*Grade Point Average (G
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To calculate your Grade Point Average (GPA), you must remember this formula: Quality Points /Credits Attempted
Need to Know Terminology to calculate your GPA: Credits Earned: are credit hours awarded to the student for successful completion of academic course work. Credits Attempted are the number of credit hours actually attempted by a student, except for audited courses and those from which one has been officially dropped. Quality Points are calculated by multiply the quality points of the grade in each class by the credit hours of the course.
Grade & Quality Points A 4.0 WD Withdraw 0 A– 3.7 P Passing 0* B+ 3.3 UW Unofficial Withdrawal 0 B 3.0 ABF Absent/Failure 0 B– 2.7 AU Audit 0 C+ 2.3 X Failure, No Penalty 0 C 2.0 ABX Absent/Pass–Fail Option 0 C– 1.7 D+ 1.3 D 1.0 F 0
For example, using the chart above a grade of a “B” in a three credit undergraduate course generates 9.0 quality points (3qp x 3 cr).
Important facts to know abut Pass-Fail, WD and UW Grades: On the undergraduate level, the grade P is assigned to students whose application for the “Pass–Fail” option is approved and who do passing work. Undergraduates approved for the “Pass–Fail” option who do failing work are assigned the mark X.
Undergraduates approved for the “Pass–Fail” option who miss their final examinations are assigned the mark of ABX.
Undergraduates not exercising the “Pass–Fail” option who miss their final examinations are assigned the mark of ABF.
The mark of WD (withdrawal) is assigned upon the completion of the of the official withdrawal process, a process that can only be initiated by a student.
The mark of UW (unofficial withdrawal) may be assigned, at the instructor’s discretion, in cases in which there is insufficient basis for an earned grade. Students may not request this mark.
Lets put it all together: For each semester’s work, a semester’s grade point average is computed as follows: B = 3.000 x 3 (credits) = 9.0 quality points A = 4.000 x 4 (credits) = 16.0 quality points A = 4.000 x 7 (credits) = 28.0 quality points 14 53 The total number of quality points earned (53) is divided by the total number of credits attempted (14). This calculation results in the student achieving a 3.785 semester GPA.
Do’s and Don’t do: Remember to add the total number of quality points for each semester together and divide it by the total number of semester credits attempted for each semester to calculate an accurate GPA. DO NOT simply add the semester GPAs together and calculate the average.
The information above can be found on page 11 of the 2009-2011 Undergraduate Bulletin