Nutrition/Dietetics Alumni Society
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Nutrition/Dietetics Alumni Society Conference Call Monday, March 14, 2005
Participants: Mary Alice Gettings, Michael Green, Carla Kochel, Paula Leuenberger, Rose Martin, Amy Rossi Mobley, Mary Frances Picciano, John Smith, Renee Tholey
Treasurer’s Report The current balance remains at $3,319.26
Student Representatives Renee Tholey and Amy Griel serve as the student representatives to NDAS. However, their role as members of the NDAS board has been unclear. Amy Mobley and Michael Green have brainstormed ways for them to become more involved and have decided to ask each of them to give a brief report on their organizations’ activities during each conference call. They also discussed the possibility of having them become involved with the Mentoring Program or Alumni in the Classroom initiatives. There was some discussion about graduate students being involved in the Mentoring Program, either as mentors to undergraduate students or as protégés.
Renee Tholey gave a Student Nutrition Association report. SNA just held elections and was involved in THON. Renee will forward the new president’s name and email address to Amy Mobley so that she can begin participating on conference calls.
Abby Diehl read a Graduate Student Nutrition Association report on behalf of Amy Griel, who was unable to participate on the call. NGSA was involved in THON. Amy Griel spoke to the Dancers prior to THON to instruct them on proper nutrition and exercise preparation in the weeks leading up to THON. NGSA made a monetary donation of more than $500 to THON after having collected pledges from family and friends. Several members of our organization collected pledges from family and friends and the NGSA also made a monetary donation to THON. NGSA also made a monetary donation for the assistance of tsunami victims. Several members of NGSA have been actively involved in the interviewing of potential graduate students to the program. Several of the graduate students in the program are traveling to EB this year and have been made aware of the availability of travel grants from NDAS and the mixer. Finally, they are considering doing a second fund raiser this year.
Policy & Procedure Manual Defining board member roles and responsibilities more clearly and relating them back to the “MACS” framework. In recent years, the at-large board member positions have not been clearly defined and most of the responsibilities have fallen to the president position, which can be daunting and can result in items being overlooked. Ida Laquatra and Mary Alice Gettings made suggestions for revision to Amy Mobley, and Amy subsequently sent the revised document to the NDAS board for comments. The board discussed possible revisions to be made. Amy will incorporate the suggestions and re-send to the board with a deadline for final comments. The revised document should be ready for approval during the next conference call.
Newsletter The newsletter and interest/gift card was mailed to all nutrition alumni on February 22. To date we have received four election ballots and eight interest/donation cards.
Donation Letter Paula Leuenberger spearheaded the development of a letter to alumni who make a donation to NDAs. Amy and Dr. Green have been reviewing the letter and making adjustments.
Outstanding Senior in Nutrition Award As has been noted before, Renee Tholey’s application packet for the Outstanding Senior in Nutrition award was not reviewed with the other packets because of its placement in a lightly used mailbox. Upon reviewing the packet, the nominating committee agreed she was deserving of a certificate of merit. It was proposed she be award a certificate of merit and the board approved it. Rose Martin will have the certificate printed and ready with the other recipients for the May 14 awards ceremony.
Outstanding Nutrition Alumni Award The planned presentation of the Outstanding Nutrition Alumni award to Dr. Woot-Tsuen Wu Leungon at the scholarship luncheon on Feb. 26 was cancelled. M. Green and R. Yeh will coordinate an alternative date. A. Rossi Mobley indicated she would be able to present the award to Dr. Leungon’s son if/when he visits the Washington DC area. (In the past, he has visited the city routinely for other business activities.)
It was noted that there was no established deadline for nominations for Outstanding Nutrition Alumni award. Amy Rossi Mobley suggested Dec. 31 of each year as the deadline and it was approved.
Upcoming Events
EB University Wide Mixer – Sunday, April 3 rd Mike Green has agreed to take door prizes and NDAS interest cards to the EB University Wide Mixer. A. Griel had indicated earlier she could help and A. Rossi Mobley also indicated she would be at the mixer. Past door prizes have included umbrellas, lion dolls, Department mugs and t-shirts. T-shirts have already been purchased. Up to $120 is available to purchase other items.
NDAS will be providing two travel grants for students to attend this meeting. M. Green indicated the deadline for applications is Friday, Mar 18. Students will be selected by Wednesday, March 23 and A Rossi Mobley notified so the money can be awarded in a timely manner. It was noted students winning the grants are required to attend the University Wide Mixer and have their picture taken.
The Pennsylvania Dietetic Association is being held on April 11 and 12 this year. Given the short time frame of the meeting and a different format towards public policy this year, there will not be a Penn State mixer.
The College of Health and Human Development Alumni Board meeting will be on April 8 & 9. Amy Rossi Mobley will be attending and will report back.
Next conference call The next NDAS conference call is scheduled for April 26 at 1:00 p.m.