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Department of Education and Training

Department of Education and Training Western Australia

RPL Assessment Tool Kit

CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services First published 2009

ISBN 978-1-74205-373-8

© Department of Education and Training

All rights reserved. Western Australian Department of Education and Training materials, regardless of format, are protected by copyright law. Permission, however, is granted to Trainers, Assessors, and Registered Training Organisations to use, reproduce and adapt the material (third party material excluded) for their Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment activities. This permission is subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Permission does not extend to the making of copies for hire or sale to third parties, and provided it is not used for commercial use or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated above requires the prior written permission of the Western Australian Department of Education and Training.

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Acknowledgements This work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) National Reform Initiative (NRI). This resource contains ‘Units of Competencies’ from CHC50302: Diploma of Children’s Services, © Commonwealth of Australia 2007 Department of Education Science and Training (DEST), used under the AEShareNet-FfE licence.

Disclaimer Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit, no guarantee can be given that all errors and omissions have been excluded. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit can be accepted by the Western Australian Department of Education and Training. CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services RPL Assessment Tool Kit

Contents Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit 5 Overview of the Recognition Process 7 PART 1 Section 1 – Assessor’s Information 9 Introduction 11 Explanation of RPL documents 12 Section 2 – List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit 13 Qualification Rules 15 Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit 16 List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit 17 Section 3 – Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets 19 Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care 21 Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices 27 Skill Set 3 – Development of children 31 Skill Set 4 – Program design 37 Skill Set 5 – Management systems 41 Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets 49 Practical Tasks 51 Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care 53 Instructions for the candidate 53 Instructions for the Assessor 55 Demonstration/Observation Checklist 57 Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices 63 Instructions for the candidate 63 Instructions for the Assessor 64 Demonstration/Observation Checklist 66 Skill Set 3 – Development of children 71 Instructions for the candidate 71 Instructions for the Assessor 73 Demonstration/Observation Checklist 75 Skill Set 4 – Program design 81 Instructions for the candidate 81 Instructions for the Assessor 82 Demonstration/Observation Checklist 83 Skill Set 5 – Management systems 89 Instructions for the candidate 89

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Instructions for the Assessor 90 Demonstration/Observation Checklist 92 PART 2 Section 5 – Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms 97 What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? 99 How to prepare for your RPL assessment 100 The four steps in the RPL assessment process 103 Candidate’s Information Form 107 Candidate’s Employment History Form 109 Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Form 111 Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care 113 Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices 115 Skill Set 3 – Development of children 117 Skill Set 4 – Program design 119 Skill Set 5 – Management systems 120 Section 6 – Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation 123 Third Party Report 125 Supporting Documentation 127 Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools 133 Mapping Document for Clusters 1–6 and Stand-alone Units 1–3 135 Evidence Matrix 137

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Tool Kit CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services

This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed by the Western Australian Department of Education and Training, in consultation with industry, as a resource to assist RPL Assessors by providing a set of quality assessment tools which can be used to conduct wholeofqualification RPL. This kit also contains information which can be provided to the candidate.

This kit should be customised to suit the needs of the candidate, employer/industry or Assessor and should reflect the purpose for which it is being used.

It is recommended that prior to using this kit for the first time, and after any modifications or contextualisation, that this Assessment Tool Kit be validated by the user to ensure it meets the required Australian Qualification Training Framework Standards (AQTF), relevant Training Package requirements and Registered Training Organisation (RTO) policies.

A task-based model for RPL A process for RPL has been developed that promotes holistic, task-based assessment, and which focuses on relating assessment activities to actual job tasks. The intention of this model is to streamline and simplify recognition processes for prospective candidates. This RPL Assessment Tool Kit has been developed to support this task-based model.

The focus of the new streamlined holistic assessment process is to focus on demonstrated skills and knowledge and is not reliant on documentary evidence, as the main source of evidence.

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Overview of the Recognition Process

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Section 1

Assessor’s Information

It is important that you complete both Sections 3 (Interview/Questioning) and 4 (Practical Tasks) when completing RPL assessment using this kit.

The RPL process is a streamlined process which does not rely solely on documentary evidence. It uses a combination of questioning, practical assessment and supporting evidence to provide evidence of the candidate’s competence.

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Introduction Welcome to the CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services.

This RPL Assessment Tool Kit contains twenty (20) units of competency required for the award of this qualification.

It is simply set out, with a comprehensive list of instructions at the front of each document, as well as covering instructions for each step of the process, as found in the notes for the Assessor, and notes for the candidate.

Included in this kit are the following documents:

 Explanation of RPL Documents  Assessor’s Information  Qualification Rules and list of units of competency contained in this kit  Units of competency separated into clusters/skill sets for assessment  Tool Kits for each skill set, in order: ► Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets ► Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets  Candidate Information ► Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Form (incorporating Third Party Verification)  Mapping Documents (including Dimensions of Competency and Employability Skills) for all the units of competency included in this kit.

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Explanation of RPL documents a) Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets (Section 3): The interview question bank is the second stage of the process, in which the Assessor and the candidate confirm the knowledge by discussing a series of questions. Each of these questions includes a series of Key Points, which may assist the Assessor in guiding the discussions. b) Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets (Section 4): These tools are designed to guide the Assessor and candidate through a workplace observation, proving the candidate’s ability to conduct the specific tasks and skills required for recognition of competence in the particular area. c) Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms (Section 5): This document is for the candidate to assess their suitability for RPL process, by asking them to consider each of the points and assessing their ability against the task. It has been broken into smaller skill groups, clustering like activities together to enable ease of completion. It is then reinforced by the candidate’s supervisor’s comments, both against tasks and as a summary for each group. This serves as third party validation of the candidate’s claims. d) Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation (if applicable) (Section 6): The third party verification report is provided for referees, for example the supervisor, to confirm the candidate’s skills and experience in the qualification/occupation. This is particularly useful in addressing employability skill requirements. It is important to note that third party reports are not always available and it is recommended that Assessors use their professional judgement to determine if this is a requirement. e) Mapping Document (Section 7): This tool demonstrates how each of the documents reflects the units of competency in the particular cluster/skill set.

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Section 2

List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

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Qualification rules CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services The following information has been extracted from the CHC02 Community Services Training Package, published by the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council, third edition, 2007.

Prerequisites The following units of competency from CHC30402 Certificate III in Children’s Services, or equivalent, are prerequisites for this qualification.

CHCCHILD1C Identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm CHCCN1D Ensure children’s health and safety CHCCN2C Care for children CHCCN4D Respond to illness, accidents and emergencies CHCCS301A Work within a legal and ethical framework CHCFC1C Support the development of children in the service CHCIC1C Interact effectively with children CHCOHS301A Participate in workplace safety procedures CHCORG3B Participate in the work environment CHCPR1C Deliver services/activities to stimulate children’s development and enhance their leisure CHCPR3C Develop an understanding of children’s interests and developmental needs

HLTFA1A Apply first aid AND/OR HLTFA2A Apply advanced first aid

Note: CHCCN5C Care for babies may be a required prerequisite unit in some jurisdictions.

Requirements Successful completion of a total of twenty (20) units of competency made up of: thirteen (13) compulsory units of competency, AND seven (7) elective units (drawn from the elective units listed in the training package).

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Units of competency covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit This section identifies the core units, electives and any other options as identified in the packaging guidelines for this qualification.

Unit Code Unit Title Core Unit Elective

Support the rights and safety of children within duty CHCCHILD2C of care requirements  Establish, manage and monitor the implementation CHCCN11C of a safe and healthy environment  CHCCN8B Plan care routines  CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development  Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and CHCFC3C psychological development  Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and CHCFC5C language development  Establish and implement plans for developing CHCIC10C responsible behaviour  CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs  CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system  Design, implement and evaluate programs of the CHCPR10C service  Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and CHCPR2C enhance children’s development  Document, interpret and use information about CHCPR9C children  CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child  Provide experiences which facilitate children’s CHCFC6C expressive development  Use music as a medium to enhance children’s CHCFC7C experience and development  Provide experiences which enhance children’s CHCFC8A development and learning  Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and CHCCS405A co-workers  Meet statutory and organisational information CHCINF5B requirements  CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process  CHCORG11B Lead and develop others 

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 16 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 2 – List of competencies in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit

List of competencies covered in this RPL Assessment Tool Kit This RPL Assessment Tool Kit contains the assessment tools for the Diploma of Children’s Services. These tools have been developed to support a ‘whole of trade’ assessment, to reflect the work undertaken in industry. This approach focuses on clustering the units of competency from the qualification into a number of skill sets. These are:

Skills Set 1 – Delivery of care

Unit Code Unit Title

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment

CHCCN8B Plan care routines

CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child

CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

Unit Code Unit Title

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements

CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour

CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs

Skill Set 3 – Development of children

Unit Code Unit Title

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development

Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological CHCFC3C development

CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development

CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development

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Skill Set 4 – Program design

Unit Code Unit Title

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service

Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s CHCPR2C development

CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children

CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning

Skills Set 5 – Management systems

Unit Code Unit Title

CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS organisational management system

CHCINF5B Meet statutory and information requirements

CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process

CHCORG11B Lead and develop others

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Section 3

Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets

This section contains questions the Assessor may ask the candidate while documenting their conversation during the RPL interview.

Assessor’s Instructions It is not intended that every question for each competency be asked or discussed during the conversation. Only questions related to those competencies that the initial documentary review has failed to fully address are required.

Each question provides key points to look for in the candidate’s responses. You may wish to use these key points to formulate questions of your own, contextualise, or rephrase the suggested questions to suit the candidate’s particular work situation.

On the Recording Sheets, place a tick next to each key point as it is addressed by the candidate during the conversation. By doing this, you are recording what you have heard the candidate say during the interview.

Use the Assessor’s Comments section next to each question to provide further details about the context of the discussion or other key points and examples the candidate has discussed that may be relevant in confirming competence.

It is important to remember that the notes taken during the questioning interview are important evidence and should be retained as part of the candidate’s assessment records.

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Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy These may cover more than one Skill Set. environment Care of a sick child Consulting with family members to support CHCCN8B Plan care routines Hazard in the play environment the child CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child Planning an excursion Concerned family member Care routines for toddlers Inclusion CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers Evacuation procedure Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 1 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed.) Question 1 procedures for responding to sick children developed Describe your procedure for caring for a parents informed of infections, and appropriate government organisations are informed according to guidelines sick child. communication occurs regarding infection control and medication policies for medication administration, storage and documentation explained and monitored

Question 2 environments assessed for suitability, safety and hazards and potential risks identified How do you ensure that the play relevant safety criteria used to assess the environment environment is free of hazards? communication to relevant people occurs when a hazard identified strategies developed with others involved; plans developed, implemented and reviewed safe storage of hazardous materials monitored and reinforced with workers

Question 3 safety in relation to excursions and transport communicated and relate to service procedures and regulations How do you plan an excursion? responsibilities shared between staff supervision planned and monitored parent permission sought as required

Question 4 routines planned according to the needs of children How would you plan a care routine for purpose of routines explained to children toddlers? children’s preferences and choices discussed and

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy These may cover more than one Skill Set. environment Care of a sick child Consulting with family members to support CHCCN8B Plan care routines Hazard in the play environment the child CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child Planning an excursion Concerned family member Care routines for toddlers Inclusion CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers Evacuation procedure Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 1 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed.)

accommodated routines encourage the development of selfhelp skills, and designed to create interactions with carer routines planned according to the rhythms and timings of children routines enable children’s physical and emotional needs met all people involved in care routines (including parents) encouraged to exchange information

practices for handling and storing food within guidelines demonstrated and regularly communicated practices for managing children’s hygiene needs promoted and demonstrated

Question 5 evacuate according to procedure which is updated and practiced regularly An emergency incident occurs in your seek medical assistance OSHC service, causing injury to a child and the need to evacuate. Describe what meet emotional needs of other children and workers you would do. information provided to parents sensitively, calmly and accurately policies and procedures of the organisation used to inform workers of their role policies would be reviewed in light of incident

Question 6 all family members made to feel welcome and encouraged to participate in children’s experiences A baby is not separating easily from the feedback encouraged regarding the program and family parent. Describe the process you would

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy These may cover more than one Skill Set. environment Care of a sick child Consulting with family members to support CHCCN8B Plan care routines Hazard in the play environment the child CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child Planning an excursion Concerned family member Care routines for toddlers Inclusion CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers Evacuation procedure Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 1 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed.) follow to help both the child and the suggestions implemented where possible parent. parent support networks facilitated to promote the importance of parenting

Question 7 listen respectfully to obtain a clear understanding of the situation How would you respond to a family strategies developed and implemented, follow-up is member expressing concern about their determined and fulfilled child?

Question 8 culturally appropriate work practices How would you include a child and family work practices reviewed and modified from a culturally diverse background? strategies used to eliminate bias or discrimination communication respectful, constructive, effective and engenders mutual trust and confidence assistance sought from the interpreter or other persons if required

Page 24 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 Additional notes from conversation

S NYS Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour Work ethic CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Legislative requirements Behaviour plan Inclusion process Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 2 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed) Question 9 work ethically How would you provide guidance to explain policies and procedures to protect the child workers when abuse is suspected or support workers to provide information to appropriate bodies identified?

Question 10 authority of the person to collect established What process do you follow when a ensure child’s safety person collects a child from your service? supervision planned to minimise harm legislative requirements met

Question 11 gather information from all people involved with the child, in a range of situations and contexts A child is observed physically hurting identify triggers and consequences other children on a regular basis. Parents are commenting to you about this assess program routines, times and environments behaviour. How would you develop a plan interpret the child’s behaviour against the people involved to guide the child’s behaviour? seek advice and communicate regularly with parents consider the other children

establish and apply limits and guidelines for appropriate behaviour develop a short term and long term plan in conjunction with parent strategies and home care

Question 12 develop a plan for inclusion based on the strengths and interest of the child Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour Work ethic CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Legislative requirements Behaviour plan Inclusion process Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 2 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed) Explain how you would include a child in the service adapted to meet the child’s needs your service who has additional needs. other children supported specialist strategies incorporated into the regular program information about inclusion shared with parent permission strategies monitored and reviewed Additional notes from conversation

S NYS Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skill Set 3 – Development of children Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______Skill Set 3 – Development of children

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development Physical skills Creative development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Social and emotional development Language Development CHCFC6C Provide experience which facilitate children’s expressive development Cognitive and language development Music Appreciation CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 3 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)

Assessor Notes from Conversation Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)

Question 13 developmentally appropriate equipment and materials How do you plan an experience to help resources provide positive non-stereotypical images of children children develop physical skills which will lead to independence? children given choices and their individual strengths and interests respected participation encouraged through social interaction experiences promote mutual support, cooperation and the value of diversity experiences develop selfesteem and positive selfconcept interactions with the child foster development

Question 14 children encouraged to accept responsibility for their own actions How do you include in your program, participate in decision making regular routines that will foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and explore a variety of roles psychological development? confidence monitored in more challenging activities

frustration acknowledged and mistakes seen as learning opportunities achievements acknowledged and appreciated children encouraged to express their feelings and ideas children are encouraged to support and cooperate with each Skill Set 3 – Development of children

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development Physical skills Creative development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Social and emotional development Language Development CHCFC6C Provide experience which facilitate children’s expressive development Cognitive and language development Music Appreciation CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 3 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)

Assessor Notes from Conversation Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)


Question 15 experiences assist children to develop thinking and problem- solving skills How does your play environment environment stimulates children’s awareness by using different encourage cognitive and language senses and acknowledging and encouraging their development? enthusiasm environment stimulates the child’s use and understanding of language through modelled communication, questions and careful listening support the child’s skills in their own language and English as relevant assess language development and plan strategies that will progress language skills review plans regularly

Question 16 developmentally appropriate experiences identified and selected How do you provide materials for children presented to encourage participation to use in creative experiences that are spontaneous interests observed, responded to and resourced attractively presented and interesting to diversity of culture presented use?

Question 17 select stories that are developmentally appropriate rhymes and poetry How would you encourage an interest in puppets and props Skill Set 3 – Development of children

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development Physical skills Creative development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Social and emotional development Language Development CHCFC6C Provide experience which facilitate children’s expressive development Cognitive and language development Music Appreciation CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 3 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)

Assessor Notes from Conversation Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed) stories in a babies room? repetition of favourite stories and songs

Question 18 use a wide range of music to develop appreciation movement to music encouraged and practiced How would you incorporate music into set up the environment to encourage participation safely your program? spontaneous interest encouraged and resourced especially when using instruments observe individuals and the group to assess follow-up activities Additional notes from conversation

S NYS Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Page intentionally blank Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skills Set 4 – Program design Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______Skills Set 4 – Program design

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of service These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development Program cycle CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children Children’s interests Purpose of observation CHCFC8A Provide experience which enhance children’s development and learning Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 4 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed) Question 19 information gathered from various sources on each child’s development in a holistic way Explain the process of designing, programs designed which reflect the philosophy and goals of implementing and evaluating programs of the service the service. programs reflect the capabilities, interests and backgrounds of children include a wide range of science and technology experiences resources (including people) identified and provided program flexible for time, routines and transitions settings and environments cover all aspects of development and provide choices evaluation includes key stakeholders, especially children

Question 20 children can plan or modify a play environment safely and with encouragement Describe a time when a child or group of choice encouraged and activities engage in a holistic way to children has planned or modified the play develop skills in children environment materials provided capture the attention of, stimulate a response and engage children perseverance encouraged to develop significant activity child’s choice not to participate respected

Question 21 provides detailed information about the child What is the purpose of observing and monitors child’s development, progress and understanding of each child recording children when developing a program? encourages all people involved with the child to provide Skills Set 4 – Program design

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of service These may cover more than one Skill Set. CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development Program cycle CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children Children’s interests Purpose of observation CHCFC8A Provide experience which enhance children’s development and learning Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 4 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)

information all aspects of the child’s development considered systematic ways of observing ensure that all children are included and evaluated Additional notes from conversation

S NYS Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Interview Question Bank and Recording Sheets Skills Set 5 – Management Systems Assessor’s Instructions The interview should allow the candidate to confirm their knowledge as identified by their Self-Evaluation against relevant units of competency. The Assessor may use these questions to guide the interview ensuring that the candidate addresses the key points identified for each question.

These key points exist as a guide only, and the Assessor is encouraged to expand on them where necessary to satisfy depth of underpinning knowledge and skills.

It is recommended that the interview be conducted in the workplace, allowing the candidate access to documents, equipment etc to support their statements.

Record of interview

Candidate’s name

Assessor’s name

Interview only q

How/where was the interview conducted? At an RTO’s premises q Name: ______In the workplace q Name: ______Skills Set 5 – Management Systems

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system These may cover more than one Skill Set. OHS systems CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements Staff performance CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process Accreditation process CHCORG11B Lead and develop others Leadership Selfevaluation Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 5 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed) Question 22 participative processes with employees and representatives in accordance with relevant OHS legislation, regulations What OHS systems are in place in your and industry standards service? hazards identified, assessed and controlled OHS induction and training occurs and objectives evaluated OHS records meet statutory requirements, identify patterns of hazardous incidents, occupational injuries and diseases within managerial responsibilities

Question 23 identify information requirements Explain a system of gathering and review system with users and evaluate according to technology and financial resources recording staff performance. evaluate system for effectiveness, efficiency, security and integrity systems are confidential and secure information is valid and useful staff are trained in the process

Question 24 service selfevaluation process Explain your role in managing the service facilitate the development of a quality improvement plan and implement it accreditation process. coordinate the implementation of an external evaluation

Question 25 work goals to minimise role ambiguity and maximise effectiveness Describe a situation where you have leadership toward changing priorities toward a task and client provided leadership in your service. Skills Set 5 – Management Systems

Units of Competency Suggested topics CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system These may cover more than one Skill Set. OHS systems CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements Staff performance CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process Accreditation process CHCORG11B Lead and develop others Leadership Selfevaluation Assessor’s Notes from Conversation Skills Set 5 Questions Key points to be addressed by the candidate (Record other responses or examples discussed)

needs principles and practices of equal employment opportunity, OHS, participative work practices promoted promote effective work relationships manage and improve the performance of individuals support, participate and review individual and group development support and develop managers

Question 26 effective time management How do you maximise your own plan and monitor work progress performance in your service? comply with established policies and procedures especially anti-discrimination, ohs review and revise work practices to assist achievement of identified objectives opportunities are sought and taken for selfdevelopment and learning Additional notes from conversation

S NYS Assessor’s signature (Satisfactory) (Not Yet Satisfactory)

Assessor’s name Page intentionally blank Record of initial interview (To be conducted after the candidate has completed the selfevaluation.)

Qualification Candidate’s name: CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Assessor’s name:

Description of candidate’s tasks at work Evidence the applicant is able to collect (Assessor to complete this section DURING THE INTERVIEW, with a (Assessor to complete this section DURING THE INTERVIEW, with the summary of the candidate’s work history.) evidence the assessor and candidate have agreed could be collected by the candidate.) For example, job description, training records, references.

Candidate to answer questions (yes/no)  Have the purpose and the consequences of the assessment been explained? YES/NO  Have you sighted copies of the standards that will be assessed? (Optional) YES/NO  Do you understand what evidence is to be collected? YES/NO  Have your rights and the appeal system been fully explained? YES/NO  Have you discussed any special needs to be considered during the assessment? YES/NO If yes, provide details:______

Assessor’s signature Candidate’s signature Date Page intentionally blank CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Section 4

Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

This section contains practical assessment tasks that the candidate will complete to assist you in determining their skills and knowledge.

Assessor’s Instructions Use the Observation Recording Sheets for each of the practical tasks to document the skills and knowledge demonstrated by the candidate in completing each of the required tasks.

These practical tasks may be modified to suit the context of the candidate’s workplace, job role or their work environment.

Not all tasks need to be completed. The Assessor should select only those tasks that will provide the required evidence to prove competence by the candidate.

For a whole qualification it may be necessary to perform all tasks.

It is important to remember that the notes made by the Assessor during the observation of the practical demonstration are important evidence and should be retained as part of the candidate’s assessment records.

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Practical tasks

While performing the various practical tasks, it is important that the principles of Occupational Health and Safety, and workplace safety requirements be met at all times.

Assessors need to ensure that the specifications for materials/resources used in the practical tasks are consistent with those in the critical aspects of evidence. (Refer to the Mapping of Assessment Tools document for more information.)

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of care Task 1

The candidate is to demonstrate a group care plan for a stage of development selected by the candidate.

Skill set 2 – Implementing care practices Task 2 The candidate is to demonstrate observation and supervision of children and how they are included in the program.

Skill set 3 – Development of children Task 3

The candidate is to demonstrate the ability to provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development in a holistic and child centred way.

Skill set 4 – Program design Task 4 The candidate is to demonstrate the design of the program to reflect practical considerations of children’s choices, interests and spontaneous activities.

Skill set 5 – Management systems

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Task 5 The candidate is to demonstrate workplace management systems for Occupational Health and Safety, statutory and organisational information requirements, the accreditation process and the leadership and development of others.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of care

Task 1 Demonstrate a group care plan

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you will be required to demonstrate a group care plan for a stage of development selected by you. You will be assessed on your ability to: show that care routines are planned according to the needs of children explain the purpose of routines to children discuss and accommodate children’s preferences and choices implement routines that encourage the development of selfhelp skills and are designed to create interactions with carers implement routines that are planned according to the rhythms and timings of children implement routines that enable children’s physical and emotional needs to be met encourage the exchange of information by all people involved in care routines (including parents) ensure the play environment is free of hazards, is assessed for suitability, safety and potential risks are identified demonstrate appropriate communication to relevant people when a hazard is identified develop strategies with others, and plans are developed, implemented and reviewed communicate safety in relation to excursions and the transportation of children in relation to service procedures and regulations ensure responsibilities on excursions are shared between staff, supervision is monitored, parent information supplied and parent permission is sought according to regulations ensure the care plan includes an evacuation procedure which is updated and practiced regularly. Medical assistance would be sought, emotional support of children and carers provided, and information about the incident provided sensitively, accurately and calmly to parents. All workers would follow the policy and procedures of the service and policies would be reviewed in light of the incident implement a care plan that ensures all families and family members are made to feel welcome and are encouraged to participate in the children’s experiences encourage feedback regarding care practices and family suggestions are implemented where possible facilitate parent support networks to promote the importance of parenting listen to parent expressing concern about a care routine respectfully so that a clear understanding is developed. Implementing of change and follow-up is recorded demonstrate culturally appropriate work practices in care routines review and modify work practices; strategies are used to eliminate bias or discrimination

Page 51 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma Of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets ensure communication is respectful, constructive, engenders mutual trust and confidence. assistance from an interpreter is sought if required.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of care

Task 1 Demonstrate a group care plan

Instructions for the Assessor

Outline of task To successfully conduct the following demonstration/observations, the Assessor and candidate will need access to a real workplace environment, or at least a simulated workplace environment. Successful demonstration will require the candidate to demonstrate contingency and reactionary skills and knowledge should a situation arise. The assessment environment should not disadvantage the candidate in terms of access, language, literacy and numeracy demands, and should be discussed with the candidate prior commencing the demonstration. For the candidate to demonstrate competency in this task, they are required to demonstrate ALL the observable behaviours listed for the task. The candidate will be required to demonstrate a group care plan for a stage of development selected by the candidate. The candidate is to be assessed on their ability to: show that care routines are planned according to the needs of children explain the purpose of routines to children discuss and accommodate children’s preferences and choices implement routines that encourage the development of selfhelp skills and are designed to create interactions with carers implement routines that are planned according to the rhythms and timings of children implement routines that enable children’s physical and emotional needs to be met encourage the exchange of information by all people involved in care routines (including parents) ensure the play environment is free of hazards, is assessed for suitability, safety and potential risks are identified demonstrate appropriate communication to relevant people when a hazard is identified develop strategies with others, and plans are developed, implemented and reviewed communicate safety in relation to excursions and the transportation of children in relation to service procedures and regulations ensure responsibilities on excursions are shared between staff, supervision is monitored, parent information supplied and parent permission is sought according to regulations ensure the care plan includes an evacuation procedure which is updated and practiced regularly. Medical assistance would be sought, emotional support of children and carers provided, and information about the incident provided sensitively, accurately and calmly to parents. All workers

Page 53 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets would follow the policy and procedures of the service and policies would be reviewed in light of the incident implement a care plan that ensures all families and family members are made to feel welcome and are encouraged to participate in the children’s experiences encourage feedback regarding care practices and family suggestions are implemented where possible facilitate parent support networks to promote the importance of parenting listen to parent expressing concern about a care routine respectfully so that a clear understanding is developed. Implementing of change and follow-up is recorded demonstrate culturally appropriate work practices in care routines review and modify work practices; strategies are used to eliminate bias or discrimination ensure communication is respectful, constructive, engenders mutual trust and confidence. assistance from an interpreter is sought if required.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Delivery of care Task 1 Demonstrate a group care plan

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate a group care plan for a stage of development selected by the candidate.

Skill Set 1 – Units of CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of Competency a safe and healthy environment CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and coworkers

Assessment location

Date of demonstration Time Instructions for the Assessor

The candidate will be required to demonstrate a group care plan for a stage of development selected by the candidate. The candidate will be assessed on their ability to: show that care routines are planned according to the needs of children explain the purpose of routines to children discuss and accommodate children’s preferences and choices implement routines that encourage the development of selfhelp skills and are designed to create interactions with carers implement routines that are planned according to the rhythms and timings of children implement routines that enable children’s physical and emotional needs to be met encourage the exchange of information by all people involved in care routines (including parents) ensure the play environment is free of hazards, is assessed for suitability, safety and potential risks are identified demonstrate appropriate communication to relevant people when a hazard is identified develop strategies with others, and plans are developed, implemented and reviewed communicate safety in relation to excursions and the transportation of children in relation to service procedures and regulations

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 1 – Delivery of care Task 1 Demonstrate a group care plan

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate a group care plan for a stage of development selected by the candidate. ensure responsibilities on excursions are shared between staff, supervision is monitored, parent information supplied and parent permission is sought according to regulations ensure the care plan includes an evacuation procedure which is updated and practiced regularly. Medical assistance would be sought, emotional support of children and carers provided, and information about the incident provided sensitively, accurately and calmly to parents. All workers would follow the policy and procedures of the service and policies would be reviewed in light of the incident implement a care plan that ensures all families and family members are made to feel welcome and are encouraged to participate in the children’s experiences encourage feedback regarding care practices and family suggestions are implemented where possible facilitate parent support networks to promote the importance of parenting listen to parent expressing concern about a care routine respectfully so that a clear understanding is developed. Implementing of change and follow-up is recorded demonstrate culturally appropriate work practices in care routines review and modify work practices; strategies are used to eliminate bias or discrimination ensure communication is respectful, constructive, engenders mutual trust and confidence. assistance from an interpreter is sought if required.

Resources required for this task

 a childcare workplace  access to child services, resources and equipment  access to the local environment  relevant policies and procedures manuals, legislation and standards  organisation’s mission statement, strategic and business plan  other documentation relevant to the work context such as: organisational charts organisations protocols for access to interpreter services

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Candidate’s name

During the demonstration or observation of skills, Is behaviour observed did the candidate demonstrate the following? Yes maintain appropriate safety procedures and requirements  follow care plans  use appropriate equipment to perform the task  perform the task in a logical sequence  adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge  perform task to industry standards  demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people  perform defined work tasks as directed  demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support the performance of task  skills.

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the Yes following?

Dimensions of competency

Task skills – performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency

Task management skills – managing a number of different tasks within the job

Contingency management skills – responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine

Job/role environment skills – fulfilling responsibilities and expectations

Transfer – application of skills to different contexts

Assessor’s general comments/observations

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

Task 2 Demonstrate observation and supervision of children

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you will be required to demonstrate observation and supervision of children and how you include them in the program. You will be assessed on their ability to: work ethically provide guidance to workers when abuse is suspected or identified by explaining the policies and procedures in place to protect the child support workers to provide information to appropriate bodies establish the authority of the person who collects a child from the service and the child’s safety with that person plan supervision for all children to minimise harm meet legislative requirements gather information from all people involved, when a child displays inappropriate behaviour, in a range of situations and contexts use observation strategies to identify triggers and consequences assess program routines, times and environment interpret the child’s behaviour against the people involved seek advice and communicate regularly with parents consider the other children establish and apply limits and guidelines for appropriate behaviour develop a shortterm and longterm plan in conjunction with parent strategies and home care include a child who has additional needs in the program, based on their strengths and interests adapt the service to meet the child’s needs and other children are supported incorporate specialist strategies into the regular program, and information about inclusion is shared with parent permission monitor and review inclusion strategies.

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Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

Task 2 Demonstrate observation and supervision of children

Instructions for the Assessor

Outline of task To successfully conduct the following demonstration/observations, the Assessor and candidate will need access to a real workplace environment, or at least a simulated workplace environment. Successful demonstration will require the candidate to demonstrate contingency and reactionary skills and knowledge should a situation arise. The assessment environment should not disadvantage the candidate in terms of access, language, literacy and numeracy demands, and should be discussed with the candidate prior commencing the demonstration. For the candidate to demonstrate competency in this task, they are required to demonstrate ALL the observable behaviours listed for the task. For this task the candidate will be required to demonstrate observation and supervision of children and how they include them in the program. The candidate is to be assessed on their ability to: work ethically provide guidance to workers when abuse is suspected or identified by explaining the policies and procedures in place to protect the child support workers to provide information to appropriate bodies establish the authority of the person who collects a child from the service and the child’s safety with that person plan supervision for all children to minimise harm meet legislative requirements gather information from all people involved, when a child displays inappropriate behaviour, in a range of situations and contexts use observation strategies to identify triggers and consequences assess program routines, times and environment interpret the child’s behaviour against the people involved seek advice and communicate regularly with parents consider the other children establish and apply limits and guidelines for appropriate behaviour develop a shortterm and longterm plan in conjunction with parent strategies and home care include a child who has additional needs in the program, based on their strengths and interests adapt the service to meet the child’s needs and other children are supported

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 62 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets incorporate specialist strategies into the regular program, and information about inclusion is shared with parent permission monitor and review inclusion strategies.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices Task 2 Demonstrate observation and supervision of children

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate supervision of children and how to include them in the program.

Skill set 2 – Units of CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty Competency of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs

Assessment location

Date of demonstration Time Instructions for the Assessor

For this task the candidate will be required to demonstrate observation and supervision of children and how they include them in the program. The candidate will be assessed on their ability to: work ethically provide guidance to workers when abuse is suspected or identified by explaining the policies and procedures in place to protect the child support workers to provide information to appropriate bodies establish the authority of the person who collects a child from the service and the child’s safety with that person plan supervision for all children to minimise harm meet legislative requirements gather information from all people involved, when a child displays inappropriate behaviour, in a range of situations and contexts use observation strategies to identify triggers and consequences assess program routines, times and environment interpret the child’s behaviour against the people involved seek advice and communicate regularly with parents consider the other children establish and apply limits and guidelines for appropriate behaviour

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 64 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices Task 2 Demonstrate observation and supervision of children

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate supervision of children and how to include them in the program. develop a shortterm and longterm plan in conjunction with parent strategies and home care include a child who has additional needs in the program, based on their strengths and interests adapt the service to meet the child’s needs and other children are supported incorporate specialist strategies into the regular program, and information about inclusion is shared with parent permission monitor and review inclusion strategies.

Resources required for this task

 a childcare workplace  access to child services, resources and equipment  access to the local environment

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices Task 2 Demonstrate observation and supervision of children

Candidate’s name

Is behaviour During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the observed candidate demonstrate the following? Yes No

maintain appropriate safety procedures and requirements  

follow care plans  

use appropriate equipment to perform the task  

perform the task in a logical sequence  

adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge  

perform task to industry standards  

demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people  

perform defined work tasks as directed  

demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support the performance of task skills.  

Assessor’s general comments/observations

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 66 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets

Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices Task 2 Demonstrate observation and supervision of children

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During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the Yes following?

Dimensions of competency

Task skills – performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency

Task management skills – managing a number of different tasks within the job

Contingency management skills – responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine

Job/role environment skills – fulfilling responsibilities and expectations

Transfer – application of skills to different contexts

Assessor’s general comments/observations

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you will be required to demonstrate the ability to provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development in a holistic and childcentred way. You will be assessed on your ability to: demonstrate experiences to help children develop physical, social, emotional, psychological, cognitive and language skills use developmentally appropriate equipment and materials, and set up the environment to encourage safe participation provide resources that depict positive non-stereotypical images of children ensure children are given choices and their individual strengths and interests respected encourage participation through social interaction ensure experiences promote mutual support, cooperation and the value of diversity and they develop selfesteem and positive selfconcept encourage interactions with the child that foster development encourage worker interactions to allow children to accept responsibility for their own actions ensure children are encouraged to participate in decision making and explore a variety of roles monitor the child’s confidence in more challenging activities acknowledge frustration and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities acknowledge and appreciate achievements encourage children to express their feelings and ideas encourage children to support and cooperate with each other provide experiences that assist children to develop thinking and problem-solving skills ensure the environment stimulates children’s awareness by using different senses and acknowledging and encouraging their enthusiasm ensure the environment stimulates the child’s use and understanding of language through modelled communication, questions and careful listening support the child’s skills in their own language and English, as relevant assess language development and plan strategies that will progress language skills, and review plans regularly identify, select and present developmentally appropriate experiences to encourage participation observe, respond to and resource spontaneous interests which show diversity of culture select developmentally appropriate stories, rhymes, poetry, songs and puppets

Page 69 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets encourage repetition of favourite stories and songs use and encourage wide range of music to develop appreciation and movement to music assess follow-up activities by observing individuals and the group.

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

Instructions for the Assessor

Outline of task To successfully conduct the following demonstration/observations, the Assessor and candidate will need access to a real workplace environment, or at least a simulated workplace environment. Successful demonstration will require the candidate to demonstrate contingency and reactionary skills and knowledge should a situation arise. The assessment environment should not disadvantage the candidate in terms of access, language, literacy and numeracy demands, and should be discussed with the candidate prior commencing the demonstration. For the candidate to demonstrate competency in this task, they are required to demonstrate ALL the observable behaviours listed for the task. The candidate will be required to demonstrate the ability to provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development in a holistic and childcentred way. The candidate is to be assessed on their ability to: demonstrate experiences to help children develop physical, social, emotional, psychological, cognitive and language skills use developmentally appropriate equipment and materials, and set up the environment to encourage safe participation provide resources that depict positive non-stereotypical images of children ensure children are given choices and their individual strengths and interests respected encourage participation through social interaction ensure experiences promote mutual support, cooperation and the value of diversity and they develop selfesteem and positive selfconcept encourage interactions with the child that foster development encourage worker interactions to allow children to accept responsibility for their own actions ensure children are encouraged to participate in decision making and explore a variety of roles monitor the child’s confidence in more challenging activities acknowledge frustration and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities acknowledge and appreciate achievements encourage children to express their feelings and ideas encourage children to support and cooperate with each other provide experiences that assist children to develop thinking and problem-solving skills

Page 71 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets ensure the environment stimulates children’s awareness by using different senses and acknowledging and encouraging their enthusiasm ensure the environment stimulates the child’s use and understanding of language through modelled communication, questions and careful listening support the child’s skills in their own language and English, as relevant assess language development and plan strategies that will progress language skills, and review plans regularly identify, select and present developmentally appropriate experiences to encourage participation observe, respond to and resource spontaneous interests which show diversity of culture select developmentally appropriate stories, rhymes, poetry, songs and puppets encourage repetition of favourite stories and songs use and encourage wide range of music to develop appreciation and movement to music assess follow-up activities by observing individuals and the group.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Development of children Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate the ability to provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development in a holistic and child centred way.

Skill Set 3 – Units of CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development Competency CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development

Assessment location

Date of demonstration Time Instructions for the Assessor

The candidate will be required to demonstrate the ability to provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development in a holistic and childcentred way. The candidate will be assessed on their ability to: demonstrate experiences to help children develop physical, social, emotional, psychological, cognitive and language skills use developmentally appropriate equipment and materials, and set up the environment to encourage safe participation provide resources that depict positive non-stereotypical images of children ensure children are given choices and their individual strengths and interests respected encourage participation through social interaction ensure experiences promote mutual support, cooperation and the value of diversity and they develop selfesteem and positive selfconcept encourage interactions with the child that foster development encourage worker interactions to allow children to accept responsibility for their own actions

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 3 – Development of children Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate the ability to provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development in a holistic and child centred way. ensure children are encouraged to participate in decision making and explore a variety of roles monitor the child’s confidence in more challenging activities acknowledge frustration and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities acknowledge and appreciate achievements encourage children to express their feelings and ideas encourage children to support and cooperate with each other provide experiences that assist children to develop thinking and problem-solving skills ensure the environment stimulates children’s awareness by using different senses and acknowledging and encouraging their enthusiasm ensure the environment stimulates the child’s use and understanding of language through modelled communication, questions and careful listening support the child’s skills in their own language and English, as relevant assess language development and plan strategies that will progress language skills, and review plans regularly identify, select and present developmentally appropriate experiences to encourage participation observe, respond to and resource spontaneous interests which show diversity of culture select developmentally appropriate stories, rhymes, poetry, songs and puppets encourage repetition of favourite stories and songs use and encourage wide range of music to develop appreciation and movement to music assess follow-up activities by observing individuals and the group.

Resources required for this task

 a childcare workplace  access to child services, resources and equipment  access to the local environment

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Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

Candidate’s name

During the demonstration or observation of skills, Is behaviour observed did the candidate demonstrate the following? Yes maintain appropriate safety procedures and requirements  follow care plans  use appropriate equipment to perform the task  perform the task in a logical sequence  adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge  perform task to industry standards  demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people  perform defined work tasks as directed  demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support the performance of task  skills.

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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Task 3 Provide a stimulating play environment to foster and enhance children’s development

During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the Yes following?

Dimensions of competency

Task skills – performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency

Task management skills – managing a number of different tasks within the job

Contingency management skills – responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine

Job/role environment skills – fulfilling responsibilities and expectations

Transfer – application of skills to different contexts

Assessor’s general comments/observations

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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Skill Set 4 – Program design

Task 4 Demonstrate the implementation of a program

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you will be required to demonstrate the design of the program to reflect practical considerations of children’s choices, interests and spontaneous activities. You will be assessed on your ability to: gather information from various sources on each child’s development in a holistic way design programs that reflect the philosophy and goals of the service select programs that reflect the capabilities, interests and backgrounds of children ensure observations and recordings of the child provide detailed information, monitor development, progress and understanding of the child ensure all people involved with the child are encouraged to provide information, on all aspects of the child’s development provide systematic ways of observing to ensure that all children are included and evaluated identify and provide resources, including people provide a program that is flexible with time, routines and transitions ensure settings and environments cover all aspects of development and provide choices ensure evaluation includes key stakeholders, especially children encourage children to modify a play environment safely, supporting spontaneous play, with adult encouragement encourage choice, materials provided capture the attention, stimulate a response and engage children encourage perseverance to develop significant activity respect a child’s choice not to participate.

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Skill Set 4 – Program Design

Task 4 Demonstrate the implementation of a program

Instructions for the Assessor

Outline of Task To successfully conduct the following demonstration/observations, the Assessor and candidate will need access to a real workplace environment, or at least a simulated workplace environment. Successful demonstration will require the candidate to demonstrate contingency and reactionary skills and knowledge should a situation arise. The assessment environment should not disadvantage the candidate in terms of access, language, literacy and numeracy demands, and should be discussed with the candidate prior commencing the demonstration. For the candidate to demonstrate competency in this task, they are required to demonstrate ALL the observable behaviours listed for the task. For this task the candidate will be required to demonstrate the design of the program to reflect practical considerations of children’s choices, interests and spontaneous activities. The candidate is to be assessed on their ability to: gather information from various sources on each child’s development in a holistic way design programs that reflect the philosophy and goals of the service select programs that reflect the capabilities, interests and backgrounds of children ensure observations and recordings of the child provide detailed information, monitor development, progress and understanding of the child ensure all people involved with the child are encouraged to provide information, on all aspects of the child’s development provide systematic ways of observing to ensure that all children are included and evaluated identify and provide resources, including people provide a program that is flexible with time, routines and transitions ensure settings and environments cover all aspects of development and provide choices ensure evaluation includes key stakeholders, especially children encourage children to modify a play environment safely, supporting spontaneous play, with adult encouragement encourage choice, materials provided capture the attention, stimulate a response and engage children encourage perseverance to develop significant activity respect a child’s choice not to participate.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Program design Task 4 Demonstrate the implementation of a program

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate the implementation of a program to reflect practical considerations of children’s choices, interests and spontaneous activities.

Skill Set 4 – Units of CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the Competency service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning

Assessment location

Date of demonstration Time Instructions for the Assessor

For this task the candidate will be required to demonstrate the design of the program to reflect practical considerations of children’s choices, interests and spontaneous activities. The candidate will be assessed on their ability to: gather information from various sources on each child’s development in a holistic way design programs that reflect the philosophy and goals of the service select programs that reflect the capabilities, interests and backgrounds of children ensure observations and recordings of the child provide detailed information, monitor development, progress and understanding of the child ensure all people involved with the child are encouraged to provide information, on all aspects of the child’s development provide systematic ways of observing to ensure that all children are included and evaluated identify and provide resources, including people provide a program that is flexible with time, routines and transitions ensure settings and environments cover all aspects of development and provide choices ensure evaluation includes key stakeholders, especially children encourage children to modify a play environment safely, supporting spontaneous play, with adult encouragement

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 4 – Program design Task 4 Demonstrate the implementation of a program

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate the implementation of a program to reflect practical considerations of children’s choices, interests and spontaneous activities. encourage choice, materials provided capture the attention, stimulate a response and engage children encourage perseverance to develop significant activity a child’s choice not to participate respected.

Resources required for this task

 a childcare workplace  access to child services, resources and equipment  access to the local environment

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Candidate’s name

During the demonstration or observation of skills, Is behaviour observed did the candidate demonstrate the following? Yes maintain appropriate safety procedures and requirements  follow care plans  use appropriate equipment to perform the task  perform the task in a logical sequence  adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge  perform task to industry standards  demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people  perform defined work tasks as directed  demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support the performance of task  skills.

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the Yes following?

Dimensions of competency

Task skills – performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency

Task management skills – managing a number of different tasks within the job

Contingency management skills – responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine

Job/role environment skills – fulfilling responsibilities and expectations

Transfer – application of skills to different contexts

Assessor’s general comments/observations

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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Skill Set 5 – Management systems

Task 5 Lead a team toward continuous improvement

Instructions for the candidate

Outline of task For this task you will be required to demonstrate workplace management systems for Occupational Health and Safety, statutory and organisational information requirements, the accreditation process and the leadership and development of others. You will be assessed on your ability to: demonstrate OHS processes in place in your service, with employees and OHS representatives participating in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations and industry standards identify, assess and control hazards OHS induction and training occurs and objectives evaluated OHS records meet statutory requirements; identify patterns of hazardous incidents, occupational injuries and diseases within managerial responsibilities identify information requirements when gathering and recording staff performance review staff performance record system with users and evaluate according to technology and financial resources evaluate the system for effectiveness, efficiency, security and integrity systems are confidential and secure, the information is valid and useful and staff is trained in the process the accreditation process of selfevaluation, development of a quality improvement plan and its implementation and the coordination and implementation of an external evaluation set goals to minimise role ambiguity and maximise effectiveness take a lead role toward changing priorities in a task or client needs promote principles and practices of equal opportunity, effective and participative practices manage and improve the performance of individuals support, participate and review individual and group development support and develop managers maximise your own performance in the service by demonstrating effective time management, plan and monitor work progress comply with established policies and procedures for anti-discrimination and OHS review and revise work practices to assist achievement of identified objectives seek and utilise opportunities for self-development and learning

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Skill Set 5 – Management systems

Task 5 Lead a team toward continuous improvement

Instructions for the Assessor

Opportunities are sought and taken for self-development and learning To successfully conduct the following demonstration/observations, the Assessor and candidate will need access to a real workplace environment, or at least a simulated workplace environment. Some parts of the observation require the candidate to demonstrate contingency and reactionary skills and knowledge – the Assessor may be required to simulate these, taking into consideration safety issues and environmental factors where relevant. The assessment environment should not disadvantage the candidate in terms of access, language, literacy and numeracy demands, and should be discussed with the candidate prior commencing the demonstration. For the candidate to demonstrate competency in this task, they are required to demonstrate ALL the observable behaviours listed for the task.

Outline of task For this task the candidate will be required to demonstrate workplace management systems for Occupational Health and Safety, statutory and organisational information requirements, the Accreditation process and the leadership and development of others. The candidate is to be assessed on their ability to: demonstrate OHS processes in place in your service, with employees and OHS representatives participating in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations and industry standards identify, assess and control hazards OHS induction and training occurs and objectives evaluated OHS records meet statutory requirements; identify patterns of hazardous incidents, occupational injuries and diseases within managerial responsibilities identify information requirements when gathering and recording staff performance review staff performance record system with users and evaluate according to technology and financial resources evaluate the system for effectiveness, efficiency, security and integrity systems are confidential and secure, the information is valid and useful and staff is trained in the process the accreditation process of selfevaluation, development of a quality improvement plan and its implementation and the coordination and implementation of an external evaluation set goals to minimise role ambiguity and maximise effectiveness take a lead role toward changing priorities in a task or client needs

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 88 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 4 – Practical Tasks and Observation Recording Sheets promote principles and practices of equal opportunity, effective and participative practices manage and improve the performance of individuals support, participate and review individual and group development support and develop managers maximise your own performance in the service by demonstrating effective time management, plan and monitor work progress comply with established policies and procedures for anti-discrimination and OHS review and revise work practices to assist achievement of identified objectives seek and utilise opportunities for self-development and learning.

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Management systems Task 5 Lead a team toward continuous improvement

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate your ability to lead a team toward continuous improvement within the service.

Skill Set 5 – Units of CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system Competency CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCORG11B Lead and develop others

Assessment location

Date of demonstration Time Instructions for the Assessor

For this task the candidate will be required to demonstrate workplace management systems for Occupational Health and Safety, statutory and organisational information requirements, the Accreditation process and the leadership and development of others. The candidate is to be assessed on their ability to: demonstrate OHS processes in place in your service, with employees and OHS representatives participating in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations and industry standards identify, assess and control hazards OHS induction and training occurs and objectives evaluated OHS records meet statutory requirements; identify patterns of hazardous incidents, occupational injuries and diseases within managerial responsibilities identify information requirements when gathering and recording staff performance review staff performance record system with users and evaluate according to technology and financial resources evaluate the system for effectiveness, efficiency, security and integrity systems are confidential and secure, the information is valid and useful and staff is trained in the process the accreditation process of selfevaluation, development of a quality improvement plan and its implementation and the coordination and implementation of an external evaluation set goals to minimise role ambiguity and maximise effectiveness

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Demonstration/Observation Checklist Skill Set 5 – Management systems Task 5 Lead a team toward continuous improvement

Candidate’s name Assessor’s name Supervisor’s name (if applicable) Work activity Demonstrate your ability to lead a team toward continuous improvement within the service. take a lead role toward changing priorities in a task or client needs promote principles and practices of equal opportunity, effective and participative practices manage and improve the performance of individuals support, participate and review individual and group development support and develop managers maximise your own performance in the service by demonstrating effective time management, plan and monitor work progress comply with established policies and procedures for anti-discrimination and OHS review and revise work practices to assist achievement of identified objectives seek and utilise opportunities for self-development and learning

Resources required for this task

 access to appropriate workplace where assessment can be conducted, or  simulation of realistic workplace setting for assessment Assessment will require access to:  broad guidance from top management  workplace health and safety polices and procedures  other related policies and procedures  relevant legislation and acts  duties statements and/or job descriptions  appropriate equipment  a suitable method of gathering evidence of knowledge and understanding over a range of situations over an extended period of time. A bank of scenarios/case studies/‘what ifs’ will be required as well as a bank of questions which will be used to check the reasoning behind the observable actions within the limitations of employee, client and public safety, considerations must be given to workers whose literacy skills are limited and/or who are physically and/or intellectually disabled in certain sectors of the industry.

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Candidate’s name

During the demonstration or observation of skills, Is behaviour observed did the candidate demonstrate the following? Yes

maintain appropriate safety procedures and requirements 

follow care plans 

use appropriate equipment to perform the task 

perform the task in a logical sequence 

adequately describe processes and demonstrate application of underpinning knowledge 

perform task to industry standards 

demonstrate appropriate communication and interpersonal skills with a range of people 

perform defined work tasks as directed 

demonstrate the required underpinning knowledge to support the performance of task  skills.

Assessor’s general comments/observations

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Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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During the demonstration or observation of skills, did the candidate show evidence of the Yes following?

Dimensions of competency

Task skills – performing the task to the required standard as described in the unit of competency

Task management skills – managing a number of different tasks within the job

Contingency management skills – responding to problems, breakdowns and changes in routine

Job/role environment skills – fulfilling responsibilities and expectations

Transfer – application of skills to different contexts

Assessor’s general comments/observations

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Candidate’s signature

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Section 5

Candidate’s Information and Self-Evaluation Forms

It is recommended that candidates be provided with this information before applying for RPL.

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What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? RPL is the acknowledgment of skills and knowledge obtained through learning achieved outside the formal education and training system and includes work and life experience including paid and volunteer work and skills attained through leisure pursuits such as musical, mechanical or linguistic abilities.

RPL recognises any prior knowledge and experience and measures it against the qualification in which students are enrolled. The individual may not need to complete all of a training program if he or she already possesses some of the competencies taught in the program.

Why you should apply for RPL If you apply for RPL and your application is successful you could: reduce or eliminate the need for any training in skills and knowledge you already have save time by not needing to attend any or a reduced number of classes and completing unnecessary work save money because you will not have to buy textbooks and other learning material complete your qualification in a shorter time advance to a higher level qualification in a shorter time if desired.

Some terms you need to understand It is important that you understand the following term to assist you with your RPL application.

Competence Competence is the demonstration of skills and knowledge that you have gained through life and work experiences as well as any training that you have successfully completed that can be matched against a set of industry performance standards referred to as units of competency. These units are grouped together to form a specific industry qualification, within the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

Each unit of competency is divided into elements (a set of activities that lead to an overall achievement or demonstration of competence). Each of these elements is further broken down into a set of performance criteria which give a more detailed description of the skills and knowledge you need to be able to demonstrate.

Matching your evidence against each of the elements/performance criteria will help you to reach your qualification more quickly.

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How to prepare for your RPL Assessment In order for your skills to be formally recognised as part of a national qualification, Assessors must make sure that you (the candidate) have the required skills and knowledge to meet the industry standard as specified in the relevant Training Package.

You must be involved in the RPL process so that all the experience, skills and knowledge you have gained over time can be correctly identified and suitably demonstrated. This evidence is gathered and used in recognition of all or some of the units for the qualification you wish to gain.

All assessment requirements will be discussed with you in advance and you will be given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify requirements. Being prepared for the assessment process and knowing what you need to provide can save you valuable time and ensure that the RPL assessment is as simple and stress-free as possible.

Here are some tips to make the application process and interview easier for you. 1. Your Assessor will ask you to talk about your work roles and your employment history. Bring a copy of your résumé. You might like to write down any work you have done in the past (paid or unpaid) and where this took place.

2. If you have certificates from any training courses you have completed, bring along either certified copies or the originals to the interview with the Assessor and they can make a copy of them.

3. Bring along any other documentation that you think would support your claim that you have done this work over time.

The following is a list of some of the documents you can provide as examples of your work history: brief CV certificates/results of assessment any licences tickets held, eg forklift, crane photographs of work undertaken diaries/task sheets/job sheets/logbooks site training records site competencies held record membership of relevant professional associations hobbies/interests/special skills outside work references/letters from previous employers/supervisors industry awards any other documentation that may demonstrate your trade or industry experience or support your claim.

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Depending on where you have worked and what the work may have included, you may or may not have documentary evidence. Do not be put off if you do not have documentary evidence, as the Assessor will work with you during the assessment process.

4. Think about who you would consider to be your workplace contact or referee. Is your employer happy to support your aim to become qualified? Would you feel comfortable if the Assessor contacted your current workplace or previous workplace/s to validate your skills and spoke to your supervisor/s or employer/s?

5. You will need to supply the contact details of work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry. Think about who the best person to confirm your skill level would be. Think about current or recent supervisors or employers who have observed your work and who would be able to confirm your previous work skills and experience. The Assessor will need to contact them.

6. You can speak with your Assessor about other ways you can show your skills for the trade or industry in which you are seeking recognition. These could include letters from employers, records of any training courses or professional development sessions attended, employers or clients in related industries or government agencies, acknowledgements, workplace forms (as long as there are no confidentially issues – see below) or any other relevant documents.

Confidentiality issues It is important that sensitive information is not included as part of your Supporting Documentation (as identified in Section 6 and any other documentation you wish to use as evidence). You may need authorisation from your supervisor to use some of your evidence, so it is always best to check the privacy and confidentiality policies of the organisation. Client names should be deleted and financial figures or other personal details should be blacked out and made unidentifiable.

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The four steps in the RPL assessment process Once your training organisation has provided you with the information you need to apply for RPL, you need to follow these four steps in order to complete the process.

You need to assess your current competence before you decide to apply for RPL for one or several units of competency. Complete the candidate’s information and self-evaluation forms provided. It is important that you include as much information about your previous work experience as you can. This will allow for an initial assessment of your experience and a check to see whether or not you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge. You can discuss this with an RPL Assessor if you want. You must be able to provide evidence against the elements and performance criteria for the relevant unit/s to prove that you are competent. It is not enough to simply state that you possess the skills and knowledge required. You must be able to demonstrate competence. This is your opportunity to provide as much proof as you can of the variety of experience you have had. You should supply examples of your work history if you have any. (See Tip 3 above.) Step 1 – SelfEvaluation Depending on the trade or industry you have worked in, you may or may not have documentary evidence available. This should not deter you from seeking RPL, as the Assessor will work with you throughout the RPL process. You will also be provided with a list of suggested evidence that you could use to demonstrate that you are competent in a particular unit or units of competency. This list is a guide only. If you have other suitable evidence to support your claim for RPL then you are encouraged to share this with your Assessor. If you do not believe that you have any suitable evidence, then you should discuss your options with your Assessor. Once you have completed the self-evaluation and made the decision that you would like to continue with the RPL process, make an appointment for an interview and enrol for RPL. Note: It is possible to gain RPL for an entire qualification.

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An interview with an Assessor who understands your industry will be organised for you. They will review – usually with you – the information and supporting documentation you have provided and match up your skills to the units/subjects in the qualification.

During your RPL interview, your Assessor will discuss with you your self-evaluation and any evidence you have provided.

It is at this point that you will be able to identify any previous work experience and discuss this with your Assessor. Step 2 – Enrolment and During this conversation, you will be required to answer questions relating to your interview with the work experience. This questioning forms part of the assessment, as it will identify Assessor your current knowledge and skills regarding the area of industry in which you are applying for recognition.

If you are currently enrolled in a training course relating to this qualification, it is important that you let your trainer know that you intend to apply for RPL, then nominate the units you have selected for RPL so that the required documentation can be processed and your application can go ahead.

It is at this stage that a decision will be made whether you are able to proceed to the next step or whether you need to undergo gap training.

Your Assessor will organise with you and your employer to conduct a practical skills test at your workplace (if appropriate) or other suitable location.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate your level of competence on a practical level. Step 3 – Practical The assessment will focus on the skills required in the work activities which relate to demonstration of the qualification in which you are applying for recognition. your skills Your Assessor will identify the skills they want you to demonstrate by asking you to complete certain tasks.

Your Assessor will need to confirm your previous work experience with someone (such as your supervisor or employer) who can vouch for your skills over a period of

Step 4 – Provision of time. further supporting They will contact the referees you have provided as part of the candidate information.

evidence Your Assessor may ask you to give your selected workplace contacts or previous employers the Third Party report to complete. Authentication of these reports by the Assessor would then be required.

After the assessment After the assessment, your Assessor will advise you of the units of competency you have successfully completed. You will also be advised whether you have gained the full qualification or if gaps have been identified during the recognition process. If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through additional training.

If you have any questions during the RPL process, you should contact your Assessor.

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Candidate’s Information Form

You may find it easier to provide the information for the following by attaching a résumé.

Qualification/Industry in which you are seeking recognition

CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services

Personal details Surname First name/s Any other names used Home address

Postal address (if different from above)

Telephone numbers Home: Work: Mobile: Fax: Email Are you a permanent Yes  No  resident of Australia Do you need an interpreter to help you with an interview? Yes  No  Do you have a disability which we should be aware of? Yes  No  Will you need special aids if you are required to undertake a Yes  No  practical assessment? Please provide details or special needs so that we can assist you if required. Current Employment Are you currently employed? Yes  No  If ‘yes’, in which occupation are you currently employed? What is your current job title? Who is your current employer? Approximately how long have you year/s month/s worked in this job? Is this occupation in the same If ‘no’ jump to the following industry as the industry for which Yes  No  page you are applying for recognition?

If ‘yes’ list some of the main tasks you perform as part of your work that you think are relevant

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to your RPL Application.

If you have further recent industry experience that is relevant to your application please attach another sheet or your current résumé.

Rate your knowledge and skills against the qualification/industry relevant to your RPL application.

Industry area: Children’s Services Yes No Possibly I think my experience is of a high level.    I think I am skilled to do this job.    I know how to do the work tasks really well.    I can explain my experience and provide documentary evidence.    I have undertaken much of this work without supervision.   

Further training

I have attended training courses in this area of work.   If ‘yes’, what training did you undertake? Include date training completed (month, year).

Is there any further information you wish to give in support of your application?

Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your résumé)

Name Position Organisation Address of organisation Phone number Mobile number Email address

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Professional referees (relevant to work situation if not already listed on your résumé)

Name Position Organisation Address of organisation Phone number Mobile number Email address

Candidate’s Employment History Form

(You may attach a current résumé in place of completing this section.)

Name, Period of employment address Full-time (DD/MM/YYYY) Position/s Description and phone Part-time held of major duties number of Casual employers From To






Attach additional sheet if required.

Declaration I declare that the information contained in this application is true and correct and that all documents are genuine.

Candidate’s signature Date

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Candidate’s SelfEvaluation Form Completion instructions The purpose of completing the Self-Evaluation Form is to enable candidates who believe that they already possess the competencies, to assess their skills and knowledge against the qualification. Complete the following pages and identify your capacity to perform the tasks described. Be honest in your appraisal. By completing this selfevaluation you will be identifying the areas where you may be able to apply for recognition.

To complete the selfevaluation: 1. Proceed through the following pages and identify your capacity to perform the tasks described. Be honest in your appraisal.

2. Check your results. If you have consistently said that you perform each task ‘well’, or ‘very well’; then you may have the required skills and knowledge to apply for RPL.

3. If you have consistently stated that you do the task ‘not well’ or ‘never’ then it is recommended that you seek information of other options available to you.

4. All the work you provide must be created by you.

NB: If this self-evaluation is being used as evidence, your supervisor must evaluate your ability to perform the work tasks. Your supervisor is also asked to comment on your ability to perform these work tasks and verify this by signing each section. If this self-evaluation is being used only so that you and your Assessor can decide if you should proceed, then it doesn’t have to be verified.

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Identify your level of experience in performing each competency/task by using the following:  not well – I do the task but not well.  well – I do the task well.  very well – I do the task really well.

See example below.

Supervisor’s Evidence to support claim Evaluation Documentation Competency/Task provided Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.)

Using a computer to enter or change work information or Not Not Well data. Well

Using personal protective equipment as appropriate to Copy of Company conduct my work safely and in accordance with site and Personal Protective legal requirements.  Well 1 Equipment Requirements for my job role.

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Candidate’s Self-Evaluation Skill Set 1 – Delivery of care

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Candidate’s name Date completed

This section relates to your knowledge, skills, and experience of effective communication, working effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island and culturally diverse people, OHS processes in the child care industry and designing and evaluating a plan of care.

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I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Supervisor’s Skill Set 1 Questions Evaluation Doc Frequently Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 1. Do you establish, manage and monitor the use of service communication tools to support care practice? 2. Do you establish, manage and monitor oral, written and interpersonal communication skills respectfully and with sensitivity to varying cultural beliefs and their practices? 3. Do you show evidence of design and manage processes in the workplace? 4. Do you design, monitor and manage hazard and risk systems? 5. Do you lead and develop others in the safe supervision of children? 6. Do you implement and monitor food safety in food handling activities? 7. Do you design and manage clean, hygienic and safe processes? 8. Do you work in partnership with families?

Supervisor’s comments

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I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Supervisor’s Skill Set 1 Questions Evaluation Doc Frequently Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) Supervisor’s name Position

Supervisor’s signature Date

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Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

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Candidate’s name Date completed

This section relates to your knowledge, skills, and experience of the general health status, health information, legal and ethical parameters, reflective practice and the implementation of care plans within industry standards.

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I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Supervisor’s Skill Set 2 Questions Evaluation Doc Frequently Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 9. Do you demonstrate a level of knowledge which identifies an unwell child? 10. Do you demonstrate a level of knowledge which identifies the symptoms and management of an unwell child? 11. Do you demonstrate legal and ethical industry requirements? 12. Do you establish, manage and monitor care practices appropriate to all age groups 0–12 years? 13. Do you implement, manage and monitor appropriate health, hygiene and safety routines to all age groups 0–12 years? 14. Do you manage the orientation, settling, nurturing and response to cues of children 0–2 years and their families? 15. Do you establish, manage and monitor an evacuation plan for the safe removal of children at risk of harm? 16. Do you hold an approved First Aid certificate?

17. Do you implement plans for developing responsible behaviour? 18. Do you manage and monitor the rights and safety of children? 19. Do you demonstrate plans for the inclusion of children with additional needs? Supervisor’s comments

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I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Supervisor’s Skill Set 2 Questions Evaluation Doc Frequently Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.)

Supervisor’s name Position

Supervisor’s signature Date

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

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Candidate’s name Date completed

This section relates to your knowledge, skills and ability to support the development of children in all domains.

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Skill Set 3 I have performed Evidence to support claim Questions these tasks Supervisor’s Evaluation Documentation provided Frequently Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 20. Do you foster and enhance physical, cognitive, social and emotional development of children 0– 12 years? 21. Do you arrange and organise creative, stimulating and developmenta lly appropriate environment to foster and enhance play and leisure? 22. Do you establish, manage, monitor, support and encourage children’s interests and developmenta l abilities? 23. Do you

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Skill Set 3 I have performed Evidence to support claim Questions these tasks Documentation provided Frequently Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) demonstrate and model Supervisor’s Evaluation interactions with children aged 0– 12 years which promote positive and appropriate expectations? 24. Do you demonstrate and model your support of children in decision- making processes and collaborate with them about their ideas and interests? 25. Do you promote and model a respect of the similarities and differences of children aged

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Skill Set 3 I have performed Evidence to support claim Questions these tasks Supervisor’s Evaluation Documentation provided Frequently Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 0–12 years?

26. Do you foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development? 27. Do you use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development? Supervisor’s comments

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Skill Set 3 I have performed Evidence to support claim Questions these tasks Documentation provided Frequently Never Sometimes Doc No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.)

Supervisor’s Evaluation

Supervisor’s name Position

Supervisor’s signature Date

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Skill set 4 – Program design

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Supervisor’s Evaluation Evidence to support claim Skill Set 4 Questions Doc Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 28. Do you document, interpret and use information about the child from various sources, to support each child’s developmental records? 29. Do you design, implement and evaluate programs of the service? Supervisor’s comments

Supervisor’s name Position

Supervisor’s signature Date

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Skill set 5 – Management systems This section relates to your ability to manage workplace systems for OHS, statutory and organisational information, the accreditation process and the development of people in the team.

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Supervisor’s I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Evaluation Skill Set 4 Questions Doc Frequently Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) 30. Do you establish and maintain OHS processes that encourage staff to participate, according to legislation, regulations and industry standards? 31. Do you deal with and resolve OHS issues that are raised? 32. Do you develop workplace procedures for hazard identification and for dealing with hazardous events? 33. Do you have an OHS induction and training program where employees attendance can be monitored and followed up? 34. Do you support and supervise the development of information and education resources in the organisation? 35. Do you organise staff training according to a training needs analysis and the organisation’s policy? 36. Do you manage and support the organisation’s accreditation process in all aspects of the cycle? 37. Do you provide leadership, direction and guidance to the organisation? 38. Do you use effective time and work management techniques to maximise own performance outcomes? 39. Do you manage work relationships to enhance outcomes for the organisation? 40. Do you adjust your interpersonal styles and methods to accommodate the social and

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Supervisor’s I have performed these tasks Evidence to support claim Evaluation Skill Set 4 Questions Doc Frequently Never Sometimes Documentation provided No. (Number and name the document you are providing for easy reference.) cultural context of the organisation?

41. Do you monitor the individual and group outcomes to measure progress against organisational objectives? 42. Do you support and develop the professional development of managers and work together to maximise the effectiveness of the organisation? Supervisor’s comments

Supervisor’s name Position

Supervisor’s signature Date

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Section 6

Third Party Report and Supporting Documentation

It is recommended that the Assessor verify the third party report with the person who completes the form to confirm the candidate’s skills in different contexts over time.

This information may be provided at, and form part of, the interview.

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Third Party Report (Referee Testimonial) All people who verify your work are to complete the details below to ensure validity. You may require multiple copies. CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services

Candidate’s name Referee’s name (Name of person providing this evidence) Position/title Workplace Workplace address

Telephone numbers Email address This report was via interview by Assessor independently by referee completed   Interview conducted by (if applicable) Date of interview

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CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services

Instructions As part of the assessment for the skill sets in Diploma of Children’s Services, we are seeking evidence to support a judgement about the candidate’s competence. As part of the process of gathering evidence of competence, we are seeking reports from the supervisor and other people who work closely with the candidate. This report will be used to validate the skills and experience of the candidate. Does the candidate consistently: Yes No manage relevant work information and ideas establish, manage and monitor the health and safety of children respond quickly and remain calm in contingency situations in accordance with industry standards establish, manage and monitor appropriate care practices 0–12 years lead and develop the team operate within the industry role of a qualified carer establish, manage and monitor tasks in a safe and timely manner design, implement and monitor programs foster and enhance the development of children 0–12 years solve problems and demonstrate initiative manage workplace safety manage and monitor tasks following the logical sequence of events manage, monitor and follow the organisation’s quality control processes Signed by the supervisor: Date:

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To whom it may concern

Re: ______who is a ______. (insert candidate’s name) (insert industry/job title) I certify that the above-named person has: worked at ______for a period of ______(insert name of workplace) (insert length of time). They have regularly completed the following activities to an acceptable workplace/industry standard within this organisation.

Yes No I understand the evidence/tasks the candidate has performed on which I am required to comment. I am willing to be contacted if further verification of my statements is required.

If you would like further information or would like to discuss any of the above, I can be contacted on ______(insert phone number).

Yours sincerely

Signature: ______Date: ______

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Supporting Documentation The following table provides a guide of additional evidence sources to support your claim for Recognition of Prior Learning. If you have other evidence you are encouraged to provide this to your Assessor. If you do not have all this evidence you are not excluded from applying for recognition and you should discuss options with your Assessor. If you are providing documents as evidence then it is a good idea to number each document for easy identification. Place the number of the relevant document against the evidence listed below. Use the generic table on the following page to list evidence specific to this qualification.

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Document 1. Additional sources of evidence for First Aid Units may include: number 1. Current first aid certificate or equivalent Statement of Attainment listing first aid units. 2. Third party confirmation of first aid officer position held at previous workplace(s). 3. Third party evidence of administering first aid assistance – could be sporting event, workplace or community event.

2. Additional evidence sources for OHS including statistics may Document include: number 1. Statement of Attainment for Course in Safety Awareness (or old Green Card). 2. Third party evidence of Safety Representatives position held (current or previous). 3. Third party evidence of representation on safety committee(s). 4. Evidence of OHS qualifications/ courses attended and inductions.

3. Additional evidence source for operating fire fighting appliances Document may include: number

a. Current Statement of Attainment listing relevant fire fighting units. b. Third party confirmation of fire warden role held at previous workplace(s). c. Third party evidence of fire fighting activities – could be volunteer fire brigade, fire response in a workplace or community setting.

4. Additional evidence source for handling dangerous goods may Document include: number

a. Transport industry blue card b. Statement of Attainment for Course in Safety Awareness (or old Green Card) c. Third party evidence from workplace(s) on handling of dangerous goods

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Candidate’s name: Date:

CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Document Supplied documentary evidence number

















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Candidate’s name: Date:

CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Document Supplied documentary evidence number


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Assessor’s Evidence Summary Sheet The Assessor completes this table during the assessment to record the evidence collected. It is expected that this evidence summary sheet (or similar) is attached to the evidence. Place a tick in the appropriate evidence collection method column for each unit of competency. Place a line through those units not examined as part of this RPL assessment.

Candidate’s name Date

Comp Evidence collected

Unit Code Unit Title Qu Pr Th Ot

Core units

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

Elective units – Fabrication Stream

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Comp Evidence collected

Unit Code Unit Title Qu Pr Th Ot

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

q Yes

q No

Assessor’s signature

Assessor’s name


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Section 7 Mapping of Assessment Tools

This section contains tables with mapping of each of the Assessment Tools provided, against the requirements of the units of competency for the qualification that makes up this RPL Assessment Tool Kit.

It is important to note that this section is used for validation purposes only.

Whilst all effort is made to ensure that all the unit requirements for each unit are covered, the developers do not give any warranty nor accept any liability in relation to the mapping provided.

NOTE: It is recommended that these Assessment Tools be validated prior to using them for the first time or after any customisation has been made, to ensure they meet the requirements of the organisation and meet AQTF Standards.

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Mapping document

Using this document This document is mapped to the direct sources of evidence required to satisfy competency in this particular cluster.

Each of the columns reflects the particular tool in use, and the numbers relate to the question numbers in that tool which support the relevant performance criteria, critical aspects of evidence or required knowledge and skills in this Skill Set.

Note: The final column, ‘Supplementary evidence’, refers to any suggested sources of documentary evidence that the candidate may use to support their application for RPL.

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Evidence Matrix The evidence matrix below identifies how each of the questions in the Interview Question Bank (Section 3) and the Practical Tasks (Section 4) demonstrate competence against the elements, performance criteria and critical aspects of evidence, underpinning skills, knowledge, and dimensions of competency (Task Skill – TS, Task Management Skill – TMS, Contingency Management Skill – CS, Job role environment – JRE).

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment Element 1 1.1 Environments are assessed Q2, 3, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 5 Assess and improve the safety of for suitability and safety and TS, TMS, CS, JRE environments decisions taken. 1.2 Environments are assessed Q2, 3, 5 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 5 against relevant safety TS, TMS, CS, JRE criteria. 1.3 Hazards and potential risks in Q9, 10, 22 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 5 the environment are identified TS, TMS, CS, JRE with others involved. 1.4 The level of response Q2, 3, 22 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 5 required to address a hazard TS, TMS, CS, JRE is identified and communicated clearly. 1.5 Strategy development is Q2, 3, 22 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 5 facilitated among others TS, TMS, CS, JRE involved. 1.6 A plan is developed, Q2, 3, 22 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 5 implemented and reviewed TS, TMS, CS, JRE with others.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment Element 2 2.1 Evacuation procedures are Q5 Task 1 Coordinate the response to developed, kept up to date TS, TMS, CS, JRE accidents and emergencies and practiced regularly by all workers and children. 2.2 Steps already taken by Q1, 5 Task 1 workers are reviewed and TS, TMS, CS, JRE additional actions required are implemented. 2.3 Medical assistance is sought Q1, 5 Task 1 as required. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.4 A plan to meet the emotional Q1, 5 Task 1 needs of children and others TS, TMS, CS, JRE in the situation is implemented. 2.5 Tasks are allocated to Q5, 25 Task 1 different people and TS, TMS, CS, JRE directions are given about how to proceed. 2.6 Information is provided to Q1, 5 Task 1 parents sensitively, calmly TS, TMS, CS, JRE and accurately. 2.7 Policies and procedures of Q2, 5 Task 1 the organisation are used to TS, TMS, CS, JRE inform people of actions required of them. 2.8 Service’s policies and Q5 Task 1 procedures are reviewed with TS, TMS, CS, JRE others in light of the incident and changed as required.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment Element 3 3.1 Safety limits and guidelines Q2 Tasks 1, 2 Plan and monitor supervision are developed with others TS, TMS, CS, JRE involved. 3.2 Children’s experiences which Q2 Tasks 1, 2 require additional supervision TS, TMS, CS, JRE are identified and a plan developed. 3.3 Areas where close/additional Q2 Task 2 supervision will be required TS, TMS, CS, JRE are identified and a plan developed, implemented and reviewed. 3.4 Strategies which can be used Q2 Task 2 to address specific incidents TS, TMS, CS, JRE are developed for the service. 3.5 Implementation of Q2 Task 2 supervision plan and TS, TMS, CS, JRE procedures is monitored regularly and carefully. Element 4 4.1 Policies for medication Q1 Tasks 1, 2 Promote hygiene and safety administration, storage and TS, TMS, CS, JRE practices documentation are explained and monitored. 4.2 The safe storage of Q2 Tasks 1, 2 hazardous materials is TS, TMS, CS, JRE monitored and reinforced with workers.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment 4.3 Practices for handling and Q4 Tasks 1, 2 storing food within guidelines TS, TMS, CS, JRE are demonstrated and regularly communicated. 4.4 Practices for managing Q4 Tasks 1, 2 children’s hygiene needs are TS, TMS, CS, JRE promoted and demonstrated. Element 5 5.1 Infection control and Q1 Tasks 1, 2 Promote appropriate practices to medication guidelines are TS, TMS, CS, JRE respond to illnesses regularly and clearly communicated to others. 5.2 Specific practices are Q1 Tasks 1, 2 suggested to address TS, TMS, CS, JRE situations as they arise. 5.3 Parents are informed of Q1 Tasks 1, 2 infections. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.4 Procedures for responding to Q1 Tasks 1, 2 sick children are developed. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.5 Notification disease/infections Q1 Tasks 1, 2 are reported to the TS, TMS, CS, JRE appropriate government organisation according to guidelines. Element 6 6.1 Procedures for safety are Q2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 Monitor travel and excursions established in relation to TS, TMS, CS, JRE excursions and transport and are communicated.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment 6.2 Travel practices are Q2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 monitored to a relation to TS, TMS, CS, JRE service procedures and regulations. 6.3 Responsibilities during Q2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 excursions are organised. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 7 7.1 Explains policies and Q1 Tasks 1, 2 Provide guidance to workers when procedures clearly and TS, TMS, CS, JRE abuse is identified or investigated calmly. 7.2 Workers are supported to Q1 Tasks 1, 2 provide information to TS, TMS, CS, JRE appropriate bodies. Element 8 8.1 Care practices are observed Q25 Tasks 1, 2 Monitor care provided by others and specific instruction given TS, TMS, CS, JRE as required. 8.2 Care routines are regularly Q25 Tasks 1, 2 reviewed with workers. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 8.3 Practices are reviewed to Q23, 2 Tasks 1, 2 ensure policies regarding TS, TMS, CS, JRE care are met. Critical aspects of evidence Applying a thorough Q2, 3, Q5 Tasks 1, 2 understanding of dangers and TS, TMS, CS, JRE hazards for specific age groups and demonstrated ability to make informed and appropriate decisions under pressure to ensure the safety of children, including in the home environment.

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment Assessors are reccomended to particulalrly look for: observes personal hygiene to Q4 Tasks 1, 2 prevent cross infection, eg TS, TMS, CS, JRE hand washing

models safe behaviours and Q4 Tasks 1, 2 hygiene practices TS, TMS, CS, JRE risk identification in Q5 Tasks 1, 2 environments TS, TMS, CS, JRE risk reduction strategies in that Q2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 environment TS, TMS, CS, JRE risk minimisation strategies in Q2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 response to specific TS, TMS, CS, JRE incidents ways of supervising Q11, 12, 14, 18 Tasks 1, 2 appropriate to the age of TS, TMS, CS, JRE the child supervision systems eg an Q11, 12, 14, 18 Tasks 1, 2 area/ a group of children/ TS, TMS, CS, JRE floater violence protocols Q11 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Addressing issues in planning supervision according to the ages of children – For 5 to 12 year olds: absences of children booked in Q3, 10 Tasks 1, 2 need to be investigated TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 152 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment older children may be able to Q5 Tasks 1, 2 assist in responding to an TS, TMS, CS, JRE incident if directed clearly and supported to do so developing children’s capacity Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2 to monitor their own safety TS, TMS, CS, JRE developing children’s capacity Q19, 20 Tasks 1, 2 to develop strategies with TS, TMS, CS, JRE the staff Assessment of additional supervision requirements for a child due to – Child’s disability: level of risk taking behaviour Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE age/stage of development of Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2 child TS, TMS, CS, JRE child’s level of competence in Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2 the activity selected TS, TMS, CS, JRE child’s level of responsibility Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE child’s familiarity with Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2 environment/equipment/ma TS, TMS, CS, JRE terials Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms Q1, 2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 knowledge of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE uptodate knowledge of regulations on safety, health and hygiene

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment potential hazards to children, Q3 Tasks 1, 2 including traffic and the spread of TS, TMS, CS, JRE infectious diseases developmental stage appropriate Q1 Tasks 1, 2 toys and equipment TS, TMS, CS, JRE legal requirements for supervision Q1, 15 Tasks 1, 2 including worker – child ratios TS, TMS, CS, JRE food preparation, cooking and Q2, 3 Tasks 1, 2 storage of food temperatures TS, TMS, CS, JRE child protection policy service Q9 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE state/territory requirements about Q9 Tasks 1, 2 abuse and reporting process TS, TMS, CS, JRE common childhood illnesses Q9 Tasks 1, 2 recognition management TS, TMS, CS, JRE strategies incident records Q1 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE indicators of different types of child Q1, 5 Tasks 1, 2 abuse TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisation procedures Q9 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE driving skills – car or bus Q3 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE strategies for developing Q3 Tasks 1, 2 responsible behaviour by children TS, TMS, CS, JRE in cars and buses organisational standards, policies Q3 Tasks 1, 2 and procedures. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child a safe and healthy environment CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers CHCCN8B Plan care routines

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment Required skills Look for evidence that confirms Q3 Tasks 1, 2 skills in: TS, TMS, CS, JRE driving – cars or bus strategies for developing Q3 Tasks 1, 2 responsible behaviour by children TS, TMS, CS, JRE in cars and buses decision making under pressure. Q3 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN8B Plan care routines Element 1 Tasks 1, 2 1.1 Routines are planned according to the Q1, 5, 19 Plan daily routine needs of the children. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Tasks 1, 2 1.2 The purpose for routines are explained to Q1, 5, 19 children as appropriate. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Tasks 1, 2 1.3 Children’s preferences and choices are Q1, 5, 19 discussed and accommodated. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Tasks 1, 2 1.4 Routines encourage the development of a Q1, 5, 19 child’s selfhelp skills. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.5 Routines are oriented to the rhythms and Q1, 5, 19 Tasks 1, 2 timings of the children. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

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Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN8B Plan care routines

1.6 Routines enable children’s physical needs Tasks 1, 2 Q1, 5, 19 to be met in conjunction with their TS, TMS, CS, JRE emotional needs. Tasks 1, 2 1.7 Routines are planned with others who Q1, 5, 19 provide care for the child. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Tasks 1, 2 1.8 Worker meets regularly with parents to Q1, 5, 19 exchange information. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Tasks 1, 2 Q1, 5, 19 1.9 Required resources are made available. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

1.10 Strategies are used which encourage Tasks 1, 2 Q1, 5, 19 children’s cooperation in completing TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines. Element 2 Tasks 1, 2 2.1 Routines are reviewed and adapted Q16, 20, 23 Adapt and change according to the children’s needs. TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines Tasks 1, 2 2.2 Routines are altered according to Q16, 20, 23 circumstances and events as required. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Tasks 1, 2 2.3 Routines are changed to improve the Q16, 20, 23 outcomes for the children. TS, TMS, CM, JRE

Tasks 1, 2 2.4 Routines are changed to improve time Q16, 20, 23 organisation. TS, TMS, CM, JRE

2.5 Daily routine includes time for physical Tasks 1, 2 Q16, 20, 23 needs, plan and other developmental TS, TMS, CM, JRE experiences. Tasks 1, 2 2.6 Daily routine is planned around events Q16, 20, 23 which have set timing. TS, TMS, CM, JRE 2.7 Routines incorporate time for each child’s Q16, 20, 23 Tasks 1, 2 different needs. TS, TMS, CM, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 156 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCN8B Plan care routines Tasks 1, 2 2.8 Routines are designed to create Q16, 20, 23 opportunities for interaction with children. TS, TMS, CM, JRE Tasks 1, 2 2.9 Routines are designed as an opportunity Q16, 20, 23 for extending children’s learning. TS, TMS, CM, JRE Critical aspects of Demonstrated ability to work with children to Tasks 1, 2 Q4, 6, 7, 8 evidence plan adapt and review routines. TS, TMS, CM, JRE Required Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Tasks 1, 2 Q12, 13, 14, 15, 16 knowledge planning processes TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational standards, policies and Tasks 1, 2 Q22, 24, 26 procedures. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 2 culturally based care giving practices and TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines, eg degree of structure of the day’s routine time management Q4, 14, 18 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE interpersonal Q1, 2, 3, 4 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE planning Q2, 19, 21, 23, 24 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE contingency Q2, 3, 4, 19 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE management. Q22, 23, 24 Tasks 1, 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 157 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child Element 1 1.1 Information is gathered about the child’s needs, Q4, 11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Consult family members routines and preferences on an ongoing basis. TS, TMS, CS, JRE about the child, and the child’s needs 1.2 Information is briefly gathered about key family events Q4, 11 , 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 that may influence the child’s behaviour. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.3 Information is kept confidential. Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.4 Information about the child’s interests is exchanged. Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.5 Information about the family’s specific child care Q4, 11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 practices is gathered. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.6 Worker actively seeks parent requests in relation to Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 their child’s care. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.7 Appropriate communication strategies are used. Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 2 2.1 Agreement on specific requests is reached by Q4, 11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Reach agreement with negotiation and modification of care practices. TS, TMS, CS, JRE the family members about care practices 2.2 The importance of program aspects are explained to Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 parents in relation to their child’s needs/development. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.3 Limitations are explained clearly and discussed. Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.4 Alternatives/compromises are negotiated as Q4, 11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 necessary. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.5 The final decision is communicated clearly to all Q11, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 involved. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 3 3.1 A welcoming atmosphere is created for all family Q6, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Provide opportunities for members. TS, TMS, CS, JRE family members to participate in the 3.2 Opportunities for family members to participate in the Q6, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 children’s experiences are created. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 158 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child service/program 3.3 Opportunities for parents/family members to provide Q6, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 feedback and ideas about the program are provided. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.4 Involvement of parents in the decision making Q6, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 processes of the service is encouraged. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.5 Varying levels of involvement are accepted in Q6, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 communications with parents. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.6 Parent support networks are facilitated. Q6 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.7 The importance of parenting is promoted. Q6 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 4 4.1 Information about specific incidents is communicated Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Provide information clearly and calmly. TS, TMS, CS, JRE about incidents and develop care strategies 4.2 Time is allowed to listen to parent’s reaction to news of Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 together incident. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.3 Discussion about possible impact of incidents is Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 facilitated. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.4 Suggestions about suitable responses are given as Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 appropriate. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.5 Strategies for response by family and service are Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 developed and implemented. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 5 5.1 Questions and concerns are listened to respectfully. Q7, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Respond to a family TS, TMS, CS, JRE member’s concerns Situation causing concern is discussed with family Q7, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 about a child 5.2 member to obtain a clear understanding of the TS, TMS, CS, JRE situation. 5.3 Strategies for response by family and service are Q7, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 developed and implemented. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 159 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child 5.4 Appropriate follow up is determined and fulfilled. Q7, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Critical aspects of Demonstrated ability to consult and plan activities Q16, 19, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 4 evidence collaborativley with familes TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 parental reactions to separation from child and use of child TS, TMS, CS, JRE care strategies for involving family members in the service Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE the value of participation by parent in children’s services – Q6, 8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 for the child, parent and service TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational standards, policies and procedures. Q19, 21, 24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q6, 8 Tasks 1, 4 collaborative style of relating to parents TS, TMS, CS, JRE respect for parent’s strengths, competence and knowledge Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 4 of their child TS, TMS, CS, JRE nonjudgemental attitude to different perspectives Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE communication such as empathy, active listening, checking Q12, 19, 24 Tasks 1, 2, 4 understanding. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 160 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers Element 1 1.1 Work practices followed are Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Apply an awareness of culture as culturally appropriate. TS, TMS, CS, JRE a factor in all human behaviour 1.2 Work practices followed Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 create a culturally and TS, TMS, CS, JRE psychologically safe environment for all persons. 1.3 Work practices are reviewed Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 and modified in consultation TS, TMS, CS, JRE with persons from diverse cultural backgrounds. Element 2 2.1 Respect for cultural diversity Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Contribute to the development of is demonstrated in all TS, TMS, CS, JRE relationships based on cultural communication and diversity interactions with clients, colleagues and customers. 2.2 Specific strategies are used Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 to eliminate bias and TS, TMS, CS, JRE discrimination in dealing with clients and co-workers. Element 3 3.1 Respect for cultural diversity Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Communicate effectively with is demonstrated in all TS, TMS, CS, JRE culturally diverse persons communication with clients, their families, staff, customers and others. 3.2 Communication is used Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 constructively to develop and TS, TMS, CS, JRE maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence. 3.3 Where language barriers Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4

Page 161 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers exist, efforts are made to TS, TMS, CS, JRE communicate in the most effective way possible. 3.4 Assistance is sought from Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 interpreters or other persons TS, TMS, CS, JRE as required. Element 4 4.1 Issues that may cause Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Resolve cross-cultural conflict are identified. TS, TMS, CS, JRE misunderstandings 4.2 If difficulties or Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 misunderstandings occur, TS, TMS, CS, JRE cultural differences are considered. 4.3 Effort is made to sensitively Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 resolve differences, taking TS, TMS, CS, JRE account of cultural considerations. 4.4 Difficulties are addressed Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 4 with appropriate people and TS, TMS, CS, JRE assistance sought when required. Critical aspects of evidence Demonstration of respect and Q8, 12, 14, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 inclusiveness of culturally diverse TS, TMS, CS, JRE people in all work practices. Effective communication Q8, 12, 14, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 demonstrated with culturally TS, TMS, CS, JRE diverse persons. Effective use of strategies to Q19, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 eliminate discrimination and bias TS, TMS, CS, JRE in the workplace. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms Q19, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 162 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers knowledge of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE recognition of cultural diversity in Australian society with many individuals living in many cultures recognition of cultural influences Q19, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and changing cultural practices in TS, TMS, CS, JRE Australia and it’s impact on diverse communities that make up Australian society knowledge of one’s own cultural Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 conceptions and preconceptions TS, TMS, CS, JRE and perspective of diverse cultures recognition of impact of cultural Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 practices and experiences on TS, TMS, CS, JRE personal behaviour, interpersonal relationships, perception and social expectations of others recognition of culture as a range Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 of social practices and beliefs TS, TMS, CS, JRE evolving over time recognition that the word ‘normal’ Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 is a value-laden, excluding TS, TMS, CS, JRE concept that often precludes acknowledgement of the diversity of people, their life experiences and situations recognition of the unique way Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 individuals may expereince a TS, TMS, CS, JRE culture and respond to past expereinces knowledge of the principles of Q25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 equal employment opportunity, TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 163 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 1 – Delivery of Care

CHCCN11C Establish, manage and monitor the implementation of a safe and healthy environment CHCRF11B Work in partnership with families to care for the child CHCCN8B Plan care routines CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers

Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCCS405A Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers sex, race, disability, anti- discrimination and similar legislation and the implications for work and social practices knowledge of availability of Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 resources and assistance within TS, TMS, CS, JRE and external to the organisation in relation to cultural diversity issues knowledge of the role and use of Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 language and cultural interpreters. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms Q8, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 the ability to: TS, TMS, CS, JRE employ culturally respectful practices sensitively and respectfully Q8, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 communicate with persons of TS, TMS, CS, JRE diverse backgrounds and cultures respectfully and sensitively Q8, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 respond to cultural beliefs and TS, TMS, CS, JRE practices that may cause harm form effective workplace Q8, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 relationships with co-workers and TS, TMS, CS, JRE colleagues of diverse backgrounds and culture participate in identifying and Q8, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 implementing culturally safe work TS, TMS, CS, JRE practices employ basic conflict resolution Q8, 25 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and negotiation skills. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 164 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements Element 1 1.1 Works within responsibilities outlined Q5, 10 Tasks 1, 2 Work ethically in guidelines and regulations. TS, TMS, CM, JRE 1.2 Fair, prompt and consistent Q1, 3 Tasks 1, 2 performance of duties is TS, TMS, CM, JRE demonstrated with all children. 1.3 Care is taken to behave in a Q1, 2 Tasks 1, 2 reasonable and careful manner at all TS, TMS, CM, JRE times. 1.4 Knowledge and skill required for work Q3, 9 Tasks 1, 2 responsibilities and demonstrated. TS, TMS, CM, JRE 1.5 Decisions and actions taken are Q7, 9 Tasks 1, 2 explained to those to whom the TS, TMS, CM, JRE worker is accountable. Element 2 2.1 Information about the child’s Q3, 11, 19 Task 2 Identify indicators of behaviour is gathered in order to TS, TMS, CM, JRE abuse and act identify uncharacteristic behaviours or appropriately other indicators which may indicate abuse. 2.2 The circumstances of children who Q9, 19 Task 2 are identified as highly vulnerable to TS, TMS, CM, JRE abuse are monitored. 2.3 Indicators of abuse are identified and Q10 Task 2 reported to appropriate authorities. TS, TMS, CM, JRE 2.4 Information is provided to support the Q9, 19 Task 2 investigations by the appropriate TS, TMS, CM, JRE authority Element 3 3.1 The authority of the person collecting Q8, 10 Task 2 Safeguard the rights and children is established. TS, TMS, CM, JRE interests of children 3.2 Incidents are responded to so as to Q10, 11 Task 2 safeguard the child’s safety. TS, TMS, CM, JRE

Page 165 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements 3.3 A healthy and safe environment is Q5, 10 Tasks 2, 3 maintained to minimise potential for TS, TMS, MC, JRE harm. 3.4 Supervision is planned to minimise Q5, 10 Tasks 1, 2, 3 the potential for harm. TS, TMS, MC, JRE 3.5 Workers are supervised to promote Q4, 10 Task 2 children’s rights. TS, TMS, CM, JRE 3.6 Ensures all legislative requirements Q10 Task 2 are met by self and those supervised. TS, TMS, CM, JRE Critical aspects of Demonstrates ability to actively investigate Q9 Task 2 evidence evidence of a suspected breach of rights TS, TMS, CM, JRE and to monitor and address ‘at risk’ situations according to defined procedures. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q9 Task 2 of: TS, TMS, CM, JRE indicators of abuse, types of abuse, children who are particularly vunerable the potential for aquired brain injury in Q9 Task 2 cases of domestic violence TS, TMS, CM, JRE legislation and protocols regarding Q9 Task 2 notification of suspected abuse TS, TMS, CM, JRE legislation relevant to position and service Q9 Task 2 TS, TMS, CM, JRE relevant service guidelines Q9 Task 2 TS, TMS, CM, JRE relevant code of ethics Q9 Task 2 TS, TMS, CM, JRE statements of children’s rights Q9 Task 2 TS, TMS, CM, JRE relevant Quality Improvements and Q24 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 166 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements Accreditation Principles. TS, TMS, CM, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q9 Tasks 2, 3 observation TS, TMS, CM, JRE advocacy Q9 Tasks 2, 3 TS, TMS, CM, JRE reporting Q9 Tasks 2, 3 TS, TMS, CM, JRE negotiation Q9 Tasks 2, 3 TS, TMS, CM, JRE active listening. Q9 Tasks 2, 3 TS, TMS, CM, JRE

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour Element 1 1.1 Information is gathered from all those Q11 Tasks 2, 4 Identify and review involved with the child. TS, TMS, CS, JRE behaviour causing concern 1.2 Behaviour is reviewed in a range of Q11, 21 Tasks 2, 4 situations and contexts. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.3 Behaviour is observed and analysed Q11, 21 Tasks 2, 4 to identify triggers, or consequences TS, TMS, CS, JRE which are maintaining the behaviour. 1.4 Program routines and timetabling are Q11, 19 Tasks 2, 4 reviewed for possible influence on TS, TMS, CS, JRE behaviour.

Page 167 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour 1.5 Interpretation of the child’s behaviour Q11 Tasks 2, 4 is facilitated among others involved TS, TMS, CS, JRE with the child. 1.6 Advice is sought as required. Q11 Tasks 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.7 Incidents causing concern are Q11 Tasks 2, 4 reported to parent/s, colleagues or TS, TMS, CS, JRE others as appropriate. 1.8 Options for response are discussed Q11 Tasks 2, 4 with parent/s. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.9 The needs and concerns of other Q11 Tasks 2, 4 children affected by the incident are TS, TMS, CS, JRE discussed. Element 2 2.1 Guidelines are established which are Q11 Tasks 3, 4 Establish and apply limits consistent with the abilities of the TS, TMS, CS, JRE and guidelines for children. behaviour 2.2 Guidelines are established which are Q11 Tasks 3, 4 relevant to the culture and TS, TMS, CS, JRE background of the children and the policies of the centre. 2.3 Guidelines are developed in Q11 Tasks 3, 4 conjunction with the children TS, TMS, CS, JRE according to their ability to do so. 2.4 A decision of how to respond is made Q11 Tasks 3, 4 and implemented clearly and TS, TMS, CS, JRE assertively. Element 3 3.1 Longer term and short term Q11 Tasks 2, 4 Develop a plan to guide a objectives are identified in the plan. TS, TMS, CS, JRE particular child’s 3.2 Plan clearly identifies more Q11 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 168 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour behaviour acceptable alternative behaviours. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.3 The plan is developed in accordance Q11 Tasks 2, 4 with the philosophy and policies of TS, TMS, CS, JRE the service. 3.4 Goals of the plan are developed Q11 Tasks 2, 4 consistent with child’s abilities, age TS, TMS, CS, JRE and developmental stage. 3.5 Plan is realistic according to Q11 Tasks 2, 4 resources available. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.6 A plan is set in consultation with Q11 Tasks 2, 4 staff/parents and others who are TS, TMS, CS, JRE caring for the child. 3.7 Plan considers relevant cultural Q11 Tasks 2, 4 norms, and processes for responding TS, TMS, CS, JRE to behaviour. 3.8 Resource and referral bodies are Q11 Tasks 2, 4 identified and advice is sought as TS, TMS, CS, JRE necessary. Element 4 4.1 The child is informed of specific Q11 Tasks 2, 4 Implement and monitor expectations for behaviour in ways TS, TMS, CS, JRE behaviour plan which are appropriate to their level of understanding. 4.2 All workers involved in implementing Q11 Tasks 2, 4 the plan are informed of its rationale, TS, TMS, CS, JRE limits and strategies. 4.3 All involved are informed of strategies Q11 Tasks 2, 4 so that all are reinforcing the plan. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.4 Factors which may lead to or Q11 Tasks 2, 4 maintain inappropriate behaviour are TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 169 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour minimised as far as possible. 4.5 Workers are supported to implement Q11 Tasks 2, 4 the plan effectively and consistently. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 5 5.1 Children are assisted to share their Q14 Tasks 3, 4 Support children in ideas, discuss limitations and TS, TMS, CS, JRE learning about the problem solve. decision making process 5.2 Limitation of resources are clearly Q14 Tasks 3, 4 described to children. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.3 Safety factors and legal requirements Q14 Tasks 3, 4 that may constrain options are TS, TMS, CS, JRE discussed. 5.4 Children are assisted to plan the Q14 Tasks 3, 4 implementation of ideas/suggestions. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.5 Suggestions that cannot be used are Q14 Tasks 3, 4 acknowledged and alternatives TS, TMS, CS, JRE explored with the children. Critical aspects of Demonstrated ability to form positive Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 evidence relationships with children, respect of TS, TMS, CS, JRE parental expectations and their cultural valuues and to act within the organisation’s behaviour response policy. Interactions with children give due regard Q14, 15, 16, 17 Tasks 1, 3, 4 to the child’s age, development, culture TS, TMS, CS, JRE and needs. Demonstrated ability to involve children in Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Tasks 1, 3, 4 decision making and planning giving due TS, TMS, CS, JRE regard to age, development and abilities of children. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 4 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 170 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour stage of development/age appropriate expectations of children’s behaviour acceptable and unaceptable behaviours – Q11 Tasks 2, 4 review of own stance and reflection on TS, TMS, CS, JRE own values culturally based expectations about Q8, 11 Tasks 2, 4 children’s behaviour TS, TMS, CS, JRE developmental and emotional reasons for Q14 Tasks 2, 4 inappropriate behaviour TS, TMS, CS, JRE

different family styles of discipline and Q8, 15 Tasks 2, 4 norms about behaviour in different cultures TS, TMS, CS, JRE and social groups rights of children Q4, 6, 8, 12 Tasks 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE positive behaviour guidance strategies Q11 Tasks 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE antecedents of behaviour – learned habits, Q21 Tasks 2, 4 context influences, social influences TS, TMS, CS, JRE contributory factors of innapropriate Q11, 21 Tasks 2, 4 behaviour – recent events, child’s history TS, TMS, CS, JRE or special needs, actions of others organisational standards, policies and Q13, 19, 24 Task 5 procedures TS, TMS, CS, JRE stages of child development Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Tasks 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE how children learn Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Task 2 TS, TMS, CS, JRE the importance of children’s input and Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Tasks 3, 4 ideas TS, TMS, CS, JRE health and safety policies and Q1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Tasks 1, 3, 4, 5

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Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour requirements TS, TMS, CS, JRE culturally based expectations about Q8, 16 Tasks 2, 4 communication. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q11 Task 5 worker uses stress management TS, TMS, CS, JRE strategies to calm down before responding to incidents of difficult behaviour nonverbal communication reinforces Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 verbal communication TS, TMS, CS, JRE communication skills of questioning, Q4, 6, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 4 informing, listening, discussing TS, TMS, CS, JRE identifying the capabilities of individual Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Tasks 2, 4 children TS, TMS, CS, JRE collaboration Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE active listening Q4, 6, 11, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE interpersonal Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE respect for children’s individual differences Q8, 11, 12, 13 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 and choices (eg Not to participate). TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 172 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element 1 1.1 The child’s behaviour and expressed Q11, 14 Task 2 Identify children with emotions are investigated to identify TS, TMS, CS, JRE additional needs an additional need. 1.2 The particular child is observed and Q12 Task 2 needs for additional care identified, TS, TMS, CS, JRE documented and used to develop a plan of inclusion. 1.3 Concerns are discussed with others Q11, 14 Tasks 2, 4 to develop a clear understanding of a TS, TMS, CS, JRE particular child’s needs and this information is used to plan. Element 2 2.1 The child’s abilities, goals, interests, Q12, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Develop a plan for expectations and health status are TS, TMS, CS, JRE inclusion considered when developing a plan of inclusion. 2.2 The plan is developed in consultation Q12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 with all those working with the child. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.3 The parent’s goals/expectations for Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 their child are identified and used TS, TMS, CS, JRE when developing a plan of inclusion. 2.4 The parent’s experience and Q11 Tasks 1, 2, 4 practices are sought as a resource. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.5 The service is adapted to meet the Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 child’s needs within resource TS, TMS, CS, JRE limitations. 2.6 If a child cannot be included Q12 Task 5 immediately the reasons are TS, TMS, CS, JRE communicated clearly. 2.7 A time to review the plan is decide. Q11, 12 Task 2

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Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.8 Additional resources are sought, as Q11, 12 Task 5 necessary. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 3 3.1 The child’s entry in the service is Q12 Tasks 1, 5 Implement strategies to supported. TS, TMS, CS, JRE meet the child’s additional needs 3.2 The level of support is adjusted over Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 5 time according to the child’s needs. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.3 Worker encourages others to adopt Q12 Task 5 inclusive attitudes and practices. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.4 Support is provided to others in order Q12 Task 5 to implement strategies. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.5 Specific program initiatives are Q12 Task 4 developed to meet a child’s needs. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.6 Strategies that may address Q12 Task 2 difficulties are investigated and TS, TMS, CS, JRE trialled. 3.7 Strategies designed by a specialist Q12 Task 5 are implemented according to TS, TMS, CS, JRE directions. Element 4 4.1 Information about progress is shared Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 5 Consult with others about amongst all concerned. TS, TMS, CS, JRE ongoing issues that arise 4.2 Issues of concern are identified and Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 5 discussed. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.3 Information exchange with parents Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 5 about the child’s needs and care TS, TMS, CS, JRE strategies is established and maintained.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 174 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs 4.4 Parental permission is sought and Q11, 12 Task 5 gained, prior to consultation with TS, TMS, CS, JRE others regarding the child. Element 5 5.1 New strategies are monitored closely Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 5 Monitor and review in accordance with workplace TS, TMS, CS, JRE strategies practices and any unexpected side effects. 5.2 Changes in the child’s participation Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 5 are adapted to at the time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.3 Interruptions to the strategy being Q11, 12 Tasks 2, 5 implemented are confronted and TS, TMS, CS, JRE resolved. Critical aspects of Demonstrated ability to assess for and Q11, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 evidence meet additional needs in consultation with TS, TMS, CS, JRE the child where appropriate and others Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21 Task 4 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE developmental milestones disability Discrimination Act Q12 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE principles of inclusive practices and Q12 Task 5 policies TS, TMS, CS, JRE cultural beliefs and expectations regarding Q8 Task 5 abilities, disabilties, gender, roles etc. TS, TMS, CS, JRE relevant codes of ethics Q13, 14, 15, 16 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE individualised, child centred programming Q11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Tasks 2, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE team work Q24, 25 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 175 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 2 – Implementing care practices

CHCCHILD2C Support the rights and safety of children within duty of care requirements CHCIC10C Establish and implement plans for developing responsible behaviour CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs Element Performance criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCIC12C Plan the inclusion of children with additional needs negotiation skills Q9 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational standards, policies and Q3 Task 5 procedures. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q24, 25 Task 5 team work TS, TMS, CS, JRE negotiation skills Q9 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE interpersonal Q19 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE planning. Q20 Tasks 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are planned Q14, 15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Create opportunities for children and provided that are TS, TMS, CM, JRE to develop and practice a wide appropriate to the child’s range of physical skills that stage of development, and develop independence and capabilities and within the autonomy context of resources available. 1.2 Developmentally appropriate Q13, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 equipment materials, TS, TMS, CM, JRE resources and toys are

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development selected and made available and accessible. 1.3 Learning and play resources Q14, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 are chosen to provide TS, TMS, CM, JRE positive, nonstereotypical images of children. 1.4 Opportunities are created for Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 4 children to participate in TS, TMS, CM, JRE decision making and to accept responsibility for their own actions including through staged decision making. 1.5 Opportunities are planned Q13, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 4 and provided for children to TS, TMS, CM, JRE explore their individual strengths in a variety of roles. 1.6 Opportunities are provided Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 4 that promote co-operative TS, TMS, CM, JRE interactions between children. 1.7 Activities and the Q15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 environment are arranged to TS, TMS, CM, JRE provide a variety of experiences that will develop children’s creativity, imagination and selfexpression. 1.8 Children ‘at risk’ are Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 4 identified and their TS, TMS, CM, JRE development is monitored.

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development 1.9 Specialised assistance is Q8, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 4 sought where necessary to TS, TMS, CM, JRE assist in developing appropriate experiences for children’s development. 1.10 Opportunities for Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 4 different forms of social TS, TMS, CM, JRE interaction between children are planned and matched for each child’s needs, interests and development stage. Element 2 2.1 Experiences are planned Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 4 Provide experiences that promote and provided that promote TS, TMS, CM, JRE mutual support and cooperation the development of respect and the value of diversity for individual differences. 2.2 Support is given to children Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 4 who have difficulty in TS, TMS, CM, JRE interacting with others to establish and maintain friendships and group membership. 2.3 The environment is set up to Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 4 accommodate a child’s need TS, TMS, CM, JRE for privacy, solitude and/or quiet. 2.4 Children are addressed as Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 4 group members as well as TS, TMS, CM, JRE individuals. 2.5 The family’s language is Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 4 identified and bilingual TS, TMS, CM, JRE practices are used as relevant and materials in the

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 178 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development child’s language are integrated into experience. 2.6 Parents and family members Q15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 are encouraged to TS, TMS, CM, JRE participate in activities with the children. 2.7 The child’s cultural Q15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 experiences are integrated TS, TMS, CM, JRE into skill development opportunities. 2.8 Specialised assistance is Q15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4 sought and used wherever TS, TMS, CM, JRE required and available. Element 3 3.1 Experiences are selected Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 Provide experiences aimed at that are developmentally TS, TMS, CS, JRE developing selfesteem, appropriate and will provide selfconcept challenge, choice and encourage independence within a supportive environment. 3.2 The child’s confidence is Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 monitored while attempting TS, TMS, CS, JRE more challenging activities. 3.3 Acknowledgment and Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 support are given if the child TS, TMS, CS, JRE experiences frustration and children are encouraged to see ‘mistakes’ as opportunities to learn. Element 4 4.1 Children are listened to Q14 Tasks 2, 3, 4 Interact appropriately with the attentively to encourage TS, TMS, CS, JRE child to foster development them to express their needs

Page 179 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development and feelings. 4.2 Encouragement is given to Q13 Tasks 2, 3, 4 children to ensure they TS, TMS, CS, JRE engage in learning a range of physical skills. 4.3 Worker participates in all Q13 Tasks 2, 3, 4 relevant activities with the TS, TMS, CS, JRE child/children. 4.4 Statements to encourage Q14 Tasks 2, 3, 4 both the children’s TS, TMS, CS, JRE confidence and safety awareness are communicated. 4.5 Children are spoken to Q13, 15 Tasks 2, 3, 4 clearly and frequently in TS, TMS, CS, JRE language that is appropriate to the age of the child. Critical aspects of evidence Demonstratred ability to plan and Q16, 17, 18, 20, 21 Tasks 3, 4 arrange a range of developmental TS, TMS, CS, JRE opportunities which are matched to the developmental stage and specific needs of the children and which will enhance their development. Demonstrated ability to provide Q11, 12 Tasks 3, 4 opportunities for children to TS, TMS, CS, JRE interact positively with other children and to accept individual differences giving due regard to age, cultural, and development of children. Demonstrated ability to engage Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Tasks 3, 4 with children to promote their

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 180 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development particiation in activities. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms Q13 Tasks 3, 4 knowledge of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE the stages of children’s physical development and skill development appropriate experiences to target Q13 Tasks 3, 4 areas of physical development TS, TMS, CS, JRE common needs of children with a Q13 Tasks 3, 4 sensory/physical disability TS, TMS, CS, JRE equipment, toys and resources Q13 Tasks 3, 4 that can be used to stimulate TS, TMS, CS, JRE physical development interaction between physical Q13, 14 Tasks 3, 4 development and other ares of TS, TMS, CS, JRE development – especially social and psychological development relevant organisational standards Q3, 12, 19 Tasks 3, 4 policies and procedures TS, TMS, CS, JRE different beliefs about Q8, 15, 16 Tasks 3, 4 development due to culture, TS, TMS, CS, JRE community, family beliefs organisational standards, policies Q1, 2, 3, 5 Tasks 3, 4 and procedures. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms Q13, 14, 15, 16, 20 Tasks 3, 4 skills in: TS, TMS, CS, JRE reflective practice acceptance of each child’s rate of Q13, 14, 15, 16 Tasks 2, 4 development, needs, interests TS, TMS, CS, JRE and strengths planning Q11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 181 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC2C Fostering and enhance children’s development interpersonal Q9, 10, 11, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE team building Q24, 25 Tasks 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE time management. Q4, 19, 20 Tasks 1, 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development Element 1 1.1 Opportunities to develop selfhelp Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Encourage children’s skills and independence are provided. TS, TMS, CS, JRE independence and autonomy 1.2 Opportunities are provided for Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 children to make choices, in TS, TMS, CS, JRE appropriate ways. 1.3 Children are encouraged to accept Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 responsibility for their own actions. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.4 Opportunities are created for children Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to participate in decision making. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.5 The child is involved in increasingly Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 more significant decision making. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 2 2.1 Opportunities are planned for children Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Foster children’s to experience their individual TS, TMS, CS, JRE developing selfesteem strengths and to explore a variety of and developing roles.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 182 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development selfconcept 2.2 Experiences are selected which Q12, 13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 present a challenge within the child’s TS, TMS, CS, JRE needs and capabilities. 2.3 The child’s confidence is monitored Q13, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 while attempting more challenging TS, TMS, CS, JRE activities. 2.4 Acknowledgment and support are Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 given if the child experiences TS, TMS, CS, JRE frustration and children are encouraged to see ‘mistakes’ as opportunities to learn. 2.5 Children’s achievements are Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 acknowledged and appreciated. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 Experiences are designed to explore Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 issues of self image and identity in TS, TMS, CS, JRE ways which are appropriate to the children’s level of development. 2.7 Learning and play resources chosen Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 provide positive, non stereotypical TS, TMS, CS, JRE images of children. Element 3 3.1 Children’s expression is encouraged Q15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Create opportunities and by verbal and nonverbal responses TS, TMS, CS, JRE activities that encourage from the worker. children to express their feelings, needs and ideas 3.2 Children are listened to attentively to Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 encourage them to express their TS, TMS, CS, JRE needs and feelings. 3.3 Expectations about how children Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 express their feelings are related to TS, TMS, CS, JRE the child’s stage of development. 3.4 Children are shown socially Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development appropriate ways to express their TS, TMS, CS, JRE feelings. 3.5 Opportunities for children to release Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 feelings and express emotion through TS, TMS, CS, JRE activity are provided. Element 4 4.1 Children are encouraged to respect Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Provide experiences for each others individual needs, abilities TS, TMS, CS, JRE children to support and and interests. cooperate with each other 4.2 Children are encouraged to regard Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 differences positively and to discuss TS, TMS, CS, JRE these differences. 4.3 Support is given to children who have Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 difficulty in interacting with others to TS, TMS, CS, JRE establish and maintain friendships and group membership. 4.4 Appropriate, supportive and effective Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 communication between children is TS, TMS, CS, JRE acknowledged and encouraged. Element 5 5.1 Opportunities for different forms of Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Provide opportunities for social interaction between children TS, TMS, CS, JRE social interaction are planned with respect for each child’s needs, interests and developmental stage. 5.2 Interaction with a variety of people is Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 encouraged and children are TS, TMS, CS, JRE encouraged to initiate and develop contact with others, as appropriate. 5.3 The environment is set up to Q14, 17 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 encourage interaction. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.4 The environment is set up to Q14, 17 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 184 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development accommodate a child’s need for TS, TMS, CS, JRE privacy, solitude and/or quiet.

5.5 Special occasions are celebrated Q8 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 recognising cultural diversity. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.6 Children’s choice to watch and Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 observe is respected. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.7 Experiences and equipment are Q13, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 structured in a way which promotes TS, TMS, CS, JRE cooperation and resolution of conflicts. 5.8 Children’s own grouping choice is Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 fostered and respected. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.9 Workers talk about children and to Q14, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 children as group members as well as TS, TMS, CS, JRE individuals. 5.10 Attention is given to children as a Q14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 group member as well as an TS, TMS, CS, JRE individual. Critical aspects of Demonstrated ability to provide Q8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Tasks 1, 3, 4 evidence opportunities for children to interact TS, TMS, CS, JRE positively with other children and to accept individual differences. Giving due regard to age, culture, and Q4, 8, 12 Tasks 1, 3, 4 development of children. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Demonstated ability to evaluate the Q14, 18, 17 Tasks 1, 3, 4 emotional and psychological stage of the TS, TMS, CS, JRE child and to plan activities which will enhance their development. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development children’s social and moral development interaction between aspects of social Q14, 16 Tasks 1, 3, 4 development, physicial development and TS, TMS, CS, JRE pschological development and cognitive development importance of language that is selected Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and used TS, TMS, CS, JRE different beliefs about social development Q8, 14, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 due to culture, community, family beliefs TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational standards, policies and Q14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 procedures TS, TMS, CS, JRE children’s emotional development Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE cultural awareness Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE importance of culture in the development Q14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 of self TS, TMS, CS, JRE contextual factors which influence the Q14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 child’s emotional and pschological TS, TMS, CS, JRE development events or crises which can challenge the Q14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 child’s emotional and pschological TS, TMS, CS, JRE development factors which enhance the development of Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 self esteem and self identity TS, TMS, CS, JRE identify development processes within the Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 child’s cultural system. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Tasks 1, 2 acceptance of each child’s rate of TS, TMS, CS, JRE development, needs, interests and strengths planning Q10, 12, 14 Tasks 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE interpersonal Q10, 11, 12 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 186 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development team building Q24, 25 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE time management Q4, 19, 20 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE active listening Q4, 6, 11, 12 Tasks 1, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE empathy Q6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE valuing of differences among children – Q13, 14, 15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 stage of development, needs, interests TS, TMS, CS, JRE and strengths. Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Element 1 1.1 Opportunities and resources are Q16, 17 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Assist children to develop provided which are varied and TS, TMS, CS, JRE thinking and problem appropriately challenging to the solving skills child’s stage of development and interests. 1.2 Opportunities to make choices and Q14, 16, 17 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 see/experience the consequences of TS, TMS, CS, JRE choices are provided. 1.3 Children are encouraged to explore, Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 understand and attempt to solve TS, TMS, CS, JRE problems in their environment. 1.4 Children’s questions are addressed Q15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development so as to maintain their interest in TS, TMS, CS, JRE solving the problem. 1.5 Children are provided with Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 experiences to develop their attention TS, TMS, CS, JRE span and are given time to stay with the activity until they are ready to move on. 1.6 New ideas/activities that may build on Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 existing knowledge, skills and TS, TMS, CS, JRE interests are introduced. 1.7 Children’s abilities to observe what is Q15, 16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 happening around them are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed by questioning and nonverbal communication. Element 2 2.1 The environment is arranged to Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Stimulate children’s provide a variety of experiences to TS, TMS, CS, JRE awareness develop children’s creativity, imagination and selfexpression. 2.2 Child’s awareness of the range of Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 movements of their own body is TS, TMS, CS, JRE supported by activities and resources. 2.3 Materials and experiences that Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 stimulate different senses are TS, TMS, CS, JRE provided. 2.4 Children’s enthusiasm is Q16 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 acknowledged, encouraged and TS, TMS, CS, JRE followed up. Element 3 3.1 Developmentally relevant Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 Stimulate the child’s use opportunities for children to listen to TS, TMS, CS, JRE and understanding of language are provided.

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development language 3.2 Language is linked to all activities, Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 routines and directions. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.3 Opportunities for group discussions Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and exchange of views between TS, TMS, CS, JRE children are created. 3.4 Language materials that capture the Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 child’s attention and stimulate a TS, TMS, CS, JRE response are designed as an integral part of the physical environment. 3.5 Children are spoken to clearly and Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 frequently in language that is TS, TMS, CS, JRE appropriate to the age of the child. 3.6 Time is taken to listen to children and Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 to respond. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.7 Children are encouraged to express Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 their thoughts, feelings and words by TS, TMS, CS, JRE the use of open ended questions. 3.8 Twoway communication is modelled Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and encouraged by questions and TS, TMS, CS, JRE careful listening. 3.9 Children’s expressions are repeated Q15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 and expanded in a natural style of TS, TMS, CS, JRE conversation. Element 4 4.1 The family’s language is identified Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 Support the child’s skills and bilingual practices are used as TS, TMS, CS, JRE in their own (non English) relevant. language as relevant 4.2 The child’s expressions are Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 responded to with respect. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development 4.3 Materials in the child’s language are Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 integrated into experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.4 Parents and family members are Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 encouraged to participate in activities TS, TMS, CS, JRE with the children. 4.5 Parents are encouraged to inform Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 worker of key words and phrases. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.6 The child’s cultural experiences are Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 integrated into language development TS, TMS, CS, JRE opportunities. 4.7 Specialised assistance is sought and Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 3, 4 used wherever required and TS, TMS, CS, JRE available. Element 5 5.1 Children ‘at risk’ are identified and Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 Assess language language development monitored. TS, TMS, CS, JRE development of the child and plan strategies for 5.2 Children’s individual language and Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 language development communication abilities and needs TS, TMS, CS, JRE are assessed. 5.3 Assessment of language Q8, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 development and use considers TS, TMS, CS, JRE English and other languages. 5.4 Language and communication Q2, 15 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 development strategies are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed for the individual child. 5.5 Assessment is discussed with the Q15, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 parents and a plan developed in TS, TMS, CS, JRE consultation with them. 5.6 Specialised assistance is sought Q15, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 190 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development where necessary. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.7 Child’s progress and the plan is Q15, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 regularly reviewed. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Critical aspects of Demonstrated ability to provide Q15, 16, 17, 18 Tasks 1, 3, 4 evidence opportunities for children to think and TS, TMS, CS, JRE problem solve, that give due regard to age, development, culture and needs of children. Demontrate the ability to stimulate Q15, 17, 18, 19 Tasks 1, 3, 4 language development taking into account TS, TMS, CS, JRE special language needs. Ability to devlop strategies to access specialist language services. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q16 Tasks 1, 3, 4 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE stages of cognitive development peer group interactions Q14 Tasks 1, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE child’s family and community context and Q8 Tasks 1, 3, 4 influences TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational standards, policies and Q1, 2, 3, 5 Tasks 1, 3, 4 procedures. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q10, 12, 14 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 planning TS, TMS, CS, JRE problem solving process or tools or Q13, 14, 18, 19 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 strategies to facilitate children’s problem TS, TMS, CS, JRE solving.

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development Element 1 1.1 A range of developmentally Q16 Task 4 Plan, provide and appropriate visual arts experiences is TS, TMS, CS, JRE implement integrated identified and selected. visual arts experiences for children 1.2 Appropriate materials are selected Q16 Task 4 and attractively presented. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.3 Work and play areas promoting Q16 Task 4 aesthetic qualities for both children TS, TMS, CS, JRE and adults are provided. 1.4 Strategies are formulated for fostering Q16 Task 4 creative development and aesthetic TS, TMS, CS, JRE awareness in children. 1.5 Children’s interests which arise Q16 Task 4 spontaneously as they participate in TS, TMS, CS, JRE visual arts experiences are responded to. 1.6 A visual arts program is designed in Q16 Task 4 response to the observed needs and TS, TMS, CS, JRE interests of individual children and groups of children. 1.7 Visual art experiences which Q16 Task 4 encourage appreciation of diversity TS, TMS, CS, JRE including cultural diversity are presented. Element 2 2.1 Story telling and story reading are Q15, 17 Task 4 Plan and implement used to enhance children’s TS, TMS, CS, JRE developmentally development. appropriate language and literature 2.2 Stories are chosen which are Q15, 17 Task 4 experiences for children developmentally appropriate. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.3 Stories, rhymes and poetry are used Q15, 17 Task 4

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development to enhance children’s enjoyment of TS, TMS, CS, JRE language. 2.4 Language and literature experiences Q15, 17 Task 4 which support acceptance and TS, TMS, CS, JRE appreciation of diversity including cultural diversity are included. 2.5 Puppets and other props are used to Q15, 17 Task 4 stimulate children’s enjoyment of TS, TMS, CS, JRE language and literature. Critical aspects of Candidates must demonstrate the ability to Q15, 16, 17, 18, 20 Tasks 2, 3, 4 evidence plan and provide programs that are clearly TS, TMS, CS, JRE linked to children’s developmental stages and needs and that encourage and promote a love of learning in children by providing variety and innovation of approaches, materials, activities. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q16 Tasks 2, 3, 4 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE value of providing art media experiences for young children children’s readiness to participate in Q16 Tasks 2, 3, 4 planned art media experiences TS, TMS, CS, JRE age-stage appropriate drawing, painting Q16 Tasks 2, 3, 4 and clay experiences TS, TMS, CS, JRE adult’s role in supporting children’s Q20 Tasks 2, 3, 4 creativity TS, TMS, CS, JRE organising, implementing and evaulating Q16 Tasks 2, 3, 4 art media experiences TS, TMS, CS, JRE health and safety considerations in Q2 Tasks 2, 3, 4 selecting appropriate materials TS, TMS, CS, JRE values of language, listening and literature Q15, 17 Tasks 2, 3, 4

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development experience for young children TS, TMS, CS, JRE criteria for selecting development Q15, 17 Tasks 2, 3, 4 appropriate language and literature TS, TMS, CS, JRE experiences for children adult role in encouraging langauage and Q15, Q17 Tasks 2, 3, 4 creative expression TS, TMS, CS, JRE language and literature extension Q21 Tasks 2, 3, 4 experiences for older children TS, TMS, CS, JRE

criteria for selecting displays and pictures Q15 Tasks 2, 3, 4 to stimulate language TS, TMS, CS, JRE criteria for selecting and presenting age Q17 Tasks 2, 3, 4 appropriate puppetry experiences TS, TMS, CS, JRE childhood developmental stages Q4, 6, 19 Tasks 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE the main theories of learning and the Q19 Tasks 2, 3, 4 implications for programming delivery TS, TMS, CS, JRE how to access relevant and local Q19 Tasks 2, 3, 4 resources. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q17 Tasks 2, 3, 4 ability to select prepared props, TS, TMS, CS, JRE accessories and extensions to support children’s interests ability to follow and respond to children’s Q16, 17, 18, 20 Tasks 2, 3, 4 interests and ideas TS, TMS, CS, JRE research Q13, 14, 21 Tasks 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE planning and programming skills Q19, 20, 21 Tasks 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE communication with children Q8, 11, 12 Tasks 2, 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 194 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development appropriate language and content to meet Q15, 16, 17 Tasks 2, 3, 4 children’s developmental stages. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development Element 1 1.1 A wide range of music experiences Q15, 18 Tasks 3, 4 Provide a range of for children that may be used to TS, TMS, CS, JRE developmentally enhance children’s development is appropriate music and identified and provided. movement experiences 1.2 A wide range of movement Q18 Tasks 3, 4 experiences for children that may be TS, TMS, CS, JRE used to enhance children’s development is identified and provided. 1.3 Appropriate music and movement Q18 Tasks 3, 4 resources which are inclusive and TS, TMS, CS, JRE encourage appreciation of diversity including cultural diversity are selected and provided. 1.4 Opportunities for children to practise Q18 Tasks 3, 4 developing skills are provided. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 2 2.1 Environment is set up in a way that Q18 Tasks 3, 4 encourages children’s participation in TS, TMS, CS, JRE

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Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development Support, facilitate and developmentally appropriate music extend children’s and movement experiences. participation in music and Q18 Tasks 3, 4 movement 2.2 Music and movement activities are linked and made relevant to the TS, TMS, CS, JRE children’s daily life in care. 2.3 Strategies are formulated to Q18 Tasks 3, 4 encourage the development of the TS, TMS, CS, JRE individual music and movement potential of children. 2.4 Improvisation with instruments is Q18 Tasks 3, 4 encouraged. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.5 The program is designed to respond Q18 Tasks 3, 4 to the children’s interests that arise TS, TMS, CS, JRE spontaneously as they participate in music and movement experiences. 2.6 Strategies are used for modelling Q18 Tasks 3, 4 appropriate attitude and interaction to TS, TMS, CS, JRE children to encourage input and participation in music and movement experiences. Element 3 3.1 Observations are used of individual Q18, 21 Tasks 3, 4 Plan and implement a children and groups of children to TS, TMS, CS, JRE range of developmentally plan developmentally appropriate appropriate music and music and movement experiences for movement excursuses children. 3.2 A range of stimulating Q18, 21 Tasks 3, 4 developmentally appropriate and TS, TMS, CS, JRE inclusive music experiences are selected and presented for individual children and small groups of children. 3.3 A range of stimulating Q18, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 196 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development developmentally appropriate and TS, TMS, CS, JRE inclusive movement experiences are selected and presented for individual children and small groups of children. 3.4 A range of methods are used for Q18, 21 Tasks 3, 4 evaluating children’s participation in TS, TMS, CS, JRE and reactions to planned music and movement experiences. 3.5 Information from evaluations are used Q18, 21 Tasks 3, 4 as the basis for making ongoing TS, TMS, CS, JRE modifications to stimulate interest and involvement in music and movement experiences. Critical aspects of The candidate must demonstrate the Q18 Tasks 3, 4 evidence ability to engender an interest and TS, TMS, CS, JRE appreciation of music in children and to encourage them to experiment with expressing themselves in music Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q18 Tasks 3, 4 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE values of providing a range of musical experiences for children values of movement for children Q18 Tasks 3, 4 TS, TMS, CS, JRE links between child’s stage of development Q18 Tasks 3, 4 and appropriateness of particular musical TS, TMS, CS, JRE and movement experiences strategies for fostering music and Q18 Tasks 3, 4 movement development TS, TMS, CS, JRE adult awarness of appropriate selection of Q18 Tasks 3, 4 music and movement experiences for TS, TMS, CS, JRE different ages

Page 197 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skill Set 3 – Development of children

CHCFC2C Foster and enhance children’s development CHCFC6C Provide experiences which facilitate children’s expressive development CHCFC3C Foster and enhance children’s social, emotional and psychological development CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development CHCFC5C Foster and enhance children’s cognitive and language development Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCFC7C Use music as a medium to enhance children’s experience and development organising, implementing and evaluating Q18 Tasks 3, 4 music and movement experiences TS, TMS, CS, JRE ways to follow and respond to children’s Q18 Tasks 3, 4 ideas and interests TS, TMS, CS, JRE selection of appropriate music and Q18 Tasks 3, 4 movement resources which are inclusive TS, TMS, CS, JRE and encourage appreciation of diversity including cultural diversity. Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q18 Tasks 3, 4 capacity to use music with children TS, TMS, CS, JRE including singing and simple percussion instruments ability to choose appropriate settings for Q18 Tasks 3, 4 movement experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 198 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 3 3.1 Information is gathered about the contexts of Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4

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Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Design and implement programs the children’s lives and used to guide planning TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 200 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. which are relevant to the cultural 3.2 The varying expectations of parents of diverse Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4

Page 201 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and social contexts of the children backgrounds are identified and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 202 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and their community accommodated where possible.

Page 203 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 204 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.3 Programs are developed and implemented Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4

Page 205 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. which reflect diversity and inclusive TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 206 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. perspectives in an ongoing manner.

Page 207 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.4 Experiences and resources selected reflect Q19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 208 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. diversity and promote cross cultural TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 209 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. awareness in a positive and respectful

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 210 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. manner.

Page 211 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.5 Experiences and resources are selected Q19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 212 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. which support and develop children’s TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 213 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. identities.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 214 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 4 4.1 Settings, environments and resources are Q19 Tasks 2, 4

Page 215 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Develop appropriate settings and evaluated and modified in relation to children’s TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 216 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. environments cultures, family backgrounds and interests.

Page 217 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.2 Settings, environments and resources are Q19 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 218 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. evaluated and modified to ensure all aspects TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 219 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. of children’s development and learning are

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 220 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. fostered and provides children with choices.

Page 221 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.3 Modifications are implemented within the Q19 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 222 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. constraints of resources available, service TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 223 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. location and promotes the organisation and

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 224 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. aesthetics.

Page 225 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 5 5.1 Plans are adapted according to children’s Q19, 20 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 226 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Monitor and evaluate programs responses, conditions of the day and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 227 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. spontaneously arising opportunities.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 228 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.2 Information is gathered and documented using Q19, 21 Tasks 2

Page 229 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. a range of methods in order to assess the TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 230 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. progress and achievements of each child.

Page 231 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.3 Opportunities are used or established to Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 232 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. gather feedback and comments from all those TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 233 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. involved.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 234 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.4 Appropriate criteria for evaluating the overall Q19 Tasks 2, 4

Page 235 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. program are identified and applied. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 236 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.5 Children’s responses and comments are Q19 Tasks 2, 4

Page 237 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. included as part of the evaluation process. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 238 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of service

Page 239 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.6 Programs are evaluated regularly and in Q19 Tasks 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 240 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. accordance with service guidelines. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 241 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.7 Information is used towards further design of Q19 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 242 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. programs. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 243 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Critical aspects of evidence Demonstrated capacity to apply a defined Q19 Tasks 4, 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 244 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. philosophical approach to delivery of services to TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 245 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children and to continuously improve services

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 246 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. through reflecting on effectiveness of practices.

Page 247 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Demonstrated capacity to state and outline a Q19 Tasks 4, 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 248 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. personal philosophy about children’s development TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 249 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. through programming which considers theories of

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 250 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. child development and learning, and social justice

Page 251 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and equity.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 252 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Capacity to organise and coordinate a range of Q20 Tasks 3, 4

Page 253 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. activities at once and to undertake appropriate TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 254 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. evaluation of effectiveness of programs.

Page 255 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Demonstrated capacity to apply criteria to evaluate Q19

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 256 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. programs in relation to:

Page 257 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. shortterm and longterm goals of the program Q19 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 258 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 259 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. progress of individual children Q19 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 260 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 261 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. progress of the group of children Q19 Tasks 2, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 262 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 263 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. philosophy and goals of the service Q19 Tasks 4, 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 264 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 265 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. cost effectiveness Q19 Task 3

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 266 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 267 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. appropriate practice Q19 Tasks 3, 4, 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 268 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 269 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. daily programs, weekly programs. Q19 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 270 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 271 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 272 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Q19 Task 4 theories of child develoment TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 273 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. different approaches to program planning and Q19 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 274 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. development TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 275 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. criteria for selecting a specific programming Q19 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 276 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. approach TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 277 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. assessment tools to guide decision making about Q19 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 278 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. programming TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 279 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. respect for different family expectations Q21 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 280 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 281 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. detailed knowledge of facilitiating a variey of Q13, 14, 15, 16, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 282 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. learning experiences eg art, music, sport 17 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 283 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. uptodate information and a range of sources of Q19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 284 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. information is accessed as resourses for program TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 285 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. development

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 286 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. organisational standards, policies and procedures Q1, 2, 3, 5 Task 5

Page 287 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 288 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. location of resources and materials Q13, 17, 18 Task 5

Page 289 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 290 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. identification of range of resources required Q13, 17, 18 Tasks 3, 4

Page 291 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 292 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. criteria to review setting and environment Q20, 21 Tasks 3, 4

Page 293 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 294 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. evaluation methods Q19 Task 4

Page 295 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 296 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. stakeholders who need to be involved in evaluation Q19 Task 4

Page 297 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 298 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. relevant quality improvement and accreditation Q24 Task 5

Page 299 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. system principles. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 300 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service

Page 301 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q19, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 planning TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 302 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. effective communication with target group Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4

Page 303 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 304 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. analysis and reflective thinking Q19, 21 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Page 305 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 306 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. selecting and administering appropriate Q19, 21 Task 4

Page 307 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. assessment and evaluation tools. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 308 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Page 309 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are provided for children to plan Q15, 20 Task 3

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 310 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Establish an environment that can and/or modify their environment. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 311 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. foster children’s development 1.2 The environment is designed to accommodate Q15, 20 Task 3

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 312 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. all aspects of children’s development and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 313 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. curiosity.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 314 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.3 The environment is designed to provide Q15, 20 Task 3

Page 315 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children with a choice of experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 316 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.4 Strategies are implemented to engage Q15, 16, 20 Task 3

Page 317 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children in activities, especially those who TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 318 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. have difficulty entering or exiting situations.

Page 319 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.5 Materials are provided that capture attention, Q16, 20 Task 3

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 320 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. stimulate response and engage children. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 321 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 2 2.1 The child is encouraged to gain skill and Q16, 17 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 322 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Provide creative and challenging competence by persevering with a TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 323 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. opportunities which stimulate developmentally significant activity and

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 324 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. learning and development of the developing it.

Page 325 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. child 2.2 A range of creative experiences, play areas Q14, 16, 20 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 326 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and materials is provided to encourage TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 327 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children to explore and make choices.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 328 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.3 Opportunities are made available for free play Q14, 20 Tasks 3, 4

Page 329 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and independent play. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 330 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Page 331 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.4 Opportunities for children to practice Q13, 20 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 332 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. developing skills are provided. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 333 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.5 Experiences and activities are provided for all Q13, 14, 15 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 334 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. the principal areas of development. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 335 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.6 Arrange and implement appropriate exercises Q13 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 336 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. according to organisational guidelines. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 337 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 3 3.1 The program is guided by observations of the Q19, 20 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 338 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Plan, implement and evaluate children and their views. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 339 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. developmentally appropriate 3.2 A program is developed in consultation with Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 340 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. experiences for children others. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 341 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.3 Stories, visual materials and activities show Q15, 19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 342 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. diversity among children and adults. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 343 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.4 Program is planned to reflect the range of Q16, 19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 344 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children’s needs, abilities and interests. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 345 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.5 Assist children to participate in a wide range of Q18, 19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 346 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. leisure activities. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 347 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.6 The program responds to the children’s Q18, 20 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 348 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. interests that arise spontaneously as they TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 349 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. participate.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 350 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.7 The program introduces new ideas and Q18, 20 Tasks 3, 4

Page 351 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. experiences for children as well as providing TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 352 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. familiar experiences.

Page 353 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.8 The program provides opportunity for children Q20 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 354 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. to follow up activities of high interest. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 355 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.9 The program is inclusive and allows for full Q19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 356 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. participation of all children. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 357 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.10______Implement strategies to deal with Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 358 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. contingencies that may arise. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 359 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.11______Review the program according to Q19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 360 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. organisational procedures to ensure ongoing TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 361 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. relevance and quality.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 362 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Page 363 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 4 4.1 Children are consulted about what activities Q13, 21 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 364 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Encourage children’s involvement are made available. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 365 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. in experiences 4.2 Children’s work is acknowledged and valued. Q16 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 366 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 367 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.3 The child is encouraged to choose activities to Q14, 19, 21 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 368 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. support aspects of their development. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 369 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.4 The child is encouraged to participate in a Q15, 18 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 370 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. variety of experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 371 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.5 Children are consulted about what activities Q15, 20, 21 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 372 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. are made available. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 373 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.6 A child’s choice not to participate is respected. Q20 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 374 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 375 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Critical aspects of evidence Demonstrated ability to observe and interpret Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 376 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children’s behaviour and contribute to program TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 377 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. planning.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 378 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Demonstrated ability to plan for, provide and review Q13, 14, 15, 16, Tasks 2, 3, 4

Page 379 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. a range of activities and opportunities which 17, 18, 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 380 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. stimulate children’s individual development.

Page 381 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Demonstrated ability to provide a range of Q13, 14, 15, 16, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 382 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. experiences to stimulate children and aid their 17, 18, 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 383 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. development.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 384 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Ability to vary experience depending on child’s age, Q8, 13, 14, 15, Tasks 3, 4

Page 385 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. abilities, development, culture and need. 16, 17, 18, 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 386 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Q4, 6, 13, 14 Tasks 2, 4 children’s developmental stages applicable to the TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 387 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. organisational standards, policies and procedures. Q1, 2, 3, 5 Task 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 388 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 389 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 390 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q22, 24, 25 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4 contingency management TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 391 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. interpersonal Q5, 6, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 392 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 393 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. active listening. Q4, 5, 7, 8 Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 394 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 395 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 396 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 1 1.1 Information and observations are gathered Q19 Task 2

Page 397 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Gather and document detailed according to a specific need or purpose. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 398 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. information about the child 1.2 Detailed information about children is Q19 Task 2

Page 399 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. gathered and documented using a variety of TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 400 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. appropriate methods.

Page 401 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.3 Information and observations collected should Q19 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 402 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. be valid, representative, significant and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 403 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. relevant.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 404 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.4 A series of observations which address all Q19 Task 2

Page 405 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. aspects of development are collected over a TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 406 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. period of time and in a variety of situations.

Page 407 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.5 Colleagues, families and others are consulted Q19 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 408 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. in a sensitive manner. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 409 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 2 2.1 Observations and information are used to Q21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 410 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Monitor children’s developmental assess and monitor the child’s play TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 411 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. progress and develop preferences, social interactions,

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 412 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. understanding of individual communication and language, thinking styles,

Page 413 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children physical abilities and emotional status.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 414 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.2 Information and observations are interpreted Q21 Task 2

Page 415 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. to identify the individual developmental needs, TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 416 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. capabilities, potential, interests, preferences

Page 417 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and needs of the child in order to guide

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 418 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. program strategies to foster development.

Page 419 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.3 Behaviour which is out of character for an Q21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 420 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. individual child is monitored and interpreted TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 421 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and responded to appropriately.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 422 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.4 Interpretations of observations demonstrate Q21 Task 2

Page 423 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. inclusive principles and understanding. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 424 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children

Page 425 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 3 3.1 Demonstrate quality observations practices to Q21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 426 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Use information form other workers. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 427 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. observations with others 3.2 Information is provided to others to inform Q21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 428 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. program planning, support children’s play and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 429 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. evaluate programs.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 430 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.3 Records of observations are used to provide Q21 Task 2

Page 431 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. feedback to children about their skills and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 432 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. competence and promote remembering.

Page 433 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.4 Time is made available to share information Q11, 19, 21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 434 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. with parents. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 435 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.5 Any concerns regarding a child’s development Q11, 21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 436 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. are followed up with appropriate TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 437 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. persons/services.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 438 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 4 4.1 All aspects of the child’s development are Q19, 21 Task 2

Page 439 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Use information to plan the considered from the information and catered TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 440 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. program for within the program.

Page 441 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 4.2 Opportunities and experiences that will foster Q19, 21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 442 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. the development of the child are planned from TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 443 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. the information.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 444 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 5 5.1 Systematic ways of observing children are Q19, 21 Task 2

Page 445 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Design observation systems with developed to ensure all children are included. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 446 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. others 5.2 Systematic way of observing children are Q19, 21 Task 2

Page 447 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. developed to ensure that all interpretations of TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 448 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. behaviour can be clearly linked to evidence.

Page 449 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.3 Observation systems that are developed are Q19, 21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 450 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. clearly linked to program planning and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 451 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. evaluation processes.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 452 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 5.4 Processes are implemented to ensure Q11, 19, 21 Task 2

Page 453 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. appropriate access by others to observation TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 454 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. information.

Page 455 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 456 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Critical aspects of evidence Demonstrated ability to gather information form a Q19, 21 Task 4

Page 457 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. variety of sources and observe and interpret TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 458 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children’s behaviour.

Page 459 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Demonstrated ability to monitor and assess Q19, 21 Task 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 460 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children’s development and learning and use TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 461 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. information to inform program planning.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 462 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Q11, 15, 16, 17, Task 2 how the observer influences interaction and 18 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 463 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. styles of thinking Q19, 21 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 464 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 465 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. developmental knowledge Q13, 14, 15, 16, Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 466 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 17, 18 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 467 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. understanding different cultures Q8, 16 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 468 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 469 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. developmental norms at different ages/stages Q4, 6, 12 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 470 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 471 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. organisational standards, policies and procedures. Q1, 2, 3, 5 Task 2

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 472 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 473 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q4, 5, 6, 7 Task 2 communication TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 474 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. reporting Q19, 21, 22, 24 Task 2

Page 475 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 476 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. interpersonal Q4, 5, 6, 7 Task 2

Page 477 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 478 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. planning. Q19, 21, 22, 24 Task 2

Page 479 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 480 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning

Page 481 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 1 1.1 Experiences and activities which relate to the Q13 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 482 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Promote children’s participation in principles of development are provided. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 483 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. a wide range of experiences to 1.2 A range of experiences, play areas and Q13 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 484 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. enhance their learning and materials is provided to meet the individual TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 485 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. development needs of the children.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 486 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.3 Emerging skills are recognised, encouraged Q13 Tasks 2, 3, 4

Page 487 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and provided for. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 488 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.4 Age appropriate strategies are provided to Q13 Task 4

Page 489 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. facilitate these emerging skills. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 490 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.5 Appropriate strategies are implemented for Q13 Tasks 2, 3, 4

Page 491 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children who have difficulty initiating play TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 492 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. themselves.

Page 493 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 1.6 Children are encouraged and assisted to Q13 Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 494 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. extend their play through a problem solving TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 495 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. approach.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 496 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 2 2.1 A range of developmentally appropriate Q19 Tasks 3, 4

Page 497 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Promote opportunities for a wide science, maths and technology experiences is TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 498 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. range of developmentally presented.

Page 499 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. appropriate experiences in 2.2 A range of experiences to stimulate learning Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 500 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. science, mathematics, technology about the environment is presented. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 501 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and the environment 2.3 Children’s abilities and interests are Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 502 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. recognised and their learning potentials TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 503 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. responded to.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 504 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.4 Participation in science, maths, technology Q19 Tasks 3, 4

Page 505 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and environmental learning experiences is TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 506 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. encouraged in a way that is enjoyable.

Page 507 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.5 Experiences are presented which stimulate Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 508 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children’s curiosity and learning. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 509 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 2.6 Opportunities are provided for children to Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 510 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. further explore their concept development. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 511 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 512 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Element 3 3.1 Play areas both indoors and outdoors which Q17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 513 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Provide developmentally provide children with opportunities to enjoy TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 514 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. appropriate dramatic and dramatic and imaginative play are presented.

Page 515 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. imaginative play experience for 3.2 Experiences are planned/designed to Q17 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 516 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. children stimulate children’s involvement and are TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 517 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. developmentally appropriate.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 518 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.3 Experiences which are inviting, stimulating Q17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 519 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. and safe for individual children and small TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 520 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. groups of children involved in imitative,

Page 521 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. dramatic and imaginative play are provided.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 522 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.4 Adult support for the child/children through Q17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 523 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. facilitation and extension of children’s TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 524 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. imitative, dramatic and imaginative play

Page 525 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. experiences is provided.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 526 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 3.5 Play areas which are culturally rich and reflect Q8, 13, 16 Tasks 3, 4

Page 527 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. the diversity of families using the service are TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 528 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. presented.

Page 529 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Critical aspects of knowledge Candidates must demonstrate application of an Q14, 15, 16, 17, Tasks 2, 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 530 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. understanding of the stages of children’s 18 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 531 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. development in planning and delivering a range of

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 532 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. appropriate activities to stimulate an interest and

Page 533 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. love of learning in children.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 534 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required Knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Q19 Tasks 3, 4 the value of science, maths, technology and TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 535 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. how children develop concepts related to maths, Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 536 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. science, technology and the environment TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 537 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. a wide range of experiences for children Q15, 16, 17, 18, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 538 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 539 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. characteristics of high quality learning Q15, 16, 17, 18, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 540 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. environments 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 541 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. aesthetic, safe, interesting, challenging Q15, 16, 17, 18, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 542 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. environments to encourage curiosity, 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 543 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. experimentation, active learning and choice

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 544 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning

Page 545 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. scaffolding knowledge and skills Q15, 16, 17, 18, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 546 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 547 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. role of adult in promoting and planning for learning Q19 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 548 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. in science, maths, technology and environmental TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 549 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. experiences

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 550 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. the value of dramatic play Q17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 551 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 552 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. dramatic play and its role in socialisation Q17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 553 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 554 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. imitative, dramatic and imaginative play Q17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 555 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 556 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. adult’s role in creating inviting spaces Q15 Tasks 3, 4

Page 557 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 558 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. presentation of imitation play, dramatic play and Q15, 17 Tasks 3, 4

Page 559 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. imaginative play spaces for children TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 560 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. overview of an inclusive approach Q13, 15, 16, 17, Tasks 3, 4

Page 561 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 18, 19 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 562 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. use of evaluations for modifications and changes to Q15, 19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

Page 563 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. extend play and stimulate involvement. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 564 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q20 Tasks 3, 4 planning TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 565 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. communication with children Q13, 15, 16, 17, Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 566 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. 18 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 567 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. identifying developmental delays in children. Q19, 21 Tasks 3, 4

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 568 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 4 – Program design

CHCPR10C Design, implement CHCPR9C Document, interpret and use information about children and evaluate programs of the CHCFC8A Provide experiences which enhance children’s development and learning service CHCPR2C Arrange/organise experiences which facilitate and enhance children’s development

Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence

CHCPR10C Design, implement and evaluate programs of the service Element 1 1.1 Opportunities are used or established to Q19 Tasks 2, 4 Design and implement programs gather information from and communicate all TS, TMS, CS, JRE with all those involved necessary information to those involved. 1.2 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 2, 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. 1.3 Ideas and concerns about the current program Q19 Tasks 4 and setting are identified and considered in TS, TMS, CS, JRE designing the program. Element 2 2.1 Information about each child’s development is Q19, 21 Tasks 2 Design and implement programs gathered to inform the program. TS, TMS, CS, JRE to enhance development of children 2.2 Programs which are child centred and Q19, 21 Tasks 2, 4 designed to widen children’s experiences are TS, TMS, CS, JRE developed and implemented. 2.3 Programs which foster all aspects of children’s Q19 Tasks 2, 4 development in a holistic way are developed TS, TMS, CS, JRE and implemented. 2.4 Programs provide for the capabilities, Q19 Tasks 2, 4 interests, needs and backgrounds of children TS, TMS, CS, JRE who attend the service. 2.5 All the resources required for the program are Q19 Tasks 3, 4 identified and available at the required time. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.6 A flexible daily timetable is developed which Q19 Tasks 1, 4 incorporates developmental opportunities, TS, TMS, CS, JRE routines and transition experiences. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 569 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process Element 1 1.1 A selfevaluation report is completed Q24 Task 5 Facilitate an within the organisation in which TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational practice is reviewed against nominated selfevaluation process standards. 1.2 Focus groups, questionnaires and/or Q24 Task 5 interviews are conducted with clients to TS, TMS, CS, JRE receive feedback. 1.3 Focus groups, questionnaires and/or Q24 Task 5 interviews are conducted with other TS, TMS, CS, JRE stakeholders to receive feedback. 1.4 Record audits are conducted. Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.5 Appropriate documentation is Q24 Task 5 completed. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 2 2.1 Assessment of the organisations Q24 Task 5 Facilitate the performance against the standards are TS, TMS, CS, JRE development of a assessed and gaps identified. quality improvement plan 2.2 Strategies to address identified gaps Q24 Task 5 are developed. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.3 Where appropriate, relevant Q24 Task 5 stakeholders are consulted in the TS, TMS, CS, JRE development of a quality improvement plan. Element 3 3.1 A quality improvement work plan is Q24 Task 5 Implement a quality developed including performance TS, TMS, CS, JRE improvement plan criteria to evaluate. 3.2 The quality improvement work plan is Q24 Task 5 monitored regularly. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.3 Regular reports against the work plan Q24 Task 5 are prepared and presented to relevant TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 570 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process parties. 3.4 Work plan is revised according to Q24 Task 5 relevant feedback. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 4 4.1 Relevant stakeholders are informed Q24 Task 5 Co-ordinate the about the external evaluation process. TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisation for an external evaluation 4.2 Interviews with staff and board Q24 Task 5 members are scheduled where TS, TMS, CS, JRE appropriate. 4.3 Interviews with tenants and other Q24 Task 5 service providers are scheduled. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.4 Files and records are prepared for Q24 Task 5 examination. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.5 All documentation is prepared for Q24 Task 5 examination. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.6 Strategies to ensure continuous Q24 Task 5 improvement mechanisms are TS, TMS, CS, JRE identified and integrated into work systems. Critical aspects of Demonstrated understanding of Q24 Task 5 evidence accreditation process. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Ability to coordinate a selfassessment Q24 Task 5 process at an organisational level. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Maintaining knowledge of best practice. Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge Q24 Task 5 of: TS, TMS, CS, JRE relevant legislation relevant standards Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE best practice principles. Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 571 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Q24 4, 5 goal setting TS, TMS, CS, JRE communication Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE ability to develop policy Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE evaluation and review Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE consultation Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE report writing. Q24 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Skills Set 5 – Management systems

CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCORG11B Lead and develop others Element 1 1.1 Briefing on work goals, plans and operational issues Q25 Task 5 Provide leadership, are provided regularly to work groups to minimise role TS, TMS, CS, JRE direction and guidance ambiguity and maximise effectiveness. to the organisation 1.2 Encouragement is provided to develop new and Q25 Task 5 innovative work practices and strategies to optimise TS, TMS, CS, JRE work outcomes and better meet client needs. 1.3 A high standard of performance and practice is Q25 Task 5 modelled to staff. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.4 Leadership and supervision appropriate to changing Q25 Task 5 priorities and situations is provided and takes into TS, TMS, CS, JRE account the differing needs and backgrounds of individuals, the requirements of the task and client needs.

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 572 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems

CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCORG11B Lead and develop others 1.5 Diversity in knowledge, skills and approaches of Q25 Task 5 individuals is utilised to enhance work outcomes. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 1.6 Principles and practices of equal employment Q25 Task 5 opportunity, occupational health and safety and TS, TMS, CS, JRE participative work practices are modelled and promoted to staff. Element 2 2.1 Effective time and work management techniques Q26 Task 5 Maximise own including monitoring workflow and outcomes are used TS, TMS, CS, JRE performance outcomes to meet priorities and achieve identified objectives. 2.2 Work is planned and progress monitored to minimise Q26 Task 5 effects of unexpected outcomes. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.3 All work undertaken complies with established policies Q26 Task 5 and procedures especially those relating to anti- TS, TMS, CS, JRE discrimination and occupational health and safety. 2.4 Work practices are reviewed and revised regularly to Q26 Task 5 assist achievement of identified objectives. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 2.5 Opportunities are sought and taken for continuous Q26 Task 5 selfdevelopment/learning. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Element 3 3.1 The link between the function of the group, the goals of Q25 Task 5 Manage effective work the organisation and the responsibilities of individuals TS, TMS, CS, JRE relationships are clearly articulated and communicated to staff routinely. 3.2 Participative decision making processes are used Q25 Task 5 routinely to allocate responsibilities and develop, TS, TMS, CS, JRE implement and review work of the group. 3.3 Where relevant, conflict is identified and resolved with Q25 Task 5 minimum disruption to workgroup function and in TS, TMS, CS, JRE accordance with organisational procedures. 3.4 Allocation of tasks is within the competence of staff and Q25 Task 5 is supported by appropriate delegation and training. TS, TMS, CS, JRE

Page 573 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems

CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCORG11B Lead and develop others 3.5 Interpersonal styles and methods are adjusted to the Q25 Task 5 social and cultural context. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 3.6 Communication and interaction with colleagues and Q25 Task 5 management reflects a variety of appropriate TS, TMS, CS, JRE techniques. Element 4 4.1 Individual outcomes are monitored and reviewed in Q25 Task 5 Manage and improve consultation with the workgroup to measure and TS, TMS, CS, JRE the performance of assess progress against objectives and identify issues individuals for attention or further work. 4.2 Work practices are revised as required to achieve Q25 Task 5 workgroup and corporate goals. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.3 Performance problems are addressed in a fair, Q25 Task 5 constructive and timely manner in accordance with TS, TMS, CS, JRE relevant guidelines, procedures and natural justice. 4.4 Individual and group progress is monitored and regular Q25 Task 5 feedback provided to optimise achievement of TS, TMS, CS, JRE organisational objectives. 4.5 Support is provided to the work group to develop Q25 Task 5 mutual commitment and cooperation. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 4.6 Workgroup effectiveness is promoted and encouraged Q25 Task 5 through active participation in group activities and TS, TMS, CS, JRE communication processes. Element 5 5.1 Development plans are put in place for each staff Q25 Task 5 Support, participate and member with relevant development activities identified. TS, TMS, CS, JRE review group development 5.2 An action plan to meet individual and group training Q25 Task 5 and development needs is developed, agreed and TS, TMS, CS, JRE implemented. 5.3 Staff are encouraged and supported in applying skills Q25 Task 5 and knowledge in the workplace. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.4 Relevant specialist training which is required is Q25 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 574 of 576 Version 1, July 2009 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems

CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCORG11B Lead and develop others identified and delivered, if required. 5.5 Appropriate training is arranged and provided to meet Q25 Task 5 individual and organisational needs. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 5.6 Staff are encouraged and supported to attend training Q25 Task 5 courses and to take up other development TS, TMS, CS, JRE opportunities. Element 6 6.1 Managers are provided with personal and career Q25 Task 5 Support and develop development opportunities from within and outside of TS, TMS, CS, JRE managers the organisation. 6.2 Regular meetings are held with managers to review, Q25 Task 5 adjust and develop strategies and priorities. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 6.3 Priority tasks are agreed and achievement of work Q25 Task 5 plans is monitored to maximise organisational TS, TMS, CS, JRE effectiveness. 6.4 The overall performance of managers is monitored and Q25 Task 5 feedback provided regularly in an appropriate manner. TS, TMS, CS, JRE 6.5 Opportunities are provided for targeted professional Q25 Task 5 development. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Critical aspects of Works effectively in a team environment. Q25, 26 Task 5 evidence TS, TMS, CS, JRE Uses both participitative and consultative management Q24, 25, 26 Task 5 practices. TS, TMS, CS, JRE Provides appropriate development opportunities. Q26 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required knowledge Look for evidence that confirms knowledge of: Q25, 26 Task 5 human resource development and management principles TS, TMS, CS, JRE and practices budget processes Q23 Task 5 TS, TMS, CS, JRE effective team management Q23, 24 Task 5

Page 575 of 576 © Department of Education and Training 2009 Version 1, May 2018 CHC50302 Diploma of Children’s Services Section 7 – Mapping of Assessment Tools

Skills Set 5 – Management systems

CHCOHS501A Manage workplace OHS management system CHCQM601A Manage an accreditation process CHCINF5B Meet statutory and organisational information requirements HCORG11B Lead and develop others Element Performance Criteria Question Practical Tasks Supplementary Evidence CHCORG11B Lead and develop others TS, TMS, CS, JRE Required skills Look for evidence that confirms skills in: Task 5 effective communication and interpersonal skills including: TS, TMS, CS, JRE language competence required to fulfil the procedures of Q25, 26 Task 5 the organisation/service. Language used may be TS, TMS, CS, JRE English, signing or a community language negotiation Q23, 24, 25, Task 5 26 TS, TMS, CS, JRE time management and work planning Q23, 24, 25, Task 5 26 TS, TMS, CS, JRE awareness and understanding of effective individual and Q23, 24, 25, Task 5 team operations. 26 TS, TMS, CS, JRE

© Department of Education and Training 2009 Page 576 of 576 Version 1, July 2009

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