Example of Past Senior Challenge Projects
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What is it? It is a student-designed project. The student Open to designs the outline for When can I participate grades 11 this course and works in Senior Challenge? & 12 (with with a community Fall or Spring Semester. approval.) mentor to complete Not enough time in The course the semester-based your schedule? - number is project. Summer placements are 0035 available.
Who coordinates Why should I enroll in a Senior the course? Mrs. Challenge? How will you set yourself LaVarnway through apart from all the other high school the CDC – Sign up is students applying to college or entering limited. Enroll the job force? This is an awesome early. opportunity to work with a community mentor to complete a project that showcases your talents, skills or career interests! Great for your resume and personal portfolio!
What are the requirements? Meet weekly with Mrs. LaVarnway (meetings are flexible but GROUP MEETINGS ARE Do I receive ON TUESDAYS BEFORE credit? Yes, a ½ SCHOOL), meet with your credit for this community mentor as necessary, academic course complete a research paper and (#0035). present your results as an oral presentation hosted by Channel 16/RETN studio.
EXAMPLES OF How do I find out more? Stop PAST into the CDC. PROJECTS:
Check out the list of past participants! EXAMPLE OF PAST SENIOR CHALLENGE PROJECTS
SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2017 [3] Beatty, Luke 2017 Using Swift to Create a Professional Application for Apple ® Products Norotsky, Rachel 2017 Introduction to English Language Learning (ELLO), Grades 1 & 2-A Case Study Shah, Mehul 2017 A Comprehensive Online Resource to Aide in Preparing Vermont DECA Chapters for Competition SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2016 [2] Burke, Molly 2016 A Social Media Campaign Boosting Donors/Alex Tursi-UVM Medical Center Social Media Strategist Saunders, Noa 2016 SPOTTEDPUP Productions-Let’s Put on a Fundraising Spectacle!/John Canning, SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2015 [3] Camardo, Peter 2015 The Effects of Student Government and Voting Procedures on Political Efficacy/Kimberly McDowell Patel, Neerja 2015 A Video Production of the 5th annual SB’s Best Ever Community Blood Drive/David Carmichael Rattu, Harpreet (Hina) 2015 How to Successfully Run a Community Blood Drive from A-Z/David Carmichael SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2014 [3] Dickhaut, Michael 2014 Promoting the Future: SBHS Career/Job EXPO Handbook/Joanne Abate Sauer, Jessica 2014 Sustainable Foods: A Curriculum Guide/Annick Cooper Timsina, Prakriti 2014 Organizing the SBHS CDC’s Appreciation Day: A Student Handbook/David Cobb SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2013 [3] Camardo, Emily 2013 The Mathematical Investigation of the Geometric Properties of the Arbelos/Gerard T. LaVarnway Nahar, Avni 2013 American Red Cross 3rd annual SB’s BEST EVER Blood Drive/David Carmichael SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2012 [3] Kazmierczak, Jordan 2012 Creating a Digital Portfolio/Stephen Barner Tye, Maria 2012 Marketing Job Opportunities at VYCC/Christopher Ricker Wetmore, Robert 2012 2nd annual South Burlington’s Best Ever Community Blood Drive/David Carmichael SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2011 [3] AL-Namee, Aya 2011 South Burlington’s Best Ever Blood Drive/David Carmichael Backus, Elizabeth 2011 A Writing Portfolio Guide Book for Students at SBHS/Claire Buckley Lin, Ivy 2011 Marketing for the American Cancer Society/Erin Randall-Mullins SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2008-2010 [4] Brueckner, Aubrey 2010 Treats for Our Troops community project Myers, Patrick 2009 An Overview of the Economic Crisis: The ARRA and the State of Vermont Bessette, Lindsey 2008 Grant Funds to Assist Low-Income Students in Service Learning Experiences Thwaite, Matthew 2008 The Making of a Gap Year Experience in Kenya SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2007 [4] Gilmartin, Michael 2008 Cryptology and the Hill Cipher Jackson, Kelly 2008 Now I know my ABC’s Paison, River 2008 A Diversified Financial Portfolio Rubin, Dana 2008 How to Create an Industry Standard Publication for High School Students SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2007 [2] Snow, Amber 2007 South Burlington School District Lighting and Sound Training Veve, Armando 2007 Project Piccolo Rebirth SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2006 [1] Kujawa, Ellen 2007 Recycling at Shelburne Farms SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2006 [5] Ben-Ezri-Ravin, Aurie 2006 Inner Tubes & Corsetry: Recycled Fashion Gilmartin, Allissia 2006 Expression of a GFP-CFlm68 Fusion Protein in Human Cells Goodrich-Schlenker, Denison 2006 Locating the 59K Protein in a Human Cell Robinson, Danika 2006 Hiking the High Pikes Welch, Catherine 2008 Going Global: Experiencing International Relations at the Harvard UN Conference SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2005 [6] Blais, Brittany 2006 Senior Challenge: Woodwind Quintet Goodman, Ruthie 2006 Connecting Awareness, Support, Empowerment, & Invested Action for Students in SB Howard, Kristin (Kat) 2006 South Burlington High School: A New Council Lippold, Kye 2006 City of the Gods: A Novel in Progress Sanville, Christina 2006 South Burlington Community Celebration Goes to the Dogs Thompson, Krissy (Kat) 2006 Analysis of SON1 & Related Genes of the Arabidopsis Plant SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2004* [3] Emily Benton 2005 Electronic Portfolio Design – Gaming Development Kevin Chiu 2005 Effective PSA Design – Bullying/Harassment/Diversity Jonathan Tran 2005 USA Drug Patterns/Research and Distribution to the Consumer SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2004 [1] Heather Plosila 2004 S. Burlington Reparative Probate Board SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2003 [1] Renee Rubin 2004 Learning Styles SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2003 Rachael Brown 2003 FHTMS Conductor’s Project Ashley Bunnell 2003 Photography Project Corey Griffiths 2003 Marathon Training Project Kate Magill 2003 Poetry Publication SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2002 [6] Sarah Adams 2003 Central School Kindergarten Intern Dan Block 2003 Recording Music Project James Brakeley 2003 FHTMS Jazz Band Assistant Deane Calcagni 2003 Poetry Centered Web Design Project Maria DiFerdinando 2003 Fabric/Design Project Matt Kaufman 2003 Candidate James Douglas Campaign SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2002 [6] Rachel Davidson 2002 Assistant to a Theater Camp Director Elizabeth Farina 2002 Therapy Canine Training Project Justin Gage 2002 Advanced Website Design Lyndsay Meilleur 2002 Substance Abuse Program Coordinator Teresa Sesera 2002 Central School Earth Science After School Project Dana Thibault 2002 SBHS Rebel Hockey Research Project SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2001 [8] David Chen 2002 Assistant to a Financial Advisor/Stock Market Project Kathryn Courcy 2002 Photography Project with Homes for Honduras Brynn Davis 2002 Special Education Project Scott DesJaidins 2002 Doggone Delights Marketing Project Jeff Hubbard 2002 WCAX Marketing Project Erika Lucey 2002 Architectural and Interior Design Project Gabrielle Ramos 2002 Introduction to Summer Dance Camp – Instructor Weiwei Wang 2002 A Comparison of Chinese vs. American High Schools SENIOR CHALLENGE-SPRING 2001 [12] Genesis Baril 2001 Neo-Natal Nursing Project Kaetlyn Bolton 2001 Elementary Education Project Andrew Bouchard 2001 TA-Imaging Lab Course Catherine Dunn 2001 Homes for Honduras Pre-Program Coordination Elizabeth Holmes 2001 ZINE Project Alison Kelley 2001 Global Young Leaders Conference Laura Megivern 2001 TA-Human Relations Course Ian Molla 2001 Jazz Guitar Project Gabriele Moltrasi 2001 Sonata Composition Project Brian Racine 2001 Recreational Field Lighting Project Kristina Rowell 2001 Irish Language Project Bachir Yahi 2001 Music (Solo Viola/Orchestra) Arrangement Project SENIOR CHALLENGE-FALL 2000 [8] Ben Brayden 2001 Cree Native American Tour Participant Sara Hughes 2001 Outward Bound Participant Brian LeDuc 2001 Hovercraft Restoration Participant Andrew MacPherson 2001 Student Council Coordinator of Chittenden County Liz McGonagle 2001 Children’s Literature – Publisher Nicholas R. Miller 2001 Homes for Honduras Program Participant Marley O’Brien 2001 Children’s Literature - Illustrator Timothy O’Day 2001 YETS 2000 Program Participant