Pad Committee Meeting Minutes 11-9-2011

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Pad Committee Meeting Minutes 11-9-2011

PUBLIC ART AND DESIGN COMMITTEE MEETING – November 9, 2011 Governmental Center – 3rd floor – Room 302

The meeting was called to order at 10:35 am by Chair Edith Gooden-Thompson.

PAD MEMBERS PRESENT: Edith Gooden-Thompson, Chair (p9a1); Michael Mattox (p10a0); Kasama Polakit (p10a0); Anthony Lauro (p8a2); Henning Haupt (p7a0); Howard Katz (p9a1); Kona Gray (p6a4) PAD MEMBERS ABSENT: none STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Becht, Director; Leslie Fordham, PAD Administrator; Christina Roldan, Project Manager; Lisa Lopez, Arts Assistant; Mary Ann Caldron, Recording Secretary OTHERS: Deborah Kerr, Broward Cultural Council

A motion was made by Anthony Lauro, seconded by Michael Mattox, to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2011 meeting. The motion was unanimously approved.

Leslie Fordham stated that the Greenways artwork design was completed in 2006. The artist must redesign and re-engineer the amenities to comply with new ADA regulations. The artist determined the cost by calculating his time and what he would be paying an engineer to calculate windloads and other structural issues. Mary Becht stated that they need to make the canopies larger and space the benches apart so wheelchairs can fit in between. Kona Gray noted that this cost is primarily for design, not for implementation. Edith Gooden-Thompson questioned whether there is $2,500 in contingency. Mary Becht noted that the artist designed to ADA standards at the time. Those standards will change in 2012 and we were advised that the artwork wouldn’t be permitted if it didn’t comply with current ADA standards at the time of permitting. If it was already built it would be in compliance with current standards. The County didn’t build the path – it was held up until now. In order that new members can be updated, Edith Gooden- Thompson asked for a briefing on the Greenways project, perhaps at the next meeting. It was noted that this redesign refers only to the canopy which will be extended so that it will cover a person who is in a wheelchair.

A motion was made by Howard Katz, seconded by Kasama Polakit, to recommend approval of artist Jersey Devil to redesign Greenways amenities for new ADA standards in the amount of $2,500. The motion was approved 5 in favor, 2 opposed. Anthony Lauro and Kona Gray voted against the motion.

Edith Gooden-Thompson introduced Deborah Kerr, the incoming Chair of Broward Cultural Council. Ms. Kerr stated that she was appointed to the Council in 2007 by Vice Mayor Rodstrom. She stated that she met with him and he assured her that he does support public art. She thanked PAD Committee members for their letters to the Commission and support as regards the new Public Art Ordinance.


Images were shown of the artwork of Nestor Guzman and Bill Savarese. Leslie Fordham encouraged PAD Committee members to submit names of people who could be approached to apply for the Duane Hanson Allied Artist Roster. Mary Becht stated that at next year’s South Florida Cultural Consortium workshop we could present this as an opportunity for the artists. Committee discussion followed regarding the composition and requirements for inclusion in the Allied Artist Pool. A motion was made by Anthony Lauro, seconded by Kona Gray, to recommend approval of Nestor Guzman and Bill Savarese to be added to the Duane Hanson Allied Artist Roster. The motion was unanimously approved.

Edith-Gooden Thompson stated that a Prequalified Artists Roster is being considered so that there would be more than one name submitted in case the need arises for Direct Selection of an artist for a public art project. Leslie Fordham presented a list of artists, both local and national, who were shortlisted in the past for public art projects as a possible starting point for a Prequalified Artists Roster. She stated that if the Committee wished to pursue this idea further, staff could request slides from the artists listed. Edith Gooden- Thompson was not in favor of leaving someone off the list because they received a commission, since this list is being generated for the future and Direct Selection is not a method which is often used. Mary Becht suggested noting on the Roster the date an artist received a commission and the amount. Mr. Haupt felt that the Roster should also note what the commission was for. Ms. Gooden-Thompson felt that the Roster list should also note whether the artist is local or regional. Mr. Katz felt that all mediums which an individual artist works in should be noted on the Roster and he also agreed that receiving a commission should not be reason to leave them off the Roster. Kona Gray stated that perhaps shortlisted artists should automatically be placed on the Prequalified Roster. The Roster should show their qualifications, specialties and their performance if they received a commission. Mr. Gray felt that we should have a full list of all artists who submitted. Mary Becht suggested that as an Artist Selection Panel is screening artists they could do so with the Prequalified Roster in mind. Christina Roldan stated that the Committee members could also suggest artists to be added to the Roster. Ms. Gooden-Thompson stated that this item could be brought back in December or January for further discussion.

Mary Becht gave an update on Calypso and Waves by artist Tobey Archer. Discussion followed. There was Committee discussion regarding the new Public Art Ordinance. Mary Becht stated it will include a provision for the Board to recommend freestanding artwork if the Board determines that it is appropriate; however, they will review all freestanding, including artwork less than $100,000. There was discussion regarding how many local artists have received commissions over the years of the public art program and how this information would be collected from this point forward, as well as information regarding dollars generated by commissioned artists which are going into the local economy. Anthony Lauro felt that we should attempt to create projects which have a significant impact with the dollars we have, instead of doing more projects which have less impact. Mary Becht stated that this should be dialogued during the annual plan approval process which is brought to the PAD Committee each year. She stated that the people who chair the panels PUBLIC ART AND DESIGN COMMITTEE MEETING November 9, 2011 Page 3 might want to have conversations with the agencies. However, now all the money is with the Port and Airport. There is no general fund money to pool. She stated that there are master plans for the Port and Airport so the PAD Committee could review these again for possible projects. There were recommendations there for freestanding art which were passed on because we thought the Ordinance would not allow them and with the newly added provision where freestanding art could be considered by the Board, perhaps the PAD Committee might want to revisit this for the Port and Airport. Kona Gray felt that a paradigm shift should be made because we are dealing with projects which are old and may never happen and perhaps we should scrub those and look at a vision for Broward County public art here and now and what can we do to elevate the quality to be the County with the best public art in the world, perhaps looking toward commissioning a significant piece of recognizable artwork in a place where it belongs. He agreed that just because there is a 2% allowance for a particular project, it doesn’t mean that the dollars should necessarily go there. He felt that money should best be pooled to a general fund for the vision of art for Broward County. Edith Gooden -Thompson stated that some of the older planned projects might not be appropriate anymore. Henning Haupt stated that he agreed that a goal should be to raise the quality of public art – to try to produce great art. Mary Becht stated that it is a good idea to have a visioning plan for Broward County and to have that plan adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. The plan could include pooling of funds to do a particular project when General Fund money becomes available. Anthony Lauro stated that he serves on a Las Olas Board which is trying to solicit artists to place sculptures on Las Olas. The people on that committee are not arts professionals – they are looking for guidance. Mary Becht suggested that they have a small art selection panel which may perhaps include members from the museum board.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:05 pm.


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