Carrots Love Tomatoes

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Carrots Love Tomatoes

Carrots love tomatoes Secrets of companion planting

Common Name Scientific Qualities Goes with Don’t go Name with Absinthium Artemisia Also called Flower beds absinthium worrnwood, and around this plant is choice grown as a evergreens. border to keep animals from the garden. Alder Alnus tenufolia Smal, water- Hedges, for it loving tree, helps to hold grows very the soil. rapid and serves special uses. Alfafa Medicago One of the Deep soil sativa most power without nitrogen- hardpan or fixers of all underlying legumes. rock layer. Deep rooted. Dandelions. In pastures will give shelter for shallower rooting grasses. Algae Allium Allium Vegetable Ornamental- alliums are roses Chives, garlic, Flowering- dry leek, onion soil and shallot. Winter hardy, can be left in place year after year. Aloe Vera Aloaceae Nature’s own Warm medicine climates; plant. Has the indoors in pots. ability to close Powdered the stomata to aloes dusted on prevent water plants repel loss. rabbits. Amaranth Amaranthus Usually found Potatoes, retroflexus in disturbed onions and ground, it is corn but should one of the best be kept weeds for thinned. pumping nutrients from the subsoil. High protein, Vitamin C and A content. Anise Pimpinella The seeds are Coriander anisum used in many dishes. Absinthe and medicine is made from the oil. The flower is used to flavour muscatel wine. Asparagus Asparagus The fronds Parsley, basil officinalis shouldn’t be cut until late in the fall as the roots need this top growth to enable them to make spears the next spring. Aster Asteroids Soil indicator. Low moist soil Bushy type= need for drainage; Sea aster is a salt/soda collector; Woody= alkaline soil Azelea Ericaceae Humusy, acid Black walnut soil, holly, pieris, rhododendrons.

Basil Ocimum Small plant, Tomatoes, Rue basilicum one to two asparagus feet. Used as kitchen herb on many dishes Bean, Bush Phaseolus Included with Cucumbers, Onions vulgaris bush beans are strawberry, those known corn in as butter, gree, alternate rows snap, string or and celery at a wax beans. proportion of one celery to 6- 7 beans. Bean, Lima Phaseolus Locust tree Onions, wet limensis Bean, Pole Corn, summer Onions, savory, radish beets, kohlrabi and sunflower Beebalm Monarda . Tomatoes Beech Fagus In its infancy Ferns and it does well in scilla bulbs the shadow of other trees Beet Beta vulgaris Bush beans, Pole beans onions, kohlrabi Bay Lauris nobilis Its leaves put in stored grains such as wheat, rice, rye, beans, oats and corn will eliminate weevils. Birch Betula Compost and manure, at a distance of at least 6 feet. Black Alder Ilex vericillata The root Wet soils, nodules add willow. nitrogen to the soil. It is the only non- leguminous that does so. Blackberry Rubus Mulberry, allegheniensis chokecherries and elderberries. Trees. Black Nightshade Solanaceae Potatoes Root crops Borage Boraginaceae Excelent Orchard, as provider of border for potassium, strawberry calcium and beds. other natural Honeybees minerals. feast on the blossoms. Botanical Sprays Rotenone Comes from the derris root. Soak the roots overnight in a small amount of water, crush them the next day and return to water to boil. The resulting extract is the inseticide. Nicotine Tobacco, nicotine and nicotine sulfate, has been used as an insecticide since the late seventeenth century. Quassia Intensily bitter making it a effective inseticide. Ryania Puts insects in a state of paralysis, causing them to stop feeding. Sabadilla The extract of the seeds es effective against a large number of insects. Oil sprays Prperly used at a right time, dormant oil sprays are effective, particularly in orchards, against many chewing and sucking insects.

Broccoli Brassica Aromatic Tomatoes, oleraceae plants: dill, bush beans celery, and camomile, strawberries sage, peppermint, rosemary; potatoes, beets and onions. Broom Bush Sarothamnus Poorest, vulgaris stoniest soils, sandy, slightly to medium acid soils. Buckwheat Fagopyrum Valuable soil Winter esculentum builder, Wheat collects a lot of calcium. Used as so it will take te light from low-growing weeds and plowed as green manure it will sweeten the soil. Burdock Arctium Do not allow wild burdocks to grow since they are robbers of the soil. Particularly do no allow them to go to seeds. Butternut Juglans cinerea See Walnut Cabbage Brassicaceae Hyssop, thyme, Strawberries, wormwood, tomatoes and southernwood. pole beans. Celery, dill, camomile, sage, peppermint, rosemary, onions and potatoes. Mulching Calamus Araceae It is said that mosquitos are never found in swamps or standing water where calamus is growing. Calendula Calendula See Marigold officinalis Camomile Chamomile Highly Cabbages, aromatic, onions should be planted a t a rate of one plant every 150 feet. Caraway Carum carvi It is put in rye Peas. After bread for its harvesting the aromatic peas, harrow flavor and to the area and make it more the caraway digestible. will come up. Carrot Daucus carota Lime, humus, Dill. Should potash, nions, be stored leek, rosemary, away from wormwood, apples. sage, lettuce, tomatoes. Castor Bean Ricinus Repel moles communis and mosquitoes. Poisonous to livestock and humans. Catnip Nepeta cataria Contains an insect repellent oil and fresh catnip steeped in water and sprinkled on plants will send flea bettles scurrying. Fresh picked placed on infested shelves will drive away black ants. Cauliflower Brassicaceae Celery Tomatoes, strawberries. Celeriac Apium As the root Leeks and Graveolens starts to runner beans in rapaceum enlarge the alternate rows. crown may be helped to better development and higher quality by removing the fine roots and the oil attached to it. Celery Apium Leeks, graveolens tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, bush beans. Charlock Brassica The seeds and Grains fields arvensis those of wild radish can lie dormant for 50-60 years and show up when the field is planted with grain. Chayote Secium edule Perennial Cucumbers tropical vie, which bears delicious, light green, pear shaped fruits. Cherry Prunus avium Potatoes, wheat Chervil Anthriscus Partial shade, cerefolium radishes. Chestnut Castanea Hardwood forests, oak Chinese Celery Brassica Easy to grow Brussel Cabbage chinensis it is one of the sprouts, oldest cauliflowers. vegetable crops in china Chive Allium Carrots. Apple schoenoprasum orchards. As a tea spray for apple scrab and powdery mildew on gooseberries and cucumber. Cinquefoil Potentilla Very acid soils, Grasses. monspeliensis dry. Clovers, butternut or gray walnut tree. Citrus Citrus Lime, lemon, Guava, live orange and oak and rubber grapefruit. tree Clover Leguminosae Grapes, grasses Henbane and members of the buttercup family. Collard Brassica As a source of Tomatoes oleracea, var greens, are acephala more nutritious than heading cabbage. Comfrey Symphytum Also called officinale knitbone or healing herb, is high in calcium, potassium and phosphorus, vitamin A and C. Coreopsis Calliopsis In the flower bed is useful as an insect control for nearby plants. Coriander Coriandrum As seeds ripen Helps anise Hinders seed sativum the seeds and germinate formation of foliage gain a fennel delicious fragrance which intensifies as it dries. Corn Zea mays Potatoes, peas, Tomatoes beans, cucumbers, melons, pole beans, pumpkin and squash. Cotton Gossypium Alfafa Crab Grass Digitaria It it show up n In a lawn sanguinalis the garden try fertilization to conquer it will enable the by frequent more desirable cultivation grasses to grow vigorously. Crowfoot Ranuncaulacea Cattle will not Clover suffer e eat the acrid, tremendous caustic plant. inhibition due to the substance of the buttercup Cucumber Cucumis sativa Corn,beans, Potatoes, peas, radishes, aromatic sunflowers, a herbs. bit shaded areas. Cypress Spurge Euphorbia Escaped from Do not let it cyparissias the eastern grow near gardens where grapes for it was grow as the vines an ornamental may become sterile. Dandelion Taraxacum Soil around it It exhale officinale is liked by ethylene gas earthworms, which limits for this plant both the is a natural height and humus- growth of producer. neighboring They bring up plants. I t minerals, also causes especially nearby calcium. flowers and fruits to mature early. Datura Datura All parts are The smoke of stramonium poisonous but dried leaves is still a source calming to of valuable honeybees medicine. when opening a hive. Daylily Hemerocallis Not generally Planted with It know is the is in steep fact that areas will hold daylilies are a the soil. tasty food. Dead Nettle Lamium album Also grows in damp places in filtered sunlight, valuable companion for the garden and grain crops. Devils Shoestring Tephrosia There are virginiana nineteen species of this weed that have insecticidal properties. Dill Anethum Cabbage Does not do graveolens well by carrots and if allowed to mature will greatly reduce that crop. Dock Rumex crisous Curled dock is Good to calm both a food the pain of and a stinging nettle. medicine. It Crush the juicy has a high leaves and rub vitamin C on the affected content and area. also vitamin A. Dusty Miller Cinerara Plant this around prized flowers to repel rabbits and other animals. Dyers Greenwood Genista Bees like it for tinctoria its honey and sheep and goats like to graze it. Eelgrass Zostera marina It has a content of protein and starch similar to that of grains grown on land. It is the only ocean plant known which has a grain used as a humam food. Eggplant Solanum Redroot melongena pigweed, green beans. Elderberry Sambucus Elderberries Moist soil, near nigra/ are noted for compos yards Sambucus their ability to difficult to Canadensis produce very drain will assit fine humus compost soil around its fermentation. roots Elecampane Inula helenium It came to America as a healer, used as home remedy. Its roots contain inulin, a usable starch as a replacement for ordinary starch in the diet of diabetics. Elm Ulmus As supports for grapevines they are beneficial. Esparsette Onobrychis Perennial As border plant viciaefolia forage for small legume, takes grains or several years vegetables, and to mature but in thin stan it then it gives 3 aids growth of crops a year. corn. Good food for cattle and humans. Euphorbia Euphobiaceae Good to plant A few well- near young placed plants fruit trees of caper spurge will deter moles and mice Fennel Nigella sativa Its valuable Most plants for its masses dislike of fringed fennes and it foliage. Mixed should be with planted well peppermint away from leaves it also the vegetable makes a a garden. delicious tea. Coriander, wormwood Fern, Male Dryopteris filix- It has been Compost made mas recognized for of ferns assists centuries that tree seeding fern has and is useful to medicinal tree nurseries properties to encourage germination. Ferfew Chrysanthemum It has insect parthenium repellent properties Flax Linum Carrots and usiatissimum potatoes Fleabane Erigeron It has an acrid oil that acts as a mosquito repellent Foxglove Digitalis A very It has a powerful drug beneficial extract is influence on made from plants growing this plant near it. Its tea can be used to keep cut flowers fresh Fruit Trees Nuts trees Benefit from usually take a an little longer to interplanting of bear than fruit 15% mustard trees. with clovers. Interplant with Chives, garlic, peanuts. onions, nasturtiums, horseradish, southernwood and stinging nettle Garlic Allium sativum Makes a very In a circle Peas and efficient around fruit beans insecticide trees, vetch, roses, grains storage, tomatoes Garlic, Meadow Allium vineale Gives a bad In wheat will taste to milk if spoil the eaten by cows. flour It has a definite health value, and medicines made from it are of value against high blood pressure and sclerosis. Geranium Pelargonium Try making Roses, grapes apple jelly and corn flavoured with rose geranium Ginseng Panax When raised Wild ginseng quinquefolium in beds for needs the commercial companionship use it is of trees to covered with provide filtered lattice-work to sunlight. proect it from heat of the sun which would kill it. The Chinese believes that it can cure almost any disease Gladiolous Gladioulous Pea, beans Goldenrod Solidago There are more than 60 species, some grow in dry soil low in humes, some grow in moist humus rich soil. Grass, Crab Digitaria Is one of the sanguinalis worst lawn pests. Handpulling is recommended on lawns (before they form a mat), and much and frequent cultivation in gardens Hazelnut Corylus In ancient Valuable cover In some times many and food for forests it believed that a wildlife. Cows forms such forked hazel like to nibble dense twig had on the leaves, thickets that supernatural which are very the tree powers, with beneficial seedlings references to cannot grow it in the Bible, where also the Romans used it to divine for water or precious metals Hemp Cannabis sativa It is unlawful It has to grow hemp beneficial so one should effects on first check plants growing with nearby for the authorities the volatile substances it excretes prevent the growing of certain pathogenic microbes, cabbage Henbane Hyoscyamus All parts of niger L. the plant contain poisonous alkaloids, and even hogs sometimes are killed by eating it Honeybees Apis mellifera Both in the Herb plants garden and the orchard they are important for pollination. When hiving a new swarm, rub the hive’s inside with lemon balm Horehound Marrubian It was one of Tomatoes vulgare the five bitter herbs required to be eaten during Passover. The Romans considered it a good, and sometimes magical herb Horseradish Ammoracia Potatoes, a tea rusticana made from it can be helpful against monila on apple trees Horsetail Equisetum This is a Made into a arvenseL. healing herb spray it is whose many particularly uses have not useful against received powder fungus proper and curly leaf attention.#The on peach. It plant doesn’t also control produce mildew on flowers or roses, seeds, but vegetables, send up fertile grapes and sporebearing stone fruits and stems has been found resembling to have a cell- catkins. The strenghtening green shoot action contain a high percentage of silica Hyssop Hyssopus A compress of Bees are very Radish officinalis the leaves is fond of its good for flowers removing black and blue from bruises. Jerusalem Helianthus They are a Corn Artichoke tuberosus type of sunflower and shoul not be confused with the globe artichoke. It contains substances in the roots that can be turned into Levulose an important sweetener for diabetics Jewelweed Impatiens Is an excellent Poison Ivy biflora/ I. remedy for pallida poison ivy. The young tender sprouts are edible, cooked like greenbeans Kale Brassica It will stand Late cabbages, Oats oleracea most average potatoes acephala winters if given a little protection Knotweed Polygonum Are In pastures aviculare characterized they are by knots on troublesome their stems for sheeps from which branches grow. Rich in silica Kohlrabi Brassicaceae It is a Onions, beets, Strawberries, demanding aromatic plants tomatoes and plant, needing and pole beans plenty of cucumbers water but good drainage, as well as good supplies of compost Korean Grass Zoysia japonica This is a In hot, dry group of east climates is Asiatic very effective perennial with succulents creeping as the grasses porcelain-like aeonium Lambs Quarter Chenopodium This plant, Well- album sometimes fermented called smooth humus, pigweed is potatoes, in one of the moderate most enduring amounts with annual weeds. corn; Is a close cucumber, relative of muskmelon, spinach and is pumpkin, good to eat. watermelon, zinnias, marigolds, peonies and pansies Larkspur Delphinium Some of it’s Wild consolida alkaloids have larkspur is been found detrimental efficient to cattle against aphids and thrips Lavender Lavendula It grows from Is used in a officinalis seed very variety of ways slowly to combat cotton, pests ticks and rats Leek Allium porrum It is a heavy Well-fertilized feeder soil; celery; onions and carrots Lemon Balm Melissa Famous for its I pastures it officinalis delightful, increases the lemon-scented flow of cow’s foliage and milk honeyed sweetness. An old belief says that bees wont leave the hive are if it lemon balm is grown near Lettuce Lactuca Lettuce needs Strawberries, officinalis cool weather cucumbers, and ample carrots, moisture to radishes make its best Lily-of-the-Valley Convallaria Likes a rich Do not plant majalis humusy soil with and partial narcissus in a shade pot for the narcissus will wither away Locust Rabina Good to plant as a border, has leaves, roots and bark that are poisonous if eaten, but the pods of honey locust contain a sweetish pulp used as cattle feed Lovage Levisticum Planted here officinale and there will increase the health and flavour of other plants. It can be used for seasoning and salads. Lupine Lupinus They are Grows best on perennis adventurous teep, gravely pioneers. banks or Their roots go exposed sunny deep leaving hills. behind fine, friable soi. Maple Acer Have shallow Is difficult to spreading get other rooting plants to system. grow near them, particularly wheat Marigold Tagetes This is an old- Protects fashioned herb potatoes, whose dried strawberries, leaves were roses and used by our various bulbs grandmothers from to flavour nematodes; soups. tomatoes Marjoram Marjorana Small easily In the garden it hortensis grown plant is has a beneficial probably one effect on of the eldest nearby plants, herbs. increasing growth and flavour. Mayweed Anthemis colula Beekeepers used to rub it into their skins to repel bees. It will also repel mice and in a house mouses. Meadow Saffron Colchicum Blooms in the autumnale fall. Colchium, the soucer of a present day drug derived from the bulbs, is used to treat gout. Melon Cucurbitaceae Do not rotate Melon leaves Do not plant melon, squash are good to put near or cucumber on the potatoes. with each compost. other. Milkweed Asclepias All of the Cows dislike milkyweed the bitter, exude milky acrid plants. juice when their leaves or stems are punctured. Mint Mentha Can be used Cabbage; as a repellent tomatoes on a variety of situations. Molasses Grass Mellimes This is Good for cattle minutiflora nature’s very forage. own insect trap. It does not kill them, but stops them from crawling upward to come in contact with an animal. Morning Glory Ipomoea The Indians used to grow it with corn; melon; Kentucky wonder beans. Mugwort A. vulgaris One of the Planted in It is not good lactifora most useful chicken yards near other members of will repel lice. garden plants the Artemisias for it has an family. growth retarding effect. Mustard Brassica alba Are said to The secretions Since it acts reduce certain of its roots are likea host to nematodes. said to various behelpful on insects it acid or over- sould be mineralized removed and soil; cabbage, destroyed cauliflower, before the radish, main crop kohlrabi, gets brussel sprouts damaged. and turnips. Narcissus Amaryllidacae Plant African Marigolds a year before and it will help to prevent nematodes. Nasturtiums Trapaeolum If aphid Helps to appear in it is prevent bugs a signal of from squash. lime deficiency. Oak Quercus Chestnut, citrus trees. In Germany its leaves are burned to prevent andts, aphids and smites. Oat Avena sativa Vetch; it can be effectively grown sometimes as a trap crop to lure redwing blackbirds away from other grain crops. Okra Hibiscus Melon, esculentus cucumber, mulching. Onion Allium cepa All members Parsley and of the cabbage beans. family; beets; strawberries; tomatoes; lettuce; summer savory and camomile. Opuntia Cactaceae Its joints and Almost all flowers can be cactus eaten. Orach Atriplax Has shiel- hortensis shaped, wavy leaves of beet red. Old time herbalists believed it had a cleansing quality eaten raw or cooked and if laid upon swollen glands of the throat. Oregano Origanum Wit broccoli to vulgare repel cabbage butterfly. Pansy, Wild Viola tricolor It was once Rye Wheat listedas a medicine in the US Pharmacopeia. Parsley Petroselinum Carrots; roses; hortense tomatoes; asparagus. Parsnip Pastinaca Have few sativa insect enemies and suffer from few diseases, but both the foliage and the roots make a safe insect spray. Pea Pisum sativum Carrots, Onions, turnips, garlic and radishes, gladiolus. cucumbers, corn, beans , potatoes and aromatic herbs. Peach Prunus persica Well-rotted Never plant manure or it where an compost high old peach in nitrogen will tree has been help the tree removed. bark back to health. Peanut Arachis As members Good soil hypogaea of the legume cover near family they young nut are good sol trees. builders. Pear Pyrus Pecan Hicoria Pecan Plenty of Do not store nitrogen. Good pecans meat to mulch with near onions grass clippings. or orange. Penny Cress Thlaspi ravens Often abundant where grains grows. Pennyroyal Mentha Broccoli; pulegium brussel sprouts and cabbage. Pepper, Hot Capsicum One of the frutescens, most useful varfasciculatum plants in the garden. It can be used in many ways to protect against different pests. Peppermint Mentha piperita Of all herbs it Stinging nettle makes the greatest demand on the soil. It is widely used for medicinal and commercial purposes Pepper, Sweet Capsicum Basil; okra frutescens, var grossum Pigweed Amaranthus Pumps Carrot; radish retroflexus nutrients from and beet. the soil Pine Pinus Pine needles contain Terpene which, washed down by the rain, has an inhibiting effect on seed germination. Plaintain Plantago One plant can produce up to 3000 seeds. If plantains appear on the lawn is better to dig them out. Pokeweed Phytolacca It roots and Figs; scotch berries are pine and other poisonous, but trees. the young shoots are safe and very tasty. Poppy Papaver They are Since they grown for cause a high seeds and for demand on the oil. They soil they can be cause a lot of used to choke strain in the out weeds. soil though. Potato Solanum Beans, corn, Pumpkin, tuberosum cabbage, tomatoes, horseradish, raspberry, marigoldand squash, eggplant. cucumber and sunflowers. Pumpkin Cucurbita pepo Pumpkin seed Jimson weed, Potatoes are highly corn. vitamin rich. Purslane Portulaca It may be Good Oleracea cooked like cultivated soil. spinach. Pyrethrum Chysanthemum It is absolutely cinrariaefolium bugproof and will keep insects away from plants closeby. Quack Grass Agropyron It indicates a Good cattle repens crust feed; good for formation or a road banks hardpan in the where live soil soil. has been cut open. Radish Raphanus Redroo, Do not rotate sativus pigweed, with any nasturtiums, member of mustards, the cabbage cucumbers, family. squash, melons, beets, spinach, carrots and parsnips. Ragweed Ambrosia It grows artemsifolia quickly and causes a lot of hay fever. Rape Brassica napus Cultivated for its leaves and used as temporary pasture crop. It has a deep taproot. Raspberry Rubus If growing also blackberries keep a good distance. Potatoes Rattlebox Crotalaria Valuable for its soil improving capacity. Rhubarb Rheum Is technically rhaponticum a vegetable but is mostly used for desert. It has also been used as a laxative. Roses Rosa All the Plants which Alliums; have a parsley, woody, marigold and outspreading geraniums. roots. Rue Ruta graveolens Anything Roses, Basil rubbed with it raspberries, fig, keeps free flowers, from cats vegetables. depredation. Rye Secale cereale It is an excellent crop to choke out chikweed and othe low- growing weeds that survive the winter. Sage Salvia Cabbages and Cucumber. officinalis all their relatives; carrots and rosemary. Salsify Tragopogon Needs a porrifolius moisty, cool soil for at least 4 months before reaching maturity. Santolina Chamaecyparis Good moth repellent. Can be improved by being pruned as soon as blossoms fall. Sassafras Sassafras A delicious albidum tea is made from the bark of young sassafras roots, is considered to be helpful in digestive disturbances. Savory, Summer Satureia Beans and hortensis onions Sesame Sesamum Grown in Sorghum orientale tropical countries, mainly for the oil obtained from its seeds. Shallot Allium Onions and Peas and ascalonicum garlic. beans. Shepherds Purse Capsella Bursa- Very rich in pastoris minerals. Along with mustard it absorbs excessive salts in the soil and returns them inorganic form. It has medicinal qualities. Sorghum Andropogon To get sorghun maximum amount of sugar in the juice, should be seeded on soils that are not too fertile. Southernwood Artemisia Cabages. abrotanum Sow Thistle Sonchus Watermelon, arvensis muskmelon, pumpkin and cucumber and in moderate amounts onions tomatoos and corn. Soya Bean G.soya/ Glycine It is perhaps Corn, blck max the world eyed peas. oldest food crop and soya have meant meat, milk, cheese, bread and oil for Asiatic people for centuries. Spinach Spinacia As a precrop oleracea and with strawberries. Spurge Euphorbia Great care lathyrus should be taken that the sap doesn’t touch the skin. They are also called ‘mole plants’, for moles dislike them and they are also useful to repel rats and mice. Squash Cuccubitaceae Radishes, nasturtiums. Squash planted either earlier or later than usual will often escape insect damage. Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica It is edible and Makes rich in neighbouring vitamins and plants more iron. insect resistant.; mint, tomatoes, valerian, anglica, marjoram , sage and peppermint. St. Johns Wort Hypericum This commom perforatum pasture plant contains a red oil sometimes used as a home remedy for bronchitis and chest colds. Strawberry Fragaria Bush beans, spinach and borage. Sugar Beet Beta vulgaris Grain can be partially replaced as stock feed by sugar beets, which are liked by all animal and are good for increasing the milk flow of cows. Sunfower Helianthus It is a soil Needing annuus imrpover when little grown in nitrogen, moderation they produce through certain a substance farm crops. that inhibits the nitrogen- fixing bacteria on the soil, inhibiting the growth of other plants on its vicinity. Sweet Basil Ocimum It is one of the Tomatoes Rue basilicum culinary herbs that may be used in crtain dishes to replace black pepper for people who might have digestive problems. Sweet clover Melilotus alba This is nota Spoiled true clover sweet clover although it is a hay or poor- legume. preserved silage never should be fed to animals. It contains an anticoagulant that may cause internal and external bleeding. Sweet Potato Ipomea batalas It has a high- energy value, only peas and beans yielding more. They have a common enemy, ‘stem- rot’, which can be controlled with disease free seed and by rotating the crop. Tarragon, French Artemisia To reset it As a cooking dracunsulus successfully herb is the roots must something very be carefully special, and I is untangled. particularly Each section good for if root eased flavouring apart from the vinegar. clump can form another plant. Thistle Circium Rich in potash, but their prickly leaves make them unpopular in pastures, and certain types rob grains of food and moisture. Thyme Thymus Has an ancient Is good planted vulgaris history as a anywhere in medicinal and the garden, culinary herb. accenting aromatic qualities of other plants and herbs. Timothy Phleum It doesn’t last Legumes as pratense long when alfalfa and cattle ot other sweet clover animals graze on it continually, and is not considered a satisfactory pasture grass unless mixed with hardier types. Tobacco Nicotiana It likes to be The leaf is tabacum fertilized with poisonous a compost due to the made from its nicotine own leaves, content. and it prefers to grow in the same place year after year. Tomato Lycopersicon Prefer to grow Asparagus, All brassica, esculentum on the same chives, onion, young place year parsley, apricots after year marigold, trees, corn, nasturtium, potatoes. stinging nettle and carrot. Triticale Triticale A crossing of wheat and rye. It has a higher protein content and efficiency than either wheat or corn. It yields two or three times more than wheat Tulip Tulipa Though they Wheat are sun-lovers they need a period of cold. Valerian Valeriana It is rich in It is good officinalis phosphorous anywhere in and stimulates the garde, phosphorous especially to activity where give vegetables grown. added vigour. Walnut Juglans nigra Black Walnut trees are know for producing a substance that inhibits plant growth within the area the tree is growing. Walnut, English J. regia Don’t have the detrimental effects caused by the black walnut, but their shade makes it difficult to grow some plants nearby. Water Lily Nymphia Itrise above Mixed with odorata the water on other water long flower plants stalks and may be as large as a foot acroos. Watermelon Citrullus Potatoes Needs plenty vulgaris of sunshine so shouldn’t be planted near other tall-growing vegetables Wheat Triticum Cherry, vulgare dogwood, pine and tulip, Canada thistle and field bind weed Wild Carrot Daucus carota It doesn’t indicate a bad soil, for its deep taproot implies a deep soil capable of good cultivation. Wild Cherry Prunus It is a short- Pennsylvnica lived tree. A tonic can be made from its, bark, roots and fruit. Wild Morning With corn but Glory shouldn’t be allowed to go to seed. Wild Parsnip Pastinaca Is a sativa nourishing plant which will give good yield but soon becomes a weed and is hard to eradicate. Wild Radish Paphanus Spreads Wet years, raphanistrum quickly in where manure soils worn out is scarce and from growing potassium too many fertilize grain crops abundant and deleted in nitrogen. Willow Salix Its tough and fibrous roots are useful in binding the banks of streams tha may erode. In 1820 salicin was isolated from it and in 1899 a synthetic derivative gave the world aspirin Woodruff, Sweet Asperula Is an excellent odorata ground cover. It grows in the sun but the foliage is darker green and more abundant if receives shade at least half of the day. Yarrow Achillea For centuries Improve the millefolium the Chinese health of use its stalks nearby plants. for consulting Enhances the the I-ching. essential oils and vitality of medicinal herbs.

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