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1 University of Central Florida College of Education Department of Educational and Human Sciences (Faculty vote: 21 in favor; 4 opposed)
This document is intended as a guide for faculty in the annual evaluation process. Annual reviews serve to create a record of accomplishment of the faculty member for the previous calendar year, to generate constructive feedback, and to provide guidance in the promotion and tenure process where applicable. It is the responsibility of all participants in the evaluation process to review this document together with the UCF BOT- UFF CBA. As part of this evaluation process every faculty member is expected to complete and submit to the department chair the Annual Evaluation Form (Form A). This report will be accompanied by evidence such as student evaluations, copies of publications and manuscripts, paper presentations, and other appropriate documentation.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number Exemplars of Performance 2 Overall Evaluation Schema 2 Overall Evaluation Schema: Tenured and Tenure-Earning Faculty 2 Overall Evaluation Schema: Non-tenure-earning Faculty 3
Teaching Effectiveness 4 Evaluation Schema: Tenured, Tenure-Earning, and Non-Tenure Earning Faculty 5 Teaching Effectiveness Exemplars 6
Research Effectiveness 9 Evaluation Schema: Tenured and Tenure-Earning Faculty 10 Evaluation Schema: Non-Tenure-Earning Faculty 11 Research Effectiveness Exemplars 12
Professional and Community Service Effectiveness 15 Evaluation Schema: Tenured and Tenure-Earning Faculty 16 Evaluation Schema: Non-Tenure-Earning Faculty 17 Professional and Community Service Effectiveness Exemplars 18
The exemplars in this document are possible activities that could be used to demonstrate that the standards have been met. It is not expected that all faculty members will do all activities listed but activities should be appropriate for each faculty member’s rank. Please note: Exemplars used to support standards may be drawn from a higher rank.
Visiting faculty members will be assigned a set of expectations corresponding to a rank level commensurate with the hiring expectations as agreed between the Department Chair and visiting faculty member.
Based on departmental guidelines and exemplars for the evaluation of teaching, research, service and other duties (if assigned), as outlined in this document, the “Overall Evaluation Assessment” in the Chairperson’s Evaluation Summary will be determined as follows:
Outstanding: An overall rating of “Outstanding” will be assigned when the faculty member receives an “Outstanding” rating in the categories of Teaching, and at least a second Outstanding in either Research or Service, and at least a rating of “Above Satisfactory” in Research or Service and Other Duties (if applicable).
Above Satisfactory: An overall rating of “Above Satisfactory” will be assigned when the faculty member receives at least an “Above Satisfactory” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Satisfactory: An overall rating of “Satisfactory” will be assigned when the faculty member receives at least a “Satisfactory” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Conditional: An overall rating of “Conditional” will be assigned when the faculty member receives at least a “Conditional” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Unsatisfactory: An overall rating of “Unsatisfactory” will be assigned when the faculty member receives an “Unsatisfactory” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Outstanding: An overall rating of “Outstanding” will be assigned when the faculty member receives an “Outstanding” rating in the category of Teaching, and at least a second Outstanding in either Research or Service, and at least an “Above Satisfactory” rating in the categories of Research, Service and Other Duties (if applicable).
Above Satisfactory: An overall rating of “Above Satisfactory” will be assigned when the faculty member receives at least an “Above Satisfactory” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Satisfactory: An overall rating of “Satisfactory” will be assigned when the faculty member receives at least a “Satisfactory” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Conditional: An overall rating of “Conditional” will be assigned when the faculty member receives at least a “Conditional” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Unsatisfactory: An overall rating of “Unsatisfactory” will be assigned when the faculty member receives an “Unsatisfactory” rating in the categories of Teaching, Research, Service, and Other Duties (if applicable).
Teaching takes place in both academic courses and advisement. Effective teachers demonstrate expert knowledge in an appropriate area related to their academic discipline. They generate enthusiasm for learning, critical thinking, intellectual inquiry, and academic achievement and incorporate student feedback for programmatic improvements.
Evaluation of Teaching will include a review of the teaching activities, recognition, and contributions (see Teaching Effectiveness Exemplars) that the faculty member has made to the University, the College and the Department of Educational and Human Sciences. It is the expectation that each faculty member will meet class assignments for the scheduled number of sessions as published in the university calendar and that the Department Chair has approved this semester schedule. In addition, for each course assignment all faculty must provide and follow a syllabus that adheres to current university and college guidelines as well as provide an electronic version of the syllabus to the appropriate staff member in the department. It is expected that faculty will also a) include creativity or innovation in their course delivery; b) infuse evidence- based practices into course materials; c) include multicultural/culturally responsive objectives; and d) advise students.
Faculty may request special consideration should he/she experience an extenuating condition. Extenuating circumstances may include, but are not limited to: a) 1st time course delivery, b) multiple course preparations, c) teaching on multiple campuses, d) teaching large sections (sections that exceed the average class size in the college), e) last-minute course assignment, f) diseases/illnesses, g) catastrophic occurrences, and h) substitution for other faculty.
The following evaluation schema provides more specific direction for evaluation of faculty in the area of Reaching. Refer to “Research Effectiveness Exemplars” for specific examples by rank.
I. OUTSTANDING To achieve an evaluation of OUTSTANDING in Teaching, faculty must demonstrate competence in teaching by achieving “Good” to “Excellent” course/instructor evaluation ratings from an average of at least 70% of students in each course in the category of “Overall Assessment of Instruction” on the Student Perception of Instruction Reports. In addition faculty must complete at least three (3) of the teaching effectiveness exemplars. Faculty may request peer review/accommodations should he/she experience an extenuating condition.
II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY To achieve an evaluation of ABOVE SATISFACTORY in Teaching, faculty must demonstrate competence in teaching by achieving “Good” to “Excellent” course/instructor evaluation ratings from an average of at least 60% of students in each course in the category of “Overall Assessment of Instruction” on the Student Perception of Instruction Reports. In addition faculty must complete at least two (2) of the teaching effectiveness exemplars.
III. SATISFACTORY To achieve an evaluation of SATISFACTORY in Teaching, faculty must demonstrate competence in teaching by achieving “Good” to “Excellent” course/instructor evaluation ratings from an average of at least 51% of students in each course in the category of “Overall Assessment of Instruction” on the Student Perception of Instruction Reports. In addition faculty must complete at least two (2) teaching effectiveness exemplars
IV. CONDITIONAL An evaluation of CONDITIONAL in Teaching will be assigned if a faculty member receives “Poor” to “Fair” course/instructor evaluations from an average of at least 50% of the students in each course taught in the category of “Overall Assessment of Instruction” on the Student Perception of Instruction Reports, and demonstrates poor performance of teaching assignments. Evidence of poorly performing teaching assignments includes failure to meet classes in a responsible manner, failure to return papers and/or other assignments or tests on a timely basis, failure to communicate with students, failure to serve as a responsible advisor to students.
V. UNSATISFACTORY A faculty member who fails to perform, or chronically demonstrates poor performance will receive an evaluation of UNSATISFACTORY. Poor performance includes consistent “Poor” to “Fair” course evaluation ratings from an average of at least 50% of the students in each academic course taught in the category of “Overall Assessment of Instruction” on the Student Perception of Instruction Reports, failure to meet classes in a responsible manner, failure to return papers, other assignments or tests on a timely basis, failure to communicate with students, failure to serve as a responsible advisor to students.
Examples shall include, but are not limited to, evidence of the following: a. Support for student research, dissertations. b. Course/program revisions and/or development. c. Mentoring. d. Improving and/or using innovative teaching practices e. Assessment strategies f. Use of current, proven, and promising teaching practices. g. Culturally diverse student body and curriculum h. Teaching awards i. Other 1 j. Other 2
EXEMPLARS Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Support for Assist students with Participates in student Participates in and/or Participates in and/or student individual in-class or class- research projects, theses, chairs/co-chairs student chairs/co-chairs student research, connected assignments and/or dissertation committees research projects, theses, research projects, theses, theses, and/or dissertation committees and/or dissertation committees and/or dissertations
Course/progr Contributes to the Contributes to development Develops a new course(s), Provides leadership in the am revisions development of new courses of a new course(s), revisions of revises an existing course(s), development and evaluation of and/or and/or revisions of existing an existing course(s), and /or and/or programmatic curriculum a new course(s), major revision development courses programmatic curriculum design design of an existing course(s), and/or Contributes to the programmatic curriculum design subsequent performance and Develops a new course(s), professional development of revises an existing course(s), graduates and/or programmatic curriculum design Contributes to the 6 7 EXEMPLARS Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor subsequent performance and professional development of graduates
Mentoring Mentors teaching assistants Mentors teaching assistants, Mentors teaching assistants, and/or adjuncts adjuncts, and/or new faculty adjuncts, and/or new faculty
Improving Seeks to improve teaching Seeks to improve teaching Seeks to improve teaching Seeks to improve teaching and/or using through the Faculty Center for through the Faculty Center for through the Faculty Center for through the Faculty Center for innovative Teaching and Learning and/or Teaching and Learning and/or Teaching and Learning and/or Teaching and Learning and/or teaching other professional other professional development other professional development other professional development practices development programs programs programs programs Uses innovative teaching Uses innovative teaching Uses innovative teaching Uses innovative teaching strategies including distributive strategies including distributive strategies including distributive strategies including distributive and/or service learning and/or service learning and/or service learning and/or service learning strategies strategies strategies strategies Provides leadership in development and evaluation of innovative teaching strategies
Assessment Requests peer review by Requests peer review by one Requests peer review by one Requests peer review by one Strategies one or more colleagues to or more colleagues to formally or more colleagues to formally or more colleagues to formally formally observe and provide observe and provide feedback observe and provide feedback observe and provide feedback feedback of teaching and/or to of teaching and/or to review of teaching and/or to review of teaching and/or to review review course syllabi, study course syllabi, study materials, course syllabi, study materials, course syllabi, study materials, materials, learning learning experiences, lectures, learning experiences, lectures, learning experiences, lectures, experiences, lectures, bibliographies, and audiovisual bibliographies, and audiovisual bibliographies, and audiovisual bibliographies, and audiovisual materials materials materials materials Provides evidence of the use Provides evidence of the use Provides evidence of the use of a formative classroom of a formative classroom of a formative classroom assessment tool to make assessment tool to make assessment tool to make changes to teaching and changes to teaching and changes to teaching and learning strategies learning strategies learning strategies
Use of Uses expertise to enrich Uses expertise to develop Uses expertise to develop Uses expertise to develop current, student's understanding of relevant curriculum and prepare relevant curriculum and prepare curriculum addressing future proven, and course content graduates who can function in graduates who can function in trends in practice promising Maintains current level of an educational setting an educational setting Maintains current level of teaching expertise to inform and Maintains current level of Maintains current level of expertise to inform and 08/20/2010 8 EXEMPLARS Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor practices enhance teaching expertise to inform and expertise to inform and enhance teaching enhance teaching enhance teaching Provides leadership in professional development conferences/ workshops that reflect current teaching
Culturally Participates in the Promotes the development Actively participates in Leads activities which diverse development and academic and academic achievement of a activities which promote the promote the development and student body achievement of a diverse diverse student body development and academic academic achievement of a and student body Creates a classroom achievement of a diverse student body curriculum Creates a classroom atmosphere that is culturally diverse student body Promotes a classroom atmosphere that is culturally sensitive to diversity with Promotes a classroom atmosphere that is culturally sensitive to diversity respectful sharing of diverse atmosphere that is sensitive to diversity with Provides culturally and philosophical positions on issues culturally sensitive to diversity respectful sharing of diverse linguistically relevant course Provides course content that with respectful sharing of philosophical positions on issues content reflects cultural diversity diverse philosophical positions Provides consultation on the on issues development of course content Develops course content that that reflects cultural diversity reflects cultural diversity related to students and the profession
Teaching Receives local or UCF Receives UCF, state, regional, Receives UCF, state, regional, Receives UCF, state, regional, awards teaching award national or international national or international national or international teaching award teaching award teaching award
Other Other teaching activities that Other teaching activities that Other teaching activities that Other teaching activities that are on the annual performance are on the annual performance are on the annual performance are on the annual performance goals and approved by the goals and approved by the chair goals and approved by the chair goals and approved by the chair chair or as renegotiated with or as renegotiated with chair or as renegotiated with chair or as renegotiated with chair chair
8 9
Research includes traditional research inquiry, field-based inquiry, historical and policy analyses, and other systematic reviews of knowledge. It encompasses research, scholarship and creative activity.
Evaluation in the area of Research (and Scholarship and Creative Activity) will include a review of the scholarly activities, sponsored research, recognition, and contributions (see above description) that the faculty member has undertaken during the evaluation period. The critical standard for Research at the ranks of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor is the blind refereed scholarly journal article. Typically, acceptance/publication of at least one (1) refereed reviewed article per calendar year in a regional, national, or international scholarly journal (dependant on rank) is required to receive an OUTSTANDING, and publication in other refereed publications expected for ABOVE SATISFACTORY in this category. Articles may only be counted once, either when they are “in press” or when they are published. Faculty with higher than average research assignments through buy-outs or other agreements will have higher expectations. Submission of external funding may take the place of a refereed publication in a given year at the Department Chair’s discretion.
The following evaluation schema provides more specific direction for evaluation of faculty in the area of Research. Refer to “Research Effectiveness Exemplars” for specific examples by rank for those positions in which Research is an expected/required responsibility of the position.
I. OUTSTANDING In order to achieve an OUTSTANDING evaluation in Research, a faculty member must have an at least one article accepted, in-press, or published in a scholarly blind refereed journal; published a book (not self-published book nor a custom published work); and/or a grant funded. In addition, the faculty member must have at least two (2) research effectiveness exemplars. Included recommendation regarding tenure and promotion: at least two refereed articles published or in-press each year.
II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY In order to achieve an ABOVE SATISFACTORY evaluation in Research, a faculty member must have a clear program of research and an article accepted (in press) or published in a refereed journal or book, excluding custom or self-published work at the level required for a particular rank; In addition the faculty member must have at least one (1) research effectiveness exemplar. Promotion recommendation included.
III. SATISFACTORY* In order to achieve a SATISFACTORY evaluation in Research, a faculty member must have a preliminary research agenda and have at least one (1) article per year in progress which is new or substantially revised (submitted but not yet accepted or in-press). In addition the faculty member must have at least one (1) research effectiveness exemplar.
IV. CONDITIONAL* A faculty member will receive a CONDITIONAL evaluation in Research and Creative Activities if s/he has no focused research agenda but has at least two (2) of the following: 1. An article in progress 2. Substantial work completed on a grant application 3. A presentation under review at a national/international conference 4. A book chapter in progress 5. Served as evaluator for a local community partner 6. Serve as a reviewer for a journal
V. UNSATISFACTORY* A faculty member who does not complete activities necessary for a CONDITIONAL evaluation will receive an UNSATISFACTORY evaluation in Research and Creative Activities.
*Faculty who receive a rating below SATISFACTORY for more than one year will be provided a remediation plan or reassignment of duties under the chair’s discretion.
I. OUTSTANDING In order to achieve an OUTSTANDING evaluation in Research, Instructors or Visiting faculty members must remain current in their field as demonstrated by at least three (3) research effectiveness exemplars.
II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY In order to achieve an ABOVE SATISFACTORY evaluation in Research, Instructors or Visiting faculty members must remain current in their field as demonstrated by at least two (2) research effectiveness exemplars.
III. SATISFACTORY In order to achieve a SATISFACTORY evaluation in Research, Instructors or Visiting faculty members must remain current in their field as demonstrated by at least one (1) research effectiveness exemplar.
IV. CONDITIONAL In order to achieve a CONDITIONAL evaluation in Research, Instructors or Visiting faculty members must remain current in their field by demonstrating membership in a scholarly organization.
V. UNSATISFACTORY A faculty member who does not complete activities necessary for a CONDITIONAL evaluation will receive an UNSATISFATORY evaluation in Research and Creative Activities.
Examples shall include, but are not limited to, evidence of the following:
a. Refereed journal articles, published or in press b. Book chapters, published or in press c. Book published or in press (excluding custom or self-published work; may count for more than one exemplar depending on the contribution to the text) d. Dissemination at scholarly conferences (refereed or invited) e. Grant proposal/funding (may count for more than one exemplar depending upon size and competitiveness of grants) f. Editorial work g. Research awards h. Research activities and creative works i. Other
Note: Faculty may include multiple evidence from the same category. In addition, they may pick evidence from a higher category if desired, but not evidence from lower ranks.
EXEMPLARS Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Refereed Article published in regional, Article published in regional, At least one article published in journal national, and/or international national, and/or international regional, national, and/or articles, blind-refereed, scholarly blind-refereed, scholarly international blind-refereed, published or in journal. journal. scholarly journal. press Book Publication of book chapter in Publication of book chapter in chapters, regional, national, and/or regional, national, and/or published or in international peer-reviewed, international peer-reviewed, press scholarly press. scholarly press.
12 13 EXEMPLARS Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Book Authorship or editorship of First-authored or single- published or in scholarly book at an academic authored book at an academic press or high-visibility press (i.e., no or high-visibility press (i.e., no custom or self-published work) custom or self-published work)
Dissemination Attends conferences with Disseminates research Disseminates findings from Disseminates findings from at scholarly research-related sessions findings through presentations systematic inquiry through systematic inquiry through conferences at national, regional and/or presentations at state, regional, presentations at state, regional, (refereed or state meetings national and/or international national and/or international invited) conferences conferences Presents with students at Presents with students at state, regional, national or state, regional, national or international conferences international conferences
Grant Participates with others in Pursues or receives funding Submits a substantial grant Submits a substantial grant proposal/ pursuing funding for systematic for systematic inquiry proposal as the Principal proposal as the Principal funding inquiry Investigator (PI) or co-PI Investigator (PI) or co-PI Receives extramural funding Receives extramural funding for research for research
Editorial work Serves as a reviewer or Serves as a guest editor of a Serves as an editor of a member of an editorial board journal issue scholarly journal for one or more scholarly Serves as a reviewer or Serves as a guest editor of a journals member of an editorial board journal issue for one or more scholarly Serves as a reviewer or journals member of an editorial board for one or more scholarly journals
Research Uses research and Develop “products” and/or Evaluates research findings Mentors the professional Activities and educational innovations to other media, such as websites, for application in curriculum or development of colleagues and creative works enhance curriculum and audio and video recordings to teaching through publication students in the scholarship of teaching advance research in education Develop “products” and/or teaching and learning Participates in research- Uses research and other media, such as websites, Evaluates research findings related activities. educational innovations to audio and video recordings to for application in curriculum or Serves as an educated enhance curriculum and advance research in education teaching through publication consumer of findings from teaching Uses research and Develop “products” and/or systematic inquiry educational innovations to other media, such as websites,
08/20/2010 14 EXEMPLARS Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor enhance curriculum and audio and video recordings to teaching advance research in education Uses research and educational innovations to enhance curriculum and teaching
Research Receive UCF, state, regional, Receive UCF, state, regional, Receive UCF, state, regional, awards national or international national or international national or international research award research award research award
Other Other research activities that Other research activities that Other research activities that Other research activities that are on the annual performance are on the annual performance are on the annual performance are on the annual performance goals and approved by the goals and approved by the goals and approved by the goals and approved by the chair or as renegotiated with chair or as renegotiated with chair or as renegotiated with chair or as renegotiated with chair chair chair chair
Professional and community service includes service to the University, the College of Education, and the Department of Educational and Human Sciences, as well as service to professional organizations, and to the community at the local, state, national and international levels.
Evaluation in the area of Professional and Community Service will include a review of the service activities, recognition, and contributions that the faculty member makes to the university, college, department, profession, and local, state, regional, national and international communities. Typically paid consultations or other activities for which the faculty member receives payment should not be counted toward productivity in this area.
The following evaluation schema provides specific direction for the evaluation of faculty in the area of Professional and Community Service. Refer to “Professional and Community Exemplars” for specific examples by rank for those positions in which Service was an expected/required responsibility of the position. .
I. OUTSTANDING To achieve an OUTSTANDING in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty must meet the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY, adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period, and readily respond to the service needs of the University, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least three (3) of the service exemplars according to rank.
II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY To achieve an ABOVE SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty must meet the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY, adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period, and readily respond to the service needs of the University, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least two (2) of the service exemplars according to rank.
III. SATISFACTORY To achieve a SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty must adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period and meet the following standards: Attend regular college and departmental meetings and retreats. Attend college and departmental functions (e.g., Recognition Breakfast and/or the College Graduation Ceremony) at least once a year, and Serve on a search committee (if requested) In addition, faculty must readily respond to the service needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least one (1) service exemplar according to rank.
IV. CONDITIONAL To achieve a CONDITIONAL in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty fail to meet the standards necessary to achieve a rating of SATISFACTORY, have not successfully completed the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period, and/or do not respond to the needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in service activities.
V. UNSATISFACTORY To achieve an UNSATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty fail to meet the standards necessary to achieve a rating of SATISFACTORY, poorly complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences across two or more evaluation periods, and do not respond to the needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in service activities.
I. OUTSTANDING To achieve an OUTSTANDING in the area of Professional and Community Service faculty must meet the standards to be considered SATISFACTORY, adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period, and readily respond to the service needs of the University, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least two (2) service exemplars according to rank.
II. ABOVE SATISFACTORY To achieve an ABOVE SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty must adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period, and readily respond to the service needs of the University, the profession, and the community by engaging in at least one (1) service exemplar according to rank. Attend regularly college and departmental meetings and retreats. Attend college and departmental functions (e.g., Recognition Breakfast and/or the College Graduation Ceremony) at least once a year, and Serve on search committee (if requested)
III. SATISFACTORY To achieve a SATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty must adequately complete the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period and meet one (1) of the following standards: Attend regularly college and departmental meetings and retreats. OR Attend college and departmental functions (e.g., Recognition Breakfast and/or the College Graduation Ceremony) at least once a year, OR Serve on search committee (if requested) IV. CONDITIONAL To achieve a CONDITIONAL in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty fail to meet the standards necessary to achieve a rating of SATISFACTORY, but have successfully completed the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences during the evaluation period, and have responded to the needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in service activities.
V. UNSATISFACTORY To achieve an UNSATISFACTORY in the area of Professional and Community Service, faculty fail to meet the standards necessary to achieve a rating of SATISFACTORY, complete poorly the usual service assignments made by the Chair of the Department of Educational and Human Sciences across two or more evaluation periods, and do not respond to the needs of the university, the profession, and the community by engaging in service activities.
Examples shall include, but are not limited to, evidence of the following: a. Service to University/ College/ Department b. Service to Professional Organizations: State, National, and International c. Service to Community: School, Institution or Agency d. Other
The evaluation process will include review of faculty documentation of Professional and Community service, including such evidence as brochures or programs identifying presentations and workshops; a description of committee activity (e.g., name of committee, number of meetings attended, role on and contribution to the committee); consultant reports or products; and a description of substantial contribution to the effective functioning of a degree program.
Exemplar Instructor Assistant Associate Professor Professor Professor Service to University/ Involvement with one or Participates in Participates in department, Participates and leads in College/ Department more departmental program, college, and/or university governance department, college, committees and/or department, committees and/or taskforces and/or university committees and/or taskforces college, and/or Coordinator of or taskforces university participant in the program Coordinator of or participant in committees area’s Institutional the program area’s Institutional and/or taskforces Effectiveness plan Effectiveness plan Participates in Participates in activities that Works to enhance national one or more promote the professional reputation and visibility of the activities that development of students, institution promote the staff, and other faculty Participates in activities that professional Fosters diversity within the promote the professional development of university environment development of students, staff, students, staff, and/or other faculty and other faculty Attracts outstanding graduate students to program Assumes chair and/or serves on Fosters 18 19 Exemplar Instructor Assistant Associate Professor Professor Professor diversity within related to expertise one or more special review groups, the university Serves as member of one task forces and/or policy making environment or more review committees bodies Fosters diversity within the university environment Attracts outstanding graduate students to program related to expertise Demonstrates leadership in recruitment and mentoring the professional development of students and/or faculty Serves as a mentor for the professional development of students and/or faculty
Service to Professional Member of Serves on one Demonstrates leadership in Evaluates materials of persons Organizations: State, professional/service or more one or more professional and from other universities for purposes National, and organizations committees service activities of promotion/tenure Demonstrates International and/or Serves on one or more leadership in professional and participates in committees of professional service activities one or more organizations at the state, Contributes expertise to activities of regional, national, and/or professional groups and/or peers professional international levels through consultation, mentoring organizations Presents at conferences or and/or practice Presents at programs for professional Demonstrates leadership in one conferences or organizations or more professional and service programs for Organizes one or more activities professional workshops/continuing Serves on one or more organizations education programs for committees of professional Participates in professional growth organizations at the state, regional, activities of Serves on one or more national, and/or international levels professional committees of professional Presents at conferences or organizations organizations at the state, programs for professional Improves the regional and national levels organizations program area Provides keynote address at Organizes one or more through attending professional meetings at local, workshops/continuing education workshops or regional or national meetings programs for professional growth 08/20/2010 20 Exemplar Instructor Assistant Associate Professor Professor Professor conferences Serves on one or more committees of professional organizations at the state, regional and national levels Provides keynote address at professional meetings at regional, national, or international levels
Service to Community: Participates in one or Presents at Serves on one or more local Assumes leadership role on one School, Institution or more local professional and and/or organizes agency, community or or more committees/boards of Agency community activities one or more organization boards, community agencies, organization Participates in one or workshops/ commissions, and committees or commissions more workshops/continuing continuing Presents at and/or Serves on one or more local education programs for education organizes one or more agency, community or organization professional/community programs for workshops/ continuing boards, commissions, and groups community education programs for committees Provides in-service groups community groups Presents at and/or organizes one training in schools, and/or Contributes Collaborates with or more workshops/continuing school or community professional community in the education programs for community organizations expertise or development of programs groups Complies with State consultation in and/or services Assists in the evaluation of one or appropriate Department of Education Contributes professional more community projects/programs settings rule on Recency of expertise or consultation in Collaborates with community in Complies with Experience appropriate settings the development of programs State Department Complies with State and/or services of Education rule Department of Education rule on Recency of Contributes professional expertise on Recency of Experience Experience or consultation in appropriate settings Complies with State Department of Education rule on Recency of Experience
Other Other service activities Other service Other service activities that Other service activities that are that are on the annual activities that are are on the annual on the annual performance goals performance goals and on the annual performance goals and and approved by the chair or as approved by the chair or as performance approved by the chair or as renegotiated with chair as new 20 21 Exemplar Instructor Assistant Associate Professor Professor Professor renegotiated with chair as goals and renegotiated with chair as project’s emerge new project’s emerge approved by the new project’s emerge chair or as renegotiated with chair as new project’s emerge