PRFC Accident and Emergency Action Plan.

Everybody involved in rugby at Petersfield Rugby Club has a responsible attitude towards the prevention and management of any injury. The safety of the individual takes priority over the game of rugby.

First Aid Arrangements

Every team has a named First Aider and a stocked first aid kit. In the clubhouse there is a list of team first aiders and a list of club members/supporters/parents who are qualified doctors. Team managers have mobile phones and a telephone is available in the club house. Ice and bandages are available in the clubhouse and in the physio’s room (on the way into the changing rooms on the right). Ask for the key at the bar if the club physio is not present. There is a stretcher in either the kit room or physio’s room. Acute / Severe Injuries In the event of a suspected acute or catastrophic injury, it is important that everyone – players, coaches, referees and administrators – knows what to do. This should be documented in the emergency plan as follows: 1. Call for help. 2. Call for an ambulance: Act promptly and call immediately for professional medical help – in the event of a suspected spinal or other serious injury, DO NOT MOVE THE PLAYER. Wait until a properly qualified person is able to supervise the procedure. 3. Speak to the player. 4. Check airway - remove mouth guard. 5. Check breathing. 6. Check circulation. 7. Do not move the player. 8. Stay with the player and continue communication. 9. Keep player warm until professional help arrives. If an acute injury has occurred, after the player has been dealt with:  Notify the Club’s Safeguarding Officer who will notify the RFU if required  Stay in touch with the injured player, family, players and other match officials.

REMEMBER: NEVER remove an injured player from the pitch to enable the game to continue. NEVER lift or carry an injured player from the pitch if the player cannot move him or herself. ALWAYS stop the game a serious injury is suspected. Internal Support Personnel (at the ground)

In case the clubhouse is occupied and needs to be evacuated, clubhouse facilities manager Janine Eales can be contacted at 07779 290 081.


Tell Janine Eales that there is an emergency. She is to remain in the clubhouse as a point of control, unless the clubhouse needs to be evacuated. Janine is to make contact with any Executive committee members on site to help in the emergency. If there are no such members present, then other team mangers should be contacted to help deal with the emergency.


The team manager is to fill out an incident/report form and provide copies to the Safeguarding Officer (Wendy Eves) and the PRFC Club Secretary ([email protected]) The team manager is also to send a (brief) report to the Club Secretary on whether these emergency procedures were adequate for the emergency

Standard Emergency Procedure

Dial 999 or 112 and request an ambulance.

State your name.

Give your telephone number.

Give the exact location of the incident and directions or arrange for someone to meet the ambulance.

Give the type of incident and the age of the player.

Give known information about their condition i.e. heart attack/not breathing/spinal etc. DO NOT hang up the phone until told to do so.

DO update with a second 999/112 call if the casualties condition deteriorates.

Ambulance access onto the fields is by a gate between the ends of the 1 st XV and 2nd XV pitches. The access code is 1664. Access code for the training pitch is 1966.

The PRFC clubhouse contains the nearest landline phone. The number is 01730 264588 The address is Penns Place, Petersfield , Hampshire GU31 4EP.

If asked for directions, the clubhouse is next to the East Hampshire District Council offices and the Taro Leisure centre on the Eastern side of Petersfield.