Javits Convention Center, New York City
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Bedford Reinforced Plastics...... 359 2009 CHEM SHOW Beijing Heliview Int'l Exhibition Co., Ltd...... 925, 1023 Berndorf Band GmbH...... 461 Javits Convention Center, New York City Berndorf Belt Systems USA...... 461 November 17 - 19, 2009 Berndorf Belt Technology USA...... 461 Bestobell Steam Traps...... 721 BHS - Filtration Inc...... 315 List of Exhibitors as of September 10, 2009 BOERGER, LLC ...... 351 BOLZ-Summix...... 729 3V COGEIM s.r.l...... 602 Brinkmann...... 511 3V Cogeim TECH Group...... 602 Brooks Instrument...... 420 3V Glasscoat S.p.A...... 602 Bulk Connection, Inc...... 1009 3V Green Eagle S.p.A...... 602 Busch, Inc...... 210 3V Mabo s.r.l...... 602 Canadian Process Equipment & Control News...... 458 A Box 4 U...... 827 CANTY, Inc...... 716 A&B Process Systems...... 545 Carbone of America...... 450 A. W. Chesterton...... 712 Cashco, Inc...... 221 ACE Glass, Inc...... 511 CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps & Systems...... 559 ADI Systems Inc...... 434 chem.info...... 934 Advance Products & Systems, Inc...... 637 Chemglass Life Sciences...... 932 Advanced Sonic Processing Systems...... 1002 Chemical Engineering Progress...... 220 Advanced Specialty Gas Equipment (ASGE)...... 652 Chemical Engineering...... 703 AIChE/Wiley Press...... 216 Chemical Processing ...... 558 Airflow Sciences Corp...... 444 ChemIndustrial Systems Inc...... 649 Alar Engineering Corp...... 621 Chemstations Inc...... 513 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)...... 220 Chiller Solutions LLC...... 249 American-Marsh Pumps...... 228 China Industrial Reporter...... 258 AMETEK Fluoropolymer Products...... 732 CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd...... 803 Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc...... 858 CMW Stainless...... 917 Anhydro, Inc...... 237 Coastal Skills Training...... 113 Anton PAAR USA...... 437 COMBER ...... 337 API Basco Inc...... 658 COMBER S.r.l...... 337 API Heat Transfer ...... 658 Continental Disc Corporation...... 706 API Schmidt-Bretten Inc...... 658 CONTROL ...... 558 Applied Coating Systems, Inc...... 441 Corken, Inc., A Division of LCG...... 753 Applikon Analyzers Inc...... 133 Corning Glass...... 511 ARDE Barinco, Inc...... 103 Corrosion Materials Incorporated...... 816 ARI Valve Corporation...... 350 COSMOS Online*...... 120 Arizona Instrument LLC...... 750 CTP Corporation...... 1003 Arkema Inc...... 509 Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Company: EST Group...... 236 Artisan Industries Inc...... 815 Day Tool & Mfg., Inc...... 417 AstroCosmos Metallurgical...... 450 Dazhong Valve Group...... 927 A-T Controls, Inc...... 361 DEBEM SRL...... 536 Atlantic Coast Crushers Inc...... 104 Delta Cooling Towers, Inc...... 903 Atlantic Scale Co., Inc...... 358 DG Supplies Inc...... 452 B&P Process Equipment...... 609 Dickow Pump Company...... 350 B.A.G. Corp...... 758 Dongbang Plantech Co., Ltd...... 112 B2B Portales/Carvajal...... 258 Doyle & Roth Manufacturing Co., Inc./Eastern Tank Fabricators...... 435 Babbitt Steam Specialty Company...... 613 Dry Link, Inc...... 612 Badger Meter, Inc...... 421 Durr Systems, Inc...... 610 Banjo Corporation, A Unit of IDEX Corporation...... 503 Dynaflow Engineering, Inc...... 913 BAOJI BAOYE TITANIUM-NICKEL INDUSTRY CO.,LTD...... 803 Eagle Stainless Container Co...... 516 Baoji Titanium Industry Co., Ltd...... 648 Eastern Tank Fabricators...... 435 Barr-Rosin (USA) Inc...... 852 ecom instruments inc...... 630 Bayer Technology Services...... 126 Edwards...... 329 Ellett Industries Ltd...... 720 Engineered Software, Inc...... 916 Industrial Gas Technology...... 753 Exergy, LLC...... 248 Industrial Hygiene News...... 406 Fast-Houston...... 617 Industrial Information Resources, Inc...... 933 FEECO International, Inc...... 1010 Industrial Piping, Inc...... 766 Fenwal Protection Systems...... 738 Industrial Process Products & Technology...... 635 Fike Corporation...... 521 Inpro/Seal Company...... 839 Fima, a Subsidiary of Heinkel USA...... 729 Insul-Tek® Piping Systems, Inc...... 453 The Fitzpatrick Company...... 728 Integrated Scale Systems...... 456 Flexitallic L.P...... 820 International Management Systems Marketing Inc...... 131 Flo-Tite, Inc...... 1017 JACQUET Mid Atlantic, Inc...... 347 Flovel Valves Pvt. Ltd...... 749 Jenike & Johanson, Inc...... 362 Fluid Controls Institute...... 743 Jet-Vac Products...... 815 Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc...... 616 Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals...... 846 Fluid Metering, Inc...... 410 John Crane Mechanical Seals...... 828 Flux Pumps Corporation...... 544 Johnstone Company, Inc...... 837 FMC Technologies...... 914 Jordan Valve...... 721 Food Manufacturing...... 934 Julabo USA, Inc...... 547 Food Processing ...... 558 Jun Enterprises Corp...... 135 Formulator & ColorTec Software...... 381 Key Bellevilles, Inc...... 111 Franklin Miller, Inc...... 1012 King Instrument Company...... 638 FRIATEC N.A., LLC...... 717 KMPT USA, Inc...... 628 G.W. Kent, Inc...... 541 Kopetz Mfg., Inc...... 834 GEA Evaporation Technologies...... 852 Kowabunga LLC...... 370 GEA Filtration...... 852 L. J. Star Incorporated...... 320 GEA Liquid Processing...... 852 Lamons ...... 436 GEA Westfalia Separator, Inc...... 428 LAND, an AMETEK Company...... 655 General Pump...... 947 Larox Inc...... 742 Gerard Daniel Worldwide...... 1016 Lechler, Inc...... 907 GIG Karasek GmbH...... 835 LESER LLC...... 108 GlasCol...... 511 Liquiflo Equipment Co...... 429 Gooch Thermal Systems, Inc...... 829 Liyang Yunlong Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd...... 1023 Plate Heat Exchanger Lodige Process Technology...... 628 Spiral Heat Exchanger Lung Yun Casting Co., Ltd...... 117 Thin Film Evaporator Lutz Pumps, Inc...... 116 Goodway Technologies Corp...... 741 Mach Industrial Group...... 540 Grand View Media Group (Flow Control, Processing Magazines)...... 243 Marks Brothers, Inc...... 124 Groth Corporation...... 706 MARLO COIL...... 439 Guangxi Qinzhou QIANNENG TIANHE Phosph-Chemicals Co.,Ltd...... 803 Marshall Industrial Technologies...... 408 Gulf Publishing/Hydrocarbon Processing...... 529 Marwin Valves...... 721 Heatec, Inc...... 911 MAX-AIR Technology, Inc...... 941 Hecht Technologie...... 628 Mech-Chem Associates, Inc...... 842 Heidolph...... 511 Melter S.A. de C.V...... 353 Heinkel Filtering Systems, Inc...... 729 Membrana...... 343 HEMCO Corporation...... 123 Membrane Extraction Technology Ltd...... 339 HEMCO Industries, Inc...... 454 Meriam Process Technologies...... 555 Hex Valve...... 721 Metrohm USA Inc...... 959 Hielscher USA, Inc...... 853 Mettler Toledo...... 358 The Hilliard Corporation...... 355 Mettler-Toledo, Inc...... 129 Honeywell HPS...... 427 Micro Motion Inc...... 302 Horiba Instruments, Inc...... 817 Microdyn Technologies, Inc...... 317 Hose Master Inc...... 459 Micromeritics Instrument Corp...... 615 Huachangfeng Equipment Inc...... 549 Midwesco Filter Resources, Inc...... 433 Huber - USA...... 1003 Morfab/FlexFlo...... 737 Hydrocarbon Processing / Gulf Publishing Company...... 529 MTH Pumps ...... 537 IKA Works...... 511 Paul Mueller Company...... 821 InCon Processing LLC...... 835 Multitherm L.L.C...... 366 Myers Engineering, Inc...... 634 Putman Media...... 558 National Rubber Corp...... 443 Chemical Processing NEI...... 258 CONTROL Neutronics, Inc...... 608 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing New Zealand Pump Company...... 1011 Plant Services NEWAY Valves/JAG Flocomponents...... 368 Food Processing Newsmart (Nantong) Group...... 803 R. Baker & Son...... 734 NIRO INC., Member of the GEA Group...... 852 R. Kind GmbH...... 627 Niro Soavi North America, LLC...... 852 RACO Manufacturing and Engineering Co., Inc...... 756 NIST-National Institute of Standards & Technology...... 233 Ramco Manufacturing Co., Inc...... 321 NovaFlex Industries, Inc...... 438 Reportero Industrial Mexicano...... 258 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum USA Inc...... 416 Reportero Industrial...... 258 Omni Services...... 920 Richards Industries...... 721 Onero Valve Co., Ltd...... 1026 Rimbach Publishing, Inc...... 406 optek - Danulat, Inc...... 229 Industrial Hygiene News Orange Products, Inc...... 333 Pollution Equipment News Orival Water Filters...... 633 RMB Products, Inc...... 466 OSECO, Inc...... 921 Robatel, Inc...... 928 P.A. Inc...... 446 Rolled Alloys...... 528 J. G. Papailias Co. Inc...... 134 Rosedale Products, Inc...... 603 Paratherm Corporation...... 234 Roth Pump Company...... 507 Particle Sizing Systems...... 851 Roto Hammer Industries, Inc...... 909 Pawling Corporation...... 667 Rotork Controls, Inc...... 936 PBM, Inc...... 708 Russell Finex Inc...... 203 Pennwalt Limited...... 729 RVT Process Equipment, Inc...... 415 PEP, Plastic Engineered Products, Inc...... 316 Safety Storage, Inc...... 744 Petroleo Internacional...... 258 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Fluid Systems...... 327 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ...... 558 SAMCO Technologies, Inc...... 639 Pharmaceutical Processing...... 934 Samuel, Son & Co...... 746 Pharmaceutical Technology...... 451 Schott Glass...... 511 PICA USA, Inc...... 107 Schubert & Salzer, Inc...... 127 Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. (PSI)...... 650 Schutte Buffalo Hammermill...... 217 PKG Equipment, Inc...... 534 Scientific Systems, Inc...... 552 Plant Services ...... 558 Sealing Devices, Inc...... 259 Plast-O-Matic Valves, Inc...... 929 SEARCH...... 258 Plastomer Technologies...... 412 Selltis...... 517 Plate Concepts, Inc...... 829 Sentinel Process Systems Inc...... 367 Pollution Equipment News...... 406 Shanghai Electric Int'l Economic & Trading Co., Ltd...... 803 Porvair Filtration Group Ltd...... 745 Shanley Pump & Equipment, Inc...... 400 Powder / Bulk Solids...... 653 Sharpsville Container Corp...... 531 Powder Systems Limited & ChargePoint Technology...... 1020 Sims Pump Valve Co., Inc...... 644 Precisive, LLC...... 335 Sioux Corporation...... 740 Process Combustion Corp...... 307 Smalley Steel Ring Company...... 647 PROCESSWest Magazine...... 635 Smico Manufacturing Corp...... 217 Proco Products, Inc...... 580 Soffieria Sestese s.r.l...... 602 ProSim - Process Simulation ...... 838 Solex Thermal Science, Inc...... 620 The Protectoseal Company Hazardous Chemical Storage Division...... 311 Solon Manufacturing Co...... 646 The Protectoseal Company Vent Division...... 311 Spencer Strainer Systems...... 110 PROTEGO® USA Inc...... 567 Spraying Systems Co...... 514 Pumps and Systems Magazine...... 855 SRI Consulting...... 703 Puretorq Industrial Co., Ltd...... 843 Stainless Steel Services, Inc...... 654 Stainless Structurals L.L.C...... 538 Steri Technologies, Inc...... 244 Stoody Company...... 520 Supercritical Fluid Technologies, Inc...... 553 Sure Flow Equipment Inc...... 727 Swagelok Company...... 403 Sweco, a business unit of M-I L.L.C...... 527 Swissfluid (USA), Inc...... 445 Sympatec Inc...... 303 Synagro Northeast, LLC...... 1013 Tantaline Inc...... 759 Taper-Lok Corp...... 636 Team Industries, Inc...... 551 TEQCOM Industries Inc...... 417 Thermo Scientific NITON Analyzers...... 736 Tiger-Vac, Inc. (USA)...... 432 Titan Metal Fabricators...... 614 T-Lon Products, Inc...... 629 Todo AB...... 438 Trerice Co...... 429 Tricor Metals...... 1008 Truflo Pumps, Inc...... 440 Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems ...... 543 U.S. EPA Green Chemistry Program...... 611 Union Process Inc...... 702 United Titanium, Inc...... 641 Unity Scientific, Inc...... 341 Universal Filters, Inc...... 535 Valve Concepts, Inc...... 221 Valve Magazine...... 550 Valve Manufacturers Association of America...... 550 Valve Repair Council...... 550 Victaulic...... 349 VTA GmbH...... 334 Water & Wastes Digest...... 931 Watson McDaniel Co...... 429 Welmon S. De R.L De C.V...... 771 Wenzhou Wu-Rong Valve Co., Ltd...... 937 The Western States Machine Company...... 402 Wilden Pump & Engineering Co...... 227 WM Business-masermind Co., Ltd...... 1027B World Industrial Reporter...... 258 Wyssmont Company, Inc...... 202 Xuanda Industrial Group Co., Ltd...... 925 Zeus, Inc...... 100 Zhejiang Anix Valve Co., Ltd...... 841 Zhejiang Hengfengtai Reducer Mfg. Co., Ltd...... 803 Zhejiang Linuo Valve Co., Ltd...... 803 Zhejiang Zhiyi Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd...... 1024 Zhejiang Zhonghan Valve Co., Ltd...... 803 Zhong Zhou Special Alloy USA, LLC...... 240