Medway Y4 French 30 Minute Lesson Plans Term 5

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Medway Y4 French 30 Minute Lesson Plans Term 5

Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5

Lesson one

Resources/preparation: Early Start video section 12 ‘Les Glaces’, Flashcards of ice cream cones

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language That food is Une glace O 4.2 listen Learn ice Revise ‘j’aime’ and Watch video section 12, pausing to Play ‘Fruit an vanille for specific cream and ‘je n’aime pas’ using discuss and predict what’s Salad’ important fraise words and food, drink happening. part of pistache phrases four flavours e.g. j’aime le coca . French chocolat j’aime le chocolat daily life IU 4.2 know je n’aime pas le café Sounds in about some use questions- Chocolat is Early French 2 aspects of qu’est-ce que c’est? the only CD track 24 everyday life qu’est-ce que tu masculine and compare aimes? flavour in them to their Qui veut..? our list own Key sounds Pistache Chocolat Chat Vanille Piscine souris

EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Register response with one of the flavours Click on Au café for activities revising food and drink Evaluation Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5 Lesson two

Resources/preparation: Flashcards, mini-flashcards, class set of ice cream cones one per child

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ Activities KAL New Language refs Objective Warm up consolidation To recognise Echoing activity Teacher models ‘Quel parfum? Colour the cone in Une glace à la O 4.1 memorise and repeat Using flashcards. favourite flavour fraise/pistache/ and present a simple phrases Intro phrase ‘une vanille/au short spoken text glace à la vanille etc Paired work Play ‘Jump to the chocolat etc Using mini flashcards play ‘Ice flavour’ O 4..2 To ask for a Cream Stall’ Quel parfum? Listen for specific flavour ‘Une glace s’il vous plait Class in two une boule specific words of ice cream Quel parfum? teams- and phrases Pistache s’il vous plait’ teacher/confident O 4.4 ask and pupil calls flavour answer and pupils should questions on try to be the first several topics to jump and repeat flavour


 Could also practise paying for ice creams and using euros  Copy writing  Une boule ou deux?  DT Make ice cream – use French instruction sheet (Early Start p.126) Evaluation Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5 Lesson three

Resources/preparation: Un Pique Nique Big book, tape and ppt, flashcards of picnic items, mininflashcards of picnic.

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language L4.2 make To Read the story Draw an enormous basket on the Re-read the Look at the links recognise /listen to the tape all board. Re-read the story getting story, in pairs layout of the between picnic items the way through, pupils to blutac the correct the pupils text. It is spoken and checking the pupils flashcards onto the basket as they should hold up the same as written words vocabulary in understand what is are said. (or get real items and real mini flashcards English. written and being said, Using basket and fill it) of the Left to right, KAL verbal form. actions to reinforce vocabulary capital Recognise To follow the meaning, but NOT items to show letters etc. that texts in story un translating each understanding. different pique nique word. E.g what does Ensure correct languages he like? Biscuits! left right will often and What do you think sequencing for have the understand that means? Why? J’aime (smiley same what is Because that’s face) and conventions happening what’s in the picture object of style and etc layout


Evaluation Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5 Lesson four

Resources/preparation: Un pique-nique big book, flash cards, mini flash cards

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language Distinguish Re-read story asking Split board in half labelling the Get pairs to say We pluralise du between pupils to join in with halves singular and plural. Re- what they are using an s des KAL plural and key vocabulary read story pinning up flashcards taking on their because the Pourquoi? Recognise into the correct half and noting picnic using French and apply singular what the words look like des/les Du, des or d’ conquered us simple nouns and and an s. Remind the pupils in 1066. agreement articles. that the s at the end is silent . Ask before that singular and In pairs, divide mini flash cards, “Pourquoi les we used the plural role play preparing the picnic. biscuits?” (why German way Voici des biscuits, J’aime les biscuits?) using n or biscuits! Etc “J’aime les double vowel. Extend children by getting them biscuits.” Some words to discuss what to take. « Pourquois pas still do this “Non, je n’aime pas les le chocolat? » e.g men, biscuits.” Why not oxen, feet Pairs can choose different chocolate? things to take on the picnic « Je n’aime pas using vocabulary they know. le chocolat. » etc EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Science/PSHE – healthy eating. Pour le santé (for good health) what should be in a packed lunch  Register – answer with what is in your packed lunch, what you had for dinner J’ai mangé (I ate) des sandwichs Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5 Evaluation Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5 Lesson five

Resources/preparation: big book Un pique nique

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language L4.1 read To read and Re-read the text. In pairs or groups children Check that children des Il fait beau and understand a Repetition sort text into order. Include 1 have used du/des du (it is nice) Les nuages understand a familiar written techniques for blank text box – children can etc correctly in their (clouds) range of passage. weather vocabulary. choose to change 1 section of changed text. Les gros nuages familiar Il fait beau text with their choice to add to (big clouds) written Write a simple aujourd’hui? the picnic which they write in Il pleut phrases phrase using a Ou Il y a des the blank box. They use model. nuages? picture clues to help them sort L4.4 write Des gros nuages ? the text and draw a picture to simple words show how they have changed and phrases the text. using a Provide vocabulary food model and choices on the board. some words from memory EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Register – weather Il fait beau/Il y a des nuages/ Il pleut? click on Quel temps fait-il ?  Use dictionaries to find spellings for food to add to picnic >presentation 1 Introduces simple weather vocabulary

Evaluation Medway Y4 French 30 minute Lesson Plans – Term 5 Lesson six

Resources/preparation: weather flash cards

Framework Learning Introduction/ Plenary/ New Activities KAL refs Objective Warm up consolidation Language 04.1 To use Use repetition Revise directions Get children to Il fait memorise directions to techniques to Au nord, à l’est, à l’ouest, au sud come to IWB mauvais and present describe learn new On IWB match words and weather symbols. and act out Il fait froid a short weather Role play weather presenter in pairs. weather Il fait du spoken text weather on a phrases Draw symbols on map of France and talk presenter role vent map of about the weather. changing the Il neige L4.3 read france. weather some symbols to familiar match their words and maps. phrases aloud and pronounce them accurately EMBEDDING OPPORTUNITIES AND ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES ICT Links  Display weather cards daily, change at register click on on Quel temps fait-il ?> Activity 1 – listen to the weather in French cities and match to symbols IWB La France weather map Ppt la pluie sur mon cou


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