access and mobility Set. Boardwalks and pedestrian bridges
(1) Boardwalks and bridges may be provided in a park to provide pedestrian and cyclist access to park activity areas and other key park features and non-motorised commuter access through a park. (2) All boardwalks and pedestrian bridges, including quality of workmanship, comply with: (a) the requirements detailed in Chapter 8 of this planning scheme policy; or AS 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks - Classification and signage for rating 3 or 4 tracks. 10.3.4 Fencing and barriers
(1) Fencing or barriers are provided along road frontages of a park to prevent illegal vehicle access and provide protection from potential hazards. (cf) Fencing may be required in situations where there is close proximity to a hazard, determined after assessment of risk and direction from Council in association with infrastructure such as playgrounds. (cg)The type of fence or barrier provided in a park is consistent with the park type and its significance, in accordance with Table 10.3.4.A. (ch)All fences and barriers are square and true to line (e.g. fence rails and the tops of bollards) must follow the slope of the land without dips and bumps. (ci) Hydraulic constraints are considered in the design and placement of a fence below the flood regulation line or across an overland flow path. (cj) In flood-prone locations beside rivers and creeks where vehicle barriers are required, bollards that comply with BSD-7093 are used rather than a log barrier or post and rail types.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Table 10.3.4.A—Fencing and barrier requirements Location/setting Fencing standard Road frontage: informal Require: parks (local) and corridor (a) timber log barrier fence in compliance with BSD- link parks 7012; (b) dome bollards in compliance with BSD-7093; (c) 1 or more lock rails in compliance with BSD-7054. Road frontage: informal use Require: parks (district and (a) hardwood timber post and rail barrier fencing in metropolitan), sport parks compliance with BSD-7013; (district and metropolitan), (b) hardwood angle topped bollards in compliance with landscape amenity parks BSD-7093; (c) 1 or more lock rails in compliance with BSD-7055 and BSD-7051; (d) other approved fences or barriers of a higher standard, if designed to complement any particular park or precinct character. Road frontage: urban Bollard barriers and removable bollards comply with this commons planning scheme policy. Natural area parks Require: (a) hardwood bollard barriers that comply with BSD- 7093; (b) hardwood timber post and rail barrier fencing that comply with BSD-7013 along road frontages near public entrances and facilities; (c) 1 or more lock rails or gates that comply with BSD- 7053 and BSD-7054; (d) all other boundary fencing to be of an approved design to deter illegal access and allow the safe movement of fauna. Parks with heritage values Require: or character (a) heritage bollard barriers that comply with BSD-7093 on road frontages; (b) other approved boundary fences in accordance with the provisions of an approved heritage plan or a heritage citation in the State Heritage Place register. Entrances to pedestrian Where maintenance vehicle access is required, pathways or pavement removable bollards with posts to match the park areas fencing/barrier type or other approved lockable barrier is in compliance with BSD-7094. Unfenced park boundary Requires: (a) boundary markers where the park boundary is not clearly defined and the park could be perceived as private property (in compliance with BSD-7094); (b) the cost sharing of boundary fencing as specified in Chapter 8 of the planning scheme. Dog off-leash areas Require: (detailed in (a) PVC-coated chain mesh fence, 1.2m high, with section powder-coated galvanised pipe top and bottom rail and posts in compliance with BSD-7007;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Location/setting Fencing standard (b) 1 or more self-closing single pedestrian and dog access gates, and double maintenance vehicle access gates in compliance with BSD-7032; (c) padlocked vehicle access gates for maintenance. Safety and security fencing Requires: (a) galvanised tubular handrail with chain wire (in compliance with BSD-7001) in local parks where there is a danger of children gaining access to high- risk areas (e.g. around stormwater drain head walls, outlets and stormwater quality improvement devices) or where a vertical drop height exceeds 1.0m; (b) a powder-coated steel fence (hunter rod top or approved equivalent colour BCC Grey 3) where the vertical drop height exceeds 1.5m, which is capable of sustaining the imposed actions specified in AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 Structural design actions - Permanent, imposed and other actions; (c) hazards to be fenced off in district and metropolitan parks with an approved fence to AS 1926 Set-2010 Swimming pool safety Standards (e.g. BCC Grey 3 powder-coated steel pool fencing that complies with BSD-7004). Note—Waterways, detention basins, lakes and constructed wetlands, along with playgrounds, roads and sports fields in parks are not fenced, except where unusual or unexpected hazards exist (such as specified in section of the planning scheme).
After-hours access control Where a public access road or car park may be closed at night (e.g. to reduce park vandalism and nuisance to neighbours), a metal lock gate is provided in compliance with BSD-7053. Sports fields Complies with the standards and requirements of the particular sporting activity. 10.3.5 Signage
(1) Council encourages the use of pictographic signage and any other measures that contribute to access and inclusion principles, in compliance with BSD-10507. (ck) Signage (park name and interpretive) in metropolitan parks form part of the overall design intent. (cl) Natural area signage complies with existing natural area design specifications. (cm) Walking track markers in natural areas comply with AS 2156.1-2001 Walking tracks - Classification and signage. (cn)Traffic signs for internal circulation roads are provided as per the Manual of uniform traffic control devices (Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads). (co)Advertising signage is not permitted in parks. 10.3.6 Utilities Water supply
(1) A 25mm water service connection is provided at the park boundary with a water meter. (2) At least 1 vandal-proof water point is provided within the park. (3) The water point (drinking tap and maintenance tap) is located so that it is within 20m of a playground or other recreation facility. (cp)Water supply connections and taps are located, designed and constructed to minimise impacts on existing landform and vegetation.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (cq)Water supply is provided in compliance with BSD-10306 and BSD-10307. Rainwater tanks
(1) Rainwater tanks are provided on buildings where required under the Building Code of Australia. (2) Rainwater tanks are designed and installed to the standards described in the Australian Standards publication HD 230 – 2008 Rainwater Tank Design and Installation Handbook, and the Water Supply Code of Australia WSA 03 - 2011 Supplement 1.1, published by the Water Services Association of Australia. Maintenance taps
(1) Taps are provided in a park to facilitate cleaning and maintenance of infrastructure, turf and landscaping. (2) Maintenance taps comply with BSD-10306 and BSD-10307 and are provided where a reticulated water supply or pressurised potable water is available. (3) Taps include a 20mm Council vandal-proof hose tap fitting. (cr) Taps are located near the edge of the landscaping, turf or infrastructure and are to be maintained. (cs) A tap does not pose a trip hazard or interfere with maintenance activities such as grass mowing. (ct) Maintenance taps are attached to drinking fountains where appropriate. Electricity
(1) An electricity supply pillar is provided on at least 1 park frontage, with a switchbox and supply to the electrical facilities in the park. (2) If required, a lockable general purpose outlet is provided and located outside of any switchbox. (cu)The capacity of the electrical supply is sufficient to meet the power demands for the electrical facilities in the park (i.e. district and metropolitan parks have provision for 3 phase power). (cv) The type and number of electrical facilities is determined by the park type and as shown on the approved detailed landscape plan. (cw) The electricity connections are located, designed and constructed to minimise impacts on existing landform, structures, use areas and vegetation. (cx) Electrical infrastructure, in particular switchboards, is located to achieve the most realistic immunity from flooding. Sewerage
(1) Sewerage connections are: (a) provided at the park boundary if public toilets or buildings are required in a district or metropolitan park; located at the closest point to the proposed development site in the park; denoted by permanent markers. (cy) Sewerage connections are located, designed and constructed to minimise impacts on existing landform, structures, use areas and vegetation. (cz) Sewerage pumps are either located to achieve the most realistic immunity from flooding, or submersible pumps are used. Lighting
(1) Lighting is provided where the night-time use is appropriate to the function of the park. (da)A sustainable, whole-of-life approach is taken to providing lights in a park. (db)Lighting incorporates a time switch where extended after-hours use is discouraged. (dc)Alternative technologies, such as the use of solar lighting, are used where mains power is unavailable. (dd)Lighting is provided in high-use activity areas, such as: (a) along primary pathways and bikeways; at picnic nodes and associated facilities in district and metropolitan parks; at playgrounds in district and metropolitan parks;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 at public toilets; along internal roads and within car parks; along pathways that link picnic nodes to car parks and major access points; within urban common or civic spaces; where hazards exist at a park that is likely to be visited after hours. (de)Council is provided with an electrical reticulation plan certified by a Registered Professional Engineer Queensland to comply with the following: (a) AS/NZS 3000:2007 Electrical installations; (b) BSD-11001; (c) AS/NZS 1158.3.1:2005 Lighting for roads and public spaces - Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting - Performance and design requirements; (d) lighting systems are readily maintainable by Council; (e) reticulation is located, designed and constructed to minimise impacts on existing landform and vegetation; (f) bollard lighting is only considered where shadows from overhead lighting could cause a safety risk, and in locations unlikely to be subject to a high level of vandalism; (g) decorative feature lighting (e.g. spot lighting of features, signature trees or signage) is appropriate, particularly in district and metropolitan parks, but requires specific approval from Council; (h) lighting of sporting fields (whether or not in compliance with AS 2560.2.3-2007 Sports lighting - Specific applications - Lighting for football (all codes) requires specific approval from Council; (i) lighting systems must not cause nuisance to surrounding properties in compliance with AS 4282-1997 Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting; (j) lighting systems (roads, car parks, pathways and outdoor areas) provide adequate illumination in compliance with AS/NZS 1158.3.1:2005 Lighting for roads and public spaces - Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting - Performance and design requirements and Energex policies. 10.3.7 Playgrounds General
(1) Playgrounds in parks are designed, located and constructed in accordance with the following requirements: (a) certification is required that the play equipment, impact attenuation surfacing and associated landscaping comply with the relevant Australian Standards (including AS/NZS 4422:1996 Playground surfacing - Specifications, requirements and test method, AS/NZS 4486.1:1997 Playgrounds and playground equipment - Development, installation, inspection, maintenance and operation, AS 4685 (Set)- 2004 Playground Equipment Safety Set: AS 4685.1, AS 4685.2, AS 4685.3, AS 4685.4, AS 4685.5 and AS 4685.6 and the play equipment manufacturer’s specifications; subject to spatial and other site constraints, playgrounds comply with the design principles outlined in BSD-10402; play elements complement and enhance other recreation opportunities in a park; if possible, playgrounds are linked to other areas of play, including open activity areas, natural areas and recreation facilities such as bicycle paths and basketball half courts; playground design achieves a balance between: carer supervision in the play of young children that is essential to reduce the risk and severity of accidents; independent play for older children meets their need to be able to play without constant adult supervision. a safety fence (in compliance with section 10.3.4) is provided between playgrounds and a main road, a drain or water body with standing water, or a commuter bikeway, when play elements are less than 20m from the road frontage, bikeway or drain or water body; within a district or metropolitan playground: (i) play spaces for toddlers are fenced as separate spaces; or (ii) preferably the separation is achieved through design of the spaces. apart from the circumstances described above, the fencing of playgrounds is not encouraged;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 CCA-treated timber is not used in the construction of play equipment and associated fencing, furniture and landscaping installed within playgrounds; installing water play elements is encouraged within district and metropolitan playgrounds; shade is incorporated over play elements in compliance with section; seating and other park furniture is provided as part of the play node in compliance with section; in flood-prone locations, playgrounds are located as high as possible on the site; play equipment is sourced from the Council-approved panel of playground equipment providers or an approved equivalent. (df) The type of playground provided in a park is: (a) consistent with the park type and its significance; established during the park design and development assessment process; consistent with any park characteristics such as natural values. (dg)The standards for provision of playgrounds in parks are listed in Table Table—Playground requirements Playground type and setting Standard Local playground: within an informal use The playground: park (local or district), or as a subsidiary (dh)is intended for residents within 500m of development within a sport park (district the park or metropolitan) (di) provides play elements suitable for children up to 9 years (this requirement may be varied where the demographics of the surrounding suburb include a high proportion of older age groups as per section (dj) is designed for children of various ages and abilities; (dk)is designed and sited to comply with BSD-10401 and BSD-10402. District playground: within informal use The playground: park (local or district) or sport park (district (a) is intended for residents within a 2km– or metropolitan), with appropriate 5km radius; infrastructure (e.g. toilets, parking, picnic (dl) caters for families and is suitable for play node, links to district pathway network, by children of all abilities and age groups open activity areas) including 10 years and over; (Not to be located contiguous with or sport (dm) provides for social, creative and park (district or metropolitan) or recreation physical play; facilities that generate high demand on infrastructure at peak times) (dn)generally complies with design principles listed in BSD-10402. Metropolitan playground: informal use The playground: park (local or district) with supporting (a) is intended to benefit all residents and infrastructure for intended level of use visitors generally within a 10km–25 km (Not to be located contiguous with or sport radius; park (district or metropolitan) or recreation (do)has play elements of a larger scale, facilities that generate high demand on providing more activities and a greater infrastructure at peak times) challenge, catering for higher visitor numbers than district playgrounds; (dp)complies with the design principles listed in BSD-10402. Playground surfacing
Under-surfacing playgrounds complies with BSD-10420 and the following Council requirements:
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (a) the site is graded to produce a gentle fall (maximum 1V:50H) towards the perimeter of the playground to enhance drainage, particularly away from fall zones and areas of high traffic or activity; a shallow swale or low bund is provided at locations around the playground to divert overland flow; typical drainage treatment includes grading of the sub-base of the playground and installation of a robust plastic agricultural drain, fitted with a filter sock, around the edge and throughout the sub-base; drainage is directed to the stormwater system, soakage pit or dispersal structure away from the playground; a concrete edge is constructed around the perimeter of the playground under-surfacing and the entire area is filled with an appropriate impact-attenuation material, as per AS/NZS 4422:1996 Playground surfacing - Specifications, requirements and test method, without compromising the fall zone of any play equipment or making the edging depth unsuitable to meet the type and depth of the softfall; non-play elements (including seating and trees) are located outside and adjacent to the designated area of under-surfacing, with the exception of shade structure posts which have footing below the sub-base and under-surfacing; impact attenuation is provided over the entire fall zone and circulation space around play equipment, as specified in the AS 4685(Set)-2004 Playground Equipment Safety Set; series or by the equipment manufacturer; under-surfacing material, of either loose mulch type, solid wet-pour or matting, complies with AS/NZS 4422:1996 Playground surfacing - Specifications, requirements and test method to an extent and depth appropriate for the type of equipment; solid impact attenuation surfacing is installed as a minimum under swings, scale swings, slide exits, fireman’s poles and under the entire length and width of a flying fox unit; the extent of solid material provides for all abilities; all finished grass and impact-attenuation surfaces are flush with the concrete edge and internal solid surfacing if applicable, to avoid trip hazards; in flood-prone locations, playground surfacing material must be sacrificial, such as mulch or sand. Shade
(1) The siting of playgrounds and infrastructure, such as seating, takes into account the relationship with existing mature trees and planting, and advanced stock of suitable tree species (minimum of 100L containers) are used to supplement natural shade (in conjunction with shade structures if required whilst the planting becomes established). (dq)Unless shade is available from existing trees, permanent shade structures such as shade sails are required over at least 50% of the play elements in local, district and metropolitan playgrounds. (dr) The priority areas of the playground to provide with shade are those where there will be gathering and waiting, along with equipment that will be sat on or otherwise in contact with skin. (ds)Shade structures are designed and constructed in accordance with relevant Australian Standards, certified by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland and easily maintainable. (dt) Shade structures are sourced from the Council-approved panel of playground equipment providers or an approved equivalent. 10.3.8 Visitor facilities Park furniture
(1) Furniture in parks is appropriate to the designation of the park. (du)In sites prone to flooding, flood resilience is provided using surfaces for furniture that are durable and easily maintainable. (dv)The park has a continuous path of travel to major furniture items within the park. (dw) Furniture and picnic nodes are sited to minimise the potential for overlooking into private residential properties. (dx)The types of park and their requirements for furniture are as per Table
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 (dy)Furniture is sourced from the Council-approved panel of park furniture providers or an approved equivalent. Park seats
(1) Park seats are located to provide an interesting outlook and to maximise summer and midday shade. (2) Seats must be provided in close proximity to: (a) a playground or active recreation node; (b) around sporting fields; (c) at viewpoints; (d) at resting points set back from and along pathways. Rubbish bins
(1) Bins provided in parks are located near a road or the perimeter of the park close to the access point where they can be serviced without the need to drive the refuse collection truck across the park. (dz)A bin enclosure with a 240L wheelie bin placed on a concrete slab is the standard bin type for parks in compliance with BSD-7035. (ea)Bins are sourced from the Council-approved panel of park furniture providers or an approved equivalent. Barbeques
(1) If barbeques are required in a park, they are sited as part of a picnic node in compliance with section (eb)Council will only accept wood burning rather than the standard electric barbeques in picnic nodes where: (a) mains power is not available; smoke will not interfere with neighbours; the risk of bushfire is low; fuel collection will not cause environmental harm. (ec)Barbeques comply with BSD-11123, BSD-11123. (ed)To provide a level of flood immunity, the park is planned so that barbeques can be located in an elevated part of the site (while considering other factors including facilities and terrain). Shelters and gazebos
(1) If shelters are required in parks, they are sited as part of a picnic node, playground node or other activity node. (ee)Gazebos may be provided in attractive park settings for weddings and group functions. (ef) Shelters and gazebos incorporate picnic settings or seating depending upon their function in the park. (eg)Shelters comply with BSD-10131. Drinking fountains and bubblers
(1) Drinking fountains or bubblers are provided: (a) along district and metropolitan pathway and bikeway networks; near playgrounds and active recreation nodes. (eh)A dog drinking bowl is added where dogs are walked, but not near playgrounds or other areas of active recreation activity. (ei) Drinking fountains or bubblers comply with BSD-10306. Table—Park furniture requirements Park type Setting Standard Local parks Activity space (e.g. playground) At least 2 bench seats Local playgrounds where space is 1 x shelter and picnic table in available and usage is high compliance with BSD-10131 Near activity spaces with regular At least 1 drinking fountain per park usage (e.g. playground)
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Park type Setting Standard Parks located in industrial areas The park requires: and adjacent to community (a) at least 1 shelter and 2 picnic facilities tables that comply with BSD- 10131; (ej) at least 1 rubbish bin that complies with BSD-7305. Along pathways linked to a district 1 x tap and bubbler with a dog bowl network in compliance with BSD-10306 Local and Within or adjoining industrial At least 1 rubbish bin that complies district parks areas: with BSD-7305 (a) parks with a barbeque; (ek)parks near a shop, school or community facility likely to generate a large volume of litter in the park. District parks Activity space – viewpoint, At least 2 bench seats per activity playground, recreation node and space sporting field Activity space with regular usage At least 1 drinking fountain per park – playground, recreation node and sporting field Picnic area where the anticipated The picnic area requires: level of use does not justify the (a) a picnic shelter and 2 picnic complete set of picnic node tables, 1 of the tables to be furniture (see section undercover within the shelter in compliance with BSD-10131; (el) at least 1 rubbish bin that complies with BSD-7305. Parks with a Within the dog off-leash area The dog off-leash area requires: dog off-leash (a) at least 2 bench seats; area (em) at least 1 tap and bubbler with a dog bowl in compliance with BSD-10306. Outside the dog off-leash area At least 1 rubbish bin near the entrance in compliance with BSD- 7302. Informal use Along pedestrian pathways and The park requires: parks bikeways (a) at least 1 bench seat or 2 seats (district), sport configured in a social parks (district) arrangement per 500m of pedestrian pathway or bikeway; (en)up to 1 bench seat per 60m in areas of high use by people with ambulatory disabilities (e.g. near an aged care facility). Along a pathway in a district and At spacings of less than 1km, the metropolitan park and bikeway park requires 1 x drinking fountain in networks where reticulated water compliance with BSD-10306 or 1 x is available drinking fountain to a higher standard, where required to match
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Park type Setting Standard existing park or precinct furniture Urban Near suburban centres Furniture is in accordance with park common specific requirements (supplied by parks Council) Metropolitan All settings Furniture is in accordance with park parks and specific requirements (supplied by natural areas Council)
Note—Furniture at picnic nodes is to comply with Table Picnic nodes
(1) Picnic nodes are located in attractive, shady and accessible locations in district, metropolitan and natural area parks, and typically incorporate: (a) a shelter; picnic setting; barbecue; refuse bin; tap and drinking fountain. (2) The indicative layout plan in BSD-10101 shows a preferred relationship between facilities and items of furniture in a picnic node. (3) Picnic nodes in parks: (a) are located at focal points or adjoining features or places of special interest in a park, but not where they will detract from that feature; in natural areas and are located in accordance with the approved natural area management plan; complement and enhance other recreation opportunities in a park; are sited in conjunction with playgrounds and other activity spaces with links to facilities such as bicycle paths; subject to the terrain of the site and have continuous accessible paths of travel from car parks or adjoining roads and park facilities; have all-weather access for regular cleaning and maintenance; use alternative technologies where appropriate (e.g. solar energy where mains power is not readily available, or rainwater harvesting). (4) The type of picnic node provided in a park is consistent with the park type and its significance, established during the park design. (eo)The standards for provision of furniture in picnic nodes are listed in Table Table—Picnic node requirements Park type Standard Informal use (district park) The parks require: and sport parks (district and (a) 1 x single or 1 x double electric barbeque in compliance metropolitan parks) with BSD-11123; (b) 1 x picnic shelter in compliance BSD-10131; (c) 3 x picnic units (tables) per barbeque plate, with at least 1 of the picnic units located undercover within the shelter; (d) 1 x rubbish bin (generally in accordance with BSD- 7305); (e) 1 x light (only within Council approved parks where after hours use is encouraged); (f) 1 x drinking fountain (generally in accordance with BSD-10306). Metropolitan parks Multiple modules of a district park picnic node as required Natural area parks Picnic node furniture is in accordance with area specific
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Park type Standard requirements (supplied by Council) Landscape amenity parks, The parks: corridor link parks and local (a) do not usually require picnic nodes; parks (b) may require individual items of park furniture (as per section 10.3.9 Buildings
Buildings in parks (including toilets, community buildings, sporting kiosks, and changing and meeting rooms) must be sited, designed and constructed to comply with the Building Code of Australia, Australian Standards and the following requirements: (a) buildings are sited to avoid nuisance to neighbours; buildings are within reasonable proximity to a car park or set-down zone; buildings are located on suitable terrain or with pathways to facilitate a continuous accessible path of travel; buildings have proximity to a road, gate or internal maintenance access for servicing; casual surveillance is possible from surrounding streets or other sites of regular people presence; buildings are visually unobtrusive in the park setting and landscape; buildings will not discourage pedestrian movement between park facilities and activity spaces; buildings are in locations that support their use and provide immunity from stormwater or flood inundation; buildings are designed by a registered architect in a contemporary style, in keeping with the park or precinct character and Brisbane’s sub-tropical climate; buildings are of robust construction using materials that are resistant to vandalism yet promote sustainable energy and water use; if the use of the building necessitates siting in a location that will be subject to inundation, the building design and materials are resilient to water damage and debris impact; building design and materials facilitate preparation for flooding and post-flood cleaning. Public toilets
(1) Public toilet buildings are only provided in parks after an assessment of potential demand and, where applicable, consideration of the availability of conveniently located alternative publicly accessible facilities. (2) Anticipated demand for public toilets is categorised as follows: (a) high-level, high and generally consistent level of everyday toilet use by park visitors, throughout a week; peak period, lower overall level of use, with a peak at weekends or during park functions, sporting events, etc.; low-level, low or sporadic public use. (ep)Group use of public toilets is primarily associated with the activities of a single club, group, tenant or lessee. Lessees will usually be required to provide a toilet within a clubhouse or other community building for group use. (eq)Toilets are required in metropolitan, district and sport parks. (er) Toilets are not provided in local parks, landscape amenity and corridor link parks. (es)Public toilet buildings in parks are sited, designed and constructed in accordance with Chapter 11 of this planning scheme policy, in compliance with BSD-10701 and AS 1428 (Set)-2010 Design for access and mobility Set. (et) The type of public toilet building provided in a park is consistent with the park type, its significance and any unique park characteristics such as natural values. (eu)The standards for provision of public toilets in parks comply with Table Table—Public toilet requirements Park type and setting Standard District park with high-level or The park has: peak-period use (a) 1 x toilet block with 3 cubicles, at least 1 with disabled access;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 Park type and setting Standard (b) lesser standards only where visitor numbers do not justify 3 cubicles (e.g. toilets in remote locations). Metropolitan park As for district parks, except that the capacity (including that (destination park) for people with disabilities) should be increased (greater than 3 cubicles) where anticipated use is likely to cause queues to regularly form Parks on the foreshore and The park incorporates external shower facilities and change near water play rooms adjacent to swimming areas and major water play facilities 10.3.10 Recreation and sporting facilities Youth spaces
(1) Youth spaces are identified during the park planning phase, to accommodate the inevitable change in suburban demographics over time. (ev)Young adults are more mobile and independent than children, and need a central meeting place that is accessible by bicycle and skateboards with linkages to the bikeway network and corridor link parks. (ew) Youth spaces can be identified and developed in a way that suggests some prior planning, without trying to make full provision that may be inappropriate or unwanted. (ex)A degree of separation from obvious adult supervision is desirable, but the facility must remain visible from surrounding streets to provide casual surveillance and a safe environment for young adults to meet. (ey)Youth spaces are aligned to other areas of activity including shopping centres, public transport and the sport and recreation facilities described in this section that are relevant to young adults. Ball sports
(1) Facilities for ball sports in parks (e.g. basketball and netball courts, tennis courts, rebound walls, cricket practice nets, boules courts, grassed fields, ovals and cricket pitches) are designed, located and constructed in accordance with sport-specific specifications of the relevant sporting administrative body, and the following general requirements: (a) the facility complements and enhances other recreation opportunities in a park; all facilities are set apart to allow ball sports to take place without intrusion or conflict with adjoining activities; the facility is readily maintainable by Council; the facility is set back from surrounding properties with screening and landscaping as appropriate; consultation with neighbours, in conjunction with the Ward Councillor, is required if the facility is proposed near existing or future residences; small local parks are usually unsuitable for ball-sports facilities; key ways or goal circles (combined basketball and netball ring or a facility with minimum court area) are not acceptable due to the risks associated with these facilities; opportunities for casual surveillance of courts and rebound walls is maximised from surrounding streets and other sites of regular people presence; half courts and tennis rebound walls are provided within cycling distance (approximately 2km– 5km from most residences); tennis courts and boules courts (bocce or petanque) are not usually provided outside leased areas in parks, but may be allowed where, for example, a community group or agency can undertake minor court maintenance, care for equipment such as nets and supervise court bookings; cricket practice nets are located to minimise potential hazards caused by mis-hit cricket balls (e.g. practice nets are not located along road frontages) to minimise potential hazards and to maintain the visual appeal of the park;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 bench seats, drinking fountains and tree planting for shade are provided in conjunction with facilities for ball sports, to the standards for pathways described in Chapter 4 of this planning scheme policy and section (ez)The type of facility provided for ball sports in a park is consistent with the park type and its significance, established during the park design and development assessment process and any unique park characteristics. (fa) The standards for provision of facilities for ball sports in parks are given in Table Table—Ball sport facility requirements Park type Setting Standard Large informal use If sufficient space is A basketball half court may be park (local) (> 1ha) available to allow adequate approved in compliance with BSD- separation from residences 10211 (to moderate the noise nuisance) Landscape amenity N/A Facility not required park, corridor link park or natural area park Sport park Council-designated Sport parks have: locations (a) sporting fields and ovals that comply with park specific requirements (supplied by Council and developed in consultation with the community); (fb) other facilities may be required for ball sports such as: (fc) tennis rebound walls in compliance with BSD-10218; (fd) half and full basketball courts in compliance with BSD-10211; (fe) netball courts and cricket pitches in accordance with BSD-10212. In proximity to a cricket Cricket practice nets may be required oval, or less commonly in in compliance with BSD-10212 conjunction with other sporting fields
Informal use park Activity space (recreation Half basketball and netball courts (district) node) and tennis rebound walls may be required Metropolitan park Metropolitan park zone In accordance with a park master precinct and where plan or management plan identified in the Local government infrastructure plan Skateboarding and BMX
(1) A district skateboarding and BMX facility may be provided within cycling or skating distance for youths (approximately 2km–5km of most residences), which includes a basic collection and range of elements catering for novice skaters through to those seeking a higher degree of challenge. (ff) Metropolitan skateboard and BMX facilities: (a) cater for a wide ability range, from novice to experienced skaters and cyclists seeking the highest degree of challenge that is possible in an open public setting;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 incorporate a greater range of advanced skating or cycling elements than district facilities; are located within a radius of up to 25km of most residences. (fg) Council determines the siting of skateboarding and BMX facilities in parks and considers the following factors: (a) skateboarding and BMX facilities are not suitable for local informal use, corridor link and landscape amenity parks; (i) district skateboarding and BMX facilities are located in suburbs where the local community includes families with youths; district and metropolitan skateboarding and BMX facilities are located in parks with appropriate infrastructure (toilets, parking, picnic nodes and links to the district pathway network) to complement the skating and BMX experience; facilities are located near public transport; the facility is set back from surrounding properties with screening and landscaping; consultation with neighbours, in conjunction with the Ward Councillor, is essential; the facility is usually not located near existing and proposed residences, or near a venue that may cause potential conflicts (e.g. elderly citizens club and hotel); opportunities for casual surveillance of the facility are maximised from surrounding streets and other sites of regular people presence; the facility is to complement and enhance other recreation opportunities in a park; emergency vehicle access is required in accordance with section (fh) Skateboarding and BMX facilities in parks are designed and constructed to the following requirements: (a) a risk management process is applied and documented to the siting and design to ensure a balance between user hazards and challenges and park amenity; (i) design of skate facilities is undertaken by a professional recognised by the sports peak body; the facility is readily maintainable by Council. Bicycle parking
(1) Bicycle parking facilities in parks are designed, located and constructed to comply with Austroads Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice Part 14 – Bicycles and AS 2890.3-1993 Parking facilities - Bicycle parking facilities. (fi) Bicycle racks are a Class 3 floor or pavement mounted rail in compliance with AS 2890.3- 1993 Parking facilities - Bicycle parking facilities. (2) The provision of bicycle parking in parks complies with Table Table—Bicycle parking Park type Requirement District park 12 bicycle racks Metropolitan park Minimum 12 bicycle racks Dog off-leash areas
(1) Council aims to provide a dog off-leash area within walking distance for adults (approximately 2km) of most residences. (2) District and metropolitan informal use parks are the preferred location for dog off-leash area and natural area parks, corridor link parks and waterways are generally unsuitable. (fj) Siting of dog off-leash areas in parks is determined by Council. (fk) Dog off-leash areas: (a) complement and enhance other recreation opportunities in a park; do not cause nuisance to surrounding properties; are readily maintainable by Council; where created within a larger area of open space, must be clearly defined within a fence, as per section 10.3.4; are clearly signed at every entry point to the off-leash area using standard Council signage; are hospitable for people and dogs, with an open area of useable space, shade, seating and drinking water for people and dogs; use tree planting to supplement shade over time;
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017 do not have hazards such as holes, depressions, irregular or stony surfaces, constantly wet areas or any other feature which may contribute to an injury, or a more suitable area is chosen; provide parking nearby; have access points located so that a conflict will not arise between users accessing the off- leash area or users of other park facilities; provide at least 1 bin for dog faeces as per section; provide at least 1 anti-vandal tap, fountain and drinking bowl; are an appropriate size for the intended use and anticipated demand. (fl) The indicative layout of dog off-leash areas is shown in BSD-10281. Fitness equipment
(1) Fitness equipment may be appropriate for informal use parks, corridor link parks, urban commons or district and metropolitan sport parks. (fm)Fitness equipment may be installed along pathways in parks and around activity spaces. (fn) Fitness equipment is set back a minimum distance of 2.5m from bikeways and pathways to provide circulation space. (fo) Under surfacing such as rubber matting is provided where the ground surface will deteriorate as a result of equipment use. (fp) The design and installation of fitness equipment complies with AS/NZS 4422:1996 Playground surfacing - Specifications, requirements and test method and AS 4685(Set)- 2004 Playground Equipment Safety Set. 10.3.11 Water bodies, water quality management and stormwater infrastructure
(1) These facilities are located away from park activity areas unless specifically designed for recreation use. (2) The facilities do not impede the recreational function of a park, and where possible complement and enhance recreation opportunities and the park landscape. (fq) Council is unlikely to accept a lake as part of a parkland contribution, a lake is defined as a large body of open water with the primary function of providing visual or recreational amenity. This definition does not apply where stormwater treatment is proposed to be a significant function of the water body. (fr) Chapter 7 of this planning scheme policy provides detailed information on Council requirements relating to water bodies, detention basins and water quality management structures, which are to be met before a facility of this type can be considered in parkland. (fs) Stormwater discharge across and into parks (pipes, energy dissipaters, outlets, drop structures and open drainage channels) with Chapter 7 of this planning scheme policy. (ft) Vegetation is protected through: (a) the planning, design and construction of water bodies, water quality management structures and stormwater infrastructure in parks in compliance with Chapter 4 of this planning scheme policy; the installation of safety barriers or fencing (incorporating planting buffers) around unusual or unexpected hazards in compliance with Chapter 5 of this planning scheme policy. 10.3.12 Power, gas and oil pipeline easements
(1) Power, gas and oil pipeline easements are not accepted as part of a park contribution. (2) Park landscaping may extend across an easement but must comply with the requirements of the easement owner, for example, tree planting is usually restricted on easements. (3) Limited recreation activities may be permitted on easements that run through a park. (4) Transient activities (e.g. pathways and bikeways) may cross easements, but cannot cross activity spaces, sporting fields or similar uses. (fu) Underground services through parks are clearly marked and include appropriate safety measures such as signage and fencing. 10.3.13 Cultural heritage items
Cultural heritage items in a park must be retained, protected and interpreted.
Schedule 6 – Planning Scheme Policies (Infrastructure Design – Chapter 10 Parks) Effective 1 December 2017