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Notes for Guidance: Enquiries and Applications for Research Degrees
These notes relate to forms UTRD ENQ 10 - Initial Enquiry for Admission to Research Degree UTRD APP 10 - Application for Admission to Research Degree UTRD CPQ 10 - Confirmation of Previous Qualification which are to be completed by applicants for research degrees (MPhil, PhD, MProf, DProf) at Teesside University.
Accessibility If for any reason you are unable to read these notes or read and complete the application forms, please contact, or arrange for the Graduate Research School to be contacted (see below).
General Before completing the forms, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU READ THESE NOTES FOR GUIDANCE CAREFULLY. You should also read the current institution literature, Prospectus, "Framework & Regulations for the Award of Higher Degrees by Research" and “Code of Practice for Research” relating to the research programmes for which you are applying in order to ensure that you are familiar with the entry requirements. The Framework & Regulations and Code of Practice documents are available for download from If you have difficulty in downloading these, please contact the Graduate Research School (Admissions), Phone 01642 748033 (International +44 1642), e-mail [email protected].
Exclusions Do NOT use these forms when applying for entry to Postgraduate taught courses, for example, leading to the following qualifications: PgC; PgD; MA; MSc; MEd; MBA; MRes; DBA; DCounPsy, D.Health.Psy, DEd- Please Request a Postgraduate Application form from the University's Registry. D.Clin.Psy - Applications should be made via the Clearing House for Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Psychology, 15 Hyde Terrace, Leeds LS2 9LT.
Applications from Members of University Staff
Staff who wish to undertake a research degree must first have the approval of their line manager / section leader following discussions in IDP or PDR.
If they intend to fund the research degree themselves but seek support in relation to time they should discuss and agree this with their line manager / section leader before submitting the Research Degree Application.
If staff wish to seek funding support from the Central Staff Development Budget (CSDB) they must apply on the relevant application form and in order to receive
Rev July 2010 1 UTRD APP NOTES 10 funding support the application must have the approval of their Dean/Director and CLQE.
Applications for funding from CSDB must be made on an annual basis by the closing date which is publicised by CLQE. Staff must be in receipt of a formal offer to undertake the research degree before applying for fee support. Therefore, early application for study is advised. All applications to the CSDB will be overseen by the DVC (Research and Enterprise).
Please note - even if staff have a formal offer to undertake a research degree there is no guarantee that funding will be approved.
Staff must also remember to re-apply for CSDB annually by the relevant deadline and note that continued funding is dependent on satisfactory progress. The University reserves the right to recoup £50 from staff funded through CSDB who leaved the research degree before completion or leave the university within two years of completion.
Minimum Entry Qualifications The normal minimum entry requirements to a Research degree are a British Upper Second Class Honours degree (2.1) or higher, or a Masters degree, or an International qualification deemed by the University to be equivalent, in a subject relevant to the desired subject of research. Additionally, students should normally have, or expect to achieve prior to study at least grade 7.0 overall in the IELTS English Language test with no individual grade below 6.5, or 250 in the computer- based TOEFL test and a score of 5.0 in the Test of Written English.
Mature applicants The University welcomes mature students including those who do not have conventional qualifications for admission to higher education. However, for entry to research degrees, applicants will need to show evidence of background knowledge in relation to the proposed research. Professional experience, publications, written reports or other appropriate evidence of accomplishment will be taken into consideration under APEL/APL procedures. The University may require an applicant to pass an externally assessed qualifying examination at final year honours degree level before registration is approved. The University will consult the applicant's referees concerning the applicant's academic attainment and fitness for research.
Data Protection Act 1984 and updates The information, which you give on your application form, will be used for the following purposes only: 1. To enable your application for entry to be considered. 2. To enable the institution to complete statistics, or to assist other organisations or individual research workers to do so, provided that no statistical information, which would identify you as a person, will be published. 3. To enable the institution to initiate your student record.
Deadlines For students wishing to apply for external funding, the University has the following deadlines for submission of applications to permit time for internal selection, and completion of external funding application forms before external deadlines: UK/EU Students wishing to apply for AHRC funding: 28 February annually.
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Overseas (non-UK/EU) Students may apply at any time but early application is recommended. References will be taken up by the University.
Advertised Research Studentships Students must respond by the advertised deadline. LATE APPLICATIONS CANNOT BE CONSIDERED WHERE FUNDING DEADLINES OPERATE.
Which form? Initially, complete only a UTRD ENQ 10 - Initial Enquiry for Admission to Research Degree form. An enquiry number will be returned to you, and a secretary, postgraduate tutor or prospective supervisor will contact you to further discuss your application.
You should only complete a UTRD APP 10 - Application for Admission to Research Degree if you are advised to do so by a postgraduate tutor or prospective supervisor. You will need their assistance in completing the Proposed Research, Initial Plan of Work and Training Needs Analysis sections.
When you complete your UTRD APP 10 form, also complete a UTRD CPQ 10 - Confirmation of Previous Qualification form for each undergraduate and postgraduate qualification gained (or expected to be gained) at institutions other than the Teesside University (formerly Teesside Polytechnic) and send them to the relevant institutions. You will also need to attach a copy of your original (or amended, if relevant) UTRD ENQ 10 to the UTRD APP 10.
Completed Forms Completed forms should be returned to: The Graduate Research School (Admissions), Teesside University, Borough Road, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, UK and not to prospective supervisors or postgraduate tutors.
The GRS will then acknowledge receipt of your application within 5 days of receipt during Term Time (usually via e-mail), informing you of your Reference Number. Thereafter, during Term Time, the University expects to be able to enter into discussion with applicants about their applications within 28 days. However, when vacations occur, processing can take longer.
Awaiting Examination Results or Job or other Course Offers? When asked to complete an application form UTRD App 10, please do not await the outcome of examination results before submitting your application. Partially complete UTRD CPQ 10 with your name, proposed course at Teesside and current course, and send it to the Registry of the institution where you are studying currently with a request for it to be forwarded to this University when results are known. If you are unsure whether to take up employment or study elsewhere, please do not wait until you have heard the results of job interviews or other course applications before submitting an application for study - you may miss out on funding opportunities if you delay.
Your application form will be photocopied before it is sent to Research Admissions Tutors and it is therefore important that you write neatly using black ink or typescript. Please ensure that all relevant sections are completed. Failure to do so will result in a delay in processing your application when additional information has to be sought. Please do NOT complete the minimum data and replace the remainder with a CV as
Rev July 2010 3 UTRD APP NOTES 10 this will delay processing of your application. However, CVs to supplement the main application are welcomed. Please also attach Certificates, Mark sheets and Transcripts wherever possible.
Other Notes Applicants will be registered initially for a research degree. At the end of the first year of full-time study, or second year of part-time study, candidates will undertake a Progression Board to confirm whether they may continue on the Doctorate or Masters programme.
Preferred Start Date: The Academic Year commences in September. Unless you specify a preferred start date (dd/mm/yy), the University will assume that you wish to commence study at the commencement of the next academic year. There are three cohort entry enrolment dates, on the first Monday in October or second Monday in January, or the first Tuesday in May. However, although you may specify a preferred start date it may not always be possible to keep to this timing.
Personal Details: Please complete this section in BLOCK CAPITALS. Please provide names as they appear on your official documentation, e.g. birth certificate, passport. This is particularly important for international students requiring visas as the University will be required to provide documentation for obtaining visas which will match your official documentation. At the end of your qualification, they will also be the names that appear on your award certificate.
Previous surname: If you have changed your name by marriage or otherwise, state your previous surname or family name.
Correspondence address: Enter the address to which you expect all correspondence to be sent.
Education and Training: Enter the Institution or awarding body, dates from / to, course details and subject name e.g. BA English.
Industrial, Professional or other Experience: Please indicate all work experience and training, paid or unpaid, full or part time, in your home or outside, particularly if this is relevant to the research you wish to undertake.
Qualifications: Enter the award, e.g. BA, BA Hons, Year of award, Class of Honours (if applicable) Awarding Institution and Main Subject of study. Please attach certified transcripts/certificates for all Higher Education and English Language Qualifications awarded to date.
Applicants with qualifications obtained outside the UK should give full details of the examinations taken as a preparation for entry to higher education as well as those
Rev July 2010 4 UTRD APP NOTES 10 taken at "degree" level in their own or other country. Some examples are: School and Higher School Certificates - Apolytirion, Baccalaureate, Diploma di Maturita, Examen Artium, Reifezeugnis, Studentereksamen; Degree equivalents - Diplôme d'Ingénieur Maîtrise, Diplom / Erstes Staatsexamen / Magister Artium, Ptychion (AEI) etc; Higher Degrees - Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Specialiseés, Mastère Specialisé etc. Applicants with qualifications obtained in a language other than English should give the name of the award in their own language, and attach a certified English transcript to the form.
Professional Qualifications: e.g. Chartered Accountancy; Chartered Engineering etc.. Chartered Physiotherapy etc.
Funding - Scholarships and Grants: Funded places may, or may not be available, depending upon the programme of research. Applicants will be advised if funding is available if offered a place to study. Please give details of whom you expect to pay your fees for the proposed course if funding is not available. If not known, please enter 'UNKNOWN'.
Declaration: Any offer of a place you may receive is made on the understanding that in accepting it you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the relevant institution, and by signing this form you are confirming your agreement to this. An original signature is required, not a typed entry. If you e-mail your application, you must also send a hard copy.
Proposed Research: Proposed topic Admissions Tutors will be interested in your reasons for choosing to study research, your career aspirations and relevant experience and information concerning your intellectual interests. If you have been out of education for some time, please also outline any relevant experience that may be taken into account in lieu of formal qualifications, either at home or in voluntary or paid work. It may also be helpful to explain any breaks in your career. Please indicate in your statement the name of any member of academic staff with whom you have already discussed your ideas and who may have indicated an interest in supervising you. Your statement, of around 1000 words, include items such as i) The topic or research question. vi) Evidence of related literature. ii) Why it is significant and worth vii) Potential methodology. doing. iii) Context and background. viii) Reference to previous work undertaken in the topic/general area ix) Reasons for your wish to iv) Key Issues. undertake this research v) Potential outcomes.
Training Needs Analysis The University is committed to ensuring that research students receive appropriate research and transferable skills training to support their study. In order to consider what is needed at the initial stage, we ask applicants to make a short self-analysis of their skill levels at the point of application for Research. If you are successful in being offered a place to study, a more detailed analysis will be undertaken by you in
Rev July 2010 5 UTRD APP NOTES 10 consultation with the University’s Research Governance & Training Manager, and your Supervisory Team.
Proposed Supervisory Team
Form UTRD App 10 asks for the names of your proposed Supervisory Team. The form should have been completed in discussion with the proposed members of that team. Subject to availability/capacity, however, these may change before or after enrolment.
Criminal Convictions: Please complete this section. Failing to do so will delay the processing of your application.
Equal Opportunities: This section will assist the University in assessing if it can help with special facilities to aid access to the University and your study, and in reporting statistical information to external authorities. Please enter in the box the code from the list of statements, which is most appropriate to you.
Tick the box that describes your condition and where it is not obvious, i.e. with unseen disabilities, indicate whether you have special needs in the space below N – not known.
Disabilities/support required: A No disability B Autistic disorder - You have a social/communication impairment such as Asperger's syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder C Blind/Partial sight - You are blind or have a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses D Deaf/Partial hearing - You are deaf or have a serious hearing impairment E Long Standing illness - You have a long standing illness or health condition such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy F Mental Health - You have a mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder G Learning difficulty - You have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D H Wheelchair/mobility - You have physical impairment or mobility issues, such as difficulty using your arms or using a wheelchair or crutches I Other disability - You have a disability, impairment or medical condition that is not listed above J Multiple disabilities - You have two or more impairments and/or disabling medical conditions N Not known.
Ethnic Origin - Planning Statistics: State your ethnic origin using the codes provided. (see section 3 of the application form). This information will not be made available to Admissions Tutors for selection purposes and is collected solely for the purpose of statistical monitoring (i.e. application and admission rates).
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Important Note Each institution undertakes to take all reasonable steps to provide educational services in the manner set out in the prospectus and in other documents. Should industrial action or other circumstances beyond the control of the institution interfere with its ability to provide such services, the institution undertakes to use all reasonable steps to minimise the resultant disruption to educational services. The institution does not undertake any absolute obligation whatsoever to provide educational services in the manner specified in the prospectus or in any other document, nor does it undertake any other obligation in respect of the provision of educational services, which is more onerous than the obligations set out herein.
Should you become a student of the institution, this notice shall be a term of any contract between you and the institution. Any offer of a place made to you by the institution is made on the basis that in accepting such an offer you signify your consent to the incorporation of this notice as a term of any such contract.
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