The KWL Chart (Know/Want to Know/Learn)

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The KWL Chart (Know/Want to Know/Learn)

Cassie Moffitt NURS 5327 February 3, 2017

The KWL Chart (Know/Want to know/Learn) An important part of addressing new content is to determine what students already know. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to spend time telling them things they already knew! So a self- assessment is a great way to do that (as opposed to asking each person…!) So for this assignment, fill in the table below. Save the file and submit it to the assignment portal.

What I know…. What I learned…. What I want to know…. (This checks background (This checks for (This determines the direction knowledge) understanding) students want to go with the As a graduate student, lesson) managing work, school, and A concept I had never heard While personal connection and life commitments can be of, but garnered great interest sharing of experiences overwhelming. was the “eighty-five percent contribute to meaningful Unfortunately, focusing rule.” Simply stated, students learning, some learners don’t solely on “getting things enter the classroom with 85% like to participate verbally. done” could result in me of the information to be This is often because they fear missing out on a rich taught. The role of the appearing unintelligent in front learning experience. Many instructor is to find out what of their peers. This is graduate students— students already know. Once something I personally have particularly those who work you gauge that information, struggled with. To be honest, I in full-time careers can you teach the students the continue to struggle with this. empathize. remaining fifteen percent. I My fear has improved over Therefore, the concept of found this interesting, because time. Honestly, I believe the adult learning is critical to it makes the job of the reason I’m more capable of understand. As a current instructor a lot easier—and a participation in my graduate student, adult learning is a lot more fun. The success of studies is because I’m part of concept that will be this concept is most likely an online program. If I were in important to keep in mind related to the personal a bricks-and-mortar classroom when I’m the instructor of connection that adult learners setting, I believe I would still nursing students. Adult require. As I mentioned shut down. Not seeing my learning is different than before, adult students like to classmates and the rapid-fire learning practiced in be involved in their own discussion that takes place in primary and secondary learning. They also appreciate the classroom setting allows education. Adult learners a personal connection. for me to gather my thoughts have prior learning and Coupled with the fact that and express them. This makes work and life experience to adult learners often bring life me feel more intelligible draw upon. This changes and work experience to the during discussion. However, the learning dynamic. For classroom, this provides an I’m not completely inept in example, for adult learners effective learning experience. real-time discussion. One to be successful, they must They have an opportunity to example in my own Cassie Moffitt NURS 5327 February 3, 2017 move through a variety of use what they know, which experience is discussion levels to create deep makes concepts more regarding diabetes. I have learning. Instead of two- relatable. In turn, concepts copious personal and dimensional lecture and “stick” because adult learners professional experience in the recall, adult learners move realize they already possessed subject. This frequently results through no-learning, knowledge of the concepts. in my being called upon for nonreflective learning, and This also builds a sense of opinion and input when the reflective learning (Reiff confidence, making learning subject arises. I don’t say this and Ballin, 2016). more meaningful. in a bragging sort of manner. For example, students like As previously mentioned, In fact, I bring it up to make to be involved in their adult learning is rooted deeply the point that I don’t shut learning process. When personal connection and down because I’m usually the adult learners are involved interactive learning. A great only one in the room with in their own learning, way to incorporate extensive knowledge and concepts being taught are collaboration is to ask, “What opinion regarding diabetes. If more meaningful and would you do?” Students may that weren’t the case, I would memorable. Reiff and not answer right away, but this probably remain silent. Ballin (2016) found that is no cause for worry. Because Here is what I want to know: students learned more adult students like to be how does an instructor draw effectively when they felt a involved in their learning students out who struggle to sense of community or process and often have participate? How does the belonging. This is most personal experience to share, instructor build the confidence likely attributed to someone will eventually of those students so they are progressive learning made answer. Once one student less anxious when it’s time to possible by interactive answers, other students are participate in discussion? dialogue. likely to contribute with their While I can share my own When a copious amount of own knowledge and experiences in this arena, I information must be experience. This is how would like to know how an condensed, lecture only is discussion is initiated and instructor can guide these not effective. It’s draining learning takes place. students when there are often for students, as well as the many students to work with. instructor. Not only are To clarify, in my own lectures tiring for students experience in bricks-and- and instructors, adult mortar classrooms, I was often learners have difficulty one of seventy or eighty retaining the information students. How does an because of a lack of instructor help these one or personal connection, and two students obtain the passivity of the format confidence they need to share (Palis and Quiros, 2014). the experience they have? It’s Thus, not much of the easy to overlook those information presented is students, and I don’t think that likely to be retained. contributes any more to their learning than their lack of participation in discussion. Cassie Moffitt NURS 5327 February 3, 2017 Cassie Moffitt NURS 5327 February 3, 2017 References:

Palis, A., & Quiros, P. (2014). Adult learning principles and presentation pearls. Middle East

African Journal of Ophthalmology,21(2), 114. doi:10.4103/0974-9233.129748

Reiff, M., & Ballin, A. (2016). Adult graduate student voices: Good and bad learning

experiences. Adult Learning,27(2), 76-83. doi:10.1177/1045159516629927

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