Branch President Unit President
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SECRETARY BRANCH CHAPLAIN DONALD F. WALSH VON R. MITCHELL Phone 282-4650 Phone 291-7885 Branch 126 Salutes Shipmate Alfred Perno of Jacksonville, FL for achieving 40 years of continuous membership in the TREASURER / EDITOR MEMBERHIP WILLIAM T. KULIER Fleet Reserve Association! EDWARD H. GRIBBIN Phone 771-5237 Phone 269-3845
ADDRESS ALL MAIL TO: FLEET RESERVE HALL, 7673 BLANDING BLVD, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32244-5111 BRANCH HALL TELEPHONE (904) 771-2126 BRANCH WEB SITE: OCTOBER 2011 EDITION NOTICE: The items or opinions published in the Branch 126 Newsletter are those of the contributor of that particular article, and not necessarily that of the Editor, FRA Branch 126 Inc., or the Fleet Reserve Association.
Committee Chairmen Shipmates Bill Kulier (Public Relations), Jack Elrod (Youth Activities), President James J. Thomas (Hospital & Welfare) and Dave Pippin (Americanism) display Ribbons awarded at the FRA Southeast Regional Convention for Group II Branches.
OCTOBER 2011 Monday 03 Oct 1930 West Jax Inc Board of Directors meeting Wednesday 05 Oct 1930 Branch Board of Directors meeting Monday 11 Oct Columbus Day Thursday 13 Oct Happy Birthday US Navy (13 Oct 1775) Tuesday 18 Oct Ladies Appreciation Dinner (Page 3) Thursday 20 Oct 2000 Branch Meeting Monday 24 Oct – 30 Oct FRA National Convention (page 3) Monday 31 Oct Halloween
NOVEMBER 2011 Wednesday 02 Nov 1930 Branch Board of Directors meeting Sunday 06 Nov 0200 Goodbye Daylight Savings Time (sets clocks back 1 hour) Monday 07 Nov 1930 West Jax Inc Board of Directors meeting Friday 11 Nov Veteran’s Day Parade (page 3 ) FRA BRANCH 126 NEWS Thursday 17 Nov 2000 Branch Meeting Thursday 24 Nov Happy Thanksgiving THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER court-ordered former spouse and child support payments. JAMES J. THOMAS (904) 291-1575 4. The FRA Southeast Mid-Year convention will be [email protected] held from 16 to 19 Feb 2012 at the downtown Holiday Inn in Huntsville, Alabama. The room rate 1. Hello Shipmates, Vera and I have just returned will be $86.00 plus tax. from the 66th Annual SE Regional FRA Convention which was held in Chattanooga, TN during 7-11 5. Branch 91 on Collins Rd September. The Auxiliary held their 64th SE will host the 2012 Regional Convention at the same time. We both Meeting of the Florida had a very nice convention. The following are the Council on 13/14 April major highlights of the guy’s side of the 2012. convention; the Ladies side will be reported in 6. The 2012 FRA Southeast Regional Convention their newsletter. will be hosted by Branch 269 in Goose Creek, A very small showing by Regional Shipmates - 28 SC. // Other Meetings in 2012: GA Council, Atlanta Branches with 59 delegates; 4 Branches by proxy - Jan 13/14; TN Council, Nashville - Mar 16/17; votes; 14 Branches did not attend. Branch 126 received the following awards If you have any questions with regard to FRA stuff, in Group II: give me a phone call or send an E mail. If I don’t have nd an answer I will try and find one for you. Americanism/Patriotism 2 Place st Hosp/ Welfare/Rehab 1 Place To All Shipmates - Loyalty, Protection and Service. Youth Activities 1st Place James J. Thomas
Public Relations 1st Place THE EDITORS COLUMN New Regional Officers for 2011-2012 are President Bill Kulier ……………… (904) 771-5237 - Shipmate Fred Bolz, Branch 269; [email protected] Vice President - Shipmate Jim Robbins, Branch 91; the Secretary/Treasurer Shipmate Bob Husher 1. Hearing Aids: Shipmate Dumm stopped by last remains for two more years (elected last year for week and said he had purchased a set of hearing 3 year term). aids from the Naval Hospital, 5th floor. They do the hearing test and can provide hearing aids at a fraction of what you would pay in town. They 2. Other news from the Convention: Shipmate have all types of hearing aids including the very PRP Bob French stepped down as Chairmanship of expensive - over the ear – models. By Laws and Standing Rules Committee. He It took a week for them to arrive. Then they recommended me to take his place as chairman of were adjusted and set to compensate for his the committee and I accepted. hearing loss. They provided the batteries and set a follow up appointment for two weeks later.
3. I don’t want to be a bearer of bad news but you 2. Hearing Aids are also available from the VA if will be paid 13 times this year vice 12. The reason you have a service connected hearing impairment. is a new law 2011 National Defense Authorization They now send you out in town for your hearing Act requires military retiree pay to be processed aids where you can get the over the ear and other on the first day of the month. expensive models for free. They also supply your When the 1st day of a month falls on a weekend hearing aids batteries Free for life. or national holiday, the pay date is moved to the previous business day. 3. Shipmate Howard Renforth sent a letter to the Therefore, the payday of Oct 3, 2011 will be Department of the Navy inquiring about the issued on Sep 30, 2011 and the normal Jan 3, 2012 requirements for the WWII Combat Action will be issued on Dec 30, 2011. So you will have Ribbon. He received a Letter from CNO awarding 13 pay days and this might change your tax him the Ribbon. ( More info in next newsletter ) liability. Check with your tax advisor or IRS or your state 4. Shipmate Pippin asked me to Pass the Word tax authority before filing your 2011 tax returns. that Flu shots are available daily at the DFAS cannot provide tax advice. This law does immuziation clinic on the 1st deck of the Naval not effect SBP annuity payments, however, it Hospital. All you need is your ID card. does apply to allotments, garnishments, and FRA BRANCH 126 NEWS 5. Congratulations to Shipmate C. B. Stilwell for Bill Kulier reaching the 9 gallon Blood Donor Club! BRANCH ACTIVITIES AL Roby …………………264-6270 James J. Thomas …………... 291- 1575
1. The FRA National Convention will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, MO from Monday 24 October through Sunday 30 October 2011. The hotel is located within the Crown Center Complex at 2345 McGee. The room rate is $107.00 plus tax, plus parking. Make reservation at 888-421-1442 toll free.
2. Ladies Appreciation Dinner The Ladies Appreciation Dinner will be held at the Golden Coral Restraunt on Blanding Blvd in Orange Park, Florida from 1400 to 1500 on 18 October 2011. Dinner will be served to the Ladies of Unit 126 by all able bodied Branch 126 Shipmates in attendance. The dinner is Free to Unit 126 members and at cost to all others.
Pictured L-R are Unit 126 Ladies Flo Kulier, Shirley Attebery, Unit President Veralyn Thomas, and Martha Klinikowski. Branch 126 Shipmates L-R are Branch President James J. Thomas, Bill Kulier, Barry Klinikowski, PRPSE Robert L. French, David Pippin and Clinton Attebery. The photo was taken at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Convention Center on 9 September 2011.
3. Veteran’s Day Parade. Friday, 11 Nov 2011 We meet at the Hall at 0830 and go downtown as a group to avoid parking issues. Walk in the Parade or ride on the trailer. Wear comfortable shoes, a Branch Shirt and/or Branch Ball Cap and bring along a jacket. The important thing is to be there! We expect to have our “No Frills” – Free to Paraders - Spaghetti Dinner at the Hall following the Parade.
4. The Ladies of Unit 126 have invited the Shipmates of Branch 126 to attend the Ladies monthly meeting commencing at noon, Thursday, 8 December 2011. This will be a Christmas get together with the Ladies of the Unit providing a Covered Dish dinner. Mark your calendar for this traditional event! FRA BRANCH 126 NEWS If you have a Wheel Chair checked out and no longer need it – please bring it back – we only have 2 small chairs left to loan.
FLAG SALES Von R. Mitchell…………….. 291-7885
All Nylon and the Cotton Bulldog flags have sewn stars & stripes while the other Cotton flags have printed stars & stripes. We have the following flags in stock. 3x5’ Nylon Flag---$22.00 4x6’ Nylon Flag----- $30.00 5x8’ Nylon Flag------$40.00 3x5’ Cotton Flag Set------$15.00 3x5’ Nylon POW/MIA Flag---- $ 25.00 8x12’ Nylon Flag ---special order --- $125.00 We now have the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard 3x5 Flags in stock for $22.00 Contact Shipmate Johnny Johnson at 771-1736, Bill Kulier at 771-5237 or Al Peter at 777-0781 to purchase a Flag.
Branch 126 Membership Report Edward Gribbin …….…….269- 3845
Branch 126 Membership Membership on 31 August 2011 is 506 New / Reinstated members…………..0 Terminated Members………………….5 Deceased Members………………...4 Non payment of dues………………2 Members Past due………………….....8 Shipmates due to renew membership…23
Deceased Shipmates: 1. AMCS A Arwood Mays, USN, Retired 2. HM2 Herbert R, Pearce, USN, Veteran 3. SD# English Watson, USN, Retired 4. IMWC John B. Weaver, USN, Retired FRA BRANCH 126 NEWS IN MEMORY OF OUR He served in the Navy during WWII and DEPARTED SHIPMATES received many awards. Shipmate HM2 Herbert R. Pearce, MD, USN, Shipmate Watson is Veteran, age 82, an FRA member survived by his wife of since 2011, reported to the Staff of his wife of 59 years, the Supreme Commander on 7 Ella R Watson, a son, a September 2011. brother; 3 grand He enlisted in the Navy in 1947 children and 5 great and served as a Hospital Corpsman grand children. with the 5th Marine Force in Korea. He took part in Petty Officer Watson the invasion of Inchon and the Battle of the was laid to rest in the Chosin Reservoir. He was awarded the Purple Jacksonville National Heart Medal. Cemetery. Shipmate Pearce is survived by his wife of nearly 60 years, Betty Rodgers Pearce; 4 daughters, a son, a brother, 11 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. He was laid to rest in Jacksonville National Cemetery. BRANCH CHAPLAIN IN MEMORY OF OUR Von R. Mitchell ………… (904) 291- DEPARTED SHIPMATES 7885
Shipmate AMCS A Arwood “Woody” Mays, Branch 126 can provide an FRA Funeral Ceremony USN, retired, age 87, an FRA member since at the viewing or at the grave site for a Branch 126 1998, reported to the Shipmate reporting to the Staff of the Supreme Staff of the Supreme Commander. Commander on 23 The ceremony team consists of 3 or more August 2011. Shipmates in coat, tie and cover. We work with funeral directors, Pastors, Ministers and event He served in the Navy coordinators to ensure a formal and dignified during WWII, the Korean ceremony. Conflict and the Vietnam Shipmates are asked to put a War and retired with 30 note in with their important years of service. papers or tell their next of kin if Shipmate Woody joined they desire FRA Honors at their the FRA and Branch 126 in funeral. 1998 and quickly became an active member. He Your next of Kin must call the served on the Hospital & Welfare committee, Branch Chaplain to request the attended parades, meetings, volunteered for ceremony at least a few days everything, and served as a member of the Branch prior to the funeral or viewing. Board of Directors.
Shipmate Mays was predeceased by his wife, Helen Teresa Mays, 2 brothers and 2 sisters. He is survived by 2 sons, 2 daughters and 4 grand The Medical Equipment locker: We children. have many wheel chairs loaned out and Senior Chief Petty Officer Mays was laid to rest only two small one available for loan at with Full Military Honors in Jacksonville Memory this time. These are high demand items Gardens in Orange Park, Florida. so please be sure to FRA Honors were conferred by Branch 126 bring them back as Shipmates Jack Elrod, Edward Gribbin, Clinton soon as you are done Attebery, Dave Pippin, Al Roby, Don Rodely, E. W. with them. We also Sawley, Ed Kmiec, C. B. Stilwell and James Thomas. have a good supply of canes, crutches, potty chairs & assorted equipment to loan out. Shipmate SD3 English Watson, USN, Retired, age 85, an FRA member since 2004, reported to the Staff of the Supreme Commander on 30 August 2011. FRA BRANCH 126 NEWS Contact Shipmate Johnny Johnson at 771-1736 to check out wheel chairs or other medical equipment.
The Ship’s Store Al Peter ……………. (904) 777-0781 Branch 126 Apparel Ball Hat ………..… $6.00 Polo Shirt (Blue) … $27.00, size S, M, L, XL Bowling Shirt ……. $41.00, sizes, M thru 3XL Fore n Aft Cap ….. $45.00 & Up (special order)
The calendar is approaching the Thanksgiving and Christmas time frames and we need to start thinking about those that aren’t in very good shape financially. The Ladies Auxiliary will be making up baskets of food for both holidays. There is a big basket at the hall where you can place your non perishable food donations. If you would rather make a monetary donation you give the donation to the Branch President to pass to the Unit President.
We were delighted to see Past Branch 126 President Frederick “Pete” Petersen (left), a resident of the Military Retirement Home in Gulfport, MS at the Branch Birthday Dinner. He is pictured with Marcia Stilwell and Shipmate C. B. Stilwell.
Photo by Ralph Wilson. FRA BRANCH 126 NEWS
Pictured are Shimates Von Mitchell (seated) and Donald Walsh, Sharron Roby, Al Roby and President James J. Thomas at the Branch Birthday dinner on 20 September 2011.
Fleet Reserve Association Membership Application Membership Form for Active duty, reserve, retired enlisted members of the USN, USCG, USMC and Honorably discharged former enlisted members of these sea services. Non-sea service personnel of the U.S. Armed Forces with prior enlisted sea service; Commissioned officers with at least one day of enlisted sea service; Annual membership is $30; discounts are available for longer term memberships. Simply print and complete this form, enclose payment and return to: FRA Branch 126, 7673 Blanding Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32244-5111
Applicants Name ______
Date of Birth ______Email Address ______
Rank/Rate ______SSN (optional) xxx-xx ______Spouses Name ______
Address ______
City/State/Zip ______Telephone # (____) _____ - ______
Service: USN____ USMC____ USCG ____Status: Active____ Reserve ___Retired ____ Veteran _____
Membership Preference: FRA BRANCH 126 Previous or current FRA member (FRA Membership # ______) Dues: 1 Yr. $30 ____2 Yrs. $57.50 ____3 Yrs. $85.50 ____5 Yrs. $135.00 _____
New FRA members (Special Introductory Price) 2 years for $48 ______
Payment options: Check enclosed (pay to FRA) _____ MasterCard _____ VISA _____ Discover ______American Express ______
Card Number ______Expiration Date ______
Signature ______Date ______
Recruited By:______Member#______Branch ______