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Hemphill High School Campus Improvement Plan 2012-2013
______Date of School Board Approval Legal References
Each school district shall have a district improvement plan that is developed, evaluated, and revised annually, in accordance with district policy, by the superintendent with the assistance of the district-level committee. ( Section 11.251 of the Texas Education Code)
Each school year, the principal of each school campus, with the assistance of the campus-level committee, shall develop, review, and revise the campus improvement plan for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations, including students in special education programs under Subchapter A, Chapter 29, with respect to the academic excellence indicators adopted under Section 39.051 and any other appropriate performance measures for special needs populations. (Section 11.253 of the Texas Education Code) Mission Statement
The mission of the Hemphill Independent School District is to equip all students in a safe learning environment with the skills necessary to lead productive and satisfying lives.
2 Planning and Decision Making Committee
Name Position Signature Parent, Business, Community, Teacher, etc
Butler, Sandra (2011-2013) Teacher
Farrell, Nina (2011-2013) Teacher
Griffin, Marc Principal
Henson, Dorothy (2011-2012) Teacher
Hobbs, Sherrill (2011-2012) Teacher
Rocha, Ray (2011-2013) Teacher
Simmons, Belinda Counselor
Cox, Tammie Business Representative
Holmes, Felix Community Representative
Jacks, Tricia Community Representative
Hamilton, Arthur Parent Representative
Wright, Tellina Business Representative
3 Comprehensive Needs Assessment
A Comprehensive Needs Assessment was conducted with the Committee on 07/23/2012 Data Source Committee Role 1. AEIS Member 2. Federal Accountability Data for AYP Butler, Sandra Teacher 3. TAKS Data--disaggregated 4. District PEIMS reports Griffin, Marc Principal 5. PBMAS reports Henson, Dorothy Teacher 6. Dropout and School Leaver data—disaggregated Hobbs, Sherrill Teacher 7. District retention data 8. District discipline referral data 9. Student attendance data 10.Benchmark testing data 11.Referral percentages for students in Special Education 12.SAT/ACT data 13.Truancy data 14.Homeless population analysis 15. Qualitative and Quantative data to plan 16. Parent Involvement Records 17. Records from Special Programs 18. Student Grades 19. Inventory 20. Sign in sheets/agenda/minutes 21. Drug Testing Results 22. Public Postings
4 Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Summary of Findings
Prioritized Areas of Concern
Areas of Concern Data Source Algebra I, African American State Accountability (AEIS) Biology, African American State Accountability (AEIS) Chemistry, Hispanic State Accountability (AEIS) English I, Reading, African American, White State Accountability (AEIS) Writing for all students in all sub- populations State Accountability (AEIS)
Special Programs – Dyslexia; ESL Parent, community, and student surveys; student achievement; participation in special programs
In this plan, the term “student groups” refers to students who are H, W, AA, ED, Migrant, LEP, G/T, and Special Education (modify as necessary)
5 State Compensatory Education
This District has written policies and procedures to identify the following: Students who are at risk of dropping out of school under state criteria Students who are at risk of dropping out of school under local criteria How students are entered into the SCE program How students are exited from the SCE program The cost of the regular education program in relation to budget allocations per student and/or instructional staff per student ratio
Total SCE funds allotted to this District/Campus - $191,036.00
Total FTEs funded through SCE at this District/Campus – 3.50397 The process we use to identify students who are at risk can be located on page 7.
Failed TAKS, Pregnant/Parent, LEP, Protective Services, Homeless, Resident Placement, and Other.
The process we use to exit students from the SCE program who no longer qualify can be located on page 7.
Closed CPS Cases and passing the TAKS test.
Optional for Title I Schoolwide schools: At Hemphill ISD School State Compensatory Funds are used to support Title I initiatives.
6 State Compensatory Education
State of Texas/Local Student Eligibility Criteria:
A student under 21 years of age and who: 1. Is in pre-kindergarten – grade 3 and did not perform satisfactorily on a readiness test/assessment given during the current school year. 2. Is in grades 7-12 and did not maintain a 70 average in two or more subjects in the foundation curriculum during a semester in the preceding or current school year OR is not maintaining a 70 average in two or more foundation subjects in the current semester. 3. Was not advanced from one grade to the next for one or more school years 4. Did not perform satisfactorily on a state assessment instrument, and has not in the previous or current school year performed on that instrument or another appropriate instrument at a level equal to at least 110 percent of the level of satisfactory performance on that instrument 5. Is pregnant or is a parent 6. Has been placed in an AEP during the preceding or current school year 7. Has been expelled during the preceding or current school year 8. Is currently on parole, probation, deferred prosecution, or other conditional release 9. Was previously reported through PEIMS to have dropped out of school 10. Is a student of limited English proficiency 11. Is in the custody or care of DPRS or has, during the current school year, been referred to DPRS 12. Is homeless 13. Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, or foster group home. 14. Exit Criteria: meeting requirements for graduation.
7 Federal, State and Local Funding Sources Federal funding sources that will be integrated and coordinated with State and Local funds to meet the needs of all students.
Program/Funding Source Federal Programs Title 1, Part A Title I, Part C (Migrant) Title II, Part A (TPTR) Title II, Part D (Technology) Title IV, Part A (Innovative) ESEA Title VI (Innovative) Carl Perkins Title V, Part A (Innovative) State Programs/Funding Source Accelerated Reading Instruction Funds Career/Technology Education State Compensatory Education Dyslexia Gifted/Talented Special Education Bilingual/ESL Program Local Programs/Funding Source Grants
8 Goal 1: Student Success
Objective 1: 93% of all students and in all sub-pops will Demonstrate Proficiency on the state assessments.
Summative Evaluation: 93% of students in all sub-pops passing state assessments.
Activity/Strategy *Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data Sources School wide Responsible Evaluation Compone nt (#1-10) Diagnostic and Core subject At the end Title I Improved six weeks 10 Benchmark tests will 1,2,8,9, teachers and of each Funds grades be administered. 10 counselor unit SCE Funds Reduced failure rate $ # FTE Students who fail any 2,8,9,10 Study Island Every 6 Title I Improved Test Scores 7, 13 part of the TAKS/EOCs Coordinator weeks Funds and Graduation Rates test will be enrolled in mandatory tutorial SCE Funds /enrichment class. $ # FTE Student data will be Counselor and Every 6 Title I Improved six weeks 3, 10 closely reviewed to see 1,2 teachers weeks Funds grades if students could be served by another SCE Funds Reduced failure rate existing program. $ # FTE
9 Activity/Strategy *Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data Sources School wide Responsib Evaluation Compon le ent (#1-10) Special education 1,2,8,9 Counselor At the Title I Funds Improved six weeks 10, 11 students will be end of grades included in benchmark each unit SCE Funds testing. Reduced failure rate Increase number of 1,2,8,9 Core Yearly Title I Funds Improved Test 3 student achieving 10 Subject Scores commended Teachers SCE Funds performance on TAKS/EOC Tests Implement Reading 1,2,3,4 Designated Every 6 Title I Funds Improved six weeks 17 Counts Program to ,9 Teachers, weeks grades encourage students to Administrat SCE Funds read. ors, and Reduced failure rate Counselor Increase number of 2,8,9 Counselor Each Title I Funds Improved six weeks 3, 10 students participating Semester grades in on-line testing. SCE Funds Reduced failure rate Mandatory Exemption 2,4 Principal Final Title I Funds Improved six weeks from 2nd Semester and Semester grades and TAKS Final Exam for all teachers SCE Funds scores students that passed the TAKS/EOC test in that subject area as an incentive.
*Identify the Title 1 School-wide Component that the activity/strategy addresses if applicable. This column will help ensure that the 10 Components for school-wide schools have been addressed. Delete the column if desired.
10 Goal 1 : Student Success
Objective 2: Close the Achievement Gap of Special Populations
Summative Evaluation: 93% of all students pass all portions of the state test and the Campus will meet AYP.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Timeline Evaluation Sources Component Use DMAC program to 1,2,9 Counselor and Every 6-weeks Region VII Improved Test 1, 3 disaggregate TAKS scores Teacher Scores and to show the gaps between Graduation Rates student populations. Special attention will be given to the minority students, at-risk students, and other special groups. Student data will be closely 1,2,9, Principal and Every 6-weeks Grades and Six Weeks Grades 3, 11 reviewed to determine if Counselor District and Failure Reports student could be served by Documents another existing program, i.e. Dyslexia, or 504.
11 Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Timeline Evaluation Sources Component Increase student success in 2,3, Classroom February of Writing Increased 3, 10 writing. All student groups Teachers & Dept each year Curriculum percentage of need to increase TAKS/EOC Head Workshops students making a writing score to a “3”. 3 on the writing test Monitor Progress of LEP 2 Testing Semester Grades, Increase 18 Students. Coordinator & TAKS, percentage of ESL Coordinator Testing, students proficient Benchmark in LEP
12 Goal 1:Student Success
Objective 3: Focus on Student Improvement
Summative Evaluation: 93% of all students pass all portions of the state tests and the Campus will meet AYP.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Timeline Evaluation Sources Component Tutorials will be available for all 2,9 Classroom Teacher Weekly Grades, Daily/Weekly 9 students. & Dept Head Attendance Attendance
Encourage at-risk students to 2,9 Sponsors Weekly Teachers, By Student 9 participate in UIL and other Coaches Participation extra -curricular and co- curricular activities. Attendance and drop-out rates 2, SB 976 Registrar/Principal Each 6 weeks RSCCC Attendance 6, 9, 13 will be monitored, dropouts will and Attendance Program & Drop out be encouraged to enroll in the Committee Attendance Reports, GED program at the Sabine AEIS Area Career Center Reports Every teacher will be provided 2,8,9 At-risk Committee August, 2012 RSCCC AEIS Report 1 with a list of at-risk students. Program
Computer labs will be utilized 1,2,8,9 Classroom Weekly Computer Program 17 to provide individualized Teachers Labs Reports academic reinforcement for all Teachers students. Enhance students academic 6 Designated Weekly Teachers Teacher 16 courses through various individual teachers Observation presentations made by parent/community speakers. Odyssey Program will be used 2.9 Principal & Semester Teachers Grades & 17 for credit recovery for students Counselor Teachers failing. evaluations
13 Campus will participate in all 10 Principal & Semester Teacher, Outcome of 20, School Health Advisory Teachers Nurse, SHAC Programs programs and training. Advisory Committee
14 Goal 2: Develop a Strong Curriculum Utilizing Technology
Objective 1: Utilize Technology
Summative Evaluation : Increase utilization of technology by students and teachers.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Utilize Odyssey 2,8,9 Study Island Every 6 Title I Funds Improved Test 17 Program and Study Coordinator weeks Scores and Island during and SCE Funds Graduation Rates remediation classes. Classroom Teachers Utilization of 2,8,9 Classroom Daily Computer, Improved 18 technology in all Teachers & Projectors, etc. classroom classes. Principal instruction Appropriate software 2,8,9 Classroom Semester Catalogs, Improved Student 19 will be purchased and Teacher, internet, etc. Performance utilized. Tech Director & Dept Head.
15 Goal 2: Develop a Strong Curriculum Utilizing Technology
Objective 2: Provide Timely, Useful Staff Development
Summative Evaluation: Increase useful staff development opportunities to address academic needs.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Departmental meetings will be 2,4,8 Principal/Department Every 6 Curriculum, TAKS Curriculum 20 scheduled. Heads weeks Scores Alignment documentation Conduct staff development to 2,4,8,9 Principal Yearly Region VII Staff 18 present data that reflects the Region V Development needs of our at-risk students Certificates or and to present achievement records within the classroom. Provide updated training for all 2,4,8,9 Principal Yearly Region VII Student 3, 6, 18, staff to ensure common Region V Success and 20 understanding of district Achievement procedures for identifying, supporting and monitoring students The District will continue to use 2,4,8 Principal Weekly Region VII Staff 20 DMAC through Region VII Development to ESC. Teachers will participate enhance in local/regional staff curriculum development for technology, association with school staff, and staff development needs.
16 Goal 2: Develop a Strong Curriculum Utilizing Technology
Objective 3: Align the Curriculum Horizontally and Vertically
Summative Evaluation: Increase horizontal & vertical alignment to address specific academic needs.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Resources Formative Data Sources School Timeline wide Responsibl Evaluation Component e (#1-10) Include CATE 2,8,9 Principal Weekly Classroom Meeting 20 teacher in all campus Teachers Agendas and curriculum meetings. sign in Assessment will be 1,2,8,9 Principal Monthly Principals, Teaching 7 done to determine Counselor Superintendent, Assignments where areas of need Committees and Student are in teaching Success assignments. Teachers will use 8 Teacher Weekly CSCOPE Using Year-at- 15 CSCOPE to align the curriculum Glance to align curriculum resources horizontally and vertically
17 Goal 2: Develop a Strong Curriculum Utilizing Technology
Objective 4: Provide Instruction by Highly Qualified Personnel
Summative Evaluation: Ensure that all personnel hired are highly qualified in order to provide the highest level of education for our students.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Assign mentor teacher to 4 Designated August, 2012 Teachers Appraisals 15 new teachers. Classroom Teachers & Principal The district will conduct an 3 Principal August, 2012 Superintendent Teacher Records - 4 assessment of each Principals Transcripts campus to determine whether or not all teachers are highly qualified. Attend college job fairs to 5 Principal Semester College\ESC 7 Recruit HQ 20 recruit highly qualified Teachers teachers.
18 Goal 3: Provide a Safe, Positive Learning Environment
Objective 1: Build Student Self-Esteem
Summative Evaluation: Increase student self esteem by providing programs and opportunities to participate in school extra curricular programs.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Maintain a Drug- 2 Principal Daily Region VII & Number of 21 Free\Gun Free Region VII Local Police Referrals environment. Consultants Dept. Teachers will provide 2 Classroom Daily Classroom Problems 8 morning duty and lunch Teachers & Teachers Addressed duty and afternoon duty Principal while on duty to provide a safe environment for students Acknowledge student 2 Classroom Daily Website\Sabine Success of 20, 22 achievement on school Teacher & County website and website and local Sponsors Reporter information in newspaper. paper Encourage participation 2 Classroom Daily UIL Increased 20 in UIL contests and Teacher & Events\Contests UIL other extra-curricular Sponsors Participation programs Utilize counselor to 2 Principal – Daily DETCOG Sign in form 20 deal with students who Teachers of students have conflict resolution Counselor participating skills.
19 Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Invite outside agencies 2 Principal - Monthly DETCOG and Master 20, 22 to conduct programs for Teachers Drug & Alcohol Calendar students in conflict Abuse Council Scheduling resolution. Drug screening 2 Principal Monthly Southwest Test Results 21 conducted randomly for Consortium all students participating in an extra-curricular activity and or those that drive a vehicle on school property.
20 Goal 3: Provide a Safe, Positive Learning Environment
Objective 2: Reinforce Appropriate School Behaviors
Summative Evaluation: Decrease incidences of behaviors requiring disciplinary action, thereby increasing student safety.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Review student BIP to 4 Principal Daily BIP Plan # of times 8, 11 insure ISS placement Modifications student is is an appropriate and placed in ISS effective deterrent to inappropriate behavior.
21 Goal 3: Provide a Safe, Positive Learning Environment
Objective 3: Teach Drug & Alcohol Refusal Skills
Summative Evaluation: Increase student awareness of drug and alcohol prevention.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Grad-Night – 4,2 Principal May Community Participation 20 Alcohol/Drug free event Contact Outside 4,2 Counselor Each 6 weeks DETCOG, Law Participation of 9, 20 agencies to provide Enforcement Agencies drug and alcohol Agency programs for students National Honor Society 2 Counselor Annually Region VII Distribution of 8 Student Council will Drug-Free Red Ribbon conduct the red ribbon School week
22 Goal 3: Provide a Safe, Positive Learning Environment
Objective 4: Ensure Staff and Student Safety
Summative Evaluation: Increase student awareness of safe practices.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Each classroom will be 2,4 Principal September District Onsite 20 provided a crash kit Classroom with emergency instructions. Fitness Gram, 2 Teachers, Daily, Annual Fitness Gram, Results of 9, 13, 17, 18 PE/Athletics, Health Coaches, Nurse, Fitness Gram, Class, healthier meals Principal, Teachers, Grades, served by school Support Staff Coaches, Observations cafeteria with more USDA choices. Guidelines Campus is deemed 4 Principal Continuous Law Documentation 22 alcohol, drug, tobacco, Enforcement and weapon free zone. DETCOG Educate students, HB 283, Classroom Annually Workshops Documentation 20, 22 faculty /staff, and TEC Teachers / Region VII parents in areas of ii.252 Principal harassment and bullying. Programs for homeless 10 Principal Daily Teacher Participation 14 students are available Counselor Committee through United Christian Services, Rainbow Room, and Stepping Stones.
23 Goal 3: Provide a Safe, Positive Learning Environment
Objective 5: Maintain Aesthetics of the Campus
Summative Evaluation: Increase overall well being of faculty and students.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Display Student Artwork 2 Sponsor & Semester Student Reports to 20 and beautify our Student Council Site Based campus with furniture Council Team and plans. President
24 Goal 4: Promote Partnerships Between the School, Home, & Community
Objective 1: Promote Good Communication
Summative Evaluation: Increase communication between teachers, parents, and community members.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 School Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data wide Component Responsible Evaluation Sources (#1-10) Student and/or 4,1,2,6,9,10 Classroom Weekly/Monthly Parents, Teacher 16 parent conferences Teachers & Students, Documentation will be scheduled as Principal Teachers needed PRS services will be 1,2,6,9,10 Counselor Semester Counselor PEIMS Records 4 utilized when necessary. Grade notification 2,6 Classroom 3 Weeks Grades Signed Progress 18 every 3 weeks. Teachers/Principal Reports Develop a parent / 4,6 Counselor 6-weeks Community Participation 16, 20 community volunteer Mentor/Volunteer program to get Coordinator & parents and Sponsor community involved. Submit articles & 6 Classroom Weekly/Monthly Classroom Weekly 22 photographs to local Teachers & Teacher Newspaper newspaper. Sponsors Articles School website is 2 Classroom Weekly Website Communication 22 used to promote Teacher/Principal for parents and communication. students. Student Grades 2 Registrar Daily Website Communication 18 accessible by all Teachers Grade book for parents/guardians Program parents/guardians online.
25 Goal 4: Promote Partnerships Between the School, Home, and Community
Objective 2: Opportunities for Parental Involvement
Summative Evaluation: Increase opportunities for parent and community involvement.
Activity/Strategy Title 1 Person(s) Timeline Resources Formative Data School wide Responsible Evaluation Sources Component (#1-10) Meet the Hornets 6 Athletic Seasonal Parents, coaches, Participation 22 (Introduce Parents) Coordinators (football, teachers in event basketball, baseball) Band Concerts for 6 Band Director Each Semester Parents, Band Participation 22 Christmas and Spring Director, & in event Teachers Athletic Activities 6 Athletic Weekly Parents, Coaches, Participation 22 Coordinators Teachers/Staff in events Athletic and Band 6 Athletic Yearly Parents, Band Participation 22 Booster Club Coordinators Director, Teachers in club Membership & Band Director Parent Workshop on 6 Principal Yearly Counselor/Teachers Participation 22 scholarships, financial Counselor aid & college entrance exams Involve parents 6 Principal Every 6 Weeks Committee/Teacher Participation 22 through campus site based decision-making committee. Provide individual 2 LEP September/April Teacher Participation 22 parent LEP Coordinator Committee conferences. Meet the Parents 6 Principal Fall & Spring Principal/Teachers Participation 22
26 27