Point Loma High School s2

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Point Loma High School s2

Point Loma High School A California Distinguished School Course Syllabus, 2014 – 2015

Course Title: Intermediate Algebra Text: Algebra 2 Instructor: Mrs. Thuy Uong Room Number: 104 E-mail Address: [email protected] Phone: 619-223-3121 ext. 4104

Departmental Philosophy: The instructors of the mathematics department believe that students should master mathematical thinking and problem-solving strategies in order to succeed in other disciplines. We provide well-balanced instruction that emphasizes number sense, logic, and problem-solving techniques. Our goal is that students advance their levels of literacy in tandem with mathematics.

Course content and academic standards: The algebraic skills and concepts are useful to all students. Students in this course will be exposed to the concepts described in the state standards with an emphasis on technology incorporating Web- based projects, writing assignments and group activities. The level of mastery required for the course will be to score a 60% or better on tests, projects, and class assignments in order to earn at least a D in the class.  The student simplifies expressions and solves problems in symbolic form.  The student demonstrates the ability to reason algebraically and uses appropriate language as symbols to communicate this conceptual understanding of algebraic ideas.  The student extends his or her understanding of standard functions and relations to include conic sections as well as quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, rational, radical, absolute value functions and factorable polynomials.  The student demonstrates the ability to use the tools of technology to solve algebraic problems.  The student demonstrates knowledge of basic skills, conceptual understanding and problem solving in the areas of application, measurement, collection of data, analysis, making conclusions, and the defense of conclusions in statistics and probability.

If you would like to know more about the Intermediate Algebra standards I invite you to visit the following website: http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/mathstandard.pdf

Point Loma Schoolwide Learning Objectives (SLOs)  Students demonstrate their complex thinking through explaining how they solve problems using geometric proofs in both contrived and “real world” practice.  Students demonstrate effective communication through their abilities to not only understand and follow written and oral directions, but also in their abilities to explain the problem-solving strategies they apply.  Students demonstrate responsible, self-directed learning through academic tasks requiring that they use their prior knowledge and inductive reasoning to solve problems.  Students demonstrate Involved Citizens through interact with each other in various formats. Instruction will also provide cultural links and understanding of mathematics and its symbols.  Students demonstrate healthy life style advocate through group work by resolving conflicts with positive, nonviolent actions.

Teaching Strategies, Types of Assessments, and Grade Determination: Instructional strategies in this course include: direct instruction, guided practice, group work, and whole class discussion. Seating is responsive to students’ needs and is periodically changed to bring different groups together. Each class session begins with identifying what is being taught and why it is being taught. Key vocabulary and important concepts are outlined on the board with appropriate examples. Students are expected to take Cornell notes and to keep them well-organized in either the binder or 2-pocket folder.

Recommended Materials: 1. Three-ring binder or 2-pocket folder 2. Loose leaf papers for notes and homework (NO NOTEBOOKS OF ANY KIND) 3. Pencils 4. Scientific calculators

Class/homework: Daily class and homework is considered to be the major part of a student's learning experience. All assignments are to be completed on time. Please keep all notes and homework assignments in either the binder or 2-pocket folder and bring them to class every day.  Warm-up problems are given daily and expected to write in the warm-up packet and to be completed within the first 5 minutes, and will be checked frequently.  Homework assignments are to be collected every day.  All notes should be titled, dated and will be collected at the end of the chapter unit.

Examinations and Quizzes:  CHAPTER TESTS: There will be end-of-unit exams and your lowest score from this group will be dropped. You are NOT allowed to use any kind of notes on the tests.  QUIZZES: There will be numerous unannounced quizzes throughout the semester. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. You may NOT make up a missed quiz. You are NOT allowed to use any kind of notes on the quizzes.  FINAL EXAM: The final exam will be comprehensive. This exam may not be dropped.  RE-TAKE TESTS: There will be NO RE-TAKE TESTS.  MAKEUP TESTS: Make an appointment with Mrs. Uong to make-up the test. This applies for excused absences only. No make-up test(s) will be allowed to take after any two consecutive un/excused absences.

Grading: Grades will be based on the following:

Academics: Citizenship: Citizenship: Assignments…………………..……15% E (Excellent) or G (Good) - Warm Ups, Notes, Class work, Homework Not more than one tardy; No uncleared absences or truancies; Tests………...... 55% Contributes to a positive and supportive academic environment Quizzes……………………………. 10% S (Satisfactory) Final ……………………………….20% Not more than two tardies; One uncleared absence and no truancies Respects stated classroom rules and expectations N (Needs Improvement) Grade scale is as follows: Not more than three tarties; Two or more uncleared absences and A = 90 – 100% no truancies; Inappropriate or inattentive conduct B = 80 – 89.9% U (Unsatisfactory) C = 70 – 79.9% Four tardies or more; Three or more uncleared absences and/or one D = 60 – 69.9% or more truancies; Involved in physical altercation or other serious F = Below 60% defiance.

Classroom Policies It is very important that the classroom environment is helpful for student learning. Students are expected to be on time, and ready to learn mathematics. All students are expected to be active and respectful learners in the classroom. Students should be responsible for their learning. Students should be productive. Students should cooperate in the classroom.

 ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is strongly advised.  TARDINESS: Be in your seat when the bell rings. Otherwise, you will be marked late.  CHEATING POLICY: Students found cheating on tests will receive an "F" for the course, and be subject to the PLHS’ disciplinary procedures. (See PLHS website or students planner for full descriptions.)  CELL PHONES: These will be turned off or completely silent (vibrate mode is not silent) while inside my classroom. Cell phones cannot be used as the calculators.  DRESS CODE: Dress appropriately to school (i.e. no head coverings, no sagging pants, no strapless tops, no too-tight, too-short, too-low clothing, etc.) PLHS’ dress code will be enforced. (See PLHS website or students planner on page 18 for full descriptions.)  MANNER: 1) Do not disrupt the learning process, i.e., no talking during my lectures. 2) Raise your hands whenever you have math-related questions. Non-math related questions will have to wait until the end of the period. 3) Stay seated until the bell rings. 4) No food or drink (except for water). 5) Only students’ planner hall passes or my passes can be used as passes to leave my classroom.

Consequences 1st offense = Warning 2nd offense = Detention 3rd offense = Conference 4th offense = Office (referral)

Teacher Availability I will be available for extra help or other questions/concerns during advisory time on advisory schedule and during lunch time on classic schedule, or by appointment.

I look forward to this school year together.

Mrs. Uong Point Loma High School A California Distinguished School Course Syllabus, 2014 – 2015

Course Title: Intermediate Algebra Text: Algebra 2 Instructor: Mrs. Thuy Uong Room Number: 104 E-mail Address: [email protected] Phone: 619-223-3121 ext. 4104

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

I am looking forward to helping you develop understanding of Intermediate Algebra this year. It is important that you read and understand the course syllabus (online) and the PLHS academic honesty policy (students’ planner or PLHS’ website) because it provides information regarding my expectations for creating a successful learning experience. Please let me know that you have read and understood this course syllabus and the academic honesty policy by completing this form and returning it to me.

By signing this page, you agree that you have read this syllabus and the academic honesty policy and understand the classroom policies. You know how your citizenship and academics grades will be determined.

______Student Name (Printed) Student’s Email Address Student Signature

______Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian’s Email Address Parent/Guardian Signature

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