Reinbow Riding Center Summer Palooza
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1. Boat design and construction 1. Boat design and construction a. boats must be made before the race a. boats must be made before the race b. boats must be made ONLY of cardboard and duct tape b. boats must be made ONLY of cardboard and duct tape NO reinforced cardboard tubes, only broken down NO reinforced cardboard tubes, only broken down cardboard boxes cardboard boxes c. cardboard cannot be sealed with paint or sealants c. cardboard cannot be sealed with paint or sealants d. boats must be completely enclosed or permit crew to d. boats must be completely enclosed or permit crew to remain fully on top of vessel remain fully on top of vessel e. boats must be propelled by the use of paddles and/or e. boats must be propelled by the use of paddles and/or hands—paddles must meet same construction hands—paddles must meet same construction requirements as boats requirements as boats f. boats incorrectly constructed will be disqualified f. boats incorrectly constructed will be disqualified 2. Race Format 2. Race format a. boats may carry 1-3 occupants a. boats may carry 1-3 occupants b. each person MUST wear a PFD (personal flotation b. each person MUST wear a PFD (personal flotation device) device) c. boats will begin course on the beach and complete the c. boats will begin course on the beach and complete the course as directed on race day course as directed on race day d. race must begin and end with crew and boat mostly d. race must begin and end with crew and boat mostly intact intact e. swimming or pulling boats during race is not permitted e. swimming or pulling boats is not permitted except in except in the Tots race the Tots race 3. Race classes – prizes awarded in each class 3. Race classes –prizes awarded in each class A. TOTS and POPS - children age 6 and under in a boat A. TOTS and POPS – children age 6 and under in a boat may be pushed around the Tots course by an adult may be pushed around the Tots course by an adult B. TWEENS and TEENS – age 7-16 B. TWEENS and TEENS – age 7-16 C. BIG KIDS – age 16 and on C. BIG KIDS – age 16 and on 4. Clean-up 4. Clean-up a. all boats and boat materials must be removed from the a. all boats and boat materials must be removed from the water and Palooza area at the conclusion of the race water and Palooza area at the conclusion of the race b. a dumpster will be provided b. a dumpster will be provided
***Any rules not specifically covered herein will be left to the ***Any rules not specifically covered herein will be left to the discretion of the race judges. discretion of the race judges.