Numbers in Parentheses Preceded by S Indicate Pages in the Instructor S Supplemental Materials

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Numbers in Parentheses Preceded by S Indicate Pages in the Instructor S Supplemental Materials

PROPERTY EF: SYLLABUS: Introductory Material and Units I-IV

Numbers in parentheses preceded by S indicate pages in the instructor’s supplemental materials. Numbers preceded by P indicate pages in Property Law: Ownership, Use & Conservation

Introductory Material A. Course Outline (S1) B. Information about the Course (S2-9) C. Information about the Instructor (S9-11) D. Fajer, Out at First (1988) (S11-12)

Unit I: The Bundle of Sticks Introduction to a Legal Understanding of Property

Chapter 1: Limits on the Right to Exclude

A. Introduction to the Bundle of Sticks 1. Chapter Introduction (P52-53) 2. State v. Shack (N.J. 1971) (S13-17) 3. Discussion Questions 1-9 (S17-18) 4. Review Problems (S18)

B. Trespass 1. Jacque v. Steenberg Homes (Wisc. 1997) (P54-57) 2. Notes 1-3, 6-7 (P57-59) 3. Discussion Questions 10-13 (S19) 4. Maguire v. Yanke (Idaho 1978) (P59-63) 5. Notes 1-10 (P63-68) 6. Discussion Questions 14-15 (S19)

C. Private Property Open to the Public 1. Brooks v. Chicago Downs Assn. (7th Cir. 1986) (P79-83) 2. Notes 1-4 (P83-85) 3. N.J. Coalition v. J.M.B. Realty Corp. (N.J. 1994) (P85-92) 4. Notes 1-3 (P92-93) 5. Property Rights & the Constitution: Overview (S20-21) 6. Discussion Questions 16-18 (S21)

D. The Public Trust Doctrine 1. Note: Limits to Privatization (P41) 2. Illinois Central Railroad Co. v. Illinois (U.S. 1892) (P42-45) 3. Notes 1, 3-8 (P45-49) 4. Note 6 (P94) 5. Matthews v. Bay Head Improvement Ass’n (N.J. 1984) (P94-100) 6. Notes 1-6 (P100-02) 7. Discussion Questions 19-20 (S21)

E. Review Problems: The Right to Exclude (S21-22) Chapter 2. Tort-Like Limitations on the Right to Use

A. Private Nuisance 1. Introductory Note (P128-29) 2. Reasonable Neighbors a. McCarty v. Natural Carbolic Gas Co. (N.Y. 1907) (P129-33) b. Notes 1, 4, 5, 7 (P133-38) c. Prah v. Maretti (Wisc. 1982) (P138-43) d. Notes 1, 2, 4, 5 (P143-45) e. Discussion Questions 21-25 (S22-23) 3. The Restatements a. Carpenter v. Double R Cattle Co. I (Idaho App. 1983) (S23-34) b. Carpenter v. Double R Cattle Co. II (Idaho 1985) (S34-35) c. Discussion Questions 26-36 (S36)

B. Public Nuisance 1. Overview of Public Nuisance Law (P145-51) 2. Spur Industries v. Del E. Webb Development Co. (Ariz. 1972) (P158-64) 3. Notes 3-6 (P165-66) 4. Armory Park Neighborhood Ass’n v. Episcopal Community Servs. (Ariz. 1985) (S37-43) 5. Discussion Questions 37-45 (S43-44)

C. Protecting Natural Services 1. Introductory Note (P167) 2. Argyelan v. Haviland (Ind. 1982) (P168-74) 3. Notes 1-7 (P174-76) 4. Lateral and Subjacent Support (P176-78) 5. Discussion Question 46-47 (S44)

D. Review Problems: Nuisance (S45) Unit II: But It’s Mine Involuntary Transfers of Property

Chapter 3: Eminent Domain

A. Public Use 1. Generally a. Introductory Note (P178-79) b. Discussion Questions 48-50 (S46) 2. Federal Standards a. Kelo v. City of New London (U.S. 2005) (P179-93) b. Notes 1, 4, 6, 7 (P193, 195-97) c. Discussion Questions 51-56 (S46) 3. State Standards a. Facts in Poletown Neighborhood Council v. City of Detroit (S47) b. Notes 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 (P193-98) c. Discussion Questions 57-60 (S48)

B. Just Compenssation 1. Proper Measure a. U.S. v. 564.64 Acres of Land (U.S. 1979) (P198-202) b. Notes 1-2 (P202-03) c. Discussion Question 61 (S48) 2. Severance Damages & Setoff s a. Note 4 (P203-04) b. L.A. County M.T.A. v. Continental Development Auth. (Cal. 1997) (P204-12) c. Notes 1-4 (P212-13) d. Discussion Question 62 (S48)

C. Review Problems (S49-50) Chapter 4: Adverse Possession

A. Introduction 1. Sample Statutes a. Florida (S51) b. Pennsylvania (S52) 2. Overview of the Doctrine (S52-53) 3. Introduction to Elements & Related Issues a. Instructor’s Overview (S53-57) b. Notes 2-8, 10 (P118-22) c. Notes 3, 4, 6 (P110-11, 113) 4. Justifications for Adverse Possession (Note 1) (P108-10)

B. Application of the Elements 1. VanValkenburgh v. Lutz (N.Y. 1952) (S58-64) 2. Ray v. Beacon Hudson Mountain Corp. (N.Y. 1996) (P102-05) 3. East Thirteenth St. Homesteader’s Coalition v. Lower East Side Coalition Housing Dev. (N.Y. Supr. 1996) (P105-08) 4. Marengo Cave Co. v. Ross (Ind. 1937) (S64-69) 5. Discussion Questions 63-77 (S69-70)

C. Boundary Disputes 1. Quarles v. Arcega (N.M. App.1992) (P113-18) 2. Notes 1 & 11 (P118, 123) 3. Note on Special Issues (S70) 4. Discussion Questions 78-80 (S71) 5. Dorschner, Nightmare on 68th Street (1992) (S71-81) 6. Discussion Questions 81-82 (S81)

D. Appropriate Scope of the Doctrine 1. Adverse Possession Against the Government a. Devins v. Borough of Bogota (N.J. 1991) (P123-26) b. Notes 1-3, 5 (P126-27) 2. Disabilities a. Note 9 (P122) b. Pennsylvania Statute (S52) c. Discussion Question 83 (S81) 3. Policy Implications a. Squatting (Note 5) (P111-13) b. Environment (Note 6) (P127-28) c. Discussion Question 84 (S81)

E. Review Problems (S81-83) Unit III: Mi Casa Es Su Casa Division of Property Rights in the Same Piece of Land

Chapter 5. The Shadow of the Past: Estates and Future Interests (Referenced Separately)

Chapter 6. Leased But Not Last: Landlord/Tenant Law

A. Overview 1. Introductory Material (P657-60, 707-08) 2. Some Themes in Landlord-Tenant Law (S84) 3. Florida Residential Landlord-Tenant Statutes (S85-96) 4. The Process of Eviction a. Notes: Landlord’s Remedies (P712-15) b. Florida Statutes §§83.56, 83.59, 83.60 (S91-94)

B. Rights and Duties Related to Possession

1. The Tenant’s Right to Possession a. Note: The Right to Possession (P660-62) b. Discussion Questions 85-87 (S97)

2. Landlord Right to Self-Help a. Berg v. Wiley (Minn. 1978) (P715-21) b. Notes 1-3 (P721-22) c. Fla. Stat. §83.59 (S) d. Discussion Questions 88-89 (S97)

3. Landlord Duty to Mitigate Damages a. Notes: Damages (P723-24) b. Austin Hill Country Realty v. Palisades Plaza (Texas 1997) (P724-730) c. Aurora Business Park v. Michael Albert, Inc. (Iowa 1996) (P730-33) d. Notes 1-3, 5-6 (P733-35)

4. Assignments & Subleases a. Note: The Right to Assign and Sublet (P700-701) b. Funk v. Funk (Idaho 1981) (P701-05) c. Notes 1-3 (P705-07) d. Note 4 (P734) C. Habitability Issues

1. The Right to Quiet Enjoyment/Constructive Eviction a. Barash v. Pennsylvania Terminal Real Estate Co. (N.Y.1970) (P662-666) b. East Haven Assoc. v. Gurian (N.Y.Civ. Ct. 1970) (P666-69) c. Notes 1-4 (P669-71) d. Discussion Question 90 (S97)

2. Implied Warranty of Habitability a. Introduction (P671-72) b. Javins v. First National Realty Corp. (D.C. Cir. 1970) (P672-80) c. Notes 1-10 (P681-88) d. Florida Statutes §§83.51-52, 83.60, 83.64 (S89-90, 93-94) e. Discussion Questions 91-94 (S97) f. Review Problem A (S109)

3. Working With Florida Statutes & Codes a. Problem: Tempest at the Teapot (S97-99) b. Discussion Questions 95-100 (S99) c. Florida Landlord-Tenant Statutes (S95-96) d. Dade County Housing Code (S100-08)

D. Review Problems (S109-11) Unit IV: Breaches in the Castle Wall Limits on Land Use

Chapter 7. Land Use Restrictions Based in Private Agreements

A. Overview of Non-Possessory Interests (P819-23)

B. Easements

1. Express Easements a. Introduction i) Instructor’s Overview (S112-13) ii) Casebook Overview (P823-26) b. Positive Easements i) Chevy Chase Land Co. v. U.S. (Md. App. 1999) (P826-32) ii) Notes 1-2 (P832-33) iii) Marcus Cable Assoc. v. Krohn (Tex. 2002) (P834-38) iv) Notes 1-3 (P838-39) v) Discussion Questions 101-04 (S113) c. Negative Easements i) Petersen v. Friedman (Cal. App. 1958) (S113-15) ii) Discussion Questions 105-06 (S115)

2. Implied Easements a. Easements by Estoppel i) Stoner v. Zucker (Cal. 1906) (P847-49) ii) Notes 1-5 (P850-52) iii) Discussion Questions 107-08 (S115) b. Easements by Implication & by Necessity i) Williams Island Country Club v. San Simeon (Fla. App. 1984) (P852-54) ii) Dupont v. Whiteside (Fla. App. 1998) (P855-59) iii) Notes 1-8 (P859-64) c. Prescriptive Easements i) MacDonald Properties v. Bel-Air Country Club (Cal. App. 1977) (P869-71) ii) Lyons v. Baptist School of Christian Training (Maine 2002) (P872-76) iii) Notes 1-9 (P876-81) iv) Discussion Questions 109-12 (S115)

3. Review Problems (S116-17) C. Aside: Introduction to the Recording System 1. S.Kurtz & H.Hovenkamp, Information Costs and the Market for Real Property (1987) (S117-20) 2. Title Records and Indexing a. S.Kurtz & H.Hovenkamp, The Title Search and the Abstract of Title (1987) (S120-23) b. The Indices (P469-72) c. Note 2 (P479-80) 3. Recording Acts & Their Operation a. Textbook Overview (P445-52) b. Notes 1-3 (P463-65) c. Instructor’s Overview (S123-27) 4. Discussion Question 113 (S127)

D. Promissory Servitudes 1. Introduction a. Textbook Overview (P881-84) b. Instructor’s Overview (S127-31) 2. Application of the Traditional Elements a. Runyon v. Paley (N.C. 1992) (P884-92) b. Notes 2-5 (P892-96) c. Davidson Bros. v. D. Katz & Sons (N.J. 1990) (P896-901) d. Notes 1-5 (P901-04) e. Discussion Questions 114-119 (S132) 3. Implied from a Common Scheme a. Introductions to Subdivisions & Common Plans (P906-09) b. History of Servitudes: Part II (S132-33) c. Schovee v. Mikolasko (Md. App. 1999) (P909-14) d. Notes 1-4 (P914-15) e. Discussion Questions 120-22 (S133-34) 4. Common Interest Communities a. History of Servitudes: Part III (S134) b. Protecting Landowners (P916) c. Nahrstedt v. Lake Village Condominium Assn. (Cal.1994) (P916-922) d. Notes 1-5 (P923-25) e. Nahrstedt (Arabian, J. dissenting) (less edited version) (S135-39) f. Selected Florida Statutes Regarding Condominiums (S140) g. Discussion Questions 123-29 (S140-41) 5. Review Problems (S141-42) Chapter 8. Land Use Restrictions Based in Government Regulations

A. Introduction to Zoning

1. Introductory Notes (P959-62) 2. Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty (P962-66) 3. Notes 1-4 (P966-68) 4. State Zoning Enabling Act (P969-70) 5. US Nat’l Comm’n on Urban Problems, Building the American City (1968) (P978-81)

B. Exceptions to the Zoning Plan 1. Non-Conforming Uses a. Village of Valatie v. Smith (N.Y. 1994) (P982-85) b. Notes 1-3, 5-8 (P985-88) c. Discussion Questions 130-32 (S143) 2. Variances & Special Exceptions a. Commons v. Westwood Zoning Bd. Of Adjustment (N.J. 1980) (S143-47) b. North Shore Steak House v. Bd. of Appeals (N.Y. 1972) (P996-99) c. Notes 2-3 (P999-1001) (do both notes numbered 3) d. Discussion Questions 133-39 (S148)

C. Zoning Beyond Traditional Land Use Concerns 1. Aesthetic Zoning a. State ex rel Stoyanoff v. Berkeley (Mo. 1970) (S148-53) b. Anderson v. City of Issaquah (Wash. App. 1993) (P1025-31) c. Notes 2-4 (P1031-33) d. Discussion Questions 140-44 (S154)

2. Zoning & Family Shape a. Village of Belle Terre v. Boraas (U.S. 1974) (P1049-53) b. Note 2 (P1053-54) c. Moore v. City of East Cleveland (U.S. 1977) (S154-62) d. Discussion Questions 145-53 (S163)

D. Review Problems (S163-65)


A. What is Property (Lecture)

B. Responsibility in Law & Life 1. Sondheim., The Road You Didn’t Take (S166) 2. Sondheim, Giants in the Sky (S167)

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