American Society & Film ESSAY DUE DATE:


Essay question:

How does the film, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, reflect the COLD WAR world & what is your analysis of the film’s point of view (i.e., is it anti- communist or critical of the government’s anti-communist campaign)?


thesis statement: one sentence that answers the essay question fully

specific evidence from the film supporting your thesis

specific historical evidence to support your analysis

MUST integrate ideas & information from the class readings – include MLA citations e.g., (Boyer 6)

consider how cinematic techniques are employed to convey the film’s themes & explain your thesis -- this is optional. (This should NOT be the focus of your thesis or topic sentences, but instead could be examples in essay to illustrate analysis. Your analytic focus should be on the POV & how the film reflects the Cold War.)

IMPORTANT: your goal is to use the film to show your understanding of the Cold War. It is NOT an essay solely analyzing the film.

TYPED – follow the written work format handout

LENGTH: 3 full pages (4 maximum!) double-spaced typed pages (12 point font, Times New Roman)

SEE OTHER SIDE FOR WRITING GUIDELINES TYPED– follow the written work format handout

Use formal organization in writing your essay:

- introductory paragraph that:

* catches the reader’s attention * provides background info. needed to understand your argument * closes with your one sentence thesis statement

- body paragraphs that each include:

* ANALYTIC topic sentence that links the paragraph to your thesis * SPECIFIC evidence that supports your topic sentence * closure to paragraph

- concluding paragraph that summarizes your argument and brings closure to essay

Remember these elements of formal style: (see dept handout for more requirements)

- no contractions or slang

- no I, you or one statements

- no "etc.," "a lot," "really" or "for many reasons"

- nouns are your friends - avoid pronoun abuse: this, they and thing are especially dangerous

- no "this essay is going to . . ." statements