2008-2009 Lakeside Bulldog Band
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2016-2017 Lakeside Middle School Band
Mr. Jonathan Barr
Phone: 661-831-3503 ext. 2602
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Band Website: www.lakesideusd.org/domain/85
1. Benefits of studying instrumental music: o Teamwork o Self-expression o Coordination o Memory skills o Self-confidence and esteem o Poise o Goal-setting o Problem solving o Sense of accomplishment and pride o Friends*** 2. Program goals o Learn to play a musical instrument using proper posture, hand position and tone quality. o Develop an awareness of major and some minor tonalities, a means to decode rhythms and techniques for good tone production. o Develop the ability to set individual goals, maintain a good work ethic and realize a sense of achievement upon completion. o Develop the ability to work towards common goals in large groups. o Respect the talent and diversity of others while participating on a musical team. o To see each band student continue with band through high school and possibly beyond. 3. Recruitment (This is in reference to our new band students.) Rental Info. o Live instrument demonstration o Individual interviews to select the instrument that best matches your son or daughter’s interests, physical attributes & balanced instrumentation o Parent Meeting-Thursday, September 1st, 2016- 5:30pm Suburu School 4. Parental Tips o Please help select a regular “practice time.” Before school, after school, before dinner, after dinner, or when Mom and Dad are watching the evening news, are all excellent times to practice. o Please provide a regular place to practice, preferably somewhere well lit, quiet, and free of distractions. o Please encourage your child through positive support. o Everyone will probably require tons of patience while the beginning musician squeaks, squawks, moans and groans his way through the first few weeks. It will get better!! With regular practice those noises will be replaced in no time with the wonderful sounds of music! The rewards are well worth the wait. o Any assistance you can provide in the first few weeks of small group lessons to help students remember their lesson times will be appreciated. o Provide support and assistance to make sure that the band student is keeping up with all classroom assignments on lesson days. o 5. Student Responsibilities o 90 minutes of home practice per week. o Practice in a place free of distractions. o Place music at eye level, and be sure to use good posture while you practice. o Set goals! Work on improving five things in your assignment every time you practice. o Attend all lessons and rehearsals on days when you are in school. o Be prompt for the rehearsals and lessons o Bring all materials. 6. Materials Needed o Standard of Excellence, Book One (All new band students) o Standard of Excellence, Book Two (Middle School band students) o Folding Music Stand (for home practice) not required but helpful o Instrument in good playing condition o A pencil (keep it in your case) o A black, Red, or White 3 ring binder (needed by August 28th- for MS Band) o Woodwinds (oboe, clarinet, and alto saxophone): Three good, playable reeds (Rotate each time) Cork grease A swab for cleaning out your instrument (applies to flutes also) A reed guard or reed case (to protect their reeds) REEDS—Reeds can be purchased from Mr. Barr -- $2 per reeds. o Brass Valve oil appropriate for the instrument Water rag (wash cloth) for emptying moisture Tuning slide grease -- Trombones: Slide Cream o Percussion Sticks appropriate for class. 2B Concert Stick. Marching Sticks for Drumline Drum pad or snare drum for home practice. 7. Drumline, Steel Drums, Honor Groups, and Solo and Ensemble o The schedule for zero period will be posted on Fridays for the following week. Participation in zero period activities are extra-curricular and are subject to the rules regarding grade requirements. 8. TARDY AND BATHROOM—you have 5 minutes to be in your seat and prepared. o You will be given one minute extra to be in your seat with your instrument ready to play or you will be tardy. On the third Tardy you WILL receive a referral. o There will be no bathroom breaks except for emergencies. On the third bathroom request you will receive a referral. 9. Concert Dates: REQUIRED PERFORMANCES Wednesday, December 7th @ Lakeside Wednesday, March 15th Large Group Rating Festival @ Independence H.S. Wednesday, May 10th, 2017 @ SUBURU Friday, June 2nd, 2017-Graduation (5th-7t band) @ Independence H.S. 10. Grading-Middle School o GRADES FOR BAND WILL BE BASED ON HOMEWORK, HOME PRACTICE, AND CLASSROOM PARTICIATION. o FAILURE TO ATTEND A PERFORMANCE, OTHER THAN A FAMILY EMERGENCY, WILL RESULT IN A 3(THREE) LETTER GRADE DROP. o Music terminology and theory homework will be assigned. 11. Care of Instruments o Students will be instructed on daily maintenance of their instruments o Handle with care! Your instrument is made of breakable parts, so be careful handling it. Do not let younger siblings or friends handle your band instrument. o Always store your instrument safely in the case when you are not playing it. o Before you pick up your case, make sure the latches are closed. o Keep your instrument clean by swabbing out the moisture, wiping off the outside. o Do not let the instrument get too hot or too cold. For example, avoid leaving it in the car for an extended period of time. 12. Contact information for Mr. Barr o Phone: 661-831-3503 ext. 2602 o E-mail: [email protected] best option for quicker response--or-- o [email protected] o Band Website: www.lakesideusd.org/domain/85 o Please keep me informed of any issues that may be impeding your child’s progress. 13. Private lessons: See Mr. Barr with questions. o Once the students get going, private lessons are encouraged and do provide students invaluable one on one instruction. o Private lessons build on the concepts and skills taught in weekly school lessons, and can help young musicians increase their technique and confidence. 14. Concert Attire: Parents are responsible for providing the appropriate dress clothes! o Middle School Band: Black Dress Pants, Black Socks, Black Dress Shoes, the Lakeside Band 2016-2017 Band Shirt. Tux Shirts will be provided for use. o ATTENTION= Due to several performers in previous years not attending concerts in proper attire, no student will be allowed to perform wearing incorrect concert dress and your grade will be affected as a missed performance. If you are having financial difficulties then please contact Mr. Barr in writing at least TWO weeks prior to a performance to address the issue and make arrangements. 15. INSTRUMENTS: o It is recommended that instruments be rented rather than purchased for a beginning band student. o Local music stores: Nick Rail Music (412-4941), California Keyboard (327-5397), Rosedale Music (588-8885), o If you wish to purchase an instrument rather than rent, please do your research… possible on-line resources. www.interstatemusic.com, www.wwbw.com. o WARNING: Do not purchase a musical instrument from Sears, Walmart, Target, Costco, or any department store as the quality may be lacking. Ebay is not recommended unless you are knowledgeable concerning musical instruments and know what to look for. o GOOD QUALITY INSTRUMENT BRANDS: Yamaha, Selmer, Blessing, Conn, Olds, Bach, Jupiter, Amati, Bufffet, Armstrong, Pearl, Vito, Gemeinhardt (Flute), Barrington, Holton, Getzen. 16. 6TH GRADERS--- YOU WILL NOT ATTEND FUN FRIDAYS o If you skip band to go to “FUN FRIDAY” you will receive a referral. LAKESIDE BULLDOG BAND 2016-2017 LEARNING CONTRACT
STUDENT’S NAME (please print) ______
By signing this learning contract, I am stating that I have read and agree with all of the policies outlined in this handbook.
I also understand that if I ever have a question or concern regarding any aspect of this class, I should immediately contact Mr. Barr.
PHONE ______
E-MAIL ______Please print clearly.
E-MAIL ______Please print clearly.
Email will be extremely important this year as I will be attempting to keep all information on-line and send out updates as they occur.