Dupage-Kane-Kendall Unit Council
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University of Illinois Extension DuPage-Kane-Kendall Unit Council November 11, 2015 6:45 PM Naperville Office
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
X Krystyn Briggs _ Ian Armesy X Tim Cramer X Mary Coffey X Xen Briggs X Steve Ford _ Belinda Hill X John Crinion _ Christina Heidrich X Sandy Portincaso X Patsy Hirsch _ Carolyn Pottinger _ Julian Heidrich _ Alfred Morales X Evelyn Moy
Also attending: Sandra Davis, DKK Director, Deanna Roby, 4-H Youth Development Educator, Richard Hentschel, Horticulture Educator, Jessica Gadomski, Illinois Nutrition Education Program Educator, Laura Barr, Nutrition and Wellness Educator, Joe Toman, Regional Director; and a guest Charles Coffey.
The meeting was called to order by Tim Cramer, Chairman, at 6:45 PM at the Naperville Office. All attendees introduced themselves.
The minutes of the September 23, 2015, meeting were reviewed. Patsy Hirsch made a motion to approve the minutes, Steve Ford seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Financial Reports Sandra reviewed the financial reports for both September and October 2015. September shows a negative under Rental/Lease Expenditures. This is a credit from Snap Ed because we house the Regional Snap Ed Educator. October shows normal expenditures, with income showing the Kendall County Board's distribution.
Written Staff/Educator Reports Sandra suggested talking to the staff after the meeting with questions. Tim spoke of Rosie's Publicity Report and sharing ideas for next years Annual Report as she will start on it in January.
Joe Toman, Regional Director, thanked all the Veterans present on this Veteran's Day. He also reported that the State Budget is still a "blank sheet" with no further information to help develop our budget. The Governor proposed 20% reduction in line items involving Extension. The University is looking at additional cuts at the State level and this may also filter down. A positive is the County Boards and other contributors. He hopes for a possible 75% match. Extension is being cautious - being very careful with any new hiring. They will be filling the two 4-H Youth Development Educator positions in the Region at this time.
Joe Toman then gave Wayne Mundsinger's report from the Extension State Advisory Council. There was an update on the Federal Civil Rights Compliance Review of the State: Hiring practices, reaching out to underserved audiences - the preliminary report indicates "fairly good compliance". They also looked at how to better serve the underserved audience. The Communication and Technology Director spoke of new tools for communication and marketing. He passed out the Fall issue of Gardener's Corner and encouraged sharing it with others. It is placed in libraries, and goes out with the Speaker's Bureau. Kristyn suggested getting it out to schools and Sandra said this could be possible in a school's "virtual backpack".
Old Business Remaining Council Meeting dates are: April 27, 2016 in Kane County and June 8, 2016 in Kendall County.
Sandra stated that there is a position for 60% time (flexible with days to work) office person. This is reopened because person hired was unable to fill the position. Also looking for two bilingual full time persons for Community Worker positions for SNAP Ed program. Qualifications are to read and write Spanish and some nutrition experience. Openinings close November 25th. If members know of anyone encourage them to apply. Testing will be in December and starting date is January. Sandra will send job descriptions to members. They are also on web page and Face Book.
New Business The State Affirmative Action Review will be in late Spring. Discussion of Current Programming Maps by Unit Educators followed: Horticulture - Richard reported: DuPage: Gardening Project Worm Program - in school system (Richard and Sandy explained the program is in the grade schools grades K-3, very successful and in demand, and is bilingual) Help Desks in Libraries Speaker Bureau - go where requests are Gardeners Corner - in many libraries Kane: Master Gardener Idea Garden at Research Farm and Worm Lessons Horticulture Therapy - nursing homes and rehabilitation centers Speakers Bureau and Gardners Corner as above Kendall: Master Gardener Program growing, Farmers Markets and Social Centers Gardeners Corner - as above Master Naturalist Program also open to DuPage and Kane County, Forest Preserves monitoring and plant inventory Rainfall monitoring Master Gardener training in the Fall was well received and there were more opportunities to do hands on, not all in classroom training. Steve suggested a spred sheet of all three counties and what activites there are in each one. Evelyn suggested Horticulture Therapy in schools. Richard said the population would be in the Spring and Fall and difficult to carry over the summer but could be considered. Discussion followed of underserved areas: Patsy said nothern Kane had several new Master Gardener graduates from this area and there are projects in mind to begin if approved. She also suggested that the Sherman Hospital Project was not indicated on the map. Evelyn said she could network with the Aurora area. Sandra said three tons of food were donated to Kendall County Food Pantry from the community gardens. Richard and Sarah have worked hard at the Farnsworth House in Plano and it now on the Historic Registry so there are limits on what can be done.
4-H and Youth Development - Deanna reported: DuPage: there is a wide variety of programing already available, but there is a possible need for programs in Warrenville Kane: There are four new clubs starting The largest school enrichment program is Embryology There are some stand alone Clover Bud Programs The needs are in the Dundee and Elgin areas Kendall: Wide mix in the county Large group of Science Ambassadors Plainfield area can crossover to Will County Currently are concentrating in Plano area Total numbers are down this last year. In DuPage many are reached through the Youth Outreach also. In DuPage County the adult volunteer administration is 4-H Foundation and maybe not everyone is enrolled. Deanna then sited the need areas.
SNAP Ed - Jessica reported: There are changes in the new grant- Feds (USDA) want to know: How they reach their families - the meet them where they are at Provide direct education Provide staff education Reinforcement of requirements of Federal funded programs Scope has been narrowed to focus areas Target areas identified for this year: DuPage - Addison, Bensenville, West Chicago Kane - Aurora, Elgin (U46 is the second largest school district in Illinois) Kendall - Plano-working to reestablish with the school district, coordinating with other Educators to get programs and resources available also in the area. Patsy questioned Central School District, but it is not near the 100% poverty level. Evelyn asked what the difficulties were in the Auora schools - slowly getting the OK to come in and do assessments of the lunch program and school wellness programs, then connect to resources, and need to work with parent liasons, PTO's, and Food Service.
Nutrition and Wellness - Laura reported: She has no team, it is just she who does presentations. Presentations on Chronic Disease, Food Safety and Sanitation DuPage County: High population of military - can get funds through grants from the Department of Defense "I am moving, I am learning" for child care providers and addresses childhood obesity Is working in schools that don't qualify for SNAP Ed. Inservice for librarians Kane: Work with translator because no bilingual educators Northern Illinois Food Bank is a big partner - give Safety Food Training there Aurora Farmers Market - give food preservation education there. They gave $400 to Extension, Ball paid for the equipment, and the Market bought the products needed. Kendall: Oswego Senior Center -Diabetes education Food Pantry will be a future target area Sandra suggested that Council members review the maps and questions and return comments to her to share with Educators. These need to be back to Sandra by December 1, 2015.
Holiday Office Closure dates where discussed. Patsy made a motion to close the Unit 5 Offices from December 24, 2015-January 1, 2016. Kristyn seconded the motion. Motion passed. Patsy then made a motion to also close the Kendall County Office on December 23, 2015. Kristyn seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Sandy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Evelyn seconded the motion. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 PM by Chairman Tim Cramer.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Coffey, Secretary