Curriculum Vitae (Cv) s1

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Curriculum Vitae (Cv) s1


First name: Behzad Surname: Esfandiari

Birth: 1966 Marriage status: Married, a son, a girl.

Address: DVM, Head of Pasteur institute of Iran-Amol research center.

E-Mail: [email protected]

Phone Number: +981212662074-5 Fax: +981212662651


1988-1994: University of Tehran, DVM.



Translation (English to Persian) Laboratory mouse.By Mark A.Suckow, Peggy J Danneman et al.With pasture institute IRAN. Published Noore Elm, Hamedan, IRAN. Journals:

1- B. Esfandiari, M. Youssefi, M. Keighobadi & H. Nahrevanian : In vivo evaluation of anti-parasitic effects of Artemisia absinthium extracts on Syphacia parasite . The Internet Journal of Parasitic Diseases. 2007 Volume 2 Number 2.

2- S. A. Hashemi, B. Esfandiari, A. Fayaz, H. Nahrevanian, R. Behzadi, S. Kavoosian, S. Payman Ziapour, S. Ghobadi-rad & F. Maghsoudi. Investigation on animal and human rabies in cases from Mazandaran and Golestan provinces referred to the Amol Research Center, Northern Iran in 2003–2005 . The Internet Journal of Microbiology. 2007 Volume 4 Number 1.

3- D.Farzin, S.Asadzadeh, M.Tashfam, B.Esfandiari. Effect of L-arginine on skeletal muscle in chicken. Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 2007, 18(64):11-21.

4- A.Ghorbannia, H.Nahravanian, M.Assmar, A.Amirkhani, B.Esfandiari. Frequency of Cryptosporidiosis and Isosporiasis and other enteropathogenic parasite in gastroentritis patient Babol and Babolsar. Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences, 2007, 10(2), PP: 56-61.

5- B. Esfandiari, M. Youssefi, H. Nahrevanian, M. Keighobadi, S. Aghvami Amoli & P. Ziapour. Incidence of Pediculosis in patients referring to Shemiranat Health Center, Tehran during 2002 to 2006 . The Internet Journal of Parasitic Diseases. 2008 Volume 3 Number 1.

6- A.Fayaz, S.Simani, A.R.Janani, F.Farahtaj, B.Esfandiari, N.Eslami,N.Havizi. Epidemiology of Rabies in Mazandaran Province 1996-2006. Journal of Babol University of Medical Sciences, 2008,11(5), pp:70-75.

7- S.Bokaee, A.Fayaz, M.Borojeni, A.A.Haghdoost, B.Esfandiari. Epidemiology of Rabies and Animal Biting in Caspian Sea province. Iranian Veterinary Journal, 2008,4(5):14-15. 8- Z.Valadkhani, M.Assmar, B.Esfandiari, A.Amirkhani, N.Hassan, M.Lotfi, S.Ghobadi rad. Trichomoniasis in Asymptomatic Patient. Iranian J Public Health, 2008, Vol. 3, No. 3, PP: 113-117.

9- B. Esfandiari, A. Fayaz, H. Nahrevanian, S. A. Hashemi, S. Simani, R. Behzadi, M. Amini, S. Kavoosian & F. Maghsoudi. Comparison of animal rabies from Northern Provinces of Iran referred to the Amol Research Center (ARC) during 2007 . The Internet Journal of Microbiology. 2009 Volume 6 Number 1.

10- B.Esfandiari, M.R.Youssefi, S.P.Ziapour, S.M.Hosseini fard, M.Abouhosseini. Evaluation of Hydatid cyst surgeries in Iran (Mazandaran province) During 2001- 2007. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advance. 2010, Vol. 9, No. 7. PP: 1128- 1130.

11- H.Nahravanian, L.Abedinzadeh, K.Ghasemi, A.Eslamifar, S.Ajdari, B.Esfandiari. S.Rahbari. Inoculation of Cryptosporidium in BABL/C and C57BL/6 mice after immunosuppressive thapy to modelling Cryptosporidiosis in experimental animals. Pajouhandeh Journal (Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Siences), 2010, 1(73), pp: 31-37.

12- S.Zakeri, N.Sepahan, M.Afsharpad, B.Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour, N.Djadad. Molecular epidemiology of Leptospirosis in northern Iran by Nested Polymarase Chain Reaction/ Restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing methods. Am. J, Trop.Med.Hyg, 82(5),2010, pp,899-903.

13- B.Esfandiari, M.R.Youssefi, M.Abouhosseini Tabari. First report of Toxocara catiin Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. Global Veterinaria. 4(4), 2010, pp: 394-395.

14- M.R.Youssefi, S.H.Hosseini, B.Esfandiari. First report of Hystrichis in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) from Iran. Global Veterinaria, 4(4), 2010, pp 422-423.

15- H.Nahravanian, S.A.Azarnoush, B.Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour, M.Shadifar, G.Amirbozorgi, E.Hayati, J.Davoodi. Current situation of cryptosporidium and other entrop[arasite among pationts with gasteroenteritis from western cities of Mazandaran province Iran during 2007-2008. Gastroentrology and Hepatology, 3(3), 2010, pp 120-125.

16- B.Esfandiari, M.R.Youssefi, First report of Taenia taeniaformis in Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. Pakistan Veterinary Journal, 30(4), 2010, pp,1012-1013.

17- B.Esfandiari, M.R.Youssefi, Comparision of Eosin and Trypanblue staining in Viability of Hydatid cyst Protoscolex. Global Veterinaria, 4(5), 2010, pp, 456-458.

18- M.R.Youssefi, S.H.Hosseini, B.Esfandiari, Intestinal parasite of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. World Journal of Zoology. 5(2), 2010, pp: 122- 124.

19- B.Esfandiari, M.R.Youssefi, A. Fayaz. The prevalence of Rabies and animal bite during 2004-2009 in north of Iran. Global Veterinaria, 4(5), 2010, pp, 536-538.

20- Youssefi M.R., Hoseini S.H., Rahimi M.T, Esfandiari B. Trichuris hystricis, a whipworm from Hystrix indica in Iran. World Journal of Zoology 2010, 5(4): pp, 244-245.

21- Kordafshari S., Samani R., Hosseini S.H., Youssefi M.R., Esfandiari B. First report of Physaloptera alata infection in Botaurus stellaris from Iran. World Journal of Zoology 2010, 5(4): pp, 246-248.

22- Youssefi M.R., Gerami sadeghian A., Esfandiari B. Prevalence of Haemoproteus columbae infection in Columba livia in north of Iran. World Journal of Zoology 2010, 5(4): pp, 275-277. Papers presented in Symposiums or Congresses:

1- Z.Valadkhani, M.Assmar, B.Esfandiari, A.Amirkhani, N.Hassan, M.Lotfi, S.Ghobadi rad. The prevalence of Trichomoniasis in women attending clinics in Amol city,Iran. 1 th International Congress of Parasitology, 6-11 August 2006, Glasgow, Scotland.

2- A. Soleimanpour, H. Nahrevanian, M.Sharif, B.Esfandiari, M.Rostami. A study on the prevalence rate of Cryptosporidiosis and Isosporiasis in patients with gasteroentritis in eastern part of Mazandaran province in year 2005-2006. 15 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 16-20 Dec:2006 Tehran Iran.

3- H.Faraji, M.Assmar, Gh.H.Ebrahimpour, A.Hashemi, B.Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour. Evaluation of Leptospirosis prevalence in Mazandaran province. 15 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 16-20 Dec:2006 Tehran Iran.

4- A.Ghorbannia Delavar, H. Nahrevanian, M. Assmar, B. Esfandiari, A. Amirkhani. A study on the prevalence rate of Cryptosporidiosis, Isosporiasis and pathogenic parasites in patients with gastroentritis in two Babol and Babolsar cities. 15 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 16-20 Dec:2006 Tehran Iran.

5- S.Zakeri, Z.F.Ganjali, N.Sepahanian, M.R.Shirzadi, J.Sharifian, M.Rezvani, B.Esfandiari. Advance in Molecular diagnosis of Pathogenic and non Pathogenic Leptospirs: Evidence of local and applied experience for NCP strategy. 19-20 Agust, 2007.

6- S.P.Ziapour, M.Sharif, Sh.Golami, H.Ziaee, A.Daryani, B.Esfandiari, I.Mobedi. Study of stray cat Intestinal Helminth in Sari city. 21 st International Conference of the world association for the advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, 19-23 August, 2007. Gent, Belgium.

7- H.Nahravanian, M.Assmar, A.Hashemi, B.Esfandiari, M.Sharif. Cryptosporidium and other entropathogenic parasite in gastroentric patient from Mazandaran province, Iran. 2 th International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Confrence.13-18 May 2007, Morelia-Michoacan, Mexico.

8- H.Faraji, M.Assmar, S.Tabrizi, Gh.H.Ebrahimpour, A.Hashemi, B.Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour. A survey on seroprevalence of leptospirosis in Mazandaran province in Iran using Microscopic agglutination test. 1 st International and 6 th National Congress on Quality Improvement in Clinical Laboratories.2007, Tehran Iran.

9- M. Youssefi R, B Esfandiari, A Aminpour. Ixodid tick species infesting sheep and cattle in Kelardasht Part (Chaloos), Iran. 6th National and the first Regional Congress on Parasitology and parasitic disease. 2008; Karaj,Iran.

10- B. Esfandiari , M.R. Youssefi , M.Abouhosseini Tabari , M.Mokhtari. Evaluation of Babesia prevalence in domestic animals in Mazandaran province 2008. International Congress of Infectious Diseases. 2010; America, Miami.

11- M.R Youssefi, B Esfandiari, A Aminpour. Evaluation of anti-parasitic effects of Artemisia absinthium extracts on Syphacia parasite in laboratory mice. 6th National and the first Regional Congress on Parasitology and parasitic disease. 2008; Karaj,Iran.

12- S.A.Azarinoosh, H.Nahravanian, B.Esfandiari, A.Amirkhani. Epidemiological study on the prelalence rate of Cryptosporidium and other parasitic entropathogen in patients with gastroentritis in western cities of Mazandaran province. 15 th National & 3 rd International Conference of Biology, 19-21 Agust 2008, Tehran, Iran.

13- L.Abedinzadeh, H.Nahravanian, K.Ghasemi, A.Eslamifar, B.Esfandiari. Inoculation of Cryptosporidium in BABL/C and C57BL/6 mice after immunosuppressive thapy to modelling Cryptosporidiosis in experimental animals. The second Iranian congress of clinical Microbiology 7-9 October 2008, Shiraz – Iran.

14- S.P.Ziapour, B. Esfandiari, GH.Abdolahpour, M.Assmar, M.R.Siavashi, M.R.Youssefi. Comparision of IFA and MAT in detection of Leptospirosis. 17 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 20-24 Dec: 2008 Tehran Iran.

15- B Esfandiari. , M.R. Youssefi, M Abouhosseini Tabari., S.P Ziapour. Study the frequency of leptospirosis in reffered indivisual to leptospirosis diagnosting center in Mazandaran province during 2008-2009. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infection Disease and Tropical Medicine. 2009; Tehran, Iran.

16- H.Nahravanian, B.Esfandiari, A.Ghorbannia, A.Soleimanpour. Current situation of Cryptosporidium and opportunistic parasite among gastroentritic individuals in Mazandaran province Iran: an alarm for immunocompromised patients. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 12-16 Dec: 2009 Tehran Iran.

17- M.Alipour espehkolaee, S.P.Ziapour, M.Sharbatdaran, F.Jafari, B.Esfandiari. Evaluation of Hepatitis B incidence in referred patient in shahid yahyanejad hospitan in Babol. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 12-16 Dec: 2009 Tehran Iran.

18- B.Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour, M.Assmar, M.R.Siavashi, M.R.Youssefi. Incidence of antibodies titre aganst leptospirosis with IFA test in Mazandaran province 2008. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 12-16 Dec: 2009 Tehran Iran.

19- Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour, M.Assmar, M.R.Siavashi.M.R.Youssefi. Study of season prevalence leptospirosis in Mazandaran 2008. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 12-16 Dec: 2009 Tehran Iran.

20- Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour, A.Fayaz, M.R.Siavashi, S.Simani, M.R.Youssefi. Evaluation of Human rabies in northern Provinces of Iran. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 12-16 Dec: 2009 Tehran Iran.

21- M.Alipour espehkolaee, S.P.Ziapour, M.Sharbatdaran, F.Jafari, B.Esfandiari, M.R.Youssefi. Prevalence of HIV in referred to shahid yahyanejad hospitan in Babol 2007-2008. The 3 rd annual Iranian Seminar on HIV/AIDS, 29-30 Nov,2009.Tehran Iran. 22- Esfandiari, A.Fayaz, H.Nahravanian, S.Simani, R.Behzadi. Comparison of animal rabies from Northern Provinces of Iran referred to the Amol Research Center (ARC) during 2007-2008. Eurasia Congress of Infectious Disease. 1-4 Oct, 2009, Baku, Azerbaijan.

23- S.P.Ziapour, Esfandiari, M.Assmar, M.R.Siavashi.M.R.Youssefi. Evaluation of IgG and IgM detection against leptospirosis with IFA in Mazandaran province 2008. 18 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 12-16 Dec: 2009 Tehran Iran.

24- M.R.Youssefi, M.Abouhosseini Tabari, F.Valipour aghdam, B.Esfandiari, S.P.Ziapour. Evaluation of Tubercolosis in Mazandaran Province, 2008-2009. 16th Iranian Veterinary Congress. 2010; Tehran, Iran.

25- M.R. Youssefi, M.Abouhosseini Tabari,F.Valipour aghdam, B. Esfandiari, M.Mokhtari. Study of brucellosis prevalence in domesticated animals of Mazandaran province during 2008 to 2009. 16th Iranian Veterinary Congress. 2010; Tehran, Iran.

26- S. P. Ziapour, B. Esfandiari, G. Abdollahpour , M. Assmar , M. R. Youssefi , G. Amirbozorgi. The Survey of leptospirosis in Mazandaran province, north of Iran by Microscopic agglutination test, 2006-2007. International Congress of Infectious Diseases. 2010; America, Miami.

27- S.P.Ziapour, M.Alipour espehkolaee, M.Sharbatdaran, B.Esfandiari, F.Jafari, M.R.Youssefi, M.Abouhosseini tabari, Sh.Aghvam amoli. Evaluation of HBsAg positive with Anti-HBc test in shahid yahyanejad hospitan in Babol. 4 th European Congress of Virology 7-11 April 2010, Villa Erba Cernobbio,Como, Italy.

28- S.P.Ziapour, B.Esfandiari, M.Assmar, M.Alipour, M.R.Youssefi, G.Amirbozorgi, B.Amini navaee. Seroprevalence of leptospirosis in Mazandarn province,Iran using indirect immunofluoresence assay 2006-2007. Europian Socity of Clinical Microbiology and Infection Disease.10-13 April 2010, Vienna, Austria. 29- B. Esfandiari, M.R. Youssefi, A.Fayaz, M.Abouhosseini Tabari. The prevalence of rabies and animal bites during 2004-2009 in north of Iran. 1st Veterinary emerging and reemerging congress, 7-8 October 2010, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran.

30- M.Hosseini fard, M.R.Youssefi, F.Ahmadi, B.Esfandiari, J.Hakimi. A report of Mycobacterium marinum as a cause of chronic granulomatous in hand. 1st Veterinary emerging and reemerging congress, 7-8 October 2010, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran.

31- B. Esfandiari, M.R. Youssefi, A.Fayaz, M.Abouhosseini Tabari. A case report of death due to rabies in Mir city (Ardabil Province) 2009. 1st Veterinary emerging and reemerging congress, 7-8 October 2010, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran.

32- M.R.Youssefi, S.H.Hoseini, I.Mobedi, B. Esfandiari, S.M.Hosseini. Intestinal Parasite of Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. 1st Veterinary emerging and reemerging congress, 7-8 October 2010, Islamic Azad University, Babol, Iran.

33- M.R.Youssefi, B.Esfandiari, A.Tabarmolahasan. Seroepidemiological study of Neospora caninum in rural and industrial cattle in Babol, Nothen Iran. 7th National and 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease in Iran,19-21 Oct 2010; Tehran Medical Faculty, Iran.

34- B. Esfandiari, M.R. Youssefi, M.Abouhosseini Tabari. First report of Toxocara cati in Persian leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor) in Iran. 7th National and 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease in Iran,19-21 Oct 2010; Tehran Medical Faculty, Iran.

35- M.R.Youssefi , S.H.Hosseini, B.Esfandiari. First report of Hystrichis in Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) from Iran. 7th National and 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease in Iran,19-21 Oct 2010; Tehran Medical Faculty, Iran.

36- M.R. Youssefi , B.Esfandiari, S.H.Hosseini. Comparison of Eosin and Trypan blue staining in viability of Hydatid cyst protoscolex. 7th National and 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease in Iran,19-21 Oct 2010; Tehran Medical Faculty, Iran. 37- M.R.Youssefi, A.Hatami, B.Esfandiari, M.Abouhosseini, B.Zarrin. Dermatitis Caused by Simulium (Blackflies) Bite. 7th National and 2nd Regional Congress of Parasitology and Parasitic Disease in Iran,19-21 Oct 2010; Tehran Medical Faculty, Iran. Student theses: 1- 2005- 06 (1384-85), Azam Ghorbannia Delavar, MSc in Microbiology, Islamic Azad University of Lahijan. Nahrevanian H (S), Assmar M, Esfandiari B, Amirkhani A (A): A study on the prevalence rate of Cryptosporidiosis, Isosporiasis and pathogenic parasites in patients with gastroentritis in two Babol and Babolsar cities. 2- 2005- 07 (1384-86), Azam Soleimanpour, MSc in Medical Parasitology, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Nahrevanian H (S), Assmar M, Esfandiari B, Amirkhani A (A): A study on the prevalence rate of Cryptosporidiosis and Isosporiasis in patients with gasteroentritis in eastern part of Mazandaran province in year 1384. 3- 2007- 08(1386-87), Habibolah Faraji, MSc in Microbiology, Shahid Beheshti University, Assmar M, Ebrahimpour GH, Esfandiari B, Ziapour S.P. Seroepidemiology evaluation of Leptospirosis in Mazandaran Provinve. 4- 2008- 09 (1386-87), Seyedeh Atena Azarinush, MSc in Microbiology, Islamic Azad University of Zanjan. Nahrevanian H (S), Esfandiari B, Amirkhani A, Assmar M (A): Epidemiological study on the Cryptosporidiosis and other enteropathogenic parasites in patients with gastroentritis of western cities of Mazandaran province. 5- 2009-01 (1388-1389), Leyla Abedinzadeh Omrani, MSc in Microbiology, Islamic Azad University of Mohagheg Ardabili. Ghasemi germi,K, Nahrevanian H, Esfandiari B, Eslami far ,A. Physiopathology Cryptosporidium protozoa in Inbred Mice with immunosuppressant. 6- 2009-01 (1388-1389), Marjan Khosravani, MSc in Microbiology, Islamic Azad University of Lahijan, Assmar M, Esfandiari B. Seroepidemiology of human Leptospirosis in Amol with IFA method. 7- 2009-01 (1388-1389), Nasim Ebrazeh, MSc in Microbiology, Islamic Azad University of Lahijan, Assmar M, Esfandiari B. Evaluation of Brucellosis incidence in animal in Amol slauderhouse. Funded Project:

1- Preparation of FTA-abs Kit for detection of syphilis disease.

2- A study on the prevalence rate of Cryptosporidiosis and Isosporiasis in patient with diarrhea and its comparison with other parasitic agents in Mazandaran province.

3- Study of prevalence rate of Trichomoniasis in women Attendin in clinics of Amol city.

4- Study on lasting immunity in previously treated persion aganst rabies and investigation of boosters effect of vero rabies vaccine.

5- Cholecystokinin and GABA interaction in the ventral hippocampus of rat in the pluse-Maze test of anxity related behaviours.

6- Inoculation of Cryptosporidium parasite into immunosuppressed animals for isolation of endemic strain and evaluation of antigenic proteins.

7- Designing and Molecular identification in Pathogenic and non pathogenic

Leptospirosis 2007.

8- Molecular epidemiology study of trichomoniasis in women attending gynecology clinics in Mazandaran province.

9- The prevalence of intestinal Parasite infection in pre-school and day care center children in Mazandaran province in two study years, 2010-2011. Certificate:

1- First predicated learning Karaj- Tehran Agust 2000.

2- New method product learning in GMP in Karaj- Tehran Jun 2001.

3- Cryptosporidiasis and Isosporiasis in Gastrointestinal and Tick fauna in

Mazandaran province May 2005.

4- Micro satellite analysis and SSCP based mutation screening 4-5 October 2005

Tehran- Iran.

5- Epidemiology, Identification and Treatment of Helicobacter pylori in Institute

Pasteur Iran May 2005.

6- Thalasemia, challenge in identification and treatment, Kerman Iran August 2006.

7- Birds flue congress Mazandaran Iran, October 2006.

8- Cell culture method in Institute Pasteur Iran August 2006.

9- GIS work shop in Geographic data in Institute Pasteur Iran, February 2006.

10- Second congress in Brucellosis, Shahid Beheshti, Iran May, 2007.

11- First factory act work shop and Biotechnology development in Institute Pasteur

Iran, May 2007.

12- Infection control in Hospital, Tehran Iran May 2007.

13- Evaluation group and rapid reaction. Mazandaran Iran September 2007.

14- 4th Iranian Virology Congress, Institute Pasteur Iran, May 2008.

15- 6th National and the first Regional Congress on Parasitology and parasitic disease.

2008; Karaj, Iran.

16- 10th Genetic congress Tehran Iran May 2008.

17- Rabies Cure work shop in Amol Mazandaran, Iran August 2008.

18- Cell culture method in Rabies (WHO) Institute Pasteur Iran, July 2008. 19- Leptospirosis Identification in Institute Pasteur Iran, August 2008.

20- Leptospirosis Identification in Institute Pasteur Iran May 2008.

21- 17 th Iranian Congress on Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine. 20-24 Dec:

2008 Tehran Iran.

22- Leptospirosis Identification in Mazandaran Iran December 2008.

23- 1st Leptospirosis congress in Iran, Ramsar, Iran June 2008.

24- 18 th Iranian Congress on Infection Disease and Tropical Medicine. 2009; Tehran,


25- 3rd Annual Iranian Seminar on HIV/AIDS, Tehran Iran, December 2009.

26- Biological Immunity in Institute Pasteur Iran, February, 2010.

27- 1st Veterinary emerging and reemerging congress, 7-8 October 2010, Islamic

Azad University, Babol-Branch, Mazandaran Iran.

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