Diane M. Doberneck, Ph.D

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Diane M. Doberneck, Ph.D

Diane M. Doberneck, Ph.D. Michigan State University [email protected]

National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement University Outreach and Engagement Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center 219 S. Harrison Road, Suite 93, East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone: 517-432-0485, Fax: 517-432-9541


Ph.D., (Community and Organizational) Resource Development, Michigan State University, May 2003 Dissertation: The Complexity Sciences as an Emerging Organizational Paradigm in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study

Master’s Study in African Area Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, 1992-1994 Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad, Kiswahili, Tanzania, 1994

B.A., General Arts and Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, May 1991 Certificates (specializations) in African Studies, Business, and French University (Honors) Scholars Program


University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University Asst. Director, National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement, 2013—present  Develop initiatives to achieve unit and university strategic priorities  Prepare program planning and budgeting reports for University Outreach and Engagement, The Graduate School, and Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives  Serve as liaison/member of Faculty and Organizational Development faculty advisory board  Serve on the Global Engagement Speaker Series planning committee  Serve on the University Outreach and Engagement awards committee

Leader, UOE Educational Programs Team, 2014— present  Develop curriculum to build capacity for MSU administrators, faculty, academic staff, graduate students, undergraduates, practicing professionals, and community partners to participate in community engaged scholarship  Collaborate with UOE advisory committee, MSU units, and outside organizations to identify learning priorities and deliver programs that meet a strategic mix of professional development goals  Manage one-time educational program events, including workshops, write-ins, speakers, and panels, including publicity/recruiting, registration, program materials, event logistics, and evaluations—on time and on budget  Develop cohort-based educational programs, including faculty learning communities, summer intensives, academic retreats, including publicity/recruiting, registration, program materials, event logistics, and evaluations—on time and on budget  Present workshops on various issues related to community engaged scholarship  Collect program and participant data for planning, evaluation, and reporting purposes

Coordinator, MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, 2011-present  Coordinate university-wide, non-credit, cohort program for master’s and Ph.D. students interested in community engaged scholarship  Draw upon and contribute to scholarship about graduate student professional development for community engaged scholarship  Collaborate with advisory committee, The Graduate School, and Registrar’s Office on curriculum, policies, and final certifications  Recruit, orient, and support seminar teams composed of UOE staff, MSU faculty and staff, MSUE, community partners, and program alumni to ensure close alignment with curriculum  Recruit, admit, and orient incoming students on an annual basis  Mentor students through community engagement experiences and preparation of written portfolios and presentations  Archive accessible teaching and learning materials, including learning objectives, required and optional readings, powerpoints, handouts, case studies, and other seminar materials in classroom management system (D2L)  Manage program growth through innovative

2 practices to ensure high quality learning experience for participants, including support for the Michigan Sea Grant Fellows Program and travel scholarships  Collect program and participant data for planning, evaluation, and reporting purposes

Researcher, National Center/Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement, 2007—present  Conduct research of interest to the institution and field of community engaged scholarship  Present research at national conferences, including ESC and IARSLCE  Publish research in peer-reviewed journals  Serve as a national conference proposal reviewer, journal reviewer, and grant reviewer  Serve as national planning committee member for the Emerging Engagement Scholars Workshop

Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars Program, Michigan State University Adjunct Assistant Professor, 2004-2010 Community Engagement in Rural Ireland Study Abroad Program (six weeks)  Maintained international university-community partnership with Tochar Valley Rural Community Network, Co. Mayo, Ireland  Oversaw 6-8 community-based, participatory research projects identified by community councils, mentored by community mentoring committees, and fulfilled by MSU students  Assisted in identifying host families, resource people, community mentors, and set expectations for rigorous projects that meet community identified needs  Recruited, screened, and admitted 6-8 undergraduate students from multiple majors throughout the university, through Study Abroad Fair, website, individual meetings and interviews. Developed a self-assessment tool to assist with reflections on readiness to engage communities  Managed credit enrollment, honors options, internships, and independent study credits for students through Office of Study Abroad, Honors College, and various academic departments and colleges  Oriented students to program expectations on professionalism, working cross-culturally,


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 autonomous community engagement, project management skills, natural and cultural history of Co. Mayo, and various topics related to agricultural and natural resource based community and economic development  Co-convened group learning activities, including an on-site orientation, six Wednesday reflection days, and two learning weekends  Coached students individually on their project and experience through mentor meetings, one- on-one conversations, mid-program reflections, and feedback on reflective journals  Organized an annual celebration night in Ireland to share students’ community projects and network across Tochar Valley communities and resource people  Contributed to the development of community engagement study abroad programs at Michigan State through on-campus conference presentations, Faculty and Organizational Development workshops, and participation in on-going faculty learning community organized by the Office of Study Abroad  Presented this study abroad/community engagement model at national and international conferences  Published book chapters about this study abroad/community engagement model

Academic Learning Coordinator (Advisor), 1998- 2003  Recruited, admitted, and oriented undergraduate students initially from CANR, then university wide  Advised students in the development of individualized learning plans, consisting of core Bailey classes, middle 12 electives, and co- curricular learning opportunities  Supported student choices for 12 elective credits, including university classes, internships, transfer credits, independent studies, and study abroad  Supported choices for co-curricular learning, including volunteering, community service, participation and leadership in registered student organizations, internships, work experiences, undergraduate research experiences  Encouraged student leadership development, including Bailey Student Director, Core Course Co-Conveners, students on committees and through awards from the Bailey Scholars Program, College of Agriculture and Natural

4 Resources, Honors College, and Michigan State University. Organized community learning events, including Wednesday lunches, Commons events, Core Course Share Night, Study Abroad Fairs, Portfolio presentation days  Certified students met specialization requirements and coordinated with Dean’s office and Registrar’s Office on final certifications  Publicized achievements of Bailey students and the program through website, newsletters, and events for stakeholders including funders  Collected and reported on program and participant data for planning, evaluation, and reporting purposes

Assistant to the Director, 1998-2003  Supported faculty recruitment into the program including Faculty Envisionments and faculty/staff orientations about connected learning, program’s curriculum, and learner development philosophy  Convened and led an on-going faculty learning community about connected learning each semester for faculty teaching Bailey core courses  Coordinated curriculum committee, including program revisions through the college and university curriculum committees, as needed  Participated in various community committees, including Common working group, leadership committee, and reading circles—for both student and faculty learners  Taught core courses, including ANR 210, 310, 311, 410 and independent studies, study abroad  Participated in program reviews and wrote white papers about program history and philosophy  Made presentations at regional and national teaching and learning conferences about the program  Published peer-reviewed journal articles about the program

Community and Economic Development Program, Michigan State University Fixed Term, Assistant Professor, 2004-2007

Research Ethics and Standards, Michigan State University Research Ethics Education Coordinator, 2003-2004


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 University Outreach, Michigan State University Program Assistant, 1998-1999

University Intellectual Integrity Office, Michigan State University Assistant to the Director, 1995-1997

W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, Michigan Visiting Professional, 1995-1996


Community engaged scholarship in the reappointment, promotion and tenure process Faculty integration of outreach and engagement across teaching, research, and service responsibilities Graduate student and faculty pathways to careers as engaged scholars International service learning and community engagement Professional development about community engaged scholarship for faculty, staff, and graduate students


Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Success Stories at MSU, 2002-2015 Faculty integration of community engagement across institutional responsibilities Publishing patterns in interdisciplinary community engagement journals, 1990-2015

PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES * co-published with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

In Preparation Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L., (in preparation). The Degree of Engagement Abacus Tool. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Scholarship.

Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (in preparation). Who’s publishing what?: A analysis of publishing patterns in interdisciplinary community engagement journals, 1990-2015. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship.

Under Review Doberneck, D. M. Bargstock, B.A., McNall, M., Van Egeren, L., & Zientek, R. (submitted July 2016, under review). Community Engagement Competencies for Graduate and Professional Students: A Curricular Framework for the Next Generation of Community Engaged Scholars and Practitioners. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.

Phillips, J. P., Wilbanks, D., Salinas, D. F., & Doberneck, D. M. (submitted January 2016, under review). Income and prestige in the context of career planning: A qualitative study of medical student


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 perceptions. Academic Medicine.

Published Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2017). Disciplinary variations in publicly engaged scholarship: An exploration using Biglan’s classification. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 21(1), 78- 103.

Phillips, J. P., Wilbanks, D., Salinas, D. F., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016). Educational debt in the context of career planning: A qualitative exploration of medical student perceptions. Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal 0(0), 1-9.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016). Community engaged scholarship in the CIC’s reappointment, promotion, and tenure policies. Journal of Community Engaged Scholarship 9(1), 7-17.

McNall, M. A., Brown, R. E., Barnes-Najor, J. V., Doberneck, D. M., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2015). Systemic engagement: Universities as partners in systemic approaches to community change. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 19(1), 7-32.

Matthews, P., Doberneck, D. M., Karls, A., & Springer, N.C. (2015). Portfolio and Certification Programs in Community Engagement as Professional Development for Graduate Students: Lessons Learned from Two Land- Grant Universities. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 19(1), 157-184.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012). Sometimes there are no notes: An autoethnographic essay of a collaboration at the engagement interface. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 16(3): 55-83.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012). Beyond activity, place, and partner: How publicly engaged scholarship varies by intensity of activity and degree of engagement. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship 4(2), 18-28.

*Glass, C. R., Doberneck, D. M. & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011). Unpacking faculty engagement: The types of activities faculty members report as publicly engaged scholarship during promotion and tenure. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 15(1): 7- 29.

8 *Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2010). From rhetoric to reality: A typology of publicly engaged scholarship. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 14(4):5-35.

Fear, F. & Doberneck, D. M. (2004). Collegial Talk: A Powerful Tool for Change. About Campus 9(1):11-19.

*Fear, F., Doberneck, D., Robinson, C., Fear, K., Petrulis, R., Barr, R., Vandenburg, H., & Smith, J. (2003). Meaning-making in the Learning Paradigm: A Provocative Idea in Practice. Innovative Higher Education 27(3):151-168.

BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS * co-published with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

*Doberneck, D. M., Brown, R., & Allen, A. (2010). Professional Development for Emerging Engaged Scholars. Chpt. 21. Handbook of Engaged Scholarship: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions, Vol. 1: Institutional Change. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press. Pp. 391-409.

McNall, M., Doberneck, D. M., & Van Egeren, L. (2010). Mixed Methods in Collaborative Inquiry. Chpt. 17. Handbook of Engaged Scholarship: Contemporary Landscapes, Future Directions, Vol. 2: Community- Campus Partnerships. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press. Pp. 257-273.

Doberneck, D. M. (2009). Community Engagement in Rural Ireland: A Lecturer’s Perspective. Chpt. 5. Mapping Civic Engagement Within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE and Campus Engage. Pp. 58-71. Available at: http://www.campusengage.ie/resources/mapping_civic_ engagement.pdf.

*Cook, R. & Pitera, S. (2009). Pride of Place Competition in Mayo Abbey: Students’ Perspective on Community Engagement. Chpt. 6. Mapping Civic Engagement Within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE and Campus Engage. Pp. 72-81. Available at: http://www.campusengage.ie/resources/mapping_civic_ engagement.pdf.

*Lally, M., Doberneck, D. M., Lillis, S., and Sammon, B. (2009). A Partnership Between the Tochar Valley Rural Community Network (Mayo) and Michigan State University: A Community Perspective. Chpt. 7.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Mapping Civic Engagement Within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE and Campus Engage. Pp. 82-91. Available at: http://www.campusengage.ie/resources/mapping_civic_ engagement.pdf.


Van Schyndel, T. (2019, expected), Department of Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, Ph.D. committee member. Mentor for 2016 SRDF of $5,000, 2017 SRDF of $6,000.

Riley, B. (2018, expected). Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. Ph.D. committee member.

Monta, N. (2018, expected). Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Ph.D. committee member.

Cloutier, K. (2018, expected). Department of Psychology. Ph.D. committee member.

Carmichael, C. (2017, May). The trouble with the trees?: Social and political dynamics of Detroit’s greening efforts. Department of Forestry. Ph.D. committee member.

Batanian, J. (2015, May). Incorporation of climate change learning into Michigan K-12 Great Lakes stewardship education: Teachers’ perspectives. Department of Community Sustainability. M. S. committee member.

Rustem, S. (2014, May). The nature of play: Designing a nature play area to encourage outdoor free play at a mid-Michigan Nature Center. Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Department. M.S. committee member.

Miller, C. (2013, August). An exploratory study of collaboration among farmers and farm market managers in Southeast Michigan. Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Department. M.S. committee member.

White, S. (2012, August). Using Appreciative Inquiry in a Strategic Planning Session with the West Baltimore Farmers’ Market. Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Department. M.S. committee member.

10 Whitley, M. (2012, May). An Examination of the impact of physical activity-based service-learning program on undergraduate student leaders. Kinesiology Department. Ph.D. committee member. Won IARSLCE Honorable Mention for Dissertation Research 2012.

PRESENTATIONS, POSTERS, & CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (PEER-REVIEWED) * co-presented with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

Smith, T.G., Baldwin, D., & Doberneck, D. M. (2017, November). Roundtable. International Writing Centers Association Conference, November 10-13, 2017, Chicago, IL.

Doberneck, D. M., Triezenberg, H., Riley, B., & Avers, B. (2017, September). Sea Grant Extension as Partners in Community Engagement Professional Development. Poster presentation. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, September 26-27, 2017, Birmingham, AL.

Doberneck, D. M., Smith, T.G., Baldwin, D., & McNall, M. (2017, September). Workshops, Write-Ins, and Retreats: Continuum of Support for CES Publishing. Roundtable. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, September 25-27, 2017, Birmingham, AL.

Doberneck, D. M., Lally, M., Prendergast, M. B., Browne, P., Sammon, B., Gilligan, S., & Worsford, C. (2017, September). In the Meithal Spirit: Community Partner Perspectives on Co-Teaching/Co-Learning in an International Community Engagement Study Abroad. Roundtable. International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, September 14-16, 2017, Galway, Ireland.

Smith, T.G., Doberneck, D. M., Baldwin, D., & Hilliard, R., (2017, September). Continuum of Professional Development Programs to Support Publishing Community-Engaged Scholarship. Roundtable. International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, September 14-16, 2017, Galway, Ireland.

Kenny, D., Glancy, H., Murphy, C., O’Malley, C., Geraghty, E., Sammon, B., & Doberneck, D. M. (2017, September). Shaping Our Future Together: Youth-Led Community Engagement in Co. Mayo, Ireland. Roundtable. International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, September 14-16, 2017, Galway, Ireland.

Van Schyndel, T., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, October). Go Tenure? Successful Integration of Outreach and Engagement. Paper Presentation. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, October 11-12, 2016, Omaha, NE.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2016, October). Degree of Engagement Abacus: Tool Representing Community Partner Collaboration. Paper Presentation. Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, October 11-12, 2016. Omaha, NE.

Van Schyndel, T., & Doberneck, D. M., (2016, September). Got Tenure? Successful Integration of Outreach and Engagement. Emerging Scholar Research Paper. International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, September 26-28, 2016. New Orleans, LA.

Doberneck, D. M., Van Egeren, L. A., Bargerstock, B. A., McNall, M., & Zientek, R. M. (2016, April). Professional Development for Graduate Students in Engaged Scholarship. National Alliance for Broader


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Impacts, April 20-22, 2016. Philadelphia, PA.

Doberneck, D. M., Bargerstock, B. A., Van Egeren, L. A., McNall, M., & Zientek, R., (2015, November). A portfolio rubric assessing graduate students’ community engagement competencies. Scholarly paper presentation at International Association for Research on Service-learning and Community Engagement, November 16-18, 2015, Boston, MA.

Doberneck, D. M., McNall, M., & Bargerstock, B. A. (2015, September). Excellence, quality, and rigor in peer review of community-engaged scholarship. Workshop. Engagement Scholarship Consortium. September 28-30, 2015, University Park, PA.

McNall, M., Barnes-Najor, J., Brown, R., Doberneck, D. M., & Fitzgerald, H. A. (2015, September). Systemic engagement: Universities as partners in systemic approaches to community change. Paper presentation at Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference, September 28-30, 2015, University Park, PA.

Doberneck, D. M., Bargerstock, B. A., Van Egeren, L. A., McNall, M., & Zientek, R., (2015, September). Community engagement competencies for graduate and professional students: Framework and curriculum at Michigan State University. Paper presentation at Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Conference, September 28-30, 2015, University Park, PA.

*Doberneck, D. M., Lally, M., & Chalou, C. (2015, June). From host site to co-teacher/co-learner: Redefining roles in international experiential learning. Global Internship Conference. June 9-12, Dublin, Ireland.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2014, September). Sometimes there are no notes: Community engagement across three cultures. Scholarly paper at International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, September 29-October 1, New Orleans, LA.

Doberneck, D. M. (2014, September). Are we there yet? Engagement in the CIC’s tenure policies. Research paper at International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, September 29-October 1, New Orleans, LA.

Doberneck, D. M. (2014, October). Now what? Making community engagement portfolios work on your campus. Workshop at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, October 7-8, Edmonton, Alberta.

Doberneck, D. M., & Springer, N. C. (2014, October). What’s important?: Identifying core community engagement competencies for graduate students. Poster presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, October 7-8, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta.

Springer, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, October). Why Prepare?: Identifying what undergraduates need to know about community engagement. Poster presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, October 7-8, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta.

Van Egeren, L. A., Doberneck, D. M., Bargerstock, B. A., & McNall, M. (2014, October). Two effective models to support engagement: The university center model. Symposium presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium, October 7-8, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta.

*Van Egeren, L. A., McNall, M., Cloutier, K., Bargerstock, B. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, October). A framework for policies and practices for institutional engagement. Symposium presentation at Engagement Scholarship Consortium, October 7-8, 2014, Edmonton, Alberta.

12 Doberneck, D. M., Springer, N.C., Barnes, J. V., & Bargerstock, B. A. (2013, November). Tools of Engagement: Workshop on Preparing Undergraduates for Service-learning and Community Engagement. Pre-conference Workshop at the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, November 6-8, 2013, Omaha, NE.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, November). Engagement portfolios: Exploring their potential in community engaged scholarship. Scholarly paper at the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, November 6-8, 2013, Omaha, NE.

*Phillips, J., Salinas, D., Wilbanks, D., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, November). Income potential and career making: A qualitative exploration of medical students’ perspectives. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, November 9-13, Ottawa, Canada.

Matthews, P., Karls, A., Doberneck, D. M., & Springer, N. C. (2013, October). Graduate students as engaged scholars: Lessons learned from two universities. Symposium Presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, Lubbock, TX, October 8-10, 2013.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, October). Community Engaged Scholarship in the CIC’s Promotion and Tenure Policies. Poster at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, Lubbock, TX, October 8- 10, 2013.

*Phillips, J. A., Salinas, D., Wilbanks, D., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, July). Investment or entrapment? The high cost of medical education and its implications for students, medicine, and society. Society for Values in Higher Education Annual Meeting, July 24-28, Denver, CO.

*Phillips, J. A., Salinas, D., Wilbanks, D., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, January). Exploring the impact of debt and potential income on second year medical students’ career planning. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education. Jan 24-27, San Antonio, TX.

*Salinas, D., Wilbanks, D., Doberneck, D. M., & Phillips, J. (2012, December). Exploring the impact of debt and potential income on second year medical students’ career planning. Poster. North American Primary Care Research Group. December 1-5, 2012. New Orleans, LA.

*Dann, S. L., Doberneck, D. M., & Rustem, S. (2012, November). How Do We Know What We Know? A Conversation about Evaluating, Assessing, and Researching Place-based Education Outcomes. 2012 Place-based Education Conference, November 14, 2012. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, October). Who’s Publishing What? Publication patterns in seven community engagement journals. Research paper. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, September 30— October 3, 2012. Tuscaloosa, AL.

Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). Disciplinary differences in engaged scholarship—What the research tells us. Research paper. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, September 30—October 3, 2012. Tuscaloosa, AL.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). Evaluation of reflective dialogue at the art/science/engagement interface. Research paper. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, September 30—October 3, 2012. Tuscaloosa, AL.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, September). Disciplinary variations in faculty expressions of publicly engaged scholarship during promotion and tenure. Research paper.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement. September 23- 25, 2012. Baltimore, MD.

Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, September). Disciplinary variations in faculty expressions of publicly engaged scholarship during promotion and tenure. Conference Proceedings. International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement.

Ward, E., Eatman, T., Arends, J., Doberneck, D. M., & O’Meara, K. (2012, September). Current and Cutting Edge Research on Academe’s Community-Engaged Scholars. Panel Discussion. International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, September 23-25, 2012. Baltimore, MD.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011, November). Tired of talking past one another?: A framework for holding constructive conversations about engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure. Research paper for Research for Impact: Scholarship advancing social change, International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, November 2-4, 2011, Chicago, IL.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011, November). A choreographer, a physicist, and an evaluator walk into a theater: mixed methods research designs for evaluating impact at the art/science/engagement interface. Research paper for Research for Impact: Scholarship advancing social change, International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement November 2-4, 2011, Chicago, IL.

Childers, J., Doberneck, D. M., Velde, B. P., & Woodell, J. (2011, October). Perspectives on developing engaged scholars. Pre-conference workshop at Engaged Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 2-4, 2011, East Lansing, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Glass, C. R. (2011, October). Convening constructive conversations about engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure. Paper symposium for Engaged Scholarship and Evidence- Based Practice, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 2-4, 2011, East Lansing, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011, October). Measurement moments: Embedding research into informal education at art/science/engagement interface. Poster symposium at Engaged Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 2-4, 2011, East Lansing, MI.

*Miller, P. K., Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011, October). Translating university knowledge to the general public at art/science/engagement interface. Poster symposium at Engaged Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 2-4, 2011, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., Brown, R. E., Van Egeren, L. A., & McNall, M. (2011, October). Critical reflections: Evolutions and outcomes of graduate certification in engagement. Presentation at Engaged Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice, National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 2-4, 2011, East Lansing, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M., Borstel, J., Miller, P.K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011, September). Conversations over tea: a public engagement strategy for exploring important issues of our time, Creative Arts/Design Workshop at What sustains us? Imagining America’s Annual Conference, September 22-24, 2011. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN.

14 *Van Egeren, L. A., Rana, M., Doberneck, D. M., & McNall, M. (2010, November). Team process factors in the evaluation of a community-based entrepreneurial development initiative. Paper presented at the American Association for Evaluation Conference, November 10-13, 2010, San Antonio, TX.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., Pynnonen, D. L., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2010, October). Faculty Approaches to the Integration of Publicly Engaged Scholarship with Their Other Institutional Responsibilities. International Association of Research on Service Learning and Civic Engagement, October, 2010, Indianapolis, IN.

Doberneck, D. M., Brown, R. E., & Bargerstock, B. (2010, October). The Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 4-6, 2010, Raleigh- Durham, NC.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C.R., Pynnonen, D. M, & Schweitzer, J. H. (2010, October). Integration: Faculty creating connections across engaged research, teaching, and service. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 4-6, 2010, Raleigh-Durham, NC.

Doberneck, D. M., Williams, J. A., Childers, J., & Blanchard, L. (2010, October). Faculty development for engaged scholarship: National Leaders Share Lessons Learned. National Outreach Scholarship Conference, October 4-6, 2010, Raleigh-Durham, NC.

*Dann, S. L., Holtschlag, M., & Doberneck, D. M. (2010, September/October). Great Lakes Stewardship through Teacher Leadership in Conservation Education. North American Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference, October September 29-October 2, 2010, Buffalo, NY.

*Dann, S. L., Hotlschlag, M., Doberneck, D. M., & Eberhardt, J. (2010, October). Place-centered learning for science, social studies, and stewardship. Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education Annual Conference, October 2010, Pellston, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C., & Schweitzer, J. (2009, October). Making the invisible visible: How successful faculty integrate outreach and engagement into their research, teaching, and community service at a research intensive university. Conference presentation at the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Civic Engagement. October 9-12, 2009. Ottawa, Canada.

*Glass, C., Doberneck, D. M., & Almerigi, J. (2009, October). Telling “the story” and providing “the proof”: Finding the right mix in program evaluation. Workshop presentation at Association of American Colleges and University’s Educating for Personal and Social Responsibility: Deepening Student and Campus Commitments Conference, October 1-3, 2009, Minneapolis, MN.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C., & Schweitzer, J. (2009, September). Typology of engaged scholarship: Faculty descriptions across all three missions. Poster presentation at National Outreach Scholarship Conference. September 28-30, 2009. Athens, GA.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Lally, M. (2009, June). Collaborating Across Communities and Continents: Community Engagement in Rural Ireland. Conference presentation at The Campus Engage International Conference. Higher Education and Civic Engagement Partnerships: Create, Challenge, Change. June 4-5, 2009. Croke Park, Dublin.

Doberneck, D. M., Bargerstock. B., & Brown, R. E. (2008, November). Developing the next generation of engaged scholars: Michigan State University’s professional development programs on community engagement. Conference presentation at Association of Continuing Higher Education. November 2008.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Nashville, TN.

Doberneck, D. M., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (2008, November). Outreach and Engagement in Promotion and Tenure: An Empirical Study Based on Six Years of Promotion and Tenure Dossiers. Conference presentation at the International Association for Research on Service Learning and Civic Engagement. November 2008. New Orleans, LA.

Doberneck, D. M., Dann, S. L., & Loveridge, S. (2008, October). Community Development Gleanings from Ireland: USDA Project on Internationalizing Science Education. Presentation at MSU Annual Extension Conference. October 2008. Detroit, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M., Dann, S. L., Loveridge, S. & Lally, M. (2008, October). Ready, Set, Engage! An evolving understanding of what readiness means. Conference presentation at National Outreach Scholarship Conference. October 2008. University Park, PA.

*Glass, C. R. & Doberneck, D. M. (2008, October). Outreach and Engagement in Promotion and Tenure. Poster presentation at National Outreach Scholarship Conference. October 2008. University Park, PA.

Doberneck, D. M. (2008, April). Community Engagement in Rural Ireland: Lessons Learned. Panel presentation at International Experiential Opportunities: Using Pedagogy to enhance Practice Conference. April 2008. East Lansing, MI.

*Dann, S.L., Doberneck, D. M., Loveridge, S., & Lally, M. (2007, October). From Community Development to Community Engagement and Engaged Learning: Enhancing Rural Community Economic Development Through MSU-Ireland Exchanges. poster presentation at MSUE Annual Conference. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B., Doberneck, D. M., & Zimmerman, D. (2007, October). University Outreach and Engagement: Defining Terms, Addressing Quality, Collecting Data, and Telling Stories, presentation at the Association for Continuing Higher Education (ACHE) Annual Conference, October 2007, Roanoke, VA.

*Doberneck, D. M., Dann, S. L., Pratt, K., & Clark, K. (2006, March). “Greening” Study Abroad for Sustainable Natural Resource Education: a Community Engagement Partnership Between Rural Ireland and Michigan State University. A poster presentation and conference proceedings at the 6th Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources, March 4-7, 2006, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Robinson, C. F., Doberneck, D. M., Fear, F. A., Sterner, G. E., & Kenney, P. A. (2005,October). Through the Looking Glass: Our Transformative Experiences in Wonderland. A presentation and conference proceedings at the 6th International Transformative Learning Conference, October 6-9, 2005, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*De’Armond, L. J., Doberneck, D. M., Saxvik, M., & Sterner, G. E. (2005, September). Supporting the learning journey: Assessment of students and faculty needs in an emergent learning community. A poster presentation and conference proceedings at the 2005 Midwest Research to Practice Conference, September 28-30, 2005, St. Louis, MO.

Doberneck, D. M. (2005, September). Forging Meaningful Connections Beyond Campus: A Partnership

16 for Sustainable Engagement in Rural Ireland. A presentation and conference proceedings at the Greening of the Campus VI, September 15-17, 2005, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.

Doberneck, D. M. (2004, March). More than Just a Tourist. A presentation at the Third Schreyer National Conference: Innovations in International Education, March 12-14, 2004, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.

Doberneck, D. M. (2003, March). Good Work in Challenging Times. A breakfast roundtable. American Association of Higher Education Learning to Change Conference, March 14-17, 2003, Washington, DC.

*Doberneck, D. M., Lupp, B., DeRuiter, H., & Smalley, C. (2003, March). Who is the Leader in a Flock of Geese? A presentation at the Igniting the Passion for Learning: Innovative Responses to Complex Issues, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, March 8-10, 2003, San Francisco, CA.

Doberneck, D. M. (2002, November). Across place, time, and discipline: redefining “learning community” in the Bailey Scholars Program. A presentation at the 7th Annual Conference on Learning Communities and Collaboration, November 7-8, 2002, Traverse City, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M., Simmons, K., Glysson, M., Sterner, G., & McCoy, R. (2002, January). The Obligation of Ethical Leadership. A workshop at the 10th Annual Student Success Conference, January 26, 2002, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Link, T. (2001, September). Many Bridges in Many Directions: New Approaches to Transforming Institutions of Higher Education into Sustainable Campus Communities. A presentation at the Greening of the Campus IV, September 20-22, 2001, Ball State University, Muncie, IN.

*Link, T., Foster, S., Doberneck, D. M., & Berman, Liisa. (2001, June). Transforming a Campus Culture. A poster session at Shaping a Sustainable Future: Best Practices in Higher Education, the Midwest Regional Workshop Sponsored by Second Nature, June 7-10, 2001, Morgantown, IN.

Fear, F., Doberneck, D. M., Robinson, C. F., Fear, K., & Petrulis, R. (2001, March). The Many Voices of the Learning Paradigm Movement: Diversity in Interpretation and Approach. A presentation at the 5th Annual North American Conference on The Learning Paradigm, March 10-13, 2001, San Diego, CA.

*Doberneck, D. M., Harvey, L., VanDenberg, H., & Chaffin, B. (2000, September). Connecting Through Conversation: How Dialogue and Reflection Can Build a Community of Co-Learners. A workshop at the 8th Annual Student Success Conference, September 25, 2000, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2000, June). What is Transformation? An Open Space Conversation at the Chaordic Learning Alliance: Reinventing Learning/Education for Planet Earth, June 28-29, 2000, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA.

Doberneck, D. M., & Fails, B. (1998, June). Personal and organizational accountability: assessment at the unit level. A breakfast roundtable at the American Association for Higher Education Assessment Forum, June 17, Cincinnati, OH.

Fails, B., & Doberneck, D. M. (1998, June). Grading Growth: Can It Be Done? A poster presentation at the American Association for Higher Education Assessment Forum, June 17, 1998, Cincinnati. OH. Doberneck, D. M., Krueger, D., Kelly, J., & Oehmke, J. (1998, June). Shifting the Teaching Paradigm through the implementation of a new undergraduate specialization. A presentation at the 2nd Annual


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Conference on the Learning Paradigm, June 10-13, 1998, San Diego, CA.

Burton, J., & Doberneck, D. M. (1998, June). The Learning Assessment Model. A presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference on the Learning Paradigm, June 10-13, 1998, San Diego, CA.

Doberneck, D. M. (1993, December). Barriers to Women’s Participation in African Environmental Development Projects: Is Ecofeminism the Answer? Panel presentation at the African Studies Association Annual Meeting. December 4-7, 1993. Boston, MA.

INVITED PRESENTATIONS (NOT PEER REVIEWED) * co-presented with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, April). Practical Tools from the Community Engagement in Rural Ireland Study Abroad Program. Presentation on panel discussion titled Service-learning, Community Engagement: A Discussion on Experiential Learning, East Lansing, MI, April, 12, 2017.

Dostilio, L. D., Green, P., Doberneck, D. M., & Dace, T., (2017, March). Equity-Centered Community Engagement Professionals. Day long, Pre-conference workshop, Eastern Region Campus Compact, New York, NY., March 15, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, October). Basic Strategies for Writing Up Your Community-Engaged Scholarship. Pen to Paper: An Academic Writing Retreat Focused on Writing With, For, and About Service and Engagement. Williams Bay, WI: October 20-21, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, October). Selecting an Interdisciplinary Community Engagement Journal for Your Article. Community-Engaged Scholarship Writing Retreat. Hastings, MI. October 6-7, 2016.

McNall, M. & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, October). Publishing Your Community Engaged Scholarship. Community-Engaged Scholarship Writing Retreat. Hastings, MI. October 6-7, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2015, October). Basic Strategies for Writing Up Your Community Engaged Scholarship. Pen to Paper: Academic Writing Retreat. October 22-23, 2015. Shelbyville, MI.

Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., Loebick, K., Rice, J. M., Smith, M. C., Mac Intosh, A., & Carmichael, C. (2015, January). Teamwork and Collaboration in Research at Leading Through Teamwork: How to be a successful professional. The Graduate School. East Lansing, MI. January 31, 2015.

Doberneck, D. M. (2015, January). Panel Response to Keynote Presentation. Bridging Two Worlds Together: Exploring the complexity of service in service-learning. Michigan Campus Compact Faculty Colloquium. Oakland University, Rochester, MI, January 30, 2015.

Fitzgerald, H. F., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, September). Communicating Service Learning to Public and Professional Audiences. Lingnan University, Hong Kong, September 2014.

Fitzgerald, H. F., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, September). Institutional Alignment in Support of Service Learning and Community Engagement Scholarship. Lingnan University, Hong Kong, September 2014.

Doberneck, D. M., & Eatman, T. K. (2013, March). Re-imagining the Academy: the emerging role of community engaged scholarship at Fairfield University. Workshop. Fairfield University. March 21, 2013.

18 Fairfield, CT.

Eatman, T. K., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, March). Community Engaged Scholarship and Faculty Roles and Rewards. Fireside Chat with University Administrators. March 20, 2013. Fairfield University, CT.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, November). Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure. Northern Illinois University. November 5, 2012. DeKalb, IL.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, November). Facilitating Constructive Conversations about Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure. Workshop for Department Chairs. Northern Illinois University. November 5, 2012. DeKalb, IL.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, November). Defining Engagement. Division of Outreach, Engagement, and Information Technology. Northern Illinois University. November 6, 2012. DeKalb, IL.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L., with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Fundamentals of Engaged Scholarship. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 10, 2012.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L., with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Disciplinary Differences in Engaged Scholarship. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 10, 2012.

Dann, S. L., & Doberneck, D. M. with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Establishing and Maintaining Effective Partnerships. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 11, 2012.

Dann, S. L., & Doberneck, D. M. with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Planning, Managing, and Implementing Community Engaged Scholarship. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 11, 2012.

Dann, S. L., & Doberneck, D. M. with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Systemic Approaches to Community Change. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 12, 2012.

Dann, S. L., & Doberneck, D. M. with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Evaluating Effective Partnerships. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 12, 2012.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L., with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Institutional Alignment for Engaged Scholarship. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 13, 2012.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L., with Fitzgerald, H. E., & McNall, M. (2012, March). Successful Scholarship: Grant-writing and publishing engaged scholarship. Workshop for Female Faculty at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 13, 2012.

Blake, R., Doberneck, D.M., Malavisi, A., Delgado, V., Fear, F.A., & Berquist, B. (2011, April). Student learning in international development programming abroad: A structured dialogue on practices and challenges. Diminishing Latin America’s Inequalities: Land, food, and human health strategies, 2011 Symposium, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, April 20-21, 2011. East Lansing, MI.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Doberneck, D. M. (2011, April). Community Engagement in Co. Mayo, Opportunities for Learning. Great Lakes Leadership Academy Leadership Advancement Program, Session IV. April 5, 2011, Edward Lowe Foundation, Cassopolis, MI.

Berquist, B., Currier, C., Delgado, V., Doberneck, D.M., & Yoder, S. (2011, January). Community Engagement Abroad, Faculty Development Workshop. January 18, 2011. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2010, November). Promotion and Tenure and Engaged Scholarship at Michigan State University. College of Public Affairs and Community Service, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE. Available at http://ncsue.msu.edu/files/Omahapresentation2.pdf

Doberneck, D. M. (2010, November). Promotion and Tenure and Engaged Scholarship at Michigan State University. Center for Faculty Development, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE.

Doberneck, D. M. (2007, September). Pride of Place in Rural Communities in Ireland and Michigan. The 99 Senses of Place Celebration. Presque Isle County Development Commission. Alpena, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2007, June). Transnational Collaborations for Rural Community Development: Linkages between Ireland and Michigan. Shamrock & Thistle Rural Action Partnership Annual Meeting. June 8, 2007. Craigavon, Northern Ireland.

Doberneck, D. M. (2005, October). Engaging Communities. Pride of Place Celebration. October 24, 2006. Mayo Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

*Fear, F., Doberneck, D. M., Sterner, G., & Daniels, M. (2005, January). Ethos and Inspiration: Learning Reconsidered in Action, presentation at Michigan College Personnel Association’s Drive-In Workshop, Learning Reconsidered, January 28, 2005, Grand Rapids, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Humphrey, R. (1998, June). The Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars Program, an invited blue ribbon presentation at the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Annual Conference, June 24, 1998, Wenatchee, WA.


Community engagement, incl. principles and practices, cross-cultural competencies, career strategies Organizational leadership and change management strategies, incl. complexity and systems approaches Engaged learning, incl. transformative, place-based pedagogies, whole person development Mixed methods evaluation research and methods, incl. creative, rigorous, developmental approaches Rural community and economic development, incl. asset-based, international, and rural development Sustainability, incl. economics, environment, equity, and engagement


20 Pathways in Connected Learning (ANR 210), 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Connected Learning Seminars (ANR 310 or ANR 311), 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008, 2009 Connected Learning Transitions (ANR 410), 2005, 2008 Agriculture & Extension Education International Issues (AEE 475), 2007, 2008 Agriculture & Extension Education Internship (AEE 493), 2008 Agriculture & Extension Education International Studies (AEE 875), 2007 Agriculture & Natural Resources—International Issues (ANR 475), 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010 Agriculture & Natural Resources Independent Study (ANR 490), 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 English Writing as Exploration (ENG 232), 2008 Environment & Natural Resources (RD 201), 2006 Environmental Studies & Applications Independent Study (ESA 490), 2007 Environmental Studies & Applications—International Issues (ESA 475/480), 2007, 2008, 2010 Environmental Studies & Applications Internship (ESA 493), 2007, 2008, 2010 Family & Child Ecology Internship Seminar (FCE 492), 2005, 2009 Family & Child Ecology Internship (FCE 493), 2005, 2009 Fisheries & Wildlife—International Issues (FW 480), 2006 Fisheries & Wildlife Internship (FW 493), 2003, 2004 History Independent Study (HST 490), 2007, 2010 James Madison Field Experience (MC 400), 2003, 2004 James Madison Field Experience: Analysis & Interpretation (MC 401), 2003, 2004 Museum Studies Internship (AL 496), 2007 Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Field Work (PRR 293), 2007, 2008 Parks, Recreation, & Tourism International Issues (PRR 410), 2007, 2008 Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Resources Internship (PRR 493), 2007 Residential College for Arts and Humanities Engagement & Reflection (RCAH 293B), 2010 Resource Development Internship (RD 493), 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Resource Development—International Issues (RD 480), 2006 Resource Development Special Topics (RD 891), 2005 Social Science Independent Study (SSC 490), 2007 Social Science Internship (SSC 493), 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Urban & Regional Planning Independent Study (URP 490), 2006


The Cut Stone Bridges & Other Walks Development in Islandeady. (2010). Maddison Brady (Environmental Studies). Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Historical Points of Interest Along the Cr. Patrick Heritage Trail—Balla to Killawalla. (2010). Hilary Higgins (Residential College for Arts and Humanities). Tochar Valley Rural Community Network. Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Historical Points of Interest Along the Cr. Patrick Heritage Trail—Killawalla to Murrisk. (2010). Danielle Kello (History). Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Ballyglass Turlough: Sports History and Environmental Aspects. (2010). Monica Mezger (Pre- Veterinary). Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Clogher Bog Walk Tourism Packages. (2010). Marie Hruby (Agriscience Education). Co. Mayo, Ireland.

From Veg Patch to Plate: Future Directions for Nutrition, Cookery, and Garden Training Courses at Mayo Abbey Community Centre. (2009). Marie Bohnett (Dietetics). Mayo Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Ballyvary Walks and Cycling Development. (2009). Kyle Wallace (Interdisciplinary Social Science). Ballyvary. Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Positive Youth Development: Ballyheane’s Foroige Club. (2009). Kerrie Ann Schultz (Family and Community Services). Ballyheane. Co. Mayo, Ireland.

The Strategic Development of Walks in Islandeady. (2008). Kirsten Freiberger (Urban & Regional Planning). Islandeady Parish, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Exploring the Potential for Loop Walks in Mayo Abbey Parish. (2008). Benjamin Edwards (Fisheries & Wildlife). Mayo Abbey Parish, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Community Guide for Ballyglass. (2008). Leah Strahan (Parks, Recreation, and Tourism). Village of Ballyglass, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

22 Community Readiness Assessment Tool for Tochar Valley Network Villages. (2008). Kiana Miller (Agriculture & Natural Resource Communications). Tochar Valley Rural Community Network, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Environmental Education Curricula for the Cr. Patrick Heritage Trail. (2008). Kristen Pratt (Lyman Briggs/Zoology). Tochar Valley Rural Community Network, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Local Amenities Guide and Map for Clogher Area. (2007). Allison Czarneck (Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Resources). Village of Clogher, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Burriscarra Cemetery History Project. (2007). Emily Flynn (Biology). Village of Carnacon, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Village Enhancements for Manulla. (2007). Claire Robinson (Psychology). Village of Manulla, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Scoping Document for Walks Development. (2007). Sarah Tobie (Social Work). Village of Killawalla, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

History of the Bianconi Coaches in Ballyglass. (2007). Ann Fishbeck (Classic Studies). Village of Ballyglass, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Local Amenities Guide for Tourmekady. (2007). Gina Magri (Psychology). Village of Tourmekady, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Islandeady Pride of Place. (2007). Eva Reiter (Mechanical Engineering). Village of Islandeady, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Won Irish Award for Pride of Place for Social Inclusion and Cohesion.

Museums of Mayo Network. 2007. Bridget Ferrigan. (Museum Studies). Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Contested Community Landscapes: Mitigating Natural Resources Conflict Between Culture and Use Groups in Michigan. (2006). Rachael Loucks (Interdisciplinary Social Science—Environmental Studies). Funded for $2000 by the Land Policy Institute.

Scoping Document for the Restoration of the Victorian Walled Garden in Carnacon. (2006). LeAnne Pinney


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 (Agriscience Education). Village of Carnacon, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Hollymount Church of Ireland Church and Graveyard. (2006). J.D. DeFour (Theater). Village of Hollymount, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Tochar Valley Way: An Ecological Perspective. (2006). Rebecca Loiselle (Fisheries and Wildlife). Tochar Valley Rural Community Network, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Islandeady: Community Walks Planning for the Future. (2006). Margery Goodrich (Family and Community Services). Village of Islandeady, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Pride of Place Competition. (2006). Ryan Cook (Urban & Regional Planning) and Scott Pitera (Urban & Regional Planning). Village of Mayo Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Won Irish Award for Pride of Place for Villages Under 500.

The Heritage of Glensaul—Rediscovered. (2006). Ellen Bigford (Family and Community Services). Village of Tourmekady, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Needs Assessment for Childcare in Belcarra. (2006). John Buckler (Family and Community Services). Village of Belcarra, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

History of Mayo Abbey Schools. (2005). Glenn Sterner (M.S., Student Affairs Administration). Village of Mayo Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Community Assets/Profile. (2005). Katie Clark (Interdisciplinary Social Sciences/International Relations). Village of Belcarra, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Developing a Youth Center. (2005). Melanie Service (Family and Community Services). Town of Balla, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Needs Assessment for Childcare Services. (2005). Kelly Snape (Family and Community Services). Village of Ballintubber, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Developing Locally Distinctive Walks. (2005). Kristen Pratt (Lyman Briggs College). Village of Carnacon, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Photographs and Background Information on Tochar Villages. (2005). Kristy Braind (Criminal Justice) and Laura Potter (English). Tochar Valley Rural Community

24 Network, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

History of Killawalla Cemetery. (2005). Andrea Ragan (Parks, Recreation, and Tourism). Village of Killawalla, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Education for Special Needs Students. (2004). Erin Hanson (Special Education). Town of Balla, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Community Assets/Profile. (2004). Laura Rodgers (Environmental Studies). Village of Aughagower, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

History of Community Development in Mayo Abbey. (2004). Anthony Howell (Interdisciplinary Social Sciences/International Relations). Village of Mayo Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Environmental Education Posters and Activities. (2004). Letecia Villarreal (Fisheries and Wildlife). Village of Belcarra, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Tourist Map of Partry. (2004). Adrianne Sloat (James Madison). Village of Partry, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Design for a Village Park in Cong’s Dry Canal. (2004). Hannah Remtemah (Civil Engineering) and Mandy Hills (Parks, Recreation and Tourism). Town of Cong, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

History of Parish, Church, and Cemetery and Child Care/Creche Recommendations. (2004). Renee Worthing (Family and Community Services). Village of Ballyheane, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Design of Public Relations Materials for a Nonprofit. (2003). Erin Sneller (ANR Communications). Tochar Valley Rural Community Network, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Researching an Abandoned Famine Village. (2003). A.J. Kleinheksel (James Madison). Village of Killawalla, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Designing a Computer Lab/Community Room. (2003). Nate Sneller (Mechanical Engineering). Village of Mayo Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Mapping Community/Tourist Assets. (2003). Joanie Vernasco (Family and Community Services). Village of Partry, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Planning a Village Park. (2003). Ella Ely. (Civil Engineering) Village of Belcarra, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Youth Group Development. (2003). Sarah Tobie (Family and Community Services). Town of Balla and Village of Murrisk, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Developing Walking Tours. (2003). Elizabeth Schwind (Interdisciplinary Studies/Community Studies). Village of Clogher, Co. Mayo, Ireland.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 CURRICULUM DEVELOPED * co-developed with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, November). Publishing Your Service-Learning and Community Engaged Scholarship Knowledge Hub. Washington, DC: Campus Compact.

Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Toolkit. (2015, November). Service-learning Toolkit: A Guide for Faculty and Instructors. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University. [contributor]

Doberneck, D. M. (2014). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, 2014-2015 Guidebook. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2013). Asset-Based Community Development for on-line community engagement curriculum. (new module). Tools of Engagement.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2013). Capacity Building for Sustained Change for on-line community engagement curriculum. (significantly revised). Tools of Engagement.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, 2013-2014 Guidebook. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: The Portfolio Requirement. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, 2012-2013 Guidebook. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Glass, C. R., Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2011). Discussion Guide for Departments and Colleges About Engaged Scholarship in Promotion and Tenure: Dialogue Flash Cards. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011). Materials for the on-line Research University Engaged Scholarship Toolkit, Section B, Engaged Scholarship in Review, Promotion,

26 and Tenure (RPT).

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2008). Readiness to Work at the Engagement Interface: A Pre-flection, Self- Assessment Tool. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University. Available as Appendix M (pp. 102-103) in the MSU Service-Learning Toolkit.

Brown, R. Doberneck, D. M., & et. al. (2009, revised 2010, 2011, 2012). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, 2009-2010. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M. (2010). ISS 310 People and Place: Community Engagement in Rural Ireland Study Abroad Program. Syllabus, Readings, and Assignments. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2008). Capacity-building module for on-line community engagement curriculum, Tools of Engagement. Available at: http://outreach.msu.edu/tools/.

Doberneck, D. M. (2002). Specialization in Connected Learning. Bailey Scholars Program. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

INTERNATIONAL STUDY TOURS/WORKSHOPS ORGANIZED * co-developed with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

*Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., McNall, M., & Dann, S. L. (2012). Community Engagement Workshops for Faculty (8 workshops on 4 days). King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, March 10-13, 2012.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011). U.S.-Irish Collaborations for Community and Economic Development at the Grassroots. Higher Education Program – Irish Institute. Center for Community and Economic Development. November 17, 2011. East Lansing, MI.

*Farrell, P., Brown, R. E., Doberneck, D. M., Coursaris, C., & Crowgey, J. (2011). Community Engagement Workshop for Faculty and Administrators (10 days) from King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. July 19-27, 2011, East Lansing, MI.

*Doberneck, D. M., Lally, M., & Dann, S. L. Community Engagement in Rural Ireland Study Abroad Program in County Mayo, Ireland, faculty leader for summer program, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

*Doberneck, D. M., Community, Engagement, & Sustainability in Rural Ireland Study Abroad Program in Co. Mayo, Ireland, faculty leader for semester long program, 2008.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Dann, S. L. (2007). Rural Community and Economic Development Study Tour of


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Michigan (for Irish community economic development practitioners). November 2—12, 2007.

*Dann, S. L., Lally, M., & Doberneck, D. M. (2007). Rural Community and Economic Development Study Tour of County Mayo, Ireland (for Michigan faculty, Extension staff, & community members). June 22—July 1, 2007.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Dann, S. L. (2007). Rural Community and Economic Development Study Tour of Michigan (for Irish community economic development practitioners). April 22—May 1, 2007.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Lally, M. (2006). Rural Community and Economic Development Study Tour of County Mayo, Ireland (for Michigan faculty, Extension staff, & community members). October 22— November 1, 2006.

OTHER PRESENTATIONS, INCL. WORKSHOPS, CLASSES (NOT PEER-REVIEWED) * co-published with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Your Community Engagement Action Plan, Part II. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 6, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Publishing Your Community-Engaged Scholarship in Peer Reviewed Journals. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Recently Tenured Community Engaged Scholars Panel. Moderator. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure and Community Engaged Scholarship. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Techniques for Community Collaboration. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 7, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Community-Engaged Research and Creative Activities. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 7, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Community-Engaged Graduate Students Panel. Moderator. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 6, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Challenges and Joys of Partnering World Café. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 6, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Your Community Engagement Action Plan, Part 1. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 6, 2017.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, June). Variations in Community-Engaged Scholarship. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 5, 2017.

Doberneck, D.M. (2017, April). Communicating With Academic Audiences—Peer Reviewed Publishing. April 21, 2017. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

28 Bargerstock, B., McNall, M., & Doberneck, D. M. (2017, March). Quality, Excellence, and Rigor in Peer Review. March, 31, 2017. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Springer, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2017, February). Working with Diverse Communities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February 24, 2017. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2017, February). Capacity Building and Community Engagement. Community Sustainability Class Lecture. February 10, 2017. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2017, January). Successful Community Engagement Careers. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 13, 2017. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

McNall, M., Bargerstock, B., & Doberneck, D. M. (2017, January). Documenting your Engagement Accomplishments. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 13, 2017. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Pratt, K. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, December). Community Engaged Research and Creative Activities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. December 2, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Zientek, R., Spring, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, November). Community Engaged Teaching and Learning. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 18, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, November). Capacity Building in Community Engagement. Guest Lecture for Community Sustainability 301, November 7, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Rustem, S., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, November). Community Engaged Service and Practice. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 4, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Peterson, G., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, October). Techniques for Community Collaboration. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. October 21, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. & Dann, S.L. (2016, September). Variations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 16, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, September). Foundations of Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 16, 2016. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Your Community Engagement Action Plan: Next Steps. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 9, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Communicating with Public Audiences. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Publishing Your Community-Engaged Scholarship for Academic


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Audiences. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Recently Tenured Community Engaged Faculty Panel. Moderator. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure and Community-Engaged Scholarship. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Techniques for Community Collaboration. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 8, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Examining Published Community-Engaged Research. Facilitated small Group discussion. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 7, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June), Initiating and Sustaining Partnerships. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 7, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Community-engaged Research and Creative Activities. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 6, 2016.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, June). Variations in Community-Engaged Scholarship. MSU Summer Intensive on Community Engaged Scholarship, East Lansing, MI, June 6, 2016.

Doberneck, D.M. (2016, April). Communicating With Academic Audiences—Peer Reviewed Publishing. April 29, 2016. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B., McNall, M., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, April). Quality, Excellence, and Rigor in Peer Review. April 1, 2016. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Springer, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, February). Working with Diverse Communities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February 26, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2016, February). Capacity Building and Community Engagement. Community Sustainability Class Lecture. February 12, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2016, January). Successful Community Engagement Careers. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 15, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

McNall, M., Bargerstock, B., & Doberneck, D. M. (2016, January). Documenting your Engagement Accomplishments. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 15, 2016. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Rustem, S., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, December). Community Engaged Service and Practice. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. December 11, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

30 Zientek, R., Spring, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, December). Community Engaged Teaching and Learning. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. December 4, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2015). Community Engaged Research: Getting Started. November 20, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Pratt, K. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, November). Community Engaged Research and Creative Activities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 13, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Peterson, G., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, October). Techniques for Community Collaboration. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. October 30, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2015, September). Capacity Building in Community Engagement. Guest Lecture for Community Sustainability 301, September 23, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Dann, S. L., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, September). Variations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 18, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, September). Foundations of Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 18, 2015. Michigan State University East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Springer, N. C. (2015, September). Engaging with Diverse Patients and Communities. Guest Lecture for College of Human Medicine Residents, September 17, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B., McNall, M., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, April). Quality, Excellence, and Rigor in Peer Review. April 3, 2015. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Rustem, S., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, February). Community Engaged Service. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February 27, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2015, February). Capacity Building and Community Engagement. Community Sustainability Class Lecture. February 16, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Springer, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, January). Working with Diverse Communities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 30, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2015, January). Successful Community Engagement Careers. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 16, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

McNall, M., Bargerstock, B., & Doberneck, D. M. (2015, January). Documenting your Engagement Accomplishments. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 16, 2015. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Pratt, K. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, November). Community Engaged Research and Creative


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Activities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 14, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2014, November). Establishing community partnerships. Guest lecture for EAD 921, Leadership and Transformation. Lecture and workshop. November 1, 2014.

Peterson, G., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, October). Techniques for Community Engagement. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. October 31, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2014, September). Listening: Key practice in establishing community-university partnerships. Guest lecture for EAD 921, Leadership and Transformation. On-line lecture. September 30, 2014.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2014, September). Variations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 26, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, September). Foundations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 26, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2014, June). Program feature: MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Delegation. June 3, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2014, June). Service learning publication opportunities. Lingnan University, Hong Kong Delegation. June 3, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Whitley, M. (2014, April). Strategies for Successful Engagement Careers. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. April 11, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Chalou, C., Berquist, B., Yoder, S., Delgado, V., Doberneck, D. M., & Akwako, B. A. (2014, April). Community Engagement Abroad. April 16, 2014. Faculty & Organizational Development, Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.

Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., & Miles McNall. (2014, March). Community Engagement Scholarship: Making the Connections to Bolder by Design. Faculty & Organizational Development’s Leadership and Administrator Seminar Series, March 11, 2014, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Springer, N. C., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, February). Critical Reflections on Identity and Culture. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February 21, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

LaMore, R., Melcher, J., & Doberneck, D. M. (2014, January). Capacity Building for Sustained Change. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. January 10, 2014. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Zientek, R., Springer, N.C., & Doberneck, D. M. with Dann, S. L. (2013, December). Community Engaged Teaching and Learning. December 6, 2013. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

32 Pratt, K. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, November). Community Engaged Research and Creative Activities. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 22, 2013. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Peterson, G., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, November). Techniques for Community Engagement. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 15, 2013. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, October). Community engagement and engaged scholarship: What do we mean by participation? Guest lecture in ACR 800 Foundations in Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies. October 23, 2013. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2013, October). Variations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. October 4, 2013. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B. A., & Doberneck, D. M. (2013, September). Foundations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 20, 2013. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, September). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Class presentation in department of Social Work. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, September). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Information Session. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, August). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement Overview. Orientation presentation to Department of Community Sustainability. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, August). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Graduate Resource Fair. MSU Union, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, August). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement Overview. Orientation presentation to the School of Social Work. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, April). Alignment for Successful Community Engagement. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. April 5, 2013. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, March). Capacity Building for Sustained Change. Guest Lecture for ACR 202 Problem Solving in Community, Agriculture, and Environment. March 28, 2013. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Fitzgerald, H. F., Doberneck, D. M., & et. al. (2013, March). Introduction to Outreach and Engagement: Community-Based Research—Centrality of Engaged Scholarship at Michigan State. Faculty and Organizational Development Workshop. March 22, 2013. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M., & Springer, N. C. (2013, March). Critical Reflections on Community Engagement. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. March 1, 2013. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Doberneck, D. M., Brown, R., & Reed, C. S. (2013, February). Techniques for Community Engagement. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February 22, 2013. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2013, February). Asset-based Approaches to Community Development. Guest Lecture for ACR 202 Problem Solving in Community, Agriculture, and Environmental Systems. February 19, 2013. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, November). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. Brownbag for Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures Department. November 9, 2012. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2012, November). Capacity building and Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 2, 2012. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, November). Community and Community Development. Guest lecture for ACR 800 Foundations of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies. November 14, 2012. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2012, October). Variations in Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. October 19, 2012. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.

Bargerstock, B., & Doberneck, D. M. (2012, September). Fundamentals of Community Engaged Scholarship. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 21, 2012. Michigan State University. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, September). Information Session for MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. September 9, 2012. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, August). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement Overview. Orientation presentation at the Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Department. August 27, 2012. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, August). MSU Graduate Certification in Community Engagement Overview. Orientation presentation at the School of Planning, Design, and Construction. August 27, 2102. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2012, August). MSU Graduate Resource Fair. MSU Union. August 25, 2012. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., (2012, March). Asset-based approaches to community development. Guest lecture in ACR 202, Problem-solving in Community, Agriculture, and Environmental Systems. March 29, 2012.

Doberneck, D. M., LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2011, December). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit, Part 2: Dialogue on Practice and Ethics. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. December 2, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, December). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit: Tools of Engagement

34 (Module 5). Honors College class. December 1, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2011, November). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit, Part 1. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November 18, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, November). US-Irish Collaborations for Community and Economic Development at the Grassroots. Higher Education Program—Irish Institute. November 17, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, October). Asset-based approaches to community engagement. Guest lecture in ACR 800, Foundations and Concepts of Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies. October 26, 2011. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, September). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: Overview. Class Presentation for Social Work, September 13, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, September). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: Fall Information Session. September 9, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: Overview. Orientation presentation at the Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies Department, August 30, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

LaMore, R., Melcher, J., & Doberneck, D. M. (2011, July). Planning, managing, and implementing community engagement. Workshop for King Faisal University delegation. July 20, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, April). Strategic Doing Facilitation at the Transforming Transportation Research Corridor Consortium (2 sessions). April 4-6, 2011. Detroit, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2011, March). Asset-based community and economic development. Guest lecture in ACR 202, Problem solving in community, agricultural, and natural resource systems. March 22, 2011. East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Brown, R. E. (2011, March). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement Portfolio Workshop. March 18, 2011. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., Schweitzer, J. H., & Miller, P. K. (2011, February). The Matter of Origins Evaluation, University of Maryland, College Park. Briefing for NSF officer. February 3, 2011. Washington, DC.

*Sturdevant Reed, C., Schweitzer, J. H., Doberneck, D. M., & Miller, P. K. (2011, January). Evaluating informal learning environments. Community Evaluation Research Collaborative Workshop, East Lansing, MI, January 21, 2011.

Doberneck, D. M., Fear, F. A., & Robinson, C. (2010, November). Community Engagement in Ireland Study Abroad. University-wide Study Abroad Working Group on Community Engagement. November, 2010. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Robinson, C. (2010, November). Community Engagement in Ireland: Opportunities


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 for Study Abroad Experiences in the Bailey Scholars Program. November, 2010. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2010, November). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit, Part 2. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. November, 2010, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2010, October). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit, Part 1. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. October, 2010, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., & Brown, R. (2010, September). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: Orientation Session. September, 2010. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2010, April). Asset-based community and economic development. Guest lecture in ACR 202, Problem solving in community, agricultural, and natural resource systems. April 8, 2010, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2010, August). Graduate Certification in Community Engagement: Overview. Orientation presentation at the Community, Agriculture, Recreation, and Resource Studies Department, August, 2010. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2010, February). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit, Part 2. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February, 2010. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M., LaMore, R., & Melcher, J. (2010, February). Capacity Building for Mutual Benefit, Part 1. Graduate Certification in Community Engagement. February, 2010. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. & Lillis, S. (2009, September). Mapping Civic Engagement with Higher Education in Ireland. Seminar for MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, September 18, 2009, East Lansing, MI.

*Fitzgerald, H. E., Bargerstock, B., Thornton, D., Brown, R. E., Doberneck, D. M., Allen, A. (2008, March). Influencing the professoriate: a systems approach to faculty development at Michigan State University. Conference presentation at the Mildred B. Erickson Distinguished Chair in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education Colloquium. March 2008). East Lansing, MI.

*LaMore, R., Corey, K., Supanich-Goldner, F., Doberneck, D. & Hampe, S. (2007, March). Northern Michigan and the Global Knowledge Economy. Workshop for the Northern Economic Network Meeting. March 20, 3007. Gaylord, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (2006). Community and Economic Development in Rural Ireland and Northern Michigan. Presque Isle County Economic Development Commission. Rogers City, MI.

Campa, H., Winterstein, S. R., Millenbah, K. F., & Doberneck, D. M. (1999). Teaching Innovations in Agriculture and Natural Resources: Conversations about Teaching and Learning. Lilly Fellows Program. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.


36 * co-written with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

Triezenberg, H. & others. (2017, March, out for review). Community-Engaged Scholarship for Scientists and Stakeholders. COHH_3 sub-award National Institutes of Health, Impacts of Climate Change on Oceans and the Great Lakes.

Chan, R., & others. (2017, out for review), R345-11-2017 Compassionate PATH: Using meditation and self-compassion skills to improve self-management of chronic disease.

Chan, R., & others. (2016). R34 5-11-2016 Compassionate PATH: Using meditation and self-compassion skills to improve self-management of chronic disease. Not Funded.

*Borstel, J. (2013). Moving Field Guides: Arts-based Modes and Methods for Arts-based Environmental Learning. Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) National Science Foundation. $250,000. Under review. (Doberneck, Miller, & Schweitzer evaluation sub-contract). Not funded.

Farrell, P. A., Doberneck, D. M., Coursaris, C., & Crowgey, J. (2011, April). Community Engagement Workshops for King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. $49,000. Funded.

*Doberneck, D. M., Lally, M., & Tiernan, J. (2011, March). “Strategic Doing” in the Rural West of Ireland: Research Proposal for Office of Study Abroad, 2011. Not Funded.

*Schweitzer, J. H. & Doberneck, D. M. (2010). Evaluation of The Matter of Origins. $73,338. Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, Tacoma Park, MD. Funded.

Doberneck, D. M., Almerigi, J. A., Edwards, W., & Thornton, D. (2009). Junior Faculty Retention: Gender, Race, Publicly Engaged Scholarship and Job Satisfaction. $23,039. Creating Inclusive Excellence Grants. Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives. Not funded.

Grabill, J., Guinsatao Monberg, T., Doberneck, D. M., & Almerigi, J. B. (2009). Developing Civic Identity to Facilitate Sustained Citizen Action. $268,814. The Spencer Foundation. Not funded.

*Doberneck, D. M., & J. Almerigi, J. B. (2008). GRAND learning network evaluation contract from Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative. $13,700. MSU University Outreach and Engagement. Michigan State University. Funded.

*Van Egeren, L., & Doberneck, D. M. (2006-2008). Evaluation of Creating Entrepreneurial Communities. $10,000. MSU University Outreach and Engagement. Michigan State University. Funded.

*Loveridge, S., Dann, S. L., & Doberneck, D. M. (2006-2008). Enhancing Agricultural Based Economic Development in Rural Areas: A Partnership to Internationalize Teaching, Research, and Extension. $100,000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, CSREES, Internationalizing Science and Education. Funded.

Kotval, Z., & LaMore, R. (2006). Strengthening America’s Regions: A Curriculum for Economic Development Practitioners. $140,099. PIs: U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Not funded.

Bassett, E., Doberneck, D. M., & LaMore, R. (2006). “Greening” Nonprofit Management: An Assessment of Sustainable Practice and Policy in Michigan. $35,628. PIs. Michigan Nonprofit Association. Not funded.

*Doberneck, D. M., & Loucks, R., (2006). Contested Community Landscapes: Mitigating Natural


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Resources Conflict Between Culture and User Groups in Michigan. $2,000. PIs: Land Policy Institute, Michigan State University. Funded.

Syal, M., & LaMore, R. (2006). Sustainable Planning, Design, & Construction: Value-Added Impact on the Built Environment Industries. $100,000. Environmental Research Initiative, Michigan State University. Funded.

Doberneck, D. M., Corey, K. E., Wilson, M. I., & LaMore, R., (2005). Knowledge-Based Economic Development in Michigan, $48,000. Community Vitality Program, Michigan State University. Funded.

LaMore, R., Melcher, J., Supanich-Goldner, F., & Doberneck, D. M. (2005). Building the Capacity of Michigan’s Economic Development Professionals to Adjust to the Global, Knowledge Economy. $159,550. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Funded.

*LaMore, R. (2005). Community Leadership Action Program (CLAP), $82,298. Public Welfare Foundation. Not funded.

*LaMore, R., (2005). Voter Mobilization in Public Housing, $150,000. JEHT (Justice, Equity, Humanity, Tolerance) Foundation. 2005. Not funded.

LaMore, R., Melcher, J., & Supanich-Goldner, F. (2005). Michigan State University Economic Development Administration. $453,874. U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Not funded.

*LaMore, R. (2005). Building Resilient Communities in Northeastern Michigan, $165,000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Community Development Initiative (RCDI). Not funded.

Biernbaum, J., Thorp, L., & Dann, S.L. (2005). Coming Home to Eat: Creating a Residential Curriculum for Leadership and Change for Sustainable Food Systems. $149,595 U.S. Department of Agriculture, CSREES, Higher Education Challenge Grant. Not funded.

Wright, D. E., Triemer, L., & Doberneck, D. M. (2004). RCR Summit: Responsible Conduct of Research Conference, $20,000. Public Health Service/Office of Research Integrity. Funded.

Tomlinson, T., (2003). Training for Scholarship in Research Ethics, 2004-2008, $725,256. National Institutes of Health/Fogarty International Bioethics. Funded.

Biernbaum, J., Thorp, L., & Hamm, M. (2003). Building Curriculum Around a Student-Oriented, Year Round Farm, $100,000. U.S. Department of Agriculture, CSREES, Higher Education Challenge Grant. Funded.

*Coon, T., & Burton, J. (1998). Multi-stakeholder Internship Program in Food and Agricultural Sciences, $169,417. U.S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement for Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), Not funded.

EVALUATION STUDIES, TECHNICAL REPORTS, & PRACTITIONER ORIENTED PUBLICATIONS * co-published with undergraduate, graduate student, or community partner

Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012,

38 October). Who’s publishing what?: Publication patterns in seven community engagement journals. Summary Handout. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D.M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). Evaluation of reflective dialogue and shared sense-making at the art/science/engagement interface. Evaluation rubric. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). The Matter of Origins Tea Server/Local Dancer Multi-site Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P.K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). The Matter of Origins Provocateur/Tea Table Facilitator Multi-site Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

* Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). The Matter of Origins: Multi-site Evaluation of National Science Foundation EArly Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Program. Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). The Matter of Origins, Contemporary Museum of Art-Chicago. November 9-13, 2011. Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Miller, P. M., Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). The Matter of Origins, Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ, April 11, 2011. Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

* Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, October). The Matter of Origins, Montclair State University. March 24-27, 2011. Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., & Schweitzer, J. H.


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 (2012, October). Time Has Set the Table For Tea: A Matter of Origins Project. February 24, 2011. Wesleyan University. Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Doberneck, D. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, September). Who’s publishing what?: Publication patterns in seven community engagement journals. Summary Handout. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. M., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2012, September). Evaluation of reflective dialogue and shared sense-making at the art/science/engagement interface. Evaluation Rubric. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Schweitzer, J. H., Miller, P. K. (2012, May). The Matter of Origins, University of Maryland, College Park. September 9-12, 2010. Evaluation Research Report. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Female Faculty Workshop Participants, Doberneck, D. M., & Dann, S. L. (2012, March). Highlights of expressions we have discussed. Community Engagement Workshops. King Faisal University, March 10-13, 2012.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (significantly revised, 2011). Discussion guide for departments and colleges about engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Doberneck, D. M., Miller, P. K., Schweitzer, J. H., & Borstel, J. (2011, Fall). Liz Lerman and the Dance Exchange’s The Matter of Origins. Evaluation Findings Idea Book. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

Doberneck, D. M. (2010, August). Strengthening place-based education in mid-Michigan elementary schools: An evaluation of professional development activities organized by The GRAND Learning Network, Phase 1. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement.

*Doberneck, D. M. & Hampe, S. (2010, July). Knowledge economy business study. Center for Community and Economic Development: East Lansing,

40 MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2010, March). Developmentally Appropriate Approaches to Evaluating Place-Based Education in Younger Children. National Collaborative for the Study of University Engagement. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Van Egeren, L.A., Rana, M. Doberneck, D. M, McNall, M., Fails, B., & Loveridge, S. (2009, December). Coaching as a Community Development Strategy: An Evaluation of the Creating Entrepreneurial Communities Pilot Project. Community Evaluation Research Center. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2009). Institutional Report: Scholarly Outreach and Engagement Reported by Successfully Tenured Faculty at Michigan State University, 2002-2006. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2009). Discussion Guide for Departments and Colleges: Scholarly Outreach and Engagement Reported by Successfully Tenured Faculty at Michigan State University, 2002-2006. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. (2009). A Typology of Scholarly Outreach and Engagement: Scholarly Outreach and Engagement Reported by Successfully Tenured Faculty at Michigan State University, 2002-2006. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Glass, C. R., & Schweitzer, J. H. (2009). Individual College Reports: Scholarly Outreach and Engagement Reported by Successfully Tenured Faculty at Michigan State University, 2002- 2006. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

*Glass, C. R., Doberneck, D. M & Schweitzer, J. (2009). Expanding the definition of scholarship to include engagement: Summary of the 2001 revisions to


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 the reappointment, promotion, and tenure form at Michigan State University. The Engagement Exchange, No. 1. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2009). Strategic business plan for the Tochar Valley Rural Community Network. County Mayo, Ireland. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. (2009). Strategic Considerations for the Tochar Valley Rural Community Network. County Mayo, Ireland. East Lansing, MI: University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. & McNall, M. (2007, October). The CASTL Fellows Program Evaluation Study: Summary and Recommendations for the Future. The National Center for the Study of University Engagement, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. & Supanich-Goldner, F. (2007). ACE Net of Ohio. Knowledge Economy Best Practice. Center for Community and Economic Development, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. & Supanich-Goldner, F. (2007). BioTech Bound. Knowledge Economy Best Practice. Center for Community and Economic Development, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. & Supanich-Goldner, F. (2007). Corpus Christi Digital Community Development Corporation. Knowledge Economy Best Practice. Center for Community and Economic Development, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. & Supanich-Goldner, F. (2007). Mosh!Pit. Knowledge Economy Best Practice. Center for Community and Economic Development, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Doberneck, D. M. & Supanich-Goldner, F. (2007). Tech Town. Knowledge Economy Best Practice. Center for Community and Economic Development, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

Supanich-Goldner, F. LaMore, R. L., Melcher, J., Corey, K. E., Wilson, M., Doberneck, D. M., &

42 Hampe, S. (2007). Economic Development in a Global Knowledge Economy: A Guide for Local Practice. Center for Community and Economic Development, University Outreach and Engagement, Michigan State University.

LaMore, R. & et. al. (April 2006). The Community and Economic Development Program, Self Study Report. Urban and Regional Planning Program, School of Planning, Design, & Construction, Michigan State University.

*Doberneck, D. M., Mitchell, C., Chamblee, M. & Burhardt. P. (2000). The Practice Ethic for Faculty and Student Learning Conveners. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Whitmore, R. & Doberneck, D. M. (2000). Bailey at Year Two: Evolution of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars Program. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Doberneck, D. M. (1997). The Life of Liberty Hyde Bailey: a Brief Biography. Occasional Paper #1, The Liberty Hyde Bailey Scholars Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

*Tying it together in Tuscola: Tuscola County Community Assessment Team Report. (June 2006).


Bath Farmers Market Evaluation Grant, 2016-2017 Edgewood Village Housing Authority, board retreat facilitator, 2014 Bath Township Community Garden Meeting, facilitator, 2012 Southern Clinton County Farm and Food Coalition, consultant & facilitator, 2010-2011 Bailey Neighborhood Association (East Lansing), board member 2004-2005; chair 2006-2007 Get Bugged & Beyond, science education outreach program to Lansing School District, 2002


Michigan & United States Crain’s Detroit Business, “Digital reside: IT firms grown in W. Michigan, incentives to set roots mostly not from government,” May 10, 2011 Midland Daily News, “Irish Group Inspired by Midland,” November 9, 2007 MSU International, Off. of International Development, “MSU Students Win Irish Award,” Spring 2007 MSU Urban & Regional Planning News, “Student Awards,” pg. 9, Spring 2007 Presque Isle County Advance, “Ireland Study Group travels to PIC,” April 19, 2007 Presque Isle County Advance, “Three Presque Isle County Members Take MSU Study Tour in Ireland,” December 21, 2006 43

Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Alpena News, “Trio Travel to Ireland for Fresh Ideas,” November 24, 2006

Co. Mayo, Ireland Mayo News, “Exchanging Ideas,” June 20, 2007 Mayo News, “US Students Working to Benefit Mayo Communities,” May 22, 2007 Castlebar Community Radio, Study Tour to Michigan, Pauline McDermott, May 2007 Castlebar Community Radio, Study Tour to Ireland, Pauline McDermott, November 2006 Mayo News, “Mayo Abbey Builds Strong Links with Michigan State University,” October 26, 2006


International service-learning, community-engagement, education abroad committee, 2016- Faculty and Organizational Development, faculty advisory board member, 2015-2016 International Studies & Programs/UOE Global Engagement Series committee, 2016-2019 Dept. of Community Sustainability position search committee, 2016 Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement, Specialist, Chair search committee, 2014 Carnegie Engagement Reclassification Team, committee member, 2014 Engaged Scholar Speaker Series, Coordinator, 2008— 2011 Lily Asquith, Robert Sternberg—Fall 2011 Alan Leshner, Bill Ivey, David Cooper—Spring 2010 Bill Davidson & Stephen Fawcett—Fall 2009 Phi Kappa Phi, MSU Chapter, Fellowship Reviewer, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 National Outreach Scholarship Conference Planning Committee, Global & international track, 2011 Study abroad and community engagement university- wide working group—2010-2012 Sustainability specialization team—civic engagement competency—2010-2012 Students as Collaborative Partners in Development (university-wide committee), 2008—2009 College of Ag. & Nat. Resources working group on study abroad, 2008—2010 MSU Community & Economic Development Program Self-Study Committee, 2006 Office of Study Abroad, Scholarship Reviewer, 2000— 2006 MSU Colloquy on Teaching and Learning planning committee, 1998-2005 MSU Committee on Graduate Research Mentoring, 2003-2004 Univ. Committee for a Sustainable Campus (education, food committees), 2001-2003 Diversity & Pluralism Committee, College of

44 Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2002


National Professional Development Programs Emerging Engaging Scholars Workshop, national planning committee member, 2015, 2016, 2017 Emerging Engaging Scholars Workshop, mentor, 2014, 2015, 2016

Journal Reviewer Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, reviewer, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016 Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, reviewer Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, 2015, 2016 International Journal of Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement, reviewer, 2016 Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, reviewer, 2016

Conference Proposal Reviews and Leadership Engagement Scholarship Conference, 2014, 2016, 2017 Internat’l. Assn. for Research on Service Learning and Civic Engagement, reviewer, 2012, 2015 Campus-Community Partnerships, Program Development, and Sustainability Section Chair, 2015-16 Ethics Section Chair, 2017 National Outreach Scholarship Conference, conference proposal reviewer, 2010, 2011, 2012

Grant Reviews Michigan Campus Compact Mini-Grant Reviewer, 2016 National Science Foundation SES Sociology Grant Proposal review, 2011

CES4Health.org Peer reviewer of non-traditional community engagement products, 2014—present

Pen to Paper Writing Retreat proposal reviewer, 2017


International Association for Community Development, 2009—present All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE), 2009 —present International Association for Research on Service Learning and Civic Engagement, 2008—present Association of Continuing Higher Education , 2007— 2011 Community Development Society, International Committee, 2005—2007; member 2005—present American Planning Association, Small Town & Rural Planning Division, 2005—2007 Michigan Society of Planners, 2005—2007 Rural Sociology Society, 2005—2007


Doberneck, c.v., June 2017 Michigan Campus Compact Faculty Steering Committee, 2002—2010


H. Paul Roberts Award for Distinguished Service in Study Abroad, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2011 MSU 1st Annual Curricular Service-learning and Civic Engagement Award, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2008 Faculty Award for Scholarship and Community, Bailey Scholars Program, 2008 Pride of Place Award for Social Inclusion & Cohesion. Islandeady project, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 2007 Pride of Place Award for Villages under 500. Mayo Abbey project, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 2006 Outstanding Academic Advisor, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, MSU, 2001 Phi Kappa Phi Excellence Award for Interdisciplinary Scholarship/Bailey Scholars Program, 2000 Templeton Foundation Colleges with Character/Bailey Scholars Program, MSU, 1999 Fulbright-Hays Foreign Language & Area Studies for Kiswahili, 1994 Quality Service Awards, UCLA Residence Life, 1994 High Five Award for Quality Programming Excellence, UCLA, 1994 University Scholars Program, Penn State University, 1991


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