Reading Workshop Directions

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Reading Workshop Directions

Reading Workshop Directions: 1. Select a book to read for Reading Workshop. You may choose any type of book you are interested in as long as it is school appropriate and Lexile level appropriate. Many ‘Young Adult’ novels are written below the average 8th grader’s Lexile Level. I want you to enjoy what you are reading, but please make sure you are also challenging yourself.

2. During the Daily 3/CAFÉ time during class you should devote at least two class days to reading, and each time you finish reading you need to fill out your reading journal. Each journal entry should be a reflection of what you have read. Use the Response Starters below to help (a good rule of thumb would be to finish two of the starters below when writing your responses).

3. Keep track of your progress on your check-in sheet, and be prepared for weekly check-ins with your teacher.

4. Final Project- Each quarter you will need to select one book you have finished reading for reading workshop and complete a project. The reverse side of this paper has your project options. Third Quarter Project is due Monday, March 8. 2016! I will accept early completed projects from February 1st to March 1st for five bonus points.

Response Starters for your reading journal This reminds me of… What this means to me is… I wonder why… I think this represents… What if… I got lost here because… I’ll be that… My latest thought about this is… I can picture… A golden line for me is…because… I can relate to this because I like how the author uses…to show… I don’t relate to this because This is relevant to my life because… I really got into the story when… I don’t like…because… I can relate to this author because… I like…because… The character I most identify with is… The most important message is… I experienced this once when… To understand better, I need to know more about At first I thought…but now I think… I’m guessing this means…,but I need… Something that is still not clear is… Reading Workshop Semester Project Options Select ONE of the following options for ONE of the books you read during the quarter. *Remember, project types cannot be repeated quarter to quarter!

1. Book Jacket-The book jacket should include an attractive (original) picture or cover design that represents something important about the book. It must also contain an original summary of the book for the back of the cover (the summary should be in your own words – do not copy off the original book)! The insides of the front and back cover need to contain biographical information about the author and illustrator IN YOUR OWN WORDS (again, do not copy off the original book)! (If your book does not have an illustrator then you do not need to include a bio. for one) Check out real book jackets for examples, but make sure all artwork and wording is created by you and only you! 2. Create a Children’s Book- This is a children’s version of your original book. You’ll need to condense and rewrite the book using language appropriate for children. Remember, no children’s book is complete without drawings (make sure they are created by you)! (Children’s book must be at least 10 pages and include a clear beginning, middle and end that will reveal a clear understanding of the original book.) (, an online children’s book creator, can be used to complete this project.) 3. Websites-Find the top 10 websites you think a main character in your book would most frequently visit. Use this list to create a brochure in which your character explains the main features of each site and why he/she likes each site. Make sure to come up with a snappy title for your brochure and to make it visually appealing. (Websites need to actually exist, you can’t make them up). 4. Newspaper- Create a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in an article, cover the weather in another, do a feature story on a character, include a letter to the editor from one of the characters (& response), etc. Examine all the different types of stories and graphics in your typical newspaper to get ideas. Your newspaper must contain at least 5 stories/articles(This does not include the weather). 5. Soundtrack- Create a soundtrack for your book. Select 7-10 songs that correspond with various important events in the story. Make sure to create a CD cover for your soundtrack on which you detail what event goes with each song. You should also make sure to give credit to the musicians. Use your self-assessment to explain your song choices. YOU DO NOT NEED TO MAKE AN ACTUAL CD. If your book has been turned into a movie that has a soundtrack you CANNOT use those songs. 6. Storyboard/anime-Turn your book into a storyboard anime. (Unless you’re reading an anime book, of course). You will need to condense the plot down to key scenes. Again, artwork must be original, but in this case you may reuse actual dialogue and/or passage from the book. You must have at least 10 frames to your anime! ( can be used to create a storyboard or anime)

Reading Workshop Project Self-Reflection When you are finished completing your quarterly project, complete a self-assessment of your final product that addresses the following questions: (I will not accept a project for extra credit without this.) a. Explain the choices you made while completing your project. For example, if you wrote a children’s book, why did you select those particular scenes to include in your book? Why did you use those colors? Basically, you just need to explain your thought process as you created your project. b. Explain why you chose the project option you completed (storyboard, children’s book, etc.). c. Did you meet the requirements of the rubric? Give yourself a grade for each item on the rubric and discuss why you have given yourself this score. This part of the project is worth 12 points!!! Make sure you answer them and label them a, b, c. You need to clearly identify that you have answered all three of the questions. Reading Workshop Project Rubric

Name ______Period _____ Date ______

3 2 TOTAL 4 Above Needs 1 CATEGORY Exceptional Average Improvement Poor Best use of Project shows an Project shows a Project shows little Project shows no Time/Best Effort exceptional amount good deal of effort effort and/or was effort and was not X 3 of effort and was and was completed not completed on completed on completed on time. on time. time time.

Originality All of the elements of The elements of Elements of this Elements of this this project this project project are created project are X 1 demonstrate an demonstrate by the student, but directly copied or exceptional degree student creativity & are based on the reproduced. of student creativity. are not based on designs or ideas of There is no the ideas of others. others. original creativity. The product is The product is The product is The product is Appearance exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly X 2 attractive in terms of of design, layout attractive though it messy or very design, layout, and and neatness. may be a bit messy. poorly designed. neatness. It is not attractive. Relevance The product reflects The product reflects The product is Product does not superior an understanding of somewhat related to relate to the book X 4 understanding of the the book and the book and and/or the book AND the assignment assignment selected. assignment assignment selected. selected. selected. Self-Reflection All questions of the All questions of the Most questions of The self-reflection (directions are self-reflection are self-reflection are the self-reflection is inadequate. X 3 on direction thoughtfully and addressed. are addressed. page) thoroughly addressed. MUGS Author makes 1 or Author makes 2 or Author makes 4 or 5 Author makes (mechanics, less error in grammar 3 errors in errors in grammar or more than 5 usage, or spelling that grammar or spelling that errors in grammar X 2 grammar, distracts the reader spelling that distracts the reader or spelling that spelling) from the content. distracts the reader from the content. distracts the from the content. reader from the content. TOTAL /60 Comments:

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