6Th Grade Root Words

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6Th Grade Root Words


6th Grade Root Words

Interactive notebooks will be used to maintain all root word information throughout the year.

Introduction to word parts: Divide and Conquer

Introduce the concept of word parts with meaning by using the word export. Break the word apart visually using a sentence strip and explain that im- means in, and port means carry. Give students a minute to turn and talk to guess the word meaning, then come together as a class to write a definition as suggested by the root meanings.

Hand out a Root Word Bank and have students glue it to the right side of the notebook

Prefixes Root Meaning auto- self ex- out in-, im- in, on, into multi- many re- back, again sub- under tri- three uni- one Bases audi, audit hear or listen port carry graph write spect watch, look at terr land, ground, earth tract pull, draw, drag vis see voc, voke call, voice Suffixes -able, -ible can or able to be done -ify make

On the left page, students will analyze 10 words and create meaning. Since this exercise is new, students may wish to work in groups of 2 or 3.

Word Prefix means Base means Word means 1. export out carry to carry or move things out of the country 2. portable _____X______3. inspect ______4. invoke ______5. multivocal ______6. respect ______7. subtract ______8. autograph ______9. visible _____X______10 unify ______X______

Come back together as a class and review the exercise together to ensure understanding of roots operating as prefix, suffix, and base. 2

Unit I (concentrate on one prefix per lesson / week)

Prefixes: di-, dif-, dis- apart, in different directions, not a-, ab-, abs- away, from super-, sur- on top of, over, above ad to, toward, add to

Divide and Conquer

Word Prefix means Base means Word means LIST A: directional meaning 1. disturb apart turb=shake to shake apart 2. direct ______rect=straight, guide ______3. dissolve ______solv=break, loosen ______4. differ ______fer=bear, go ______5. disposal ______pos=put ______

LIST B: negative meaning 6. dissatisfied ______7. disqualified ______8. disapprove ______9. dishonor ______10 disability ______

Create a word map for each root including:  Root  Root meaning  A picture representing the root  Five NEW words using the root  A sentence that correctly uses at least two of those words 3

Vocabulary Mapping – Root Words

What does it mean?

Words that use this root:


Sentence using two words:______4

Sure Word Forest

Using the following pattern, students will create a tree to be mounted in the hall. A new tree will appear every week.

Place “leaves” on the tree with words that use this root. (Students may add new words as the year progresses.)


root 5 6


Unit I – Lesson 3 6th Grade

Your root words for this week are the prefixes a-, ab-, abs, which ALL mean “away” or “from.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words:

Word prefix means base means word means abnormal away, from norm = norm away from what is normal duct = lead abduct ras = scrape abrasive (s)ent = be absent tain = hold abstain rupt = break abrupt sorb = soak absorbent voc = call(ing) avocation vert = turn avert origin = originate aborigine

Step 2: Create a word map for each root including:  Root  Root meaning  A picture representing the root  Five NEW words using the root  A sentence that correctly uses at least two of those words

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 8

Unit I – Lesson 4 6th Grade

Your root words for this week are the prefixes super- and sur-, which mean “on top of, over, above.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words:

Word prefix means base means word means supervise over vis = see to oversee others supermarket market surtax tax = tax superior X supersize size survive viv – live, alive surplus plus = more supernatural natural

man superman surpass pass

Step 2: Create a word map for each root including:  Root  Root meaning  A picture representing the root  Five NEW words using the root  A sentence that correctly uses at least two of those words

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 9

Unit I – Lesson 5 6th Grade

Your root word for this week is the prefix ad-, which means “to, toward, add to.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words:

Word prefix means base means word means adhesive to hes = stick, cling a substance that sticks to objects. attract tract = pull, draw, drag affect fect = do, make alliteration liter = letter accelerate celer = swift appear pear = seem attach tach = touch aggressive gress = step affirm firm = firm adverb verb = verb, word

Step 2: Create a word map for each root including:  Root  Root meaning  A picture representing the root  Five NEW words using the root  A sentence that correctly uses at least two of those words

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 10

Grade 6 Unit I Review Dump and Clump

Directions: Brainstorm a list of prefixes we’ve studied from Unit I and place them in The Dumpster. Then, pull your words out of the dumpster and clump them into categories. Finally, assign your category labels and write a summary sentence (on the back) describing each category.

The Dumpster

The Clumpster 11

Dump and Clump (KEY)

Directions: Brainstorm a list of prefixes we’ve studied from Unit I and place them in The Dumpster. Then, pull your words out of the dumpster and clump them into categories. Finally, assign your category labels and write a summary sentence (on the back) describing each category.

The Dumpster ad- a- ab-

super- sur- di-

dis- dif- abs-

The Clumpster

Means to, toward, add to Means on top of, over above

Means away, from Means apart, in different directions, not 12


This game is like Bingo. Choose one box and create a free space. Then write the words your teacher gives you, putting one word in each box. As your teacher gives you meanings, cover the correct box with a marker. When you get four words in a row, diagonally, horizontally, or vertically, call out, “Wordo.” 13

Word list for Unit I: Wordo

Disturb to shake apart Attract to draw or pull attention toward Surpass to go over and above what is expected Abnormal away from what is normal or common Adverb a word that adds to the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb Differ to go separate ways, to disagree Supersize to make bigger than normal Dishonor to treat without respect Surplus an amount over and above what is needed Accelerate to speed up or add to one’s current speed Abduct to kidnap or take away from a location without permission Disbelief a state of not believing Avert to turn away from or prevent Absorbent the ability to soak up a liquid from Supervise to oversee or direct others 14

Writing Assignment

Using at least ______words from our unit of study, write an advice column for the school newspaper explaining to younger students how understanding the meanings of prefixes can be helpful in figuring out the meanings of unfamiliar words. You may refer to your divide and conquer work or your word maps to help you. Your letter should be clear, neat, and use correct spelling and punctuation. 15

Unit II – Lesson 6 6th Grade

Your root words for this week are the bases roots scrib and script, meaning “write.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words:

Word prefix means base means word means scribble X describe script X prescribe prescription subscribe scripture X inscribe inscription manuscript manu=hand

Step 2:

Complete the Magic Square activity that focuses on the root word “script.”

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 16

Magic Square

Directions: To be completed after Divide and Conquer. Select the best definition for each of the words from the script family. Put the number for the definition in the proper space in the Magic Square box. If the numbers going up and down and the numbers going across all add up to the same sum, you’ve found the magic number!

On the back of this sheet, correctly use at least five words in 2-3 sentences.

Words Definitions A. describe 1. to sign one’s name to the end of a document B. prescription 2. to write, print, or carve on a surface C. scripture 3. a written order by a doctor for medicine D. inscribe 4. a book or document written by hand E. manuscript 5. a sacred writing or book F. scribble 6. the written copy of a play G. script 7. to depict in speech or writing H. prescribe 8. to order the use of medicine or other treatment I. subscribe 9. to write or sketch quickly without regard for neatness

Magic Square Box A B C




Magic Square (KEY)

Directions: To be completed after Divide and Conquer. Select the best definition for each of the words from the script family. Put the number for the definition in the proper space in the Magic Square box. If the numbers going up and down and the numbers going across all add up to the same sum, you’ve found the magic number!

On the back of this sheet, correctly use at least five words in 2-3 sentences.

Words Definitions J. describe 1. to sign one’s name to the end of a document K. prescription 2. to write, print, or carve on a surface L. scripture 3. a written order by a doctor for medicine M. inscribe 4. a book or document written by hand N. manuscript 5. a sacred writing or book O. scribble 6. the written copy of a play P. script 7. to depict in speech or writing Q. prescribe 8. to order the use of medicine or other treatment R. subscribe 9. to write or sketch quickly without regard for neatness

Magic Square Box A B C

7 3 5


2 4 9


6 8 1

MAGIC NUMBER ___15____ 18

Unit II – Lesson 7 6 th Grade

Your root word for this week is the Latin base dict, which means “say, speak, tell.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words. An X means that the word does not have a prefix.

Word prefix means base means word means dictator X prediction edict verdict ver = truth contradict contra = against benediction bene = good, well dictate X jurisdiction juris = judge diction X dictionary X

Step 2: Create a word spoke using this base word. (see form on next page)

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 19

Word Spoke

1. Look back at your “Divide and Conquer” work. Choose the word from the list that best fits the illustration in the Word Spoke above.

2. Pick one of the words and write two synonyms.

3. Pick one of the words and write two antonyms.

4. Pick one of the words and write your own definition.

5. Pick one of the words and use it in a creative sentence. 20

Word Spoke (KEY)






1. Look back at your “Divide and Conquer” work. Choose the word from the list that best fits the illustration in the Word Spoke above.

2. Pick one of the words and write two synonyms.

3. Pick one of the words and write two antonyms.

4. Pick one of the words and write your own definition.

5. Pick one of the words and use it in a creative sentence. 21

Unit II – Lesson 8 6 th Grade

Your root words for this week are the Latin bases pon, pos, posit, which mean “put or place.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words. An X means that the word does not have a prefix.

Word prefix means base means word means compose deposit exposure compost pose X postal X preposition depose proposal composition

Step 2: Complete the Word Matrix. (See form on next page.)

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 22

Word Matrix

Directions: Work with a partner to place as many words as possible in the matrix. A sample has been done for you!

pon pos posit pound com- de- op- im- pro- propose 23

Unit II – Lesson 9 6 th Grade

Your root words for this week are the Latin bases sed, sid, sess, which mean “sit, settle.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words. An X means that the word does not have a prefix.

Word prefix means base means word means session X sedative X sediment X reside sedentary X intersession president residue subside supersede

Step 2: Now use these words to create a word map. (See page 3)

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 24

Unit II – Lesson 10 6 th Grade

Your root words for this week are the Latin bases cur, curs, cour, cours, which mean “run, go.” Divide and conquer the meaning of the following words. An X means that the word does not have a prefix. Spelling tip: When a cur base is followed by another syllable, the “r” is doubled (ex. “current”).

Word prefix means base means word means cursive X cursor X course X precursor current X excursion recurrence concur extracurricular incur

Step 2: Complete the “Extend and Explore” page which follows.

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest. 25

Extend and Explore

Directions: Work with a partner to make as many forms of these three words as you can by adding prefixes, suffixes, or both. Use a dictionary to check your spelling.




Then place the word parts on the chart where they belong

word prefix base suffix

Now write about something that could happen at school, being sure to include at least THREE (3) of the words you “built.” Underline the words in your work. 26

Unit II – Review 6 th Grade

Root Riddles

Read the clues that follow; then choose the word that best fits the clues as given

1. I am a noun. Doctors need to know how to write me. I contain the base script. I have three syllables. ______

2. I am a verb. Teenagers often use me to argue against their parents. I contain the base dict. I also have three syllables. ______

3. I am a noun. I am very helpful to organic gardeners who want to fertilize their soil. I contain the base pos. I have two syllables. ______

4. I am a verb. I mean to live in a certain place. I contain the base sid. I have two syllables. ______

5. I am a noun. The bailiff announce that, “Court is in ______,” before the judge enters. I contain the base sess. I have two syllables. ______

6. I am an adjective. I mean something that takes place in addition to regular school activities. I contain the base cur. I have SIX syllables! ______27

7. I am a verb. I mean to agree to go along with. I contain the root cur too. But I only have two syllables. ______

8. I am a verb. I mean to stand still in one place. I contain the root pos. I only have one syllable ______

9. I am a noun. I result when a person hand writes something. I contain the root script. I have three syllables. ______

10. I am a verb. Little children can do me very well. I contain the root scrib. I have two syllables. ______28

Key – Root Riddles

1. prescription 2. contradict 3. compost 4. reside 5. session 6. extracurricular 7. concur 8. pose 9. manuscript 10. scribble 29


This game is like Bingo. Choose one box and create a free space. Then write the words your teacher gives you, putting one word in each box. As your teacher gives you meanings, cover the correct box with a marker. When you get four words in a row, diagonally, horizontally, or vertically, call out, “Wordo.” 30

Word list for Unit I: Wordo

Scripture a sacred writing or book Inscription a marking such as the wording on a coin or in the front of a book Describe to give an account of in speech or in writing Dictator an absolute ruler Jurisdiction the authority to interpret and control the law Contradict to express the opposite of a statement Depose to remove from office or power Proposal a plan put forth for consideration or discussion Deposit to put in place for safe-keeping Sedative a drug which has a soothing or calming effect Residue something that remains behind Supersede to take the place of or replace Current a steady, smooth onward movement Excursion a short journey made for pleasure; an outing Cursor a movable indicator on a display 31

Writing Assignment

Using at least ______words from our unit of study, write a news article for the school newspaper about one of the following topics:

An election A trial of a thief by a jury A trip taken by a club from your school Another event of your choosing

You may refer to your divide and conquer work or your word maps to help you. Your letter should be clear, neat, and use correct spelling and punctuation. 32

Unit III – Lesson 11 6 th Grade

Your root words this week are the Latin base aqua and the Greek base hydro which both mean “water.” Every word on the list is a “water” word. Place a “G” or an “L” to the left of each word to indicate whether it comes from Greek (G) or Latin (L). For the first 5 words, an X means that the word doesn’t have a prefix. Words 6-10 are compound words containing two bases. Word number 6 has two bases and a suffix.

Word prefix means base means word means aquarium X hydrant X dehydrated rehydrate aquatic X first base means second base means word means hydrophobia phobia = fear aqueduct duct = lead hydroplane plane = wander hydrogen gen = produce hydrometer meter = measure

Step 2: Word Skit: Work with a partner. Each person chooses a word from the list above (partner 1 chooses from the top and partner 2 chooses from the bottom of the list) and acts it out. The other person tries to guess the word being shown. OR – Form teams and split up the words. The team scoring the most points wins.

Step 3: Add a new “tree” to Sure Word Forest.

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