Business in One Lesson

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Business in One Lesson

Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach 2nd Edition

Test Bank

1 2 Mapping of Test Bank Multiple Choice Questions to Chapters

MC Q Chapter MC Q Chapter MC Q Chapter 1 4 51 8 101 7 2 4 52 6 102 8 3 4 53 9 103 8 4 4 54 6 104 8 5 3 55 6 105 8 6 3 56 4 106 17 7 4 57 8 107 14 8 4 58 3 108 15 9 4 59 3 109 15 10 3 60 9 110 14 11 3 61 10 111 12 12 5 62 6 112 12 13 4 63 4 113 14 14 5 64 18 114 15 15 5 65 10 115 15 16 5 66 6 116 14 17 7 67 10 117 19 18 7 68 14 118 20 19 4 69 3 119 81 20 4 70 9 120 20 21 6 71 13 121 21 22 6 72 8 122 18 23 6 73 17 123 20 24 6 74 17 124 8 25 8 75 18 125 20 26 6 76 18 126 19 27 6 77 18 127 7 28 6 78 18 128 3 29 6 79 18 129 10 30 6 80 12 130 19 31 4 81 18 131 21 32 4 82 5 132 21 33 4 83 19 133 15 34 4 84 15 134 14 35 9 85 6 135 15 36 8 86 15 136 20 37 8 87 5 137 12 38 9 88 13 138 12 39 6 89 9 139 18 40 9 90 21 140 18 41 4 91 3 141 16 42 3 92 10 142 22 43 3 93 5 143 15 44 4 94 5 144 17 45 4 95 5 145 12 46 3 96 5 146 12 47 3 97 7 147 12 48 7 98 7 148 12 49 3 99 7 149 12 50 6 100 7 150 16

3 Multiple-Choice Questions

1. A manufacturer produces 1,000 basketballs each day, which it sells to customers for $30 each. All costs associated with production and sales total $10,000; however, if the manufacturer were to produce one additional basketball per day, total costs would increase to $10,100. From these amounts, we can tell that a. the firm has negative profit. b. marginal cost equals $100. ** c. marginal cost equals $150. d. marginal cost equals marginal revenue.

2. A retailer has to pay $9 per hour to hire 13 workers. If the retailer only needs to hire twelve workers, a wage rate of $7 per hour is sufficient. What is the marginal cost of the 13th worker? a. $117. b. $9. c. $33. ** d. $84.

3. A computer manufacturer can produce 5 computers for $5,000 and 10 computers for $7,500. Based on this information, what is the marginal cost per computer of the 6th through 10th computers? a. $500 ** b. $750 c. $1,000 d. $2,500

4. To maximize profits, you should produce at the point where a. you maximize the amount by which marginal revenue exceeds marginal costs. b. you minimize total costs. c. you maximize total benefit. d. marginal benefits and marginal costs are just equal. **

5. A basketball company is considering purchasing a new machine that doubles capacity from 100 to 200 balls per day. The machine will occupy 1,000 square feet of unused space on the factory floor. Which costs are irrelevant in this decision to purchase a machine? a. Rental expense associated with the 20,000 square foot factory. ** b. Additional personnel required to operate the machine. c. Additional electricity required to operate the machine. d. Maintenance cost for routine cleaning of the machine.

6. If you are trying to determine the value of a business, which of the following factors would be irrelevant? a. Interest rate (discount rate). b. Costs incurred by the business. c. Revenues generated by the business. d. How long the business is expected to survive. e. None of the factors are irrelevant. ** 4

7. A basketball manufacturer is considering a number of options for its new factory. Given the following costs and benefits of the four different factory configurations, what are the marginal costs and benefits of the Extra Large configuration relative to the Large configuration? ...... Total Cost...... Total Benefit Configuration A(Small)...... $45,000...... 70,000 Configuration B(Medium)...... 120,000...... 170,000 Configuration C (Large)...... 240,000...... 300,000 Configuration D (Extra Large)...... 400,000...... 420,000

a. Marginal cost of $160,000 and marginal benefit of $120,000. ** b. Marginal cost of $400,000 and marginal benefit of $420,000. c. Marginal cost of $120,000 and marginal benefit of $120,000. d. Marginal cost of $160,000 and marginal benefit of $220,000.

8. A basketball manufacturer is considering a number of options for its new factory. Given the following costs and benefits of the four different factory configurations, which Configuration should they select? ...... Total Cost...... Total Benefit Configuration A(Small)...... $45,000...... 90,000 Configuration B(Medium)...... 120,000...... 180,000 Configuration C (Large)...... 240,000...... 290,000 Configuration D (Extra Large)...... 400,000...... 420,000

a. Configuration A. b. Configuration B. ** c. Configuration C. d. None of the Configurations.

9. Which of the following would be considered an extent decision? a. A business is considering diversifying into a new line of business. b. A business is considering shutting down operations. c. A business is considering the sale of an underperforming line of business. d. A business manager is trying to decide how many workers to hire for a new line of business. **

10. A computer manufacturer shares its production capacity across two separate products, computers and printers. If the profitability of selling printers decreases, then the company will find that the a. cost of producing computers decreases. ** b. cost of producing computers increases. c. cost of producing computers is not affected. d. profitability of producing computers increases.

11. Which of the following statements is true: a. A firm's accounting costs are the same as its economic costs if the firm is earning a normal rate of return. b. A firm's accounting costs are larger than its economic costs. c. A firm’s accounting costs take account of implicit costs of capital. d. A firm's accounting costs are smaller than its economic costs. ** 5 12. Which of the following is NOT true if a firm shuts down and produces zero output in the short run? a. Variable costs will be zero. b. Losses will be incurred. c. Fixed costs will be greater than zero. d. Fixed costs will be less than zero. **

13. Of the following types of costs, which is most likely a fixed cost for a shoe manufacturer? a. Inventory costs. b. Cost of the leather used to produce shoes. c. Electricity costs to run manufacturing equipment. d. An NBA player’s lump-sum royalty payment to endorse the shoe. **

14. A company that produces luxury automobiles has the following simplified costs. What is the marginal cost of the second automobile?

# of Automobiles.....Fixed Cost...... Total Variable Costs 0...... $50,000...... $0 1...... $50,000...... $10,000 2...... $50,000...... $20,000 3...... $50,000...... $40,000 a. $20,000. b. $10,000. ** c. $70,000. d. $30,000.

15. A security system company’s total production costs depend on the number of systems produced according to the following equation: Total Costs = $10,000,000 + $2000*quantity produced. What is the average total cost of production when 20,000 units are produced? a. 4,500. b. 3,500. c. 2,500. ** d. 1,500.

16. As a manufacturer increases output, which of the following costs should decrease? a. Average total cost. b. Average fixed cost. ** c. Marginal cost. d. Average variable cost.

17. As a shoe company produces more shoes the average total cost of each shoe produced decreases. This is because a. Total fixed costs are decreasing as more shoes are produced. b. Average variable cost is decreasing as more shoes are produced. c. There are scale economies. ** d. Total variable cost is decreasing as more shoes are produced.

18. A security system company’s total production costs depend on the number of systems produced according to the following equation: Total Costs = $10,000,000 + $2000*quantity produced. Given these data, which of the following is a false statement? 6 a. There are economies of scale. b. There are fixed costs associated with this business. c. There are diseconomies of scale. ** d. A firm that produces a larger output has a cost advantage over a smaller firm.

19. A spirits manufacturer is considering two potential production investments: Option A costs an initial $2 billion and will involve variable costs (labor and material) of $5 per bottle of spirits. Option B costs an initial $4 billion and will involve variable costs (labor and material) of $3 per bottle of spirits. Assuming an annual capital charge equal to 10 percent of the initial costs, what is the average fixed cost at production level of 30,000,000 bottles per year for the Option A facility? a. $10.00. b. $5.00. c. $6.00. d. $6.67. **

20. A spirits manufacturer is considering two potential production investments: Option A costs an initial $2 billion and will involve variable costs (labor and material) of $5 per bottle of spirits. Option B costs an initial $4 billion and will involve variable costs (labor and material) of $3 per bottle of spirits. Assuming an annual capital charge equal to 10 percent of the initial costs, what is the average fixed cost at production level of 20,000,000 bottles per year for the Option B facility? a. $3. b. $20. c. $23. ** d. $10.

21. Christine has purchased five bananas and is considering the purchase of a sixth. It is likely she will purchase the sixth banana if a. the marginal value she gets from the sixth banana is lower than its price. b. the marginal benefit of the sixth banana exceeds its price. ** c. the average value of the sixth bananas exceeds the price. d. the total personal value of six bananas exceeds the total expenditure to purchase six bananas.

22. According to the law of demand, a. when demand increases, prices go up. b. when supply increases, demand increases a corresponding amount. c. when supply decreases, demand decreases a corresponding amount. d. when price decreases, quantity demanded increases. **

23. Buyers consider Marlboro cigarettes and Budweiser beer to be complements. If Marlboro just increased its prices, what would you expect to occur in the Budweiser market? a. Demand would rise, and Budweiser would reduce price. b. Demand would fall, and Budweiser would reduce price. ** c. Demand would fall, and Budweiser would increase price. d. Demand would rise, and Budweiser would increase supply.

24. If Sam’s, a local watering hole, increased the price of a pint of Guinness by 20%, it estimates the number of MBA students purchasing Guinness would decrease by 4%. Based on this data, 7 a. total revenues would increase because demand is elastic. b. total revenues would decrease because demand is elastic. c. total revenues would remain the same. d. total revenues would increase because demand is inelastic. **

25. Which of the following will NOT cause the demand curve for turkey meat to shift? a. rising chicken and pork prices. b. recent news indicating cancer-fighting properties of turkey meat. c. sudden decrease in price. ** d. Thanksgiving.

26. Suppose a new manufacturing technology results in an expansion in the supply of golf balls in the United States of 15%. If the elasticity of demand of golf balls sold in the US is -0.4, the new equilibrium price will be a. 0.375% lower. b. 16% lower. c. 37.5% higher. d. 37.5% lower. **

27. “Smitty's Hot Boiled Peanuts" recently reported that its revenue increased from the previous quarter, along with its profits. What is the most likely explanation for this change, if the only change Smitty’s made was in its price? a. Price decreased and demand was inelastic. b. Price increased and demand was inelastic. ** c. Demand was unit elastic. d. Price decreased and demand was elastic.

28. Management at the East Alabama Motor Speedway estimates that the "Friday Night Fanatics" would continue to enthusiastically pack the house (every ticket would be sold) even after a 35% increase in the price of admission. Apparently the E.A.M.S is operating in the ______portion of their ______curve. a. inelastic, supply. b. elastic, supply. c. inelastic, demand. ** d. elastic, demand.

29. Which of the following would most likely make the demand for an item more elastic? a. Buyers perceive there to be few close substitutes for the item. b. The item represents a small fraction of consumers' budgets. c. There are no costs of switching to competitors' products. ** d. Buyers have NOT had time to adjust to the price change.

30. Which of the following is the reason for the existence of consumer surplus? a. Consumers can purchase goods that they “want” in addition to what they “need.” b. Consumers can occasionally purchase products for less than their production cost. c. Some consumers receive temporary discounts that result in below-market prices. d. Some consumers are willing to pay more than the market price. **

31. The data below are for a competitive business (price-taker). If the market price is $800 per unit, the company should 8 Average Average Average Output Fixed Costs Variable Costs Total Costs Marginal Cost 0 $3,000 1 $3,000 $900 $3,900 $900 2 $1,500 $800 $2,300 $700 3 $1,000 $700 $1,700 $500 4 $750 $600 $1,350 $300 5 $600 $500 $1,100 $100 6 $500 $550 $1,050 $800 7 $429 $600 $1,029 $900 8 $375 $650 $1,025 $1,000 9 $333 $700 $1,033 $1,100 10 $300 $750 $1,050 $1,200

a. shut down (produce nothing). b. produce four units. c. produce six units. ** d. produces as much as possible.

32. The data below are for a competitive business (price-taker). If the market price is $300 per unit, the company should

Average Average Average Output Fixed Costs Variable Costs Total Costs Marginal Cost 0 $3,000 1 $3,000 $900 $3,900 $900 2 $1,500 $800 $2,300 $700 3 $1,000 $700 $1,700 $500 4 $750 $600 $1,350 $300 5 $600 $500 $1,100 $100 6 $500 $550 $1,050 $800 7 $429 $600 $1,029 $900 8 $375 $650 $1,025 $1,000 9 $333 $700 $1,033 $1,100 10 $300 $750 $1,050 $1,200

a. produce as much as possible b. shut down (produce nothing). ** c. produce four units. d. produce six units.


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