Post-Doc ( Assegnista Di Ricerca ) at the University of Verona (Italy)
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Dott. ssa Marianna Scapini Post-doc (“assegnista di ricerca”) at the University of Verona (Italy) Tel.: +39-340-3249163/+34-622943173 e-mail: [email protected] Date of birth: 06/06/1984. Nationality: Italian.
Fields of interest Greek and Roman History, Ancient Historiography, Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology, History of Ancient Religion, Ancient Magic, Classical Literature and Philology, Classical Tradition, Classics Teaching, Promotion and Divulgation of Classical Culture.
Research After obtaining a scholarship, I am currently a Post Doc (“assegnista di ricerca”) at the University of Verona, Italy (1/03/2015-29/02/2016). I am currently carrying out a research concerning Roman magic in the Imperial Age. For 2014 and 2015 I have been a visiting scholar at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain. After obtaining a DAAD scholarship, I was at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität of Heidelberg as Guest Post Doc. My research project concerned the wheat supply in Asia Minor under Hadrian (Hadrian, Sarapis and Wheat Supply in Asia Minor). August 2007, 2009, 2010 and April 2012: I was part of the excavation campaigns at Grumento Nova (Potenza), Italy, organized by the University of Verona.
Education January 2009: Passed the admission exam of the “Dottorato (PhD) di Ricerca in Beni Culturali e Territorio (ciclo XXIV)” at the University of Verona, after obtaining a scholarship. My referent was Prof. Attilio Mastrocinque and my research project concerned the political aspects of initiation rites for women in the Roman world between the Late Republic and the end of the first century A. D. These studies were completed in May 2012 and received an excellent evaluation. My doctoral thesis has been selected as one of the three finalists of the prize "Fernando Gascó” promoted by the Association ARYS (Antigüedad: Religiones y Sociedades). July 2008: “Laurea Specialistica in Scienze dell’Antichità (Master Degree)”, at the University of Verona (Awarded: 110/110 cum laude) with a thesis on Roman historiography entitled: “Temi greci e citazioni erodotee nelle storie di Roma arcaica”. This research has taken shape in a recent work which I have published in Germany (Ed. Traugott Bautz, Nordhausen 2011), which was appreciated by several international scholars. Among them was Professor Bernard Mineo (University of Nantes), who has invited me to write a chapter for the Companion to Livy (Wiley Blackwell Ed. 2014). July 2006: “Laurea in Lettere (Bachelor)”, at the University of Verona (Awarded: 110/110 cum laude), with a thesis on Greek Philology entitled: “Bibliografia relativa al nuovo frammento di Archiloco 196a W.” July 2003: “Diploma di Maturità Classica” (High School Diploma) from the “Liceo Ginnasio Statale Scipione Maffei”, Verona (Awarded: 100/100).
Language and computer skills Very good knowledge of English (C1: Cambridge CAE), and Spanish (B2). Good knowledge of German (B2) and French (B1). Elementary knowledge of Modern Greek (A2) . Very good knowledge of Windows (Word, Open Office, Excel, Power Point) and Linux.
Publications Temi greci e citazioni da Erodoto nelle storie di Roma arcaica, Nordhausen 2011 (Traugott Bautz). (Monography) Le stanze di Dioniso. Immagini domestiche di riti dionisiaci tra tarda Repubblica ed età imperiale, forthcoming in Serie ARYS, Ediciones Clásicas. (Monography). G. Pedrucci-M. Scapini, Il ruolo della balia e di altre figure vicarie legate all’infanzia nella religione greca e romana: Arreforie e Matralia a confronto, in F. I. Pasche Guignard, G. Pedrucci, M. Scapini (eds.), Maternità e politeismi – Motherhood(s) and Polytheisms – Maternité(s) et polythéismes, forthcoming (Article). M. Scapini, R. Cid Lopez, Juno and Motherhood in the Roman World, in the panel by G. Pedrucci, M. Scapini, R. Cid Lopez, M. Giacco, C. Marchetti, Which maternity for Hera?, in the Symposium Classicum Peregrinum June 16-19, 2015 Budapest, “Hera and Juno: The Functions of the Goddesses in Prehistoric and Historic Greece and Rome”, (forthcoming in Acta Antiqua). (Article) Literary Archetypes for the Regal Period, in B. Mineo (ed. by) A Companion to Livy, Malden Ma. 2014 (Wiley-Blackwell). (Book Chapter) Whipping between symbolism and ritual and magic practice: a case of convergence, in E. Suárez, M. Blanco, E. Chronopoulou (eds.), Los papiros mágicos griegos: entre lo sublime y lo cotidiano, Madrid, 2015 (Dykinson), 93-109. (Book Chapter). Iconographic aspects of the winged demon of the “Villa dei Misteri”, Phasis. Greek and Roman Studies, vol. 15-16 (2012-2013), 481-92. (Article) Les Sacrifices des Jeunes Vierges, d’Euripide à les Parallela Minora : l’origine et la fonction d’une légende dans la tradition historiographique romaine, in the conference proceedings of the Colloque “L'écriture de l'histoire”, Nantes, 5-6 juin 2014, forthcoming in the Presses Universitaires de Rennes. (Article) Augustus and Dionysus'Triumph: a nonexistent Paradox, in the conference proceedings of the Symposium Veronense, “The Age of Augustus”, June 18- June 20 2014, forthcoming in Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. (Article). Le campagne di Mario e Cibele la protettrice, in Arys: Antigüedad, Religiones y Sociedades 11 (2013) (="Dioses y guerras, conflictos religiosos y violencia en el mundo antiguo"), pp. 191-206. (Article) The Symbolism of the Hornet in the Greek World, in P. Johnston, A. Mastrocinque, S. Papaioannou (eds.), The Role of Animals in ancient Myth and Religion, forthcoming in Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Article) Le lucerne dello scavo del Foro di Grumentum, in A. Mastrocinque (ed.), Grumentum and its Territory in Antiquity, in BAR International Series 2531, 2013, pp. 91-6. (Article) Recenti ritrovamenti di lucerne dal Foro di Grumentum, in the conference proceedings I romani e la Lucania, Università di Verona (VR), June 11 2012, (forthcoming in Quasar, ser. Thiasos). (Article) Items “Sabazio”; “Tanaquil”; “Cautes e Cautopates” in the Dictionnaire Universel des Dieux, Déesses et Démons, (forthcoming in Editions du Seuil, Paris, ed. by P. Jean- Baptiste), [to be published in 2015 (?)]. (Encyclopedia Items) Tratti tragici nell’opera di Fabio Pittore: echi dalle tragedie tebane, (forthcoming in Historia Einzelschriften), [to be published in 2015 (?)]. (Article) La regina dei serpenti e i santi predicatori, (forthcoming in La rivista di un mondo. Giornale critico di controcultura). (Article). Da Istanbul ai confini dell’Anatolia, seguendo i sentieri e le contraddizioni di Pamuk, in La Porta d’Oriente, II, n. 4, April 2008. (Article)
Further experiences concerning my field Conference Symposium Classicum Peregrinum, Hera and Juno: The Functions of the Goddesses in Prehistoric and Historic Greece and Rome, June 16-19, 2015, Budapest. I presented my paper entitled Juno against wedding and childbirth: meaning and function of a reversed behaviour (in the panel “Which maternity for Hera/Juno?” directed by G.Pedrucci) Conference Convegno internazionale Grumentum e lo sviluppo delle città nell’Italia meridionale, June 8-9, Verona. I presented my poster entitled Studi su una lucerna: una pantera a Grumentum. Conference Los papiros mágicos griegos: entre lo sublime y lo cotidiano, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, October 23-24, 2014, Barcelona. I presented my paper entitled Whipping between symbolism and ritual and magic practice: a case of convergence. Conference Symposium Veronense, The Age of Augustus, June 18-20, 2014, Gazzo Veronese (Verona). I presented my paper entitled Augustus and Dionysus'Triumph: a nonexistent Paradox. Conference L'écriture de l'histoire, June 5-6 juin, 2014, Nantes. I presented my paper entitled Les Sacrifices des Jeunes Vierges, d’Euripide à les Parallela Minora : l’origine et la fonction d’une légende dans la tradition historiographique romaine. Conference Symposium Grumentinum: the Role of Animals in ancient Myth and Religion, June 2013, Grumento Nova (PZ), Italy. I presented my paper entitled The Symbolism of the Hornet in the Greek World. Coloquio Internacional ARYS Dioses y guerras, conflictos religiosos y violencia en el mundo antiguo (Cáceres), where I presented a paper entitled: Marius and Protectress Cybele. Conference Grumentum e il suo territorio nell’antichità, April 17-18, 2010, Grumento Nova (PZ), Italy. I presented my paper entitled: Le lucerne dello scavo del Foro di Grumentum. Conference I Romani e la Lucania, 11th June 2012, University of Verona (VR). I presented my paper entitled: Recenti ritrovamenti di lucerne dal Foro di Grumentum. Conference Omnium annalium monumenta: ANNALS, EPIC AND DRAMA in Republican Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, April 24-25, 2009, Rome. I presented my paper entitled: Tratti tragici nell’opera di Fabio Pittore: echi dalle tragedie tebane.