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The University of Sydney
Draft Change Proposal
Sydney College of the Arts (SCA)
August 2016
Drafted by: Office of the Provost and DVC Approved by: Professor Stephen Garton, Provost and Deputy Vice- Chancellor Date of issue: 9 August 2016 Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 1 of 24 CONTENTS 1. PREAMBLE...... 4 ...... 2. S C A 4 V I S I O N ...... 3. D E T A I L E D R A T I O N A L E F O R T H E 5 C H A N G E ...... 3 . 1 . O v e r v i e w o f t h e 5 S C A ...... 3.2. S i t u a t i o n 6 o v e r v i e w ...... 3 . 3 . B a c k g r o u n d t o d e c l i n e i n s t u d e n t p r e f e r e n c e s , a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d 6 e n r o l m e n t s ...... 3.4. S t u d e n t 7 l o a d ...... 3.5. S t u d e n t 7 r e v e n u e ...... 3 . 6 . S t u d e n t e x p e r i e n c e a n d t h e g o a l o f d i s c i p l i n a r y 7 b r e a d t h ...... 3.7. T h e R o z e l l e 8 s i t e ...... 3.8. O v e r a l l f i n a n c i a l 8 p o s i t i o n ...... 4. T H E 9 F U T U R E ...... 4 . 1 . S C A m o v e t o t h e F a c u l t y o f A r t s a n d S o c i a l S c i e n c e s 9 ( F A S S ) ...... 4 . 2 . C o u r s e o f f e r i n g s a n d s t u d e n t 9 c o h o r t s ...... 4 . 3 . E x p r e s s i o n s o f i n t e r e s t f o r a n o f f e r o f v o l u n t a r y 10 r e d u n d a n c y ...... 4 . 4 . T h e o r e t i c a l a n d H i s t o r i c a l s t u d i e s t o b e r e l o c a t e d t o 10 S L A M ...... 4.5. S c r e e n 11 A r t s ...... 4.6. S C A p r o f e s s i o n a l 11 s t a f f ...... 4.7. F a c i l i t i e s a t 11 C a m p e r d o w n / D a r l i n g t o n ...... 4.8. T r a n s i t i o n a l 12 a r r a n g e m e n t s ...... 5. M A N A G I N G 12 C H A N G E ...... 5 . 1 . P r o c e s s f o r f u r t h e r 12 c o n s u l t a t i o n ...... 5 . 2 . M i t i g a t i o n o f n e g a t i v e 12 e f f e c t s ...... 5 . 3 . M i n i m i s i n g W o r k H e a l t h a n d S a f e t y ( W H S ) 12 r i s k ...... 5 . 4 . F i n a n c i a l i m p l i c a t i o n s o f t h e 13 c h a n g e ...... 5 . 5 . T i m i n g o f c o n s u l t a t i o n a n d p r o p o s e d 13 i m p l e m e n t a t i o n ...... 5 . 6 . I m p l i c a t i o n s f o r S C A 13 s t a f f ...... 5.7. S C A C a s u a l 13 s t a f f ...... 5 . 8 . I m p a c t o n n o n - S C A s t a f f a t 14 R o z e l l e ...... 5.9. A l l s t a f f 14 s u p p o r t ...... 6. P R I N C I P L E S U N D E R P I N N I N G T H E C H A N G E 14 P R O G R A M ...... 7. P L A N N I N G F O R 15 C H A N G E ...... 8. C H A N G E C O N S U L T A T I O N A N D C O M M U N I C A T I O N 16 P L A N ...... 9. A P P E N D I C E S ...... 17 ...... Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts P a g e 2 o f 2 4 Appendix 1 – List of affected faculty positions...... 17 Appendix 2 – Support Services...... 19 Employee assistance program - counselling services and wellbeing resources for staff19 Career Development Program Outline...... 20 Appendix 3 – Organisational design discussion paper...... 21 Appendix 4 – Information for students...... 22 FAQs...... 22 Coursework Students...... 23 HDR Students...... 23 Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 3 of 24 1. PREAMBLE This Draft Change Proposal outlines proposals for the establishment of the SCA on the Camperdown/Darlington campus of the University. The proposal arises from two key concerns that have been discussed with the Faculty over a number of years – the need to address the worsening financial situation of the Faculty (exacerbated by falling enrolments) and the desire to enrich the educational experience of all our students by offering greater opportunities for SCA students to engage with the wide and varied educational offerings on the Camperdown/Darlington campus and facilitating opportunities for students enrolled in other faculties to broaden their experience by taking units offered by the SCA.
While there was extensive and wide consultations around the University’s 2016-2020 Strategic Plan where the original decision was made to make the SCA part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the tabling of this DCP affords the University and SCA staff an opportunity to engage in more formal consultation (outlined below) with a view to arriving at a Final Change Proposal and eventual decision on the terms and conditions of the transfer of the SCA to the Camperdown/ Darlington campus.
2. SCA VISION Over its twenty-five-year history in the University, the SCA has gained an enviable reputation as a leading centre for education and research in the visual arts. Its list of distinguished alumni includes some of Australia’s leading visual artists. The SCA is one important part of the University’s commitment to the visual and performing arts – which includes the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies, Power Institute of Fine Arts, Department of Art History, Department of Media and Communications, our extensive Museums and Galleries portfolio, soon to be significantly enhanced by the opening of the new Chau Chak Wing Museum on main campus, and much more.
Bringing the SCA onto the Camperdown/Darlington campus will significantly enhance the concentration of expertise and resources in the visual and performing arts, which will do much to enliven our educational offerings for students and our engagement with the wider community in these fields.
Given the long-standing funding and enrolment challenges of the SCA, the University has explored a variety of options for enhancing the provision of visual arts education and research in NSW. After serious deliberation about these options the University has decided to endorse the vision for the SCA outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan 2016-2020, to incorporate the SCA into FASS, to better achieve the vision for a greater concentration of expertise in one place and enhance the educational opportunities for all our students. Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 4 of 24 3. DETAILED RATIONALE FOR THE CHANGE The key reasons for the change are financial sustainability and quality of educational outcome. While for many years the Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) has been carrying a significant financial deficit, cross-subsidised by other faculties, since 2011 student load has declined quite significantly (by about 20%), further exacerbating the financial unsustainability of the Faculty. This parallels a more general decline across the state in UAC preferences for visual arts degrees. A number of initiatives have been instituted to address this worsening situation – a revised curriculum to encourage cross-faculty enrolments, planning for introduction of a new undergraduate course, closing some physical spaces to reduce the cost of maintenance, the creation of a part-time pathway for students, the provision of a regular bus service to facilitate travel to and from Camperdown/Darlington campus, more focused marketing and recruitment strategies, and the allocation of additional marketing resources through the divisional structure. Despite this extensive work by the Faculty and the University, the projected deficit is following a similar trajectory as previous years and for 2016 is forecast at $5.1m (the highest deficit per academic FTE of any faculty in the University).
Educational issues have also been front and centre in our deliberations about the future of the SCA. The 2015 Academic Board/SEG Review of the Faculty raised the issue of the pedagogical importance of having SCA students on Camperdown/Darlington campus to facilitate cross disciplinary connections for students. Despite the best efforts of the SCA to encourage cross-faculty enrolments, growth has been modest and it has one of the lowest percentages of cross-faculty enrolments of any current faculty. Thus students at the SCA are potentially missing out on opportunities to take units of interest offered on main campus and students in other faculties seem reluctant to travel to Rozelle in any viable numbers thus missing out on the important insights, perspectives and practices offered through the SCA curriculum. As the Academic Board/SEG review highlighted this is not in the best interests of students of the University as a whole.
Our vision is to make visual arts practice a more integral part of the educational offerings of the University for all our students and to enrich the educational opportunities for those students enrolled in visual arts degrees to broaden and deepen their engagement with subjects and disciplines offered by other faculties.
3.1. Overview of the SCA In 1976, SCA was established on premises in Balmain as a College of Advanced Education and a visual arts program was first offered by SCA in the following year. In 1988 SCA became focused on the research and practice of contemporary visual arts and in 1990 became an academic college of the University of Sydney, with status equivalent to a faculty. It was moved from Balmain to its current site in Rozelle in 1996 with an expectation that the then State Government would be re-locating other cultural institutions there to ensure the long-term viability of the Rozelle campus. Regrettably, subsequent governments have not delivered on that promise and efforts by the University to invigorate the campus through the provision of other services there have been opposed by the local community and rejected by the local council.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 5 of 24 As at 1 August 2016 the University employed 50 continuing and fixed term staff members (total 42.9 full time equivalent or FTE) at SCA of which 31 (26.5 FTE) are academic staff members and 19 (16.4 FTE) are professional staff members.
The Faculty offers the following award courses:
Undergraduate courses: Bachelor of Visual Arts Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours)
Postgraduate coursework courses: Master of Contemporary Art Master of Moving Image
Postgraduate research course: Doctor of Philosophy (College of Arts) Master of Fine Arts
3.2. Situation overview The current enrolment and financial position for the SCA is not new; what is striking, however, is that a range of initiatives implemented over the last five years have had no impact on the enrolment and financial trends. During this period there has been continued investigation around options for addressing the trends, through both faculty and University initiatives. These have included: . significant curriculum reform by the faculty . shift to standard 6 credit point unit of study, to encourage inbound load . introducing more flexible study options . increasing the marketing focus by central portfolios . introducing a dedicated shuttle service between Rozelle and Camperdown
In addition, in 2014 and 2015 recognising the ongoing trends and declining student numbers against a relatively steady staff profile SCA embarked on a program of reviews and voluntary redundancies. While partially successful, this initiative has not kept pace with the decline in enrolments and has failed to turn around the overall trend in sustainability.
A physical move for the SCA has been under consideration for some time and has been discussed with staff regularly since 2014. This was further reinforced through the December 2015 decision of Senate for a new faculty structure for the University in which it was envisioned that SCA would move to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
3.3. Background to decline in student preferences, applications and enrolments The Bachelor of Visual Arts has seen a 26% decline in UAC first preferences between 2011 and 2015. This is reflected at state-wide level where total NSW first preferences for visual arts degrees have declined at a similar rate for that same period. This trend suggests that the overall demand for this discipline is shrinking for the foreseeable future. Moreover, international students comprise a relatively small proportion of the cohort and, while the demand is not in decline, it remains static and low at 12% of total EFTSL.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 6 of 24 As a result of this decline in applications, over the past five years enrolments in the SCA have also been trending downwards and this trajectory has persisted despite efforts to introduce reforms to arrest this trend.
3.4. Student load A decline in student applications and course enrolments has a direct impact on taught load. This is especially so for the SCA as it operates with relatively little cross faculty teaching movement. Many faculties increase their taught load, and therefore revenue, by encouraging students enrolled in other degrees from faculties (inbound load) to take electives in their faculty. Despite best efforts, the SCA has had only modest success in taking advantage of inbound load opportunities. In 2015 only 5.9% (25.3 EFTSL) of SCA’s undergraduate load was sourced from students enrolled in a degree from another faculty; this is one of the lowest movements in the University (the highest is 69.2% and the average is approximately 20%). As a result, load trends have closely followed the downward trend in enrolment. Between 2011 and 2016 total load decreased by almost 20%.
3.5. Student revenue There is a direct link between applications, enrolments, student taught load, and revenue. The downward trend in enrolments and load, outlined above, is reflected clearly in the student revenue line. Between 2011 and 2015, total revenue from student load decreased from $10.7m to $9.3m, a reduction of 13%.
SCA 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Revenue ($,000) 10,731 10,725 10,069 10,628 9,369
3.6. Student experience and the goal of disciplinary breadth Students are generally positive about their experiences in units of study undertaken at the SCA, although over the past several years there have been some spikes of dissatisfaction.
In addition, while SCA has one of the lowest inbound sources of load in the University, it also has one of the lowest rates of outbound movement. In 2015 just 3.2% (13.2 EFTSL) of undergraduate load registered to SCA was taught by other faculties (outbound load) . This reflects that students find it difficult to take electives in other faculties, and likely highlights that distance hinders students being able to exercise greater flexibility in choice of units of study, despite the provision of a dedicated bus service to facilitate movement between campuses. This suggests that the location of the SCA at Rozelle is genuinely constraining choice and options for students. With declining load, the need to reduce staff will further constrain diversity and choice in the curriculum at Rozelle. This is a fundamental reason why the University believes the site at Rozelle is not only expensive to run but also flawed as a model for providing the best education for students. This rationale is consistent with discussions and planning in relation to a number of other faculties. Through the Campus Improvement Plan, the University has well developed plans for the relocation of a number of currently distant campuses, notably Health Sciences at Lidcombe and Nursing in
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 7 of 24 Mallet Street, onto the Camperdown/Darlington campus. These moves are planned to take place by 2019, with the aim of providing our students with a more comprehensive educational offering.
3.7. The Rozelle site There are significant costs associated with the maintenance of a heritage site with specialist facilities. For the Rozelle campus, total costs of maintenance of building and grounds run at approximately $2m annually. More importantly in relation to major capital asset management obligations, there are readily identifiable compliance issues around fire, electrical and mechanical infrastructure that must be addressed in the near future. These compliance issues, together with other identified compliance issues under Building Code of Australia requirements, would demand major investment from the University.
Based on known industry comparisons the cost to upgrade the Rozelle site, over the medium term, to compliant standards across all codes (including building fabric upgrade) would be approximately $36m.
The University’s Campus Infrastructure Services team face similar circumstances on all our campuses when assessing major compliance and fabric upgrades to buildings that are not fit for purpose or compliant. There are many examples where building upgrades cannot be justified given excessive costs, and the staff and students have been relocated and in some cases buildings have been demolished.
More broadly, with the aim of encouraging more flexible curricula, promoting inter-faculty student enrolments, improvement of the student experience generally and reducing duplicate site costs, the University is exploring location options for a number of faculties currently situated on satellite campuses. As noted above, these include the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sydney Nursing School. Plans for a new location for SCA will be consistent with these overall institutional objectives, particularly to ensure pedagogical integrity and enhanced connectivity between disciplines.
3.8. Overall financial position In the period 2012 to 2015 SCA has continued to operate with a significant deficit (before transitional adjustments), as shown below. SCA 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (forecast) Operating margin before transitional -$4,175 -$4,555 -$4,385 -$5,082 -$5,111 adjustments ($,000) Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 8 of 24 4. THE FUTURE This Draft Change Proposal outlines the proposals to achieve the University’s vision for the future of SCA. It impacts all staff employed by the University who are located at the Rozelle campus.
4.1. SCA move to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) In June 2016 the University signed a Heads of Agreement with the University of New South Wales (UNSW) as the first step in achieving the creation of a single destination for visual arts education in Sydney. This option was publicly announced for the purposes of consultation with staff and students.
Following this announcement and subsequent negotiations with UNSW, a further announcement was made on Thursday 28 July 2016 that these negotiations would no longer proceed.
Significantly, the University announced it would instead pursue the plan to combine SCA with FASS. This is one of a number of faculty mergers (the Faculty of Education and Social Work is also planned to shift to FASS from 2017).
A critical means of effecting this organisational change and realising its potential is the relocation of SCA from its current site in Rozelle to Camperdown/Darlington campus. This change will allow all University students greater access to the range of subjects offered by SCA and allow staff to participate in faculty activities and collaborate with peers in FASS. This will also allow for the reimagining of the structure and delivery of the current curriculum and the rationalisation of facilities and space to ensure greater access to diverse academic communities which will, in steady state, ensure greater financial viability for SCA.
In this respect FASS, offers many opportunities. We envisage that students in SCA degrees will be interested in taking units in film studies, media studies, art history, cultural studies, philosophy, history and much more. There will undoubtedly also be interest in taking units of study in areas like Architecture, Engineering, perhaps Business and possibly health disciplines. Some of these opportunities will allow aspects of art history and theory to be offered by other parts of FASS. Similarly, we would expect current students in FASS , and potentially other faculties and schools, to be interested in taking SCA units of study.
4.2. Course offerings and student cohorts As already outlined to staff, there will be no offers made to commencing students into the Bachelor of Visual Arts, Master of Contemporary Art, and Higher Degree Research programs in 2017, while we consult on the future offerings. The University is of the view that significant changes need to be made to the degrees and majors offered and that it will take time and energy to achieve the desired educational outcomes. Moreover, taking a 2017 cohort of students into the existing BVA would necessitate a further period of teach-out at Rozelle, which given the financial circumstances of the SCA and the need to effect a full relocation in a reasonable time frame, would not be helpful. The University is committed to launching a re-imagined BVA in 2018 and to exploring opportunities within the broader education strategy, outlined in the Strategic Plan 2016-2020, to develop a visual communication major.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 9 of 24 The proposed discipline mix for a relocated SCA is outlined below.
Level Course Medium Undergradu Bachelor of Visual Arts Majors offered: ate (following curriculum Painting renewal) Sculpture (excluding glass and ceramics) Photo media Screen arts Print media Post Master of Contemporary Potential electives offered: graduate coursework Arts Painting Sculpture (excluding glass and ceramics) Photo media Screen arts Print media Master of Moving Image Screen arts Higher Doctor of Philosophy Offered in: Degree Research (Visual Arts) Painting Sculpture (excluding glass and ceramics) Photo media Screen Arts Print media
We propose that the more resource intensive mediums, the Jewellery and Object major and ceramics and glassmaking components of the Sculpture major, will be withdrawn from offer for commencing students from 2018.
These mediums will, however, be retained for the transition period required to complete teaching and research supervision for current student cohorts.
4.3. Expressions of interest for an offer of voluntary redundancy To ensure future sustainability, the SCA will need to reduce the current staff profile to match the current smaller student cohort and the future reduced range of majors. SCA staff will be invited to express an interest in an offer of voluntary redundancy from the University. These Expressions of Interest will be considered in the context of organisational requirements, including the staffing profile required for the new SCA and also the staffing required during the transition period.
Expressions of interest will close four weeks from the release of the Revised Change Proposal. If you would like further information on how to express your interest please contact [email protected] 4.4. Theoretical and Historical studies to be relocated to SLAM This shift will allow students and staff greater access to exploring inter-disciplinary approaches, and embed deeper and broader critical thinking into the SCA academic endeavour and provide more direct access to key assets, such as the Power Collection. We welcome feedback on this
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 10 of 24 proposal, specifically around how integration of the diverse theory and history approaches can be achieved.
Should this proposal proceed, a transparent process for academic staff at SCA to submit an Expression of Interest to transfer to the Department of Art History will be established later in 2016.
4.5. Screen Arts It is proposed that staff delivering the BVA major and the Master of Moving Image, and supervising research students, in the medium of screen arts should remain as part of the new SCA within FASS, but with strong links to the discipline of Film Studies in SLAM. However, this is a matter for further consultation with staff. For instance, an alternative could be that the screen arts discipline is merged fully into discipline of Film Studies.
We welcome feedback on these options, specifically around the locating of the Screen Arts discipline in the ‘making’ environment in the new SCA or shifting this group to the discipline of Film Studies.
During the previous negotiations in 2016, the Master of Moving Image (MMI) was identified as a course for which a commencing intake would be confirmed for 2017. We propose to continue with this decision.
4.6. SCA professional staff Opportunities for all professional staff will be explored through the Enterprise Agreement processes. The University will aim to facilitate potential redeployment opportunities within the University for affected staff, including exploring potential opportunities in the SAS program for professional staff currently working in student administration related roles.
Opportunities for technical staff within the new SCA structure within FASS will also be explored. There will undoubtedly be requirements for technical staff to continue at Rozelle for a period to manage on-going use of facilities at that site and for some to transfer to the new facilities to establish and maintain operations for new cohorts of students. While the specific numbers of required staff are not yet known we will update staff throughout the change process as this becomes clearer. For instance, a core team of technical staff will undoubtedly be required over the period of the next two years (2017-2018) as we manage the teach out of current undergraduate students. Some technical staff may wish to accept a Voluntary Redundancy and we will assess these Expressions of Interest in the light of on-going teaching needs and technical skills required to sustain teaching programs.
4.7. Facilities at Camperdown/Darlington The final requirements for staff and student space and facilities are directly dependent on the finalisation of this change proposal. The University is seeking to find the necessary making/ teaching space and staff accommodation to deliver on the new program at Camperdown/ Darlington campus. SCA staff will be consulted on these requirements as part of a formal relocation process.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 11 of 24 4.8. Transitional arrangements The University is committed to enabling all currently enrolled students to graduate with a University of Sydney award in the degree in which they are currently enrolled. At the conclusion of this change proposal there will need to be a number of transitional arrangements put in place around teaching out the current cohort of coursework students for a reasonable period of time, dual site operation, supervision of HDR candidates, and access to facilities. These transitional arrangements will be developed during the consultation process and will be included in the implementation plan.
5.1. Process for further consultation The University recognises that there are a number of complex matters to be resolved to achieve the proposed change. In order to consider and progress these matters satisfactorily, comments and input are invited from staff as part of this Draft Change Proposal. Feedback should be provided to the [email protected].
5.2. Mitigation of negative effects As with any period of change, there will be disruption during the implementation phase. Any issues that arise for individuals will be managed by way of proper identification and on a case-by-case basis. To mitigate the disruptive nature of the change the University will devote additional resources to managing the transition for staff and students as well as other stakeholders.
All staff will be offered support to manage the changes, including access to the Career Transition Program which provides advice on Career Management, Resume and Selection Criteria Writing and Interview Skills workshops via the Redeployment and Career Transition Team in Human Resources. Staff will have access to both workshops and individual information sessions depending on their requirements. Staff can contact the Redeployment and Career Transition Team on [email protected]
The University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all staff and is fully subsidised by the University. This is a confidential service and staff privacy is assured. The EAP allows staff to have up to four individual counselling sessions with a trained psychologist to discuss, explore and manage any issues that are affecting them. Staff involved in the change program will be encouraged to use the EAP during the period of change.
5.3. Minimising Work Health and Safety (WHS) risk The process of change at the University involves extensive consultation and the staff will have an opportunity, at several points, to give feedback about the changes. Any WHS issues identified by staff will be addressed.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 12 of 24 All staff will be communicated with regularly in accordance with the consultation and communication plan outlined in section 5. Expert advice from HR will be sought regarding the change process and communications to staff. Staff members also have access to the University's Employee Assistance provider.
5.4. Financial implications of the change If the proposed change proceeds as outlined, the financial sustainability of the new SCA with a smaller student cohort is more likely to be achieved. The University is prepared to carry a manageable deficit if the benefits of increased opportunities for our students in visual arts are realised. The University estimates that the above proposal will reduce the current operating margin deficit from $5.1m to approximately $500k to $1m per annually.
5.5. Timing of consultation and proposed implementation The University is committed to managing any change proposal that it prepares in accordance with the change management provisions of the University of Sydney Enterprise Agreement (2013-2017) (the Enterprise Agreement). In order to mitigate the negative effects of this change as much as possible, the following will occur: . provision of the means for staff to ask questions, express opinions and contribute to the final change proposal; . providing opportunities for individual consultation with all staff; . providing support to all affected staff through the University’s redeployment and career transition team; and . providing opportunities for redeployment where possible.
5.6. Implications for SCA staff If progressed, the proposed change will result in a reduction in the number of staff by between approximately10-15 academic FTE and 7-10 professional (including technical) FTE over the course of the transition period 2016-2018. The implications for different staff cohorts are described in Section 4 above. Wherever possible, the University will aim to identify and pursue potential redeployment opportunities within the University for affected staff, including:- . exploring potential opportunities in the SAS program for professional staff currently working in student administration related roles; . the redeployment team are actively working with individuals seeking redeployment opportunities within the wider University. The University will engage on an individual basis throughout the course of the change plan with those staff who choose submit an Expression of Interest in Voluntary Redundancy. Detailed information regarding processes for expressing an EOI will be made available at the appropriate time during the consultation phase.
5.7. SCA Casual staff The University is committed to supporting casual staff through the career transition program under the provisions of the Enterprise Agreement. It is envisaged that current SCA casual academic or
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 13 of 24 professional staff members engagement will be managed to meet operational requirements in the transition period.
5.8. Impact on non-SCA staff at Rozelle University staff from other business units providing services to the SCA will also be affected by the proposed change and subject to this consultation process. As part of this proposal it is proposed that these staff will be transferred to roles within their home professional services unit. Where this is not possible these staff will have access to the redundancy and redeployment provisions in the Enterprise Agreement.
These staff are encouraged to provide feedback and input as to how this proposed change may affect their role. Consideration will be given to their feedback, together with feedback from respective management teams to inform a decision as to how they and their role are impacted.
Although the focus of the University is to redeploy affected staff, we recognise that some staff may want to discuss other options, and to this end, staff members are welcome to express an interest in a voluntary redundancy at any stage during the change management process. These Expressions of Interest will be considered on a case-by- case basis and will be considered in light of on-going operational and financial considerations.
5.9. All staff support All staff will be offered support to manage the changes, including access to the Career Transition Program which provides advice on Career Management, Resume and Selection Criteria Writing and Interview Skills workshops via the Redeployment and Career Transition Team in Human Resources. Staff will have access to both workshops and individual information sessions depending on their requirements. Staff can contact the Redeployment and Career Transition Team on [email protected]
Throughout the consultation process, all staff will be encouraged to seek advice and support from their management, Human Resources and/or the University’s Employee Assistance Program, as they may require.
Full details of these programs can be found in Appendix 2
6. PRINCIPLES UNDERPINNING THE CHANGE PROGRAM Throughout this change program, three principles will underpin the approach to the management of staff. They are: . to be transparent and make relevant information available as part of the consultation process in accordance with the University’s obligations under the Enterprise Agreement; and . to support and ensure minimal disruption to the delivery of quality teaching and research supervision to all current SCA students; . to provide staff with a supportive workplace through staff meetings, counselling and other assistance through the change process.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 14 of 24 7. PLANNING FOR CHANGE The University is committed to managing this process in accordance with the change management provisions of the Enterprise Agreement.
Consultation will occur providing the opportunity for the exchange of information and discussions to explain points of view. The process will involve: . distribution of the Draft Change Proposal (this document) to impacted staff; . seeking of staff views and suggestions regarding the proposed change via a series of meetings, email updates and direct communication with staff (and relevant unions) as outlined in the change communication and consultation plan; . analysis and consideration of suggestions made by staff and relevant unions.
We will also develop a comprehensive change management and transition strategy to ensure that students and other stakeholders are informed and supported during the implementation period. A detailed change consultation and communication plan is included under Section 8. Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 15 of 24 8. CHANGE CONSULTATION AND COMMUNICATION PLAN DCP Draft Change Plan RCP Revised Change Plan FCP Final Change Plan DIP Draft Implementation Plan Date Event Who Detail 21/3/2016 Staff meeting Management Update on proposed Centre of Excellence announcement 25/5/2016 Staff meeting Management Update on proposed Centre of Excellence announcement 21/6/2016 Staff Management Email individual letters to SCA staff re: announcement 22/6/2016 Staff H R & SCA: small group meetings - Individual studio S C A leadership sessions re: announcement 23/6/2016 – Staff HR Staff 1:1 consultation sessions re: announcement 24/6/2016 21/6/2016 – Staff, Students andManagement Feedback received 28/7/16 others 28/7/16 Staff, Students andV i c e - Announcement regarding termination of Heads C h a n c e l l o r of others Agreement Week commencing Email Management Release DCP to all staff via email. 8 August 2016 Week commencing Staff Meeting Management Various meetings to be held with staff to discuss 8 August 2016 DCP, as requested by staff. Week commencing Feedback SCA A l l f e e d b a c k a b o u t D C P t o b e r e c e i v e d b y t h i s staff d a t e . 5 September 2016 Week commencing Action Management Review and consider all feedback and suggestions 5 September 2016 from staff on DCP. Week commencing Decisions and Management Decision made about the change that is going to be 26 September 2016 Action progressed. Write Revised Change Proposal and Draft Implementation Plan (DIP). Include suggestions and feedback from staff resulting from the DCP with management response. Week commencing Email Management Release RCP and DIP to all staff and arrange staff 26 September 2016 meeting request to discuss. Week commencing Staff meeting Management Staff meeting to discuss RCP and DIP. 26 September 2016 21 October 2016 Feedback SCA All feedback about RCP and DIP to be received staff by this date. Week commencing Review and Management Review and consider all feedback and suggestions 24 October 2016 consider feedback from staff on RCP and DIP. Write Final Change Plan (FCP) and seek formal approval for change plan per the Delegations of Authority. 24 October 2016 Decision and SCA Proposed closing date of expression of interest Action staff in an offer of voluntary redundancy. Week commencing Email Management Release FCP to all staff and arrange meeting 7 November 2016 request. Week commencing Implementation Management Implement change plan. 14 November 2016
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 16 of 24 9. APPENDICES Appendix 1 – List of affected faculty positions
Senior Lecturer Ms Robyn Backen Lecturer in Fine Art Mr Stuart Bailey Technical Officer Mr Canbora Bayraktar Lecturer Mrs Rebecca Beardmore Workshop Manager Mr Jonathan Blake Professor Prof Bradford Buckley Teaching and Learning Officer/Manager T&C (Acting) Mr Robert Crompton Lecturer Mr Ryszard Dabek Associate Professor, Moving Image A/Prof John Di Stefano Technical Officer Mr Marcus Dillon Lecturer in Object Art & Design Dr Michael Doolan Lecturer Ms Mikala Dwyer Technical Officer Jewellery Ms Rhonda Dwyer Associate Professor A/Prof Ann Elias Associate Lecturer Ms Janelle Evans Lecturer in Photomedia Dr Cherine Fahd Senior Lecturer Dr Karin Findeis Postdoctoral Research Associate Dr Laura Fisher Gallery Manager Mr Liam Garstang Senior Lecturer Dr Jane Gavan Senior Lecturer Dr Adam Geczy Senior Lecturer Mr Matthys Gerber Associate Professor A/Prof Louis Goldberg Print Lab Coordinator Mr Nicholas Greenwich Executive Officer Ms Charlene Griffiths Lecturer Ms Jan Guy Lecturer - Photomedia Mr David Haines Audio-visual Loans and Purchasing Officer Mr Shaun Hay Technical Officer Ms Virginia Hilyard Lecturer Ms Joyce Hinterding Senior Lecturer Mr Andrew Lavery Senior Lecturer Ms Lindy Lee Technical Officer Miss Isobel Markus Dunworth Senior Lecturer in Art History & Theory Dr Jacqueline Millner Administrative and Project Officer Ms Linda O’Malley Technical Officer Ms Janet Parker-Smith Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 17 of 24 POSITION CURRENT INCUMBENT Associate Lecturer Dr Stefan Popescu
Technical Officer Mr Glenn Remington Dean of Faculty Prof Colin Rhodes Research Manager Ms Mikhaela Rodwell Lecturer in Photomedia Ms Julie Rrap Lecturer Ms Margaret Seymour Manager Course Delivery & Student Services M s G u l n a r a S h a y a k h m e t o v a Associate Lecturer Mrs Mariko Smith Lecturer/Head of Dept Contemporary Arts (Acting) Mr Oliver Smith Undergraduate Manager Ms Kerry Stern Senior Lecturer Mr Justin Trendall Lecturer Dr Oliver Watts Administration Assistant Ms Marah Weston Technical Supervisor Ms Kate Wilkie Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 18 of 24 Appendix 2 – Support Services
Employee assistance program - counselling services and wellbeing resources for staff You can get access to free, confidential counselling through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or access their wellbeing resources.
The counselling service is provided by AccessEAP, an external organisation staffed by professionally qualified psychologists who have peak industry body accreditation and substantial experience.
Counselling services - make an appointment . Contact AccessEAP directly on 1800 81 87 28, Monday to Friday, 8.30 to 6pm. . An after-hours emergency service is also available on this number 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. . Your appointment can be face-to-face, via telephone or Skype depending on your request. . An initial assessment over the phone takes five to 10 minutes. You will then be linked to the most appropriate service and can make a counselling appointment. . Before your appointment, note down some of the points you want to explore in your session. . All calls to AccessEAP are confidential and are not recorded. AccessEAP is completely independent of the University and no information can be disclosed.
For managers Specialised help is available for managers to assist with situations that involve difficulties or problems among teams. These range from poor performance and unusual behaviour, to concerns about mental health and how to respond to traumatic events. Find out more about AccessEAP’s Manager Support. Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 19 of 24 Career Development Program Outline Topic Duration Participa Register nts Core Elements Interest Career 1 hour 1:1 Comprehensive career assessment planning consultation Goal-setting & action planning Direct Career coaching appointment
Navigating your 3 hour Max 20 Effective career management Career Path Sydney Career workshop techniques Explore career opportunities within the University Career planning and goal setting
Motivated Skills 1 hour Max 20 Identify your transferable skills and Career Path & Career workshop skills you enjoy doing most Values Card Identify your career values to assist Sorts your career satisfaction Resume rescue 2.5 hour Max 20 Merit & competency-based approach Career Path to & responding to workshop selection selection Constructing an effective resume criteria Responding to selection criteria using the STAR technique
Effective 2 hour Max 20 Interview preparation Career Path interview workshop Practical advice for your interview techniques How to answer behavioural-based and competency-based questions
Raising your 1 hour Max 40 Developing your profile & personal Career Path personal brand workshop or brand through webinar Tapping into the hidden job market LinkedIn Navigating LinkedIn tools and services The next 45 minute 1:1 Preparation for the next steps of your Direct chapter individual career after leaving the University appointment seminar consultation Redeployment 1 hour As Faculty / Unit requested information Information session on redeployment based session support during the consultation phase of a change program Workshop Venue: Talent & Organisational Development, Ground Floor, Bligh Building (L03B), 90 Carillon Avenue Individual consultations can be conducted at client-nominated site or at Talent & Organisational Development offices (above). Email [email protected] for more information.
Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 20 of 24 Appendix 3 – Organisational design discussion paper
The organisational discussion paper can be downloaded here. Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 21 of 24 Appendix 4 – Information for students
Will I be able to finish my degree? Yes. Students will be able finish their degrees at the University of Sydney under the degree in which they are currently enrolled including access to facilities and resources necessary to satisfy requirements for the award.
Will the University of Sydney continue to offer degrees in visual arts? Yes. The future of Visual Arts education and research at the University of Sydney has been confirmed.
What is SCA’s future at the University? A Draft Change Proposal (DCP) has now been released to all staff at the SCA. The DCP outlines the background and rationale for moving the SCA into the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences as outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan 2016-20 and the 2015 discussion paper Improving our organisational design . In addition to the structural change, the proposal confirms the University’s decision to relocate of SCA from its current site in Rozelle to Camperdown/Darlington campus and to discontinue the Jewellery and Object major and ceramics and glassmaking components of the Sculpture major in the BVA for students commencing from 2018.
This change will allow all University students greater access to the range of subjects offered by SCA and allow staff to participate in faculty activities and collaborate with peers in FASS. This will also allow for the reimagining of the structure and delivery of the current curriculum and the rationalisation of facilities and space to ensure greater access to diverse academic communities which will, in steady state, ensure greater financial viability for SCA.
Pending the outcomes of consultation it is envisaged that the changes outlined in the DCP will commence at the beginning of 2017 and will likely take place over a two year transition period (2017-2018). During this transition period teaching will be delivered from Rozelle and Camperdown campuses.
The DCP further outlines that this transition will result in reduced number of staff at the new SCA. The timing of these changes to staff will be dependent on the needs of the current student cohort and the implementation of the new curriculum.
Where can I provide feedback on the change outlined above? Feedback can be directed to [email protected] Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 22 of 24 Coursework Students I had planned to undertake honours. Can I still apply? Students completing the BVA in 2016 will be eligible to apply for honours for commencement in Semester 1 2017, to be completed full-time over two semesters. An information session will be held in September 2016.
Where will I study? If possible SCA units of study will be offered on the Camperdown/Darlington campus from Semester 1 2017. However, during this transition period it is expected that teaching will be delivered from both campuses.
Will I have a final exhibition? Yes. All eligible currently enrolled students will have a final exhibition.
I was considering further study. What visual arts degrees will be offered by the University of Sydney in the future? There will be no new offers made to either the Bachelor of Visual Arts (BVA) or the Master of Contemporary Art (MCA) in 2017. These degrees will be revised during 2017 and will be open for students commencing in 2018 in line with the University’s new undergraduate curriculum and the proposed changes to the SCA.
The University will continue to accept applications for the Master of Moving Image for commencement in 2017.
HDR Students How does the change proposal affect my candidature? The University has a defined consultation period for any proposed change where feedback is sought from affected staff. Once consultation concludes and we have a finalised change proposal and implementation plan for the new structure of the SCA we will work with students individually to ensure that their needs are met and that they are provided adequate and appropriate space for their study.
Who will my supervisor be? The University is committed to ensuring appropriate supervision for HDR students to finish their candidature. We cannot give detail about these arrangements until the finalisation of consultation on our change proposal (anticipated to be November 2016).
Where will I be located? The University is investigating accommodation for HDR students at Camperdown/Darlington Campus. HDR students will be transitioned from Rozelle to Camperdown over the short to medium term as appropriate space and facilities are made available and depending on the student’s likely completion date. We cannot give detail about these arrangements until the finalisation of consultation on our change proposal (anticipated to be November 2016). Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 23 of 24 Will I have an examination exhibition? Yes, all eligible currently enrolled students will have a final exhibition in line with current guidelines.
Will I get the opportunity to discuss my circumstances with a member of staff? We will undertake one on one discussions with HDR candidates once the change proposal is finalised. We anticipate this will be November 2016.
Where can I get further information? Any queries about your ongoing candidature can be directed to [email protected]
Any general queries can be directed to [email protected] Draft Change Proposal – Sydney College of the Arts Page 24 of 24