Ottomans World History/Napp
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Ottomans World History/Napp “By 1300, the Byzantine Empire was declining, and the Mongols had destroyed the Turkish Seljuk kingdom of Rum. Anatolia was inhabited mostly by the descendants of nomadic Turks. These militaristic people had a long history of invading other countries. Loyal to their own groups, they were not united by a strong central power.
Many Anatolian Turks saw themselves as ghazis, or warriors for Islam. They formed military societies under the leadership of an emir, a chief commander, and followed a strict Islamic code of conduct. They raided the territories of the ‘infidels,’ or people who didn’t believe in Islam. These infidels lived on the frontiers of the Byzantine Empire.
The most successful ghazi was Osman. People in the West called him Othman and named his followers Ottomans. Osman built a small Muslim state in Anatolia between 1300 and 1326. His successors expanded it by buying land, forming alliances with some emirs, and conquering others. The Ottomans’ military success was largely based on the use of gunpowder. They replaced their archers on horseback with musket-carrying foot soldiers. They also were among the first people to use cannons as offensive weapons. Even heavily walled cities fell to an all-out attack by the Turks.
The second Ottoman leader, Orkhan I, was Osman’s son. He felt strong enough to declare himself sultan, meaning ‘overlord’ or ‘one with power.’ And in 1361, the Ottomans captured Adrianople, the second most important city in the Byzantine Empire. A new Turkish empire was on the rise. The Ottomans acted kindly toward the people they conquered. They ruled through local officials appointed by the sultan and often improved the lives of the peasants. Most Muslims were required to serve in Turkish armies but did not have to pay a personal tax to the state. Non-Muslims did not have to serve in the army but had to pay the tax.” ~ World History
1- What group mostly inhabited Anatolia?
2- Define ghazis.
3- What did ghazis do?
4- Define infidel.
5- Identify two significant facts about Osman.
6- What military advantages did the Ottomans possess?
7- Define sultan.
8- Why was the Ottoman capture of Adrianople significant?
9- How did the Ottomans treat conquered subjects? Mehmed II Selim the Grim Suleyman the Lawgiver - Mehmed II, or Mehmed - Mehmed’s grandson, Selim - Suleyman was a superb the Conqueror, achieved the the Grim, came to power in military leader most dramatic feat in 1512 Ottoman history - He conquered the - He was an effective sultan important European city of - By the time Mehmed took and a great general and in Belgrade in 1521 power in 1451, the ancient 1514, he defeated the city of Constantinople had Safavids of Persia at the - The next year, Turkish shrunk to a mere 50,000 Battle of Chaldiran forces dominated the whole eastern Mediterranean - Mehmed’s army attacked - Then he swept south Constantinople, the capital through Syria and Palestine - In 1526, Suleyman of the Byzantine Empire, and into North Africa advanced into Hungary and from two sides Austria, throwing central - Selim also captured Mecca Europe into a panic. - The city held out for over and Medina, the holiest seven weeks, but the Turks cities of Islam - Suleyman’s armies then finally found a break in the pushed to the outskirts of city’s wall and entered the - Finally he took Cairo, the Vienna, Austria city in 1453 intellectual center of the Muslim world - Suleyman created a law - The Ottomans conquered code to handle both criminal Constantinople in 1453 and and civil actions renamed the city Istanbul - These changes bettered the - 1453 marks the end of the daily life of almost every Byzantine Empire citizen and helped earn Suleyman the title of Lawgiver
1- In what year was Constantinople conquered?
2- What was the city of Constantinople renamed?
3- Why did the city of Constantinople have a great location?
4- What happened at the Battle of Chaldiran?
5- Why were Eastern Europeans terrified of Suleyman?
6- Why was Suleyman known as the Lawgiver and as the Great?
7- How did the Ottomans change world history? Devshirme Millet System - The sultan’s 20,000 personal slaves staffed - In accordance with Islamic law, the the palace bureaucracy Ottomans granted freedom of worship to other religious communities, particularly to - The slaves were acquired as part of a Christians and Jews policy called devshirme - They treated these communities as millets, - Under the devshirme system, the sultan’s or nations army drafted boys from the peoples of conquered Christian territories - They allowed each millet to follow its own religious laws and practices - The army educated them, converted them to Islam, and trained them as soldiers - The head of the millets reported to the sultan and his staff - An elite force of 30,000 soldiers known as janissaries was trained to be loyal to the - This system kept conflict among people of sultan only the various religions to a minimum
1- What was the devshirme system?
2- What happened to Christian boys in the devshirme system?
3- Define janissary.
4- Why did sultans trust their janissaries?
5- According to Islam, how are Jews and Christians to be treated?
6- Define millet.
7- What was each millet allowed to do?
8- Who did the head of a millet report to?
9- Why did the millet system keep conflict among the diverse peoples of the Ottoman Empire to a minimum?
10- Define religious toleration.
11- Prove that the Ottomans were religiously tolerant?
12- How does a policy of religious toleration benefit a society?
13- Describe a religious intolerant society. In their rise of power, the Ottomans were • Use of cannons, foot soldiers, and muskets aided by the ghazi, who were • Capture of Constantinople in 1453 (1) Mongol mercenaries. • Formation of the janissaries as an effective (2) Christian captives raised to fight for fighting force them. Which empire is associated with these (3) Muslim religious warriors. characteristics? (4) Anatolian peasants, eager to escape (1) Austro-Hungarian heavy taxes of the Byzantine empire. (2) Spanish (3) Ottoman The Janissaries were (4) Mughal (1) slave women who lived in the sultan’s harem. By the late 1500s, the Ottoman Empire (2) Christian boys taken from conquered governed an area that extended from territories and raised as special forces. (1) southwestern Asia to eastern Europe and (3) regional administrators, who were into northern Africa granted autonomy in exchange for loyalty (2) the Arabian Peninsula across northern and support. Africa and into southern Spain (4) armored, light cavalry. (3) Mongolia across the central Asian kingdoms The location of the Ottoman Empire had an (4) the Indian subcontinent to the Straits of impact on the Malacca (1) trade between Europe and Asia (2) conquest of Spain by the Muslims Suleiman the Magnificent (3) spread of Buddhism into Southeast Asia (1) modernized their military (4) decline in the Atlantic slave trade (2) promoted free speech (3) isolated their people from outside Which factor most contributed to the influences diversity of the Ottoman Empire (4) reduced taxes levied on their people (1) legal system based on the Qur’an (Koran) Which statement best describes an effect of (2) central location spanning Europe, Africa the westward expansion of the Ottoman and Asia Empire under Suleiman the Magnificent? (3) alliances with the Russians and (1) Wealthy citizens adopted Russian dress. Hapsburgs (2) Islam became a major religion in the (4) reliance on colonies in the Americas Balkans. (3) Trade was disrupted throughout the The Ottoman Turks viewed Constantinople Indian Ocean. as being strategically important because it (4) Janissaries were stripped of their (1) was the birthplace of the Prophet military power Muhammad (2) would allow them to control the Vatican (3) was a crossroads between Europe and Asia (4) would provide access to the Persian Gulf