Number of the Members Who Will Organize the Project
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Contact Information Name of the organization: The Union of Ecologists“Eco-protection” Board : Chairman –Mrs.Nijar Zulali - Master of Environmental Sciences, Sonja Spirovska –Specialist for Environmental Health, Nigail Mercanovski, Haxhidemir Amza,Mensur Sulcevski,Cansen Zulal,Ajla Abdulovska,Engyl Ajdar etc.
OK Legal registration:
Date of establishment: 2002
ID number : 5720826
Address: Josif Josifovski 208 Resen – Republic of Macedonia
Cell phone: ++389 70 706 560 Fax number : ++389 47 454 428 E-mail: [email protected] Chairman: Mrs.Nijar Zulali Contact person: Mrs.Nijar Zulali Mission of the organization: The Union of Ecologists “Eco-protection” in the Republic of Macedonia is a self reliable, independent, non governmental and non-political union which works according to its Statute and Working Program, in which all program purposes and tasks which it has given to itself according to Constitution and Low, are contained. The primary purpose and task of the Union is to protect environment from any kind of pollution and also to manage, study and initiate the issues which require solution and are immediately connected for the advancement of position of the environment. Bank Informations Tax-number : 0127897 EDBR : 4024003105646
Bank account : 530-0303002994-19
Name of the Bank : Ohridska Banka A.D.Ohrid
Signer of the account: Mrs.Nijar Zulali Name of the Project Line of the Conection – Green action in Macedonia
Name of the project coordinator Мireme Jusufi Аddress: Ohridska 11, Tetovo
Е-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Cell phone: 070 434 683
Number of the members who will organize the project:
Name of the organization Organization Function in project team for implementation of the project 1. Mireme Jusufi „Eco-protection“ Coordinator
2. Argjenta Aziri „Eco-protection“ Assistant of the project
3. Florina Aziri „Eco-protection“ Financial manager of the project
4. Shpetim Ibraimi “Multicultura “ Assistant of the project
Time of implementation of the project:
а) starting date: 01-10-2008
б) finish date: 31-03-2009
Description of the project The project contains three elements that are connected between them and are forming the totality of the activities that are the base for the further generating of the activities in the way of protection and promotion of the environment in Macedonia. The first part is the making, promotion and distribution of the attractive promotion material like calendar and letter cards. The material is in function of protection of the biodiversity through presentation of the endemic species and the importance of their protection. The calendar has as well an educational function because it will be distributed in the schools where it may serve as a further educational mean. The second part is the initiative for reinforcing the ecological awareness for the ecosystem of the Macedonia on national level. It will be made immediate contact with the local population around the Macedonia through 5 presentations in 5 local inhabited areas. The idea is common perception of the possibilities for cooperation and consensual help for protection of the environment. In that context is the initiative for forming the coalition “Green action for Macedonia”- networking of the civil organizations that work on the protection and promotion of the environment in the region – Tetovo, Resen, Ohrid , Gostivar and Struga. This is necessary because the citizens from these municipalities gravitate to Shara mountain, Prespa and Ohrid lakes and as a tourist region and with that, they influence on the total conditions with the ecosystem in the Macedonian region. The activities are oriented to presentation of the wealth of Macedonia and the need of the share of all the citizens in its protection. The public from the neighborly municipalities will be introduced with the offer of different kinds of alternative tourism through the printed and electronic mediums with what it will be given contribute to the local economy. Third part of the project are concrete aims that mean protection of the ecosystem of Macedonia. They are divided in two parts. The proposed activities are very realizable in the pointed tame table and they are a base for further long-term cooperation between partner organizations in the carrying for the ecosystem of Macedonia
General Goal of the project:
Contribution for the integrative managing with the eco-system in Macedonia through networking of the citizen organizations for taking common actions
Project goals
1. Protection of the Environment (еndemic typees of the fish, birds, plants) through promotion and education of young pupils through the region of Macedonia; 2. Creating of the network of the organizations for promotion of the biological and cultural diversity like a model for sustainable rural development ; 3. Direct influence for improvement of the eco-system in Macedonia. Action Plan (Time table for the activities)
Activities October 2008 November December January 2009 February March 1.1 Printing and distributing of the calendars 1.2.Printing and distribuing of postcards 1.3 Five presentations in 5 cities in Macedonia 1.4 five workshops with pupils from Elementary schools in Macedonia and forming of „ЕCО INFO CENTERS“ 2.1 Five meetings for definition of the priorities, principles of the working and promotion of the GREEN ACTION – network of the organizations 2.2 Creating Strategy of the working and development of the network
2.3 Promotion in media (printed and electronic media) for the public
3.1 Creating of the mechanism for collection of plastic bottles Expected outcomes (what we can expect from this project)
1. Improvement of the public information for the status of the entire Eco-system in Macedonia for the period of six months and its continuing protection; 2. Forming of the functional coalition GREEN ACTION for environmental protection of the region; 3. Creating of mechanism for collection of the plastic bottles ; 4. Creating of 5 Eco-info centers in the elementary schools in the entire region of Macedonia
Direct target group: - Citizens of 18 – 25 age ; - Pupils of the elementary schools;
Budget in $ Items Price per item Other Total
Description of the costs Financing $ $ Management and administration of the project Coordinator of the project 6 months 300 1800 - 1800
Assistant of the project 6 months 200 1200 - 1200
Financial manager 6 months 50 300 - 300
Consultant for public 6 months 100 600 - 600 education
Total - 3900 $ Printed materials Calendars 200 5$ 1000 - 1 000
Post cards 2 000 0,5$ 1 000 - 1 000 Final report - 100
Total - 2100$ Travel costs Travel costs (fuel for 500 3$ per km - 15 00 vehicle )
Total - 1500$
Indirect costs Office costs - 1000 1000
Total - 1000 1 000 $ Sub.Total : 8000 $ (Without Taxes)
Review of the budget by categories
Categorization of the budget Price Other Total Management and administration 3900 - 3900 of the project Printed materials 2100 - 2100 Travel costs 1500 - 1500
Indirect costs - 1000 1 000 Sub.Total 7000$ 1000 8000 $ Name and Surname: Nijar Zulali
Signature :