Create Team Calendar

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Create Team Calendar

Create Team Calendar


Creating a team calendar facilitates communication and ensures focuses meetings. Prior to developing a team calendar, schools develop a School-Wide Team Meeting Map that outlines team structures and purposes for meeting. The completion of the School-Wide Team Meeting Map should be led by the SBLT with staff involvement. Schools also complete an Assessment Map that identifies the types of data sources that are available to teams, purpose for use and when they are available. The two resource maps will help inform the teacher teams as they develop their Teacher Team Planning Calendar. The Teacher Team Planning Calendar helps teams stay focused and communicate with the SBLT, other teams, and additional staff as appropriate.

When to Use

Calendars should be completed by the beginning of the school year. Teams should review the Meeting Map on a regular basis to help and update as appropriate and necessary.

How to Use

1. As a school, identify all teacher teams in the school.

2. As a school, complete the School-Wide Meeting Map and Assessment Map

3. Develop a Teacher Team Planning Calendar including your teacher team meetings and dates

4. Regular review your meeting calendar and make adjustments as appropriate Example School-Wide Team Meeting Map

Why? Who? When? Where? What is the need? Who needs to meet? How frequently do What venue is most they need to appropriate? Long-term Grade level/Course Quarmeetterly? PD days and/or unit planning weekly planning and reflection days on summative Short-tassessmentserm weekly Grade level/Course Weekly Monday PCT time planning and reflection on formative assessments Lesson planning Instructional team Daily Individual planning Individual time Group problem Grade/Instructional Monthly Monday PCT time solving team PD on new Whole staff Monthly PD days or instructional Monday PCT time strategies based on study of a lesson cycle Whole school Whole staff Quarterly PD days reviews of progress on SIP Other Example of Assessment Map: Appropriate use/timeline of data sets

K-8 example Date (from TT Calendar) Purpose Data Set(s) October (Weekly) Weekly lesson planning Curriculum specific assessments Common formative assessments Implementation data October Long-term planning: Identify student groups Fall MAP scores in need of supplemental AIMSweb fall intervention/enrichment screening Common formative assessments November Long-term planning: Review progress ABIeMhaviSwebor/ progreattendancess monitoring for students in supplemental Program specific progress monitoring intervention/enrichment Instructional observations

High school example Date (from TT Calendar) Purpose Data Set(s) October (Weekly) Weekly lesson planning Curriculum specific assessments Common assessments Implementation November Long-term planning; Identify Common assessments students who are on-track Behavior/attendance Quarter grades On-track credit attainment

Data User Guides will be available throughout the school year to support teacher teams. Data User Guides provide an overview of the data set (e.g. Early Warning System, MAP, Behavior Referrals), how to access the data and essential questions related to using the data set. Example Teacher Team Planning

Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Week 1

Whole school meeting Whole school meeting Whole school meeting Whole school meeting Whole school meeting  SIP Review Whole school meeting Whole school meeting Whole school meeting Whole school meeting Whole school meeting  SIP Review

Week 2

Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily)

End of year reflection

Week 3

Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily)

Week 4

Short-term planning (weekly and daily) Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students Short-term planning (weekly and daily) *Problem- solving @ students PD Days Whole Staff  SIP Review

Teacher Team  Long- term planning

Teacher Teams:  Long- term planning/ Adjust Whole Staff: PD

Teacher Teams: Review of quarterly data  Long- term planning/ Adjust

Whole Staff: PD

Teacher Teams: Review of quarterly data  Long- term planning/ Adjust Whole Staff: PD

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