Some Exponential Growth-Decay Model
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Some exponential growth-decay model
A. Fishery model. n( t ) : Fish population at time t. dn n attrition rate for fish dt , = natural mortality rate fishing mortality rate At t 0,n( t ) n0 t Then n( t ) n0e
n0 n( t )
Total catch up to time t, C( t ) ( n n ) 0 When more than one variety of fish active j j And, the volume of jth catch would be C ( t ) j ( n n ) j 0
B. Sales with advertising
► When advertising stops, sales decay exponentially. There is some t when this occurs ► Sales has a saturation point M. i.e. sales cannot increase beyond M ► Advertising level is A.
dS M S Model: A S , A( t ) A when t dt M 0, otherwise
If X = total advertising expenditure = A
dS X X Then, bS C , where b , C dt M
C Solution: S( t ) S ebt ( 1 ebt ) 0 b Advertising
S( t ) S( )e( t )
C S( t ) S ebt ( 1 ebt ) 0 b Typical policy: Advertising policy ought to be such that would push toward right but at the same time reaches S( ) quickly. Probably, a big initial push and then followed by a steady advertising pulses with a certain periodicity. e.g.
Time Guerrilla warfare. Two different groups.
Defenders: m( t ) Return fire blindly
Guerrillas: n( t ) Fire defenders having the later in full view
A typical model may be:
dn mn dt dm n dt dn m n m This yields dn mdm dm N M i.e. ( n N ) ( m2 M 2 ) 2
There is a likely draw if 2N M 2 or
2N M Vietnam data: 0.001. Guerrillas can win even if 2 vastly outnumbered provided both sides are subdivided into small pockets of engagements and guerrillas attack with local numerical superiority. Lancaster War model. A coupled system.
Two warring populations. n( t ) : number of blue forces at time t m( t ) : number of red forces at time t dn m dt dn m . dm dm n n dt Initial populations N and M , respectively.
Solution: ( M 2 m2 ) ( N 2 n2 )
Forces fight to draw if M 2 N 2
This suggests that if the Blue system is 4 times as effective as the red (weapons, environment, doctrine, etc.), Red will need twice the initial force to seize a draw.
d dn dm d 2n Also, n n dt dt dt dt 2
Its general solution would be n( t ) N cosh t - N sinh t similarly, m( t ) M cosh t - M sinh t
A MATLAB run shows the profile of two functions against time for a given set of initial values.
L a n c a s t e r m o d e l 3 0
2 5
2 0
1 5 0 0 . 5 1 1 . 5 2 2 . 5 3 3 . 5 4 4 . 5 5 t i m e Another coupled system. Lotka-Volterra equations.
Prey-Predator model. dm ( 1 n )m Prey (host) dt m dn ( 1 m )n Predator (parasite) dt n Higher the parasite population, lower is the host growth rate. Higher the host population, higher is the parasite growth rate.
Structurally, they are related in this manner
ParasiteParasite HostHost
+ This is structurally a stable arrangement. Similar, structural approach:
WagesWages PricePrice pressure pressure +
WageWage demands demands PricePrice
A positive feedback loop. Unstable. ActualActual - TemperatureTemperature DesiredDesired RoomRoom temp temp differencedifference RoomRoom temp temp + +
HeatingHeating A negative feedback system. Product of the signs on the arcs is negative. This system is stable. Typical thermostat System.
ActualActual DesiredDesired RoomRoom temp temp RoomRoom temp temp
For our predator-prey problem,
dm dn System is in equilibrium when 0 and 0 dt dt Let equilibrium populations be me and ne , respectively.
Then ne 1 and me 1. General system profile in terms of equilibrium volumes is dm n dn m m ( 1 )m and n( 1 )n dt ne dt me from these two, we get
n 1 m dm ne m dn n m 1 n me from which we get contour solutions on the m-n plane
1 m 1 n lnm lnn const m me n ne