Bob Jones High School Chorus Syllabus

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Bob Jones High School Chorus Syllabus

Bob Jones High School Chorus Syllabus

Teacher Randall Fields 256-772-2547 x 80316 [email protected]


. Produce a consistently healthy vocal sound . Write rhythmic and melodic dictation. individually, in groups. . Demonstrate the use of musical elements in various . Sight-sing four-part literature. genres and stylistic periods. . Perform a repertoire of varied literature, including . Describe relationships between music and society. selections in various languages. . Identify and compose in all major and minor key . Improvise and compose harmonies to accompany a signatures. diatonic melody. . Identify and perform whole- and half-step patterns . Evaluate the accuracy of balance and aesthetic in major, and natural minor scales. interpretation in vocal ensemble performances. . . Expectations . . All policies set forth in the Bob Jones High School Student Handbook and Code of Conduct will be followed in this course. . Arrive on time with all materials, ready to participate fully in class. “On Time” means seated in the correct, assigned seat when the tardy tone sounds. . Keep all assigned music and a pencil in black, 3-ring binder. A storage cubby is provided in the classroom for each student to keep materials neatly organized and readily available. Students who do not have their required materials in class are unable to participate fully, and will receive a daily participation grade of zero. . Keep a portfolio of all written work. This portfolio may be a pocket notebook of any color, and should also contain 5 to 10 sheets of blank notebook paper and 3 to 5 sheets of blank staff paper. The portfolio should be kept in the same cubby as the black 3-ring binder. The portfolio will be checked periodically for completeness. . Participate in all class activities. Most of the time in a chorus class is, of course, spent singing. However, there are also opportunities to learn and demonstrate your learning that involve listening, writing, and reading. . Attend required out-of-school rehearsals and performances. Changes will be announced in class. A more detailed calendar of chorus events is attached. . Demonstrate appropriate audience behavior at performances of other groups. . Beverages, food, and chewing gum are not allowed in the chorus room. . Students who are not seated when the tardy tone sounds, or who have to get out of their seat to retrieve materials will be considered tardy. . Passes from class should be used for emergency situations only. The BJHS policy on passes states that students may have up to 2 per grading period. This policy will be enforced in this class. The procedure for requesting a pass from class is as follows: Using YOUR student handbook, complete the information on the pass page, except for teacher signature. When there is an opportunity during instruction, present the passbook to the teacher for his approval and signature. You are responsible for all information you miss while out of the classroom. . Off-task or disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated in this class. When listening or responding to performances of others, students will be courteous and describe performances using standard musical vocabulary. . Students who do not adhere to classroom expectations will be subject to disciplinary actions set forth in the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct, AND will be placed on probation from chorus. The period of probation will last for two weeks. While on probation, students may not perform in public with the group; also during that time, if the student breaks any other class rule, the student will be separated from the class and will be given music-related written projects for the remainder of the grading period, and will be ineligible to travel off campus with the group for the remainder of the school year. At the end of that grading period, the student’s schedule will be re-evaluated with parents, teacher, and school administrators. Any student who breaks 3 or more classroom expectations for behavior during the semester will be in jeopardy of being removed from the class. . . Required Materials . . Black 3-ring binder (½ inch or 1 inch) . Pencil . Two-pocket folder . 5-10 sheets of notebook paper . 3-5 sheets of blank staff paper . . Grades . . Daily Grades 30% of nine-week grade (daily participation, individual written assignments) . Test Grades 30% of nine-week grade (announced singing and written tests, unannounced portfolio checks) . Performances 35% of nine-week grade (attendance and participation in required performances and out-of school rehearsals) . Final Exam 20% of course average (written/singing test on the assigned test date OR presentation of long-range project) . . Emergency Procedures . . Fire Drill or Building Evacuation: In an orderly fashion, exit the chorus room through the double doors at the south end of the classroom. Turn left. Exit the building through the loading dock doors. Carefully cross the driveway and wait for roll call in the south (senior) parking lot. Listen for additional directions. . . Severe Weather: In an orderly fashion, exit the chorus room through the door at the north end of the classroom. Turn right. When you get to the main hallway, near trophy cases, turn right again. Go to the end of that hallway and enter classrooms S108 or S109. If those classrooms are full, sit along the hallway near those rooms. Listen for additional directions. . . Other Emergencies: Procedures for other emergencies will be discussed in class. In all emergency situations, try to remain as calm as possible, and listen for directions from school officials and emergency responders. . . Upcoming Events . . . . Class requirements are indicated by an asterisk (*).

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