British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval & Renaissance

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British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval & Renaissance

British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval & Renaissance

Overview The second release of British Literary Manuscripts Online includes more than 565,000 pages of manuscript materials from the Medieval and Early modern periods, c.1100 through 1660. This release provides a rich variety of letters, poems, stories, plays, chronicles, religious writings, commonplace books and other materials, accessible via searchable catalog records.

Highlights from the Medieval period (12th-15th centuries) include:  Great works of Medieval English literature like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Pearl, The Vision of Piers the Plowman, and The Canterbury Tales  Religious writings like The Prick of Conscience, the Coventry Mystery Plays, writings of John Wycliffe, and writings of Julian of Norwich  Important cultural and historical sources like the letters of Alcuin and Lanfranc and the Chronicles of Waverly, Glastonbury, St Martin’s, and Lichfield

Highlights from the Renaissance (Early Modern) period (16th & 17th centuries) include:  Plays by Shakespeare, his predecessors and his contemporaries  Renaissance poetry by writers like John Donne, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Walter Raleigh, Thomas Campion, and Thomas Wyatt  Important historical sources like the correspondence of the Paston family, memoirs, speeches and essays  Cultural resources like odes and songs, medical treatises, commonplace books

To create the collection, Gale has digitized several microfilm sets originally created by Primary Source Media, containing materials from the British Library, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the National Library of Scotland. For a complete list of microfilm sets included in this release, please consult the title list at

Personal names and work titles indexed

The following are personal names and work titles identified via indexing of the catalog records that make up British Literary Manuscripts Online, Medieval & Renaissance.

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 While in most instances these will reflect actual titles in the collection and their authors, in some cases a name or title will be indexed because it is mentioned in the catalog record in some other capacity: for instance, as the addressee or the subject of a letter.

Also, because of the way manuscripts are collected and catalogued, we are not able to provide a complete list of every title and author represented in the collection. Some catalog records provide only general descriptions of their contents, and it would require the work of many experts to determine with confidence exactly what all those contents are. So of necessity this is an incomplete list. The opportunity for original scholarship to identify some of these items is one of the contributions of the product

Personal Names

No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Abbot, George 1 Abington, William 1 Adam of Dryburgh 1 Adamnan, Saint 1 Adelard of Bath 2 Adrian IV, Pope 1 Aelred, Saint 1 Aemilius Macer 1 Aesop 1 Agard, Arthur 1 Agarde, Arthur 1 Aglionby, John 1 Ailly, Pierre d' 1 Airay, Henry 1 Alabaster, William 3 Albany, Robert Stewart, Duke of 1 Albemarle, George Monck, Duke of 1 Alcock, Thomas 1 Alcuin of York 2 Aldebrand, Étienne 1 Aldhelm, Saint 2 Alexander II, Pope 1 Alexander III, Pope 4 Alexander IV, Pope 1 Alexander of Lincoln 1 Alexander VI, Pope 1 Alexander VII, Pope 1 Alford, John 1 Alfred of Beverley 1 Alkartonn, Richard 1 Alleyne, Edward 1 Amphilochius of Iconium, Saint 1 Amurath III, Sultan 1 Andre, Bernard Andreas 1 Andrew of Wyntoun 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Anne of Austria, Queen Consort of France and Navarre 1 Anselm of Canterbury, Saint 4 Arbuthnot, John 1 Archard, Richard 1 Arderne, John, Sir 1 Arderon, William 7 Argyll, Anne Campbell, Countess 1 Ariosto, Lodovico 2 Aristippus of Cyrene 1 Aristotle 2 Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of 2 Arundel, Thomas Howard, Lord 1 Ascham, Roger 2 Ashmole, Elias 5 Asloan, John 1 Asser 3 Aston, Richard, Sir 1 Atkinson, Thomas (English playwright) 1 Aubrey, John 1 Augustine of Canterbury, Saint 1 Augustine of Hippo, Saint 3 Austin, William (English poet) 1 Autpertus, Ambrosius 1 Aylesbury, Thomas, 1st Baronet 1 Ayton, Robert, Sir 2 Babington, Anthony 1

Bacon, Francis (English philosopher, 1561-1626) 17 Bacon, Matthew 1 Bacon, Nicholas 2 Bacon, Roger (English philosopher) 1 Bailden, Joseph 1 Baker, Henry (English naturalist) 4 Baldwin, William (English playwright) 1 Bale, John (English historian) 1 Balfour, James, Sir 1 Balfour, Robert 1 Balgay, Nicholas 2 Balthazar, Marquis of Meissen 1 Banester, Gilbert 1 Bannatyne, George 1 Barbazza, Andrea 1 Barbour, John 2 Barnfield, Richard 1 Barry, Spranger 1 Bartholomaeus Anglicus 1 Bartolus de Saxoferrato 1 Basil, Saint, Bishop of Caesarea 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Baskerville, Simon 1 Basse, William 5 Bateson, Thomas 1 Beaufort, Henry 1 Beaumont, Francis 10 Beaumont, John, Sir 2 Beaumont, Joseph 1 Becket, Thomas 1 Bede the Venerable, Saint 11 Bekynton, Thomas 1 Bellenden, John 3 Bellin, George 1 Bellione, Francisco Thorio 1 Beltrees, James Sempill, Sir 1 Beluacensis, Vincentius 1 Benedict XII, Pope 1 Bennet, Robert 1 Berkeley, Sir William 1 Bernard of Chartres 1 Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint 1 Bernard Sylvester of Chartres 1 Bertrand de Veyrac 1 Beza, Theodore 1 Billye, James, Dr. 1 Birchington, Stephen 1 Birrel, Robert 1 Black, Ralph (English theologian) 2 Blaneforde, Henry 1 Bloomfield, William, Sir 1 Blosius, Francis Louis 1 Blount, Henry (English traveler) 2 Boccaccio, Giovanni 3 Boece, Hector 3 Boethius 4 Boghurst, William 1 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount 1 Bollard, Nicholas 1 Bolton, Edmund 1 Bonarelli, Guidubaldo 1 Bonaventure, Saint 4 Boniface of Savoy, Blessed 2 Boniface V, Pope 1 Boniface VIII, Pope 1 Bonizo of Sutri 1 Bonnivert, Gideon 1 Bonvix, Jerome 1 Booth, William (English archbishop) 1 Bothwell, John Ramsay, Lord 1 Bott, Robert 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Bounde, Alexander 1 Bowet, Henry 1 Boyde, Zachariah 1 Boyle, Roger (Irish playwright) 3 Bozon, Nicolas 1 Bradshawe, John 1 Brampton, John 1 Bredon, John 1 Breton, Nicholas 4 Bridlington, John 1 Brimeld, Israel 2 Bromesgrove, Walter 1 Brompton, John 1 Brooke, Samuel 1 Broughton, Hugh 1 Browne, Edward 1 Browne, John (English canon) 1 Browne, Thomas (English physician) 10 Browne, William (English poet) 3 Bryan, Joseph (English poet) 1 Brydges, Samuel Egerton 1 Buchanan, George 4 Buckingham, 1st Duke of 3 Bullen, Arthur Henry 1 Burlase, William 1 Burrel, John 1 Burton, Robert 1 Burwesh, Henry 1 Butler, Samuel (English poet) 2 Butler, Thomas (English poet) 1 Byrd, William (English composer) 4 Caesarius of Heisterbach 1 Calfhill, James 1 Callistus II, Pope 1 Callistus III, Pope 1 Camden, William 2 Campedene, Hugh 1 Campion, Edmund, Saint 2 Campion, Thomas 1 Capgrave, John 1 Carelesse, John 1 Carew, Francis 1 Carew, Thomas 13 Cargill, Thomas 1 Carleton, George 3 Carlyle, Thomas 1 Carmelianus, Peter 1 Carr, Robert, Earl of Ancram 1 Cartwright, Thomas 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Cartwright, William 6 Cary, Lucius 2 Cassian, John 1 Castalio, Balthasar 1 Castillion, Douglas 2 Castleton, John, Sir 1 Castor, John 1 Cater, John 1 Cato, Dionysius 2 Cavendish, George 1 Cavendish, William (English duke) 1 Cawarden, Thomas 1 Caxton, William 2 Cayworth, John 1 Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury 1 Cecil, William 2 Cellot, Louis 1 Cesarini, Giuliano 1 Chaloner, Thomas, Sir 1 Chambers, Robert (British poet) 1 Chapman, George (English playwright) 3 Chappell, William (English rhetorician) 1 Chardry 1 Charles I, King of England 6 Charles II, King of Great Britain and Ireland 1 Charles Louis, Elector Palatine 1 Charles V, King of France 1 Charles VI, King of France 1 Chaucer, Geoffrey 19 Chaundler, John 1 Chichele, Henry 1 Chirbury, Henry Herbert, 1st Baron 1 Chomley, Henry 1 Churchyard, Thomas 2 Cibber, Colley 1 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 2 Cleaveland, John 1 Clement III, Pope 1 Clement V, Pope 1 Clement VI, Pope 1 Clerke, Bartholomew 1 Clerke, Richard 1 Cleveland, James 1 Cleveland, John 3 Clifford, Richard (English bishop) 1 Clifford, William de, Sir 1 Cole, C.A. 1 Coleridge, Hartley 1 Collier, John Payne 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Colvil, Samuel 3 Concubran 1 Constable, David 1 Constable, Marmaduke 1 Constantine I, Emperor of Rome 1 Constantine the African 1 Conway, Edward Conway, 1st Viscount 1 Cooper, Thomas (English bishop) 1 Coppyl, John 1 Corbet, Richard 10 Corbett, Richard (English bishop) 2 Corneille, Pierre 2 Cornish, William 2 Cornwallis, Charles 1 Cornwallis, Charles, Sir 2 Cornwallis, Philip 1 Cotton, Allin 1 Cotton, John, Sir 1 Cotton, Robert, Sir 1 Cowley, Abraham 8 Cowper, William (English poet) 2 Crane, Ralph 2 Cranmer, Thomas 2 Crashaw, Richard 4 Crawford, David Lindsay, 1st Earl of 1 Crawshaw, Richard 1 Cromwell, Oliver (English statesman) 2 Cromwell, Thomas 1 Crowne, John 1 Crowther, John 1 Cuffe, Henry 2 Culpeper, Thomas 1 Culpepper, John, Sir 2 Cyprian, Saint 1 Daborne, Robert 2 Daggere, William 1 Daniel, George 1 Daniel, Samuel (English writer) 1 Darell, Sampson, Sir 1 Darell, William 1 Dares Phrygius 1 Davenant, William, Sir 4 Davenport, Robert (English playwright) 2 Davies, John, Sir (English poet, 1569-1626) 3 Davison, Francis 2 Davy, Adam 2 Davy, Robert 1 Dawes, Lancelot 1 Day, John (English playwright) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Day, Mabel 1 Day, Matthew (American printer) 1 Daye, John 1 de Bageby, John 1 de Cessolis, Jacobus 1 de Gamache, Cyprien, Father 1 de Harchies, Josse 1 De La Mott, Philip 1 de Muris, Johannes 1 de Rohan, Henri II, Duc 1 Dee, Edmund 1 Dekker, Thomas (English playwright) 1 Delfini, John Anthony 1 Demosthenes (Greek orator) 1 Dene, William 1 Denham, John, Sir 2 Dennis, John 1 Denton, Anne 1 Derham, Richard 1 Dering, Edward 5 Dering, Richard (d. 1612) 1 Deshoulieres, Antoinette du Ligier de la Garde 1 Desportes, Philippe 1 Dethick, William 2 D'Ewes, Simonds, Sir 9 Diane de Poitiers 1 Dickson, David (b. 1583 - d. 1663) 1 Digby, George 1 Digby, John, Sir 1 Digby, Kenelm, Sir 5 Dillon, Wentworth 1 Dionysius Exiguus 1 Dixwell, John 1 Dodsley, Robert 1 Donellan, John 1 Donne, John 29 d'Orleans, Jean, Comte d'Angouleme 1 d'Orleans, Lorens 1 Dorset, Edward Sackeville, 4th Earl of 1 Dorset, Richard Sackville, 3rd Earl of 1 Dorset, Robert 1 Douce, Francis 1 Douglas, Archibald Douglas, 4th Earl of 1 Douglas, Gavin 1 Douglas, James Douglas, 2nd Earl of 1 Douglas, William (Scottish writer) 1 Drake, Francis 1 Drayton, Michael 4 Drexel, Jeremias 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Drummond, Annabella, Queen of Scotland 1 Drummond, William (Scottish poet) 9 Dryden, John (English poet) 10 Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste 1 Dugdale, William, Sir 2 Duke, Richard 1 Dunbar, William (Scottish poet) 3 Dunkin, William 1 Duppa, Brian 2 d'Urfey, Thomas 1 Dyce, Alexander 18 Eadmer of Canterbury 1 Earle, John 2 Edgar I the Peaceful 1 Edmund de Hadenham 1 Edmund of Abingdon, Saint 3 Edmund of Eynsham 1 Edward I, King of England 1 Edward III, King of England 4 Edward IV, King of England 2 Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York 3 Edwards, Thomas (English poet, fl. 1595) 1 Eedes, Richard 1 Egerton, Thomas 2 Eliot, John (English statesman) 1 Elizabeth I, Queen of England 5 Elizabeth, Queen, Consort of Frederick I, King of Bohemia 1 Ellis, Henry 1 Elmham, Thomas 4 Elyot, Thomas, Sir 1 Erasmus, Desiderius 3 Essex, Henry Bourchier, 2nd Earl of 1 Essex, Robert Devereaux, 2nd Earl of 7 Ethelred of Rievaulx, Saint 4 Eugene IV, Pope 2 Euripides 1 Everard, John 1 Eversden, John 1 Ewain, K. 1 Exton, John Harrington, 1st Baron Harington of 1 Fairfax, Brian 1 Fairfax, Thomas (English landowner) 1 Falkland, Henry Cary, 1st Viscount 1 Fane, Francis 1 Fane, Mildmay 1 Fanshawe, Richard 2 Farnese, Ottavio 1 Farthing, Thomas 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Fastolf, John, Sir 2 Fava, Guido 1 Favyn, Andre 1 Fayrfax, Robert 1 Felix (English monk) 1 Feltham, Owen 1 Ferrar, Robert 1 Filmer, Robert 1 Fisher, Payne 1 Fitzalan, Thomas 1 Fitzherbert, Anthony 1 Fitzherbert, John 1 Fitzhugh, Henry, Sir 1 Fitzralph, Richard 1 Fitzstephen, William 1 Fleming, David, Sir 1 Fletcher, Giles (English poet, 1546-1611) 2 Fletcher, Giles (English poet, 1585-1623) 1 Fletcher, John (English playwright) 7 Fletcher, Phineas 1 Ford, John (English playwright) 1 Ford, Thomas (English composer) 1 Formido, Cornelius, Sir 2 Formosus, Pope 1 Forrest, William 1 Forster, John 20 Fortescue, John, Sir 1 Fowler, John (Printer) 1 Fowler, William (Scottish writer) 1 Foxe, John 1 Framyson, John 1 Francisco of Quevedo 1 Freeman, Ralph, Sir 1 Frere Lorens 1 Fridegoda 1 Fuller, Thomas 1 Furnivall, Frederick James 1 Gager, William 2 Galfridus, Anglicus 1 Galileo 1 Garden, Alexander (Scottish poet) 2 Garrick, David 1 Garth, Samuel, Sir 1 Gascoigne, George 3 Gawen, Thomas 1 Gaytrigg, John 1 Geoffrey of Clairvaux 1 Geoffrey of Monmouth 10 George I, Earl of March 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records George I, King of Great Britain 1 Gerald of Wales 6 Gervase of Canterbury 1 Gervase of Tilbury 3 Gildas, Saint 2 Gipps, Richard 2 Glanvill, John 1 Glanvill, Joseph 1 Glapthorne, Henry 2 Godfrey, Edmund Berry, Sir 2 Godolphin, Sidney (English poet) 1 Gollancz, Israel, Sir 1 Gordon, John (English dean) 1 Gorges, Arthur 2 Gorges, Ferdinando 1 Goscelin of Saint Bertin 1 Gothardus Arthus 1 Gower, John 4 Gregory I, Pope 3 Gregory II, Pope 1 Gregory VII, Pope 1 Gregory XI, Pope 1 Greville, Bevil 1 Greville, Fulke, Baron Brooke 5 Grey, Jane, Lady 1 Grimald, Nicholas 1 Grindal, Edmund 1 Grocer, Thomas 1 Grosart, Alexander Balloch 1 Grosseteste, Robert 4 Guazzo, Stefano 1 Guglielmo da Saliceto 1 Guillaume de Bongeville 1 Guillaume de Deguileville 1 Gunter, Edmund 1 Gurney, Edmund 1 Gysborn, John 1 Haddon, Walter 1 Hadrian of Canterbury, Saint 1 Hakewill, George 1 Hakewill, William 1 Halifax, Charles Montagu, Earl of 2 Hall, Edward (English historian) 1 Hall, Joseph (English bishop) 1 Hampden, John (English statesman) 2 Handel, George Frideric 1 Hanmer, Thomas, Sir 1 Harington, John 4 Harington, John (English poet) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Harpsfield, Nicholas 1 Harvey, Gabriel 4 Haslewood, Joseph 1 Hawksworth, John 1 Hay, Gilbert, Sir 1 Haydock, Richard 1 Hearne, Thomas 1 Heath, John 1 Heath, John (English legislator) 1 Heath, Robert (English chief justice) 1 Helerd, Mary 1 Helinand of Froidmont 1 Heneage, Thomas 1 Henrietta Maria, Queen, consort of Charles I, King of England 1 Henry III, King of England 2 Henry IV, King of England 3 Henry IV, King of France 1 Henry of Blois 1 Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster 1 Henry of Huntingdon 6 Henry of Langenstein 1 Henry of Silgrave 1 Henry the Minstrel 1 Henry V, King of England 2 Henry VI, King of England 4 Henry VII, King of England 3 Henry VIII, King of England 1 Henryson, Robert 2 Hepburn, John (Scottish army officer) 1 Hepwith, John 2 Herbert, George 2 Herbert, Henry, Sir 1 Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke 2 Herd, John 1 Herrick, Robert (English poet) 9 Herring, Francis 1 Herrtage, Sidney John Hervon 1 Hervey, John (English writer) 1 Heylin, Peter 1 Heylyn, Peter 2 Heywood, John (English playwright) 1 Heywood, Thomas 1 Hichecoke, William 1 Higden, Ranulf 2 Hilton, Walter 3 Hispalensis, Johannes 1 Hoare, William 1 Hobart, Milo 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Hobbes, Thomas 1 Hoby, Thomas 1 Hoccleve, Thomas 8 Hofkins, John 1 Holcroft, Thomas 1 Holinshed, Raphael 1 Holland, Hugh 2 Holland, Richard 1 Holland, Thomas (English religious educator) 1 Hollar, Wenceslaus 1 Hollinshead, Laurence 1 Holme, Randle 1 Homer (Greek poet) 1 Honorius I, Pope 1 Hooker, Richard (English theologian) 1 Horace 3 Horne, George 1 Horstmann, C. 1 Hoskins, John (English poet) 2 Hoskyns, John 1 Howard, Henry (English writer) 1 Howard, Thomas 1 Hubert, Francis 2 Hue de Rotelande 1 Huggard, Myles 1 Hugh de Malbane 1 Hugh of St. Victor 1 Hugo de Nevill 1 Huicke, Robert 1 Hume, Alexander 1 Humphrey, Laurence 2 Hunton, Philip 1 Husenbeth, Frederick C. 1 Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon 1 Ingelend, Thomas 1 Inglis, Esther 3 Innocent II, Pope 2 Innocent III, Pope 2 Innocent IV, Pope 3 Innocent V, Blessed, Pope 1 Innocent VI, Pope 1 Innocent VIII, Pope 1 Isaac Israeli 1 Isidore of Seville, Saint 2 Isocrates 1 Ivo, Saint, Bishop of Chartres 1 Jacob, Henry 1 Jacobus de Vitriaco 1 Jacopo da Bologna 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records James I, King of England 9 James II, King of England 2 James of Milan 1 James, Thomas 1 Jaques, Francis 1 Jean d'Arras 1 Jean de Meun 1 Jean de Vignay 2 Jeffere, John 1 Jerome, Saint 2 John de Halton 1 John of Bridlington, Saint 1 John of Ford 1 John of Fordun 2 John of Garland (English philologist) 1 John of Hildesheim 1 John of Howden 2 John of Ireland 1 John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford 1 John of Montfort, Blessed 1 John of Salisbury 1 John of Thoresby 1 John of Trokelowe 1 John XXII, Pope 1 Johnson, Christopher (English poet) 1 Johnson, Richard (English writer) 1 Johnson, Samuel (English writer) 1 Jones, Inigo 1 Jones, Thomas Gwynn 1 Jonson, Ben 29 Joscelin, John 1 Joscelyn, John 4 Josephus, Flavius 1 Julian of Norwich 1 Julius II, Pope 2 Juvenal 1 Juxon, William 1 Kankurk, John Perceval, 1st Baronet 1 Kennedy, Walter (Scottish poet) 4 Kidley, William 1 Killigrew, Thomas 2 Kilwardby, Robert 1 King, Henry (English bishop) 2 King, Henry (English poet) 2 King, John (English bishop) 2 Kinge, John 1 Kingsmill, Thomas 1 Kirby, Thomas Frederick 1 Knevet, Ralph 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Knevett, Ralph 1 Knighton, Henry 1 Knyght, Master 1 Knyvet, Edmund 1 Kysbye, Paul 1 La Calprenede, Gautier de Costes 1 Lambarde, William 2 Lane, John 1 Lanfranc 2 Langland, William 2 Langtoft, Piers 3 Langton, Stephen 3 Lantfred 2 Lascaris, Andreae 1 Lauder, George 1 Laurent de Premierfait 1 Lawes, Henry 1 Le Despenser, Hugh, Baron (1286-1326) 1 le Grant, Richard 1 Le Grys, Robert 1 le Menaud, Guillaume 1 le Neve, Oliver 3 le Neve, Peter 3 Le Roux de Lincy, Antoine Jean Victor 1 Leche, John 1 Lee, Henry (English knight) 1 Lefevre d'Etaples, Jacques 1 Lefevre, Jean 1 Legge, Thomas 1 Leke, John 1 Leland, John (English bibliographer) 2 Lenton, Francis 2 Leo III, Pope 2 Leonardo da Vinci 1 Leversedge, Edmund 1 Lewis, Geoffrey (English poet) 1 Lilburne, Eliza 1 Lilly, Edmund 1 Lilye, Edmund 1 Lindsay, Robert (Scottish writer) 1 Linschoten, Jan Huyghen van 1 Lippi, Lorenzo 2 Lisle, William 1 Lloyd, John (English composer) 1 Lloyd, Lodovick 1 Lloyd, Ludowick 1 Lloyd, William (English bishop) 1 Llwyd, Humphrey 1 Locke, John (English political theorist) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Lodwick, Francis 1 Loeaechius, Andreas 1 Loiseau de Tourval, Jean 1 London, John, Dr. 1 Longe, John 1 Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Edward 2 Louis XIV, King of France 1 Love, Nicholas 1 Lovelace, Richard 3 Lowe, John (English bishop) 1 Lower, William 1 Lucian 1 Lucretius Carus, Titus 1 Ludlow, Henry 1 Ludolph of Saxony 2 Lydgate, John 22 Lyly, John 1 Lyndsay, David, Sir 1 Lynford, Thomas 1 Lyte, H. Maxwell 1 Machiavelli, Niccolo 5 Mackail, Hugh 1 Mackenzie, George (Scottish lawyer) 1 Mackenzie, Henry 1 Madden, Frederick 1 Malcolm, John (Minister) 1 Malim, William 1 Mandeville, John 1 Manuacutii, Nicolai 1 Manuche, Cosmo 1 Map, Walter 1 Marbeck, Roger 1 Marenzio, Luca 1 Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy 1 Marianus Scotus 1 Marie de France 1 Marini, Biagio 1 Marino, Giambattista 1 Marlborough, Henry 2 Marlowe, Christopher 4 Marmion, Shackerley 1 Marston, John 2 Marston, Robert 1 Marta, Giacomo Antonio 1 Martial 1 Martin V, Pope 2 Marvell, Andrew 1 Mary I, Queen of England and Ireland 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records

Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland 1 Mary, Queen of Scots 1 Mason, W. Monck 1 Massinger, Philip 5 Mathieu of Boulogne 1 Matthew Paris 3 Matthew, Tobias 2 Matthieu, Pierre 1 Maurice, Prince of Bohemia 1 Mauritius, Johnes 2 May, Edward 1 May, Thomas (Playwright) 5 Mayne, Jasper 1 Mede, Joseph 1 Melville, Andrew 2 Melville, James (Scottish activist) 2 Mepeham, Simon 1 Merimouth, Adam 1 Merlin, Antoine-Christophe 1 Methodius of Olympus, Saint 1 Middleton, Thomas 6 Milton, John (English poet) 2 Minot, Laurence 1 Mirk, John 1 Monins, Edward 1 Montagu, Henry, 1st Earl of Manchester 1 Montagu, Walter 4 Montague, Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount 2 Montague, Harry 1 Montaigne, Michel de 1 Montemayor, Jorge de 1 Montgomerie, Alexander 2 Montgomery, Susan Herbert, Countess of 1 Moore, Christopher (fl. 16th century) 1 Moore, George, Sir 1 Mordaunt, Charles 1 More, Thomas, Sir 3 Morley, George 1 Morley, Thomas (English composer) 1 Morton, John (English cardinal) 1 Mountfort, William 1 Munday, Anthony 1 Mundy, Francis 1 Munsey, William 1 Musaeus, Grammaticus 1 Myll, G. 1 Mylne, Robert 1 Nashe, Thomas 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Nassington, William 3 Nennius 1 Nepos 1 Nesri, Francesco 1 Nethercott, Walter 1 Neville, Ralph (English bishop) 1 Neville, Robert (English bishop) 1 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, John Holles, 1st Duke 1 Newcome, Henry 1 Nicholas de Ryssheton 1 Nicholas III, Pope 1 Nicholas IV, Pope 1 Nicodemus 1 Nicol, George 1 Nicolas, Nicolas Harris 1 Nigel of Longchamp 2 Noel, Henry 1 Nonant, Hugh 1 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of 1 North, Henry, Sir 1 Northumberland, Henry Percy, 1st Earl of 1 Norton, Thomas 2 Norton, Thomas (English alchemist) 6 Nowell, Laurence 3 Odo of Cluny, Saint 1 Oldenburg, Henry 1 Oldham, John 1 Oldisworth, Nicholas 1 Opicius, Johannes 1 Ordericus Vitalis 1 Origen Adamantius 1 Osbern of Canterbury 1 Osbert of Clare 2 Osbolston, William 1 Osborne, Dorothy 1 Osorio, Jeronymo 1 Otterburn, Thomas 1 Overbury, Thomas 2 Overton, Robert (English army officer) 1 Ovid 5 Owen, Robert 1 Oxenden, Henry 2 Paddy, William 1 Palgarno, Thomas 1 Palmer, Thomas, Sir (English poet) 1 Paris, Matthew (English chronicler) 2 Parker, Henry 5 Parkinson, John (English botanist) 1 Parr, Catherine 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Parsons, Philip (English writer) 1 Paschal II, Pope 3 Paston family 14 Paul I, Pope 1 Paulen, John 1 Peacock, Reginald 1 Peckham, John 2 Peele, George 1 Peirs, William 1 Pembridge, Thomas 1 Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of 3 Penn, William, Sir 1 Percy, Henry, Sir 1 Perkins, William (English preacher) 1 Persons, Robert 1 Peter Comestor 1 Peter de Ickham 1 Peter of Blois 3 Petrarca, Francesco 8 Petre, Edward, Sir 1 Petronius Arbiter 1 Philip II, King of Spain 1 Philip of Tripoli 1 Philipott, Thomas 1 Phillip, John 1 Phillips, John (English poet) 1 Pinck, Robert 1 Piper, Edward 1 Pirannus, Denis 1 Pius IV, Pope 1 Plautus 2 Plutarch 2 Polwhele, Theophilus 1 Pope, Alexander 3 Possidius, Saint 1 Power, Henry 1 Poyntz, Adrian 1 Poyntz, Robert 1 Pratt, John (fl. 16th century) 1 Pridioxe, Thomas 1 Prince, John (English clergy) 1 Prior, Matthew 2 Priscian 3 Prynne, William 1 Pugh, Robert 1 Pullen, Josiah 1 Purvey, John 1 Puteo, Paris de 1 Pygott, Richard 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Pyke, John 1 Pym, John 3 Quarles, Francis 3 Quarles, Ursula 1 Quin, Walter 1 Radcliffe, Alexander 1 Radcliffe, John 1 Rainolds, John 1 Raleigh, Walter 22 Ralph d'Escures 1 Ralph of Coggeshall 1 Ralph of Diceto 1 Randolph, Thomas (English poet) 9 Ranelagh, Katherine, Viscountess 1 Rawlinson, John 1 Ray, John (English naturalist) 1 Raymond of Sabunde 1 Read, Martin (fl. 16th century) 1 Redford, John 1 Reginald of Canterbury 1 Reynolds, John (English poet) 1 Reynolds, Walter 1 Ricci, Seymour de 1 Rich, Penelope 1 Richard de Bury 1 Richard II, King of England 3 Richard of Cirencester 1 Richard of Devizes 1 Richard of Saint Victor 1 Richard, Canon of Holy Trinity 1 Richardson, Samuel 1 Rigges, Henry 1 Ripley, George (English alchemist) 7 Rishanger, William 2 Ritson, Joseph 1 Robert de Tombelaine 1 Robert II, King of Scotland 1 Robert III, King of Scotland 1 Robert of Chester 2 Robert of Gloucester 4 Robert of Reading 1 Robert, Prior of Shrewsbury 1 Roberts, Ihoannes 2 Robertson, Margaret (Scottish noble) 1 Robinson, Nicholas (English bishop) 1 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of 5 Roe, Thomas, Sir 2 Roger de Hoveden 4 Rohan, Anne de 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Rolle, Richard 15 Ronsard, Pierre de 1 Roper, William 1 Ross, John (English writer) 1 Rothesay, David Stewart, Duke of 1 Rous, Christopher 1 Rous, John 2 Rowghton, Thomas 1 Rowlands, Samuel 2 Rowley, William 1 Rudborne, Thomas 1 Rudyerd, Benjamin, Sir 2 Ruggle, George 1 Rushworth, John 1 Russell, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford 1 Russell, John (fl. 16th century) 1 Rutherford, Samuel 1 Rutter, Joseph 1 Ryves, George 1 Sabinus 1 Sabinus, Georgius 2 Sackville, Thomas 1 Saltonstall, Wye 1 Sampson, Thomas 1 Sampson, William (English writer) 2 Sanderson, Robert (English bishop) 1 Sanderson, Thomas (fl. 16th century) 1 Sandison, Helen Estabrook 1 Saunders, Anne (English criminal) 1 Saville, George, Sir 1 Savonarola, Girolamo 1 Scarron, Paul 1 Scot, Patrick 1 Scott, Alexander (Scottish poet) 2 Scott, Thomas (English clergy) 1 Scott, Thomas (English writer) 3 Scott, Walter (British novelist) 1 Scroope, Gervaise 1 Seager, Jane 1 Searchfield, Roland 1 Secchi, Niccolo 1 Sedley, Charles, Sir 1 Sedulius 1 Selden, John 1 Senatus Bravonius 1 Seneca the Elder 1 Seneca the Younger 3 Sergius I, Pope 1 Shadwell, Thomas 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records

Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of 1 Shakespeare, William (English playwright) 13 Sharpe, Lionel 1 Sheers, Henry 1 Sheffield, John (English poet) 2 Shelton, Thomas 1 Sherburne, Edward, Sir 3 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 1 Shirley, Henry 1 Shirley, James (English playwright) 4 Shirley, John (English translator) 2 Short, Ames 1 Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, 1st Duke of 1 Shute, Nathaniel 1 Sidney, Algernon 1 Sidney, Philip, Sir 15 Sidney, Robert 1 Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor 1 Silvaticus, Matthaeus 1 Simeon of Durham 3 Simmes, William 1 Simon of Ghent 1 Simon of Sudbury 1 Sixtus V, Pope 1 Skeat, Walter William 1 Skelton, John (English poet) 3 Skory, Edmond 1 Slingsby, Walter 1 Smith, George Charles Moore 1 Smith, John (fl. 16th century) 1 Smith, Thomas 1 Smith, William (English poet) 2 Smyth, Robert 1 Solinus, Caius Julius 1 Somer, John (English astronomer) 2 Somerset, William Seymour, Duke of 1 Soranus of Ephesus 1 Southwell, Robert 3 Speght, Thomas 1 Spencer, John (English theologian) 1 Spenser, Edmund 6 Sprott, Thomas, Blessed 1 St. John, Oliver 1 Stacy, Francis 1 Stafford, Anthony 1 Stafford, John 1 Stanley, Venetia 1 Stapleton, Thomas (English Theologian) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Starkey, Ralfe 1 Staunton, William 1 Stayner, John 1 Stevens, Walter (English editor) 1 Steward, Simeon 1 Stewart, John 1 Stobaeus, Johann 1 Stone, Gilbert 1 Stratford, John 1 Streech, John 1 Strete, William 1 Stringer, Francis 1 Strode, William 5 Stuart, Ludovic, 2nd Duke of Lennox 1 Stubbe, Henry 1 Stubbs, John (English puritan) 1 Sturm, Johann 1 Suckling, John, Sir 6 Sunderland, Henry Spencer, 1st Earl of 1 Swetnam, Joseph 1 Swift, Jonathan (Irish satirist) 9 Swinden, Henry 1 Swynford, Thomas 1 Sylvester, Josuah 1 Talboys, Richard 1 Tallement, Paul 1 Tanny, Philip 1 Taylor, Jeremy 1 Taylor, John (English poet) 2 Taylor, Thomas (English writer) 1 Teilo, Saint 1 Temple, Richard (English politician) 1 Temple, William, Sir (English statesman) 2 Tenison, Thomas 1 Tenizyn and Sendomyria, George Ossolinski, Count Palatine of 1 Thewlis, John 1 Thomas à Kempis 1 Thomas Aquinas, Saint 1 Thomas Lupo the Elder 1 Thomas of Bayeux 2 Thomond, Henry O'Brien, 5th Earl of 1 Thornton, Robert 1 Throckmorton, Arthur 1 Throckmorton, Francis 1 Throckmorton, Nicholas, Sir 2 Thurgot 1 Thurstan of York 1 Tipping, Thomas 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Tipping, William 3 Tomson, Paule 1 Tonson, Jacob 2 Tourneur, Cyril 1 Towers, William 2 Townley, Zonch 1 Townshend, Aurelian 1 Traheron, Philip 1 Traheron, Thomas 1 Treveti, Nicolai 1 Trevisa, John 3 Trolloppe, Thomas 1 Tuke, George 1 Turner, James, Sir 1 Turpin 1 Twist, Robert 1 Twiti, William 1 Twysden, Roger, Sir 1 Udall, Nicholas 1 Upton, Nicholas 1 Urban III, Pope 1 Urban IV, Pope 1 Ustick, Richard 1 Valentine, Basil 1 Vane, Henry, Sir 2 Vaux, Henry 2 Vegetius 3 Vennor, William, Sir 1 Vere, Francis, Sir 1 Vergil, Polydore 4 Vertue, George 1 Virgil 5 Vitalian, Pope 1 Voltaire 2 Wace 2 Wager, William 1 Wake, Isaac 1 Waleraund, Robert 1 Waller, Edmund 3 Wallington, Nehemiah 1 Wallis, Dr. 1 Walpole, Horace 4 Walrond, Nicholas 1 Walsingham, Francis, Sir 1 Walsingham, Thomas 4 Walter of Coventry 1 Waltham, Roger de 1 Walton, Bertram 1 Walton, John (Scottish clergy) 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Walton, Valentine 1 Wanley, Nathaniel 1 Ward, Samuel (English college administrator) 1 Wardlaw, Henry de 1 Ware, James (Irish nobleman) 1 Warwick, Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of 1 Wase, Christopher 1 Washington, Richard 1 Waterhouse, Edward 1 Watson, David (English poet) 1 Watson, Nicholas 1 Webster, John (English playwright) 1 Wedderburn, James 1 Weelkes, Thomas 1 Weever, John 1 Wellesley, Richard C. 1 Wells, Jeremiah 1 Wenman, Thomas 1 Wentworth, Peter 2 Wentworth, Thomas 2 Weston, Stephen 1 Wharton, Henry 1 Wharton, Philip 1 White, Thomas (English theologian) 2 Whitelocke, Bulstrode 1 Whitgift, John 1 Wilbye, John 1 Wild, Robert 2 Wilde, George (English playwright) 2 Wilde, Oscar 1 Wilkes, John 2 William de Montibus 2 William I, King of England 1 William III, King of England 1 William of Croyland 1 William of Jumièges 2 William of Malmesbury 8 William of Newburgh 1 William of Saint-Amour 1 William of Shoreham 1 William of St. Alban's 1 William of Tous 1 Williams, Anna 1 Williams, John (English bishop) 1 Williams, Moses 1 Williams, Richard (English poet) 1 Wilmot, Robert (English playwright) 2 Wilson, Arthur 3 Wimbledon, Thomas 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY NAME catalog records Winch, Edmund 1 Winchelsea, Robert de 1 Winchester, Hugh Le Despenser, Earl of 1 Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of 1 Wither, George 2 Wollaye, Edward 1 Wood, Ralph (English playwright) 1 Woodville, Anthony 2 Wotton, Edward 1 Wotton, Henry 12 Wroth, Mary, Lady 1 Wulfstan the Cantor 1 Wyatt, Thomas (English poet) 7 Wycliffe, John (English theologian) 10 Wydeville, Andrew 1 Wynkyn de Worde 1 Xenophon 1 Yarmouth, William Paston, 2nd Earl of 3 Yelverton, Henry 2 Zipoli, Perlone 1 Zouche, Richard 1

Titles of works

No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records [H]ow the apostles made the crede (Poem) 1

A [Satirical] Petition to the King (Letter) 1 A Ballad concernynge the death of Mr. Robert Glover [burnt at Coventry, 20 Sept. 1555] Wrytone to Maystrays Marye Glover his wyf of a frend of heres (Ballad) 1 A Ballet of the Deathe of Ratlyffe, Which Rosse With the Earl of Northubrland Lorde Pearse, Which He Maid a Lytle Space Before He Was Handged (Ballad) 1 A Banquet of Sweetmeats (Collection) 1 A Booke of the Trauaile and Lief of Me Thomas Hoby, with Diuerse Thinges Woorth the Notinge (Autobiography) 1 A Brief Discourse Touching the Happy Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland (Essay) 1 A Briefe of the Ten Commandments (Poem) 1 A Call to Devotion (Poem) 1 A Carall for Christmas Day (Song) 1 A Catalogue of Books Sent with Mr. [Henry] Herbert to Oxford, Jan. 12, 1669[70]." (Nonfiction work) 1 A Catholic to His Muse (Poem) 1 A Certaine Treatise Cauled the Institution of a Christen Prince or Ruler, Collected by Erasmus of Rotherodame (Opera) 1 A Character upon a Monfieur (Poem) 1 A Christenmas Welcome for Guests (Nonfiction work) 2 A Christian Reformacion of Nosce Teipsum (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records A chronicle of England, containing the remarkable passages of what happened; together with the mayors and sheriffs of London, from A 1215 to A 1509 (Nonfiction work) 1 A Closet of Cownsell, Exhausted and Drawne Forth of the Prudent Preceptes of Cato (Poem) 1 A Collection of Emblems (Collection) 1 A Collection of Seuerall of My Written Treatices; or, A Book of All My Writing Books What They Doe Chifely Concarne (Collection) 1 A Comendation of Friendshippe (Poem) 1 A Commemoration on the Life and Death of Sir C. Hatton (Poem) 1 A Commonplace Book of Catches, Glees and Rounds (Collection) 1 A Commonplace Book of English Madrigals and Sacred Motets, for Four, Five and Six Voices (Collection) 1 A Conference between two Lovers (Poem) 1 A Contemplation of Heaven (Nonfiction work) 1 A Contemplation Upon Flowers (Poem) 1 A Copie of Diuers and Sundry Verses As Well in Latin as in Englishe Deuised and Made Partely By John Leland and Partely by Nicholas Vuedale (Poetry collection) 1 A Coppie of [Francis Annesley] Lord Mount-Norris His Judgment, December 12th, 1635 (Nonfiction work) 1 A Coppie of an aduertisment to Sir Ed. Cooke (Nonfiction work) 1 A Copy of a Letter of Hochstate, September 2 1635 (Letter) 1 A Cordiall of Comfort (Letter) 1 A Couple of Dancers at Rusthall (Song) 1 A Curious Ballad on Drunkards (Song) 1 A Declaration Against the Crosse Petition, by the Commissioners of the General Assembly (Letter) 1 A Declaration of Certayne Philosophicall Words or Sayenges (Nonfiction work) 1 A Declaration of the Demeanor and Cariage of Sir Walter Raleigh (Declaration) 1 A Dedication of Some Poems to Cragmiller (Poetry collection) 1 A Defence of the Images (Nonfiction work) 1 A Definition of the Philosopher's Stone (Poem) 1 A Deposition from Love (Poem) 1 A Description of the House of Fame (Nonfiction work) 1 A Description of the Palsgrave's Country (Poem) 1 A Description of Wallace (Poem) 1 A Dialogue Between a Lover and His Mistress (Poem) 1 A Dialogue between D. Lautherdale and D. Hamilton (Nonfiction work) 1 A Dialogue Between Policy and Piety (Poem) 1 A Dialogue of the Right of the Kingdom among the Scots (Essay) 2 A Discourse of Sorrowing for the Dead (Nonfiction work) 1 A Discourse on the Memory of That Rare and Truly Virtuous Person Sir Robert Fletcher, of Saltoun (Nonfiction work) 1 A Discourse on Usury (Essay) 1

A Dittie Most Excellent for Everie Man to Reade, that Doth Intende for to Amende and to Repent With Speede, o the Tune of A Rich Merchant Man, or John, Come, Kiss Me Now (Song) 1 A Dittie of Musicks Prayse (Song) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

A Doleful Daunce and Song of Death, Intituled, The Shakeing of the Sheetes (Song) 1 A Dossen of Points Sent by a Gentlewoman to her Lover for a Newyeares Gift (Ballad) 1 A Face that Shuld Content Me Wonders Well (Poem) 1 A Familiar Epistle to Mr. Julian, Secretary to the Muses (Poem) 1 A Farewell to England (Poem) 1 A Fatherly Farewell (Poem) 2 A Fewe Witty Sainges Collected Out of Divers Autors Worthy to Be Parvsed By So Worthy a Prince (Collection) 1 A Funerall Poem (Poem) 1 A Funerall Poem, Consecrated to the Memorie, of that Ever Honored President of Soldyership, Goodnes, and Vertue; Sr Arthure Chichester; Baron of Belfast (Poem) 1 A Gallery to the Temple (Poetry collection) 1

A Gallory to the Temple: Lyricall Poemes upon sacred occasions (Poetry collection) 1 A Game at Chess (Play) 4 A Generall Discourse upon Covetousnesse (Ballad) 1 A Generall Rule to Teche Euery Man, That is Willynge for to Lerne, to Serve a Lorde or Mayster in Euery Thyng to His Plesure (Nonfiction work) 1 A Girdle (Poem) 1 A Godly and Vertuous Song Made by the Honourable the Earle of Essexe, Late Deceased (Ballad) 1

A Godly and Vertuous Songe or Ballade Made by the Constant Member of Christe John Carelesse, Being in Prison in the Kings Benche for Professing his Word (Poem) 1 A Godly Song in Comendation of Mr. John Bradford Who Was Burned for the Sincere Preaching of Gods Worde (Song) 1 A Good Beginning May Have a Good End (Play) 1 A House of Pomegranates (Short fiction collection) 1 A Hymn to Christ (Lydgate, John) (Poem) 1 A Journey to Sherewood Forest (Poem) 1 A Joyfull Consolation Wher Christ Is Lyvely Felt (Ballad) 1 A Judicial [of Urines] (Nonfiction work) 1 A Kicksy Winsye or a Lerry Cum Twang, Wherin John Taylor Hath Satirically Suited Eight Hundred of His Bad Debtors, That Will Not Pay Him for His Returne of His Jorney from Scotland (Poem) 1 A Kisse (Poem) 1 A Lamentation upon the Conflagration of the Muses Habitation; or, The Description of The Burning a Schoole in Yorkshire (Poem) 1 A Learned Exposition of Certaine of Spencer's Verses Concerning the Soule and Body of Man (Essay) 1 A Letter & Verses by Sir Lucius Cary (Collection) 1 A Letter from the Pope to His Nuncio in England (Letter) 1 A Letter in Verse to Lady Cooke (Letter) 1 A letter sent from Mr. Wake, Embassadour in Savoy, 1620 (Letter) 1 A Letter to an Honorable Lady (Letter) 1 A Lettre Sent to a Religious Womman of the XII Frutes of the Holy Gost (Letter) 1 A Looking Glasse for Loovers (Poetry collection) 1 A Lottery Proposed before Supper at the Lord Chief Justice His House (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records A Love to His Mistris that Cared Not for Him (Poem) 1 A Lover to His Friend (Poem) 1 A Lover to his Mistris (Poem) 1 A Lover's Complaint (Poem) 1 A Lovers Passion (Poem) 1 A Martyrology, or Lives of the Saints, the Festivals, etc. (Poem) 1 A Masque, not in his Works that I can find (Poem) 1 A Meditation of the Love of Christ (Poem) 1 A Meditation of the Passion (Nonfiction work) 1 A Meditation Upon Luke VII, 12 (Poem) 1 A Memoriall of what Passed Concerning Sir Walter Rawleigh's execution, 29 Oct. 1618 (Nonfiction work) 1 A Months Mind to Thinke on Death (Song) 1 A New Ballard of London's Loialty (Poem) 1

A New Bill of Sale, at Peter's Coffee-house in Covent Garden (Essay) 1 A new litany designed for this Lent, and to be sung in all Conventicles in and about London for the instruction of the Whiggs set familiarly to an excellent old tune called Cavalilly man (Song) 1 A New Yeares Guifte (Poem) 1 A Panegyrick Congratulatorie to the Kinges Most Sacred Maiestie By Samuel Danyel (Poem) 1 A Panegyrick Upon the Protector (Poem) 1 A Paradox - the Worst the Better (Poem) 1 A Paraphrase Upon the 148th Psalm (Essay) 1 A Paraphrase Uppon the Psalms of David, by John Glanvill, Knight, One of the Kings Serieants at Law, Late Speaker of the Comons Howse of Parliament (Nonfiction work) 1 A Passionate Poem, Expressing Such Passages as Happ'ned to the Author Thereof at Sea, About the Later End of Januarie Last 1623 (Poem) 1 A Pastoral Dialogue: Celia, Cleon (Poem) 1 A Pastoral Dialogue: Shepherd, Nymph, Chorus (Poem) 1 A Petition to the Lords to Examine the Religion and Carriage of Archbishop Bancroft (Essay) 1 A Plain Methodicall Declaration of Geber's Three Medecines (Nonfiction work) 1 A Play of the State of Ireland (Play) 1

A Pleasant Ballad of the Just Man Jobe, Shewing His Patience in Extremitie (Poem) 1 A poem on Alchymy (Poem) 1 A Poeme Upon the Praise of Vertue (Poem) 1 A Poetical Epistle to My Lord Chancellour [Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon] Presented on New Year's Day (Poem) 1 A Prayer for One Being Afflicted with Sinne (Ballad) 1 A Prayer to the Wind (Poem) 1 A Preservative from Apostasie (Poem) 1 A Private Conference, in the Yeare 1647 (Nonfiction work) 1 A Prophecie, in Prose (Nonfiction work) 1 A Prophecy in Verse (Poem) 1 A Prophesie Which Hath Beene in a Manuscript in the Lord Powis's Family 60 Yeares (Nonfiction work) 1 A Rapture (Carew, Thomas) (Poem) 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records A Rebuke to Rebellion (Poem) 1 A Resolution of Conscience in Answere to Mr. Aschams Booke (Nonfiction work) 1 A Riddle (Veer, Mr.) (Poem) 1 A Right Luxy Amercous Balede (Poem) 1 A Robyn Gentyl Robyn (Song) 1 A Satire on Women (Poem) 1 A Satyr Against Man (Poem) 1 A Satyre. The Puritan and the Papist (Nonfiction work) 1 A Sermon of Pson Hyberdyne, which He Made att the Comandment of Certain Theves after They Had Robbed Hym besyd Hartlerowe in Hanshyer (Sacred work) 1 A Short Remonstrance of the Life of that Rarely Accomplished Gentleman Mr William Poeley (Poetry collection) 1 A Short Treatise on the Treatment of Wounds (Nonfiction work) 1 A Short View of Great Brittayne and Spayne (Essay) 1 A Singular Salve For a Sicke Soule (Poem) 1 A Somers Journey in France, With Observations On It (Nonfiction work) 1 A Song (Herrick, Robert) (Poem) 1 A Song at Court Followed by other Poems (Collection) 1 A Song in Praise of a Ladie (Song) 1 A Song Mad by F. B. P., to the Tune of Diana (Song) 1 A Song Made by John Thewlis, Before His Execution (Song) 1 A Song of the Crosse (Song) 1 A Song of the Moon (Poem) 1 A Song on a Sigh (Poem) 1 A Song on His Mistresse (Poem) 1 A Song on the Betrayal of Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, By His Servant Banister (Song) 1 A Songe in Praise of Musique (Song) 1 A Songe of Foure Preistes That Suffered Death at Lancaster, to the Tune of Daintie, Come Thou to Me (Song) 1 A Songe of the Puritan (Song) 1 A Sonnet in Praise of the Right Worshipfull Mr. George Wharton, Sonne and Heire of Philip Lord Wharton, of Wharton in the Countye of Westmorlande (Poem) 1 A Speech [Made By John Williams, Dean of Westminster, and Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Keeper, in the Court of Chancery] the I Daie of Terme, 22th Sept. 1621 (Speech) 1 A Summarie, Briefe, or Extract of the Reasons Wherefore the Vniuersitie of Cambridge is Exempt Both From Archiepiscopall and Episcopall Jurisdiction and Visitation (Nonfiction work) 1 A Table Booke for a Prince (Nonfiction work) 1 A the Syghs Yt Cum Fro My Hart (Song) 1 A Tie from Sr Walter Releighe to his Mother (Poem) 1 A Tragedy on the History of Sir Thomas More (Play) 2 A Translation of a Few Psalms of David into English Metre (Poetry collection) 1 A Treatie of Humane Learning (Nonfiction work) 1 A Treatie of Warres (Nonfiction work) 1 A Treatise of Dauncinge, Denne into Frenche by Clawdius Hollibande, and Translated into Englishe by Thomas Chinalls, 1598 (Nonfiction work) 1 A Treatise of Monarchie (Nonfiction work) 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

A Treatise of Specters or Straunge Sights, Visions and Apparitions (Nonfiction work) 1 A Treatise on the Astrolabe (Essay) 1 A Treatise to Receive the Blessed Body of our Lord Sacramentally and Virtually Both (Essay) 1 A Treatise Touchinge the Right, Title, and Interest of the Moste Excellente Princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland (Nonfiction work) 1 A Treatise upon the Passion (Essay) 1 A treatise upon the philosophers' stone (Nonfiction work) 1 A Tretise of Miraclis Ployingo (Nonfiction work) 1 A Tretise of Pristis (Nonfiction work) 1 A Tretyse of Ymages (Nonfiction work) 1 A true and full account of a late Conference between the wonderful speaking Head; and Father G_n, as it was related by the Head's own Mouth to Dr. Frazer (Nonfiction work) 1 A View of the State of Spain (Collection) 1

A Warning unto Repentaunce and of Christs Coming unto Judgement (Ballad) 1 A Woman of No Importance (Play) 1 A Work of the Philosophers' Stone (Nonfiction work) 1 A Worke Verie Shorte (Poem) 1

A Worthy Speech of Master Aldridg at the Funerall of Old Father Staminate (Speech) 1 À la Bonne Grace du Roy (Poem) 1 Abfentiae (Poem) 1 Abingdon Chronicle (Nonfiction work) 1 Aboffe All Thynge Now Lete Us Synge (Song) 1 About My Lord Halifax (Letter) 1 Abridgement of Mr. Pym's Speech upon Grievances, Delivered in the House of Commons (Speech) 1 Abstract of Proposalls Humbly Offered for the Improvement of His Majesties Revenue on Tobacco (Nonfiction work) 1 Account Book (Nonfiction work) 4

Account of Judith, Walthoeof's Wife, and Her Successors (Nonfiction work) 1 Account of the Baths at Baden (Nonfiction work) 1 Acta Guidonis Warwicensis (Poem) 1 Ad Academiam Prefatio (Speech) 1 Ad Amasiam Alberici Gentilis (Poem) 1 Ad Beniaminium Filium (Poem) 1 Ad Chutum et Sharpum (Poem) 1 Ad Demonicum (Speech) 1 Ad Nicoclem (Speech) 1 Ad Regem (Poem) 1 Adew Adew My Hartis Lust (Song) 1 Adew Corage Adew (Song) 1 Adew Madam et Ma Mastres (Song) 1 Adew Mes Amours et Mon Desyre (Song) 1 Admonicio sancti Augustini ut non solum lingua sed moribus et vita laudetur deus (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Adnotationes historice; maxime de temporibus Anglo-Saxonum (Nonfiction work) 1

Aduertisments of a Loyall Subject to His Soueraigne (Nonfiction work) 1 Advice to a Daughter (Essay) 1 Advice to a Young Man, on Leaving Oxford University to Reside in London (Nonfiction work) 1 Advice to his Wife (Poem) 1 Aeneid (Virgil) (Poem) 2 Aeneis (Poem) 1 Aesop's Fables (Collection) 1 Against Dice (Nonfiction work) 1 Against Exposing Relics for Gain (Nonfiction work) 1 Against Nigardie and Riches (Poem) 1 Aglaura (Play) 1 Alac Alac What Shall I Do (Song) 1 Alaham (Nonfiction work) 1 Alas! What Shall I Do for Love? (Poem) 1 Albion's Complaint (Poem) 1 Alexias; or, The Chast Gallant (Play) 1 Alia emendatio annorum incarnationis, juxta Jeronimum, Cassiodorum et Orosium (Nonfiction work) 1

All the Kings Short Poesis that Ar Not Printed (Poetry collection) 1 Alone I Leffe (Song) 1 Amphitryon (Plautus) (Play) 1 An ABC (Chaucer, Geoffrey) (Poem) 1 An Abstract of Proceedings in Parliament from Monday 23 of Feb. 1623/4 to Wednesday 19th of May (Nonfiction work) 1 An Account of the Lottery and Other Annuities Subscribed Into the Stock of the South Sea Company (Nonfiction work) 1 An Admonysyone to Evarye Degrye, Showing the Right Waye to Joye and Parfyte Reste (Poem) 1

An Advertisement Touchinge the Controversyes of The Church of England (Letter) 1 An Annale of Queene Marie Her Raigne (Nonfiction work) 1 An Answer to Dr. Price (Poem) 1 An Apologie (Poem) 1

An Apologie of the Earle of Essex.....Penned By Himselfe in Anno 1598 (Letter) 1 An Apologye of Ye Earle of Essex Agaynst All Those That Falsly and Maliciously Holde Hym to Bee a Disturber of Ye Peace and Quyet of This Countrye (Nonfiction work) 2 An Approbate Treite for the Pestilence Studied by the Gretteste Docturs of Fisike, Amonges Thunyversite of Cristen Nacons, yn the Tyme of Sante Thomas of Caunterbury (Nonfiction work) 1 An Elege Occasion'd by Sicknes (Poem) 1

An Elegiacall Poem Vpon the Euer Admired Life, and Neuer Sufficiently Deplored Death of Thomas Lord Gray, Baron of Wilton, Deceased (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records An Elegie and Epitaph upon the Death of Mr. Washington, the Princes Page, who Dyed in Spayne, 1623 (Poem) 1 An Elegie on Dr. Donne (Poem) 1 An Elegie upon the Death of Sir John Burrowes, Slaine in the Isle of Ree, 1627 (Poem) 1 An Elegy on the Death of Sir John Burrowes (Poem) 1 An Elegy on the Death of the Right Honourable Francis Lord Guilford, Lord Keeper of the Great Seale of England (Poem) 1 An Elegy Upon the Death of the Lady Markham (Poem) 1

An Elegy; [in English Verse] Sacred to the Immortall Memory of .... Edward Lord Coke [Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice (Nonfiction work) 1 An Ellegiack Encomium (Speech) 1 An Encomium on a Parliament (Nonfiction work) 1 An Encomium to Dr. B. (Poem) 1 An Epigram. to the Small-Pox (Poem) 1 An Epistle "of Religious Exortacioun" to a Nun (Letter) 1 An Epitaph by Sir A. Thr. (Poem) 1 An Epitaph on Master Vincent Corbet (Poem) 1 An Epitaph on Mr. Henry Boling (Poem) 1 An Epitaph upon Shakespeare (Poem) 1 An Essay [in Verse] Upon the Foure Cardinall Virtues, Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude (Essay) 1 An Essay on Man (Poem) 1 An Essay Upon Satyr (Essay) 1

An Extempore Sermon Preached at the Request of Two Scholars by a Lover of Ale Out of a Hollow Tree (Nonfiction work) 1 An Extract of the Passage of My Life and Three Things Heard in Hearing of the Word of God (Essay) 1 An Extract of the Passages of My Life (Autobiography) 1

An Extract Out of the Historie of the Last King Henry the Fourth (Nonfiction work) 1 An History and Daunce of Deathe...Written in the Chappell of Wortley of Wortley-Hall (Play) 1 An History of the Amours of Madame d'Olonne (Nonfiction work) 1 An Hymne, or Song of Seaven Straines of the Soule (Song) 1 An Ideal Husband (Play) 1 An Inquisition Upon Fame and Honour (Poem) 1 An Invective Against Treason (Poem) 1 An Italian treat (Play) 1

An Old Dittie of Sir Philip Sidney Omitted in the Printed Arcadia (Poem) 1 An Old Man's Diary (Diary) 1

An olde manuscript conteyning the Parlament of Bees, found in a hollow tree in a garden at Hibla, in a strandge languadge, and now faithfully translated into easie English verse, by John Daye, Cantabrig (Poem) 1 An Opposite to Melancholy (Poem) 1 Anacharsis, or a Discourse of Exercises (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Ancient Treatise on Cookery (Nonfiction work) 1 And thus begynnyth the Chartyr of the same Abbey of the holy Goost (Nonfiction work) 1 Anelida and Arcite (Poem) 1 Anglia Sacra (Collection) 1 Anglica Historia (Nonfiction work) 3 Annales Cicestrensis monasterii (Nonfiction work) 1 Annales de Trokclowe (Collection) 1 Annales de Wincumbe (Nonfiction work) 1 Annales de Wintonia (Nonfiction work) 1 Annales monasterii de Buellio (Nonfiction work) 1 Annales monasterii de Theoksbery (Nonfiction work) 1 Annals of Winton (Nonfiction work) 1

Anniversary on the Government of the Lord Protector An.D.1655 (Poem) 1 Anonymus Neveleti (Poem) 1 Another Example of the Power of Faith (Essay) 1 Another on a Child, Perhaps the Fame (Poem) 1 Answer to the Ante-Anniversary (Poem) 1 Answere of Prayers (Essay) 1 Answere to Ye Doct' Corbet's Verses (Letter) 1 Antonio and Mellida (Play) 1 Antonio and Vallia (Play) 1 Apocalypsis Goliae (Poem) 1 Apocalypsis magistri Walteri Mapes (Nonfiction work) 1 Apollo's Oath (Poem) 2 Apology to Mr. Anthony Bacon (Letter) 1 Apostles' Creed (Prayer) 1 Arcadia (Poem) 1 Arcadia (Sidney, Philip, Sir) (Poem) 4 Archaeologia (Periodical) 1 Archiepiscoporum Eboracensium Historiola, à S. Paulino ad Willielmum Both, Archiep (Nonfiction work) 1 Archipropheta (Play) 1 Architophel and Stella (Collection) 1 Aristomenes, or The Royal Shepherd (Play) 1

Aristotelis ad magnum Alexandrum de vite institutione oratio (Poem) 1 Ars Amatoria (Poem) 1 As Oft As I Behold and See (Poem) 1 As Ther Is VII Dayes of the Weykes So Ther Is VII Herbys Pryncipall (Nonfiction work) 1 Asloan Manuscript (Collection) 1 Astrophel and Stella (Poem) 1 At Least Withdraw Your Creweltie (Poem) 1 At Saint Patrick's Purgatory (Poem) 1 Atalanta (Play) 1 Athenae Cantab (Periodical) 1 Athenae Oxoniensis (Poem) 1 Auchinleck Manuscript (Poetry collection) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Augustinus de contemptu mundi (Collection) 1 Ave, From Ane Ballat of Our Lady (Poem) 1 B.J. to the Paynter (Poem) 1 Balade of Truth (Poem) 1 Ballad on the Forked Head Dresses of Ladies (Ballad) 1 Bannatyne Manuscript (Poetry collection) 1 Barns filled in famine (Poem) 1 Barnwell Chronicle (Nonfiction work) 1 Basilicon Doron (Nonfiction work) 1 Battle of Cannae (Poem) 1 Beatus Venter Qui Te Portauit (Poem) 1 Beauty in a Trance (Play) 1

Behemoth, or the Epitome of Ye Civill Wars of England (Nonfiction work) 1 Believe As You List (Play) 1

Bellenden's Translation of the History of Hector Boece (Nonfiction work) 1 Bible (Sacred work) 2 Bible. N.T. (Sacred work) 2 Bible. N.T. Mark (Sacred work) 1 Bible. N.T. Matthew (Sacred work) 2 Bible. N.T. Revelation (Sacred work) 1 Bible. O.T. Apocrypha. Esdras, 2nd (Sacred work) 1 Bible. O.T. Psalms (Sacred work) 4 Bibliotheca Cottoniana (Nonfiction work) 1 Biographical Notice of Thomas Farnaby (Biography) 1 Birth, childhood, and ministry of Christ (Poem) 1 Blest Be the Day (Poem) 1 Bloomfield's Blossoms (Poem) 2 Blow Pi Horne Hunter (Song) 1 Bohemia in Concilio Basileensi (Nonfiction work) 1 Bonduca (Play) 1 Book of Public Entertainments (Poetry collection) 1 Book of the Morals of Men and of the Duties of Noblemen According to the Game of Chess (Nonfiction work) 1 Book of Wisdom (1559) (Poem) 1 Books of Psalms (Sacred work) 3 Bosworth Field (Poetry collection) 1 Brevis chronologia sanctorum paparum (Nonfiction work) 1 Brevis historia regum Angliae, à rege Gulielmo I. ad tempora R. Henrici VI. h. e. ad annum 1447 (Nonfiction work) 1 Brevis notatio de quibusdam regibus Angliae, et quot annis regnarunt (Nonfiction work) 1 Brief for defendants in the case of Sr. Isaac Rebow and others, petitioners, against Alderman Moore defendant; to be heard in Counsell the 8th of August 1696 (Nonfiction work) 1 Britannia Sancta (Nonfiction work) 1 Brittanicus; or, The Man of Honour, a Comedy (Play) 1 Broken wine-cask filled (Poem) 1 Brute (Periodical) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Bugbear (Play) 1 Buik of Alexander (Fictional work) 1 Burlasse the Painter to B.J. the Poet (Poem) 1 But How Must Wee Order Our Actions to Gods Glory (Essay) 1

By Dr Andrews, the Belief versified with fimilar quaintness of contrivance (Poem) 1 By the Erle Marshall Essex to the Quene (Letter) 1 Caelia's Country-House and Closet (Poem) 1 Cambridge Dramatic Commonplace Book (Collection) 1 Cancered tongue healed (Poem) 1 Candia Restaurata (Play) 1

Capita Nova de Eodem Argumento, Tempore Edwardi Regis (Nonfiction work) 1 Capita Vetera de Placitis Coronae (Nonfiction work) 1 Capitula de Statutis R. Edwardi I (Nonfiction work) 1 Capitula de Tonsura Monetae (Nonfiction work) 1 Capitula Visus Franci Plegii (Nonfiction work) 1 Cardmakers (Play) 1 Carmen Gratulatorium (Poem) 2 Carmen Nuptuale (Poetry collection) 1 Carmen Panegyricum (Nonfiction work) 1 Carmen perpulchrum totum opus enucleans (Poem) 1 Carmen super multiplici vitiorum pestilentia (Poem) 1 Passionem Jesu Christi (Poem) 1 Carta Jhu. Xpi (Poem) 1 Cassandra (La Calprenede, Gautier de Costes) (Novel) 1 Castra in Campo Cantiano (Nonfiction work) 1 Catholicke Questions to the Protestants (Nonfiction work) 1 Catholicon Anglicum (Reference work) 1 Cento Virgilianus (Faltonia Betitia Proba) (Poem) 1 Cerlaync Psalmes (Poem) 1 Certain Psalms of David (Collection) 1 Certaine Considerations Touchinge the Better Pacification and Edification of the Church of England (Essay) 1

Certaine Letters Written By the Right Honourable Robert Late Earle of Essex Robert Devereux to the Queene Queen Elizabeth the Counsell (Letter) 1

Certaine Passages Observed By Sr Charles Cornewallis [Ambassador to Spain] in His Treatie with the Duke of Lerma and the Earle of Villa Longa Concerning a Mariage Betweene Henry Prince of Wales and the Infanta of Spain (Nonfiction work) 1 Certaine Proverbs and Aphorismes Collected as They Weere at Severall Times Spoken By King James (Nonfiction work) 1

Certayne Medytatyons and Prayers Very Necessarye for a Chrystyane to Reade and Medytate Vppon as Tyme May Sarve Him (Poem) 1

Certein Devoute Meditations of the Love of God (Nonfiction work) 1 Chanon's Yeoman (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Characters and Poems Selected From Various English Authors (Collection) 1 Charites Oxonienses siue Laetitia Musarum (Poetry collection) 1 Charles Cavendish to His Posterity (Poem) 1 Chateau d'Amour (Poem) 1 Chevalere assigne (Poem) 1 Chevy Chase (Poem) 1 Choice of a Wife (Poem) 1 Chrestoleros (Poem) 1 Christian Poems for Spirituall Aedificatione (Poetry collection) 1 Christianismus Christianandus (Nonfiction work) 1 Christ's Kirke on the Green (Poem) 1 Christus Triumphans (Play) 1

Chronica Beluacensis, ab Orbe Condito ad Tempora Friderici II (Nonfiction work) 1

Chronica de primis incolis Hyberniae et de rebus Britannicis (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronica gentis Scotorum (Nonfiction work) 2 Chronica Gervasii (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronica monasterii de Alnewick (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronica Paparum (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronica Thomae Sprott (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronica Tripartita (Poem) 1 Chronicle of England (Nonfiction work) 3

Chronicle of English History from the Creation to 1225 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicle of Furness (Nonfiction work) 1

Chronicle of General Chapters of Augustinian Canons (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicle of Melrose (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon a Bruto ad annum 1346 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon ab Initio Mundi ad Annum 1161 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon Angliae Petriburgense (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon breve de Regibus Anglo-Saxonum, ab Egberto, usque ad mortem Aluredi (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon breve, à Christo nato ad A. C. 1062 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon de rebus gestis Ricardi Primi (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon de Regibus Anglorum, breve; fc. ab Alfredo, usque ad Henricum II (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon de statu Lindisfarnensis et Dunelmensis Ecclesiae ab anno 635 ad annum 1151 (Nonfiction work) 1

Chronicon Ecclesiae Landavensis a Bruto ad AC 1370 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon Glastenburiense, A coronatione R. Gulielmi I ad Ann. 1388 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon Henrici de Silegrave (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon Lichfeldensis (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon Monasterii de Bello (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Chronicon Regum Angliae a Bruto usque ad Regem Edwardum III (Nonfiction work) 1

Chronicon seu Annales Hibernici ab anno 1264 ad annum 1332 (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicon Walteri de Gisburne (Nonfiction work) 1

Chronicon, ab Adventu Saxonum ad R. Edmundum Ironside (Nonfiction work) 1 Chronicorum Helinandi (Nonfiction work) 1

Chronique d'Angleterre, Depuis Brutus Jusqu'au Roi Edward III (Nonfiction work) 1

Chroniques Depuis Brutus Jusqu'à l'an 6 Edw. III (Nonfiction work) 1 Cicilia and Clorinda; or, Love in Arms, a Tragi-comedy (Play) 2 Circumspect Walking (Nonfiction work) 1 Cironica Regis Henrici Quinti (Poem) 1 Citty Shuffler (Play) 1 Clariodus (Fictional work) 1 Clarissa (Novel) 1 Clavicula Lullii quae et apertorium dicitur, in qua omnia quae in opere Alchimiae requiuntur aperte declarantur (Nonfiction work) 1 Clerk [of Chartres] buried in pit (Poem) 1 Collationes Patrum (Nonfiction work) 1 Collectanea e L. Floro (Nonfiction work) 1

Collectanea Historica, maxima ex parte, de temporibus Anglo-Saxonum (Collection) 1

Collection of Receipts in Medicine and Confectionary (Collection) 1 Columna Aurea Super Bases Argenteas (Speech) 1

Commentaries on the Metaphysics of Aristotle 1576 (Nonfiction work) 1 Commonplace (Collection) 1 Commonplace Book (c. 1601) (Collection) 1 Commonplace Book (Southwell, Anne) (Collection) 1 Common-Place Book of John Milton (Collection) 1 Commonplace Book. A Book of Diverse Devices and Sorts of Pictures with the Alphabets of Letters (Collection) 1 Commonplaces from the Classics (Nonfiction work) 1 Compendium de Britannia (Nonfiction work) 1 Compendium Logicae (Nonfiction work) 1 Compendium morale (Nonfiction work) 1 Complaint against Fortune (Poem) 1 Complete Works of Oscar Wilde (Collection) 1 Complimentary Address (Speech) 1 Complimentary Addresses to Queen Elizabeth (Speech) 1 Complimentary Verses (1573) (Poetry collection) 1

Complimentary Verses (Andre, Bernard Andreas) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Anonymous) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Anonymous, 1559) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Anonymous, 1604) (Poetry collection) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Complimentary Verses (Anonymous, 1626) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Brimeld, Israel) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Lewis, Geoffrey) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Owen, Robert) (Poetry collection) 1

Complimentary Verses (Pembridge, Thomas) (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Poetry collection) 1 Complimentary Verses (Twist, Robert) (Poetry collection) 1

Compound of Alchymie, with the Recapitulation and Admonition (Poem) 2 Computus Ecclesiae Sci. Petri de Burgo (Nonfiction work) 1 Concerning Death (Essay) 1 Concerning Famous Women (Biography) 1 Concerning the Rule of Princes (Nonfiction work) 1 Concilium Aluredi, et Godrum, regum (Nonfiction work) 1 Conclusion to Bloomfield's Blossoms (Poem) 1 Confessio Amantis (Gower, John) (Poem) 3 Confessio S. Patricii episcopi (Autobiography) 1 Contention between a Whitehead and a Redhead (Poem) 1 Continuatio Walteri Monachi Gisburnensis (Nonfiction work) 1 Contra carnis lasciviam in causa concupiscentiae (Poem) 1 Contra daemonis astutiam in causa Lollardiae (Poem) 1 Contra mentis sevitiam in causa superbiae (Poem) 1 Contra mundi fallaciam in causa perjurii et avaritiae (Poem) 1 Corona Charitatis (Nonfiction work) 1 Correspondence of Sir Thomas Hanmer (Letter) 1 Correspondence of the Family of Paston of Paston (Collection) 1 Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (Fictional work) 1 Credo in Anglicis (Poem) 1

Cronica Walliae a Rege Cadwalader ad annum 1294 (Nonfiction work) 1 Cursor Mundi (Poem) 2 Cursur o World (Poem) 1

D. Godefrido Nighting(ale?) In Gradum Doctoralem Versus Alcaici (Poem) 1 D.G. to His Son Vincent (Poem) 1 Damon (Poem) 1 Damon to Alexis (Poem) 1 David and Absalom (Play) 1 David's Delights or A President for a Prince (Nonfiction work) 1 De adventu B. Adriani (Nonfiction work) 1 De adventu B. Melliti (Nonfiction work) 1 De adventu B. Theodori (Nonfiction work) 1

De Adventu Ducis Normannorum, et Coronatione Ejusdem (Nonfiction work) 1 De Adventu Scotorum in Britannia (Nonfiction work) 1 De Aedificatione Claustri Muralis; et de Vita Fratrum Claustralium Ordinanda (Nonfiction work) 1 De Arte Dictandi Epistolas (Nonfiction work) 1 De ascensione Christi (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records De assumpeione beato Marie post mortem (Poem) 1 De Bello Gothico (Nonfiction work) 1 De bono paupertatis (Nonfiction work) 1 De Carta Quadem Conficta, et de Itinere Regis Johannis of England in Pictaviam (Nonfiction work) 1 De Casibus Virorum et Feminarum Illustrium (Poem) 1 De Casu Londini Versus Septem (Poem) 1

De Causa Translationis et Mutationis Regni Anglorum (Nonfiction work) 1 De causis excidii Carthaginensium (Poem) 1

De certamine singulari coram constabulario et marescallo Angliae (Nonfiction work) 1 De Civitate Dei (Theological work) 1 De Cometis (Nonfiction work) 1 De computo lunae (Nonfiction work) 1 De conjuge non ducenda (Poem) 1 De Contemptu Mundi (Essay) 1 De Contemptu Mundi (Innocent III, Pope) (Essay) 1 De coronatione R. Ricardi II (Nonfiction work) 1 De coronatione regis Ricardi II (Nonfiction work) 1

De Defensione Sedis et Ecclesiae per Wilfridum (Nonfiction work) 1 De die judicii (Poem) 1 De diversis modis castigationis (Poem) 1 De Divisione Angliae Septem Regna (Nonfiction work) 1

De Domibus Religiosis in Iisdem Comitatibus Contentis (Nonfiction work) 1 De Educatione Stephani Regis (Nonfiction work) 1 De emendatione vitae (Nonfiction work) 1 De excidio Troiae historia (Nonfiction work) 2 De exequiis regalibus, cum ipsos reges ex hoc seculo migrare contigerit (Nonfiction work) 1 De Facultatibus et Virtutibus Humanis (Nonfiction work) 1

De Fundatione Ecclesia Eboracensis, et Primis Archiepiscopis (Nonfiction work) 1 De Fundationibus Ccclesiarum per Anglia (Nonfiction work) 1 De genealogia R. Hen. II. et Saxonicis regibus (Nonfiction work) 1 De genesis contra Manichaeos (Essay) 1 de Gestis Futuris (Poem) 1

De gestis regum Britonum, a Bruto usque a annum 1298 (Nonfiction work) 1 De gestis RR. Edwardi II et III (Nonfiction work) 1 De Guidone et Colbrando (Poem) 1

De Gulielmo Bastardo, Rege Angliae, et Tribus Filiis Ejus (Nonfiction work) 1 De Illustribus Henricis (Biography) 1 De Imagine Mundi (Nonfiction work) 1

De Inventione S. Amphibali, Sociorumque Ejus (Nonfiction work) 1 De IX modis faciendi elemosinam (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

De Jocalibus et Vasis Pretiosis quae R. Edwardus III (Nonfiction work) 1 De jure et statu Menevensis Ecclesiae (Nonfiction work) 1 De l'abus des Predicateurs (Essay) 1 De Lege Agraria (Nonfiction work) 1

De Litibus Ortis de Electione Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Post Obitum Huberti Walter, Inter Regem Johannem of England et Monachos (Nonfiction work) 1 De lucis scrutinio (Poem) 1 De Malcolmo, Christianissimo Rege Scotorum (Nonfiction work) 1 De materia ligni crucis ex paradiso abbatae item de S. Germano Antissiodorensi (Nonfiction work) 1

De mirabilibus Britanniae, et quatuor publicis viis (Nonfiction work) 3 De mirabilibus Hiberniae (Nonfiction work) 1 De mirabilibus mundi (Nonfiction work) 1

De modo die et hora apparitionis Domini in forma seraphica B. Francisco et impressione sacrorum stigmatum (Nonfiction work) 1

De Monachis qui Universitates, et Studia Diversa, Fundaverunt (Nonfiction work) 1 De morte beate Marie virginis (Poem) 1 De Morte Gerardi, Eboracensis Archiepiscopi (Nonfiction work) 1 De natura hominis (Nonfiction work) 2 De natura rerum (Nonfiction work) 1

De Nominibus Monachorum, qui Martyris Confessione et Miraculis in Ecclesia Dei Multiplicatis, Floruerunt (Nonfiction work) 1 De Nominibus Monachorum, qui Sanctitate Vitae et Miraculis Prosuerunt Ecclesia (Nonfiction work) 1 De numero hidarum Angliae in Britannia (Nonfiction work) 1 De Obsidione Castri Bedford (Nonfiction work) 1 De officio Admirallitatis Anglio una cum articulis concernentibus idem officium (Nonfiction work) 1 De officio Marescalli (Nonfiction work) 1 De officio militari (Nonfiction work) 1 De ordine fratrum minorum et archiep Cantuar. intitulatus, Canticum pauperis pro dilecto (Nonfiction work) 1

De Origine Gigantum in Insula Albion Olim Habitantium (Fictional work) 2

De Ornamentis Ecclesia, Quae Pertinent ad Rectores, et Quae ad Parochianos, in Provinciis Cantuariensi et Eboracensi (Nonfiction work) 1 De Ortu et Prioritate Ordinis Monachorum (Essay) 1 De ortu Waluuanii nepotis Arturi (Poem) 1

De Ortu, Vita, et Promotione Anselmi Abbatis Beccensis, et Litibus Inter Illum et RR. Willielmum II et HenricumI Agitatis (Biography) 1 De Pace (Speech) 1 De populari tumultu et rebellione (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records De Praelio Inter Anglos et Scotos, in Quibus Virtutes Douglassiorum et Perciorum Celebrantur (Nonfiction work) 1 De prima fundatione abbatiae de Kirkstede (Nonfiction work) 1 De Primis Ecclesiarum Christianarum in Gallia, Anglia, et Hibernia, Fundatoribus (Nonfiction work) 1 De Primo Adventu Anglorum (Nonfiction work) 1 De Proclamatione Facienda Pro Rege Contra Haereticos et Lollardos (Nonfiction work) 1 De Profundis (Wilde, Oscar) (Essay) 1 De Proprietatibus Rerum (Reference work) 1 De Proprietatibus Terrae Anglicanae (Poem) 1 De Psittaco Pulcheriae Hendacasyllabon (Poem) 1 De quatuor virtutibus cardinalibus (Nonfiction work) 1 De Ratione Sanitatis (Nonfiction work) 1 De re militari (Nonfiction work) 3 De rebus gestis ab Aelfredo rege (Nonfiction work) 1 De Recuperatione Pallii per S. Egbertum (Nonfiction work) 1

De Reformatione Ecclesiae Dignitatem et Praebendarum (Nonfiction work) 1 De rege Johanne (Nonfiction work) 1 De Regibus Anglorum, ad Regem Henricum III (Nonfiction work) 1

De Regibus qui Monasticum Habitum Susceperunt (Nonfiction work) 1 De Regimine Principum (Poem) 3 De rerum natura (Carus, Titus Lucretius) (Poem) 1 De resurreccione Domini (Poem) 1 De sanctissimo Christi confessore Laurentino (Nonfiction work) 1

De Secundo philosopho, cum quaestionibus Hadriani (Nonfiction work) 2 De Sententia Pro Libertate Ecclesiae Obtenta (Nonfiction work) 1 De Simplicitate Christianae Vitae (Theological work) 1 De Speculis Comburentibus (Nonfiction work) 1 De spermate (Nonfiction work) 1 De Spiritu Guidonis (Poem) 1 De Subjectione Sua Sedi Eboracensi York (Nonfiction work) 1

De Suffraganeis et Provincia Ecclesiae Eborcensis (Nonfiction work) 1 De Temporibus (Theological work) 1 De terra plasmasti me (Poem) 1 De thesauro (Nonfiction work) 1

De Translatione S. Dunstani, Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi (Nonfiction work) 1 De Treugis Scotiae (Nonfiction work) 1 De Triplici Vita (Nonfiction work) 1 De Tyranno (Nonfiction work) 1 De Variis Regnis in Anglia Tempore Saxonum (Nonfiction work) 1 De vita et gestis Davidis R. Scotorum (Biography) 1 De vita et virtutibus, seu signis B. Augustini (Nonfiction work) 1

De Vita Hominis, in Undecim Septenariis Completa (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records De Wardis Castri Dovorensis (Nonfiction work) 1 Dear Love, Continue Nice and Chaste (Poem) 1 Decretum Athelstani, de pace observanda (Nonfiction work) 1 Defence of a Bald Head (Poem) 1 Deme Ye Best of Euery Dowt (Song) 1 Departure is My Chef Payne (Song) 1 Depths of Woe (Song) 1 Des 48 images celestes (Poem) 1 Deth with Houreglasse in the One Hand and Speare in the Other Threateneth All Estates (Ballad) 1

Device to Entertain the Queen at Essex House (Essay collection) 1 Devices (Collection) 1 Devil in beast-shapes (Poem) 1

Dialogue between the Understanding and Faith (Theological work) 1 Dialogue Between Utrechia and Thirsis (Poem) 1 Dialogue on Miracles (Nonfiction work) 1 Dialogus Inter Militem ot Clericum (Nonfiction work) 1 Diana (Novel) 1 Dicke of Devonshire (Play) 1 Dicts or sayings of the Philosophers (Nonfiction work) 1 Dido (Gager, William) (Play) 1 Dirae 2 (Poem) 1 Dirae I (Poem) 1 Discours du Bezoart, et de tromperies qu'on pratique avec cette pierre (Nonfiction work) 1 Discourse of What Is Lawful During Confusions and Revolutions of Government (Nonfiction work) 1 Disputacio inter deum et homineum (Poem) 1 Disticha Catonis (Poem) 3 Diverse Ballatis of Our Ladye (Poem) 1 Diverses Viandes en Quaresme (Nonfiction work) 1 Divine Aenigms and Pious Problems (Poetry collection) 1 Divine Fancies, Digested Into Epigrammes, Meditations and Observations, by Francis Quarles (Nonfiction work) 1

Doctor Corbet against Price's Aniversary on Prince Henerey (Poem) 1

Doctor John Burges his submission to the King (Nonfiction work) 1

Doggrel Verses on Hardwick, Warfope, Welbecke, & Bolfer (Collection) 1 Domino Gibbesio, Medicinae Doctori (Poem) 1 Domino Nortono Congratulatorium Hendecasyllabon (Poem) 1 Don Japhet of Armenia (Play) 1 Don Quixote (de Cervantes, Miguel) (Novel) 1 Don Sancho d'Aragon (Play) 1 Downbery Down (Song) 1 Dr Andrewes Elegy on a Child (Poem) 1 Dr. Corbet to the Marquis upon His Journey into Spain (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Dr. Wild's Ghost, on His Majefty's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience (Poem) 1 Drolleries (Collection) 1

Du Trepas du Roi Edward III; et du Couronement du Roi Richard II (Nonfiction work) 1 Duke Humphery (Play) 1 Dyvers Thy Death (Poem) 1 Ecce dies venient Scoti sine principe fient (Poem) 1 Ecce! Ancilla Domini (Poem) 1

Eclesiasticus, or the Wisedome of Jesus the Son of Syrach; Paraphrased (Poem) 1 Ecloga (Nonfiction work) 1 Edmond Ironside, the English King (Play) 1 Edom O' Gordon [Or, Captain Car] (Poem) 1 Edward the Second (Play) 1 Ego dormio (Nonfiction work) 1 Elegie upon a Flye (Poem) 1 Elegy on a Fly (Poem) 1 Elegy on Mumford [Will. Mountford], To the Tune of Packington's Pound (Nonfiction work) 1 Eloquentiae encomium (Poem) 1 Emare (Poem) 1 Empress of Rome (Poem) 1 Enchiridion Christiados (Nonfiction work) 1

Endecasyllabon in Poenum Punica Fide Graecam Traducentem (Poem) 1 Epigram Upon Complexion (Poem) 1 Epigram: Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus (Poem) 5 Epigrammatum Sacrorum Liber (Poem) 1 Epigrammes by H. N., 1656 (Poetry collection) 1

Epigrams on various Subjects; feveral to the D of Newcatle (Poem) 1 Epilogus Caesaris interfecti (Play) 1 Epistle to Edward IV (Poem) 1 Epistle to His Noble Father Mr Jonson (Letter) 1 Epistle to Sir H Wotton (Letter) 1 Epistles 92 and 18 (Sacred work) 1 Epistola Lentuli (Letter) 1 Epitaph on Queen Elizabeth (Poem) 1

Epitaph on the Death of Mr. Alexander Wedderburne, Preacher of the Gospel in the British Church at the Bosche (Nonfiction work) 1 Epitaph on Viscount Camdeni (Poem) 1 Epitaph on..George Lauder (Poem) 1 Epitaph Upon the Most Learned Comedian and Moderne Poet Benjamin Johnson (Nonfiction work) 1 Epitaphium Terentii (Poem) 1 Epithalamium (Crashaw, Richard) (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Epithalamium in Celebration of the Nuptiall of the Much Honoured Mr. Samuel Hyne and His Late Endeared Consort (Poem) 1 Epitome Historiae Rogeri Hoveduni (Nonfiction work) 1 Epos, from the Forrest (Poem) 1 Eroclea, or the Mayd of Honnour (Book) 1 Escurial (Play) 1 Esop in Spain (Collection) 1 Esquire Youths (Poem) 1 Essays (Bacon, Francis) (Essay collection) 1 Essays (Montaigne, Michel de) (Essay collection) 1 Essays: Of Riches (Essay) 1 Eternity of Love Protested (Poem) 1 Eumorphus, Sive Cupido Adultus, Comœdia Acta a Joannensibus, Oxon. Feb. 5, 1634 1 Euripides, Iphigenia at Aulis (Speech) 1 Evagoras (Speech) 1 Even such is time which takes in trust (Poem) 1

Ex Collectionibus Joannis Rowse de Antiquitate (Nonfiction work) 1

Ex Libro [Joannis] Rowse de Episcopis Wigornicusibus (Nonfiction work) 1 Ex Tabella Joannis Rowse (Nonfiction work) 1 Excellencias de la Ibernia, Irlanda, o Escocia mayor, que todas son unas (Nonfiction work) 1 Excerpta Quaedem Historica and Vita Dom (Diary) 1 Execration upon Vulcan (Poem) 1 Exercitatio poetica (Poem) 1 Experience (Wallington, Nehemiah) (Essay) 1 Experience and Philosophy (Poem) 1 Experience; or, A Paradox (Essay) 1 Experimentum de re astrologica bonum Magistri Johannis de Beltone (Nonfiction work) 1 Expugnatio Hibernica (Nonfiction work) 2 Faction Displayed, a Poem (Poem) 1 Faire Lady (Poem) 1 Fall of Princes (Poem) 2

Fancies Occasionly Written on Severall Occurrances (Nonfiction work) 1 Fast and Welcome (Play) 1 Father I Am Thine Onely Sonne (Song) 1

Fatum Vortigerni, Seu Miserabilis Vita et Exitus Vortigerni Regis Britanniae, una Complectens Adventum Saxonum Sive Anglorum in Britanniam (Play) 1 Five Satyres (Poetry collection) 2 Five Senses (Poem) 1 Flores Historiarum (Nonfiction work) 3 Flowers Out of the History of Fraunce Beginninge the Raigne of H. 4th Henry the 4th Page 882 (Letter) 1 Fr. Artifex Athensis (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Fragments of Observations on the Universe (Nonfiction work) 1 Fragments of Scottish History (Nonfiction work) 1 Freewill, an Italian Tragedy (Play) 1 From Tuscane Came (Poem) 1 Frondes Caducae (Poem) 1 Fugitive Scotish Poetry (Poetry collection) 1 Gabriel Harvey's Commonplace Book (Nonfiction work) 1 Gallorum levitas Germanos justificabit (Poem) 1 Gather Your Rose Buds (Song) 1 Gentilesse; Moral Balade of Chaucer (Poem) 1 Gesta Regum Anglorum (Nonfiction work) 2 Gesta Romanorum (Collection) 1 Gesta Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi (Nonfiction work) 1 Gismond of Salerne (Play) 2 Gloria Patri versified, as the Lord's Prayer was above (Poem) 1 God a Merry Good Scot (Poem) 1

God Doth Blesse this Realme for the Receiving of Straungers Being Persecuted for the Gospell although Some Do Repine ther At (Ballad) 1 Golde Smythis (Play) 1

Good Wishes to His Highnes the Prince Upon His Birth Day, 14 November (Poem) 1 Gospel of Nicodemus (Sacred work) 2 Gospel of Saint John (Sacred work) 1 Granarium (Collection) 1 Greate Lorde, the Muses Only Favorite (Poem) 1 Grene Growith Pe Holy (Song) 1 Grovvary Cmaucxa's Dream (Poem) 1 Gulliver's Travels (Swift, Jonathan) (Novel) 2 Hadassah: or the History of Queene Hester (Poem) 1 Halidon Hill (Poem) 1 Hatmakers Masons and Laborers (Play) 1 Hawthornden Manuscripts (Collection) 3 Heavenly and Divyne Meditations, or the Blessed Wishes of a Blessed Soule (Nonfiction work) 1 Helas Madam Cel Que Ie Metant (J'aime Tant) (Song) 1 Helen to Paris (Poem) 1

Heliotropium or A Conformity of the Human to the Divine Will (Theological work) 1 Henry IV (Shakespeare, William) (Play) 1 Henry V (Shakespeare, William) (Play) 1 Henry VII (Poem) 1 Her Majesty's Answer to the Poland Ambassador (Letter) 1 Hercules of Gaul, or a Discourse of Eloquence (Nonfiction work) 1 Here Begynneth the Lyfe of Roberte the Deuyll (Fictional work) 1 Here Begynneth the Prolog of the bible off Englonde (Poem) 1 Here begyuneth the meditacion of the pascion of Crist and of the lamentacion of oure lady Saint Mary (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Here Biginnyth Medicynes Gode, the Whiche that Gode Lechis Hathe Yfounde and J- drawe oute of Gode Bokis Galien and Asche Pyus and Ypocras (Nonfiction work) 1 Here shall you know al manner of herbis and the vertewes also growyng yn her rynde (Nonfiction work) 1

Heremiles, Tractatus super Noverm Lectiones Morsuorum (Poem) 1 Hermetick Raptures (Poem) 1 Hesperides; or, The Muses Garden (Poetry collection) 3 Hio incipit Gubernacio hominis (Poem) 1

His Matys Answer to the Reasons of the Lords of the Covenant Ther Supplication, Deliuerd by His Maty the 17 June, 1639 (Nonfiction work) 1 Hist. of Engl, Dramatic Poetry, Etc. (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Angliae à Bruto Ad Annum 1348 (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Angliae ad R. Henricum II (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Anglicana (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Anglicana (Walsingham, Thomas) (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Anglorum (Nonfiction work) 3 Historia aurea (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Britanniae Armoricanae (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Britannica (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Brittonum (Nonfiction work) 2 Historia de Britannia (Nonfiction work) 2 Historia de Gestis et Actibus Illustris R. Anglica Ricardi I. et de Recuperatione Acon et Aliarum Civitatum (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia de Offa Primo et Secundo (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia de Romanis pontificibus, de Augustis, deque Anglia regibus seculo decimo tertio (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesiae (Nonfiction work) 2 Historia Eliensis (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Jerosolymitana (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Karoli Magni (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia major de miraculis S. Augustini (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Minor (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia minor de miraculis S. Augustini (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Novella (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Regis Henrici V (Nonfiction work) 2 Historia Scholastica (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia sive vita Meriadoci regis Cambriae (Poem) 1 Historia Theokesberiensis monasterii (Nonfiction work) 1 Historia Translationum S. Cuthberti (Theological work) 1 Historiae Hibernicae (Nonfiction work) 1 Historica quaedam de Cnuto (Nonfiction work) 1 Historical Collections (Collection) 1 Historical Compendium (Nonfiction work) 1 History and Chronicles of Scotland (Nonfiction work) 3 History of Eton (Nonfiction work) 1

History of the Foundation of the Priory of Wilton (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

History of the Fourtey-Eight Year of His Age [1653], With His Lectures to His Children, Instructing Them in Private and Publique Duety (Poem) 1 History of the Jews (Josephus, Flavius) (Nonfiction work) 1 History of the Kings of Britain (Nonfiction work) 4 History of the World (Essay) 1 Holy Advent (Nonfiction work) 1 Holy Living, Holy Dying (Theological work) 1 Homeri Batrachomuomachia (Poem) 1 Homiliae XL in Evangelia (Theological work) 1 Homo (Play) 1 Honor Military and Ciuill (Nonfiction work) 1 Horti Carolini Rosa Altera (Poetry collection) 1 How God delyuered Ioseph of Aramathie out of prisoun (Poem) 1 How Happie is Hee Borne or Taught (Song) 1 How Happy and Assured They Are in All Stormes that Firmely Depend upon God (Ballad) 1 How the apostles went to preche in diuerse places (Poem) 1 How the vernycle was broght to Rome (Poem) 1 How Thow Schalt Knowe Veynes for Blod Letynge (Poem) 1 How to Receive the Communion Worthily (Essay) 1 Huloet's Dictionarie (Reference work) 1 Hyde Park (Play) 1

Hyemall Pastimes; Consisting of Various Subjects and Diversities of Stiles, Such as the Authors Phancie Could Invent (Nonfiction work) 1 Hymn to St. John the Baptist (Poem) 1 Hymns and Sacred Songs of Alexander Hume (Collection) 1

Hymnus Hic Dat Modum Vitae Quo Utuntur Jesuitae (Collection) 1 Hymnus in Cynthiam (Poem) 1 Hymnus in Noctem (Poem) 1 I Do Bewepe (Poem) 1 I Finde No Peace and All My War Is Done (Poem) 1 I Loue Trewly Withowt Feynyng (Song) 1 I Neuer Saw Youe (Poem) 1 I See My Plaint (Poem) 1 Idem (Strode, William) (Poem) 1 Idyllia (Poem) 1 If Gifts of Grace in All Tymes Past (Poem) 1 If He That Erst the Form So Lively Drew (Poem) 1 Ignatius His Closet (Nonfiction work) 1 Ignoramus, a Comedy (Play) 1 Ihosu mercy, lady help (Poem) 1 Il fine delle Strigliate (Poem) 1 Il Tamigi Giulivo All' Immortalita Del Merito Dell' Excellenmo Signore Vriothaslay Russell Duca di Bedford, Principe, e Pari d'Inghilterra, Poesia Istorica Per Musica (Poem) 1 Illustrations of British History (Nonfiction work) 1 Image of Governance (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Imago Mundi (Nonfiction work) 1 Imitation of Christ (Thomas a Kempis) (Theological work) 1

Imperfect Treatise on the Construction and Use of the Quadrant (Nonfiction work) 1 Imperiale: a Tragedie (Play) 1 In a Caledonian Forest (Poem) 1 In an Old Scold (Poem) 1 In Caesarinorum, Romanae Familiae Insignia (Poem) 1 In Cipres Springes (Poem) 1 In Defence of Satyr (Poem) 1 In eundem (Poem) 1 In Jesuitas (Poem) 1 In May That Lusty Season (Poem) 1 In Phillippum Mornarum (Poem) 1 In praematuram Vitam et mortem Infantis Regis (Poem) 1 In Praise of a Chaviler (Poem) 1 In Praise of Tobacco (Poem) 1 In Praise of Women (Herrick, Robert) (Poem) 1 In Prayse of His Shadowe (Poem) 1

In Reditum Viri Nobilissimi D. Henrici, Comitis Arundelii et Regiae Maiestati a Consiliis, Roberti Oweni Robert Owen Carmen Gratulatorium (Nonfiction work) 1 In Statuam (Erasmi) Gatamelattae (Patavii Positam) (Poem) 1 In Synodo, Tempore Jacobi et Johannis Regis et Reginae Hungaria Jerusalem et Siciliae (Nonfiction work) 1 In the Rude Age (Poem) 1 In Urben Venetam (Poem) 1

In Valenceum, Validissimum Ecclesiae Ducem, et Lugum, Doctissimum Ecclesiae Doctorem, Cardinales Ecclesiae Factos, Epigramma (Poem) 1 Incest (Anonymous) (Poem) 1 Incipit Alquyne (Poem) 1 Insomnium (Poem) 1 Intentions (Essay collection) 1 Interrogatories (?) to Be Demaunded of the Duke of Norffolk, Whether the Clergy Shall Attend Upon the Quenes Grace [Anne Boleyn] Coming Into London (Nonfiction work) 1 Invitto del Cielo Enamorato a Galathea (Poem) 1 Ipomedon (Poem) 1

It Is Not God but We Our Selves that Seke the Eversion of Our Own Country (Ballad) 1 It is to Me a Ryght Gret Joy (Song) 1 Iter Boreale (Corbet, Richard) (Poem) 2 Itinerarium Cambriae (Nonfiction work) 2 Itinerarium Gallicum (Nonfiction work) 1 It's Synne and Shame (Poem) 1 Janus (Anonymous) (Poem) 1 Janus Temple Shutt and Opened (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Jean D'Angoulême’s Copy of The Canterbury Tales: An Annotated Edition of Bibliothèque Nationale's Fonds Anglais 39 (Poetry collection) 1 Jew boy thrown into oven (Poem) 1 Jew lends to Christian (Poem) 1 Joannes de Sylva ad Lotichium (Poem) 1 Jocasta (Play) 1 Jocondo and Astolfo (Play) 1

John Dryden to the Lady Castlemaine for Procuring a Play of His to Be Printed (Play) 1

John Keymer's Observation Made upon the Dutch Fishing (Nonfiction work) 1 John of Ireland, on Penance and Confession (Nonfiction work) 1 Josepho ab Arimathea (Nonfiction work) 1

Journal of Observations on Nature and Art from A.D. 1742 to 1746 (Nonfiction work) 5 Journals of Parliament (Nonfiction work) 4 Jubile (Poem) 1 Julian the Apostate (Anonymous) (Poem) 1 Jupiter Confuted, or a Discourse of Destiny (Nonfiction work) 1

Jupiter Tragoedian, or a Discourse of Providence (Nonfiction work) 1 Justice's Handbook (Nonfiction work) 1 Justification (Strode, William) (Poem) 1 Juvenilia Ludicra (Poetry collection) 1 Juvenilities of Some Antiquity (Poem) 1 K. Oberons His Apparrell (Poem) 1 Kalendarium (Reference work) 1 Kidleys Hawkins, or a poetical relation of the voyage of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knight, unto Mare del Zur (Nonfiction work) 1 King Oberon His Cloathing (Poem) 1 Kynge Charlys (Poem) 1 La vie de seinte Lucie virgine (Poem) 1 La vie de St. Thomas archeveque de Canterbery (Biography) 1 La Vie Seint Edmund le Rei (Poem) 1 La vie seinte Agace virgine (Poem) 1 L'A.B.C. du Monde (Reference work) 1 Lady Windermere's Fan (Play) 1 Lamentationes Matheoluli (Nonfiction work) 1 Last Instructions to a Painter (Poem) 1 Laws of Hywel Dda (Nonfiction work) 1 Le Brut, ou Histoire des Rois d'Angleterre (Poem) 1

Le Fest de Roy Ovesq Mons: de Douyne and de Lancast a l'Ostelle de Levesque de Durham a Londres, le XXIII Jour de Sept. l'An le Roy xxi (Nonfiction work) 1 Le Lai de Lanval (Poem) 1 Le Moutons (Poem) 1 Le Opere di Galileo Galilei (Opera) 1 Le Pèlerinage de l'Âme (Poem) 1 Le Strigliate à Thomaso Stigliani (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Le Tresor des Histoires (Nonfiction work) 1 Learn or be Lewde (Poem) 1 Legenda Sanctorum (Nonfiction work) 1 Leges Aluredi regis (Nonfiction work) 1 Leges Edwardi Confessoris (Nonfiction work) 2 Leges Howelis Dha (Nonfiction work) 2 Leges Inae, regis West Saxonum (Nonfiction work) 1 Leges regis Howeli qui cognominatur Dha, et qui totius Walliae principatui praesidebat pacifice (Nonfiction work) 1 Leontius, King of Cyprus (Play) 1

Les Conquestes Amoureuses du Grand Alcandre (Fictional work) 1

Les replications le duc a les responses de ses villes (Nonfiction work) 1 Letter in Verse to a Lady Jane (Letter) 1 Letter to a Lady (Poem) 1 Letter to his wife after condemnation (Letter) 1

Letter to the Earle of Somerset upon begging of his lands (Letter) 1 Letters Amorous, Complementall, Consolatorie, Informing, Militarie, Historicall (Collection) 1 Letters and Journals of R. Baillie (Collection) 1 Letters from Dorothy Osborne to William Temple (Letter) 1 Letters of the Heroines (Poetry collection) 1 Libellus ad instruendos pueros (Nonfiction work) 1 Liber Anselmi, Qui Dicitur Apologeticum (Nonfiction work) 1 Liber de Abbatibus Croilandensis (Nonfiction work) 1 Liber de Alchemia (Nonfiction work) 1 Liber de Moralibus Philosophorum (Collection) 1 Liber Heraldi Carleolensis Charles (Nonfiction work) 1 Liber Ipotyse (Poem) 1 Liber Niger Scaccarii (Nonfiction work) 1 Liber urinarum valde utilis (Nonfiction work) 1 Licia or Poems of Love (Poetry collection) 1 Lidford Journey (Poem) 1 Life and Death of Robert, Earl of Essex (Nonfiction work) 1 Life of Cardinal Wolsey (Poem) 1 Life of Christ, continued after the Resurrection down to the Assumption to the Virgin (Poem) 1 Life of King Alfred (Biography) 2 Life of St. Alexis (Poem) 1 Life of the Virgin Mary (Poem) 2 Lines by him, with two Epigrams (Poem) 1 L'interesse (Play) 1 Lis Inter Divas (Poem) 1 Lives of the Earls of Essex (Biography) 1 Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans (Nonfiction work) 1 Lokksmythis (Play) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Londinologia, Sive Londini Ecomium: the Antiquities and Excellencyes of London, by William Boghurst, Apothecary. (Poem) 1 London, Hast Thou Accused Me (Poem) 1 London's Plague-sore Discovered (Poem) 1 Looke to It: for Ile Stabbe Ye (Poem) 1

Lord Arthur Savile's Crime, and Other Stories (Short fiction collection) 1 Lord Bacon's Essays (Essay collection) 1 Love Platonicke (Poem) 1 Love, That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought (Poem) 1 Lovers' Hospital (Play) 1 Loves Hospitale (Play) 1 Love's Laurel Garland (Poem) 1 Love's Martyr (Play) 1 Love's Nomenclator (Poem) 1 Luckes My Faire Falcon and Your Fellowes All (Poem) 1 Lusti Yough Shuld Us Ensue (Song) 1

Lydgate's Application to the Duke of Gloucester for Money (Poem) 1 Macvey Napier Papers. Vol. XXI (Collection) 1 Magna Carta (Historic document) 2

Magna Carta Regis Johannis, Quam Rex Henricus III (Nonfiction work) 1 Magnus cyclus paschalis ajungentur (Nonfiction work) 1 Malmantill Riacquistato (Poem) 1 Man Purposeth, but God Dissposeth (Essay) 1 Mans Lyfe Is Full of Mysery (Poem) 1 Marchants Sacrifice (Play) 1 Mariani Scoti chronica clara (Nonfiction work) 1 Marshall the Thinges (Poem) 1 Martyrium quinque fratrum minorum apud Marochium de quibus in vita B. Antonii (Biography) 1 Mary-image in synagogue (Poem) 1 Mary-image insulted by Jew (Poem) 1 Masques Performed before Queen Elizabeth (Collection) 1 Matthew 6: 9-13. Lord's Prayer (Poem) 1 Maystore Rogers to his childern (Poem) 1

Medecynes of Maister William du Fordyne, Gyven to Kyng Henry Regent and Heriter of the Reume of France (Nonfiction work) 1

Medesyns Approbate for Mortalle Sekenesse by Saynt Beede (Nonfiction work) 1 Medicynes (Nonfiction work) 1 Meditacio Pauperis (Theological work) 1 Meditacion (Poem) 1 Meditation of Lord Essex (Nonfiction work) 1 Meditatione de Redemptione Humana (Nonfiction work) 1 Medulla Grammaticae (Reference work) 1 Melanthe (Play) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Melusine (Fictional work) 1 Memento homo quod cinis es et in cinerem reuerteris (Poem) 1 Memoires Concerning Marie Stuard Reyne de la Grande Bretagne de France et d'Irlande (Diary) 1

Memoirs Containing the History of Lewis XI and Charles VIII of France (Diary) 1 Memoirs of the Mission in England of the Capuchin Friars of the Province of Paris (Diary) 1 Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (Biography) 1 Memoriale fratris Walteri de Coventria (Nonfiction work) 1 Memorials of Cranmer (Nonfiction work) 1 Merita Missae (Poem) 1 Merlin's Prophecy (Moore, George, Sir) (Poem) 1 Metamorphoses (Ovid) (Poem) 1 Metempsychosis (Donne, John) (Poem) 1 Microcosmography (Collection) 1 Minerva's Sacrifice (Play) 1 Miracles of the Virgin (Poem) 1 Miracula S. Albani (Nonfiction work) 1 Miraculum de vernaculo (Poem) 1 Miscellaneous Essays or Discourses (Collection) 1 Miscellanies (Collection) 1 Mock Poem (Poem) 2 Monk tempted by devil in woman's form (Poem) 1 More Epigrams, the first of which is on the Prince Charles courting the Infanta of Spain (Poem) 1 Mores Saracenorum, et leges quas Mahumet observare constituit prophetando Saracenis (Nonfiction work) 1 Mos Mensae (Poem) 1 Most Royall and Most Sacred Queene (Letter) 1 Mother Hubbard (Poem) 1 Mr Randolph's Parody (Poem) 1 Mr Stone upon Himselfe (Poem) 1 Mr. [Hugh] Halles a Priestes Discourse of Gardeninge Applied to a Spirituall Understandinge (Nonfiction work) 1

Mr. Butler's letter to Mr. Paule Tomson after his Clipping (Letter) 1 Mr. Francis Bacon to the Quene (Letter) 1 Mr. Francis Phillips petition for his brother Robert Phillips releasment out of the Tower (Nonfiction work) 1 Muiopotmos, Or the Fate of the Butterflie (Poem) 1

Multae Fabulosae Narrationes de Apparitionibus (Nonfiction work) 1 Mum and the Sothesegger (Poem) 1 Murther of John Bruin (Poem) 1

Musae Faciles, or an Easy Assent to Parnassus (Nonfiction work) 1 Musae Tripudiantes (Poetry collection) 1

Musaei insignis poetae de Ero et Leandro carmen elegantissimum (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Mustapha (Play) 2 Mustapha (Poem) 2 My Lady Rich to the Quene (Letter) 1

My Lord Edgerton Sir Thomas Egerton Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Keeper, afterwards Viscount Brackley Sir Thomas Egerton to the Erle of Essex, with the reply of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, the Erle Martiall to the Lord Keeper (Letter) 1

My Lord Henry Haward Henry Howard Henry Howard, after wards Earl of Northampton to Mr. Frauncis Bacon Francis Bacon (Letter) 1

My Lord of Essex to Henry Wriothesley, the Erle of Sowthamton (Letter) 1 My Loue She Morneth For Me (Song) 1

My Sister Mrs. Elizabeth Leveson, Her Epitaph (Nonfiction work) 1 Mylners (Play) 1 Myne Owne J.P. Sins You Delite to Knowe (Poem) 1 Mynstrells (Poem) 1 Mystery of Alchymists (Poem) 1 Narratio mirabilis de sententia excommunicationis B. Augustini, et qualiter resuscitavit duos mortuos (Nonfiction work) 1

Nascentis Ecclaesiae generatio prima: hoc est, Catalogus Ponti-ficum Romanorum Caesarum patrum et rerum aliquot insignium post Christi servatoris ascensionem ad annum domini septua-gesimum (Poem) 1 Nativity of the Virgin: angel-music (Poem) 1 Nay Let Me Alone (Anonymous) (Musical work) 1 Nicocles (Speech) 1 Niobe (Play) 1 Nomina Prioratuum Canonicorum Nigrorum (Nonfiction work) 1 None Can Deame Right Who Faythfull Frends Do Rest (Poem) 1 Nosce Teipsum (Poem) 2

Note on the Epitome of Felix's Life of St. Guthlac (Nonfiction work) 1 Notes and Queries (Book) 1 Notes Concerning Certen Names and Things in the History of Croy[land] (Nonfiction work) 1 Notes from Dr. [John] London on William Perot William of Wykeham Alias Wikam William of Wykeham (Nonfiction work) 1 Notes From the Life of St. Winifred (Nonfiction work) 1 Notes on Salisbury (Nonfiction work) 1 Notes Out of the Abbey of St. Edmunds Bury (Nonfiction work) 1 Nothing Impossible to Love (Play) 1 Now God preserve, as you well deserve (Poem) 1 Now Hope, Now Feare, Now Ioye, Now Wofull Cace (Poem) 1 Nowell Transcripts (Collection) 2

Nuouo discorso sopra il diluuio di Roma di m. Lorenzo Parigiuolo (Poem) 1 O My Hart, and O My Hart (Song) 1 O recolende (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

O Yes, O Yes, I Do Cry, the Bishop's Bridles Will You Buy (Ballad) 1 Observations Concerning Sr Henrie Yelverton's [Attorney-General] Charge [Before the House of Commons, Concerning Monopolies], His Answere Thereunto (Nonfiction work) 1 Observations Made upon a Libell Published this Present Yeare 1592 Intituled a Declaration of the True Causes of the Great Troubles.....Against the Realme of England (Essay) 1 Observations on Several Authors (Critical work) 1 Observations Upon Severall Subjects (Nonfiction work) 1

Octonaries upon the Vanity and Inconstancy of the World (Poetry collection) 2 Ode to Himself (Jonson, Ben) (Poem) 1 Odes Songs and Satyrs in the Reign of Charles II (Collection) 2 Odyssey (Homer) (Poem) 1 Oeconomicus (Nonfiction work) 1 Of Ambition (Essay) 1 Of Death & Resurrection (Poem) 1 Of Death (Essay) 1 Of Empire (Essay) 1 Of knighthood and batail (Poem) 1

Of Robert Devereux, Earle of Essex, and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham, Some Observations By Way of Paralell in the Time of Their Estates of Favour (Letter) 1 Of Studies (Essay) 1 Of the Assumption of Our Blessed Lady (Poem) 1 Of the Four Humours of Mans Body (Poem) 1 Of the Grate Want of Water in this Citie of Landone (Essay) 1 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (Theological work) 1 Of the Werkes of Alkymye (Nonfiction work) 1 Of Weddid Men and Ther Wynis Ther Childere (Nonfiction work) 1 Of Wisdom for a Man's Self (Essay) 1 On a Blistred Lippe (Poem) 1 On a Cobler (Poem) 1 On a Country Life (Poem) 1 On a Courteos Prist (Poem) 1 On A Dissembler (Poem) 1

On a Foul [Or, Foule] Morning [Being Then to Take a Journey] (Poem) 1 On a Fountain (Poem) 1 On a Friend's Absence (Poem) 1

On a Gentlewoman and her Child Having but One Eie a Piece (Poem) 1 On a Gentlewoman that Had the Small Pox (Poem) 1 On a Good Cupp of Ale (Poem) 1 On a Great Hollow Tree (Poem) 1 On a Perfume (Poem) 1 On A Register For A Bible (Poem) 1 On a Silken Brastlett Given Him by His Mistris (Poem) 1 On a Virtuous Young Gentlewoman That Died Suddenly (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records On a Young Man (Poem) 1 On Borrowing (Poem) 1 On Chloris Walking in the Snow (Strode, William) (Poem) 1

On Christchurch Play Acted at Woodstocke on Sunday the 26th August 1621 (Poem) 1 On Docter Corbett's Marriage Day (Poem) 1 On Dr. Lancton's Death (Poem) 1 On Dr. Ram Bishop of London (Poem) 1 On Dr. Ravis Bishop of London (Poem) 1 On England (Poem) 2 On Fairford Windows (Poem) 1 On His Majesty's [Charles II] Return (Nonfiction work) 1 On His Mistres Looking in a Glasse (Poem) 1 On His Shadow (Poem) 1 On Mrs. Mallet (Poem) 1 On Preferment Paralelled with Bowles (Poem) 1 On St. Thomas Overbury (Poem) 2 On Swimming (Poem) 1

On the Antiquity of the Christian Religion in This Island (Nonfiction work) 1

On the banqueting house transubstantiated into a house of Prayer (Poem) 1 On the Blessed Trinity (Poem) 1 On the Brittle Estate of Man (Poem) 1 On the Comendation of a Hack Gentlewoman (Poem) 1 On the Countesse of Pembroke (Poem) 1 On the Death of King James (Poem) 1 On the Death of Many Good People Slaine By the Fall of a Floore at a Catholike Sermon in Black Friers (Poem) 1

On the Deaths of My Father and Brother Who Died in 1665 (Poem) 1 On the Departure of My Dearest (Poem) 1 On the Duke of Buckingham (Bacon, Matthew) (Poem) 1 On the Fleet (Poem) 1 On the Incarnationv (Poem) 1

On the Knowledge of the Soul, Addressed to a Lady (Nonfiction work) 1 On the Lady Arabella (Poem) 1 On the Life of Man (Raleigh, Walter) (Poem) 1 On the Parliament (Poem) 1 On the Portrait of Shakespeare (Poem) 1 On the Signall Victory Obtained in a Sea Fight By His Majesty of Great Brittains Fleet Over the Dutch (Poem) 1 On Tithes and Offerings (Nonfiction work) 1 On Two Lovers (Poem) 1 One Book of Notable Things (Nonfiction work) 1 One Doctor Prick (Poem) 1 One to his Mistresse (Poem) 1 Opera (Horace) (Poem) 1 Opus Tripartitium de Philosophorum Arcanis (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Oratio Consolatoria Super Morte Henrici Octaui (Speech) 1 Oratio in Concilio Generali (Speech) 1 Oratio Justi de Justis (Nonfiction work) 1 Ordinal of Alchymy (Poem) 1 Ordinall of Alchymy (Poem) 8

Ordynaunce for the Christenyng of Prince Edward (Nonfiction work) 2 Orison of the Passion (Poem) 1 Orlando Furioso (Poem) 2 Orpheus and Erudices (Poem) 1 Otia imperialia (Nonfiction work) 2 Our Lady and three innocents help to build a chapel (Poem) 1 Out of Which Excessive Famine There Hath Followed (Essay) 1

Owayne Myles: On the Wonders of St. Patrick's Purgatory (Poem) 1 Oxindeni Amici (Poetry collection) 1

P. Tomson's letter to the King with Mr. Butler's Comment (Letter) 1 Paean Virgini Matri Dicendus (Opera) 1 Pamphilla to Amphilanthus (Poetry collection) 1 Pandectae Medicinae (Nonfiction work) 1 Papers and Collection of M. Gedeon Bonnivert (Collection) 1 Parabolae sive similia des Erasmi Roterodami (Nonfiction work) 1 Paradise Lost (Poem) 1 Paradisi in Sole Paradisus Terrestris (Nonfiction work) 1 Pardon a Moy (Song) 1

Part of another Masque, apparently, with a Song of the Moon, by the fame (Play) 1 Pasquils Mad-cappe (Poem) 1 Passio Domini (Poem) 1 Passio E. Eleutherii, et Anthiae matris ejus (Nonfiction work) 2 Passio S. Genevesae virginis (Biography) 1 Passio S. Martinae virginis (Biography) 1 Passio S. Symphoros, cum septem filiis (Nonfiction work) 1 Passiones S. Albani (Nonfiction work) 2 Paston Letters (Collection) 12 Pastor fido (Play) 1 Pastyme with Good Companye (Poem) 1 Pater Sapiente (Poem) 1 Pater Sapientiae (Poem) 2

Pathos, Sive de Iure, Haereditario Iniuria Praerepto Ad Iacobum...Sextum Querela, et Apollinis Instinctus (Nonfiction work) 1 Patient Griselda (Short fiction) 1

Pearce, the Black Monk, upon the Elixir; with the Two Fragments at the End (Poem) 1 Pelopidarum Secunda (Play) 1 Penitential Verses (Poetry collection) 1 Peregrinatio Scholastica (Nonfiction work) 1 Pericles (Play) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Peterborough Chronicle (Nonfiction work) 1 Philander, King of Thrace (Play) 1 Philenzo and Hipolito (Play) 1 Phillis inamorata (Poem) 1 Phillis of Scyros, an Excellent Pastorall (Play) 1 Philobiblon (Nonfiction work) 1 Philosophaster: A Latin Comedy (Play) 1 Philosophical Conclusiones and Experiments (Nonfiction work) 1 Pictorial Commonplace Book (Collection) 1 Pierce the Ploughman's Crede (Poem) 1 Piers Plowman (Poem) 5 Pietas Jesuitica (Poem) 1 Pietas Pontificia (Poem) 1 Playn Ye My Neyes (Poem) 1 Playsterers (Play) 1 Poem Anniversaria tertia felici (Poem) 1 Poem on the death of Sir Thomas Cawarden (Poem) 1 Poemata (Poetry collection) 2 Poems (Austin, William) (Poetry collection) 1 Poems (Wilde, Oscar) (Poetry collection) 1 Poems of Abraham Cowley (Poetry collection) 1 Poems of Felicity (Poetry collection) 1 Poems on Affairs of State (Poetry collection) 1 Poetical Commonplace Book (Collection) 1

Poetical Works of Giles and Phineas Fletcher (Poetry collection) 1 Politics (Nonfiction work) 1 Polybius (Poem) 1 Polychronicon (Nonfiction work) 3

Poor Men's Mirror: with other theological works in English (Theological work) 1

Popular Ballads And Songs From Tradition, Manuscripts And Scarce Editions With Translations Of Similar Pieces From The Ancient Danish Language (Collection) 1 Portrait of Esther Johnson (Photograph) 1 Praecepta quaedam Isocratis ad Demonicum (Poem) 1 Praxis Medica (Nonfiction work) 1 Prayer & Blessing (Poem) 1 Prayer on the Seven Words (Prayer) 1 Prayer to Our Lady of Mercy (Prayer) 1 Prayers and Meditations (Parr, Catherine) (Collection) 1 Prenon Phisicon (Nonfiction work) 1 Prima (—quinta) apparicio Christi discipulis (Poem) 1 Primitive Practise for Preserving Truth (Nonfiction work) 1 Primum miraculum Magdalene (Poem) 1 Prioress delivered (Poem) 1 Profession of Faith (Nonfiction work) 1 Progresses of King James I (Poem) 2 Progresses of Qu. Elizabeth (Poem) 1 Progresses of Queen Elizabeth (Collection) 2

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Prologue (Wilmot, John) (Poem) 1

Prologue to the Stroulers, By Sir C[harles] S[edley], Bart (Poem) 1 Proludium (Poem) 1 Promptorium Parvulorum (Reference work) 1 Prophecia Merlini Doctoris Perfecti (Poem) 1

Prophecy in verse, pretended to be taken from Bedes History (Poem) 1 Prophecy of John of Bridlington (Poem) 1

Prophetia a Quodam Spiritu Pythonico, Edita in Cambria (Nonfiction work) 1

Prophetia de Imperatore, et Regibus Angliae et Franciae (Nonfiction work) 1

Prophetia de Malis in Anglos Superventuris per Francos et Scotos (Nonfiction work) 1 Prophetia Homeri, Dei Sapientum (Nonfiction work) 1 Prophetia Johannis de Rupe (Nonfiction work) 1 Prophetia Johannis Heremite, in English verse (Poem) 1 Prophetia Merlini Silvestris (Poem) 4 Prophetia Merlini, Prosa et Versibus (Collection) 1 Prophetia Merlini, Vatis Angliae (Nonfiction work) 1 Prophetia S. Johannis de Bridlington (Poetry collection) 1

Prophetia Sive Visio S. Thomas Becket Cantuariensis (Nonfiction work) 1

Prophetia; in verse concerning what should happen in A.D. 1553. & 1554. (Poem) 1

Proposalls humbly offered for the yearly consumption of wooll, encouragement of the sowing of great quantities of hempe, improvement of the woollen manufactorie, and benefit of the English Plantations in America (Nonfiction work) 1 Prosopopoeia Basilica (Poem) 1 Prosopopoia, Or Mother Hubberds Tale (Poem) 1 Psalm 51 (Bible) (Poem) 1 Psalm XXI (Sacred work) 1

Psalmes of Kinge David, Paraphras'd for Our English Lire (Sacred work) 1 Psalms (Byrd, William) (Collection) 3 Psalms (Carr, Robert, Earl of Ancram) (Poetry collection) 1 Psalms of David (In Old English) (Poetry collection) 1 Publius Cornelius Scipio Sui Victor (Play) 1 Queries on the wooll proposalls (Nonfiction work) 1

Questions and Answers Setting Forth the Art of Navigation (Nonfiction work) 1 Questions in Arithmetic With Their Answers. (Nonfiction work) 1 Quit Petis O Fili (Song) 1 Raguaillo D'Oceano. This Show Was Written and Prepared to Be Acted in Anno 1640. (Play) 1 Rapti Ganymedis Honores (Poem) 1 Reddo racionem villicacionis tue (Nonfiction work) 1 Regia Venatio (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Regula beati benedicti in anglicis verbis translata (Poem) 1 Regula Secerdotalis Scripts (Nonfiction work) 1 Relatione delli Prencipi d'Italia (Nonfiction work) 1 Religio Medici (Essay) 1 Reliques (Poem) 1 Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (Poetry collection) 1 Remarkable Observations on Tryals (Nonfiction work) 1 Remedium Amoris (Poem) 1 Remedus Utrisque Fortunae (Essay collection) 1 Remembrance or true note of such fees as be due and belonginge to the office of the Clarke of the King's Silver, lately executed by Richard Chamber deceased (Nonfiction work) 1 Remonstrance for the Right of Kings (Nonfiction work) 1 Rerum Memorandarum Libri (Essay) 1 Responsum Alexandri (Nonfiction work) 1 Restituta (Poem) 2

Revelatio S. Edwardi Confessor Regis et Confessoris (Nonfiction work) 1 Rex celi Deus (Poem) 1 Rhetorical Exercises (Nonfiction work) 1 Rhetorices Contracta (Nonfiction work) 1 Ricardus Tertius, in Tres Actiones (Play) 1 Richard II (Play) 1 Richard II (Poem) 1 Richard III (Shakespeare, William) (Play) 1 Richardus Tertius (Play) 1 Rime Col Commento (Poetry collection) 1 Ring given to Mary-image (Poem) 1

Robin Hood: A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs and Ballads Now Extant Relative to the Celebrated English Outlaw (Collection) 1 Rodnyes Verses Before Hee Kild Him Selfe (Poem) 1 Rodogune, Princesse des Parthes (Play) 1 Roland Furious (Poem) 1 Romance of the Rose (Poem) 2 Romeo and Juliet (Play) 1 Rotta di Malmantile (Poem) 1

Rotulus de Aprisa (inquestum) et certificatione facta in Wallia (Nonfiction work) 1 Roxana (Play) 1 Ruines of Rome (Poem) 1 Rules for Preserving Health (Poem) 1 Ruth - a Poem (Poem) 1 Sacerdotes Mementote (Poem) 1 Sacred Flowers, or Spirituall Sonettes Collected Owt of the Most Approved of Greeke and Latine Fathers (Poetry collection) 1 Saint Peter's Complaint (Poem) 1 Saint Peter's Complaint with Other Poems (Poetry collection) 1 Salome (Play) 1 Salus animae (Theological work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Sapienta Salomonis, Drama Comicotragicum (Play) 1 Scala Clausratium (Nonfiction work) 1 Scattered Fancies (Poem) 1 Scintillulae Sacrae (Poetry collection) 1

Seaven Dumps on the Seaven Words That Christ Spake on the Crosse (Song) 1 Seaven Praiers of Sainct Paule (Song) 1 Secrecy Protested (Poem) 1 Secrees of Old Philisoffres (Poem) 1 Secreta Secretorum (Nonfiction work) 2 Secretum Secretorum (Poem) 2 Seleno-Graphia, or Newes From the World in the Moon to the Lunaticks of This World (Nonfiction work) 1 Send home my long strayed Ears (Poem) 1 Sent Bernards Fast (Poem) 1 Sententiac Quaedam Acute (Nonfiction work) 1

Sententiae Atque Preclara Facta Alexandri Seueri (Nonfiction work) 1 Sententiae Salamonis, Augustini, Gregorii, etc. (Collection) 1 Sententiae, Ex Thesauris Graecorum Collectae (Collection) 1 Sequitur Fabula Ejusdem Dompni J. L. Monachi, de Obsessu Civilitatis de Thebes (Nonfiction work) 1 Sermo de S. Trinitate (Speech) 1 Sermo Domini Archiepiscopi Armacani (Speech) 1 Sermo Secundus (Nonfiction work) 1 Sermon on the Duty of Magistrates, from Ps.82.5 (Speech) 1 Sermon or Exercise on Ps. 117 (Speech) 1 Set Me Wheras the Sonne (Poem) 1 Several Ecloges (Poem) 1 Severall Poems by the Right Honable Henry (Poetry collection) 1 Shakespeare Upon the King (Poem) 1 Short Lives of the Saints (Nonfiction work) 1 Si vis vermiculum, et lazorium facere (Nonfiction work) 1 Sicelides (Poem) 1 Similitudines... Ex Platonis Aristotilis Senicae Et Aliorum Philosophorum Libris Collectae (Nonfiction work) 1 Sir Cleges (Poem) 1 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Poem) 1 Sir H Wotton (Poem) 1 Sir H. Wotton, on the Lady Elizabeth When She Was First Crowned Queen of Bohemia (Poem) 1 Sir Harrie Mountagues speech to the L. Chanceller when he was made L. Chiefe Justice of England (Speech) 1 Sir Henry Goodyere (Poem) 1 Sir Isumbras (Poem) 1 Sir James Turner's Memoirs, Written By Himself; Embracing the Period From 1632 to 1670 (Autobiography) 1 Sir John Suckling's Works (Collection) 1

Sir Thomas Browne's Works, including his Life and Correspondence (Collection) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Sir Walter Raleigh, His Life and Death (Collection) 1 Smectymnuus, Or the Club-Divers (Poem) 1 So Cruel Prison (Poem) 1 So Laughyng in Lap Layde (Song) 1

Some Account of the Misunderstanding Between the Elector of Hanover (since King of Great Britain) and His Lady (Nonfiction work) 1

Some Outward Sorrows with Some Distempers of My Mind (Essay) 1

Some quaint rhymes; of which the meaning is not obvious (Poem) 1 Some Time This Worlde (Poem) 1 Somme des Vices et des Vertus (Theological work) 1 Son restored to life (Poem) 1 Song (Donne, John) (Poem) 1 Song on the Cross (at Cheapfide) (Poem) 1 Songs and Carols (Collection) 1 Songs andd Sonets (Collection) 3 Sonnet 23 (Spenser, Edmund) (Poem) 1 Sonnet 64 (Spenser, Edmund) (Poem) 1 Speculum Historiale de Gestis regum Angliae (Nonfiction work) 1 Speculum Humanae Salvationis (Poem) 1 Speculum meditantis (Poem) 1 Speculum Peccatorum (Theological work) 1 Speculum puerorum (Nonfiction work) 1

Speculum S. Edmundi, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis (Theological work) 3 Speculum Sacerdotale (Collection) 1 Speculum Stultorum (Poem) 2

Speech upon that discreet Petition against Bishops in church government (Speech) 1 Spring of All Woe (Poem) 1 Spurina and the Roman Ladies (Poem) 1 Square-Cap (Poem) 1 St. Mark's Gospel (Sacred work) 1 St. Matthew's Gospel (Sacred work) 1 Stans puer ad mensam (Lydgate, John) (Poem) 1 Stans Puer Ad Mensam (Poem) 1 Statuta Familiae Bona Memoride Domini Roberti Grossetest Lincolnensis Episcopi (Nonfiction work) 1

Statuta, Privilegia, et Consuetudines Universitatis Oxford (Nonfiction work) 1 Statutum de Tenentibus, Terram Suam Vendentibus, Tenendam de Capitalibus Dominis Feodorum Immediate (Nonfiction work) 1 Stella (Poem) 1

Stemmata Regum Anglo-Saxonum, Ex Holingsheadi Chronico (Nonfiction work) 1 Steps to the Temple (Poetry collection) 1 Stimulus Amoris (Theological work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Such Wayward Ways Hath Love, That Most Part in Discord (Poem) 1 Summs Qui bene presunt (Nonfiction work) 1 Superioris Chronici Continuatio, usque ad finem Regni Regis Ricardi II (Nonfiction work) 1 Supplicatio Patteni ad Divam Heroinam, Dominam Elyzabetham, Reginam Nostram Serenissimam (Poem) 1 Sussan; or the story of Susannah (Poem) 1 Symbolum electorum (Nonfiction work) 1 Table Talk. The Discourse of John Selden Esq (Nonfiction work) 1 Tabula herbaria (Nonfiction work) 1 Teares on the Death of Edward, Lord Coke (Nonfiction work) 1 Tempest (Song) 1 Templum Domini (Poem) 1

Tertia emendatio annorum incarnationis, secundum martirologium et passiones paparum, et decretales epistolae (Nonfiction work) 1 Testamentum Byrhtrici (Nonfiction work) 1

Tharrayment [arraignment] of Thomas Ducke of Norfolk (Nonfiction work) 1 Thassyryans King (Poem) 1 The Abbey of the Holy Ghost (Theological work) 1 The American Testimonial (Poetry collection) 1 The Amorous Journal (Fictional work) 1

The Anarchy of A Limited or Mixed Monarchy, or, A Succinct Examination of the Fundamentals of Monarchy, Both in This and Other Kingdoms (Nonfiction work) 1

The Angelical Salutacion Set Forthe by Thomas Alquine (Prayer) 1 The Annunciation Good Friday Songs (Poem) 1 The Apologie of Sir Walter Raleigh (Poem) 2 The Apparition (Donne, John) (Poem) 1

The Argument of the Spectacle Presented to the Sacred, Maiestys of Great Brittan and Denmark as They Passed Through London (Speech) 1

The Arguments of Lawe....In Certaine Great and Difficulte Cases (Essay) 1

The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (Essay) 1 The Art of Hunting (Nonfiction work) 1 The Art of Love (Poem) 1 The Art of Poetry [Or Ars Poetica] (Poem) 1 The Author's Epitaph, Made By Himselfe (Poem) 1 The Barkers (Play) 1 The Battle of Alcazar (Play) 1 The Baxters (Play) 1 The Beds-Tester (Ballad) 1 The Beggar's Bush (Play) 1

The Bellman's Good Morrowe, to the Tune of Awake, Awake, O England (Song) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Belye Cheere (Poem) 1 The Benefice (Play) 2 The Bible of English Policy (Poem) 1

The Bischopes Othe that He Aweris to the Pope (Nonfiction work) 1 The Black Bastill (Poem) 1 The Bocheres (Play) 1 The Body & Mind. From his Eupheme (Poem) 1

The Boke of Generallz Remedies yn Curyng and Heelyng (Nonfiction work) 1

The Boke of Saynt Isodre; to Enforme Man Howe He Schulde Flee Vices, and Folowe Vertues, by Consideracion of a Man Hym Selfe (Nonfiction work) 1

The Boke of the Lyknesse and Simulacion of Philosophie (Nonfiction work) 1 The Book of Good Manners (Nonfiction work) 1

The Book of Hans Bloome upon the Five Orders of Columnes (Nonfiction work) 1 The Book of Husbandry (Nonfiction work) 1 The Book of the Craft of Dying (Nonfiction work) 1 The Book of Vices and Virtues (Nonfiction work) 2 The Booke of Curtasye (Nonfiction work) 1 The Booke of Hunting Called The Maister of the Game, Dedicated to Henry V, Then Prince of Wales (Nonfiction work) 1 The Books of Huntyng (Nonfiction work) 1 The Bowers and Flecchers (Play) 1 The Bruce (Poem) 2 The Brut, Or Historia Brutonum (Poem) 3 The Buike off King Allexander the Conqueroure (Poem) 1 The Buke of Ye Chess (Poem) 1 The Byble of Englisshe Polecy (Nonfiction work) 1 The Calidonian Forrest (Poem) 1 The Calm [Calme] (Poem) 2 The Calme (Poem) 1 The Campe of Philosophies (Nonfiction work) 1 The Canterbury Tales (Poetry collection) 4 The Canterbury Tales: Prologue of the Prioress's Tale (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: Prologue to Sir Thopas (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: Sir Thopas (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Canon's Yeoman's Prologue (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Canon's Yeoman's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Clerk's Tale (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Cook's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Doctor's Tale (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Franklin's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Frere's Tale (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Friar's Tale (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: The General Prologue (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Knight's Tale (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Man of Law's Tale (Poem) 3

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Canterbury Tales: the Merchant's Tale (Poem) 2

The Canterbury Tales: the Miller's Tale (Chaucer, Geoffrey) (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Monk's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Nun's Priest's Tale (Poem) 2

The Canterbury Tales: the Pardoner's Introduction and Prologue (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Pardoner's Tale (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Parson's Tale (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Physician's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Prioress' Tale (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Reeve's Tale (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Second Nun's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Shipman's Tale (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Squire's Tale (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Summoner's Tale (Poem) 3 The Canterbury Tales: the Tale of Gamelyn (Poem) 1 The Canterbury Tales: the Tale of Melibee (Poem) 2 The Canterbury Tales: the Wife of Bath's Tale (Poem) 2 The Cappemakers, Etc. (Play) 1 The Captives (Plautus) (Play) 1 The Carpenteres (Play) 1 The Causes of My Longe Imprisonmente (Poem) 1 The Chandelers (Play) 1 The Change: a Showe Written in Dec. 1642 (Play) 1 The Character of a Happy Life (Poem) 1 The Chastising of God's Children (Theological work) 1 The Chester Pageants, or the Twenty-Four Mysteries or Miracle Plays (Nonfiction work) 1

The Chronicle of Thomas Rudburne Monke of Winchester (Nonfiction work) 1 The Churl and the Bird (Poem) 1 The Clubmen of the House of Commons (Poem) 1 The Cobler of Colchester (Poem) 1 The Cokis and Watir-Lederes (Play) 1

The Colonies, Beeing the Seaventh Booke of the Second Weeke of the Noble, Learned, and Religious Lord of Bartas [Guillaume de Saluste du Bartas], Translated by Josuah Sylvester, 1603. (Poem) 1 The Commendations of Mistress Jane [Or, Johanna] Scrope, From Philip Sparrow (Poem) 1 The Commonwealth of Birds (Poem) 1

The compendiary of the noble science of alchemy compiled by Mr. William Blomefeild philosopher and bacheler of phisicke admitted by King Henry the 8th of most famous memory. (Poem) 1 The Complaint (King, Henry) (Poem) 1 The Complaint of Chaucer to His Purse (Poem) 1 The Complaint to his Purse (Poem) 1 The Complaint Unto Pity (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Complete Works of George Gascoigne (Collection) 1 The Complete Works of John Lyly (Collection) 1 The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney (Collection) 1 The Complete Works of Sir Thomas More (Collection) 1 The Compound of Alchymy (Nonfiction work) 2 The Concords of Company (Poem) 1 The Consideracion of Quynte Essence of Alle Thinges That Mowe Bee Changid Fro Oon Kynde to an Other (Essay) 1 The Consolation of Philosophy (Essay) 3 The Consolation of Philosophy: Boece (Poem) 1 The Constant Couple; or, a Trip to the Jubilee (Play) 1 The Contemplacioun of Synnaris (Poem) 1

The Converted Robber, a Pastorall, Acted By St. John's College, 1637 (Play) 1

The Coppie of the first letter sent from the Great Mogore [Mogul] to his Matie. by Sir Thomas Roe his Embassadour, 1619 (Letter) 1

The copye of a letter written by a Master of Artes in Cambridge to his friende in London, concerninge some talke past of late betwixt 2 worshipfull and grave men, about the present estate (Letter) 1 The Cordewainers (Play) 1

The Cordyalle, or Book of the Four Last Things (Nonfiction work) 1 The Coriours (Play) 1

The Corrected Historie of Sir Gwy Earle of Warwick, Surnamed the Heremite; Begun By Don Lidgate, Monck of St. Edmundes Berye; But Now Dilligentlie Exquired From All Antiquitie, by John Lane, 1621. (Poem) 1 The Council of the Gods (Nonfiction work) 1

The Council to Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on His Appointment of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, as His "General of the Horse" (Nonfiction work) 1 The Countesse of Pembrokes Passion (Poem) 1 The Coupers (Play) 1 The Court of Sapyence, Of Reson and Sensuallyte (Poem) 1 The Courtier (Book) 1 The Cronicle of Polydore Vergil (Nonfiction work) 2 The Crying of Ane Playe (Poem) 1 The Cynick (Nonfiction work) 1 The Cyprian Conqueror, or the Faithless Relict (Play) 1 The Deade Man's Fortune (Play) 1 The Decree (Nonfiction work) 1 The Deplorable Life and Death of Edward the Second (Poem) 1

The Desirid Peace Between Sigismonde Emperour and Kyng Henry (Nonfiction work) 1 The Desparinge Complainte of Wretched Rawleighe for his Treacheries Wrought against the Worthie Essex; Whereunto is Annexed His Caveat to Secure Courtiers (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Destiny of Man, Woman and Child to be Learnt from the Heavenly Bodies (Nonfiction work) 1 The Device to Entertain Her Majesty at Harefield, the House of Sir Thomas Egerton (Collection) 1 The Discovery of a Gaping Gulf (Nonfiction work) 1 The Disobedient Childe (Play) 1 The Dispensary (Poem) 1 The Distemper (Poem) 1 The Divine Prophesies of the Ten Sibills, Upon the Birthe of Our Saviour Christ (Poetry collection) 1 The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford (Collection) 1 The Draperes (Play) 1 The Dreme of Sypyon, Taken Owt of the Syxt Boke of Cicero Intytlyd De Republyca (Nonfiction work) 1 The Drems of a Trewe Lover (Poem) 1 The Duchess of Padua (Play) 1 The Duke of Millaine (Play) 1 The Dutch Courtesan (Play) 1 The Dutchess of Fernandina (Play) 1 The Dvello or Single Combat (Nonfiction work) 1

The Ecclesiastical History of the English People (Theological work) 4 The Elder Brother (Play) 1 The Elegie (Poem) 1 The Elizabethan Stage (Nonfiction work) 1

The Emperor of China His Letter to the Queene of England (Letter) 1 The Epigrams of Martial (Poem) 1 The Epilogue in Darius (Play) 1 The Epistle off fflania Daughter off Lucius Emillius Sent to Publics Sentulus Then Resident in Parthia (Letter) 1 The Eremyte and the Owtelawe (Poem) 2 The Erle of Essex to the Quene (Letter) 1 The Escapes of Jupiter (Play) 1 The Examinacion of Edward Hawley, Esq. Taken the 26 Daie of June, 1622," Concerning Communications Had With Sir Rob. Phillips, Prisoner in the Tower (Nonfiction work) 1 The excellencie of man, his nobility, praise, glory, honour, and dignitie (Nonfiction work) 1 The Faithful Friends (Play) 1 The Fall of Angells and Man in Innocence (Opera) 1 The Fary Knight, or, Oberon the Second (Play) 1 The Fendys Parlement (Poem) 1 The Fifteen Joys of Our Lady (Poem) 1 The Fire of Love (Nonfiction work) 2 The First Anti-Masque of Mountebanks (Play) 1 The Five Senses (Drummond, William) (Poem) 1 The Flores of Senecaes Epistles (Nonfiction work) 1

The Flower and the Leaf, Or the Lady in the Arbour; a Vision (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Flying Voice (Play) 1 The Forc'd Lady (Play) 1 The Forerunner of Revenge Upon the Duke of Buckingham for the Poysoning of the Most Potent King James (Nonfiction work) 1 The Form of Living (Nonfiction work) 2

The Foundation of the University of Cambridge with a Catalogue of the Principal Founders and Special Benefactors of the Colleges, Public Schools and Library Now Extant in the Same (Nonfiction work) 1 The Four Gospels (Theological work) 1 The Fourth Book of Anatomy (Nonfiction work) 1 The Fysshers and Marynars (Play) 1 The Genuine Remains (Collection) 1 The Gift of Poetry (Poetry collection) 1 The Governor (Play) 2 The Great Duke of Florence (Play) 1 The Great Exemplar (Theological work) 1 The Greate Macedon (Poem) 1 The Grief of Love. Certeyne Elegies Wherein the Doubtfull Delightes of Mannes Life Are Displaied (Poem) 1 The Grieved Synner Acknowlegeth His Sinne and Craveth Pardon for the Same (Ballad) 1 The Guardian. A Comedy of Two Acts (Play) 1 The Guardian: Prologue, Before the Prince (Poem) 1 The Guardian: the Epilogue (Poem) 1 The Guilty Conscience Acknowledging Her Sire Craveth Pardon for the Same Apealing from Justice unto Mercye (Ballad) 1 The Gypsies Metamorphosed (Play) 1 The Gyrdillers and Naylers (Play) 1 The Harte and the Eye (Poem) 1 The Hermit (17th. century) (Poem) 1

The Historie and Chronicles of Scotland, 1436–1565 (Nonfiction work) 1 The Historie of Jonah (Poem) 1 The Historie of the Civill Warres of France (Nonfiction work) 1 The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century (Nonfiction work) 1 The History of Sampson (Nonfiction work) 1

The History of Scotland from the Year 1423 until the year 1542 (Nonfiction work) 2 The History of the Patriarch Joseph (Poem) 1 The History or Romance of Sydrak and King Boccus (Poem) 2 The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Nonfiction work) 1 The Honest Man's Fortune (Play) 1 The Honour of Fidelitie (Poem) 1 The Horse, the Sheep and the Goose (Poem) 1 The Hoseers (Play) 1 The Houre-Glasse (Poem) 1 The Humorous Lovers (Play) 2 The Hunttynge of the Hare (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Hypocrite (Wilmot, John) (Poem) 1 The Image of Ypocresye (Poem) 1 The Images (Nonfiction work) 1 The Importance of Being Earnest (Play) 1 The Inconstant Lady (Play) 2 The Inholders (Play) 1 The Insatiate Countess (Play) 1 The Interpreter (Nonfiction work) 1 The Invention of S. Ragner of Northampton (Nonfiction work) 1 The Itinerary of John Leland (Nonfiction work) 1 The Judge (Massinger, Philip) (Play) 1 The Just General (Play) 1 The Justis Betuix Ye Talzeour and Ye Soutar (Poem) 1 The King & Queen's Entertainment at Boulsover (Poem) 1 The King of Swedland (Play) 1 The King on His Queene (Poem) 1 The King's Entertainment at Welbeck (Poem) 1 The Knight of the Swan (Poem) 1 The Knight that Had Charge of the Groue (Poem) 1 The Knot of Prayer & Grace (Poem) 1 The Lady-Mother (Play) 1 The Lamentation of a Sinner (Poem) 1 The Lamentation of the Crosse (Ballad) 1 The Last Will and Testament of Father Peters (Nonfiction work) 1

The Laude or Prayse to Be Saide Unto the Virgyn Mary, Mother of Chryste Jesu, Made By the Excellent Clerke Erasmus in the Latten Tonge and Translatyd Into English by Henry Parker, Knyght, Lorde Morley (Opera) 1 The Launching of the Mary (Play) 1 The Lay-Man's Lamentacion, Upon the Civill Death of Ye Late Laboure[r]s in Ye Lords Vineyard, Carryed on By Way of Diologue Betwixt Proud Prelate and Poore Professour (Poem) 1 The Legacy or Guift of George Hales Deceased (Poem) 1

The Legend and Defence of Ye Noble Knight and Martyr Sr John Oldcastle (Poem) 2 The Legend of Good Women (Poem) 3

The Legend of Mary, Queen of Scots, and Other Ancient Poems (Poem) 1 The Legend of Sismond (Poem) 1 The Legend of the Bishop of St. Andrews' Life (Nonfiction work) 1

The Letter of Sir Walter Rawleigh to the Kinge, after His Arraignment (Letter) 1 The Letting of Humours Blood in the Head-Vaine (Poem) 1 The Liberty and Requiem of an Imprisoned Royalist (Poem) 1 The Lie (Raleigh, Walter) (Poem) 1 The Life and Death of Mary Magdalene (Poem) 1 The Life and Death of Sir P. Sidney (Poem) 1 The Life and Death of Sir Thomas More, Knight (Biography) 1

The Life and Death of the Great Cham. A Stately Tragedy (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Life and Miracles of St. Editha (Nonfiction work) 1

The Life and Originall of Hippocrates, out of Soranus (Biography) 1 The Life of Guthlac (Poem) 1 The Life of Jonathan Swift (Biography) 2 The Life of M. de Villeroy (Biography) 1 The Life of Sir John Fastolf (Biography) 1 The Life of St. Etheldreda of Ely (Poem) 1

The Life of the Revd. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's (Biography) 1 The Litany (Donne, John) (Poem) 1 The Lives of English Poets (Nonfiction work) 1

The Lives of Women Saints of Our Contrie of England (Biography) 1 The Lord's Prayer (Anonymous) (Poem) 1 The Lost Lady (Play) 1 The Lover of Lies, or the Incredulous (Nonfiction work) 1 The Lusiads (Poem) 1 The Lyfe of Theseus (Nonfiction work) 1 The Lyfes of Adam and Eve (Nonfiction work) 1 The Lytsteres (Play) 1 The Lytylle childrens lytil Boke (Poem) 1 The Lyve of Cryste (Nonfiction work) 1 The Maid of Honour (Play) 1 The Man from the Underwoods (Poem) 1 The Manciple's Tale (Poem) 1 The Mandrake (Play) 1

The Maner of Tillynge of Trees, After Godfray Uppone Palladie (Nonfiction work) 1 The Marchallis (Play) 1 The Mariage of Witte and Wisdome (Morality Play) (Poem) 1 The Marriage of the Virgin (Play) 1 The Masonus (Play) 1 The Masque of Beauty (Poem) 1 The Masque of Queens (Play) 1

The Massacre at Paris: With the Death of the Duke of Guise (Play) 1 The Massacre of Paris (Nonfiction work) 1 The Mayden Holaday (Play) 1 The Mayor of Queenborough [Quinborough] (Play) 1 The Merceres (Play) 1 The Merchant of Venice (Play) 1 The Method of Making a Nun (Essay) 1

The Metrical Portions of Boethius de Consolatione Philosophiae (Nonfiction work) 1 The Ministracion Att Evensong (Poem) 1 The Mirror of Alchemy (Nonfiction work) 1 The Mirror of Life (Poem) 3 The Mirror of the Life of Christ (Theological work) 3 The Mirror of the Periods of Man's Life (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Monarchicke Tragedies (Poem) 1 The Morall Fabillis, of Escope Compylit be Maister Robert Henrisoun Scolmaister of Dumferling, 1571 (Nonfiction work) 1 The Mufe to Chattefworth (Poem) 1 The Murtoliad (Poetry collection) 1 The Muses' Oblation (Poem) 1

The Muses Welcome to the High and Mighty King James (Poem) 1

The Namz of Suche Personz As Be Assigned to Haue Lodeging Within the Kinges House, When They Repayre to the Same (Nonfiction work) 1 The Newe Metamorphosis, or a Feaste of Fancie, or Poeticall Legendes, by J. M., gent., 1600. (Poem) 3 The Nightingale (John of Howden) (Poem) 1 The Nine (Nonfiction work) 1 The Noble Choise (Play) 1 The Noble Tryall (Play) 1 The Nobleman (Play) 1 The Nonesuch (Play) 1 The Oath of Association (Oath) 1 The Office of Christian Parents (Nonfiction work) 1 The Olde Knightes Tale (Poem) 1 The Order of Fools (Poem) 1 The Original Chronicle of Andrew of Wyntoun (Nonfiction work) 1 The Originall Nature and Immortallity of the Soul (Poem) 1 The Osteleres (Play) 1 The Owle (Poem) 1 The Painter to the Poet, with the Answer (Poem) 1 The Parasite (Nonfiction work) 1 The Parayllous Dayes of the Yeere (Nonfiction work) 1 The Parchemyners and Bokebynders (Play) 1 The Parlament Fart (Poem) 1 The Parlament of Byrds (Poem) 1 The Parlament of Devills (Song) 1 The Parlement of the Thre Ages (Poem) 2 The Parliament of Love (Play) 2 The Partial Law (Play) 1

The Passage of the Pilgrimes Dividit Into Two Parts (Fictional work) 1 The Passionate Pilgrim (Poem) 2 The Passioun of Christ (Poem) 1 The Passioun of Crist Compilit Be M. Walter Kennedy (Poem) 1 The Passioun of Jhesu (Poem) 1 The Penitential Psalms (Collection) 2 The Pewteres and Foundours (Play) 1

The Phanseys of the Marquesse of Newcastle, Sett by Him in Verse att Paris (Poem) 1 The Phoenix Nest (Poetry collection) 1 The Picture of Dorian Gray (Novel) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Picture of the Body and Minde of Miss Venetia Stanley (Since Lady Digby), Made by Mr. Benjamin Johnson (Poem) 1 The Pilgrim (Anonymous) (Poem) 2 The Pill (Nonfiction work) 1

The Pleasaunt Poesye of Princelie Practise, Composed of Late in Meatre Royall by the Symple and Vnlearned Sir William Forrest Preeiste, Muche Parte Collecte Owte of a Booke Entiteled the Gouernaunce of Noblemen (Poem) 1 The Poems and Plays of Sir J. Suckling (Collection) 1 The Poems of Sir Arthur Gorges (Poetry collection) 1

The Poems, Letters, and Prose Works of Robert Southwell, the Jesuit (Collection) 1

The Poetical Remains of James the First, King of Scotland (Collection) 1 The Poore Man's Comfort (Play) 1 The poore mans Peticion to the Kinge (Nonfiction work) 1 The Portrait of a Prince (Poem) 1

The postscript to a poem call'd The Jacobite Conventicle (Poem) 1 The Potteres (Play) 1

The Poysonit Schot Copied from the Duke of Roxburgh's Ballads (Poetry collection) 1

The Practis of Zakaer Under An Allegoricall Speache (Nonfiction work) 1 The Prickle of Conscience (Poem) 9 The Prince (Nonfiction work) 4 The Principles of Mr. Hobs (Essay) 1 The Procys of the Sevyn Sages (Poem) 1 The Profecy of Skylton (Poem) 1 The Propertes of Our Daffodyls (Nonfiction work) 1 The Prophecy of Merlin (Poem) 1 The Prophesie of Ffysshes, Taken Oute of the Versis Before Written (Nonfiction work) 1 The Protestant Satyre, or Some Reason Not All Rhime, in Return to Severall Late Popish Libels (Poem) 1 The Protestation of the Commons House of Parliament, for the Better Confirmations of their Privilidges (Nonfiction work) 1 The Prymer After Salisburye Use (Nonfiction work) 1 The Psalmes of David, Done Into English Verse, by the Moste Noble and Vertuous Gentellman Sir Phillipp Sidney, Knight. [and His Sister, the Countess of Pembroke (Nonfiction work) 2

The Psalmes of King David. Translated by King James. (Sacred work) 1 The Psalms of David (Collection) 1 The Psalter [of Richard Rolle] (Sacred work) 1 The Psalter with prologues, canticles, To Doum, Athanasian creed, etc. (Sacred work) 1

The Puritan Maid, the Modest Wife, and the Wanton Widow (Play) 1 The Pynneres (Play) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Queene of Corsica (Play) 1

The Quenes Maiesties Aunsweare to the Peticions Exhibited (Speech) 1 The Question of Halsam (Poem) 1 The Rape of Lucrece (Poem) 1 The Regynall of the Fullers Pagyant (Play) 1

The Reigne of King Henry the Second, Written in Seauen Bookes (Nonfiction work) 1 The Reliefe of the Longing Soule (Poem) 1 The Resurrection of Our Lord (Play) 1 The Return from Parnassus (Play collection) 1 The Riddle (ca. 1626) (Poem) 1

The Romance of Duke Rowland and Sir Otuell of Spayne (Poem) 1 The Romance of Partonopeus de Blois (Poem) 1 The Rosarye (Nonfiction work) 1 The Royal Combate (Play) 1 The Royal Slave (Play) 3 The Ruines of Time (Poem) 1 The rules or canons of philosphy (Nonfiction work) 1 The Sad Complaint of Mary, Queen of Scots (Poem) 1 The Sad Shepherd (Play) 1 The Sadilleres (Play) 1

The Salerenne Schoolle, or, the Regiment of Healthe (Nonfiction work) 1 The Same Prayers (Nonfiction work) 1 The Satyricon (Short fiction collection) 1 The Schoolmaster (Nonfiction work) 1 The Scottish Souldier (Poem) 1 The Scovte Generall (Poem) 1 The Scriveners' Play (Play) 1 The Second Maiden's Tragedy (Play) 1 The Sege of Jerusalem (Poem) 1 The Sege of Melayne (Poem) 1 The Sempill Ballates (Poetry collection) 1 The Seven Sacramentis (Nonfiction work) 1 The Seven Uertues (Nonfiction work) 1 The Shepheard's Paradise (Play) 4 The Shepherd's Confession (Poem) 1 The Shermen (Play) 1 The Ship, or a Discourse of Wishes (Nonfiction work) 1 The Shipwrites (Play) 1 The Siege of Londonderry (Play) 1 The Siege of Rhodes (Poem) 1 The Siege of Thebes (Poem) 1 The Single Eye, or A Right Intention Is the Rule of All Human Actions (Theological work) 1 The Skynners (Play) 1 The Sledmen (Play) 1 The Snare (Anonymous) (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Song of Discord (Poem) 1 The Song of Songs; or Hymne of Hymnes Twixt Christ and His Deere Spouse the Churche (Song) 1 The Songe of Just Mesure (Poem) 1

The Songe of the Death of Mr. Thewlis, [Executed for Refusing to Become a Protestant,] to the Tune of Daintie, Come Thou to Mee (Song) 1 The Sonne Hath Twyse (Poem) 1 The Souldiers Wishe (Poem) 1 The Sovereign of the Seas (Poem) 1

The speeches of the Counsell in the Starre Chamber Mich. Terme 1599—Against the Earle Marshall of England and against libellers (Collection) 1 The Spicers (Play) 1 The Sporiers and Lorimers (Play) 1 The Stacyonys of Rome (Poem) 1 The Stanes (Poem) 1 The State of Innocence (Poem) 1 The State of Innocence and Fall of Man (Libretto) 1 The State of Ireland (Nonfiction work) 1 The State of the Church of Great Britain (Nonfiction work) 3 The Storm (Donne, John) (Poem) 3 The Story of Thebes (Poem) 1 The Strowlers Prologue at Cambridge (Nonfiction work) 1 The Swisser (Play) 1 The Synner Being Ashamed of His Synne Dareth Hardly Crave Release for the Same (Ballad) 1

The Tabill of Confessioun, Compilit Be M. William Dunber (Poem) 1 The Tailoures (Play) 1 The Tale of Hemetes the Heremyte Pronownced Before the Q. Maiesty att Woodstocke, 1575 (Poem) 2 The Taming of the Shrew (Play) 1 The Tapiteres and Couchers (Play) 1 The Teares of the Muses (Poem) 1

The Temple: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations (Poetry collection) 1 The Theater of Apollo (Play) 1 The Theater of Honour (Nonfiction work) 1 The Theatre of Scottish Kings (Poetry collection) 1 The Theatre of the Scotishe Kings (Poem) 1 The Theoricke of Treverencis (Nonfiction work) 1 The Third Knights Songe (Poem) 1 The Thowght Within My Brest (Song) 1 The Three Kings of Cologne (Nonfiction work) 2 The Tille Thekers (Play) 1 The Tragedy of Cleopatra (Poem) 1 The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage (Play) 1 The Tragedy of Nero (Play) 1 The Tragedy of Sir John van Olden Barnavelt (Play) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Tragiecomedie of Serpents (Play) 1 The Traveller, a Poeme. 1657 (Poem) 1 The Travels of Sir John Mandeville (Novel) 1 The Treasure of the Soule (Nonfiction work) 1 The Triumphe of Death (Ballad) 1 The Triumphs of Love and Innocence (Play) 1

The True Tragi-Comedie Formarly Acted at Court and Now Reuied [revived] By Ane Eie Witnes, Before Which ar Drawn the Liuely Pictures or Caracters of the Most Considarable Parsons Represented (Play) 1

The Tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng Per [John] Skelton Laureat to Henry VIII (Poem) 1 The Turtle and Sparrow (Poem) 1 The Twa Mys (Poem) 1 The Twelfth Night's Revels (Play) 1 The Twelve Gates of Sir George Ripley (Poem) 1 The Tyllemakers (Poem) 1 The Tyrant, a Tragedy (Play) 1 The Unconstant Lover (Poem) 1

The Union of the Noble and Illustre Famelies of Lancastre and York (Nonfiction work) 1 The Universal Sacrifice (Poem) 1 The Use of the Law (Essay) 1 The Valiant Christian (Poem) 1 The Vanytyes of Sr Arthur Gorges Youthe (Poetry collection) 1 The Vengaunce of Godye dethe (Poem) 1

The Verses of Ed. L. Herbert of Cherbery and Castle Island, 1630 (Poetry collection) 1 The Vestall, a Tragedy (Play) 1 The Vision of Delight (Poem) 1 The Vision of Edmund Leversedge (Theological work) 1 The Vision of Piers Plowman (The C-Text) (Poem) 1 The Vision of William Staunton (Theological work) 1 The Visions and Revelations of Saint Brigid (Nonfiction work) 1 The Visions of Bellay (Poem) 1 The Visions of Petrarch [Formerly Translated] (Poem) 1 The Wandering Sheepe or David's Tragique Fall (Poem) 1 The Wandring Gadling in the Somer Tyde (Poem) 1 The Wefferes (Play) 1 The Welcome to Sack (Poem) 1

The Whiggs Supplication, or, the Scotch-Hudibras A Mock Poem (Poem) 1 The Whimfyes of Senor Hidalgo (Play) 1 The Whipping of the Satyre (Poem) 1 The White Aethiopian (Play) 1 The Will (Jean de Meun) (Poem) 1 The Wizard (Play) 1 The Womans Plott (Play) 1 The Woman's Prize, or The Tamer Tamed (Play) 1 The Woodstock Entertainments (Collection) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records The Worke of Richard Carpenter (Poem) 1 The Workes of Sir T. More in the English Tonge (Collection) 1 The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton (Collection) 1 The Works of Chaucer (Collection) 1 The Works of George Peele (Collection) 1 The Works of the English Poets (Critical work) 1 The Worthies of Devon (Biography) 1 The Wretchednesse of Mans Estate untill Redresse and Comfort Come from Christ (Ballad) 1 The Wynedrawers (Play) 1 The Yorkshire Gentlewoman and Her Son (Play) 1 The Zealous Mans Teares; or, A Godlie Sermon Describing the Treue Cause of Christian Teares—Nessisarie for the Flintie Harts of the Last and Worst Age (Sacred work) 1 Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum (Poetry collection) 1 Theatrum Chymicum (Nonfiction work) 9 Theologia Germanica (Theological work) 1 Theologia Naturalis (Essay) 1 These ben the gaderid councels of seint [?]sidre to enforme man how he schulde fle vicis and vse vertuis (Nonfiction work) 1 This is the Abbey of the holy Gost that is yfounded in a place that is ycalled conscience (Nonfiction work) 1 This Ladies Answer (Poem) 1

Those Verses were spoken before the Countesse of Lecesler, when Sir Garvas Clifton was married to my Lady Penelope Rich, at Drayton Basset House (Poem) 1 Though Sum Saith That Yough Rulyth Me (Song) 1 Three Medicines (Nonfiction work) 1 Three Moral Treatises (Essay collection) 1

Thys [is] a Rewyll off the Speyr off Pictagoras.... Bethe Wyche a Man May Seyk Men...Wethyr Thay Shall Lyve or Dye (Nonfiction work) 1 Tigranes (Play) 1 Timon, A Play (Play) 1 Tis Good Sleeping in a Whole Skin (Play) 1 Titus and Vespasian, or the Destruction of Jerusalem (Poem) 3 To a Friend (ca. 16-17th century) (Poem) 1 To a Lady (Poem) 1 To a Lady That Forbade to Love Before Company (Poem) 1 To a Lady Whos Chaine Was Lost (Poem) 1 To a Painted Mistress (Poem) 1 To Charles the His Coronation (Poem) 1

To Chute the Cabbidgeface Alias Gret Lippes at Clarkenwell (Letter) 1 To Cupid (Herrick, Robert) (Poem) 1 To Her Majesty (Poem) 1 To his Confin'd Freind Mr. Felton (Poem) 1 To His Honoured Friend Mr Philip Massinger (Letter) 1 To His Love upon His Departure from Her (Poem) 1 To His Mistress (Donne, John) (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records To His Mistress (Raleigh, Walter) (Poem) 1 To His Noble Friend and Maister, John Sinnigh, Alias Fox, upon His Act of Doctorship, M.B., His Humbly Affectionate Scoller, Addresseth Himselfe in this Paper (Poem) 1

To His Sacred Majesty; a Panegyric on His Cornonation (Poem) 1 To His Scornful Mistress (Poem) 2 To Lord Mordaunt (Poem) 1 To Mr Ben Jonson in His Journey, By Mr Craven (Poem) 1 To Mrs. Martha Faucon my Valentine Mistris (Poem) 1 To My Dear Friend Ben Jonson (Died August 6, 1637) (Poem) 1 To My Rival (Poem) 1 To One that Would Dye a Mayd (Poem) 1 To Sir Edward Herbert (Donne, John) (Poem) 1 To Sir Edward Herbert (Jonson, Ben) (Poem) 1 To Sir Henry Goodyere (Jonson, Ben) (Poem) 1 To the Author (Jonson, Ben) (Poem) 1 To the Christian Reader (Essay) 1 To the Countess of Bedford (3) (Poem) 1 To the Duke of Buckingham (Poem) 1

To the King, at His Entrance Into Saxham, By Master John Crofts (Poem) 1 To the King's Majesty (Poem) 1

To the Memory of That All Greate Architect of Poetry Mr Phillip Massinger (Poem) 1

To the Memory of That Most Honoured Lady Jane, Countess of Shrewsbury (Poem) 1 To the Morning. Satisfaction for Sleep (Poem) 1 To the much honoured Beautie of Mrs Ann West (Poem) 1 To the Queene (Poem) 1 To the Rt. Hon Will Viscount Mansfield (Poem) 1 To the Toune of the Raire & Greatest Gift (Poem) 1 To the true lover of all good learning, and just honour of his owne rancke, Wiliam Earle f Devonshire (Poem) 1 To the Virgin (Lydgate, John) (Poem) 1 To the Wife of Endimion Porter (Poem) 1 To the Witts of Oxford, Cambridge, and London (Poem) 1 To Two Ladies, Joan & Marget (Poem) 1 Tom a' Lincoln...The Red Rose Knight (Fictional work) 1 Topographia Hibernica (Nonfiction work) 2 Totum Melius Sua Parte (Poem) 1 Toxaris, or a Discourse of Friendship (Nonfiction work) 1 Tractatus Astrologico Magicus (Nonfiction work) 1

Tractatus de combustione et reparatione Cantuariensis ecclesiae (Nonfiction work) 1 Tractatus de Mirabilibus Angliae (Nonfiction work) 1 Tractatus de Purgatorio Sancti Patricii (Nonfiction work) 1 Tractatus de Regimine Sanitatis (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Tractatus de Scissura Ciborum et Servitio Dominorum Diversis Temporibus Anni Secundum Consuetudines Patriae (Nonfiction work) 1 Tragedy of Zoroastres (Play) 1 Translations (Thomas Aquinas, Saint) (Collection) 1 Traverences of the Raysons of Mettalls (Nonfiction work) 1 Treaties of Fistula in Ano (Nonfiction work) 1 Treatise De Officiis (Nonfiction work) 1

Treatise in English upon Herbs, Arranged in Alphabetical Order (Nonfiction work) 1

Treatise on the (30) Different "Colours" or Kinds of Rhyming Verse (Essay) 1 Treatise on Wills (Essay) 1 Treatise upon Alchemy, Written in the Form of Question and Answer (Nonfiction work) 1

Treatise, in Old English, of the Virtues of Herbs (Nonfiction work) 1 Trentale Sancti Gregorii (Poem) 1 Tretee of Nicholas Bollard (Nonfiction work) 1 Trinarchodia (Poem) 1 Tripus Aureus (Nonfiction work) 1 Tritons Trumpet to the Twelve Monethes Husbanded and Moralized by John Lane, 1621 (Poem) 1 Troilus and Cressida [Criseyde] (Poem) 1 Trolly Lolly Loly Lo (Song) 1 Trusbut (Nonfiction work) 1 Truth (Chaucer, Geoffrey) (Poem) 1 Trye Before You Truste (Poem) 1 Tunbridge Wells (Poem) 1 Tundale: A Religious Lesson (Poem) 1

Two Hundred Poosees Devysed By Thomas Palmer (Poetry collection) 1 Two Old Prophecies in Verse (Poem) 1 Tymes Trick Upon the Cards (Play) 1 Typographical Antiquities (Nonfiction work) 1 Tytexus (Poem) 1 University Drama in the Tudor Age (Nonfiction work) 1 Unum Necessarium (Theological work) 1

Upon a Miser That Made a Great Feast; the Next Day He Died for Grief (Poem) 1 Upon a Sign (Poem) 1 Upon a Wench under 14 (Poem) 1

Upon changing the motto from Dieu et mon Droit to Je maintiendray (Poem) 1 Upon Cupid (Poem) 1 Upon Mrs.Poole whose Haire and Eyes Wher Blacke (Poem) 1 Upon One that Went a Woing (Poem) 1 Upon Parting (Poem) 1 Upon Prince Henerey. Epitaph. (Poem) 1 Upon Queene Anne by King James (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records Upon Schakpeare (Poem) 1

Upon the Death of Elizabeth of York, wife of Henry the Seventh (Poem) 1 Upon the Imaturity His Death (Poem) 1 Upon the Inconstancy of Women (Poem) 1 Upon the Lord Hide (Poem) 1 Upon the Peruke Block of Caesar Crouch (Poem) 1 Upon the Prince (Poem) 1

Upon the Prince's Birth. With a Health to the Prince, in four lines (Poem) 1 Upon the Same, an Epigramme (Poem) 1 Uppon Felton's Hanginge in Chaynes (Poem) 1 Urania; the Woman in the Moon (Poem) 1 Uranus and Psyche: A Pastoral. (Poem) 2 Urguentum diaflosmus (Nonfiction work) 1 Valentinian (Play) 1

Venatio Catholica, Seu Pietatis Pontificiae Pars Secunda (Nonfiction work) 1 Venomous Thorns that Are So Sharp and Keen (Poem) 1 Verba Thome Wiet Militis, in hora mortis sue: clearing the Lady Elizabeth & the Earl of Devonshire (Nonfiction work) 1 Vernon Papers (Collection) 1

Vers faits au Roy, sur le persecution des Protestants en France (Nonfiction work) 1 Verse life of St. Erasmus (Poem) 1 Verses Addressed to Mr. Richardson, On His History of Sir Charles Grandison (Poetry collection) 1 Verses by Benjamin Jonson again (Poem) 1 Verses in English and Latin (Poetry collection) 1 Verses in Praise of Women (Poetry collection) 1

Verses Made by Mr. Fra. Bacon Francis Bacon (Poetry collection) 1 Verses made by Mr. Francis Bacon (Poem) 1 Verses Made By the Earle of Essex in His Trouble (Poem) 1 Verses Made of Melancholy (Poem) 1

Verses Made on the Dissolution of the Parliament in 1681, Presently After the Earle of Shaftesbury Made His Speech (Nonfiction work) 1 Verses Made When My Lord Cooke Was Made Highe Sheriffe of Buckingham (Poem) 1 Verses octo de lapide orbiculari (Poem) 1 Verses on a Judge being made a Sheriff (Poem) 1 Verses on Poole's Hole (Poem) 1 Verses on the Crow, the Pye the Raven, & the Finch (Poem) 1 Verses on the Difference of Faith Between the Churches of Rome and England (Poem) 1 Verses on the Vanity of Worldly Affairs (Poetry collection) 1 Verses Spoken to the Duke, Etc., By Sir Tho. Trollopp, at the Same Time, Made By the Same Author As the Former (Poem) 1 Verses to the Erle of Newcastle (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records

Verses Written at the Request of a Lady in her Booke by Robert Smyth (Poem) 1 Vertues Triumph. This Comedy Was Writt in Anno 1644. (Play) 1 Vervicensis (Poem) 1 Vindiciae Jonsonianae (Poem) 1 Virgil's Gnat (Poem) 1 Visio B. Mariae Facta Thomae Cantuariensi (Nonfiction work) 1 Visions of the Worlds Vanitie (Poem) 1

Vita B. Cadoci Sophiae episcopi, et martyris Beneventanae civitatis (Biography) 1 Vita B. Edmundi, Cantuariensis archiepiscopi (Biography) 1 Vita D. Thomae Morie (Collection) 1 Vita Deo dilecatae virginis Mildrith (Nonfiction work) 1

Vita et Miracula S. Begae Virginis, in Provincia Northanhumbrorum (Biography) 1 Vita et miracula S. Letardi (Nonfiction work) 1

Vita et passio S. Aelphegi archiep. Cantuar. et martyris (Nonfiction work) 1

Vita et passio S. Bonifacii, episcopi et martyris (Nonfiction work) 1 Vita S. Ældelmi Episcopi et Confessoris (Biography) 1 Vita S. Albani (Biography) 1 Vita S. Alexis Confessoris (Biography) 1 Vita S. Anselmi Cantuar. archiep (Nonfiction work) 1

Vita S. Dunstani archiep. Cantuar. per Adalardum (Nonfiction work) 1

Vita S. Eadmundi Rich. Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis (Biography) 1 Vita S. Edwardi regis Angliae et confessoris (Biography) 1 Vita S. Gileberti de Sempringham (Biography) 1 Vita S. Gunllei confessoris (Biography) 1 Vita S. Johannis of Beverley (Biography) 1 Vita S. Ursmari, episcopi et confessoris (Nonfiction work) 1 Vita S. Wulfrici (Biography) 1 Vita Sanctae Margaretae (Biography) 1 Vita Sancti Cuthberti (Theological work) 2 Vita Sancti Malchi (Biography) 1 Vita Sci. Wulstani (Nonfiction work) 1 Vitae episcoporum Eliensum (Nonfiction work) 1 Volpone (Play) 1 Votum in coronationem Caroli Regis Magnae Brittaniae (Poem) 1 Vox Clamantis (Gower, John) (Poem) 1 Vox Populi; or, News from Spain (Nonfiction work) 2 Vox Spiritus, or Sir Walter Raleigh's Ghost (Essay) 2 Vulgar Errors (Nonfiction work) 1

What Natures Woorke Is this in One Wightes Corps to Hyde (Poem) 1 Whear Giltles Men Ar Greuously Opreste (Poem) 1 Wheatley Manuscript (Collection) 1 When the King Came of Late (Poem) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010 No. of associated DISPLAY TITLE catalog records When Windsor Walls (Poem) 1 When Youth Had Led Me Half the Race (Poem) 1 Wherto Shuld I Expresse My Inward Heuynes (Song) 1 Whilles Lyue or Breth is in My Brest (Song) 1 Who So That Wyll Hym Selff Applye (Song) 1 Whoo ever hopes to equall Ovids vaine (Poem) 1 Why God Hath Provided in His Christian Contries Some Famous Saintes Above the Common Sorte (Nonfiction work) 1 Wight (Lauder, George) (Poem) 1

Willelmus Malmesburiensis de Gestis Regum Anglorum (Nonfiction work) 1

Wishes to My Son, John; for This New, and All Succeeding Years, 1630 (Poem) 1 Wit, From a Letter to Ben Jonson (1) (Poem) 1 With Sorowfull Syghs and Grevos Payne (Song) 1 Withowt Dyscord and Bothe Acorde (Song) 1 Witts Triumvirate (Play) 1 Woefully Arrayed (Anonymous) (Poem) 1 Woman revived for confession (Poem) 1 Women Are But Mens Shadows (Poem) 1 Worcester Chronicle (Nonfiction work) 1 Works of the Earl of Surrey and Sir Thomas Wyatt (Collection) 1 Worthies of England (Biography) 1 Wycliffe's Tracts (Collection) 1 Wyl Bucke his Testament (Poem) 1 Wynnere and Wastoure (Poem) 1 Wyt and Science (Play) 1 Ye Fenzeit Falss Frer of Tungland (Poem) 1 Ye Howlat (Poem) 1 Ye Spektakle of Luf (Poem) 1 Ymago Mundi (Essay collection) 1 York Mystery Plays (Play collection) 1 Yow and I and Amyas (Song) 1 Ypodigma Neustriae (Nonfiction work) 1 Ypotis (Poem) 1 Ypotys (Poem) 1

Ywain and Gawain: the Winning of the Lady of the Fountain (Poem) 1

Zakaries Projection Upon All Imperfect Mettalls (Nonfiction work) 1

BLMO Medieval & Renaissance M Onorato Feb. 2010

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