Chairman Hennion called the Planning Board meeting of Thursday, September 27, 2012, to order at 8:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building of the Borough of Totowa.

PRESENT: Commissioner Campilango Commissioner Murphy Chairman Hennion Councilman D’Angelo Vice Chairman Coiro Commissioner Vickerilla Mayor Coiro Rich Brigliadoro, ESQ Nordan Murphy, PP

The clerk read the statement of the meeting as follows: The meeting of the Planning Board to be held on the 27th day of September 2012 is in accordance with the Schedule of Annual Notice, which is posted, and in accordance with Chapter 231 P.L. 1975 of the State of New Jersey. The agenda for this meeting has been prepared and distributed to the members of the Planning Board and a copy has been on file in the Construction Official’s Office.

ITEM #1 Healthy Living Block 37 - Lot 1 Minor Site Plan 137 Union Blvd. Certificate of Use

Ms. Pearl Nelson appeared requesting occupancy of approximately 980 sq. ft. of space for an Internal Medicine and Nutritional Counseling facility. The operation will focus on educating patients how to live a healthy life and methods of illness prevention. Internal Medicine will be offered under Dr. Luis Luna, MD and the nutritional counseling will be offered under Pearl Nelson, CN. The landlord has provided 6 off street parking spaces behind the premises for this operation. There will be a text only change to the existing sign.

Chairman Hennion read a letter of intent into the record. The anticipated hours of operation in will be Monday thru Friday from 10:00am to 6:00pm, and Saturdays from 10:00am to 2:00pm. There will be 2 employees.

A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Murphy to approve the application for occupancy as presented. This approval is subject to and contingent upon the following conditions and will be memorialized in a Resolution at a future date: 1. The construction of internal partitions, exits, entrances and fire safety devices are subject to and require the approval of the fire sub-code official, the fire inspector and the building inspector. 2. The applicant will supply the Chief of Police with an emergency contact list and will also obtain the approval of the Police Chief in regards to all alarms and security devices. 3. There will be no outside storage of equipment/materials. 4. Applicant indicated that there would be a text change only to the existing sign. Six agreed on a roll call vote………6-0 Tape 16– 687 PLANNING BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 2012 MINUTES CONTINUED PAGE 2

A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Vickerilla to approve the Planning Board Minutes of September 13, 2012 as prepared. Four agreed on a roll call vote………4-0 Commissioner Murphy and Mayor Coiro abstained Tape 16– 847

A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Murphy to admit Vice Chairman Coiro into the remainder of the meeting. Six agreed on a roll call vote………6-0 Tape 16– 903

RESOLUTIONS: A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Vice Chairman Coiro to approve the resolution for Gags & Games, T/A Hallooween City-Blk 177-Lot 2 as presented. Five agreed on a roll call vote……….5-0 Tape 16 – 916

A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Vickerilla to approve the resolution for Yankee Bill’s Costume Superstore-Blk 174-Lot 12 as presented. Five agreed on a roll call vote……….5-0 Tape 16 - 948

VOUCHERS: A motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Murphy to approve a voucher for Alamo Engineering Professional services as listed below: Invoice 068712 for Meeting Attendance (ending 8/29/12) in the amount of $190.00 Seven agreed on a roll call vote……….7-0 Tape 16 - 1029

There being no other business, a motion was offered by Commissioner Campilango and seconded by Commissioner Murphy to adjourn the meeting. All in favor………7-0 Tape 16 - 1072

Respectfully submitted,

Pete Campilango, Secretary

Patricia Paulson Planning Board Clerk Date Approved