C/W MARS Strategic Plan: 2013-2016

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C/W MARS Strategic Plan: 2013-2016

C/W MARS Strategic Plan: 2013-2016 C/W MARS Draft 9 Including Objectives and Related Activities for FY13 & FY14

December 13, 2012

Stephen H. Spohn, Jr. Independent Library Consultant 978.799.1518 [email protected] www.librarystrategy.net C/W MARS Strategic Plan Committee Members

Nancy Contois, Chicopee Public Library, Chair Maureen Ambrosino, Westborough Public Library Kristi Chadwick, Emily Wilson Memorial Library, Easthampton Molly Fogarty, Springfield Public Library Maureen Horak, MCLA Joan Kuklinski, C/W MARS Executive Director Rick Moon, North Adams Public Library Joe Mule, Thayer Memorial Library, Lancaster Tim Spindler, C/W MARS Manager of Library Applications Maureen Strapko, Sargent Memorial Library, Boxborough C/W MARS 2013 – 2016 Strategic Plan

Who We Are

C/W MARS (Central and Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing) is a member-driven consortium established in 1982.

Whom We Serve Our members are public, academic and special libraries in central and western Massachusetts that together leverage the power of collaboration to best serve their users.

What We Do

Provide and support an integrated Library System (ILS), a wide area telecommunication network, selected e-content, and the central site staff expertise that member libraries need to use network services effectively.

Mission C/W MARS facilitates and promotes efficient resource sharing and effective use of information technology.

Values  C/W MARS is member-driven and respects the trust and authority bestowed on us by our member libraries.  We thrive with an engaged membership that is well informed and actively participates in the organization.  We are careful stewards of the funds entrusted to us by members and strive for balance between services and affordability for members.  We recognize the importance of equity in all aspects of library collaboration.  We value and empower innovation in our member libraries.  C/W MARS values open access to information, patron privacy, and intellectual freedom principles in the delivery and management of electronic systems and services.

Vision C/W MARS will be a visible leader as library collaboration takes center stage in Massachusetts. We will represent and advocate for the interests of our members and help them navigate the changing information technology landscape. Our member libraries will capitalize on opportunities to improve access to information and new technology.

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 3 Strategic Themes 1. Be the Trusted Authority for Member Libraries.

C/W MARS will effectively administer a suite of information technology services that will enable member libraries to better serve their users. We will invest in quality C/W MARS staff to build knowledge and skills, including activities that contribute to Central Site staff retention.

Obj. 1. Provide an affordable, user-friendly, functionally rich ILS that can be continually enhanced to increase member library effectiveness.

Act. 1. Continue to enhance the Evergreen ILS system by contributing funds and staff expertise to software development efforts. Significantly improve acquisitions, holds and searching functionality no later than Nov. 2013.

Act. 2. Optimize system software and configuration to provide an efficient and user-friendly system for member library staffs and their patrons.

Act. 3. Continue to improve the Evergreen online public access catalog.

Act. 4. Provide an improved suite of report templates to member libraries by March 2013.

Act. 5. Implement Sort-to-Light delivery by April 2013.

Obj. 2. Provide a reliable high-speed wide-area network (WAN) to support the automated system.

Act. 1. Monitor and support the current Cable based WAN, resulting in 99% uptime for member libraries.

Act. 2. Ensure fast connections for member libraries, with a 90% satisfaction rate as measured in member library surveys.

Act. 3. Finalize plans for MBI fiber project implementation by June 2013.

Act. 4. Complete 90% of MBI fiber connections by June 2014.

Obj. 3. Provide up-to-date training and continuing support to member libraries.

Act. 1. Present at least 60 in-person or onsite training sessions per year to optimize library use of the various Evergreen functional modules.

Act. 2. Present at least 40 remote training sessions per year to optimize library use of the various Evergreen functional modules.

Note: If an activity has no date associated with it consider it an ongoing activity.

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 4 Act. 3. Provide training on Evergreen reports to appropriate library staff. By June 2013 at least two people at most member libraries will self-identify as a reports expert within their institution.

Act. 4. Annually review and update the PC minimum specs on the library staff website. Proactively communicate these to the member libraries each September, highlighting any changes from the previous requirements.

Act. 5. Plan and present a MassLNC Evergreen conference aimed toward member library staff in the spring of 2013 and 2014.

Obj. 4. Enhance Central Site staff capacity for excellent customer service through regular staff development opportunities and regular review of staffing needs, compensation, and career advancement policies.

Act. 1. Analyze staffing levels annually to identify member library support needs that are not being met. Shift staff positions to meet new needs and request additional staffing as necessary.

Act. 2. Review job descriptions and appropriateness of current grades in the C/W MARS Staff Classification system, create new grades to provide growth paths for staff, and implement promotions based on increased job responsibilities on July 1, 2013. Continue these reviews annually.

Act. 3. Identify staff development opportunities for staff at all levels at C/W MARS.

Act. 4. Create a New Employee packet by January, 2014.

2. Focus on Smart Member Engagement and Communications

Member libraries are informed and engaged in important decisions that guide the future of library collaboration. Member libraries and their stakeholders recognize the value of C/W MARS membership.

Obj. 1. Analyze effectiveness of current communication channels used between Central Site staff and member libraries. Investigate weaknesses and identify and implement alternate methods, as needed, to increase member library participation and involvement.

Act. 1. Revamp the Library Staff website to make it more user-friendly, with input from all levels of member library staff, by June 2013.

Act. 2. Redesign the C/W MARS Public web site to better meet evolving user needs and expectations by Oct. 2013.

Act. 3. Provide a support ticketing system accessible to member libraries by Oct. 2013.

Act. 4. Create and implement options for ways in which member library staff opt to receive and exchange information with Central Site. Library staff will report increased knowledge of C/W MARS systems and services by 25% as a result of these changes by June 2014.

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 5 Act. 5. Create written guidelines for effective member library communication with Central Site staff by December 2013.

Act. 6. Create a Value of Service tool to demonstrate value of C/W MARS membership for library staff, trustees, and city/town/institutional/state officials by April 2013.

Obj. 2. Conduct regular reviews of network policies and practices and increase incentives for members to collaborate, to innovate and to share responsibility.

Act. 1. The Finance and Executive Committees will consider incentives to improve member library presence at Users Council and present them for approval at the June 2013 Users Council meeting.

3. Drive Innovation

C/W MARS will strive to advance an environment that encourages consortium-wide innovation and member library technology initiatives. Successful collaboration will be enhanced by regular review of network policies and practices and a willingness to change to enhance resource sharing opportunities.

Obj. 1. Demonstrate a willingness to change existing network policies to enhance resource sharing and successfully utilize C/W MARS services to advance their local library missions and goals.

Act. 1. Network holds policies will be reviewed and any changes made based on votes at Users Council June 2013.

Act. 2. All network policies will be reviewed, updated and shared with the membership by July 2014.

Obj. 2. Keep member libraries informed by regularly reviewing national library technology initiatives and innovative library service programs.

Act. 1. Identify significant state or national library technology trends and present this information to member librarians at least once per year at Users Council and at Technology roundtables.

Obj. 3. Develop improved channels for member libraries to share information on local library technology projects.

Act. 1. Identify member libraries working on innovative projects and invite them to make short presentations at Users Council and at Technology Roundtables.

Obj. 4. Investigate how C/W MARS could support innovative uses of technology by member libraries and develop collaborative pilot projects with potential for replication throughout the network.

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 6 Act. 1. Set up a process to identify and solicit potential collaborative technology projects, prioritize them June 2014 and select one to implement in FY15.

4. Provide Statewide Leadership for Stronger Library Collaboration

C/W MARS will be an active leader and participant in the future of library collaboration. This will include dialog and collaborations with MBLC and MLS to refine and to improve statewide library services as well as new collaborations with other library networks to explore and expand member library service to users.

Obj. 1. Actively participate in the MassLNC and Evergreen community to enhance the effectiveness of the Evergreen open source ILS system for member libraries and their users.

Act. 1. Actively participate in and support MassLNC.

Act. 2. Attend annual Evergreen International conferences and participate in community activities that advance the effectiveness of the Evergreen ILS system.

Act. 3. Contribute all software and documentation developed by and for the C/W MARS Evergreen system to the Evergreen community under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License, as appropriate.

Obj. 2. Collaborate with other organizations on statewide technology projects which meet identified member library needs, increase access to information, and lower costs through economies of scale.

Act. 1. Participate in the MBLC Resource Sharing Committee projects for a statewide e-book platform, a statewide library card, and a statewide discovery platform.

Act. 2. Support member libraries which are part of the statewide e-book platform by configuring SIP, Z39.50, NSIP, or other necessary connections to the Evergreen ILS system.

Act. 3. Implement the new Autographics statewide Virtual Catalog by December 2013.

Obj. 3. Advocate for increased state funding for shared library and automated network services. Educate stakeholders and legislators on the importance of the Small Libraries in Networks (SLIN) grants and including all area public libraries in resource sharing networks.

Act. 1. Participate in the development of the legislative agenda by working with the MBLC staff, commissioners, and the MLA Legislative Committee.

Act. 2. Participate in Legislative Day and Breakfast sessions to inform state legislators on the importance of line 9506 and other state funding for libraries, library networks, and the Mass Library Systems.

Act. 3. Advocate for increased funding in the SLIN grant program to ensure all public libraries in Central and Western MA that want to become circulating members of C/W MARS have an affordable path to do so

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 7 FINANCIAL PLAN

C/W MARS will carefully plan and monitor spending to leverage member library funds and direct resources toward the activities and projects that support network goals and priorities. The following principles will guide C/W MARS in this effort:

I. Annually develop budget objectives that support the current strategic plan’s goals and objectives.

1. Work toward limited increases in member library assessments; however approve fee schedules that are adequate to provide the services member libraries require.

2. Develop and regularly review the assessment formula to ensure fees are fair and equitable.

3. Plan to include a Stabilization Fund assessment as a line item in annual operating budgets.

4. Develop benchmarks to measure budget growth.

II. Continually monitor and upgrade the Network’s computer hardware, software and telecommunications systems to ensure excellent system functionality and performance.

III. Maintain a Stabilization Fund

1. To supplement grant funds for major ILS hardware upgrades every 3-4 years. Target amount is at least $100,000.

2. To supplement grant funds for major Telecommunications hardware upgrades every 4-5 years. Target amount is $200,000.

3. To provide a financial cushion in the case of significant revenue reductions and other emergencies. Target amount is 2 months of the operating budget, which equals approximately $420,000 in FY14, based on a $2.5 million network operating budget.

4. Annually deposit MBLC Line 9506 funds into the Stabilization Fund and use these funds the next fiscal year to offset member library assessments.

5. Transfer all new port opening fees and any operating budget surplus into the Stabilization fund at least once per year.

IV. Investigate new services requested by groups of member libraries; develop optional services and a fee schedule tailored to the needs of our diverse membership.

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 8 1. Develop guidelines for the establishment of core and optional services and clarify when a service is optional and when it becomes a core service.

2. Recommend approved services as either Core or Optional services, and develop appropriate fee schedules for Optional services on a cost recovery basis.

3. Seek grant funds and/or use Stabilization Funds for demonstration/pilot projects or for major new initiatives. Recognize that future direct grants to networks and individual libraries may be limited according to the MBLC in November 2012.

V. Develop a four year capital budget to fund purchases over $2,000 per invoice that have a depreciation value of one year or more. Examples include new Central Site business servers, i.e. Email, Central Site Office LAN, Web servers, office PCs, routers or server-based enterprise software for Central Site.

1. Items to be discussed by the Finance Committee, forwarded to the Executive Committee for discussion, and ultimately approved by the Users Council.

2. Amount to be determined annually. Source of funding may be: extra revenue generated by new or upgrading members; increases in MBLC funds; Stabilization Funds if available.

C/W MARS Strategic Planning 9 EVALUATION

C/W MARS will conduct a number of surveys as indicated in the FY13 and FY14 Action Plans. Results of these surveys will be shared with the C/W MARS Executive Committee and Users Council. Activities will be added or modified to address concerns raised by survey results. The Executive Committee will provide guidance to the Finance Committee on budget priorities and goals. An annual Action Plan will be approved by Users Council every fall.


The C/W MARS Users Council voted to approve the C/W MARS Strategic Plan: 2012-2016 at December 18, 2012 Users Council Meeting at the Wilbraham Public Library.

Joseph Mulé, Network President Joan Kuklinski, Executive Director


C/W MARS Strategic Planning 10

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