Quotes about the Bible:  "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." George Washington  "I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. Abraham Lincoln  "It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom." Horace Greeley  “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” Theodore Roosevelt  "The secret of my success? It is simple. It is found in the Bible." George Washington Carver (scientist)  "The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty…[It]will make us better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands." Thomas Jefferson

WHAT IS THE BIBLE? The Bible was written by over 40 people during about 1500 years. They were prophets, shepherds, kings, farmers, doctors and many others. It has topics about life and truth and relationships and justice, history, laws, a little science, prophecies, miracles and many other things. It was written to help people know the truth and to help people live full and satisfying lives. These holy words tell about God, and how much He loves all people in the world. This is God's story.


STORY: A soldier was taken prisoner in Vietnam. It was very terrible and he expected to die. One day, the guards let him make a tape to send to his family. He planned carefully what to say. He talked about the children’s education, about things he would like to experience with them, challenges the family might face and how to deal with them, wise ideas to help them and most of all about how much he loved them. He didn ’t write about the effects of gravity or why the sky is blue or how to make a gasoline engine. There were much more important life issues to talk about. In some ways, the Bible is similar. It says a few things about science, but mostly it’s concerned with human relationships and how we can be reunited with God. It gives us wisdom about how to live life and improve our relationships and follow truth and freedom. Science is very useful, but there are many things that science can’t help with.

Einstein said this: "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Galileo said, "The Bible was written to show us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go." HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BIBLE God’s story audio online in many languages at: http://www.gods-story.org/soundclips.htm CREATION & FALL: www.kids4truth.com There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail.

--Eric Hoffer

Creation Animation at: http://www.kids4truth.com/creation.htm

God created a beautiful and intricate world for us to enjoy. Consider the eye, or the ability to have children or how plants and people help each other breathe! It’s all in perfect balance. Consider the weekly cycle too. The year is based on the sun. The month on the moon. But, where does our week come from? Napolean and others tried to change it, but the 7 day week is the best for human beings. It remembers God’s creation and this is what is best for us. God gave marriage and the Sabbath at creation to enjoy relationships with God and people. God also gave us freedom to choose. Adam and Eve choose to disobey at God’s “voting booth”. This choice has caused much sadness, pain and tears. But, God promised that he would give us a 2nd chance by sending a Messiah to die for us.



became more and more evil after sin started. There was violence and evil “continually”. So, God decided to destroy the world with a flood. This flood killed all but 8 people. More than 100 cultures around the world record a flood story and science has evidence everywhere for a worldwide flood. God gave a rainbow of promise that he would not again destroy all the world with water. But, some people didn’t believe. They built a tower. At that time, God changed their speech into many languages.

THE ISRAELI NATION (Deuteronomy 28):

Israelite Animation at: http://www.k4t.com/chosen/

God chose Abraham to start a new nation that would bless the world and show God’s truth. With Moses as a leader, the Israelites left Egypt with many miracles of God and came to Canaan. Sometimes they followed God’s rules. When they did, their nation was strong and powerful. But, many times they didn’t follow him and lost their strength. God tried everything (like a good teacher does) to get them to learn and choose his way of freedom. He was sometimes strict, He was sometime generous and merciful. But,he wanted the best for Israel.

JESUS LIFE & DEATH: Animation at: http://www.kids4truth.com/thearrival.html

Jesus came as a baby to show us God’s love. He helped the poor. He healed the sick. He stopped traditions that were hurting people. He was popular with kids and adults! He fulfilled over 60 specific prophecies. He has inspired Gandhi, M.L. King, and many other leaders, scientists and philosophers. His way of love was very different from the world’s way of power. But, the Jewish leaders thought he and his ideas were dangerous. So, they killed him. But, this also fulfilled prophecy. And because of his death, everyone can live forever.

THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Jesus rose from the dead as he said. The church turned the world upside down and quickly spread around the world. One enemy said, “See how they love each other”. Jesus’ love and the truth of Jesus’ resurrection inspired Christians to build schools, hospitals, and churches to help everyone live a better life.

JESUS 2nd COMING: Animation at: http://www.kids4truth.com/one.htm Jesus promised that someday, sin will end. We will go to a place with no pain, no sadness, no death and none of these earthly limits. Heaven will be our true and ultimate freedom!