University of Florida s22

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University of Florida s22


COURSE NUMBER NUR 4930 – Section 7E32

COURSE TITLE International Health & Nursing



PREREQUISITES Minimum 2 semesters upper division work in nursing or a health- related curriculum.

Consent of Instructor- if selecting international travel experience option.


FACULTY Dr. Karen Reed, MSN, RN, CNL, CRRN Location: Cambodia Office Hours: by appointment on-line Email: [email protected] Note: There may be days when internet access is not available to the faculty member. Announcement will be posted when this happens.

DEPARTMENT CHAIR Dr. Joyce Stechmiller, MSN, RN, FAAN Office: HPNP 3rd Floor Room: Office Hours: Phone Number:

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students engage in cross-cultural nursing/health assessments and/or interventions at the individual, family and/or community level in order to increase the cultural sensitivity of health care providers. There is consideration of the issues, philosophy, and cultural differences related to nursing practices across cultures. Students will be expected to compare health care in the United States with other nations.

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COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: 1. Discuss the historical development of nursing care in various countries and its impact on health care delivery.

2. Discuss literature on selected health care delivery systems.

3. Identify philosophical and cultural issues affecting nursing and overall health care in various cultures/countries.

4. Discuss determinants of global health inequity 5. Discuss appropriate strategies for providing health services in other countries with different health systems.

COURSE SCHEDULE Course is an asynchronous, on-line course.

ATTENDANCE Students are expected to be present for all classes, other learning experiences and examinations. Students who have extraordinary circumstances preventing attendance should explain these circumstances to the course instructor prior to the scheduled class as soon as possible. Instructors will make an effort to accommodate reasonable requests. A grade penalty may be assigned for late assignments or make-up exams. Make-up exams may not be available in all courses.

ACCOMMODATIONS DUE TO DISABILITY Each semester, students are responsible for requesting a memorandum from the Disability Resource Center to notify faculty of their requested individual accommodations. This should be done at the start of the semester.

STUDENT HANDBOOK Students are to refer to the College of Nursing Student Handbook for information about College of Nursing policies, honor code, and professional behavior.


 Millennium Health Goals / The Professional Nursing Role  Theoretical Basis: Transcultural Caring o Cultural Competence o Diversity and Health Care  Ethics and Human Rights  Systems of Nursing and Overall Healthcare Delivery  Prevalence, Incidence, Morbidity, Mortality for Selected Populations  Innovations in Global Health

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TEACHING METHODS Lecture, discussion, seminar, web exploration, cultural exchanges (email, one to one), guest lectures, and selected field experiences.


Class presentations 2 presentations x 25 points each= 50 points Cultural interview 1 interviews x 15 points= 15 points Discussion postings 5 postings x 5 points each= 25 points Cultural activity 1 reflective paper x 10 points= 10 points

Class Presentations= 2 presentations x 25 points each (total 50 points) Students will self-assign themselves to a country. A list is provided below but students may select a different country. Each student will submit 2 voice over power point presentations on different cultural and health care related aspects of their country. Grading rubric and guidelines will be provided.

Africa Central Eastern Middle Souther Caribbean Southeast Asia America Europe East n Asia America Rwanda Nicaragua Romania Turkey Bolivia Haiti Philippines South Korea Sudan Poland Israel Liberia Botswana

Cultural Interview= 1 interview x 15 points (total 15 points) Each student will conduct a cultural interview of someone who has immigrated to the US within the last 10 years and does not share the same cultural background/ ethnicity as the student. A list of questions will be provided.

Each student will submit a paper presenting the results of the interview along his/ her reflective thoughts supported by professional citations. Each paper should be 1,000- 1,500 words (not counting reference page).

Discussion Postings= 5 points x 5 points each (total 25 points) There will be five questions posted. Each student must: 1- Post a response to 5 questions, a minimum of 500 words and 2 references (4 points each) 2- Post a response to another student’s posting in each of the bi-weekly discussion boards, a minimum of 100 words, no reference necessary (1 point each)

Cultural Activity= 10 points Each student is to attend a cultural related activity. The activity must be different from activities associated with their own culture/ ethnicity. Examples include:  Caribbean music festival

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 Haitian health screening  Lecture/ book presentation on politics in Vietnam  Indian dance event  Latino food festival  Religious ceremony serving an international population Faculty member must approve event before student attendance (foreign movies do not count). Students will write a reflective paper of 750- 1,000 (not counting reference page) using citations, about the event. You have the entire semester to attend an event but recommend that you plan accordingly.

LATE WORK POLICY Late work loses 25% of its value per day it is not turned in. Students should organize their work accordingly to avoid issues with accessing the Sakai course web site.


Letter Grade Percentage Course Points Quality Points A 95-100% 95-100 4.0 A- 93-94% 93-94.99 3.67 B+ 91-92% 91-92.99 3.33 B 84-90% 84-90.99 3.0 B- 82-83% 82-83.99 2.67 C+ 80-81% 80-81.99 2.33 C 74-79% 74-79.99 2.0 Below this point is failing. C- 72-73% 72-73.99 1.67 D+ 70-71% 70-71.99 1.33 D 64-69% 64-69.99 1.0 D- 62-63% 62-63.99 0.67 E 61% OR BELOW 61 or BELOW 0.0

74% is the minimal passing grade

REQUIRED TEXTS Skolnik, Richard (2008). Essentials of Global Health . Jones and Bartlett: MA

The Alliance for Global Health (2012). Case Studies for Global Health Available on line at no cost. Do not download the entire book as only selective chapters will be assigned.

Leffers, Jeanne and Plobnick, Julia (2012) Volunteering at Home and Abroad: The Essential Guide for Nursing

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DATE TOPIC ACTIVITY/ DUE DATE Week 1: May 7th Introduction to the course.  Students select their Presentation: Millennium Health Goals country.  Students post introductions w/ picture. Due Date for Both: 5//12 10PM Week 2: May 14th Theoretical Basis: Transcultural Caring Discussion Posting #1 o Cultural Competence Due Date: 5/16 10PM o Diversity and Health Care

Week3: May 21st  Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) Discussion Posting #1  Governmental Aid Organizations Response  Role of Nurses in International Due Date: 5/21 10PM Organizations

Week 4: May 28th  Student 1- Presentation- Discussion Posting #2 Due Date: 5/30 10PM Week 5: June 4th  Student 2- Presentation- Discussion Posting #2 Response Due Date: 6/4 10PM Week 6: June 11th  Global Movement of Communicable Discussion Posting #3 Diseases Due Date: 6/13 10PM - STDs - HIV/ AIDS - TB - Influenza - Measles  Self-Determine Ability to Serve Abroad

Week 7: June 18th  Incidence, Mortality, & Prevalence of Non- Discussion Posting #3 Communicable Diseases Response - Cardiovascular Diseases Due Date: 6/18 10PM - Cancer - Depression/ Mental Health Conditions Cultural Interview Paper - Alcoholism Due Date: 6/22 10PM - Diabetes - Obesity  Keeping Yourself Safe During

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International Experiences

Week 8: June 25th  Systems of Nursing and Overall Healthcare Discussion Posting #4 Delivery Due Date: 6/27 10PM  International Health Promotion Activities  Preparing Yourself for International Service

Week 9: July 2nd  Ethics and Human Rights Discussion Posting #4  Effect of Natural Disasters and Civil Response Conflict/ War on Health Due Date: 7/2 10PM - Post-traumatic stress disorder - Rape - Blast injuries - Cholera

Week 10: July 9th  Student 1- Presentation- Discussion Posting #5 Due Date: 7/11 10PM

Week 11: July 16th  Student 2- Presentation- Discussion Posting #5 Response Due Date: 7/16 10PM Week12: July 23rd  Innovations in Global Health Cultural Event Reflective Paper Due Date: 7/25 10 PM

Approved: Academic Affairs Committee: Faculty: UF Curriculum: N/A

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