Sample Weather Policies
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Sample Weather Policies Oakland Schools GSRP
Weather policies should reference both when children will attend school, but not go outside and how parents will know if school is closed due to weather.
The GSRP Implementation Manual and Child Care Licensing do not have specific temperature requirements regarding when children will go outdoors or not. If programs desire to set a specific temperature or weather situations that determine what is, “extreme weather,” that prevents children from going outside Oakland Schools recommends programs partner with families to determine the criteria for, “extreme weather,” to ensure it aligns with the culture of the community.
The following are web-based resources you can use to create or edit the GSRP weather policy: ● “Caring for our Children,” guidance that, “Weather that poses a significant health risk should include wind chill factor at or below minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit and heat index at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, as identified by the National Weather Service (NWS),” ( ● Compare the temperature with the National Weather Service Heat Index chart (, scroll down) or the National Weather Service Wind Chill chart ( as appropriate
Sub-Recipient Sample Below:
Outdoor Play Policy: Your child will go outside every day. Please make sure your child is dressed in clothing that is appropriate for the weather conditions. If it has recently rained, your child will need to have a pair of boots to wear outside. If there is snow on the ground and/or the temperature outside is very cold, your child will need a snowsuit, hat, gloves or mittens, and snow boots. Each child must have a complete change of clothes (underwear, socks, shirt, and pants) that will be kept in the classroom. Each piece of clothing must be clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name. Kindly remember if your child is too sick to go outside and play he/she is too sick to come to school.
Schedule of Operation: ● The G.S.R.P. classrooms follow the Rochester Community Schools school year calendar for holiday closings, professional development days, and records days. ● G.S.R.P. classes are offered Monday-Thursday from 8:15 AM- 3:15 PM at the Hart Early Childhood Campus. ● Inclement weather or power outages may require that classes be closed. Parents are encouraged to tune in to school closings listed on TV and radio. Sub-Recipient Sample Below:
Outside or Gym Time Children go outside to play every day unless the weather is extreme. Outside play provides children with opportunities to challenge their balance, strength and coordination, learn new skills and strengthen friendships. Playing outside gives children concrete information about weather, seasons and other scientific knowledge.
Tornado Watch: A Tornado Watch is an indication by the National Weather Service that conditions are such that a tornado could occur. The school office will notify staff of any changes in weather conditions. No further action need be taken during a tornado watch. Tornado Warning A tornado Warning is an indication by the National Weather Service that a tornado has been spotted in the area and immediate action is necessary. When a Warning is issued, all children will immediately be taken to the designated Tornado Shelter for their room. This area and route are posted in each room. Staff and children will remain in the designated tornado shelter area until notified by the school office that the Warning has been lifted. Staff is to take emergency box with emergency cards and attendance sheet with them to the tornado shelter. The paraprofessional will assure that all children have left the room by checking bathrooms, etc. before joining the teacher and the children. The teacher will verify that all children are present and accounted for with the attendance sheet when the shelter is reached. No less that two documented Tornado Drills will be conducted each year.
*Upon request, children will be released to their respective parents/guardians during a tornado watch or tornado warning.
Snow Days: GSRP is not in session on days that school is cancelled due to inclement weather. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to stay tuned to local TV or radio to determine if schools have been closed.